8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 11, 1915. Gossip Heard at Omaha Auto Club 1j expense snd the time ft touring and ventunlly every club In the country would luivt In their poeseealon Inform linn of rloelea value to the tourist. The touriat (nine overland snould wwrnhne 'the man behind and sppreciate the faot Secretary Fharp cf the Atchison Conv merotal club called at the club room to perfect plana by which the Omaha-Kan-Ma City eeenlo routa to Kansas City will be perfectly marked all tha way. Rrt Murphy, chairman of tha enter tainment committee, haa over seventy eutcmobilee promised from club member tor the entertainment tour of tha Wood men of the World delegates. J. U Oregen, a rancher from near Chey enne, says tha folk around Dosglas, "vyo.. are Imbued with tha "Qulnteaseaoe o; rood ronds booater spirit." Telephone road report ere paid for bt the Individual club member In Phllade phla. Tha Omaha Automobile olub give the club member thla valuable informa tion free and then some. New member are coming tn ao fart that tha aupply of car amblema waa eg. hausted and we had to wire east for a hurry order to accommodate tha rush. Ask any member what wa ara doing. Local tourist taking tha Blue Oraaa trail through Iowa ara advised to run straight eaat twelve mllei from Red Oak, then turn aouth Into VII lira. Thla la a detour oaueed by tha bad condition of tha Stanton hill out from Red Oak. A. C. Garvin of New Haven, Conn., la on a tour of the middle west and la send ing back dally road re pert a. "Tour Ne braska and .Iowa road ara generally very good." reported Mr. Oarvln, "but aay, I certainly atruck aoma punk trail through Missouri." "Hew'i that for eomfortT" asked H. C. Mitchell, from Hartford, Conn., of Secretary Powell, aa tha latter Inspected Mitchell' Improvised Ford with a Pullman-effect sleeping compartment on tha rear. Mitchell, Joeeph Groton and Alex O rosier stopped off In Omaha long enough to lay In a supply of food and get routing west. Their ear has) a three foot extension ea tha rear with a feel bar mattress a foot and a half thick. 'Talk about shock absorbers," laughed Oroalar, lolling on tha mattress and pulling at his pip, "1 guess wa have solved tha problem of overland touring." Tha cari na covered top wa literally covered with signature gathered along tha line. "Bom hotel register, whatT" grinned Mitchell. Two of tha boys take It easy whll tha other work driving. "Wa haven't seen the Inside of a hotel bed room and don't want to," laughed tha gang. J. It. Kent of tha Los Angeles Auto mobile club stopped oft In Omaha on Wednesday on hi way through to New York. Ha 1 making a log jot tha entire trip for tha Los Angeles club. "Belleva me. It' using soma paper," remarked Kent. "Tha local olub hi sending weekly road rrporta and other valuable data on tour ing hack to tha big eastern motor mag atlne," said Clark Powell to an In quirer who wanted to find out the ex act condition of Information ha would &et back east If h were contemplating a trip through the west. "If every tourist would b kind hearted and ap l recta Uve enough to mail back to the club routing 'him further on soma Infor mation aa to roads and garage and hotel It would leased tha worry sad the Willys-Overland Gives Wage Increase that Information ha geta la pertly from aoma generous-hearted motorist who has preceded Mm. Soma a rite bar.k long letter, takltur pnlnoa to map out every bad place and giving detours, best hotel stop, the moat reasonable garage, and ether data which makea touring a pleasure." Oar Regatta to Be Held During August NETW TOnK, July 10. The forty-third annual regatta of the National Associ ation of Amateur Oarsmen will take place on the Connecticut river, August 1J and 14, opposite Riverside Park, Spring field, bringing together the pick of ama teur sweep-swingers In this country and Canada. Incidentally, one of tha moat Important raoe of the regatta cnampionsnip single will be between an oarsman representing a Canadian club and another registered by an American organisation. Although there will undoubtedly be other entries for this race, the two oarsmen considered aa probable winners are Robert Dibble of the Ion Rowing club of Toronto, Canada, and John B. Kelly of tha Vesper Boat club of Philadelphia, Saxon Outruns Railroad Train Carrying a message from Mayor Rolph. Ban Francisco, to Mayor Rose, Ixis Angelea, a Baxon Blx recently eftm pleted the run. Without setting out for any special recora acmevemiwn, Saxon wa able to beat the tlma of tha f astewt tralna running between Ban Francisco and Los Angeles. On the return trip from Lies Angeles the Baxon covered the distance, 400 miles. In thirteen and a half hours, taking the oast route, which Is considerably longer and rougher than the alley routes over whlah one of the high-priced Eights re cently broke the record. The Baxon beat the Lark, the Southern Pacific's fastest train,' by fifteen mlnutea One Advantage In Knight Motor One of the chief advantagea of the Knight type of motor. It la asserted, la It characteristic of Improving with use. In this respect It differs from all other type of engines. The carbon deposit that I harmful to most of them, ha tha apposite effect on the sleeve valve type. Through constant use, tha sliding sur faces of the pistons and sleeves become polished, and the slight deposits of car bon which collect around the rings and sleeve ports give air-tight sealing. Thus, the longer the Knight motor Is used, the quieter and smoother Its action become. Dea't Let Teas Cold Get Worse. Ball's Plna-Tar-IIoney will cure your cough and give you restful sleep. Good for children. Only Ha. All druggist. Advertisement. Caw " finircfl YsysttmgvwceT "too roe Twc lamm" Patronize the Garage that Bears this Sign ipVERY garage that displays this sign is a unit in a nation-wide or ganization. . ' Our representative has viaitod personally every city in the System, which covers tho principal automobile roads and aide trips in the country. His selection of garages is backed by the banker, : the Motor Club and the business man, Our rigid investigation is your protection. You can rely upon it that your car will be well taken care of, nud that supplies and labor will bo provided at fair prices. Each System Garage publishes and will furnish you free Log Books giving up-to-date, first-hand information on routes to surrounding towns. Always Carry a Book of Motor Money Whether you travel far or not, never go without a book of Motor Money. It saves money on gaso line and oil. To be had at any System flarage or System Hotel. Send for Booklet telling how you can use this service to great advantage in pleasure or business driving --and giving a list of System Garages. Garage Owners If there is no System Gar age in your town, and yours is the best garage, write us. SYSTEM OFFICES TRANSCONTI- NENTAL OARAGE SERVICE, Inc., Hollingsworth Building, Los Angeles, Cal. or ANY SYSTEM OARAGE I it':'il4',, I 1 1 81 1 rVttfa, m III A i per cent Increase In the hourly rate of nay of factory employes has been announced by the Wlllys-Overlsnd company. The raise will become effec tive July IS, More than lt.tV) employe will be benefited by thla Increase In salarlea The present payroll .which av eragea fl.OftO.OOO a month, will bring the $.V,0(r annually. Thla 111 bring the total salary checks for the coming year up to approximately tl2.B"0,000. This In crease In wage la but snother evidence of the goodwill Jjhn N. Willys bears toward his employee, Since the forma tion -f the company seven year ago, he has constantly endeavored to better the conditions of his men, both In a business snd social way. Tro years sgo Willys voluntarily re duced tha working houra at the Over land faetwy from fifty-four hoar to fifty hours a wsek, with the same fifty four hours pay. He has organised base ball, football, basketball md bowling teams, supplied the men with uniforms snd encouraged them in every way. A year ago, the fifty-piece Overland band mado the round trip of COuO mile from Toledo to Houston, Tex. The musi cians, all Overland factory workers, trav eled In special Pullman a the personal gucrt of Mr. Willys. Thl Is but one of the many way In which he shows his appreciation of their work throughout the year. He Is sponsor for the Over land Olee rlub, of seventy-five voioea, which haa made Itself known ss a musi cal crganisation of much merit. Lone-eat "Drive-A war" nm Record. Clarence T. and Sumner E. Johnson, two brothers, purchased new model Four and Fix cylinder Btudobaker touring cars at the Detroit factory last week. Ther will drive the oar back to their home city, Moacow, Idaho. Thl will. In all probability, prove to be the longest "drive-away" ever started from the fac tory since the Idea was Inaugurated. Hollier Car On tho Omaha Market The T. Q. North wall company report that It ha received Information that the first consignment of Hollier eight-cylinder automobiles left the factory July 7 and should be here within a few day. A ample car will be placed on display at 14 Jones street, notwithstanding that order already received are more than tha first shipment. It Is claimed that the Hollier la the lowest-priced eight-cylinder car on the market. NEW METHOD OF EQUIPPING THE BIG MOTOR TRUCKS Thee Goodyear Tire and Rubber com pany haa completed the Installation of hydraullo presses in Its various branches throughout the country, for the purpose of equipping motor truck with the preesed-on S. V. truck tire. "Thl Is the tire which the Ooodyear people offers free during the next three months. In continuation of its original ofer. If It doea not prove aupcrlor to competitive make on a cost per mile basis," says C. W. Martin, jr., manager motor truck tire department. ADDITIONS BEING MADE TO REO AUTOMOBILE PLANT If there was any doubt aa to the con tinued or return of prosperity which ever, you prefer to call It a visit to Lansing, Mich., and especially to that part of the Michigan city which depends for It sustenance on the Reo automobile planta, would dispel It. The Reo planta cover twenty-five acres of ground, and It eem as additions are being made on all aide of that twenty five acre. At a matter of fact, they are being made on three sides tho other aid of the street fronting on the main thoroughfare. It Spams tlrae Motor! SINGLE UNIT l s c ci); SINGLE UNIT WITH uirari WARD LEOHAHO CONTROL FOR FOOD CARS System Installed Complete, $70 uaranteed Sin Months 2420. Farnam St., Omaha. .u: A !t1 ii Proof of Performance Again. Won First and Third in 300-Mile biaha Speedway Race, July 5th I a Maxwell's Victories on Speedways is Prooof of Durability and Depend-ahilty. F Winning a big speedway race is the ultimate aim of every manufacturer. It is the proof of performance of every car. It is an actual test of motor, of lubrication, of springs, of steer ing gear, of axle. It is the most severe test to which an automobile can be subjected. No car of ordinary mechanism can live through a 300 rpile race, run at average speed of 91 miles an hour. tF Winning the Omaha race was only one of the Maxwell's many victories this year. The same construction which makes victory possi ble on the Speedway makes the Maxwell foremost as a great family car. The family car, such as we are selling in Nebraska every day, has the same powerful motor, the same improved lubri cating system, the same style of axles, the same general design and mechanism as the cars which have been invincible on the speedways of the country the last few months. The Maxwell is priced so that every man can own it. It is built so that every family can use it. if FRAHCIS-CULLIS AUTO CO. 2024 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Local Dealers EkJMIlsMSVlsJt 11 IP -i