T7TR OMATTA RtTNDAV BEK: JULY 11. 1P15. THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEE KOtNTIKP nY EDWARD ROSBWATKR. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Tb Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor. HF.H BU1LD1XQ. TARNAM AND BKV E NT 1TE N T U. Entered at Omaha postofflee second-clsss matter. Pr rnsll per yr. 4 .t 4 '. a 09 TEKW9 OF SUKSCRIPTKiN. By carrier per month. rtt nd nndy ffl Dally without Hundsy....' ... Evening and Sunday JP0"- KveninK without Sunday Sunday ne nniy i-,,-:V Kend notlre of rhans of address or complaint or Irregularity In delivery xo umn dv. Lircuiioa Iepartroent. RFMITTANrK. Remit hr draft. express - postal order 1,r rnt postsge stamp received In payment of small ac counts Personal checks, except oo Omaha ana eastern etchangc. not accepted. OFFICES. Omh-Th Bee Building. Bouth Omaha ffllS N street. Council tflufre-14 North Main street. Mnewln UttI Hulldlng ( hl'-aro am Hearst Building; New York Room 1W. Fifth svenua Ht IOiila-MW New Hank of Commerce. Weshliston 725 Fourteenth 8t., N. W. rORRFRPOKPFNCB. Address rcmmtinlratlrne relating to nawa and edi torial matter to Omaha Hee. k-dltorlal Department. I Sli Sl'XDAV C l.'vt L IGATION. 46,724 Htata of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as: Iiwiaht Williams, circulation manager, says that the avetsge SonOay circulation for tha month or June, 2916. wss DW1MHT Wlt.UAMe., Circulation Manager. Sutecrlbed In mv piweniw and aworn to before me. till Jd day rf July. I'.'IL. HORERT Ht'NTTCn. Notary Publlo. Kubscribors leaving tlio city temporarily should have The Ie mallei to them. Ad. dress v. Ill be changed as often aa requested. July 11 Thought for the Day Stlmclmd by W. J. Bryan Ht who, from tone to ione. Guide i through th boundUt $ky t'iy oartai ftiyht, In the long way that I mutt (read aloni Will iutl my $tnfj$ aright. Ilryant'i Odt to the WaUrfowl j The latent German not looks Ilk mora diplomatic conversation. Weather maker have won at least on credit mark. Hot weather "don'ts" ar drowned out. Kitchener want a "till bigger army. The price of cannon fodder will aoon bs going up In British domains. A JOO.OOO-populatlon Greater Omaha in time for tb 1920 census-taker la feaslbl and possible. Everybody boostl Political sports should understand at th outset that the scissors hold ia barred from the senatorial championship contest. If tru aa reported, that Japanese officer are drilling Russian troops, tb staying quali ties of war hatreds ar numbered by a few cool ing seasons. The Union Pacific wins this bout In the 8L Joseph & Grand Island litigation, but th ref eree may yet bare to giv th final decision In th match. Th Yellowstone park diversion fulfill to an uneipected degree the promise of uncommon thrills while seeing America first. Publicity again justifies itself. At the rate of on not a month th Bryan plan of a whole year of discussion before busi ness seems altogether too short for conversa tion endurance test. ' Cable operators blunder without evil Intent at times, but the sender who road the German secretary' nam Von Jason must have been on the payroll of the enemy. First among th scenic necessities of Greater Omaha is a downtown park exclusively for mu nicipal automobiles. Taxpayers ar entitled to a limousine exhibition for th money. If any un reconcilable annexationists want to remove to Sarpy county nothing can atop them. But if they want to make sure of being out of reach of annexation, the Iowa side of th river is aafer yet. The German Note UnreipoBiire. Th text of th Oerman not Just given to the press Indicates a reluctance to approach th Issue raised In tb American not of May IS. It does not meet th question raised of tb prin ciple which the president said the United States would "omit no act" to uphold. This Is th neutral's rlcht to safety for its shipping and passengers and crews on board unarmed mer rhsntment. No question has been made of th right of a belligerent to yitereept eommerce, to visit vessels In transit or to capture or destroy contraband cargoes destined for enemy ports. It his been tacitly admitted, as in th case of the Frye, that suspected contraband may be dis posed of by the sinking of the vessel. But tb lives of those on board must be saved, and. in the esse of visitation by submarines, th com pany of the intercepted ship must be given at least time to take to boats. This rule of mari time warfare is Insisted upon by th United States. In th replication now at hand, th Lusltanla affair is referred to only to reiterate that th boat was armed, and that the submarine captain was forced to sink it or be himself destroyed. This evasion will necessitate further representa tion from tb United States, for Germany evi dently doea not understand how deeply Amer icans feel on this point. Th proposal! for safeguarding ships carry ing the American flag, to an agreed number, In exchange for assurance that these vessels will not carry contraband, would answer Mr. Bryan' Ideas of the solution sought, but they would also expose America to further embroilment. Tb United States it not required by International law to guarantee th nature of cargoes leaving its ports, beyond th demands of strict and im partial neutrality. . Tb tension, which was beginning to slacken. will, we fear, be aroused anew by this latest German note. Tb note, however,' does not in itself warrant a cassation of correspondence. much less a severance of relations. Linei to the Limerick. The Bee's recent limerick writing contest developed two surprising things, first, that there should be so much llmerlcal talent waiting lor outlet in this nck-o'-wood, and second, that there should still be a few people unversed as to tb Ingredients and metrical makeup of this essential step-ladder to the top-notches of literary fame. For th benefit of these last mentioned, and to open the door wider for possible future con tests in linguistic gymnastics, let us call atten tion to th fact that the limerick ha a status which entitles It to dictionary definition. Ac cording to the Standard dictionary, which Is newest and latest, "a limerick is a nonsense erse of five anapestio lines of which the first, second and fifth lines are three-stress and rhym." Th sample form by which this definition is Illustrated is: There was an old man of Tobago, Who lived on rice, gruel and sago, Till, much to hla Mia. His physician aaid this. To a lea, lr. of mutton you may go. , Th Century dictionary, compiled with great car and learned research, submits a similar typical example of the limerick aa follows: There was a oun lady of Niger, Who rod with a smile on a tiger, Thttr returned from the rid With -tha lady Inald, And the smile on th fare of tha tlser. Further Investigation Into th lineage and antecedents of th limerick traces It back to th place on th map of Ireland which bear tLat nam where rhyming contests In song ar said to have been regular feature of convivial gatherings. The populariser of. th limerick, however, was Edward Lear, who died In 1S8S, after publishing two volumes of so-called "non sense verses," because of which they are some time called "Learlca." The title-page of Laar'a book carries this rhyme: There waa an old Decry down Derry, Who loved to little folk merry; to ha mad them a book. And with lauahter thy shook. At th fun of that Derry down Derry. Incidentally it may be mentioned that Lear's limericks for the roost part not only repeat th earn ending In th first and last lines but, as printed, run the third and fourth line together giving the ocular appearance of a four-line vers In contradistinction to th work of later limerick artists. The circumstantial evldenc that will tell against those ellowstone Park bandits is their Isck of discrimination in Including a United states senator and a bunch of school teacher ia their bold-up. If plaudits bestowed by entranced admirer all over the world were th test, Nebraska' most distinguished citlxen wuld unquestionably be none other than our old friend, Buffalo Bill. Anyway, he has bad th most limericks sound ing his praise written for him. Not an Artful TJodg-er. It will be noted that Mr. Bryan did not tell th women be was opposed to female sutfrac nor did he tell them It had his favor. H simply told them that any body of women who opposed the policies of th democratic party had not hi support. Just what we are to Infer from thi is not at all plain. Some months ago the Bal timore platform was Interpreted at the Whit house, and with Mr. Bryan' silent approval, as being binding for what It did not contain on tb suffrage question. Yet, only a llttl whll be fore that, this earn platform was held to be not binding for what it did contain. Aa Mr. Bryan edited that platform before it reached th con vention, and It was there adopted aa th work of his brain, his double-ending on the suffrage question at San Francisco ran be accepted aa not novel. In bis earlier days Mr. Bryan waa open and unreserved In his announcement of his be lief and disbeliefs on all political questions, and re was both dogmatic and pragmatic in his ex ireaslons. Latterly be assumed the same air of frankness, but he is no longer Ingenuous and he larks tb adroitness that might b axpected from so experienced a politician. The only good rea son one can so for his abrupt dismissal of th western suffragette i that -vote for women" 1U never be popular In his day la th sunny fcouth, which he still hope to hold eolld. A Man and His Home. Quit a storm of debate has been aroused by one of our correspondents, whose ldeaa of home life do not squsr up to those of others, and The Bee's Letter Box has swayed and staggered un der th whirling winds of disputation for several daya. Without going into the merits of either sld of th argument, which has been very In teresting In it details, attention may be called to th fact that each man aa the head of a house hold has In some measure the right to regulate that bom. When hla' wife ia taken aa a real life partner, and th two harmonise their views, peace and order In their home is assured, and contentment may be assumed. At any rate, home la a plac to be governed from th Inside and not from the outside. If a man invites criticism by divulging th secrets of his menage, It Is his own fault, though he may be entitled to that decent regard for his own opinion that Is the common right of all. Horn is yet a llttl kingdom, apart from ail th jest of th world. Lovers of sartorial decoration s"nd animated art may well "view with alarm" tb growjng tendency to undersea craft for th navies of tb future. Aa invisible deck spells th doom of full dress naval uniforms and rob th quarter deck of Its scento charms. A ereatlon of plumed art, confined In a steel dungeon, loses It potenUal thrill. TXOToa aonwiTn. MUSINGS OF A CTNIC. HOW strange Sixteenth and Fsrnom atreeta look with two of It corner cleared for the erection of new hulldins. When I wa a boy the Roard of Trad lot wa occupied tr No. 1 Fir Engine, house, around which we congregated whenever tht bell rang, which ws not so very often, to see tlie, engine and the hooka get a flyln start On the lot acroaa the street was a frame cottage, the home of th Charlea . Goodrich family, with a poaey garden In front, and eome Inviting fruit tree In the ba k yard. Th street car turned north at Ftftenth and th Ooodrlrh corner wa a quiet and delightful place of residence. ' That Alfred C. Kennedy had a wonderfully wide cirri of friend In Omaha was attested by the large, outpouring of people at hi funeral. 1 had been as sociated wtlh him aomewhnt In library board matter. I could not help recalling tha larg number of old library board membera who hava rassed away within a short period of tlma Elijah Dunn, Harry P. Du:, Wllllfltn Wallace, and now Mr. Kennedy, all In com paratively few month. i wa also specially im pressed by the emphasis Dr. Jenk laid on tha valua ble ervtee unselfishly rendered to the community In 'unramunaratlve position of public and eeml-puMlo character. It la, alas, too true that those who put In time and labor on our library boards, school boards, Ak-firRan boards, and committees for meeting the particular civic needs, receive scant recognition and little vlslbta appreciation of their work. Tha self, satisfaction In moat Instances must be the only re ward. I often Wonder whether this deplorable condi tion Is peculiar to Omaha or whether there I the same Indifference or ingratitude to such public service In other cities, too. MoVIng tip a copy of the North American Review, my eye was halted by what purported to b a rougn drawing that Colonel Harvey had reproduced under tha caption. "Mark Twain's War Map." Rut what held my vision waa not the map, but one of the In scriptions on It, being- written Inside out and spellin something backward not "Nebraska" converted Into "Ak-8r-Bn" but Omaha reveracd Into "Ahamo." Colonel Harvey explain that at the time the Ger mans were spproachlng Paris In 18T0, Mark Twain published thla map of the fortifications of that city, drawn by himself, and elucidated as fo'lows: . "The Idea of thla map la not original with ma, but Is borrowed from the Tribune and the other great metropolitan journals. . "I claim no other merit fof thla production (If I may so call It) than that It la accurate. The main blemish of the city-paper map of which It Is nn Imitation Ia, that In thera mora attention aeam paid to artlstlo plcturesquenesa than geographical re liability. "Inasmuch aa this is the first time I ever tried to draft and engrave a mip, or attempt anything In tha line of art aa well, the commendations th.j work baa received and tho admiration It has excited among the people, have been very grateful to my feellnga. And It Is touching to reflect that by far th most enthuslaatlc of these' praises have come from people who know nothing at all about art. "By an unimportant oversight I have engraved the map so that It reada wrong-end first, except to left-handed people. I forgot that In order to make It right In print It ahould be drawn and engraved upalde down. However, let tha atudent who desires to contemplate the map stand on hi head or hold It before her looklnglaa. That will bring it right. "The reader will comprehend at a glance that that piece of rlver with the 'High Bridge' over It,-got left out to one sldo by reason of a allp of th en graving tool, which rendered It necessary to change the entire course of th River Rhln or else spoil th map. After having spent two dava In digging and gouging at the map, I would have loat so much work. "I never had so much trouble with anything In my IK a I ld with this map. I had heap of for ttflcatlona scattered all around Pari, at first, but evry now and then my Instrument would slip and fetch away whole mile of batterlee and leave the vicinity a clean aa if th Prussian had been there, "Tha reader will find If well to frame thl man for future reference, ao that It may aid in extending; ' popular Intelligence and dispelling the widespread Ignorance of the day." The pussier Is the appearance on this map of th mirrored title. "Omaha." along with those of Jersey City. Vlncennes, Verdun. Pari. Podunk. alnt Cloud High-Bridge and the Erie canal. It la not surprising that among tha so-called "official commendations ' U. f. Grant la quoted aa saying: "It la tha only map of tha kind I ever saw." , Twice Told Tales Hwrt His Frellnaa. T.ytway. the butcher, had been very buay for a few momenta with a well-known dictionary. Suddenly h closed It with a snap and glowered at hla wlf In th rash desk. ' "That Mr. Smart I getting too clever," he growled. , What' thr matter?" asked th good lady, aur prised at thla criticism of a good customer. "When she csme In Just now ah told me I. ought to rename my acale the Ambuacada brand," "Well, why" "I've Jut looked up th word." went on th In furiated man. "and th dictionary says that ambus cade mean 'to II In weight!' " Chlraao Herald. Brelagt Tkresis Ofeatraetloaa. He was very fork of playing ofca on hi wlf, and thla time he thought h had got a winner. "My dear girl." he said, aa they sat at supper, "just heard aui-h a sad story of a young girl todny. Thcv thought she waa going blind, and so a aurgaon operated on her and found " "YeeT" gasped his wife, breathlessly. That she'd got a young man in her eye!" ended the husband with a chuckle. For a moment there was sllano. Then the woman remarked, rlowly: "Wall, It woulit atl depend on what sort of a man It wa. Borne of them ah could hav aeen through aslly enough!" eH. Louis Fost-Dtepatrh. Ohio' workmen' compensation law far x ceeds expectations in efficiency and practical value. Sine going Into ffct 10,000 case of Injury or death to workmen hav been disposed of and f t.41(,4o distributed to the injured or their families. Estimates of th number of delegates attend ing th prohibition convention at Atlantic City rang from 7.000 to 10.000. Unlike other ataticUea, these furnish genuine "dry" reading. Underground and undersea method of war tar relegate open, staodup fighting t hUtory and romanof , T-e w Vila Th Knights of lbor picnJo at lUscall's park furnished enjoyment to fully 1,0(0 people. Tb prise for the best lady wattser, a Mne gold watch, was won by Mlsa Mary Caaay, and Jams C. Ms honey carried away th gold-headed cane as th beat gentlema waltaer; Btevcnaon brother carried away the three' legged race prli. and Charlea Meldreu took a silver water pitcher for being swiftest In th sack race. Omaha letter carriers handled 17,101 pieces of mail matter during June. Ground waa broken for th new ftl Paul depot, just west of th preaent depot, corner Thirteenth and Webeter. The work of grading Farnem street preparatory t paving It with Sous Fall granite commenced this morning. Miss Pearl Tomltnaon. the well known teacher, will spend the vacation with her family at Hastings. Vaperlntendent James haa gone to Saratoga to at tend th national educational convention. Samuel Burn and children returned from th Crete Sunday school meeting, where they spent ten daya and give glowing aocounta of th future ehsuitauqua assembly ef the west. H. Q. tripe and family and John L Redlck. eon aad daughter aava gone te pUU Lake. It's an easy mstter to nail a lie, but you can't always keep It down. H a atl rlxht to rise In the world, but don't go up by the skyrocket route. The age of miracles may have passed, but many a man turns night Into day. Many a man's Idea of economy Is to save the pennies and spend th dollar. Some people wast entirely too much time waiting for th unexpected to hap pen. Tt Isn't so bs1 to take things a ttley come, If you only know wht to do with them. We are always Inclined to be lenient with the faults of people who are bigger than we ere. No msn acquire the secret of popular ity unless he hsa learned to keep hla troubles to himself. For one man who la too good for hi job there are a thousand whose jobs are too good for tbem. Xtsny a man who can hear Pleasure whisper a mile away can't hear Duty when It shouts In his esr through a megaphone. The people who want their money to go a long way generally hav some diffi culty In letting it go at all.-New York Time. I TABLOIDS OF SCIENCE. An Italian university professor claim to hav found radium In ordinary dew. Paper flywheela are coming Into use. The tensile strength of paper is enor mous. Blue veils preserve the complexion, be cause they diminish the effect of the scorching rays of light. Burned but a few years ago as useless rubbish, there now la a wide demand for the waste from Spain's cork factories. Artificial sponges are made by treatlngr paper pulp with- chloride of lime, adding common salt, drying and pressing Into desired forms. Building Inspector C. C. Knox of Youngstown, O., claims that great pre cautlona ahould be taken in the construc tion of chimneys, as he maintains that 25 per cent of all fires in the city ar caused by defective chimneys. Monel metal, an alloy resembling nickel. will probably replace steel and bronse for the construction of yachts. It is tougher than nickel steel, doee not corrode and retains its brightness. Aluminum, the lightest of yacht plates, lasts only a short time In contact with salt water. Fuller's earth Is used principally In bleaching, clarifying or filtering fats. grease and oils; It la not now much em ployed for fulling cloth, the use from which It obtained Its name. It la also used in the manufacture of pigments for printing wall papers, for the detection of certain coloring matter In some food products and as a substitute for talcum powder. AS0UND THE CITIES. Spencer, Ia., I sprucing up with two miles of paving. Topeka haa 1.0C0 golf enthusiasts. Every one making th nineteenth hole win a ration of ginger beer. Chicago's school budget for 1915 totala I13,1U6.M, leaving a deficit of tl.438,283 be tween Income and outgo. St. IjOuIs boast of a tobscco factory employing 6,000 persons and turning out 1&.0U0.000 of chewable quids a year. Tulsa's only woman pauper at her death waa found to have IW worth of good Oklahoma land and S400 concealed in her hair. Emporia Is up and doing in the Kan sas way. War on cigarets Is about to be declared and prosecuted with tha usual vigor. One family In every twenty-five In Brooklyn owns an automobile. This Is one of the reasons why Brooklynltes are on the jump. An inspection of Sioux City's finances by a state official drew out seme sharp criticism of municipal waste. Being an old story the city council just laughed. Cleveland has the meanest ever. He squealed on the Printers' club and caused a raid on the club rooms which netted ,i nice aMsortment of beer and other fluid stimulators. Boston new custom house tower la the brightest thing In the old town at night. It doea not Illuminate Boston's curves to a satisfying extent, but st a distance It become a beacon of light for mariner or landlubber. Springfield, Mo, thought it was entitled to a cut In elect rio light rates. When the attempt waa made tha federal court was appealed to and held up th plan for inquiry meanwhile requiring the object ing company to give bond to refund the excess If the cut rstes are upheld. SIGNPOSTS OF PROGRESS. Peru wss tha first nation to add In struction In aviation to tta publlo school curriculum. The government of New Zesland Is re placing Its wooden telephone poles and letter boxes with reinforced concrete ones. A dictating phonograph has been in vented to enable a military aviator to record his observation and till have hla hand free. A century ago a worRman with toola of that time could make S.AOO pins day. Now, with modern machinery, a work man ran turn out li.000.00e. Tha Peruvian oongresg has authorised the construction of a railroad from the present most easterly terminus in that country to tha head of navigation on the Amaxoa river. Dumpa near Cripple Creek are being re worked and ar yleMlng from 14 to 110 a ton In precious metals, in the early days ore assaying less than 10 a ton waa thrown away. The most northerly electric lighting plant in Asia Is at Yakutsk. 1.000 miles from a railroad. It remains completely shut down In summer, but during the winter the dally load factor la extremely hlsh. Recent sales by the United States gov ernment totaling m.goo.nos feet cf saw timber In the Olymplo national foreet In western Washington mark tha opening of thl hitherto Inaccessible storehouse of timber, estimated to contain a stand of rS.OOC SCO ftjO hoard feet. The largest and heaviest upright drill ever mad In th United States (or for eign trad waa shipped from Worcester to England to ba used In th manufacture of war implements. Th drill weigh 7,000 pounds, and Its height from th floor te th top of th upper con is alna feet ten Inch. It oilll to th ren ter of Inch and U inches. The required floor epac for the drill ia 3 inches by 10T inch People and Events Canada Is In position to sympathise with Swttxarland. American tourists ar few and far between, and summer hotel ar a lonesome a an abandoned ceme tery. Th Bsjikers' cluh of New York City will occupy three floor In the new Kqult able building and th furnishing will cort troonn. A pll of style become stylish piles. President Dan Wfllard of the Baltimore A Ohio, Impressed by a young man's hkrd luck story, took him under the offi cial wing. fed. bathed and clothed him and was about to give him a working start when the youngster started down a sidetrack and disappeared. A New York widow, suing for damage for the death of her husband In a rail way accident, told of the expensive par tie he gave for her end her friend. The fact that no affinity decorated the social scenery convinced th jury that he was a good one end fixed his value at IS.OOn. The supreme court of Missouri Is In the spotlight once more. It rules thst a county official who does hie own janitor work, when the county fall to provide the aervlce. can charge for-the extra job and collect the hill, too. Here Is where efficiency gives economy the dim lamp. Springfield. Mass., reverence Liberty bell, but Its enthusiasm centers on a forty-nlne-pound copper rooster perched oa the top of the rplre of the First church. The rooster came over from F.nijland In 1750 and has successfully de fled the elements for 161 years. A game rooster that. Zlnk minora of Joplln, Mo., observing the owners roiling In the wealth of doubled prices, demanded a share of the profit In wages and were denounced as knockers of prosperity. In forty-eight hours the owners Cooled off, coughed up and prosperity resumed Ita march on better terms. Occasionally a layman stalls a court with a bunch of logic. Henry M. Jones of Qutncy. Mas., fined 1100 for operating an aircraft without a license, protested that he could not qualify for a license until he practiced flying. That seemed to strike the judicial spot and the fine was suspended for three months, That thoussnds of women may find their way into th workshops of th Bes semer Pig Iron sssoclatlon. before th war Is over, is the opinion of J. G. But ler, jr.. Its president. He says there U certain to b a shortage of men. and that women can work In the mills, blast fur naces snd mines, doing their work. During a recent cssh donstlon psrty in a church a. Muskogee, Okl., the pastor, Rev. Robert Van Melgga, contributed to the gaiety of the occaalon by turning a handspring out of the pulpit for every 125 put Into tha box. He repeated the performance a score of times and did each flop with such eloquent skill that not a leaf of the open Bible fluttered. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "Father." sal. I the sninll boy. "what re delusions cf sramieur?" "My son, they ara what would cause almost any mar. to be considered In sane If he' v.erw so inelisrreet to own up to them in publlc."Waahlngton Star. Scty Dime-oh. doctor, I'm so sorely troubled with ennui! Ioctor H m! Why don't you Interest vourself in finding out how the other hslf 11VB." Society Dame Gracious' Why, I'm not looking for a divorce! Ohlcsgo News. St. fceter What wss your occupation on earth? spirit Robber. St. Peter Ice. coal or gas? Baltimore A merlca n. to the war capital la llmld. fecono one its, wnen mine nas any he grows pale every time I kise him. Chicago Herald. KABIB8LE KABARET A He ots ajx Tt wa ep mas Ar HT M!fJ W MArlf A TREAT Bir AiUaXVa Siftl UP VWATTR "That's the way with a man." "What la?" "He often said he would lay down his life for me." "Well." "And now he grumbles when I ask him to lay diwn a carpet." Kansas City Star. An elderly woman who was extremely stout waa endeavoring to enter a atreet car when the conductor, noticing her dif ficulty, said to her: "Try sideways, madame; try sliie wave." The woman looked up breathlessly and said: "Why, bless ye, t ain't got no eMe ways." toadies' Home Journal. THE BRAVE AT HOME. Thomas Buchanan Read. The maid who binds her warrior's sash With smile that well her pain dissem ble. The while beneath her drooping lash One starry teardrop hangs and trembles. Though heaven alone record the tear. And Fame ahall never know her story, Her heart lias shed a drop ss dear As e'er bedewed the field of glory. The wife who girds her husband's sword, 'Mid little ones a ho weep or wonder. And bravely speaks thA cheering word. What though her heart be rent asunder, Doomed nightly In her dreams to hear The bolta of death around him rattle. Hath shed as sacred blood as e'er Was poured upon the field of battle. The mother who conceals her grief While to her breast her son she presses, Then breathe a few brave words and brief, Klclnn the patriot brow she blesses. With no one but her secret God To know the pain tluit weighs upon her Bheds holy blood as e'er the sod Received on Freedom's field of honor. Every one who is awake to his oppo r t u n lty will invest bis money in a genuine diamond NOW while prices in all probability are lower than they ever will be again. If you wish to Invest 126 In a diamond, you can do so and Day onlv t BA month. If you wish to Invent l&n the monthly payment is only te. A 175 dia mond costs but 17.60 a month, or a 1100 beauty Is easy at 110 a month. By this easy plan of payment you can buy NOW. . wnue prices are aown ana get the bene- rit or an ruiure advances. Do not hesitate to open an account. Rich men teatlfy to the fact that they never made a dollar till they salted xor creau. 17-wewel9.7 Elgin lim llllll i'J7 I.Y VA I kT i f i'l . .YYl ViVAM'l, TNei T I rCl ICt-lrJtl V 1 U VII I I JfL. No.659 Wll MM Ilk - -vemenT Ul I IH "-0 "-year guaran- 1 11 I" V'ltlM Oil V J9 t)l WM filled caae. I V . w 1 I w - . m i ii it -mm inn aa -1. , UUl -O. Ifl M,n., atch. Elgin, Wal tham or Hamp. dn movement. In 25 - year guaran teed double strata sokd filled case, adjusted to tern. nerature lsochron Ism and positions. Only $li.76. $1 a Month Opsa Dally Till giOO T. K. Saturday rill S:30. t'u.11 or write for CAtslo Ko ftiia Phnn i k.,.i 1 144 and salesman wll call Natlonar Ctedit Jewels. Mala Floor City sta tion! Bank Blook. M SI lfiK m A -i.- brqs & ax is rijs3sri? A small choice . but very choice offices There are only a few. from which to. choobe, but if any meet your requirements, you will be more thon satisfied. Talk to any of our tenants and you will find the great satisfaction thcv all feel in having an office in THE BEE BUILDING "Thm building that it always nuiM Woffrt fffl Cboio offlc Bult. north llgbt. very desirable tor doctors or deutlsts; waiting room and privet offlc; 110 squar feet. .. -545.00 322 Cbole offic gulte. north light, very desirable for doctors or dentists; waiting room and tw private offices; 6S0 squar feet. . . -845.00 , 601js,,c w'1 ,flc lth vault, near elevator and stairs; electric light free, 110 squsre feet for a ls.oo Apply to Building Sup't. Room 103. THE BEE BUILDING