Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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are Boo Frist It Now Beacon Proas
Cleetrio fans, 7.90. Biirress-Qrand.n.
FnSUe Xasuraaoe Adjuster Oeort
Pchroeder. 40J War block. Hed M4.
"foe-ays Complete storl. rnptB"
classified section tooay. and appears In
The Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
tha ratio u moving picture theater ofrr.
Overheated Bearings An overheated
Waring In the elevator of the Yountf
Men's Chrlsitisn nrioctnlton hulldina re
filled In a fire alarm bring turned In
early Friday morning:.
riaad oa XHsorderlT CtuM-ih
Lin ski, 70 North fifteenth street, m
fined 2n and costs In police court for
keeping a disorderly house One Inmate
was fined 6 and costs.
Mattaa Bound OTar Jacob M. Mattes,
charged with obtaining money under
false pretenses while poking as a repre
sentative of the Mnycr company,
was arraigned In police court and bound
oer to the district court with bonds
fixed at .v,.
Operation for High Chief Yeoman
HlKh of the local navy recruiting station
was operated on for appendicitis Thurs
day at the Swedish' Mission hospital by
Naval Burg-con F. B. Cochran, assisted
by P. H. Osick. first "class naval hos
pital apprentice. The patient Is reported
to be progressing well.
Xllled with a Brick A coroner's Jury
has found that Frank Williams, colored,
known as "Speedy," 1427 North Twenty
first street, came to hfa death Faturday
from being struck on the head with a
brick, thrown from the hand of some
Unidentified Individual. Thirty witnesses
ware examined by the coroner.
A. S, Leavitt of the
Parisian Store is
Dead; Heart Failure
A. S. Levitt, proprietor of the Parisian
cloak store. SIS South Sixteenth street,
aged 46 ynrs. died of heart failure at
his home. Fortieth and California streets,
Thursday night. He Is survived by a
wife and two younc children, a boy and
a girl.
Mr. Levitt returned from his store In
. the evening apparently In perfect health.
He ate supper with the family and re
mained up until about 11 o'clock. Soon
after this he complained of feeling badly,
experiencing difficulty In breathing.
Mrs. Vevltt at once called a doctor and
shortly after this her husband lapsed
into unconsciousness, dying at 12:30
Coming here from Sioux City three
years ago, he, with hla three half broth
ers. Max, Julius and' J. I Orkin, bought
the business of the tV. R. Bennett com
pany, continuing until the sale to "the
Tnirgene-Nash company wa made, after
which he established the Parisian cloak
Besides the widow,' children and half
brothers who survive Mr. Levitt, there
is a half sl3ter, Mrs. Fannie Wsssorman,
of this city.
No Word Comes to
Mrs. West erf ield
from Her Husband
"l have not heard directly or indirectly
fruin my husband. My courage 'la tfl
good," were the words of Mrs. Wester-,
field, wife of Kllery Westerfiejd. treas
urer of Dundee, who loft home a week
wo last Sunday for Chicago, where he
vaj seen by an Omaha man.
Mrs. Westcrficld had no further ex
planation to offer regarding the disap
pearance of her husband.
Tne check of Mr. Wcsterfleld'a ac
counts is being continued. Efforts will
be made to get all of the Dundee records
for a period of twelve years, during
which time Wegterfield was treasurer.
The books for the. last four, years dis
close errors of footing and carrying bal
ances, but the accountants explain these
errors may be reconciled before the check
has been completed. . The. officials Inter
ested are not ready to make a report on
the audit". Checking back for twelve
years will require a eonUdcrable time
Kach year must be balanced.
Suddenly, out through tha Bee build
ing Friday morning rang the Inspiring
strains of band music, mighty good band
About ten seconds later the balconies
on every floor were crowded with people
looking down Into the court, whence
came the music.
There waa the band in natty khaki uni
forms, forty strong, forming a great circle
around tha marble aquarium.
The splendid music seemed to almost
make the great granite building tremble,
rome serious business men couldn't re
sist the temptation to do a dance.
Great, applause rewarded the bandsmen
for their morning serenade.
It waa the Elks' band from Watertown,
S. D. Formerly the organisation belonged
to tha South Dakota state militia. It
severed Its connection with the militia
in order to accompany the Elks to the
national convention In Los Angeles, to
which place they are now enroute.
Mrs. Walter Nichols, KrtS Clark street,
wife of Police Officer Nichols, has Just
invented a newfangled scarecrow that,
when patented, ( should bring her large
returns. - -
The Nichols garden, which has received
extreme care from both Mr. and Mrs.
Nichols, has been violated to a great
extent lately by 'birds. Monday after
noon Mrs. Nichols bought a large stuffed i
cat la a toy shop and now the phony
tabby occupies a place of extreme promi
nence among the onions and hollyhocks.
Needless to' say not a aingle onion or
hock baa been missed since.
Federal Judge Walter I. Smith has al
lowed a writ of error In the Thomas H.
Matters case and the case will be beard
in the United States circuit court of ap
peals In St. Louis at the December term.
Bond waa fixed at $i.00e. Matters Is ua
der sentence of six years in the federal
prison for aidiag President Mechior Lueb.
ben of the defunct First National bank
of 8utton In Illegal banking practices.
aasner Tsarist BEzeareloaa.
Effective June 1, Nickel Plate road will
rell reduced rate tickets to various east
ern point. Confer with local agent or
write John U Calahan, A. a. P. A., W.
Adams St, Chicago.
sts row TI
mcnQ riAitoa.
SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915. ,TOmo
lllmIlII, MtLOPMimg .JHlcasanwt mm rmumb sit Bhiiip&b
Next Monday
A compu te miniature ro
prodnotion of the
Panama Pacific
COMPLETE (n every detail,
. eloctrle lighting; effects.
phoMng buildings, grounds of
the Pacific Fair with San Fran
cisco Bay. the Golden Gate, Mt.
Tamalpals, etc., In the back
ground. Free Instructive Lectures
WE extend to everyone an
Invitation to see this
wonderful masterpiece.
A Stirring Sale of Leather HAND
BAGS, Saturday, at Each $1.00
Ol'H Now York buyer jiurvliased the entire
surplus stock of a large New York Leather
llaml Jlng factory at actually les thnn cost to
,na0. You will find the new smart back
strap envelope bag, genuine pin
seal. India goat, goat seal, real
morocco, In new popular novelty
shapes or large staple shapes).
All have leather ribbon handles,
plain nickel or gilt frames soma
are silk lined, others full leather
lined.. Each has coin purse and
mirror- Values are up to 15.00,
Saturday special, at $1.00
$1.00 LEATHER BAGS, 59c.
REAL leather bags in a variety of shapes and leathers: soma have,
four vanity fittings. All regular $1.00 bags; Saturday 59c
BAGS UP TO $7.50 AT $1.95
NOVELTY pin seal, dull pin seal, ecrusl, morocco leather
bags, all new shapes, beautifully made on German stives frames,
self leather handles, silk lined, every one has coin purse and mirror,
some have other fittings. Regularly worth up to $7. BO; Saturday.
at. only $1,911
Burgess-Wash Co. Mala Floor.
Distinctive Dainty Summer Dresses
ALL new, fresh ami clean, every dress is the product of a reputable maker of materials
and style ideas, including a number of exclusive models. A fine assortment of dis
tinctive, charming dresses for the Krch, the lake and more dressy wear.
Special Values at $3.95, $5.95, $7.95 and $10.95
Palm Beach Cloth and Summer Girl Suits
THE vogue for suits of these fabrics is growing with tho
approach of hot summer days. These suits are as cool
as they are sightly, and launder beautifully. They are de
veloped in most charming styles, and come in natural, white,
pink, blue and in 'snappy, clean-cut stripe effects attrac
tively priced at
$5.00, $6.95, $10.00 and $15.00
New Arrivals In Our Waist Department
THE most striking assemblage we have ever shown
various models in voiles, marquisettes, batistes and
fine linens, in white and flesh tints. Made with long or
short sleeves and smartly trimmed with new ruffles, new
collars and touches of lace and frills. 'Unusually good
valucaat $1.50, $1.95 and $2.50
Surgess-irash Co. coad (Floor.
"Women's Pure Thread Ingrain SILK HOSE
That Are Wonderful Values Saturday at 85c
T T'S a big lot our New" York representative "picked up" at an ;inderprtce. Pure thread Ingrain allk In
1 black, white and colors. You will recognise them aa being the so-called "irregulars" of a widely ad
vertised make of silk hose, and which, under usual conditions, retail to $2.00 a pair. Very special. Satur.
J -A. I
aay, av pan.
Women's Burn&sco Quality
Silk Lisle Hose, 50c
Black or white, double sole and
heel, double garter tops, full reg
ular made. A stocking made for
service. Special Saturday at 5c
per pair.
Bargess-Haah Co-Mala Floor.
Women's Fine 25c Hose
for. 10c.
A blx assortment of women's
hose, including fine cotton. In
pink and blue, lace boot in white,
black and tan, lisle, mercerized
and fibre boot .in tan.
Women's Pure Bilk
Hose, 39c
Women's black pure silk hose,
full seamless, double garter top,
double heel and sole. The usual
S0c quality, special Saturday, at
89- per pair.
Our Remarkable Second Annual Shoe
Sale Offers Unusual Values Saturday
OUR entire stock of Women's pumps and tf"
oxfords included, not a single pair fltTft
1 All t 11 Ulnrla lootll- m'T'' ,jf V,J
reaeivrui -fin ni'nj ou.mnuo ..- ijr"'-
ers and all styles meiuaea.
Iff m. U
All the Women's Pumps and
Oxtords, were $3.0t), now $2.45
All the Women's Pumps and
Oxfords, were $3.50, at $2.95
All the Women's Pumps and Oxfords, were $4.C0, now $3.25
All the Women's Pamps and Oxfords, were $4.50, now $3.65
All tho Women's Pumps and Oxfords, were $5.00, now $3.85
All the Women's Pumps and Oxfords, were $6.00, now $4.85
Children's $2.25 PUMPS at $1.85
Child's dull calf English
ankle and in- J1 OE?
step, sizes to 11. were for
July Clearing Specials
19c Ribbons, 10c
Odds and ends of fancy and plain
ribbons, 4 and 6 inches wide, reg
ularly 19c, Saturday In Clearing
Sale, yard . tOc
Bargess-sTaaa Co. Sfalm Tie.
Ribbon Remnants
Vt Price
Misses' dull calf Mary Jane pnmps, hand welt aoles, our best grades,
sites. 11 Vi to 2. were $2.75. for., .$2.25
Black and smoked elk with solid elk soles. Just the shoe for vacation
wear, sizes U to l'-Ps. special at $2.85
Sites 4 to .6, special, at. , , , v r-i.M
Snrgaas-Vuh Co. aj.oond Tloor.
Hammocks in the July Clearing Sale
TTTELL made hammocks in a wide range of colors and
YY styles to select 'from, guaranteed to be lasting.
Some of the specials :
Hammocks, were 11.75, for. $1.25
Hammocks, were fl.98, for. $1.50
Hammocks, were $2.25, for. $1.75
Hammocks, were $2.76, for.$2.00
Hammocks, were $2. 98. for. $4.25
Hammocks, were $3.60, for. $2.75
Hammocks, were $3.98, for. $3.00
Hammocks, were $4.98, for.$t.OO
Hammocks, were $5.76, for $4.75
Hammocks, were $6.50, for. $5.50
Baryees-sTaah Co
Including Diesdens, moires, taf
feta, satins, etc., in a wide varlet7
of lengths and widths at Vi regu
lar price.
Btu-gesa-Hasa Co Mala moor.
New Wash Ribbons, 20c
Dotted Wash Ribbons, white, pink
and blue, V Inch wide In 5-yard
skeins, Saturday, at aoo
Bnnrees-sTaah Co. KAla a-Ioor.
$2.00 Corsets, $1.00
Including all makes or corsets,
very comfortable, regularly worth
$2.00: special ia Clearing Bale
Saturday, at ft
arress-sraah Co. , eoaa Floor.
Friendship Links Free
"Hava Heart" friendship links,
something new and different from
the others. We will give free of
charge to every school girl visit
ing the Jewelry section Saturday
between 9 and 12 a. m. on
"Hava Heart" friendship link.
We will also engrave any initial
Borress-aTaab Co Mala oos.
Auto Bonnets
Wide selection of auto bonnets
with veils, all colors, black and
white check, Saturday, each,
$1.60. $1.00 and 75c
lunii-Iuk Co-Mala Door.
Burgess-Nash Summer Suits
Are Tailored to Hold Their Shape
OUR Men's Clothing Section is complete
with an unrivaled Mock of fashion
able and practical garment for summer
wear. A place where men are being fitted
out for fullest comfort against tlie torrid
days which are ure to come. Every suit
in tlie whole collection made of new sum
mer materials in styles strictly correct to
suit your taste as well as to conform with
our specifications, the
"Burinasco Standard"
which means the very best possible at anv
WITH THE $22.50 VALUES $13.65
'"pWO or three-piece styles in blue serge,
-- blue flannels, fancy cheviots, home
spun worsted, (lien rrquliart plaids, etc.
Others, i:UT to$10.(M.
i,..'JM'w,V" l,.,b frue r,0n"K word o'f the
airy. In a wide selection. Made of fine wool and
linen material. All sites and all colors. Sold ei
clusively by us.
urg..s.irsh Qo TonrtB Moor.
Every suit is made of genuine Palm Hparh
Cloth, double cold water shrunk, stayed at everv
seam and double welt stitched. A suit made to
hold Its shape and it does. Sixes 32 to 50, for
stouts, allmo or regulars.
Boys' Suits That Were $10.00 to
fris.uu, Special Saturday at $5.95
1 f 1 T1H" rt k ... i .. . . . 1 1 i
"7 ki ' materials, strictly hand-tailored through-
" " " """ '"nry mixtures., for agea 6 to 18 years,
r- valuea $10.00 to $18.00. Sale price $5.95.
Boys' Hats, 50c
Every shape, style and
color for the little fel
lows: a splendid line for
teleotlon; Satur- Ef
day. at OUC
Boys' $1.50 Pants 98c
Knickerbocker style, for
agea 5 to 18 years. Includ
ing blue serges and fancy;
were $1.R0; sale "0
price , . VOC
New Wash Suits to $2.50 Values. $1.45
.- . . '.'"l bl a-eortinent r combinations
Jicely finished X t,,mmej wHh P'rI buttons and all
Boys' 75c Linene and Duck Pants, 39c
t-1?.1"1 merte with- taped seams, patented
buttons, Knickerbocker style, 7Br values at nc. ash Co. Fourth rioor.
Men's Straws
Reduced for Saturday
A REMARKABLY good line for
selection. Including sennits
and splits In the newest shapes,
high crowns, low crowns, me
dium: regular valuea to $3.60,
Saturday. $1.41.
Men's $5 to $7.50
Panamas, $2.45
Genuine Panamas, latest shapes,
also leghorns, that were $5.00 to
$7.50; Sal price Saturday, $2.4.1.
SnrrsBS-Saaa Co. Tourth rioor.
Saturday in the Men's Section We Will
Feature Bathing Suits at One-Half Price
AMPLE bathing suits, two and one-piece garmeits, with M sleeves and without sleev
ai less man cosi to maae. Sale price. Saturd.y. S2.UU. fti.flo. Hitc u ni
"Sports" Shirt Ties, 50c
Sport Shirt ties in all the new light weight
summer materials.
i'Swii4ii av.;... i aa . j 1 ra
ia uuu to, is.w tuiu 9-1. UU
Tho very popular Mens' Sport Shirts, cou
ertlble and Dutch collar In white tanS
color, short sleeves, price $1.50 and V 1
An Auto Glove With a
New Feature
Lisle and silk backs with,
mocha and goatskin palms,
plenty of wear and plenty
of comfort for summer
wear. Gauntlets, $2.00
and $1.50; wrist style,
on sale at $1.50, $l.iu
and .'..$1
Sale price. . .
35c and 50c Wash
Neckwear, 25c
In going over our line of
wash net kwear we find we
are overatocked. To ad
just this condition we aro
going to sell all this year's
styles In 35c and 50c
grades at 2flr. All the 2Sc
wash ties, at Ii!),c
Barress-sTasIi Co Kaia Floor.
50c a
.wen's collars at 35c or
3 for $1.00
Nine styles of Wclch
,M or get son & company's
standard brand of Import
ed solid linen collars,
will go on sale Saturday
at the low price of &-;
specially priced at three
for $1
Fels Naptha Soap,
10 cakes for. . ,8tfc
12 cakes for . . . f , .25c
Toilet Goods
50c box I'm
Bell's Powd.l0c
60c Melrose
Rouge 20o
50c Abonlta
Cream, at 84c
60c Palm Olive
Shampoo . .84c
25c Monoxide
Tooth Powdl6o
26c A m o 1 1 n
Powder ....IMo
Large Wool
Powder Puffs,
at JJOc
Jergen's Ben
soln and Al
mond Lotion,
at 18c
60c Poironl's
Powder ...29c
Williams' sha
ving soap... Be
It e ni o v a ll
Chamois Buf
fers SUo
Large package
borax rb.lps.19o
60c Java Rica
Powder . ...81c
50c Canthrox
for 29c
60c Pebeco
Tooth Paste
for 82c
1 qt. House
hold Ammonia
for 18c
$4 Calorls bot- 1 qt. Thermos
tie i $1.98 bottle ...$2.00
1-plnt Thermos One lot 2 6c and
bottle . . .$l.RO 86c tooth
Large aasort- brushes ...12c
sortment Tra- Complete line
vellng rases tit of Thermos
one-half price, goods.
Bathing Necessities.
The New Rub- $1.50 Bath
Rub bath and Spray, at. . .9Kc
massage mitt, $2.00 B a t u
at 49c Spray, at. $1.49
76-cent Bath Bath sponges.
caps 49c at ,.89c
$1 Bath Spray, Bathing suit
at 49o baga 85c
$1.26 Bath 60c Bath aalts,
Spray, at. . .69c at 35c
Ivory soap, five
cakes for . . . lHc
tLrsra.a-jTa.h Co. hCala Floor.
$1.50 Hot Wat
er bottles.. 79o
$1.76 Hot Wat
sr bottle and
jyrlnge . . . l)8c
Red rubber
douche ,.$l.KO
1 pt. Red Wing
Grape Juice. 19c
76c Jad Salts
for '.49c
2 6c Sal Hepatl-
ca 10c
60c Sodium
Phosphate .82o
$1.00 Kskay's
Kood 9c
100 Hinkle's
Pills for...lo
25c Denver
Mud 16c
25c Hill s Cas
cara quinine
for ....... 12c
75c Rubber
Gloves . . . ,89c
4 rolls 10-cent
Crepe Toilet
paper 25c
8 rolls 6-ceut
Crepe Toilet
paper . .'. . ,25c
25c Liquid Ve
neer 19o
60c Liquid Ve
neer 39c
1 lb. 20-Mule
Team Borax. 9c
$1.25 Automo
moblle cham
ois 79c
Strictly Sanitary Bread Boxes
in Three Big Lots Saturday
' . Your Films Developed FREE
when orders are left for printing. Thi
is kodak time. Take a kodak, with you
myeas JTaaa Co Mala Floor..
EXACTLY like Illustration, white en
amel, round corners, perfectly venti
lated. Three sixes to choose from:
No. 1 size, were 98c, now . ,45c
No. 2 size, were $L25, now. .55c
No. 3 size, were $1.50, now. .65c
SHEARS TO $1.50 FOR 39c
ONE big lot of shears in a wide range of kinds and sites, regularly
worth to $1.60, Saturday, at :...89c
Tbermax .Electric Irons, special, at $2.89
Cotton mop and handle, 40c value , ...25c
Water coolers, galvanise and white enamel lined, 2 to 8-gallons ca
pacity. $1.76 to
rrs-TaaB Co. aaaesaeai.
'eve nyn oorfe store
$3.00 CORSETS AT 69c
Broken Unas of good quality
corsets, values up to $3.00; Sat
urday special, ut. . . . , ec-
arress-sTasli Co.
Brassiers of good quality in the
July Clearing Sale; Saturday, at.
only .....27c
Barf-eas-Vash Co. Baa.iasat.
$1.75 Bolt Nainsook, $1.19
40-inch wide Knickerbocker Nain
sook I deaf, for making fine sum
mer Lingerie, bolts of 10 yards,
$1.75 value, Clearing Sale price.
per bolt $1.19
Barrss-sTash Co. Bs.mDt.
18c Fancy Crepes, 7VjC
40-in. wide fancy striped and
floral crepes. You will recog
nise these bolts of mercerised
crepes to be the regular 18c kind,
on bargain square at, yard, 7)ic
Bar rasa-Wash Oo JSaseaaeat.