TIIF. BKE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JULY 10, 1015. LOYELORH GRACIE . LEAYESJER HOME Twehre-Year-Old Bluffs Miss, Scolded by Parenti for "Puppy Love," Rum Away. EE TURKS WITH NEW IDEAL j Puppy love! ' Remember those days, Grownup Person? Oh. the heartaches! The joys! The miseries! The ecstacles! t Who hasn't a memory of the days beyond recall, tucked away In some forgotten heart's nook? j Even policemen have. "When 12-yeaj-old Grace McClure. 800 Eighth avenue, Council Blurfs, sothed hrr heart out early Friday morning- at headquarters station aa she nestled tn ttie comforting- arms of an attache, many ere the sighs of time hardened coppers whose recollections harked them bach to that tragic period of human develop ment that permits such maladies. .Little Graco, with her freckled nose, checkered gingham frock and pitfalls tied up with a bit of wrinkled ribbon, looked Just as though she had stepped out of soma magazine cover designed by the Inimitable Lejrendecker looked Just like the title girl who In tho long ago we menfolk used to let chew our gum or give our apples to at recess. Such little characters as Grade McClure made famous Mark Twain, Booth Tarklngton, Erf! win Sabtn and other w filters of chlld- ramance-for-grownfups. Foand at Midnight. It was midnight when she pounded on the front door of the home of Mrs. Mary Kerrigan, 2510 Sherman avenue, and whimpered that someone waa following her and she waa afraid. After vainly trying to elicit information, the Kerri gan telephoned the police. On the way to headquarters In. the ton neau of the .emergency auto a reporter stole his arm around her. ' Don't cry, Grace. Tell ma what's the matter. What made you run away from home? Was your mother scolding you?" he said, softly. .Like a little, chick that finds comfort in the dark cosiness of the old cluck's protecting Wing, she burled her face. 'Was Fhe,' Gracfc? ' Tell me as though I were your blv brother." :"'e-e-eh-ch-es." -Why, Grade?" ; "She-e-he-he-ehe didn't want me to go with a b-b-boy!" More sobs. ("And so you ran away from home?" "Ye-e-eh-oh-es!" Talks I.Ike an Uncle. "Why, Oracle! You're too young to have a beau don't you know that? Tou don't want to get married do you? You'd have to wash and wipe the dishes, and cook, and sew, and waah and iron, and sweep and do oh, ever so many things." 4"I-I-I have to do all tlmt-Ral, now!" V'Yes, but you don't want to get married soon. You'd make all the other little girls Jealous. You see, most little boys don't want to get married, until they've grown up. Why, even I'm not married. There wouldn't be enough marriageable little boys to go around, and that would make the other little girls mad when you got married,' so they'd say mean things behind your back. They'd talk about your beau, too. .-That's what your mamma wanted to protect you from, so be scolded you." Eddie Lares Graels Only "They wouldn't talk about Eddie, All tse girls like him, but he only likes me," she soberly confided, choking back a stray sob. . j"Yee. they'd talk about htm, and you, lea You go back home, like a good little girl, and maybe mamma will forgive you, and after that, you must mind her and not play with the boys too much. You will, won't you?" v'Xe-eh-es." "That's a good girl.". ,"Sa- you're Just like my uncle. - He al.vaya talks so nice to me." About this time the station was reached. Inside, Oracle, no longer a love lorn little larvae, but now entering' upon th next epoch of human development, evinced a lively interest in the policemen, the fire bell, and Sergeant Marshall's typewriter. Off Old Love, On New. "When you grow up, Oracle, you can learn to ubc a typewriter and then you'll be a stenographer and have all the chew ing gum and moving pictures you want," the friend confided to her. guiding her dimpled hands over the keyboard as she slowly punched put her name. Writo Eddie's last name, Oracle," the rsnorter suggested. ;''Naw-aw! I d' wanna! I don't like him any more. He always picks his nose." Then shyly, "I like you. What's your name?" . , 'It waa 1:30 o'clock in the morning that Oracle s fattier. Patrick McClure, switch man for the Chicago Great Western, ar rived at the station. For nearly eighteen hours he and his friends had been dis tractedly looking for the little runaway, who had left her home early In the morning. , ' "Come on Grace. We're going home," he breesily announced. Mr. McClure all along has understood, with much amuse ment, h'a little girl's "puppy love." All right, papa." Then to the reporter who had spoken so softly and so nicely to her, he shyly held out her hand. "Ooodby, you're awfully nice. Goodby." "Uooiby, Grade." Ooodby. Oracle," the rest of the sta tion crew chorused. Then they sighed, for little Grade's ad venture had made them all young again. South Omaha May Pay More for Its Milk in Future It Is rumnml that milk mav he nlu.,1 1 cent a Quart In South Omh rmnnt of new dairy and milk regulations being enfmvet by the city health department. Milk there has been lower than In Omaha. Thursday evening Health Commissioner Connell and lalry Inspector Bossle met the Souh Omaha milkmen and Instructed them In the requlrementa enfnrr-erf in Omaha. 1twi WHrt MIY WAY HUT inv uiiv uvi uni vui Appear at Recruiting- Offioe for Re Enlistment After Hating" Pur chased Their Discharges. BOTH ARE TAKEN BACK AGAIN Getting out of the fnlted States army by purchase la not a very common way of getting out. It's expensive, compared to a soldier's pay. and moat men prefer to serve out the time. But two men came Into the local re cruiting station the other day who had purchased their way out of previous en listments. One of them had left tr the purchase route twice. And here they were, both back again to re-enllit. Ouy I Gundersnn of Cody, Neb., en listed January 1 191J, going to the Four teenth Infantry. About fourteen months later he decided he didn't like the In fantry and he bought his way out. On August 1. 191S. he enlisted In the t'nlted States marine corps. He stayed there for about eighteen months and then ho again longed for freedom. Ho bought hie way out again. Both his discharge papers showed that hi character eas "excellent." So re mitting Sergeant Hanson gave him an other "try" at the Infantry. Scarcely had Mr. Ounderson Joined the colors again when Anton fiyacua entered the office and said he wanted to Join the army. He Is of Russian birth and gave the address of his nearest relative as I'elumy, Russia. (Corporal Blackett re marked that this seemed like a rather "dtetnnt" relative. Har. har, har! Anton had leen with the First Infantry at Honolulu for a year and four months when, on April S. ISIfi, he divided he didn't want to finish hi enlistment and bought his way out. He a'so was re-en-listed and hose the coast artillery as the branch In which he will serve. Mrs. Stonecypher Asks for Divorce Mary R. fHonecypher has filed suit for divorce from her h unhand, Abraham I Monecypher, who has a printing estab lishment at Twelfth and Howard street. They were married at Peru, Neb., In 1M. Since September. 1911. the plaintiff ha resided tn Uneoln, where the chll dryi have been attending the state uni versity. She alleges that her husband has earned fft.ftiO and upwards a year, and that he has given her only H& to $S a month for the support of herself and children. Also that he has allowed the Installment on the home whlrh he pur chased for th use of the family while living In IJncoln to lapse jm, and that they are threatened with ffirerloaur. The petition states that he formed a business partnership with R. C. Van 7.andt, a married woman. Incorporated for tlfl.mo and states that he waa con tinually In company with this woman, and that he had threatened to abandon his wife unless she would appeal for an abso lute divorce. She asks for a divorce and Judgment In the aim not less than fl.WW, A "For Palo" ad will turn second-ban furniture Into cash. CMAHA LOOKS GOOD TO SMYTHJJPON RETURN "After visiting many cities during the 'sat few months, I want to tell you Omaha looks mighty good to me," re marked C. J. Smyth upon his return. Mr. Smyth has been engaged in special work for the United States Department of Justice. He will remain here for some time. Just now he Is preparing to take the shoe machinery esse from the Massa chusetts courts to the United States su preme court. The government lost In th lower courts. SbUTH OMAHA BILL POSTER SERVES WITHOUT AUTHORITY According to a resolution adopted by the dty council heads of the dty de partments must file, on or before July is, a list of all former South Omaha and Dundee employes retained since consoli dation. ( 'onimisvioner Butler siserts a . iim la serving in South Omaha as billposter and is rollwtiiig fees, sllhough there Is no legal provision at this time for such an cllin. July Clearance Offerings That Will Center Interest Here Values shown In every department that will convert interest into desire, and desire into quick determination to pos sess, even to the extent of buying for future need. Items listed are only an index to tho many splendid opportunities. Phenomenal Bargains in Summer Dresses I hnftflill?l I IflN i SsMsbbwWmmiIi l II iimsnbs ! II I" 'i S t7 1,000 beautiful dresses just received and in cluded with regular stocks in three won derful bargain lots $49I $1091 Phenomenal, not only in point of val ues offered, but in breadth of assort ments of charming designs for your selection the choicest lot of values we've ever offered. Dresses Made to Sell at $7.50 to $12.60 White Dresses,! .' Colored Dresses, Linen Dresses, Voile Dresses i Dalnt jr Styles In Newest Stripes, Flowered, Dotted or riAin colors. Dresses Made to Sell at $15.00 to $25.00 In Oepe do . Dainty Nets and ttiines, 8Uk Taf-1 $ f g , feta Rntbroid-l fJother f"brtt. ered Organdies,) j the newest mid 1lnens, Vol lee, J I summer styles. CLEARANCE SALE OF SOTS Immense assortments for your selection, up to $66.00 values, in three lots for Saturday's sale, 815.00. $19.50 and 25.00 New Palm . Beach Suits, 86.05. $9.05 anl $12.50 New Sport and Street Coats, $5.95 to $12.50 New Sweater Coats $5.00 up to $10.00 New Wash Skirts ...$1.05. $2.95. $3.95 New Waists at.. $1.05. $2.95. $3.95 I'P Charm ln New Gowns and Dreesee .Made to Sell at $35.00 to $48.00 !n fine Lace Embroidered Nets, Georgette Crepes and Taffetas, distinctive in de sign, greatest value ever of fered at , $19so IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Pretty White Dresses, values to $5.00, sizes 4 to 1 4 years, choice go 0" Children's Colored Dresses to $6.00 values' in all sires .SI f)K Children's $2.00 and $2.60 Dresses 7.05s The Shirt Sale of Shirt Sales Here Saturday Men who see these will buy not by one's and two's, but in half-dozon and dozen lots. You never seen equal values at our July Clearing sale, price G9 Shirts Worth $1.50, $2.00 up to $3.00 Choice of line Madrases, Pongees, Soisettes, Fercales and mercerized fabrics in an almost endless assortment of new colors and best styles, with or without collars. Over 3,000 shirts, all sizes to choose from. $3.00 to $6.00 Shirts, $1.98 and $3.45 50 dozen high grade Silk shirts in all sizes, satin strip and other popular styles. All tho season's most wanted colors. Clearance of all Summer Pajamas $1.00 values, choice 69c; to $4.00 values, $1.98. 1 ,2M) Fine I'nlon Suits, made to sell to $3.00, nainsooks, ribbed, crepe, mercerised and silk finished fabrics, all styles and sites, Q84 and 09 Men's 60c Wash Ties, choice 25 Men's 26c Wash Ties, choice 12H Men's 25c Paris Garters, pair 19 IN DOMESTIC ROOM SATURDAY. Men's Vnlon Suits, worth to $1.00, all kinds and styles, in Saturdsy's sale, choice.. 49 Men's ; Two-lMec-e I'ndorwear Shirts or Drawers, regular 60c garment values, Satur day ,. -.25 July Bath Towel Sale Main Linen Section Extra Large, Bleached Bath Towels, double absorbent, made of softest finish, pure bleached yarns, each. 25. doien, $2.75 Heavy, generous slie, Bleached Bath Towels, Manufacturers' Perfection trade mark at each, 19. doien, $2.15 Bath Towels, 21x41 slse, pure bleach, soft, ab sorbent and well-made, superior to ordinary quality, at ......each 15. dosen, $1.05 Bath Towels, 20x40 slse, a value much superior to average towels, splendid weight, at each, 12s. doien, $1.40 Hayden's Turkish Knit Wash Cloths, soft as down, sanitary bleach; package contains M dosen, per package 25 till Jaly Clearance Ladies Sdk Parasols Values up to $5.00, In the seasou'a most desirable styles and colors, big assortment 59 Children's Parasols, dainty styles, made to sell to 50c, in one in big lot Saturday liC Jaly Clearance Offers Savings of Easily Half in Neckwear, Veilings, Handker chiefs, Ribbons, Hand Bags. Ladles' Neckwear, worth "5c, at , 10 Ladles' Neckwear, worth 36c, at 15 Ladles' Neckwear, worth 60c, at 25 Fancy Veilings, worth 25c, t ...10 Auto Veils, worth $1.25 t 89 Ribbons Regular 25c values 10 Men's Straw Hats, tillS to $3.00 values, at . .y I Your choice of the en tire stock (Panamas ex cepted), a broad assort ment of up-to-date styles, and all kinds." MEN'S PANAMA HATS Regular $4.00 to $8.00 values, $2.95. $3.95. $4.95 Take your pick of the entire stock you'll find It a classy lot. Auto and Outing Hats In Silks, Linens, etc, big as sortment of 50c up to $1.60 values, on sale Saturday, at -29 and 75 Need a Trunk, Grip or Suit Case? For that vacation trip. Hero's your opportunity to save largely Saturday. A 25 DISCOUNT from regular low prices on any trunk, grip, or suit case in stock. Genuine leather bags, .leather lined, at. , . .$3.95 Genuine cowhide suit case, with straps, at.$3.95 Trunks $3.95 up. at ., Ribbons Regular 36c slues at 10 Ribbons Regular 60c values at 29 Ribbons Regular 76c values t 39 Hand RaJIS 12.60 VSlUSS at $1.50 Children's Handkerchiefs, worth 6c, at 2Vt Ladles' Handkerchiefs, worth 10c, at T 4 Ladies' Handkerchiefs, worth 15c, at 7 Ladles' Handkerchiefs, worth 2 5c, at 10 Ladles' Auto Hats, worth $160, at 98 Ladles' Auto Caps, to $1.50 val ues 40 and 08 Ladles' Auto Bonnets, $1.60 values, at OS Hand Bags, $1.00 values.. 25 Hand Bags, $1.25 values. .30 Hand Bags, $2 values. $1.00 20' Discount Saturday on all fine Hand Bags and Purses Drug$ and Toilet Goods Why Pay More 11.00 bottle Lambert's Llsterlne for 69o 60c bottle Phenolss wafers... 850 So bottle Dr. Hlnkel's Cascara Tablets l5o II. 00 8ol Hepatlra 9o 13.75 Horllck'a Malted Mllk..ta.7 t.ee's Hair Shampoo arte 10c Palm Olive or Jap Rose sua i for tta 4 10c bars Peroxide or Castile soap for flfto Ibc ran Williams' or Sweetlani Talcum lOe $1 60 bos I.e Trefle or Aiurc.i powder S5o 1.60 bottle Oriental cream... S80 76c Jail Halts 500 60c Pebeco Tooth Paste Sfto 10c traveling package of towels and etc Bo 60c Powder Rouge de Lux Bfto Xiw and eomplst 11ns of Bath las' Cans. July Clearance Specials Hammocks On Fourth Floor 92.7.1 Hammocks, full size, with valance and pillow, good weight $1.08 $1.7.1 Hammocks, extra large size, with wide valance, pil low and concealed spreader, tor $3.08 $l.RO Fringed Hammock, with good pillow, at.. 08 Hterl Roller Kkatea, adjust able to any size 49 $1.50 Tarns 98c Refrigerators Sacrificed Without Regard of Cost Tksy are the "White Moaatala" kind. Tsw aa good, aoas betters Ws have a large stock oa account of, the cool, backward season, and tf you seed on now Is jrtfu ehanos to buy a real bargain. JS6-pound capacity White Mountain refrigerators, white lined, guldfen oak case, regular price, !6.00. sale price SI. 79 106-pound rapacity White Mountain refrigerator, whits lined. Imitation ouk rase. Boston 3 -door pattern; regu- lar price ti'iM'K sale price Slf.SO lS6-poufid capacity Boston I-door pattern, gohten oak case, white lined, regular pries 629.60. sals pries. .$33.00 160-pound capacity Btons White, stone lined White Mountain, white oak case, S doors, best and most ex pensive refrigerator made, regular pries 6400, saio price S4O.O0) 176-pound capacity porcelain lined, Boston, I-door type, regular price 146.00; sale price 137.60 These are only a few of the rars barratag offered. Our satire Una la oa sale at marvelous prloea. , July Clearance Shoe Sale Saturday Saturday we place on sale the balance of the Kirkeudall shoes, together with the odd lots In Men's Shoes up to $4.00 a pair. . . .$1.08 Men's Calf, Button or Ulucher, Welt Shoes, all sites, splendid $3.60 values $2.50 Women's Slippers snd Pumps, values up to $4.00 a pair, clearance price $2.50 Child's White Canvas Button 8 hoes, splendid $1.60 values, sizes up to 114 75 . GROVER and QUEEN QUALITY STETSON and CRQSSETT Shoes i Child's tiun Mfial and Patent Mary Jaue j Pumps, regular $1.60 values, clearance I Price $1.00 j About S00. pairs Women's Oxfords and a few Strap Bllpperb, regular $3.60 and $3.00 val- ; ues. for $1.00 ! Barefoot Sandals, sites up to 2, good $1.60 j values, white, brown, and a few black, all I calfskin., at 75 Shoes and Oxfords for Women, for Men. Special Announcement or our Annual Summer Clearance OF Beginning J nroQ Beginning Monday i-uLC:5 Monday The largest and most comprehensive stiK-k of Fine Laces in Omaha ALL AT CLEARANCE PRICES. Wutch Sunday Papers. July CUaranem Special in Muslin and Knit Underwear tJowns and Hkirts To $2.60 values, tn crepes, nainsooks and muslin, beautifully trimmed with lace and embroideries; on sale Saturday, your choice for OS Combination Hulls and Envelope Chemise To $8.60 values, prettily trimmed with laces and embroideries ......... $1.39 Cornet Covers and Ms.rcella lrawer Odd lots, to $1.00 values, all prettily trimmed; choice, at 49 Italian Silk Vests Embroidered or plain, albo silk taped union suits; two specials at...; 08 and $1.45. Women's llsle I nlon Hnlts To 76c values, all sixes; on sale at ....35c Children' Crepe or Nainsook Gowns Daintily trimmed; Saturday at ....30 Kxtra NporUIs in Bathing Hnlts Immense, as sortments at $1.50 l'P $7.50 Trimmed Hats, $ $49 Over 2C0 for your selection Large Sailors, Transparent Urim Hats, beautiful Panamas and Leghorns, Ostrich Plum.) trimmed Turbans, small snug fitting Turbans in smart and rew effects: all classv hats and L"---' will po fast nt sale price. V Panamas and Milan Hemp Shapes ' uj i fw.yj'jf nmuui ill miOlfn ill t IHZ.V1X different styles, hand-blocked Mil- A ft an Hemps, Milan Tuscans, fine' y 1 UU Panamas and hair-braid shapes, in H zr white, black and colors, choice It's Easy to Save 23 to 30 cn Living Expenses. Hayden's Grocery Prices Help Greatly. The I lest that . Which Are a Hurprise to All. Try I's. Fant.v Wmi .,. ,. 1K -n- J-lb cans Corn, Gresn, Was or Rsd ''' Tea Mftlns;. Ih iavs Kldnty beans THS Hsrshry's Coaroa. vr lb SSo i cutis CunieiisJ Milk, tall cans. SSo Til rBOPXJB'l BUTTem. CUBII i -n. ckii aimsks Minion los AMD SKsO MAKaBT . nm wai mils i.uuui y Htsrcu . . . . soi Mai I men I'ranut duller, lb IKl Tlif tx-M tuilk UiK.fl! Ollvm. lio sns out--iiimrtri Oil or Mustsr-I .Hal n-! 85s 41-lb. be Msb grade Diamond "H" Hour, nothing finer for pies, cake.i or hread. per Lss. 91.69 It lbs. best Cane Granulate! Hhk.t for S1.00 7 lbs. White or Vellow t'orninei I 15i 7 lbs. 1'ancv itolled Hreakta.-i - ! j'5 10 bars liiauioml ', Heat-'IOtM-An ir the Market Afford nd at Prices Ths best t'resiuery liutter. In car tons, i-r II SOS The best Oesjnsry Buttsr, n bulk, per lh S (tand !alry Kutier, per lb Sto It lbs. New Potatoes... 4 bunches Heets, Carrots 5 bunches Kadlshea t bum-he Green Onlens ..... New ahhKse, lb ,, New Peas, yt fresh (ireen or Was Brans, 4 bunches Rhubarb 4 bunches Lsf Iettucs .... f bunches Asparagus SO Turnips Ss ft -It lb.. .So So 5a te Specials in Meat Department for Saturday no. i pound N No. 1 hindquarters Spring; Umn, per 14VbO lo. i roreuuarters eprlns Lamb, per pound HVaS No, 1 Pork Roast, per pound... So No 1 steer Pot Koaat. lb. SltO-UW No. 1 horns mads Bauaase, lb...S0 No. 1 frsah Rpars Rlba. lb IUo No. 1 rib Boiling beef, lper lb...6Vo 11 roumls Leal laid for tl.OO SMOKED MIAT SrSCIALTIZ. nupreine Hani, per pound 1644s No. 1 1'lcnlc hams, per pound .. 10,o No. 1 lean Bacon, per pound. .. .IS Ue No. 1 back Bacon. pr pound... 14 S No. 1 Halt Pork, per pound Ug Frsah D raised Caloksns at Waoll sals rrtose. PAYS TRY HAYDENS' FIRSTIT PAYS i i