TUB BKE- OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 191o. 4 Bringing Up Father Copyright, lftis. International Servie. Drawn for The Bee by George McManuS MISTER JKCS VOTfT TOO PLEASE DO THM" FMiCf CMVE. AMN it l bO GRACEFUL.: YOO T'INK, i CRACtrUL") jiv;told man - OOfE, .N eao - THE MlStU HAS tbtCN WATCHING "YOU THROUGH MEf MARINE U6TEM- VAvNT "rou TO ROW Vb fast a too can: r BACK VHEE TOUR WIFE IS? J ' TT. W ST V" I 2Tga, I 1 y I a...... I II CL AN 1 I I I . . . 3 - I. W 11 t-V r NO! TO EUROPE! LONG DOUBLE BILL STAGED BY OMAHA Virm M.wi Clm n ftmaha 7 tn (I I'll. W'alBon. lb. u v. ' Tydemm. rf and Denirer Wini Fifteen- jjntton. n Hour, aa Inninc Second Combat ohnriM. zb-ib.... . rlfflU. e... THOMPSON ALLOWS TWO HITS OraaJia and Denver dlvtdd a doubla haailfir . yiUnajr afternoon, the flrat Kama Kolnff t th homa club by the ntmr of 7 to 0. and the arcond brlnr copped by the Bear t to 4, In the fifteen Ions Innlna-t, requiring; thre hour of unre- mlttlnir toil to brln It to a cloee out for the Iwel and W White won the nd Kmne. Hhorletnp lloep of the ln rluh aroepted fourteen vhanrea In the field and loet another. S'-ore: WICHITA. AB. R. H. O. A. B. .611100 . t I 0 1 0 . 1 0 0 7 0 0 . 0 1 . X 2 . S ft . 4 ft . 6 . 4 0 Roche, c.f Kx. If iPatlereon, lb.... Brown, p 1 Baiter, p 0 Total ....'.....aw A. ft 1 0 0 0 I a o l t o Standing of Teams I 9 It In the flrat. Thorn peon for Omaha hadi everything hla own way, Jetting Denver down with two blta. Hla pitching- waa of the usual hlfTh cla brand, and more than ample to garner a victory- Omaha hit Gankell at will and amaaed their nina with little or no effort. The aecond oonteat opened with Denver Immediately retting a run on two- bits, an error and a atolen bae. Again In the eecond they scored two, and Hoffman waa taken out of the box to be replaced by Raymond Alexander, brother of Orover. and Ute of Grand laland. Raymond hurled with much skill, and throughout J the' remainder of the afternoon, conducted hlmaelf like a real big leaguer. . ( 'Tmar, Clere garka. Round four was the one ahlnlng episode of the contest for Omaha, when Thoma eon, after three men had reached the sacks, brought them all home with a tworbagger to right. Denver scored a run in the fifth on a baaa on, balls, a aftcrlflea, and a hit, and Omaha scored on In the sixth on a hit, sacrifice, Infield, out and wild pitch.' ,: HcC'arsalek Hlta Ilosaa Baa. From that period until the fifteenth inning, the game calmed, into a pitcher' battle, enlivened by frequent chances on the part of Omaha to get a run, and a r turner of sensational catches on the part of the Rourkes. In the fifteenth with two men down. Moose McCormlck hit a home run over the light field fence, and In a few moments the battle waa over. . Umpire Van Pyckle umpired 'another excellent game and made a decided hit with the 1,500 fans who gathered to wit ness the strife. One of the features -of -the afternoon waa the sweet muslclng of the South Dakota Elks Hern band. The boys from the atata up north gave the bugs an assorted program of awell melodies and blew themaelvea like flouaa at his beau They mad a big Impression. Hcore, first fame: i DENVER. AB. R. ... 4 0 Pegs. 2b Nl.holann, If... Rapp, ss Williams, ct... Watson, rf I fisher, lb HT. JOSEPH. AB. R. H. Groellng, Xb. Tonneman, e. Pance, p Kwoldt Flanagan, Moore 1 Hentley, p ft Wideman, p 1 O. 6 0 2 1 1 1 0 o It o 1 B. 8 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ii r io Totals 39 Ran for Patterson In ninth. Hatted fir Vance In sixth. Baited for Flanagan In seventh. Wichita I ao000 26 St. Joeeph 0 0 0 I 0 8 04 Two-baee hits: Page, Williams, Tyde- msn. Ptolrn bases: I' ax 3), rage. ec r I flee hits: Patterson, Tydeman, Brit ton. Sacrifice fly: Hoap. lilts: Off Panre, 1 in six Innlnjn; off Hentley, 1 tn one-third Inning; off Oclut, H In six innings;, off Hrown, 1 In one inning. Ptrurk out: - By Vance, ; by Flanagan, i: by uetst, 2; by pnKrr, l: by Brown, 1. Kane on bnlls: Off Vance. ; ott r in agen, ; off Brown, 1. lilt by pitched ha!!: By Vance, 1. lft on bases: Wich ita, i): n. josepn, . l ime: i u. i m- pire: . O'Wlen. WF.BT IjEAOUK. I NAT. LBAOtTE. W.UPct.l W.L.IVt. Des Moines 43 W .1H Chicago ....40 2 .fcHO Denver V 30 .W.2 Phlla. 3t 31 .M7 Lincoln HI .KWBt. Iula....m 2I Omaha 3X ,U2 Pittsburgh ,3J 24 .607 Topeka ... M 34 .5l4 Brooklyn.. ,M.tM Sioux Clty..2 M .424 UMnolnnatl .. U .468 Wichita ...27 37 .422! New Tork...2 86 .4T.3 Ft Joeeph..27 39 . 4l Huston 80 3 .436 FE7D. LKAQt-E. I AMBR. AB" N. W.UPct. Indianapolis. 4& 80 ." Louisville ..88 85 .6211 St. Paul m to .bit Cleveland ..34 84 .614 REDS SPLIT BILL' WITllBEATRICE Hastings Captures Fint Game on Eig-hth'Inning Rally and Losei Other on Errors. GOTCH WOULD PREFER OMAHA Says if He Comes Back Match Will Be Here Clean Sport Wins Compliments. SPORT IS ON A CLEAN BASIS Snencer. of..,..., Wilier, rf Mot'ormlck. If... Galloway. Ib 'of fey. 2b M Melds, lb KeJieher, aa Khestak, c. ....... OsektU, p.. ...... ritntrill. p. Whalen I Totals 4 4 . 4 .. S .. a . 8 .. S . t . 0 . 1 ..11 H. O. A. K.i 0 0 0 tt ft ft 1 i; ft 8 0 0 118 0 ft 1 1 0 6 8 1 0S1 000 ft 1 34 15 1 H. O. A. K. 8 10 0 s s t 1 ft 0 4 ft lilt 1 14 0 i 8 1 ft ft 1 4 1 1 ft T 0 ii ii is "i OHOVtlR . WILD, BOORTbn Wll Heme Itaa Folia-era Passes aad la field Hit. DES MOINES, la.. July l-Grover's wild nee caused his defeat here today when Jones' home run followed two passes and an Infield hit. Score: ' TOPEKA. Tralnor, rf Rappa King, rf Hootick. s IM'II. Cf Mayer, lb Jackson, If tjattlmore, Zb. Cochran. Sb.... Monroe, c Orover, p Lakarf. p Totals Halm, rf Hunter, cf Kills. If 1.111, lb Jnnen, lb Hartford, aa Hawyer, tb TannehllL, Sb Sreen. c ..... ogrldge, p ToUls... AB. R. H. O. A. K. .8 0 0 2 0 0 . 1 0 10 0 0 , ft 0" ft T 0 0 . 1 1 ft 3 I 0 . 4 ft ft S 1 ft .4 0 1 7 10 , 4 0 1 J 0 0, . 8 0 0 4 1 0 . 4 1 t 0 1 ft .8 1 t 3 1 1 . I 0 ft 0 2 ft . 0 ft ft 0 0 ,.80 1 t 24 "I MOINES. AB. R. H. O. A. K. ,.8 1 0 ...ft. , ft . 0 ,.4 i a & o o ..411000 ,. 1 ft 0 0 ft ..8 11 4 ft ft .. 8 ft ft 4 8 ft .. 4 ft 1 8 t ft ..3 1.0 0 1 ft ..8 0 ft, 8 ft ..4 ft 10 6 1 .. 1 " ii 1 W.IPrt St. IiOUlS.,,41 80 ,Fltt Kan. City.. 43 31 .IM Chicago ....43 81 .676 Pittsburgh 81 Ml Newark ...8ft M fM Brooklyn . .31 41 .4W. Milwaukee .) J Buffalo ,...2 4A .387 Minneapolis. 6 38 .470 Baitlmore .It 44 .4fll Columbus ..38 44 .8K AMiCR. UEAOUE1 I HTATB I.BAQUK, W.UPct. W.UPct. Chicago ...47 M ,44 Beatrice ....30 16 ,87 Boston 48 24 .6421 Hastings ...27 80 .674 Detroit 44 . 411) York 1 28 .8M New York.. 8 M ,(0m Fairbury ...18 25 , 41 Wash 33 SS ,471 Phlla 27 44 .SS0 St. lunula.. ..26 43 .877 Cleveland ,.2a 41 .8681 Yesterday's Results. WESTERN LEAOUE Denver, 0-8; Omahs, 7-4 Lincoln, 8-3- Sioux City, 8-2. Topeka, 3: Des Moines, 6. Wichita. 8; t"t. Joseph, 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pltuburgh. 2; PhUadelphla. 0. Other games postponed! wet grounds or rsln. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detrolt-Oeveland, 'postponed, rain. FEDERAL LEAGUE. Buffalo-Brooklyn, postponed Newark. ; Baltimore, 3. Nt .Louis, t; Pittsburgh, 18. Kansas City, 0: Chicago, 4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Cleveland, 1-8; Milwaukee, 1-1 -1 , . 1 1 a a . u . . ti . . I M Indlaitspolle. t-1; Minneapolis, -4r Columbus, 6; Kansas City, 8,.. .. ... r NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. Beatrice, 1-4; Hastings. 3-0. Falrbury. York, -0. (amea Today. Western League Denver at Omaha, Lincoln at Sioux City, Topeka at Des Moines. Wichita at St. Joseph. . National League St. Ixula at Boston, Chicago at Brooklyn, Cincinnati at jnow York. Pittsburgh at Phiiaaeipnia. American league Washington at Chi cago, Philadelphia at St. Louis, Boston at Detroit, New York at Cleveland. Federal League Buffalo at Brooklyn, St. Ixiuls at Pittsburgh. Kansas City at Chicago. OLSON FEATURES IN THE FIELD HASTINGS? Neb.. July 1 (Special Telegram.) Hastings and Beatrice split Kan. City.. .88 80 .41 I the double hill at this placft thla after noon. The locals took tha first contest with an eighth-inning rally after tha Mllksklmmers had secured tha lead In the alxth. Obst's three-base hit, with two on cinched tha came for the Reds. In tho aecond game Beatrice took tha lead on errors behind llilcy, who twirled better ball. The fielding of Olson feat ured both games. Score, first game: BBATRICB. HABTINOS. AH.ti.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K. rtllmsn. 3th. 3 111 Sulimn. s. 4 1 4 1 llmii, lb... 4 0 7 1 OObat. lb 4 2 1 4 rrno If..., 4 13 0 0M-ftn, If . . 1 4 41 Hl-I.. rf.,., 4 3 3 OPrumm. tb.. 4 0 BuMor, e.... 4 0 4 1 OHIeh'rdm, el 1 I 3 Krf. cf I I 4W.ICWI. cf.,. I 0 14 Whllr. .... 4 I 1 4 OBeancU, rt.. 8 1 1 .nrannan. Sb. I 0 3 1 (.OImhi, 2b.... I 4 16 0 A0in, p.... I Oil lWrlgbt. P...S 1 8 4 fouls 33 7 M 7 1 Total 17 I 37 10 8 Beatrice 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 01 Hastings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 Three-base hit: Obst. Two-base hits: Richardson (2). rWrlflce hits: McCabe, Xrsnnon. Stolen banes- Black, Bennett. Struck out: By Adams, 4: by Wright 2. Bancs on balls: Off Adams, S; off Wriuht. 1. Umpire: Greene. Score, second game: BBaTRIOB. HAflTlNOB AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O..AE. rillmu. Zb. 4 I I OSulllran, all II 1 Urown. lb...t 0 II OObst, lb 4 1 3 4 1 P.yn., If.... 4 0 3 OMeCabe, If.. 4 1 1 Hluk, rf.,., I S 0 4Dninua. lb.. 4 II 1 1 Hu.l.r. 14 3 OKIeh'rdsn, 4 I I 4 Nefl. cf 4 1 8 4WI4I, ct... 1 I Whit. .... 4 14 1 (iBMinett rf.l 1 I 0 0 Brsiinsn, lb.1 I I I eoiwn. 2b. ... I 3 4 Pat, p 4 0 0 I CRUy. p 8 1 1 4 I PIRATES SHOT OUT THE PHILADELPHIAS Pittsburgh Takes Opener from Quaker Crew by the Score of Two to Nothing. RUNS ARE DUE TO BLUNDERS PHILADELPHIA, July a Pittsburg won the opening gam of the aeries hare today, S to ft, the visitors" runs being due to blunders In tha field by Philadelphia In the aecond Inning. Mamaux had the horn team at hU mercy except In the eighth and ninth Innings when he pulled out of tight situations. Pittsburgh had only two assists while Johnston had only three putout at first. Score: prrrswROH. rnrLAmtupwA. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. Collins, tt... 4 3 4 enyrn. 3b... 4 I Cray. ! 4 10 OBnumft, as. 8 1 1 I 1 .tohnrton, lb 4 1 I 0Whlud. of. 4 1 J Bsird. n....8 1 e txrmrmth. rf.. 4 1 t 1 ft Hlnehma. rf4 ft 1 ofWckw. If... 4 144 U.m. mm X11S NIhoff. lb.. 4 116 have missed It for anything. It was tha I yioa. 3b I 0 3 3 litems. lb.l lilt Frank Ootch has informed Gene Melady that If ha decides to meet Joe Stecher on Labor day the match will be held In no place but Omaha, as it was Omaha and Joe Stecher, and Gene Melady that put the wrestling game back on' the level. Member of the legislature who saw the match In Omaha gave Mr. Melady the assurance that the athlctl- Mil Intro duced in the legislature las year and sponsored by Mr. Melady, would surely pass when It is brought up again. Mr. Melady Is receiving many notes of congratulation on the splendid way In which the championship contest of Mon day night was conducted, of which the following are reproduced: From Rev. T. J. Mackay, Rector of All Saints' Church Thank you for the privilege or seeing that splendid wres tling match last night. I would not FAST RACES AT FREMONT ir IIIC1TUCD rAunonDi C IT IILHl iifc.il. I niunnuLL FHEMONT,' Nob..' July 8. (Special.)- With 160 horses entered for the annual raea meet here July 18 to 15, hicludlng - - 4k tua 4 nw taal mm A lsfLAlM 11 BFPl 117 J I H'V ..v..v. ' the west, the most suoeeesful meet In the history of the Fremont Drlrln Park association is looked for. The entries include suon weu Known performers as Hal McKinney, Franklin Pierce, Minnie Chimes, Irene Beau, Ovleda and other high class harness horse. Sixteen horses are entered for the free- for-all pace, which Is considered one ot the' best events carded. Tha 8:08 paca naa twelve entries, run BsTeiro.ina 84,000 will be offered. rain. OMAHA. AB. R. Smith, If 4 1 Braen, Zb SV 1 Forsyth, rf......... 4 1 Kruegur, c. .......... I . 1 K rug. 3b 1 ft Knhliebner, lb 4 1 Thomaaon. cf. ....... 4 1 Yhalen. aa 8 0 Tl't&nuson, p 3 1 I Total '. 7 Whalen batted for Oasklll. Denver -..ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 0 Omaha 1 ft ft Z 3 8 ft ft 1 Sacrifice hits: Hchliebner. Galloway. Hloien bases: Thompson, fkihliebner. louble plays: Krug to Broen to Sculteb ur. Whaiea to Brnen to Hchliebner. Kcl-l-her te tallnav to Btiields. Hit by pitched fcail; By OaskiU. 1. Hits: Off a( kill. Xi: ott Cantrell, 1. Struck out: By Tiiompaon. 4: by Uaskell. 3. Time: 1:24. Umpire: Van Slckel. Attendance, 2.0U0. , DENVER. I Stieuoer, cf.... Millr. rf McCnrmtck. If. i;nl!rl)T b... c,fey. 8b Shi,-lit ii, ib KellPher, as.... Mntak. c .MH hcM. p Totals... .AB. R. 7 1 t ..... 7 4 S If. O. 1 1 4 20 A. ft 0 u 4 Smith, If Bim-n. Zb Korsythe. rf... Kiu. 3b p-'iniehner, lb. 1 ikomasun. cf.. iislt-n, as Kafora, c Hoffman, p.... AlrxandaT, p... ....1.62 6 OMAHA. AB. R. 7 0 II 46 18 , Mors, 1 p. Total Cooney, Zu..... Clarke, If. ...... Kane, lb Ijrjeune, cf.... Callahan, ss.., Hensllng. Sb.., Davidson, rf... Prlc. o Boothby, p..., 1 ft 1 83 8 SIOUX CITT. AB. It. H. 8 37 IS .24 0 0 ft 0 1 0 1 1 0 ft o. 0 10 ft A. E. 3 0 6 27 13 Totala Lincoln 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 8 03 Sioux City ....0 ft 0 0 ft 0 ft ! 0 S Two-bas hits: Williams. Boothby. Tants. Horn run: Hensllng. Sacrifice hits: McAllister. McOafflgan. Double Dlav: lova to aicuamgan. mis: ini iNarveaon, 6 In seven and two-third In Batted for Tralnor In seventh. Topeka ft 0 ft ft 1 t ft 03 Des Moines V i v v v v - -o Homo run: Junes. Two-base hits' jNckson, Mayer. Sacriflo hlta: Monroe. Harm. Hartroni. Left on bases: ineKit. u: IMS Moines. . nicmng rcoora: urr V."rivn" Sr"UnS""lfr Mo7- "'"-; cff.Mor.none In on. and one- ridge, ft: bv Orover. 1; by I.akaf(, 1. Bases on Dsns: uir raogriose, : on Urover, ft lHuible plays: Hartford to Sawyer, Mogrlrtg to Hartrow to Jones, Dell to Bostlck I'uwd ball: Breen, Time: Z OO. L'inplres: Abbott and Cusick. LINKS TAX VI BOTH FROM BIOIX the ladlaas Droa Tvre Cia Aa4eloa. SIOUX CITT. la., Juty 1-Llncoln d fatd B'oux City in iut.h games of a doubt section her this afternoon, scores, S to S an Hot Tho second me,ns a pitcher's bat tle between J'-oottih; and Neverson, the latter weaktn'-vtf fa th seventh innlnii, but Lincoln woo. oor, first game: Score, first gam: , IJNCOLN. AB. R. 4 Wolfe. If MoUafflgan, as.. Schrvlber, cf Mclntyre. rf Ynts. c Lloyd. 3b Daley, 8b Williams, lb H. 1 8 Totals .........8 8 SIOUX CITT. If. O. ft 6 17 A. E. 1 ft 2 ft 0 0 8 ft ft 1 1 ft ft 2 i ft S ft "Total.. Denver ... OiuuJia ... 49 4 C ii 13 3 llftftlftftftOftftftOft 1-6 vOOSftlvftftftftftftftft 4 Two-base lilts: Bren Thomason. Mlt i hell, Mchltebiier, - Ksfora. liallowav. HutiM run' McV'orntli-k. Stolen bases: Millt-r ?). Coff-y. Iuhle piny: Tfhom. - n u Kc.:hf-t.ir, Mnllh to Hl-veli. Hue ri hiln: Krug. Ksfora, Alexander I'l. f-ht-tk. Kv'.leI.er, Mc ormlrk. Hnvi e l.a'.: t'ff Mitchell, f; off Alexander, J Ia-U on bases: Uiiuiha, 8; Ivnver, 7. Hit l y pitched balls', r-ue.tek, Kafora. Mt'O' k out: By AU-kander, 2: by. Vil.iell. uj pil- h: W ili-h.-ll. Earned run: mi.K. 1; Deavei, 4. Time: l.'H. I'mplie; V mi nyckt-1. H l II Kf 4'APTIMK IE(0.U UtHE Jee Tblrteea lilts (' at laeaw iwrfsse Tlsacs. T JfifKHH, Mo., July 8.-t. Joseph's litir'e-n lHs cajiie at lmM4ortune riM- iu-niit In 4 tutt snvultl buve been a shut- Cooney, 8b Clerks, it Kan, lb Ieieurta. cf... Callahan, as... Hensllng, 3b.. (Davidson, rf,. Cmsby, e P. Clark, p.... Totals IJncoln Bioux City .87 3 1ft O. A. E. 1 ft ft t 6 1 2 ft ft Z 1 ft 6 1 1 8 2 0 I T 1 11 il 4 27 in "I O. A. K. 4 3 ft I ft ft 12 ft 1 8 ft ft 1 S ft 1 8 1 1 0 ft 4 ft ft S ft 87 18 "l third Innings. Basea on balls: Off Narveson. 3: off Morse. 1; off Boothby, 8. Struck out; By Narveson. 4; by Boothby. lu. Time: l . impiro; Mullen. Alexander Joins Rourke Ball Club R. 0. Alexander, young brother of the great Qroer Cleveland Alexander, Is now a member of tha Rourke tribe. Alex ander, it will b remembered, tried out with Omaha a year ago. but was snt back for mot experience. This spring he waa with Grand Island, and now that that club Is no more Pa Rourka decided to look the youth over again. H iiaa all th mark of a coming twlrler. Total! 16 4 37 Totals at 4 37 14 4 Beatrice 2 0 0 0 ft 0 2 ft 04 Hustings 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 00 Two-base hits: Neff, White. Stolen bases: Sullivan. Payne. Struck out: Hv J Pate, C; by Riley. 2. Bases on balls: off r-aie, z; orr tuiey s. fill Dy pitcher: Weldel. Wild pitch: Pate. Umpire: Greene. fork Loses Bom More. YORK. Nob., July 8. (Special Tele gram.) York made It seventeen straight fume lost by dropping both gamea to 'all-bury today. In the firat gante, Jhelr Inability and - unexcusable errors waa their downfall. Bishop held them to our single in the second game. The Prohlbs put up a very listless exhibition. Score, first game: KA1HBURY. YORK. AB.H.O.A.K. - AB.H.O.A.K. Hlldhrnd. lb 6 110 0 ORIce. M 6 1 1 4 1 Lamb. b...,l 3 4 4 irarrlg, rf...4 4 0 I onhor. lb.. I 11 OWatxII. If.. 4 3 ft Varnov, of... 3-0 3 1 OMurphor, cf. . 4 3 4 1 Down?, rf . 4 8 4 CTotwn. Jb... 8 31 TlMlaalng, IK II 1 t OKalDM, a.... 4 14 6 4 Parton, as.. 4 1 1 1 lUokawlU, 14 4 11 0 8 Booths, ... 4 3 1 trurc. la.... 4 8 4 2 Heevsr, P...I 01 etrkrock. a... 4 1411 Totala 14 1 tt IS I Total.. ... 1 n 31 4 Falrbury 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 87 York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 Two-ba hit: Downey, Peyton. Raines, Totten. Stolen base: Thelssing. Bases on balls: Off Skyock. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Conboy. struck out: By Skyock. 8: by Beaver, 2. Time: l:4o. I'mpire: Monroe. FAIKBt'RY. YORK. AB.H.O.A B. AB.H.O.A.K. Hllrtbrad. lb 4 1 4 4 ORIos, I 4 3 Lamb, lb.... 4 1 ti'arrlg rf...l 10 14 lonoun. tb.. I 111 OWausl. If... 3 0100 aVrti,. .1,4 1 I, t (iMurpky. cf.. 1 0 liovasy, rf.. I 3 8 1 ftTotian. 8b... 3 I 2 Thaierlna. If I 1 I AR.t.M. m a a a a I Fartsn, aa... 3 1 OBoksvlta. lb 3 6 1 0 HKMttie, r... I 0 4 VPIsroa. lb....l alls Jii.hop. p.. I 1 4 OKimnklla, .. 3 4 3 I 0 Totals 84 111 I t Touts U 1 21 10 4 Falrbury 1 0 0 0 0 1 1-4 torn. o 0 0 0 0 0 O O Two-baa hit: Thelsslna. Home run: Conboy. Stolen base: Lamb. Double Play: Downey to Hildebrand. Bja- on balls: Off i-ranklln, Z. oft Bishop. 2. Left on bases: t-airburv. 7: YnrK. 2. struck out: By Franklin, ft; by Bishop. lime: 1:30. Cinplre: Mouroe. Olbaon. ....3 14 eKUItfor, ... I I 4 MamMZ. p..l 1 4 0 OKIxsy, ....! 3 I in u mxrti a r, p v v v v Totals 80 t 8 l'Paakert ...1104 Dugay 4 Welaar ....ft 0 0 4 cleanest, manliest suort I have ever seen. Stecher is certainly a wonder. We should be proud that he la a Nebraska bojr. The sport is away and above foot ball and auto racing, and there was ab solutely nothing In last night's splendid exhibition of manly strength and endur ance to offend the most fastidious. From Charles F. McLaughlin. Attor neyAs an admirer of true, clean sport, allow me to express to you my sincere personal appreciation of the manner In which you handled the Stocher-Cutler maicn last nigni. ion not oniy nv ,r,w. ,.,. mmh ti. Rvma-. Niehoff put Omaha on the sporting map lrt lg . tn T.urtms. Bases on balls: ToUls 8 17 14 1 Batted for RJxey In th eighth. Ran for Paakert In the eighth. Ran for Cravath in the ninth. Pittsburgh 0 I ft 0 0 0 0 0 ft 2 Philadelphia, ft 0 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Johnston, Luderu. letters, but your conduot throughout haa been so frank and atralghtforward aa to stamp as genuine and contest with which you may b connected In the future. Tigers Snatch Rearaa. Steve Regan, tha - Cornell university twlrler, who was put off the squad in mld-aeason by Coach Al Sharp for breaking training rules, wilt Join the De troit Tigers In a few days. Hughey Jen nings considers Regan the best of the college pitchers. to Banoroft to Luderua, Off Mamaux. 1: off Rlxey. 1: off Baum- partner. L Hits: Off Rlxey, 7 in eight Innings; off Baumgartner, none in one inning. Struck out: - By Mamaux, ft; by Rlxey, S. Umpire: Qulgley and Orth. Jackson Beat aVolonaoa.. DETROIT, July a Clarence Jackson, Michigan's three-cushion billiard cham pion, this afternoon defeated H. Solomon, Pacific coast title holder in tha first block of a 200-polnt match, SO to SI. in sixty-five innings. High runs: Jackson, 9; Solomon, 3. Fashion's favorite for Spring and Summer Ide Silver Collarsk tic 610. P. IDE a Makers. TR0V, . T. for gets t aa IsBswIaig flisiii. .. H rORMErT" 41 SOA-SIO So. 16 th. FOR HEN SM SIO SO. 16 th. AND ., . , Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. 1S07 Dovsrla Stmt I'll n'il V 1, ....ft 4 ft ft ft 8 I ft ft 4 ....8 ft ft ft 1 ft 0 ft 0-3 Two-base hlta: evhraiber. IJetine. Mo. Oafflgsn. Kane, Wolfe. Lloyd. Sacrifice hits: Daley. P. Clark. Wolf. Stolen bases: Clarke, McOafflgan, Double plays: Lloyd to McOafflgan to Williams; Clark to Hensllng to Kane: Cooney te hena. Bases on balls: Off Clark, I; off Dawson. 1. Struck out: By Clark, 4; by Dawson, 3. Wild pitch: Claik. Tim: 1 M. Umpire: Mullen, ricore, second gam: LJNtXjLN. Aa R. H. O. A. K. Wolfe. U 6 1 8 1 ft ft M0fftgn. as 8 ft 12 2 ft gchrniber, t ft 1 8 ft ft Mclntyre, if S 1 ft 2 1 ft McAllister, c 8 o ft 3 1 ft Yarn, e 1 1 1 1 ft o Lloyd. Sl 4 ft 1 4 3 ft 1 ".,. 3b 4 0 114ft Nrtrveson, p 8 41 ft ft 8 ft William. JU. ft I 1ft ft R.H.E ... 3 11 ft ... 3 5 Billings; Hill. ... 0 4 8 .... 10 1 American Aeaoe-tsttloa. Score, first gam: R.H.S1 Cleveland 1 8 1 Milwaukee 81 Batteries: Carter and Billings, Devogt; Slnpnicka and Brannon. Hcore, aecona g sine . Cleveland Milwaukee Batteriesi Brenton and Rhoads and Hughes, Brannon. Score, flrat gam: Ixjulavllle St. Paul Batteries: Mlddleton. Ellis and Clem- mena; Hall and Johnson. Score, second game: s R.H.E. Louisville S 10 S St. Paul , ft Z Batteriea: Reynolds and Clemmens: Croasin, Ilfleld and Ulenn. H-ore. first game: K.H.K. Indianapolis 8 6 1 Minneapolis : 2 14' 3 Batteries Willis and Gossett: Ingersoll and fctullivan. Ten innings. Score, second gams: Indianapolis Minneapolis .' Batteries: Tipple and Oossatt, Black burn; vsiiiiem and Sullivan. Score: Columbus Kansas City Baturiea: Davt and Coleman; Delhi and Alexanoer. R.H.E. .. 1 .. 4 U R.H.EX . 6 14 ft . S 10 Mtcklsaa Star to Jala, Tlgrera. Charles ("Cy") Ferguson. HVolverins pitcher who won the final Michigan gam with Pennsylvania on June 28. announced that ItlKht that he bad agreed to niwrt to the Tigers on July L but that he would om reaay lor son sooner ir needed. ''J ' 4 ' S'l -.Hi-. iiM V-: mm 'B' J tvT i.!" m: " y ml ir 5.3s. r3T" .v t. - I' I (in Stakttffrt't "Kmr Htmry IF?' is MANY HORSES ENTERED IN WEST POINT RACES WE8T POINT. Neb.. July a tSpeclal Telegram.) The first day' racing at West Point was one day late, on account of rain, but desptt cloudy and threaten ing skies and slightly cool weather a large crowd assembled. One hundred and sis horse are entered for trotting and pacing event. No peed records were broken today. The attendance of horse men her Is the largest ver seen at West Polr.t. Summaries: s 17 nir nurse. 8400: Don Qulxot first. Johnny Mills second, Jennie Fitsslmmons third. Time: 3:14, I .in. l ift". 2 84 trot, pursa 4w: rronio J. nrst. Bell Maden second. Boclus third. Charm King fourth. Tim: S:18fc. 3:81. 8.8H. m -.it "-r . . a , , . t4M. 3-year-oia ana unocr in. i,m wm ww. Allla Watt flrat. Frret Binren second. D J. Burke thiro. iime: i. . a.nv,. -Riinnins rara. ftve-eighths mile dash. purse 8W0; Blue Belle flret. Jumbo second. Varaltv Base Hall Btar Cornea Bark. flCOTTS BLUFF. Neh., July 8. ( Spe cial.) C. N. Wright, known a Cullen, and Dr. C. O. tWeln, whom old unlveralty boy prefer to remember a "Keno," haa "com back.' Tetrdy, assisted by othr local, they took th "country boys" to a cleaning to th tun of IS to a Wright waa a atar twlrler at th unlveralty year ago. and also pitched for College View Both "Cullen" and "Keno" wer heroes of many atsr play In th gam of yes terday. 1 The Best Medlelao for ' be. Th firat dose of Dr. King's New Dis covery help your' cough, sooths throat. Get a bottle today, 60c. All druggist. Advertisement. The Falstaf f flavor is a devel opment of three-quarters of a century brewing experience. Vi'ji i V 1 Jf vceyr mrfxueT aat irwanrs mffj is entirely original in flavor, brilliant in color, perfect in quality. It strikes a happy medium between the dark and extra pale beers; and is a de luxe edition of the best in each. Falataff is always the same FalataflF, wherever or whenever you buy it for Lemp controls its making from the choosing of the grain to the bottling of the finished brew. Beerlaafeod. Bread sad beer rs made el Mm eaate maaarlaJs: cereals, yeas and water. Bread taaolidjbeawisUquld botAsxebighlyBMrkdUB. POreiclao prescrtb beer lo ra4ue natal. -bund uasu and iraegVU aerves. 1 Qf fa TValnlprerwwyUtlaoOl 4 Q1 f ltLVIU NatjocuJ Patronag-7 5 yoar' Bw wiauj Eay art c) lklu Henry Rohlff Company, Distributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St, Omaha, Neb. Telephoas: Dtxig. 876