Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Soldier Forced to Fire Orer Crowds
to Keep Starring Mexican
in Control.
WASHINGTON. July 7. Secretary
Lansing today gave ou. a message
from an unnamed man who bas been
'traveling through northern Mexico,
'Baying reports of famine have not
been exaggerated. The Information
came through Tamplco. A message
from Charles J. O'Connor, Red Cross
.representative, he described condi
tions In the capital as "pitiful" bo
cause of the shortage of food.
MEXICO CITY.July 7. (Corre
spondence of the Associated Press.)
;--For the last four days this city
has been a prey to anxiety and a
general sense of Insecurity prevails.
'Reports of great battles along a
front extending over aome fifteen
.miles are published daily In revolu
tion "extras." which every one reada
,and no one believes.
Just what caused the force of 7pata
and Villa to rhange their mlnda after
having shipped the government archlvee
and tha treaaury funds to Cuernavaea.
preparatory to evacuating tha capital,
'la not known. That thera ha been
.soma, fighting between the advance
guard of tha Carransa forces and thosa
of Eapata and Villa at Barrientoa and
' Carre Qordo la certain, but It la be
ll red here that tha Importance of tha
engagement have been greatly exag
gerated. Live la Blreet fare.
; Tha bulk of tha defending army la liv
ing In street cera which are atrung out
n a long line between the auhurb of
Mlxooae and San Angel. These car,
numbering fifty-nine, occupy about a
inlle of track along a road lealing to
'the city of Cuernavaea. tha ultimate des
tination of the defending army In the
vent they are driven from tha city.
The ear a are on the opposite aide of
the city to that which U being attacked.
.' Tha police force of tha city ha been
wept alda ao far a practical protec
tion hi concerned, and. although gendarme
ere Been on poat aa uaual. anyone wear
ing what approach military uniform
ta supreme. Thl wa I rought home to
th British conaul general here, F. W.
Thurston, the day before yesterday.
Wfhen h waa compelled at the point of
rifle to carry two of Zapata aoldlere
ARREST OF IIUERTA This picture, taken at El Paso,
shows General Huerta, the former Mexican dictator, de
scending from the train at El Paso, In custody of United
States government officials, after he had been arrested on
the train near the Mexican border.
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MIHiiii i mi-sinna-nin ji hi i r nm li lili i in n i u mt n ni'iai m fi-wii liiajiSTnii iMMiieMsawttf
Will Make Two Ordinance Jutt
Patted Inoperative for Fifteen
Dayt at Le&tt.
off. The sellers of thl ammunition are
to be publicly executed.'
People on amine Ratlona.
PUKBLA, Mexico, June 80. By Mall
to New Orleana, July .) An Inv- Hlga
tlon of food condition In the Interior
of Mexico, outside of Mexico City, Indi
cate that while people are not actually
starving In great number, many thou
sand are living virtually on famine ra
tion, while tha misery of the poorer
claasea la perhaps more Intense than aver
bout the city In his automobile and waa befor- .jn tne eountry'e history.
Imoat forced to be an accomplice In a village, and In ome lnitancea cltle.
Jail delivery.
" Mr. Thuraton wss taking his morning
drive when the oldlers baited and
hoarded hi car. After Joy-riding about
tha elty they finally caused the chaffeur
to drive to the penitentiary, where a gen
eral Jall-break was attempted by them.
Uurlng the coefualon the Britlah legation
waa notified, tha men an en tad and the
car returned to the consul. The oar flew
the British flag at the time of the aaeault.
The authorities have promised to execute
hs soldier In this case.
Selalasr Car Coaamwa.
' All foreigners owning cars are In the
habit of flying tbe flag of their nations
on the hood of the machine. Despite
this tha seising and stealing of cars ba
become so general that few care now to
risk riding. All of the bank and nearly
all of the larger commercial establish
tnenta have remained closed slnoa the
forces of Carransa approached the city.
. Today the shortage of foodstuffs be
came so serious that rioting waa avoided
enly by the presenoe of troop, who fired
ever the head of the mobs. In one In
Stance the soldiers fired low, killing a
number of women. It la aatlmated that
more than J0.OO0 people, nearly all women.
gathered In front of the offices of the
International Relief commission's ware
At the Red Cross first aid booths Ut
women and children were treated for In
JurW sustained In the crush. Six car-
loada of corn were distributed to the
people between I o'clock In the morning
and 4.10 In the afternoon, when the sup
ply waa exhausted. At that hour a very
long line of women were allll waiting for
the cereal. The local authorltlea have
been unable to do anything to date to
relieve the d!atrea. The coming of the
American Red Croas representative ta
awaited here with muoh anxiety.
Fight Dael la Street.
Testers ay two army officers with a
dosen or mora of their followers, n-
tfulged in a duel. The fight occurred on
one of the prlnclral streets of the city
while the thoroughfare waa crowded with
pedaatrlan. The contenders were all
mounted and the fuatlade caused a panic.
One of the officer and two of the horses
Were killed and a trooper was wounded.
The diplomatic corps ha been meeting
si!y since the city has been aurrouaded
by the force of Carransa. While the
session have been secret, tt haa been
learned that effort are being made to
have tha different leader promt to
avoid . Indiscriminate fighting In the
atreta of the capital.
The corps 1 very much exercised over
Ruth Slavt Losing Mo
mentum, While Impending: Drive
at Calaii ii Rumored.
are cut off from supplies. Tribes of In
dlans, who once thrived In the moun
ts! n. whoa faxma have been wrecked
by bandit, have flocked to the settle-'
menta, adding to the difficulties of the au
thorities who are trying to devise means
of providing for tha aufferer. Death, du
to Insufficient nutrition, I reported
among the poor wrfhien and children in
the cilia and hundred of thousand of
famlllea are living on aa little aa a pound
of corn or bean distributed to them not
oftener than once In three day.
Reasons for Famlae.
Principal reasons for famine condition
throughout couthern Mexico are
Railroad transportation everywhere la
demoralised, neither the Carransa nor
the Zapata forcea being able to control
Farms, larae and small, are ruinea,
and thera ara nrartlcally no crop
Juch amall stores of foodstuff a
xlst ara commandeered by military fac
tion or held br military leader tor
Condition In the larger cltlea are
Puebla (population 86,000) 40.000 person,
Including many from rural dlatricta, are
living on amall quantities of corn given
them twice a week. No auanHea ara
available other than those . already In
the city.
Parhica (population, hair or tne
population la on short ratlona.
Uaxaca (population 0,n are living on
small supplies available In the Immediate
Orlsaba ( population), famine la
apparent among tha poorer and even
the wealthier classes are suffering
8uch cities aa Uuadalajara. second
larsest In the republic; Cuernavaca.
Morella, Toluoa, Piloa and Irapuato, with
DODulMtona ranging from T.0u to 1'iVOOO.
ara mora or less cut off from communi
cation and no reliable reiorta as to
actual condition are obtainable.
M. P. Readjustment
Plan is Given Out
NEW YORK. July 7. -The plan for re
adjusting 'the capital and debt of the
MUaourl Pacific railway company, and
the fct. Louis, Iron Mountain at Southern
railway company, which has the approval
of a committee of bondholders, waa
laaued today. The committee and their
readjustment managers, Kuhn, lxeb It
Co., announce that provisions must ba
mad to meet obligation fur the next
five and a half yaara amounting to !7,-
It la the Intention of the reerganisere
to leave undisturbed certain of the
eurities In the present capitalisation,
amounting to 1157,16. 900. Ttiase Include
S1JO.2M.000 of Iron Mountain bonds ant
tha possibility of the danger In which various smaller Issues of the Pacific
foreign live and property may be put. I railroad (of Missouri). It Is proposed also
Elackmsll haa been Indulged In by so to pay In cash the fcM.lit.00O per cent
many officer lately that the military note on or before June I. 11, and
authorities executed Colonel Francisco I equipment obligatlona of tS.Ml.O00. matur-
Martines Mollejo, colonel Julian Flgueroa Ing between June last and June 10,
end captain Francisco Agulerre today lallSU,
an effort to stop the practice. The men
ere executed before a great crowd In CHlCAfift HIVFS LIRFRTY
4 he nuMiA aminte iajhg lha a-s i I I ' "w e a
giajbiiuiigu l ifrrTrnn I"bf a a t
pauce. DLLL WCdlCnfi UrttUIINU
Colonel MolIeK a Spaniard by birth.
but a naturalised Mexican, attempted to
extort from Alfonso Vega, a promi
nent merchant.
MIhh HW Moll.
Colonel Ftgueroa occupied a room In a
local bote! owned by a Spaniard named
Uonxealo Baloontln. On night he missed
t:.i. from bis wallet and Immediately
took tbe law Into hi own bands, arreot
In- the owner of the hotel and holding
Mm prisoner until his &0U0 and IS.0U0
gnore were produced.
Captain Agulerra, hi friend, aided him
In this. Tbe hotel proprietor finally
tiiads 1.1 escape and the authorities ar
retted the two cffloera
Referendum petitions fllod yesterday
afternoon with the 'ity clerk by Attor- j
ney A. L.. Button, for the Jitney opera-!
tor, render Inoperative, for a while at
leaat, two ordlnancea passed by the city
council fifteen day ago. The ordi
nance otherwise would hve been In
force today. Under the referendum law,
yesterday waa the last day for filing
petltlona to affect the ordinances In
question. I
The Jitney men object chiefly to tha
liability and occupation tax provielons '
which the council proposed to exsct 1
through these ordlnsnces. The driver
contend the. traffic will not bear the
toll specified by the council.
The petltlona filed are said to contain
I.1M signer and It I sis ted that l.T2 ,
signers would suffice to meet the legal !
requirement. The city clerk will check t
the name and certify to the city coun-j
clt. which body then will be required
by law to pass amended , ordlnancea r ,
aubmit the one recently paased to the '
voter at a special or general election, j
Ordlnancea satisfactory to the Jitney men
would obviate the necessity of submla-:
Ion to election.
The ordinance objected to by the pe
titioner require that Jitney having four
eats beside the driver shall furnish the :
city liability Insurance which will pro-.
vide for a maximum of tl.MM In esse of '
any one death or 110.000 for any one ac-J
cldent; alao that Jitneys of tha aame ca
pactty shall pay an annual occupation
tax of ISO, with proportionate Increase
of liability - Inaurance and occupation I
taxes for Jitneys having larger capacity, j
Objection alao ta taken to the ordl-1
nanoe which provldea regulation for the j
Jitney traffic, thl measure requiring
definite route and giving the police com
missioner authority to approve or Sis
approve of auch routes, this feature. It
was explained at the time the ordinance
was passed, being to require Jitney to
take the long well a the short haul.
Yesterday afternoon Judge W. I.
Smith of the federal court at Council
Bluff granted a temporary restraining
order to an Individual Jitney driver of
Omaha, who atarted an action a a teat
case. Thl hearing waa act for July 14,
Omaha Endeavor
Delegates Leave
for the Convention
LONDON, July 7. With the ex
ception of certain sectors between
the Vistula and the Bug, the Austro
Qerman rush In the eastern war cone
seems to be losing momentum. The
Russians have braced themselves and
are holding at most polnta along
their line, although Austria claims
lta armlea are winning near Kraanlk
and further east along the river
Vlepri In the neighborhood of Tar-
Thla I a critical sector so far as a
northward blow at Warsaw I concerned,
but It I evident that the Ruaalana are
stiffening their resistance after their
long retreat, and the British press, for
the first time In weeks, takes a more
cheerful view of the astern situation.
Feat a re mt Report.
It la noteworthy that today Berlin of
ficial communication speak of a gain
only on the northern Poland front, leav
ing the southeaatern field entirely to the
Austrian, who. In their official state
ment, emphasise that an advance on the
center between the Vistula and the Bug
waa made by Auatrlan. '
The quiet which had prevailed on the
British front in Flanders so long haa
been broken by a British gain of Ger
man trenches to the north of Ypre. The
advance waa made after typical trench
warfare tactic, backed by French ar
Thl part of the western front still
hold It reputation as a gas area. Field
Marshal French again recounting, how
the Germans have been bombarding
Ypre. with gas ahell.
The last ' twenty-four .' hours , have
brought many renewed rumor that the
Germans are planning to launch a new
ouenslve In the west, their aim being to
duplicate their Gallclan tactlce, and break
through to Calata at all coat. Reports
to thla effect came almoat slmultaneoualy
from Zurich, Brussels, Pari ' and . Am'
aterda m.
London paper give them prominence,
although how much la guesswork and how
much la baaed on tact . it I Impossible
to determine. According to i the Zurich
report ten German army corpa, who have
been . recuperating from the rigor of
the Gallclan campaign, are now moving
westward from tha Interior.
The Omaha delegates to the World's
Christian Endeavor convention In Chi
cago, July 1 to 12, some forty of them,
left last night, occupying two sleepers on
one of the Northwestern' night train.
In Chicago their headquarters will be at
the Fort Dearborn hotel.
The official delegatea from Omaha are:
W. Leavltt, paator of the Plymouth
Congregational church; Mrs. B. C. Wlgg.
In charge of transportation, and Roy H.
Greeting, treasurer. Council Bluff dele
gates Joined the party and all Journeyed
on together.
Endeavorer from ' Omaha are antici
pating a convention of more than ordi
nary Importance. One of tne feature
111 be a choir of 1,000 voice. Among the
speakers will be J. A. McDonald of the
Toronto Globe, Dr. Royal Dye of Africa,
Mrs. Mary Armour. Billy Sunday," Rev.
B. Mayer, London; Jane Addama.' Rev.
Floyd Tompklna, and many others.
Not Taking Chances
With Name Stecher
'What's your name?' demanded Desk
Sergeant Manned at headquarter ta
tlon last night, addressing an Intoxicated
Individual who waa, propelled before him
by the atrong right' arm of Patrol Con
ductor Burchard.
Joe Btecher." - . .
'Throw him Into a cell," commanded
the deak sergeant, booking the muddled
one as "John Doe No. s." until later
rente ahould develop the correct name.
Throw hlmt Whadaya mean, throw
Joe Stecher," complained Burchard.
Charley Cutter tried that at Rourk
park, and look what happened to him.
Fat chance for me! It thl bird Is Jo
Stecher. I'll coax him!"
CHICAGO, July T.-A great wave of
patriotism that withstood even a - pour
ing rainstorm greeted tha liberty bell
here tonight Scheduled to arrive at
1:30 o'clock, it did not reach the down
town railroad station, where It waa "on
exhibition, until nearly 7, and a double
Una of white-clad school children
stretched many block from tha station
and patiently waited In the rain. .
Even after the line had been In mo
tion for more than a a hour and several
thousand children had viewed tbe his
torio ball, there waa no apparent diminu
tion In it length.
Asserts Motormen
Don't' Get Exercise
CHICAGO. July T. Leonard A. Busby,
president of the Chicago aurface lines, to
day appeared before the arbitration oora
mlttee settling tha atreet , car atrlke, to
explain why. the company waa unable to
grant the demands of the motormen and
conductor for more wacc. '
. In response to Inquiries, he . testified
that his salary waa ttiO.000 a year, -ead
that Henry - A.- Blair, - ehalrmiv. ' of the
operating board, . received ' 100.000. and
John M. Roach got 130.000 for work "la
aa advisory capacity." Buaby had Just
rut 17. 300 off hi own salary by with
drawing from aa additional office, he
William M. Weatherwax, superintendent
(Continued on Pag Two, Column On.
of transportation, followed Buaby on the
tand and teattried that ' the motormaa
of today hasn't enough work fo do to
develop tha muscle or hi arm.
stolen tlx tl.OOO from hi friend. Colonel rvUSTRIWJS SAY ATTACK
J igjerua.
tevriftl arrest were mad here today
t f person charged with selling soldier
tf t.'ie lock! gsrrtson cartridge loaded
WiUi ntiro-rlytf rtn Instead of ordinary
tender. Theae persons, aald to ba C'ar-
nii!lil-! ara to be executed.
1 tie mtf glM'eria cartridgea are aald
so iate a iiM i a numb-r of deatha among
f ; 7i'ie and Vlila "loVrs a hie rifles
Joined ho Uae milrulje were net
LONDON. July T.-ln the lta I to-Aus
trian campaign the fighting In the do-
rlxla district developed Into a general
battle when aa attack wa mad by tha
third Italian army. Tha IUllana ad
vamed under the protection tf a flerv
artillery . fire, but. according ! an Aus
trian offl.ial atatemrnt, th attacklnf
force r repulsed.
This Burglar Has
an Eye to Future
The 'polk are investigating a robbery
reported by officer of th Omaha Typo
graphical union, whoee office are la
th MoTague block. Yesterday someon
forced th door of tha offices, worked
the combination of th safe and stole
Mveral deeds to lots In Korest Lawn and
several bank books A small amount of
loose change u nut molested
Detroit City Kailway
Offers to Sell Lines
DETROIT, Mich., July 7.-Offlcers of
th Detroit United railway, which op
erate the tret railway system of De
troit have agreed to sell the city lines
of the company to the city of Detroit.
The approval of the directors' and coun
sel of the railway company waa com
municated In a letter written by Presi
dent J. C. Hutchina to the city street
railway eommlaalon today.
NEW Bargain Surprises Every Day In Oar JULY CLEARING SALES
You're Going to Want
Some Tempting Bargains
Now Offered Buyers.
Don't Fail to See
Now Offered in Our
"July Clearance Sales.
Wonderful Bargain Offerings in
Women's Apparel
Xetv lots brought forward every day in our great annual
.July clearance sale. Watch our ads.
Beautiful Summer Dresses Hundred? of them for selection,
Made to sell $13.00 and $20.00 voiles, crepe de chines, linens,
nets, laces, etc.: the season's choicest designs and (t 1 f
most wanted colorings: July Clearing price PJ
TAILORED SUITS Made to sell at $15.00 to OC
$25.00; at, choice $i .VO
Broad assortment of the season's choicest weaves and
colorings, all up-to-date styles, including a fine line of white
serge suits.
Palm Beach Suits The season 's nobbiest styles, all
sizes; sjeciai
Summer Dresses Women's or
misses. Thousands of them for
selection; two special tots
Thursday, $2.95 and $4.95
New Wash Skirts A mighty
classy lot in the choicest wash
fabrics and newest styles at
$1.95, $2.95 and $3.95
Women's White Underskirts Something entirely new; takes
the place of the silk petticoat. $1.50 and $2 values, choice, 85
Misses and Juniors' $2.50 Wash Dresses, choice 95?
A beautiful line of 27-inch
Ruffled Embroidered
Flouncings Very sheer
materials, in ex q u i s a t e
patterns regular 75c yard
qualities, in July Clear
ance Sale at, yard. . .29
Hand Bags
Every Hand Bag in our
big stock included in our
July Clearance at sharp
price reductions; you can
buy good bags at 39 up.
A Discount of 20 from
regular low prices on all
finer quality bags.
At Half and Less
5c Handkerchiefs. . .Vzf
15c Handkerchiefs.
25c Handkerchiefs.. .10
An immense assortment
for selection choose
while the lots are most
The New Early Fall Hats Are Here
As usual we are first to display the new styles. No sooner
do they appear on Fifth Avenue than you'll find them on dis
play in our Millinery Department. The new modes are really
ttunning and oh, so different I
Hats with drooping brims, sailors both large and
small. Hats tilted on bandeaux, triangle and snug fitting
turbans and semi-tam effects.
Other hats are introduced in velvets, taffetas, satins,
and fringe. Prices range from $12.50 down to
It lbs. Beet Can Granulated Sugar
for $1.00
10 bare Seat-' Em-all. Diamond C or
Laundry Queen Soap ........... .tSe
4 lb. Hand Picked Navy Beans, aSe
4 lb. Fancy Japan Head Rice ,.aso
I lb. White or Yellow Cornmeal, 17e
Pint tin Fancy Ripe Olives ....10e
Assorted Plcklea, Worcestershire
Bauce, Catsup or Muatard.-bpt, 1-ae
7 lb Fancy Rolled Breakfast Oat
meal ase
I bottlea Wild Cherry Phospate. 8o
Teaat Foam, package . .
boxes Banner Match
1 lb. Diamond H Blend Ta, for Ice
tea, pound....'.'.:,.: ,...Mo
The best Tea Stftlnga, pound . .18Ho
Golden Santos Coffee, pound .800
xn norui nao, bttttsb and
The beat Creamery Butter, pound
carton soo
The beat Creamery Butter, bulk,
pound , 98
Good Dairy Butter, pound 86e
ancy Full Cram, New Tork WTjlte.
Wisconsin Cream or Young America
Cheese, pound 80o
IS lb. New Potatoes 300
Fresh Oreen or Wax Bean, lb. ..60
4 bunches Beets, Carrot or Tur
nip ...So
4 bunches Radishes 60
.Home-grown Cauliflower, pound. .Bo
Fancy Ripe Tomatos. pound ......Bo
4 bunche Oreen Onions So
A full line of Loganberrlee. Rasp
berries, Cherries and other frulte in
season at loweat market price.
17 .
Before th) stork'
arrives there U moctt
to talk about. Thai
comfort of tae espeoi
Unt mother ta the
chief topic An4 there!
is sure to be somoo)
who has ased or knows
at that splendid ej
teraal help. "Mother
Trlead." It Is epelled to tbe ebdoeaJnal sous-
etea, gently rubca4 ta and has a saost pro-
aoaaced gct as a lubricant 11 soothes the
network of Bet . enable th asnsrles to
expend naturally, relieves strala aa tae Hre
soeet and thus sets at ease any wadae strain
a ths aryans involved. A ad tt dees this with
perfect safety. Kxpectaat asotber tha gt
through the ordeal with eossparaUre ease anI
rotnfurt. Knowing mothers who hare tuerf
Motbarw Friend" BP ash la glowing terms of
the absence of Burning ekknesa, absence of
strata ea the llgaateabj and g rreedoas froaa
unr otaer distresses.
Ob of the most iaoortant rrmateeas td
he relieved bf "Mother1 Friend'' la tne last
baagtaatloa that ao aftea dlstarte repose.
alaa, evea tboush natural, auy so distort,
tbe salad that endue arorwlaettstoa will aaaiw
feat follow. Tbe gentle, soothing Usisaace:
pt "Mother's Friend" gtveo the Blind ut
staatlal aid la hareaas eonsdous of strangle
and tbare is S real, ahvsical senalblllty el
snuoruUr vigor evtdeacad by rresSsia Droel
Itndita strain.
Yon caa get "Mother" Friend" at any drug
store or tbey will gladly gat tt tor yoa. Wrtli
today to Brad neld aterulator Co, tl Lamar
kids Atlanta, Oa, fur a algbly tastiwrUve;
aouk of (rent value to all expectant atotaera.
It containa a valuable expectancy ettnrt, raleg
ea diet and la brimful of suggostluas that 4
of Any Kind?
That Business?
If you do not you are not conducting it in a
money-making way. One of the best ways to
get new business is by using the Want Ad col-
umns of The Bee.
Trying to make money out of your business
without advertising is like trying to reap the
harvest of, the fields without a harvesting
If you have anything to sell, no matter what it
may be, and you want speedy results, use Bee
Want Ads.
1 l&B''"
I woatoa WU1 anorectal.
? .