Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    JHh, ISKK: I I VI All A vt B.l ix. kxi i a n i -.- ic.i.
Acres near Omaha for years have proven to be the best
nd most profitable investment. Acres near Omaha are getting
scarce, that is why acres will increase in value quicker than
any other kind of Heal Kstate.
Acres In Benson Gardens
are the best located Acres near Omaha today that can be bought
at reasonable prices and on very easy terms of $10 down, $10 n
' BENSON GARDEN ACRES are located close to car, school
and stores and on paved road. Call at office or by phone for
plats of Benson Garden Acres; will take you out any time dur
ing the day, evening or Sunday.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Ilarnev Street.
$30.00 Cash and
$30.00 Per Month
Buys this beartlful. all modern 5-room
bungalow; located 2 blocks from car lino
stid it blocks from school.
Don't Pay Rent
Another Month.
Telephone About
This Today
Call Douglas 2 today.
Call Wal. 62 after 7 p. m.
We will sell at public auction Monday,
July IS, 1915. on the premises at promptly
5 p. m., the beautiful residence and three
loti located at 3103 N. 61st St., Omaha,
.Neb. This beautiful home was built
about 4 years ago and is a home that
has to be seen to bs appreciated. Terms,
half cash; balance back on the prop
erty. There will be no by-bidders. Cir
cumstances are such that this beautiful
home must be sold under the hammer.
For further Information call Kel. 3286.
JAMES L. POWO, Auctioned
Kor lowd Auction Co. o
MAKE me an offer for my 6-room, mod
em cottage. 2002 N. 20th 8t.
Your Own Terms
Dandy -rnorh. modern house on Plnk
ney 8t., near ?4th. Full two-stcy and
attic, living room arrangement, oak
finish, nicely decorated, three .rood bed
rooms. Rented now at J30 per month.
A $4,000 house for $3,4U, on very easy
Glover & Spain
. V 919 t'ltv National. D. are?.
Do You Want
A Bargain?
Brand new. all modern: 5 large rooms
arm wain; d rcumo mm m vwa.
room; beam celling, tookcases, window
seat; well arranged kitchen, with con
venient pantry and ice box room: bath
room, tile and enamel, with guaranteed
fixtures: lighting fixtures can be se
lected by buyer; stair? to second floor,
which la large enough to finish 8 rooms;
cement basement; furnsvoo heat; hot and
.cold water; fine, large lot, paved street;
close to car; located In Boulevard Park
addition. Price 3,960; about 1700 cash or
vacant lot as part payment.
Rasp Bros
Phone Douglas 166J.
106 McOague Bldg.
Sacrifice Sale
'Modern 8-room residence, 841 Park Ave.
tJood condition. No reasonable offer re
fused Owner at residence until Thurs
day. Nonresident. Terms to suit.
Hanscom Park Dist.
Six-Room House
We have a very trettj new home, only
two blocks from Hanscom park, that can
be sold on ety terms. This house la
?ak finished, with beam celling, built-in
bookcases, etc.: fireplace: toilet. and laun
Iry In basement. Ixt 50x132. Price 16,260.
Located at 3839 W'alnut 8t. Small collate
would be accepted In trade.
: Norris & Norris
lot Bee BlflK. Phone Uouglas 4?70.
Field Club Special
. ; $4,300
Big living room across the front of
house, largo dining room, with beam ceil
ings and panelled walls. Fine sun room
off dining room. Convenient kitchen. 2
Kood slised sleeping rooms and one smaller
room on second floor. rp.ndy bath com
plete. The finish Is fumed oak on the
first floor, white enamel and mahogany
duors above. Oak floors In every room
In the house. Hxstinent with flut-clasa
guaranteed furnace. Hot water heafr
for summer time and floor die In The lot
is 4xl36. nnd is an east front on Boule
vard, near Mason. This is a perfect
little beautv, practically new and deco
rated throughout In a heautltul and
artlatlc manner. Terms 1700 cash and 40
per month.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
State Bank Bldg Tylr ISM
Must Leave Home
Owner of full J-story. S-room modern
home at 822 8. S&th St. Is transferred to
sn eastern city and Is compelled to give
up his nearly new house. A well kept
bouse and unusual yard and garden. This
house waa leased to Dr. Hippie at 336 per
month the first year it was built, then
ihi owner moveV ln and has been there t
or 4 years. The neighborhood Is good
and is growing. Lot 4i166 feet. Price
M. 00. in terms to suit. Everything Is '.n
order and you can move right ln.
Harrison & Morton
Kouglss int. IIS Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Nifty Dundee
A rand new, 7-r. and bath, oak finish,
strictly modern and up-to-dsta in every
way; choice lot, eonoea. pavea street.
Price exceptionally low; terms.
Ask to
see It.
Rasp Bros,
106 McCague Bldg
Phone Douglas lffd.
S-ROOM modern house, 10 lots, bearing
fruit. Benson 2sl or 401. Dr. Parson.
C. U NETHAWAVorliades. Flor. 27S.
Here Is the
Opportunity You've
Been Watching For
A Heautifully Located
(i-Koom, New, All
Modern Bungalow
$m Ca-h
Monthly Payments to Suit.
This house is only block
from tar line; is on a beau
tiful lot: principal rooms
in oak; brick fireplace, ce
ment basement and all
mod err.
Phone Douglas 228 todar and will be
pleased to send an automobile to bring
you out and Inspect this house. After 7
p. m call Wal. 662.
Beautiful 8-Room
Can J3e Bought on Easy
Monthly Payment Plan.
This house Is all modem, with hot
water heating plant and two fireplaces.
It la located on a high lot and Is close
to car line and school. There are beauti
ful shade t-ees and a very wide lot.
Don't Pay Kent another Month
See This Today. . I will Send
an Automobile for You if You
Will Phone Me Today at Doug
las 2926.
E. P.' Wright
Call Wal. 682 aftor 7 o'clock tonight.
WANTED To rent. 6 or 4-room strictly
TmHrt27Unl0W ln 8t- John Psh.
for exchange;.
.5? c. Todd county, Minnesota, four
and one-half miles southwest o Eul.
Paul' y four h"ur rld 'rom feu
undnuHii-""111 PJ ubU; level to
aSS iT-l-f. t87vnyuve acres timothy
Hmti2 wuVbiaUnc" brush and
i'S w"-11 large acreage of open land,
bhould be owned by some one with euf-
JicJenJ?.'rJ" to do om tlIUn- and clear
ing. W?h improvements It can be made
one of the best stock farms tn tho stste.
per acre now ellJnS: t T5 to J100
Price: Un per acre; purchaser to as
sume mortgage of 116,875 due 1920. at 6
frihC'nt,nLc,;e,tI Want Woo mors
cash and balanoe of eiulty In unen
cumbered Canada Land.
Commerce Bldg. fit. Paul. Minn.-o
What Land Or Lots
have you to pay In towards U-roora all
modern home, mortgage S6.600? You will
get a good eoulty toy acting today. Write.
O'Keefe Keal Estate Co.,
1016 Omaha Vat'l. Douglas :"71S
FOR SALK or exchange, 160 acres clear
and good level land, no sand, blAck soil,
im settlement farming ln same section.
Price 116 per acre, or wll exchange for
160 acrea ln Nebraska ne ..
inoome property. Owner, F. M. Kuw'lU
ky. Nebraska City, Neb.
Ing- 60 head steers, horses, and all neoes-
a,ry '"'P'"'"n'- We have Just listed a
splendid S60-sxre ranch ln Sheridan
county of this state, which will meet the
requlremente of anyone desiring a good
stock and grain ranch at a very moderate There la plenty of hay, running
wafer, timber and every essential needed
in a good cattle ranch. Price S2S per
acre. The owner will consider an eastern
Nebraska farm, or some Omaha Income
property In payment
6th Floor Omaha National Bank Building
. Doug. 17S1.
176.000 Oregon Irrigation bonds.
edged security; 6 per cent Interest, pay
able semi-annually. Want clear Mon
tana. North Dakota. Wisconsin or Canada
Commerce EMg, St. Paul. MInn.-o
13-ROOM modern house, for land, acres
or vacant lots. What have you?
Owner, Box TSS.
V1SU T 0 1 VII trn fivu
TOltAND A TRUM BULL. 44 Bee Bldg
1100 TO 110,000 made promptly, t. D.
Weed. Wead Bldg.. Uth and Parnani Bta
CITY and farm loans, 6. SH. S per ceaL
J. H. Dumont Co.. 411 Btste Ban.
WANTED Good farm and olty loans at
lowest rates.
PETER TRUST CO. 162S Tarns m.
WANTED Ctty loans and warrant W.
Farnam Smith Co.. 130 farnain It.
CITT property. Large loans a specialty.
W. H Thomas, 22S State bank bld.
MONEY oa hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
OMAHA homea. East Nebraska farms.
Il' Omaha National. Phone Dougias 2TUV
SEE us first (or farm loans la eastern
Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha.
CITY LOAN. C. O, Ca.-tberg,
llo-ll Brmndxs Theater Bldg.
""Altlr'"L1"' '" 'oans. lowest
rates, w. u. Templetun. 601 Lee. T. . I
Receipts of All Ortini Are Very
Light and the Market ii
OMAHA. July 7. 181.V
The market ass stronger tods. The
receipts of all grslns were very light, but
there was sufficient demond to take care
of all the grain placed for sale on the
The wheat market advanced 1H rents,
corn ass quoted i-1 ceits higher, while
oats sold from S to 1 cent higher.
Hulls on wheat pointed to the Increased
export sales of new wheat and said that
it Indicated that there will be a demand
for the grain when there Is any large
amount offered.
Corn traders are illsm.ped to an slow
i on the selling side until there is more
inmcatlon of the crop Improving. Those
who looked over the crop In Illinois the
last few days are well satisfied thst
with good seasonable weather until the
end of September the tmp would come
up to the average and possibly a little
better than the average .
Clearances were: Wheat and flour
equal to ll.l.ono bushels, corn. 7 000 bush
els, and oats. 440no bushela
Liverpool close not quoted.
Primary wheat recelots were W:,0n0 bu..
and shipments of bu., against re
ceipts of l,7S,0no bu. and shipments of
M4.o bu. Isst year.
Primary com receipts were M,000 bu.
and shipments of 421,ix bu., against re
ceipt of 486.000 bu. and shipment of
62.M bu. last year.
Primary oats recelnts were 40,000 bu.
and shipments of bu., against re-
f.Hp!" of "W.000 bu. and shipments of
764.009 bu. last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
hlcsgo m 27 306
Minneapolis 14M
Duluth 7
Omaha 6 40
Kansas Olty 'it Jit u
St. Ixmls i 4 ig
Winnipeg ,
Sales renorted tiutav uiaivm a
i r winter: 1 ear, 81.86; i car. musty.
Ii. MV No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car. 81. IS.
Rye No. : 1 car, II .0ft. No. I: 1 car,
V06- Corn No. 1 white: I cars, 720.
No. I white: 1 car, 72V. No. 6 white:
1 car, 7Hc No. I yellow: I cars, 73o;
2 cars, 7c; 1 car, 724c. No. 3 yellow:
1 cere, 72lc. No. i yellow; 1 car. 72c.
No. yellow: l car. 71 V; 1 car. 71 c.
No. 1 mixed: 2 cars, near white, 7m;
t car. near yellow. Tic; 1 car, He; I care,
i"c- No- mixed: S cars, near white,
6 cars. 71Hc. No. 4 mixed. 1 car,
. 6 nld: 1 car, 71Wo. No.
mixed: 1 car. musty, 70He. flamplo: 1
tar. yellow. 6e; l car. c; 1 car, 66c;
1 car. 62c. Oats-No. 4 white: 2 care,
c. Sample: 1 car, 45c.
Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 1 tur
key. 8l.2Sfcl.J0; No. 8 turkey. 8l.28iM 2;
No. 2 hard. II.17U4Y1 ki a k.
No 4 hard. 'tt.SO01.36; No. i
vr rto. I durum. S1.1601.17:
No. 8 durum, 11.1601.14. Corn: No. 1 white,
afitfaWc; No. I white. lUKtUw v. i
white, 7l(W2He; No. i white, 7IMrT-!He;
No. white, 7H7!lc; No. 2 yellow, IvJJa
73c; No. 1 yellow. 7372He; No. 4 yellow.
iso. o yeuow, unfile; Ho. I
yeuow, 7ir.ivw: No. X mixed. 71,fl7Jc;
No. I mixed. 7H0r7mc: No. 4 mixed, 700.
71c; No. 6 mixed. 6Wfc.704c; No. mixed.
wwiw; sample mixea. airo. Oats:
No. 2 white. 47if48e: standard, T4:vc:
No. I white, 46VvJM7c; No. 4 white, 4fAi
4o. Barley: Malting. va7c; No. 1 feed.
&lc. Rye: No. 2, 11.0601.06; No. 8, 81.040
Feat area of the Traalntf and dowlas;
Prices n Boct-a nf Trade.
CHICAGO. July 7.'-Unwelcome rain
over the harvest fields of the wist gave
ine wneat maraet toaay a lively upward
swing. Despite considerable reaction.
values held in stubborn fashion to mush
of the advance. The cloao waa steady,
lm$Utc above last night. Corn wound
up with a gain of H-4c to fee. and oats
off Ht4jC Provision finished at BW&
S2'4o net decline.
Rushes to buy wheat were of suoh
violence at the atari that In some cases
juiy option snowed a jump of 4c.
At that point, however, firms Identified
witn tne southwestern trade sold freely.
ana ine extreme duiis were crowded.
back. Reports of cleaiinsr weather
throughout Kansas and Missouri ore.
I vented any renewal of the ascent of
prices, but failed otherwise to make
mucn impression. According- to high
authority, the entire winter croo belt
wag suffering from the delay to the
Rupture treated successfully by ail safe,
scientific methods. The majority are
cured without a surgical operation. We
have treated many hundreds of men,
women and children. The cost Is deter
mined after examination, and time re
quired to cure two or three weeks. Call
or write for further particulars. Frank
H. Wray, Suite SOS, Bee Bid.. Omaha.
Neb, e
Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and
other rectal diseases without surgical
operation. Cure guaranteed and no
money paid until cured. Write for book
on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR
E. R. TAKRV, 240 Bee Bldg.
Sealed bids will be received In the
office of the Board of Commissioners of
btate Institutions until 1:10 p. m. Wednes
day, July EI. 1K15. for an addition to the
power plant building and for the furnish
ing, proper Installation and completion of
the new equipment as specified for the
Stste Penitentiary and the Hospital for
Insane, Lincoln. Nebraska, raniiaiinr a)
condensing- apparatus, heater, engines.
iiriu:niMfa, irwnsioi mei s, generator,
water tube boilers, piping, line construc
tion material, poles, motors and miscel
laneous lower plant equipment, accord
ing to plana and specifications prepared
by the Maria Engineering Company, First
National Bank Building. Lincoln. Ne
braska. Plans and Specifications of the above
Improvements may be obtained from the
Marts engineering company, Lincoln,
Nebraska, or from the offloe of this
board. The board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids. Each bid must be
accompanied by a certified check for i
per cent of the amount of the bid pay
able to the Board of Commissioners of
State Institutions.
listed thia tb day of July. 115. ,
TTHEW3, Secretary.
jy x-a-it
By direction of the property committee
of the Board of Regents, bids will be re
ceived until 4 o'clock p. m. Monday, July
II. 11S. at the office of tho undersigned
for the construction of a boiler house,
stack and tunnela according to plans and
specifications now on fUe at the office
of the superintendent of construction,
1'nlverslty of Nebraska, Lincoln. Bald
building, stack and tunnels to be con
structed on the University Farm near
Lincoln and to cost approximately w (no
Bidders must confer with the superin
tendent and use the Dianas prepared by
him for building propoeals. Bids must
be sccompanled by cashier's checks or
certificates of deposit as required by In
structions sceompsnylng plans snd speci
fications. Bids must be sealed and plainly
marked on the outside "Bid for boiler
house." The right Is reserved to retect
snv ana su bias, i niversiiv or Nebraska,
j. a rses. Fecretarv. Htatlon A. linrnln '
J4 1-11-15
movement of new wheat and also be
cause of the Impaired quality of a Isige
proportion of the grain.
Although higher quotation from Uv
erpnot enoouraged some hope of export
buying, no announcement was mailo of
any wheat Bales to Hurnve. Un the
contrary, the world's nvallshle supply
total showed a substantial Inoresse as !
axe I n. t a big falling off at the corre- '.
sponillng time a yenr ago. Rears were
disposed also to give every emphssls
possible to UIW ef menacing cndillona
In regard to shipments across the At-
om waa in m nesriv tne whole session,
owing to the undesirable cold weather.
Complaints of alownca of growth
oTr TT v! m "" ,mrt" pf Xh"
nn.'ni, on srcouni or
'esr that the July delivery would he-
come perhaps altogether an old crop
problem. The seaboard sent a-ord of
IM.'W bushels of new oats taken for
Cntisually neralnlonl llmilH.l.M. ..I.,
hy holders brought about a notable break following table shows the receipts
In quotations of pork, lard and ribs At I ' r'tle. boss and sheep at the South
one time pork was down tl 1"S a bar- ',)nlaha live stock msrket for the year to
rel compared with Isst night. In this"1" compared with Isst year:
connection t.' were figures at hand I ... ',1V ,1,4- ,J?fv P1''
w i ci hwf.d hnu . i. ,,i,.. ' ttie 61. .it, 4 4io.4M m.i;
to Ueve been much Un.C.. . JZ..
Closing prices on options:
Open. I High 1 low. Close I Tes y
1 OS','
1 0J4,
l v
l 01 i
J 07V, 1 0T. I IV.
1 02 I 1 0'JV 1 01
7S I
16 Sft
16 SO I
72 !
72 ,
Oats i
Sept. I
Pork I
1 4S
is r& i ir 4i i
16 77H
I 14 K 24i 15 16
16 10
S6 I I 875
ss ! s 25 i rn! 7H
I 00
i an
10 20 I 10 20
10 06
?H 10 16
10 1TW 10 60
Chicago Cssh Prices- Wheat :
red. old. tl 2.1; No. 2 hard. o fi..Vif i, St.
Corn- No. 2 vellowr 7K,iv7r- No 4
yellow. 76c. Oats: No. ,t white, VK-,c,
standard, 80Vu1' Rye. nominal. Bar
ley: 678r,5c. Timothy; Clover:
rFOUtr,. lork: I1V70. l-r: Sts.Mr
72S. HIM; & STM-fl 10 00.
Bl'TTKH-liOser; creamery. 2aS56t4,c.
EOQ8 Steady: receipts. 25.010 rsses: at
mark, cases Included, 14tilSc; ordinary
firsts. Infinite; firsts, ltrlV.
POTATOES Steady; receipts, to cars;
Virginia cobblers, tl.4T1rl.S0; no old po
tatoes. POIJLTRY-Altve. higher; fowls. l3Sr;
springs, l4T20c.
Qsrotatloaa of the Day on Varloas
NEW YORK, July 7.rKLOtTR-Steady,
apriiis peienia, te.euun.K.t
WHEAT Strong; No ? red, Sl SCrtt. rml
No. t hard winter. M.42V. c I. f. New
York, export billed: No. I northern, 1 'il
ium, t.4l. and No. 1 northern, Manitoba,
SL84, c. 1. f. Huffalo, Futures, dull; rkp-
CORN Spot, firm; No, 1 yellow, S7c
prompt shipment.
UATB fipot. firm: standard. S7V. Mo.
s wnne, bic; rancy i uprx.,1 white, 'WHr.V;
HAY Firm; prime. II W: No. 1. ll.ilUSi:
1.86; No. 2, 11.80; No. 3, 11.10; shipping.
iAX. V SJ W.
HOI'S Firm: state, common tn choice
lf14. lOMlte; M nominal; Pacific coast,
114. Ilrt14c: 1013. WlOc.
, HIDES Firm; Bogota. SOJfSlc; Central
America, 77c.
LEATHER Steady: Hemlock firsts,
82c: seconds, HiftiSlo.
PROVISIONS Pork. harelv stead v:
mess, S18.6043IH.OO; family, 121 .004 U. 00;
short clears. Il9.504jai.oo. Beef, quiet,
mess, SW.OO'EflS.&O; ;'amily. SID MdfiO.jO.
Lard, weak; middle west. $).S(4i8.40.
TALLOW Easy; city, SHc; country, 6T4
BUTTER Weaker; receipts. 4S.H0S tubs:
creamery extras. LTtf2ic; creamery
firsts, liMWTHc; seconds. .'ViiXVi
EGGS Irregular; rtceliHs, rf?,?gg cases:
fresh gathered extras. 22if23c; extra
firsts. 80ieic; firsts, 18914c; seconds.
CHKEBE-Unsettle.1. recelpU, 16,4Sa
boxes: state whole milk, frenii nnlom.!
specials, loftc; state whole milk, white,
1W1M?; state wholo milk, colored
avenure fancy, 16Jlft4c; stvta whole milk,
vFniKD wn-io, jiHtriDsi!.
POULTRY Alive. firm; no prices
quoted. Dressed, quiet; westurn frosen
roasting chickens. lfU2c: fresh fowls,
13V.4316ric; fresh turkeys. Iced, 16917c.
Cora and Wheat Regloa Balletla.
At Omaha. Neb., for the t wanl v-fnnf-
hours ending it I l m.. Tfith meridian
time, Wednesday, July 7, IMS:
Temn RaJn-
Btatum. man.
,ow. fall. Sky.
62 .66 Cloudy
64 .26 Clear
M .88 Pt. cloudy
0 .80 Cloudy
M .00 Clear
00 .io Clear
RS .21 Clear
00 .84 Cloudy
62 1.62 Raining
S .4 Pt. cloudy
M .00 Pt. cloudy
4 .62 Clear
M .24 Cloudy
61 1.14 Cloudy
4 .29 Pt. cloudy
60 1.08 Cloudy
M 4.00 Raining
61 1.40 Cloudy
M .78 Cloudy
60 .78 Cloud v
SI .63 Raining
64 l.M Cloudy
Ashland, Neb.,
Auburn, Neb... 16
Broken Bow... SS
IColumbtts, Nb. 87
Culbertson. Mb. M
Falrbury, Neb. 87
Fairmont. Neb. 88
Or. Island, Nb. 88
Hartlngton, Nb ft;
Hastings. Neb. R
Holdrege, Nb.. W
Ianooln, Neb... K7
No. Platte. Nb S4
Oakdale, Neb.. 84
Omaha, Neb... K
Tekamah. Neb. l
Valentine, Neb. 2
Alta. It 80
Carroll. Ia 80
Clsrinda, la.... Sft
Sibley, Is- u
Hlouz City, la, 82
Kaaaaa City Grain mmd Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Julv 7 WWK-.iT
No. 2 hsrd. ll.29Cl.31; No. 2 red. 1 2li
112; July. SLOyt; September. IW'ic; De
cember. 64ec.
COltN No. X mixed. 74'.tfl7r; Ko
white, 7o; No. 1 yellow, 76c; No. a 76c;
July. TAa. Heotembtrr. 70Hc: lw.mir
OATS NO. X White. 48c: No. mlxaH
44 46c.
BUTTER Oeamery. 27c: firsts.
seoonds, 23c; packing, 18c. ,
Ktun nrsts. !;; seconds. 124U
POULTRY Hens, lie: itmstera ft.-
broilers. 17tPlSc.
Mlameapvolta GraJn Market.
WHEAT July. 11. 17 : Meotamber 11 mix.
No. 1 hard. S141H: No. 1 northern, Sl.autt
J (140; No. 8 northern, 81.27',: No I.
FLOIR Lower.
BRA N U1.D0.
CORN No. I yellow. 7H1T7Sic.
OATS No. 8 white, 47ac.
4. Loals Grmlsi Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 7. WHEAT No.
I red, old, 11.33; new, 11210123; No. 2
hard, nominal: July. S1.0BH: Sentemher.
CORN-No. X. . 76ir76He: No. X white.
77Hc; July 76Hc; September, 71eC
UATa no. x, no. a white, 2Vio.
Llrerpoel Orals Market.
teady; No. 2 Manitoba. 11a Sd; No. a,
lis 3d; No. 1 northern Ouluth, Us Stod;
no. 1 nara wiaisr, ui a.
CORN epot, quiet; American mixed.
new, 8s.
Coffee Market.
ness In Brasll and ths bullish view of the
statistical position were reflected In a
slltrht advance In the coffee market today.
ana alter opening one to two points
ingner, soia nree or lour points above
last night's closing figures. There waa
no Important demand, however, and
frtoes Inter reacted unrW a little readi
ng, closing net two points lower to one
rolnt higher. Sales, 1,760 bags. July,
SKc; August, 18sc; September, 6.c; (c
tober, 6.87c; November, 6 Itfc; December.
iSvc; January, S.Mo; February, 6Wc;
March. 7.01c; April. T.uAr; May. 7 12c:
June, T.I60. Spot, quiet; IUo No. T. 7 He;
Santos No. 4. KSc Cost and freurht of.
fers were a shade firmer, with Santos
No. 4 quoted at 1.06c to S.lSc. Rio No. 7,
Cotton Market.
quiet; middling uplands, I 6c; sales, k
Futures opened steady-
July. 1 80c:
October. SSic; leoember, ISOe
l ife: March. IS 20c.
; January,
Cotton closed steady at a net deellue
Of 14 to 23 points.
Cotton futures closed steady; July, 7.0Bc;
October. 7.0ac; December, 7.14c; January,
7.Mc; March. 10.04c.
. .
Rfnt r0oms quick with Bee Want Ad.
Good to Choice Beeves Fifteen to a
Quarter Higher Lamb Weak
to Ten Lower.
i WJ""U nU3 Blii lAJWttt
' 80CTII OM4I14 Jniv 7 lsl.Y
Cattle. Hogs. 9hep
Monrtsy lholhln i
orrt.lsl Tuesday.
4 W
K"1 Wrdnesdsy.. 2.4X)
1 Three days this week. t.r
' Pa nie riaxs last wtek. .11.49ft
1 name da s 2 weeks sso 14.911
. fame 1s s 2 weeks un 14 11
j Same days 4 weeks sgo 114M a.xTO
i 8n davs last vest.. "44 11 SWt
M 1.WT.047 1.MI.0i l.02
hcp 1.116. 7n 'Tr
The following table shows the average
price for hogs at the South Omaha live
stock market for the last few days, with
Date, i ii6. ;ii4. i"i.t :iia i:n.inio.ii.
'una Mil
S 11, 8 40 7 161 6 Hi t 'l
I S 411 7 401 S 13' 40) J 2
S 111 T 48! 6 Ml t 17 J SS
S S 441 I 6 20, S I6 t 46
I 0' I ill T 46 6 14i S4i T 40
June fll 1 40
. June S2I 7 M1
; June Wl 7 2S
june b ? r
June :6 J SS
'June 7l
June tai T Sf
S 131 I M 1 ' t 1
S 17 S 63 7 S0 S 11 1 M
I i I m
I a 44
7 k S 14. S 131
T 84 4 01 S 0O J 64
7 34 4 18 S Ski I 2
I I 80 S 01 7 6
IS HI 6 Ml 7 kl
! June 2 T Ui
June 2o 7 H S S SI
July 1.17 42's 8 171 S
July .. 7 8 tOj I
Mi 7 111 8 71 7 3
July a.; 7 28e, 8 sii a ; 7 w
S 46,
7 67
JUIV 4.1
Jul 6 . U tl Mt B
s i 8 m
T 71
Julv 6.. 7 V 8 26. T 261 6 21 8 i 7 76
July 7..I 7 m 8 S 811 I 6 111 S 78 7
'Sunday. Holiday.
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. in.
Oattie Mogs Sheep H r 1.
C.. M. St. P R
Wabssh 1
Missouri Pacific .... 2
I nlon Paciric
r. A N. W.. east... 6
N. W.. west... IK
St. P.. M. O.. 16
B. A Q.. east... 4
B. ft Q.. west...
R. I. T., east. 16
R. I. A P.. west. 1
Illinois Central 4
Chicago U. W S
Total receipts 10S 118 46 4
Cattle. Hogs, sneep.
Morris ft Co 471
Swift ft Co 671
Cudahy Packing Co 771
Armour ft Co SW
Hchwarts ft Co
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co -J7
So. Omaha Packing Co. 6
Morrell 2
Benton. Vansant ft L... 16
Hill ft Son X
K. II. Iwls 52
J. Jl. Bulla 2
U V. Huss U
Hosenstock Bros 44
II. K. Hamilton 36
Sullivan Bros 1
Rothschild 7
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... IS
Huffman 14
Roth 1"
Movers 3
Olassberg 1
Tanner Bros It '
John Harvey W
Dennis A Francis 26
Other buyers 1W
1 o27
Totals 2.046 6.M9 12,4:
CATTLE Receipts of cattle tnls morn
ing were light for a Wednesdsy. only K"
csrs being reported in. ror me wa
to date receipts are only about harf what
thev have been during most recent weeks,
although slightly larger than a year ago.
The market on good to rnoice oeeves
was lbit&a higher thia morning, while
medium tn Bret I v decent kinds were
strong to perhaps 10c higher. The trade
waa active at tne advance ana every
thin hanail hiuida at an early hour.
The best beeves, both heavy and light,
sold at 310.00. the highest price paid slnoa
December of last year.
Cows and heifers were In good demand
and fed stock commanded strong prices.
with grassers at least steady, ftocsers
and feeders were In light supply and
Quotations on rattle: Oood to choice
yearlings, IS 2&ff 10.00; fair to good year
lings, S8.0o?ft.0O; good to choice heavy
beeves, 89BOijO.OO; fair to good com fad
beeves, Is.KMjV.BO: common to fair corn
fed beeves. I7.BOiS8.S6; good to choice heif
ers. 87.604.00: good to choice rows, S6.T54)
7 60; fair to good cows, t4.00Oe.7S; com
mon to fair cows. I4.00ij.00;, good to
ohoioe feeders. 87.0tfr.20; fair to good
feeders. I7.001t7.60-. common to fair stock-
era, tt.50ZW.B6; stork heifers, S6.7Vij7.00:
stock cows,; stock oaives, m wtr
760; veal calves. .00r.50; fat bulla,
stags, etc.. I6.60ig7.60.
Representative sales:
A?. Pr.
Af. Pr.
. .114 41
..1MT I
. 11M H
..llll I M
..1M7 10
. 1M4
. .IMS I I
.164 171
..1M IW
ro ss
7t I M
Ui I u
tl I to
lftftl I to
1S11 7
117 I ?t
ton t m
is. .
11. .
n .
M .
.1000 f M
ltll II OS
....II 4 71 II II I
.... IM I 10 M W III
Til I M 41 M4I I HI
.... m IM M St I 4S
,771 I 71 IT.
1 SO
1 ao I oo u 7 ll
I Til I M 1 HI 7 U
1 114 1 a 1 ia m
1 no s a w la
4 417 1 s 1...
147 I 10 I ITS I SO
I IM 1H I 1T4 I
I tns, - m 1 m
II m in 1 tm in
t 64 III 1 144 IN
1...,... 711 I k W 17 7 t5
HOOS There was another moderate
run of hogs here this morning, estimates
calllna for 122 cars, or 1.800 hsad. Total
for the week to data la 17.461 head, being
only about half the also of the runs for
the same days last wsea ana two weeas
sgo and 2.001) smaller than la it year. It
Is hsrdly necessary to note that the big
shortage aa compared with recent weeks
ia partly due to the fact that there was
no market Monday.
Early reports of stronger prices In Chi
rago boomed the shipper trade and ship
pers' first purchases looked strong to. In
most rases, a nickel higher. Prices they
paid ranged all the way from 17.86 on
butcher weights up to ror nest ngnis.
This latter figure was the day'a top, and
eauals the best Price paid so far mis year
Packers on the other hand started out
talking shsrply lower, claiming that the
reported advances st other points were
based on shipper business, tellers were
pricing their holdings at fully steady
money, and as packers' first offers were
close to 16c lower the killer trade re
mained at a complete standstill until late
in the forenoon.
First hogs finally sold to killers were
fully a dune lower, and only one packer
was willing to do this well, so thst when
a general movement started prices were
all of 100lBc lower. Values continued to
slide downward gradually, and after a
aood many hogs bad sold fully IBo lower
trade went all to pieces. At a Ists hour
there were between twenty-rive and
thirty loads still unsold. Such bids as
were made on them were cloee to 30o
lower, while soma sellers could not even
get an offer.
The general trade was anywhare from
a dime lo 30c lower and closed dull and
weak at that. Packers gave the de
moralization of ths provision trsde as the
main reason for ths big slump today.
Bulk of the hogs thst had been sold up
to noon moved at S7.uV07.2O, with the
early shippers scattered on up ss high
as 17 4b. the day s top,
No. Ik. ft. Ms.
U Ill S 11 M...
a si ... T 10 s;...
41 ... I M St. . .
44 m ... 1 us, ...
11 rrr MS I 11 41 ..
tr si 4 7 11 1...
u m w t m ii...
41 t to r u M...
At. Ik. Pr.
..Ill ... 7
..10 14 T 44
..III IM 14716
. .11 M0 T M
..1H H IM
.SB ... TU
. ao ... 7 in ... tat
71 171 8 7 at
SHEEP Receipts today were almost
as large as on Tuesday, some forty-six
csrs, or 12.600 hesd being reported In.
Total for the first hslf of the week Is
a,!, being sllghtlv .m.iier than for the
asms period last week, about l.-ion short
of two weeks ago. and lees than l.flnn
smaller than for the corresponding ds vs
isst year, in spite of the fact that there
was no msrsei nionoay suppix-s are
showing up very wen ir the of
As wss the rase Tuesdsy, hlg bulk of
the offerings consisted of Isnihe, snd
psrkers sgaln stsrted nut offering lower
prices. Sellers wanted at least steady
figures and nothing wns done until about
10 o'clock, when- a venr.romlea wss fin
.11.. mmrmA -iu- ......j
to move srslewsrd at steady to W lower 1"l,on tnalnly for for'lsn Interests wss
figures ops agsln reached .;$. hut ' , """nd'ng snd depressing feature
there were not so msnv at this figure r ,0,,nv " active stock msrket, with
toilsy and most of the Ismbs moved at'n'w. lowr teenrds In a number of hlKh
tV)t. gra 1 railway Issues. The selling, ac
I nder the Influent of another light
run of agej sheep prices held firm, snd
were quoted ss fully steady to possibly a
little stronger. Foiir more loads of ihe
wethers and yearlings that brought
Tuesdsy were here todsy and sold at
1670. This constituted the big end of the
offerings of old muttons, although there
were a few ewes on sale, best of which
sold at S6.M.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: l.amhs,
good to choice. !9.tMr76; lambs, fslr to
good. $.ft".8&; lamhs, feeders. n.OOir
7.60: yearlings, fslr to choice. B6.Mr7.fio;
wethers, fslr to choice. IS fti4)4.?.i; ewes,
good to choice, l."v rfi4 86; ewes, fair to
food. 4 JMi..
Representative sales:
No. A v. Pr.
101 Idaho spring lamhs 64 B 40
U Idaho spring lamhs 64 I 60
s Idaho spring lamhs ax hA
2M Idsho spring Ismbs r I n
167 ldsho spring lambs 70 I so
4M Idaho spring lamhs as vi
' Idaho spring lambs 60 I M
417 Idaho spring lambs 6 I ,
tattle rirwa lloaa Weak 8heep
CHICAGO. Julv 7.-CATTLR-ne'elpts.
IK.Ono heed: market firm; native beef
steers. I7.00t10.8fi; western steers, IT.Sivjf
6 60: cows and heifers. I3.tt4ie.ii0: calves.
HlKM Receipts. 20,000 head; market
weak. 60 to 10c low er; bulk of sales. 17
tl766; light. 7.6fr7.0; mixed, I7.16f7.0;
heavy. as.96O1.70; rough, M.tv7.10; pigs,
SHEEP AND l.AMBS-Recelpta. 16.000
heed; market firm; sheep, S6.Mi.Mi;
lambs. 7.0iyu .
Kansas ltr Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. July 7.-CATTLK R. -celpta.
6.S.4) head; market higher; prime
fed steers, M.110.00; dressed beef steers.
S.6iS.B0; weetern steera, t7.7430; cows.
M.(i;7,Hi; heifers, 17. ; stockors snd
readers. 16 VW .66; bulls. li.7My7.Jf; calves,
HOUS Receipts, 8 000 hesd; sulk of
sales, 87.BOir7.70; heavy. I7.at77.60: pscker
and butchers. f7.4MT7 !0; lights, r oW;
Pig. l7.OD4j7.9B.
SIIEEP AND IvtM US-Receipts 1.000
liead: market steady; lambs, J9 (m ;
yeartlnss. 16.6016.00: wethers, S6.'.6'.
ewes, iU!5t-0i); Blockers and feeders, It.M
67.23. . .
Ml. I. owls Live Itsek Market.
ST. 13UIS. July T. OA TTLU Receipts,
4.WU hesd; market higher; native beef
steers, I7.MV( I0.S0; yewrlinr steers and
heifers. fe.0"4i.B0; cows, t..00jr;.eu: sto k
ers and feeders, llOOti 2B; southern steers,
tS.4i88&; nstive calves, 16 OOtHO.BO.
HOtlS Heceipts, 4, Wo head: market
higher; plan and lights, 16 Bt"fjti.nO; mixed
and butchers, S7.SM).0O; good heavy, Si.M
hesd; msrket stesdv; clipped native mut
tons, SB 0n4i.86; clipped Ismbs. 7.i042..'4);
spring lambs, t7.B0st.0.
Rloax t lty Lire Black Market.
Recelpta, 1,200 head; market steady; na
tive steers, t7.2fea.70; butchers, S6.B09S.OO;
cows and heifers, 8t.2Mft.60; bulls, slsg,
etc.. Sh.iS0ffl7.B.
HOUct Reoelpts. 11 000 head; market 10a
to lie lower; heavy, S7.SW7.BO; mixed,
r.1W.; lights, 6.4B4i7.1S: bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS No quotations.
St. Joseph Live Mark Market.
Recelpta 1.800 head; market, higher;
steers, 87.60m. 76; nows snd heifers, KM
ifiDBO; calves, KOOtTIO.On.
HOGS-Recelnts 8,600 hesd: market,
lower; top. 17.70; bulk, l7.46r7.SO.
SHEEP AND LA M 11 Reoelpts 4.000
head; market, lower; lambs, Sa.sOQS.60.
Live Stork la Slatkl.
Receipts of live stork at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
i;atti tiogs. neep.
South Omaha...
Sioux City
St. Louis ,
Kansas City....
r.U 1,14 12,!W0
. 1.S00
. 4.0
. 2.200
.28.800 61,200 Si 000
. BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb cartons. Ho; Ma.
1 60-lb. tube. aso.
CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c; Amer
ican Swiss, 24c: block Swiss, So; twins,
Msec; daisies, lTtoc; triplets. lVc: Young
America. I80; blue label brick. Ufye; llra
burger, S-lb., 30o; New York white, lie;
Imported French Roquefort, 40c.
FISH Trout, 14o; large crapplea, 14c;
halibut. 18c; channel catfish, 14c: herring,
7c; codfish, 14c; mackerel. lBc: salmon, llo.
Wholesale prices of beet outs effective
April 26 are as follows:
BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, ITVfcc; No. X,
ne; No. I. llc. Loins: No. 1. lrc; No.
2, 184c-. No. S, lKo. Chucks: No. 1. XHc;
No. 1. lOHc; No. 8. Sc. Rounds: No. 1,
M1?; No. 2. 14V: No- 1MC- Pltsa: No.
1, 840: No. 2. ie: No. a, te.
POULTRY Broilers. 8O0; spring chick
ens, 16c; hens. 14c: rocks. 8c; roosters,
kc; Slags. Itta; ducks. 16c: geese, 10c;
turkeys, U4pl6c; pigeons, per doe., 60c:
ducks, full feathered. lOe: geese, full
feathered. Be; squabs. No. x, 81.60; No. 3,
Fruit and vsgetabte prices furnished by
fjllllnskl Fruit company!
FRUITS Oranges. California Valen-
-1-- . l-Mim vum and ajka IX 71
per 'box: 'l60a and 388s. 84.00 per box;".
176s. 200s, 216a and zsoa, 14.26 per
box. Lemons, extra fancy Golden Bowl,
sous and Sous. 86.60 per box: Sunklst,
86 04' per box; Red Ball. 84.60 per
box. drape fruit. Chase brand, 46a. 24 60
per box; 64s 15.00 per box. Deciduous
fruits, apricots. 11.26 per crate: California
peaches. SOo per crate; Tragedy prunes.
11.60 per crate; large, red and green
plums, II. 24 per crate; medium green ana
red plums. 11.16 per crate: California
cherries, 11. 10 per c-raie; nome grown
cherries, 82.60 per trate. Loganberries,
California, 12.60 per crate. Raspberries,
red. 12.60 per crate. Bananaa, medium
fruit. S2. 00-0-3.86 per bunch: jumbo fruit.
Changulnola and Port Llmon, 4c per lb.
Cantaloupes, pony, 64-crate. 12 25 per
crate: 64-crate. 82.00 per crate; standards,
46-crste. 12.76 per crate.
VEGETABLES Cabbage, home grown
or southern. 2o per lb.; head lettuce, 81.00
ilosen: peppera. too basket: leaf lettuce,
4O0 doaen; tomatoes. 70o per crate; onions.
California crystal wax white, 1160 per
crate: yellow. 11 per crate; new, lac
per dosen; celery. lf per dosen: rhu
barb. &iJ4c per lb.; euvumbers, 16c per
basket; wax and green beans. 76c per
basket; parsley, no per doaen; new beets,
turnips and carrots. 60c oar basket:
Sreen pees, 80c basket: radishes, 80u per
osen. Potatoes. Minnesota white, sue
per bushel; new potatoes. 80c per bushel.
NUTS No. 1 California walnuts, 18c per
lb.; filberts. 16c per lb; Braills. USc per
id.: recana, uie per id.; sugar walnut
dates. II. Ut per box; almonds, iuc per lb.;
MiSCELLANEOUS-CrackerJack. ti.M
per case; one half case, II. To; compops.
81.16 per case; one-half case. 11.16. Water
melons, IHo per lb. Peanuts, No. 1 raw,
to per lb.; No. 1 roasted. 6c per lb.; jumbo
rsw. 8c per lb.; jumbo roasted, 10c per lb.
Honey. 14.80 per case. Asparagus, mar
ket price.
Oils sss It eel a.
Firm, S94ti-4Cr: sales, B6f bbls. ; receipts.
71 bbls.: shipments, an bbls.: atok.
24,131 bhls.
ROF1N Firm: sales, 1,W bbls.; receipts,
8.878 bbls.; shipments, 8 Mils ; stock, ol
bbls. Quota: A. B. 83 00: C. D. 13.16: K
8:i2i; F, 8J 80; O. H, 3..1t8 ; I, S1.tt4140:
K. IS. 71; M. S4 20; N. 0.H; WU,
WW. 4 60.
attar Market,
firm: centrifugal. 4.S044.S7c; rnolaasas.
4.kad4.1Bc. Refined, steady : cut loaf. 7c:
crushed. I 80c; mould A, I 660; cubes, 4 36c;
xaaa powaereo.; powaerea, 1.110;
fine granulated, 8.10c; diamond A, l.luc;
confectioners' A, 6c; No. 1, 6. Sac. Sugar
futures were more active early today and
at noon wet about So points net higher.
I ivii wivvu uinitivui
T . . . .... , -
increaica Liquidation, Mainly for
r.. , ,..... r. . . .
xoreigTi Interests, Outstand
ing; Feature.
: . ' 1 ' u K Julv i Incresserl llnul-
: ' "rrrnt report, came chiefly
iwm but was said tn be r
French origin. it Is understood that
large amoiin's of American securities
have been held In I ondon for months
psst as collateral for loans mads to
Pal bsnkers. This collateral, gossip
hs II, was subject to certain condltsmf
which hse not been fulfilled, hence
today's oirerlngs.
ln a meHsuK the downward tendency
wss ncrclerstrd by unenlness arlslnis
from trie situation between this countrv
snd tlermanv. Seml-officlHl advices
from WsKhingtnn intlmntlng thst Ber
lin's reply in the matter of submsrlne
warfare would prove unacceptable
opened fresh avenues of conjecture and
Xs a wlmle shares of the railroads
comrrlsInK the southern group were
most adversely affected. l,oulsvtlle
Nashville fell s points to At
lantic fosst Lino 6 points to W; Illinois
Central 7 to t, and Southern Raliwav
preferred 4 to '.. With the exception
of Atlantic t'oast Line and Southern
Raliwav. these prices represent the low
est quotations In many years
In addition Canadian Pacific and St.
Paul fell to new low prices of 141 and
7S. respectively, while Missouri Pacific
msda a new minimum at 4tj. Missouri
Pacific's Increased weakness waa the
direct outcome of the company's pro
posed capital readjustment, which Im
poses a If assessment on the oommon
'lie ret.
All parts of the list were affected In
greater or lesser degrees, but United
States Steel held more steady than snv
of the leaders, recovering half of Ha
2-polnt loss. lowest prices were made
In the last hour, but short covering con
tributed to a moderate rally at the end.
Total sales were the lergeet of any re
cent day, aggregating 637.OU0 shares.
Railroad returns for May Included
Islington's net Increase of S41S.00O, St.
I Minis ft Iron Mountain's decrease of
SiVVimo and Illinois Central's decrease of
Europe's sales of our bonds continued
In large volume. Total sales Par value
were 3.666.000.
United States bonds were unchanged
on call.
Mew York Money Market.
PAPER Mtt per cent.
84.74: demsnd. 14. 7ft; cables. 84. 7760.
SILVER Bar, 47c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
MONEY Time loans, steady; 80 days.
2V per cent; 80 days, 2 per cant; six
months, lt!4 per cent. Call money,
steady; high, a per rent; low. Itt per
cent; ruling rate, l4j per oent; last loan,
2 per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; of
fered at 3 per rent.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
V. g. ef. la, reg.,.. NUM. K. T. 1st 4s.. 74
4a upoa It 'Ma. Pas. rv. la.... II ,
l a. la. rag 144N. T. C. Oak. .... 104
4.0 esuaon 14N. T. City 4H....ll
C. t. 4s. n IS N. Y. State 4H....HMV
4a ravpaa ll4N. Y.. N. H. H.
rsnsata M eaapas..liS4 nr. Is list.
Am. PmaKsrs u . . .lftt No. Pwciiris 4s n
A. T 4 T. rr. 44.1S4 do la V
Armour l. 4H. HIO. B. L rat. 4s.... us
Alrhlasn 4s ... Pe. T. T. Is 17 S
Hal. 4V Ohio 4 ... M Psns. eaa. 4t4S I0tt
Pacltla tat IH ao eaa. 4V6S "',
t'haa. A Ohio 4s. Maaadlns rn 4s II Vt
r. B. Q . 4a.... HHI. U I I. f. r. 4S 44
Cltiri 4Ha.. SH. Pae. or. 6s ,
K I. P. r. a 41 "4 Is rat. 4s. 14
1". a. rat. 4Va. ... II a. Hallway la Its.
0 H. O. rat. Is.. 4iUnloo Parlfla 4a.... M',
r.rla . 4s 4s cv. 4a m
Oaa. Blertrlc Vi lot V. M. Rufcbar 4S....10H,
Ol. Na. lat 4Sa ... 111'. S. glaal la mis
111. 1 "an raf. 4a... IT Wahaah 1st Is Ion.
K. C. Ho. raf. Is.. IS w. rjnloe 4m... SIS
LAN. ual. 4a.... iWaat. else. cv. a..1
Loral gteeks aad Beslt. '
QueUtlaee turslshad by Bum. Brisker ft Co.,
444 Omaha Satloaal bask kulldlsg:
aXorka BI4. Askal.
Aa. Smalt. gMsrltlas. ttl. A 14 Sa
Baskara' Marigas Loan, ear M 1
Olty National Bank. Omaka IM
Oonttneatei Oaa ., ( 16
Fairmont rrvamary 7 ear cast pt4... 11 11
Herald Bulldlni. I ear oant aratarrad n4 IM
Lee Braoss A Uttatar, fit 17 S, 9
Moasuia Itaias Tal 104 1M
Omasa ft C B. St. Ry.. p4 71 72
Omaha C. B. Ry. ft B.. t4 M . 17
rpdlka Urals, pit
t'aloa Block Tarts stack
Swirt Ca., sf4
Btate Bank. Omaha
N 17
llllt 111
flulasberaer A Oo.
7 aar seat M.
srds, sri ,
Skoal City Stark Ti
Coaahy Pack lot Oo. U. 1M ,
Olty National Bank Building 4s...
Caetlaantal Q. 6 I. la, 1J7
Das Motase. la.. 4U,a. IStt.
141 11.1
101. Tl 191. m
naasaa. Nak . Muala. Iim. IMS
Kaa. City Mo., grs. Pla. 4Ha. 1MI.. 100 M 11 U
Knot Co , Teas.. 6s. 1M6 lot s lot M
Loulalaaa la. lilt lotta la
New Btate Talapboes 71 at
Omaha . U P. Is. IHI w li
Omaha C. B. It Ry. is. IIM N
Roc 7 liouataln Foal aa, booua as
ftious nty Btaak Tarts 6. ISM a 11
Bvtn ft OS. Is, 144 HU s
St. Joeasa, Mo, rVhaol 416a, ISM ... 104 4 1A1 16
Bait Lka. t'tak. W AS 4s, IIM 10s
Ualvaralty Place, Nak., 4, 114..., S MS
Wlcklts I'aios Block Tarts Ss. 1M4.. M Its)
l.sslos Btoek Market.
IXJNDON, July 7 In (he American de
partment of ths stock market there was
slightly better business, win. prices a
shade under tho New York cloelng of
yesterday. Canadian Pacific shares,
however, were steady. A further batch
of gold bonds wss sold snd will Increase
the shipment on Saturday's steamer,
SILVER Bar. ll-ld per ounce.
MONEY 1H per cent.
DISCOUNT RAT Ei Short bills and S
months, a' Per oant.
Dry Goods Market.
Cotton goods markets were steady today,
l'ut Inactive. Burlaps were quiet and
tlrm. Worsted yarns are moving more
freely at low prices.
Evaporated Apples sa4 Dried Fralta
DRIED FRUITS Prunes and raisins,
firm. Apricots and peaches, quiet.
Mela Market.
NEW YORK. July 7.-METALA Lead:
S.7kf.77Vk Spelter: Not quoted.
At London: Lead: (24 7a Sd. Spelter,
H 1
Want Jews Heard
When Peace is Made
CHARLEVOIX, Mich. July 7.-The need
of one central committee to represent
the rights of Jews in whatever interna
tional body decides , upon ths terms of
peace ln ths European war, was ex
pressed today at the conference of Amer
ican rabbis here. In the report of ths
committee on the president's message.
The report recommended that the con
ference endorse the policy of ths gov
ernment to maintain neutrality tn ths
conflict now raging.
Kauffman Kohlar of Cln.iinnatJ was
elected honorary president for Ills-la, and
William Rosenau of Baltimore waa elected
Cars ol War Mnaltleaa.
LONDON. July T. The cargo of the
German liner, Bayern, which was con
fiscated recently at Naples, Includes 600,
000 revolvers, lOO.OOt rifles. 200,000 oases of
ammunition, four aeroplanes, fourteen
field guns and two complete wireless
stations, according to the Rome cor
respondent of ths Exchange Telegraph
ir YOU saa s little raaSy seek aa oaa eats
soanatslns out of yuwr salary yoa caa tavaet la
Ika boat Naw Tark akock Btrkanga eacuiitlae.
Bead lor rarraal laaoa af TH6 GDI) LOT SB
VIEW. Publlahae ky J oka Mats 4 Ca., 41
Broadway N-w YorV rtiy