TirE REE: OMAHA, JULY 1915. ftnononononononononoaononononononononononononononooonononooonooononoaonononononononononononoaoDononooononboononononononononong Classified! advei-Osers In .Tlie Bee accomplish things t Tl j. js. Tl "W, u a n a " a 'iiraeu oiiraei people roereiy wise iney cooio do SaoaonoaononononoaoaononoDOQoaononoooDoaonoaononoaonononononooonoaoaoDonoDonoaoaononononoaoQonoaoaoi iOD9QoaonoaoDoaoncaonononQ 10 WANT ADS Vent de received t any time, but to Insure proper classification mint be pre sented before U o clock noon for evening edition and T.S p. m. for morning and Sunday edition. Want ad received after urn hour wilt be under tha heading, Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. . Raven consecutive time. 1 cent a wora ach Insertion. ... Three time within one week, ltt cant A werd each Insertion, One Una I cents a word. CrtAROE RATES. . ,. Seven consecutive times. I cenU a nn arh insertion. ... ... Thraa tlmaa wtlhln on week W eenla a una earn Insertion. On time. 11 oanta a Una. Ootrnt six average word to lino. Minimum charge, W cant. An advertisement meerted to be run intt dteonntlnued mutt be Hopped by written order. . . - All claim for error must ba made within fifteen days after the last Inser tion of toe advertisement. Too. can plao your want ad In The Bea T MjLVhOKB TTLER 1X deaths Aim rimuRii notices PETETISON--N!-, aged year, at N10 South Fourth atreet. July , p!5 . Funeral Thursday afternoon at I o oloek from N. P. flwanaon chapel. Seven teenth and Oumlng atreeta. to sorest Lawn oematery. Friend invite. pCHrEBUR Henry. t Colorado Springs, Colo.. Tuesday, aged U year. , Funeral from hi mother1 restdeno. Wert lxir street, Friday. J at I ' o'olock. Friends welcome. Intarnwml, nii pi aii cenaaesiy. BIRTHS AMD DBATHI. ' Births John and Edna Anderson, South Forty-first- glrl WsbeAar and Alary Baker, 2iJ Davenport, boyi Frank and Frnoe Cliapo, llivt North Eleventh, ipoyi Flllp n Anna, Halda, Utl Bart Y. fkoyi Andrew and Jeeai Loetmer, IXSI ilMauaderson, gtrl Morris and Anna, Oreen, l Csierlea. fir): Harry and Selma, ijkrw1ng. 2bul Dodge, girl; Oorf" and iLoeJla Johnson, 1714 Tales, boyi Gulsappa, land Elena La Oreoo, IMS South Twsnty ifrfth evetruo, girl; Joseph and Kmella ! Korm-reo, u.i William, boy; Jamaa and Florence Boborts, BH J. irl. ' Xieaths Nela Fetterson J, SO Bouth i Twentieth arenue; Iena Kemper, 9, hoa (4tali Joeephln Boyd, 4. honpltal; ! Ouu-la Henry Da Nlo. 4ft, WO Fowler avtnu! Wlliielmltia KtiKllah, , 21 Houth Elavantb; Max Ood miner. II, alio Frank tinl StanUlaiia JarUaaewaid, U. Bl North I Twvnty-serenth. Houth Hide; Frank WU !ilma. Si, 127 North TwenUy-flraC MARRIAGK LICENSE!. Tha followlns aouplM hare been granted ttoanses to wad: BUILDIMO PERMITS. Frank R. Creadon, 2311 Fort, stueoo ifiwelling, UM; Joaeph W, Zimmerman, North Thirty-ninth frame duelling. 13,600: J. Carroll, 11 North Twanly I mirth. South Bide, repairs, I6U0; National 'Steflnlng oompeny, K23 Leavanworth, fill ing station, tnflO; Robert Chapman, 114-a-i North Twenty-fourth, brick atorea, 12.600 i Thomas filager, 177 North Thirty flrat, South Hide, frame dwelling, (1.600. Today's Movie Prcgraxss ZJINTEIRN alldea for marina. Wand your copy to us. Ws oan raicodao photo or will prepare your copy. We will actor si dtrsoted. Bee Photo Dept. 10S Ba Bid. Dwt EMPRESS, 16TH JlKD DOCQLAfl. The Pre am Dance, three-reel LuWn. ?'he Evolution of Outer, Vltagraph. nd Resolves Not to Hmoka, lusaanay. Hrenio. Hearat-ell No. bl .Vaudeville. PRINCESS, ltlf-11 DOUQLA8. Fatty Arbuckla !n s roaring Keyston Comedy, "Fattr1 Bloeky Wpi" I reels. "By Whose Hand." sHreel Mys tery Drama. "In Old Mextoo, thrill ing Romance. North. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNKT. (THEATER BBAXJTTTUU) V Horn of Oood PlotoTM. Five reals of good plot urea, epecial lecture on White Slavery. 10THK0P, 24TH ANJJ LOTHROP. FI VE REELS OOOD PICTURES. hvwth. APOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH. lir. Jarr and the ladles' Cup. Vita graph. The Coward: -reel Kaaany. 11 ESS K, 24 A N. ilia Jkyl and Madam Hey Jo, I-reel Vitaaranh. 3v l.iWe Klfia, I.ub. Rimanc of Klalne. ORPIIEUM, 24TH AND N, Bad Man and Othera, Bel Dra. Kpd King Comedy. JllHmoml from the Xky, Chapter 1 Weal. MONROE, 2555 FARNAM. Julius Sieger In tie f&nioui play. "Die urin commanameni. woria feature In ( reels. AKWOtrwCKAtEWTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent's Office Moom 101. luvv.iigate T.M.C.A. out g park, summer. AITOMOKILE8 Whenever you are considering selling or buying a uard cat and you want fuU value for your money or you want people who are willing to ljr for what they are f ruing you will have no resret if you uy or advtrtl.e through ttie uard car column of The lee. I'hone Tyler luuu. Yl-KV claesy National roadster, lull mod. liargaln. Can be iwo at 1" J Chh-ago. 8. HlkWl. urand Ave. Web. lAii, J-M.NIKM-.1XE AUTO CO.. U4 o. iU bu tip.it repairing; bargaiiuj In mil rait, H'laranteed a repreavntsd. K'H aAl.l Auto In firsl-claas oouiiiUoo. Call I'M N. tl fet., Houtn Omaha. C. k L.-Aor-KH, expert radiator and lauup repa.ra. Ty. 7m. l.ravenwor(h. Ovcilou a for Ink ratimlur. eve, dneiera $.vj I'.'J.VAKU for any ma sua, to we oan t rt:atr ''' ii( llH,1'.rfr. XI N'.la o V'AN'i r l lapiiitl to iToiiii'l. Omaha iii aio .i.j ail kaiats. Ai-p y t. ii ago fcL I AtTOMOUILRB V ant an auto. C J. Cnnan. McCague bidg Sf liHASKA Bulrk f-irvice Station. Il4 Farnam St Phone Douglas 731 NEW Ford aulo delivery bodiea of all style, open or cloeed. slwaya on band. Our prices will aave you money. Pee Johnaon-ITiforth to, Ibit-tlSt No. loth. Pierce Arrow.. .. fTWI Maxwell lTt Cutting 2.". Truck i Reaal 19"! Motorcycle 140 THE A t 'TO CLEARING HOT'SE. BOS Farnam 8t. TeU Doug. UlO WILX. sell my slightly ud 1914 Cadillac phaeton very reaeonably. Can ba seen at tnm Farnam fit. H 8AX.K F1ve-peeen;er Ford par, 1I4 model. In good ronditlnn. 1300. 1224 Pratt Ht Fhotie Wehater 1111. Industrial Oarage Co . 'th Harney Bla. Motoreyelve. Oood twin, 1W4 model, Kxcefaior. Web ster RUU. DrSTXESS CHANCES If your Bualneas Chance will stand If Id Investigation and la just what It Is idvertlaed. or If von are lnnklnar to atari In hlltn.a t nr vnurtelf vaii w if I fectly satisfied If vou uae the Bualneas Chance column of The bee. When buy Ing or aelling a business Phona Tyler 10". TO OET In or out of businesa oall on "awbiau, bi wee itiag. iong. T7. 1 " . r- glQNH, ehow card. Clark A Bon. D. inT FOR fi A L,K Hardware stock, building and flaturee; location good live town In eastern Idaho; one of the beat grain and stock growing seetlons In the weat; aalea laat year, ill.OoO, Addreas 1 bit. Bee. FuH 1A1.1D-Hhoe repairing shop; money maker for right man; owner leaving FOR (AJL1C-Il.(n stock gen. mdaa. In S astern Nebraska for oaah, or will ooo er good land. Address T 6&7, Be. FOR 8 A LB CHBAP-CJean olothlng stock, fiplendld looation on main atreet, 4-year-leasa, modern futures, retiring from boaineaa. Apply U. Booooovar A Co., worth natte. Neb. REAL estate Hualneaa places aupplted or handled all states. F. V. Knlest. Omaha. TUEATEnia Buy, lease or sell your the- star, maonine ana supviies inrougn Theater Erobang) Co., 140S Farnam Bt DOUglaa 11H7. TO SELL or buy a business, call on wuacn at orgnorr, Frenaer mik. u. wis. IsTMtatsts, fmfYf ur Nebraska farm morl ' -'A-. gages are not affected by 11) European wars or pantos. ' Amounts 1404 to 110,000. We 9 collect all Interest and rrlnclDal free of oharara: to years In the Nebraska farm loan field without a loa Is our record. KLOXB INVESTMENT COM PANT, mi Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg.. Omaha,- EDUCATION AJj Boyles College Dar Rchnol Nlvhf BVKnnl. innnUt. bualneea courae. complete ahorthand or rtenotypa course, complete telegraphy oourae, civil torvice hranchea and Eng lish. Htudcnta admitted at any tlma. W rlta, .phone or call for 1916 catalogue, It. R. HOrLlfi Tel. D 1R6. lioyUs Bidg,. Omaha. Keh. SHORTHAND Teaohar, AttenUon: Voung man. IB iImIfm 4a ... i Oregg shorthand and typewriting during arantnar houra. rvil T vnn -rl iums - o'clock. FOR sale, th following scholarships In a first olaaa Omaha Bualneaa College: One unlimited combination bualnasg and shorthand course. 8na unlimited stenographla coura. n three months' bualneas or ateno graphlo courae. Will ba aold at a discount at tha office of Tha Omaha Ba. POIt BALE FOR SALE Hare Is a classification that v. luv muii'si iiKiiiuruince to every reader, as this column offers soma excap- . . i v.jui kuiiti ic. (,) j u ana a small want ad will aell your article at its .wu Tmuv. rnvm ijrier IW iiramn. neastaai uooala, K. DESKS P5!"ht na ol- J- C. Reed. yrw.,w at. D. SIM. BARGIA1N8 iN FURNITURE AND ti.iumnnt., n. 14 1 H. WKH. 1HII7. HORION hand washing machine and wrrnger; nearly new; IIP. Harney 8472. also two ruga, nearly new. 204 McCague ltenses at4 Vsklslss, (do buys a well broke, neok rein aa1dle horse. SAM Harrlaon Bt. FTione rto. t. Maales.1 Iau.tr a aneata. ON ACCOUNT of breaking up house keeping will sell my Hallet Davis piano and muslo cabinet. K. 87. Ree. Sllshtly uaxi high grade pian D. suit I'eeltrr, ar.sae mmm larsUrt, STEREOTtt-19 matrlca make th bast and cheapest lining for poultry house They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7bo a hundred at The Bee office. Email wheat 100 lb, K 36. Wagner. Ml N. liT Typewriters. TYPEWRIT sir sold, ranted. r paired Central Typewrttee Kme. W Farnaia. MONARCH No. ; baraaln. Bee Bidg. Mlsoellasieaaa. FOR BALE New and seoond-hand earom and pocket bUilard table atkd bowling tlley and aooeasorleet bsx futures of ail Lndai easy paymsuts. Tha Brunawloav-Batke-Collender Co.. 40T-4ul B. 10th Ht. ELECTltlO MOTOIW l-H. P.. KO ro'ta. I phase, new.. ..in t C P.. tJi volts. I phase, new. w . v ., - - I w V I , .......... w t-H. P.. lu voile. I nhaea. a 4 I 4-JL P., HQ yolu. I phase, new 67 DYNAMOS l-K. W lis volU, D. C. new 1 71 4-K. W., UO volU. D. C. new lv I-A-K, W.. 1SS-4K volts. naw.... us V 11. P., gasoline angina at I IL P. g a soli as eugiua, throtlllug gov ernor gs Lai 13 RON ELECTRICAL WORKS. sis r. i.-tn bl FOR to A L,B flying shop, Brunelt. Neb. machine. lotor MOTION picture machine Motor shop, Hennett, Neb. for sale. IK you want to get Into or out of tha moving picture business or buy new equipinrut aicvasonr or get a location write Omaha Theater Ruppiy Co.. 1-4 Ualrd Hid. , 17th A Kouglaa. Omaha. Neb. BIO aale on trunks, baga and suitcases, FrifHtuian, K11 loiglas 8t. TOOLS, shovels, picks, lackacrews, win dow glaaa, 1 carpeutxr briichee. $1 each; It match machines sue each, 1 hot water toller com pints, t.O; combination electrlo (laturea mm eaco; iron beds complete, U; good horse, . harness, good ax- piees WagoU, l'i- J. C. ISH. Tel. Harney HI TM H. list Ave. C0 OH Oolden Weat Whlakey, 4 full JVl I quarts oottud lu bond, pre-WSJt-'yJ paid. Ca. kley Bros.. Oinuha. For t-'ale t-mall ahed, sultab'e for chicken hou-w or Kurd Kaisya iQ N. 2uih. LZaUHKI,' range. Welter iJtO. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical 4 Offtee. WE WANT STENOIRAPIIER. Business Men's lleferenco Ass'n., Ml'LTIORAPH operator, half ti ie Watts Krf. Co.. (; Hiandcl T ieter. . Apt i lenced sttfuosrapaer anil orrp:e aaalatnt wbo ran tall, and tWrite the Huneiuiun IsnsuHgv. Ivrout , lit" it pialtlon lo rlht pally. an4 guod ar. Acidises T Sou. Be. MOVIES a FEATURES T TODAY rA Vawdevllle. ORPHEUM, 24TH AND N. Rad Man and Others, ReL Dra. Speed King, Comedy. Diamond from the 8k y. Chapter No. . HESSE. 24TH AND N Bomnr of F.lalne. Weat. MONROE. 2565 FARNAM. Jull'ts tger In hi famous play. "Th Fifth Commandment," world leature, In S reels. HELP WANTED PEMALH tlerleml s4 Office. OFFICE CLERK-BrlghL. neat appear ing young lady having experience) In keeping stock bnoka, recor, eto. plon did salary to right party. Western Reference A Bond Assn, III., 7f Omaha Nat. Bank BJdg! factory rraes. OIRL to learn hslrdreeatng. Oppenhefan fsrlors. Howsekeepera aa4 Dowieatteate THE Berrant Olrl Problem Brrlved. Tha Bee will run a Ben-ant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha dealred results. This applies to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Rrlng ad to Tha Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Iady for general housework, S6l)a No. 2.4th Webstar 7067. COOK wanted; colored cook, til flooth rr. WANTED A girl for general bone work, small house, email family. 1131 POUfTi i nt. H. HOT, WANTED Experienced second glrtl must have refarenoeai Aagtist ML XI7 B, ui nt, iiarpey fmi. WA NTKD Jlrt for general houseworC 1804 Davenport, If. J. COMpETXN'f maid for " general houqe- ..1l I J, . A IBIS N. Mth Pt. South Omaha. YOUNO girl wants position to assist with light housework. I. 8M. HXPERI BNCWD white girl for general housework; no laundry work. 11 B. Mth Ht. Fhon Jiar. xyi. LADT would like housekeeping- for elderlr ooudIs In modern boms, town or country, or car of Invalid; can talc full charge of home If family ar leaving oily. a Area j eiB, nee. WANTEJ Cilrl to assist with work no washing or ookln B84 . M Bt, Mlaeellaiwewwe. TOtTNO women coming to Omaha a strangers ara Invited to Visit the Ycjmi Women's Christian aseoctatlon building at Bt Mary Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be dlreotad to sniltabl boarding places er otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler- g-utos jit union station. $700 gets office bualneas l-ajrlng gl09 month. F. Knlest, Be Jng., orruuia. LADIES Make shields at home, Sit tor 100; work sent prepaid no oanrasstng send stamp, I ran hoe Mfg. Co. St. Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED MALB Clerical anal Offl. SALESMEN A -1 proposition, salary de pend a Wattg Ref. Co., S40-41 Brandet Tba, OITT' BALESMAN1 8 to 5 year, old. must know retail grocery trad. Only man worth (is to 1300 per month consid ered. Must rurnlan peat or rererenoes. Western Hefcrence Ik Bond Assn. Ina, -,M Omaha, Nat'l. Bank Bidg. 761 Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg flQtTARH PBQS IN SQUARE HOLES. iV find a poaHlon that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REKERENCH) CO. 1015-141 City Nst. Bank Bldr. H KIH-OltA DE commercial positions. WEST, REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN. 1ti Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg. NIGHT MAN Must ba hustler, oleaa out, ambitious voung man. A splendid open ing with a wide awake firm for th right man. Western Reference ft Bond Assn, In.. NEW location. 540 Teuton Blk. W have several positions open. Roger Ref, Co. Ageate, Saleemen nnd Bllltr. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor servlc fx. Cheap ?ower Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 103. WE have a good plnre for a live Insur ance nun. Alutiml Benefit Health ft Ao eldent Ase'n , 4.1 City Nat. Bank Bidg. Factory nad lie flee. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Kneiat. Bee Bidg. LearnBarber Trade Wages paid. Tool given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for more Information. Trl-Clry College, 1124 Doug las Bt., Omaha. Free Tuition for a short time. WESTERN BARBER COLLEOK. 14-4 Dodee 8t. WANTED A fust class repair man; steady work fur right man. Writs or all. Juhnke'a (lurasw. Falrbury, Neb. Positions Now Open. Pre Catalogue, AMERICAN AUTO fOLLEOB tOK Farnam St.. OMAHA, NEB. WE need men: had to turn down two joba . per week lately. Oet In Learn by our method. Oet one of thee jobs, t'stalogus D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 IVdse Bt MOLE II BARKER COLLEGE Special summer rates. Catalogue mailed free. 110 Ko. 14th St.. Ome.be. M teeellaaie-.sia. MEN wanted: government Joba: S90 per month; Omaba examinations Sept. 11. Sample questions free. Franklin Inatl tnt. lept 2-'l F. Rochester, N. Y. MAN and wife with no children, for rrs taurant. Capable of overeeeing. do short order work; wife to wait on table and sell restaurant goods. Familiar with si Mia fountain work. Kr-xvonaible peopl. Reference required Salary ITS per month, board and room fur two people. Writ or phone. Jam Hair. Albion. WANTED fceveral clean-cut young men of 17 or over who hav had at least a grade school education for our aalea force; to those who can qualify it will pay a salary of 111 per week; some ex perience preferred. Apply lli BrendeU Theater Bidg. Wanted Experienced Architect Must be man who has had experience in both large and small work and must be competent to lay out work Com petent man can xicci unusual oppor tin I v fur future advancement. Write, si. I.ur full pellicular. Addreas Q 430, cs-a !ue. WANTED l.ttO men to est ham and ', '.' ' otiee j.inii, itn and 1 apltoi. WANTED- Naniea cl youi.g men want ing 10 be Railway Mali Clcika. t;t mouth. Answer linmedlately. Y. t4. Bee. BITfATlOXs WANTED SITl'ATION" WANTED A a manager. chef, or steward In hotel, i lub or cefe, or lunch room; wlahe permament posi tion; will leave city; references given. Addrees A. '. Thomas. 115 S. 30th fit. Tel. Joi:. 1.". WANTED I'oalt Ion as traveling com panion, to New Tork City and return for August or September. Toung lady. Address. Y ns. Bee. WANTED Position as housekeeper In or near city. Harney laKl. PERFECT washing. expert Ironing. wenster EXPERIENCED young rnan wants steady job In private family. House cleaning, garden. Honest service. WIU- iny to work. Address A ST1, Bee. COIXRED woman wsnts steady place In housework or assistant in kitchen. Web. B44. XaLDERLT lady would like position to oar for one or two children; best of references, tmi Csss St. Douglas WANTED A position doing housework. Doug. S4. COLORED girl of 11 wants plaoe to assist wun Housework or car lor children. Wehatee IUA, MIDDLE-AGED lady wsnts housework In Omaha. Address O 7 Ree. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COM PA NT. Psrsons havine lost aome article would do wall to call up the office of the Oman a council Bluffs Street Rallwsy company to ascertain whether they left It In tha atreet cars. Manr artlolea each day ara turned In and th company Is anxious to restore mam to trie, rightmi owner, call uoug, en. Ijoet or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium meana tha I named late re turn Of that article if advertised In Th aa, t tost and Found paper. LOBT Sliver vanity purse, monogram M, aontalnlng some change. In down tPKP Chopping district, Thursday July 1. wiu nngr picas can uougias zmbt 67T-Betwen Uth and 16th on Dodge, ptrttujLllst ehwrch baperi name on cover Frmoss Carrna. Call Doug. S7M, PERSON ATj women coming to umaha aa stranger are Invited to visit the Young Wometvs Christian association building at I7th St. and Bt. Mary' Are,, where they will be directed to ultable boarding tiaoe or otnerwi assiatea. ljook lor ur travelers' aid at the union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so- llclts your old clothing, furniture, maga nes. We oolleot. Wa distribute. Phone ouglas 411 and our wagon will oall. all and Inspect our new home, 1110-1111-ii Dodge SL OORDON. th Magasln Man, Phono Dousila T16S. SWAPPERS' CXJICMif Wanted to Swap. Why not, advertla something that you no longer hav any Uae for and get something you really heedf It coats you nothing to Join th Swapper' Club, and you will find it lot of fun swapping things. Writ Room lui ruag., or pnone i yier iwuu. A OOOD Remington typawritar, model No. 4 Will Uad for anything worth tA. Addrees B. O. SHO, Be. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see th "Automobile" classifi cation, ENGINE Nearly new. 4 HTpT engine from Indian motorcycle, complete: quipped with friction clutch, pulley and enclosed type Boech magneto; condition perfect; trading prioa, .; win take In your old angina or a small stationary engine on trade. This angina is powerful enough for a light cycle car. Address 8. C. U7 wee EQUITY of 11,800; new S-room bungalow; will trade 191& Ford and soma cash. Webster 470. BUSINESS 3HANCE-Oent'a furnishing store, good location, Bouth Omaha. Wilt trade for Omaha real estate, vocsnt or Improved, or good auto worth about 11,000. Address 8. C. MM, Bea. DIAMOND Tiffany diamond rtng, valued at lo. Will awap for motorcycle, or what bare you? Address 8. C. 1181, Bee. HORSE, BUOOY AND HARNESS FOR BALE REASONABLE. TYLER 1113. "INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car; late 1114 model, twin cylinder, two speed, complete electrlo equipment, ISIS Improved kick starter j new tires; all per fect condition. Cost $370. Want Ford or light roadster; no other propositions con sidered. Aaareesj o. c. uns. Be. LARGE view camera for typewriter, or. what nave you 7 D. Crewdson. Missouri V Slier a. KoDA K "Ansco" . folding pocket, sis' Sttutt! flouin lens, automatio abutter; rlaiug, lowering and laterally ahlfting front; ilk new; together with complete outfit, Including new 16 developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying case, eta Want visible typewriter In good condi tion. Address B. C. 10H6. Bee. PLAYER PIANO Leaving city; willing to sac rl floe new player piano. What hav roil to offer for sams. Could use auto or diamond. Address 8. C. 1177, Bee. ROOMING bouse. 1221 Farnam St.. ta trade for an automobile. Drive up wltb your car and make a quick deal. REFRIGERATOR In stood condition, value about HO. What have you to trade? Addreas 8. C. 11.15. Bee. PAINTING service In exchange for horse. Address 8. C. 1176. Boa. PIANO Almost new Wellington piano; coal fctUO; aix montha ago; beautiful mahogany case; will trade for something I can uae. Address 8. C. 1178, Bee. SEWINU MACiilNK-Htnger; retail price u6: good condition; drop-head. Will ex change. What have you? Address 8. C, 114. Bee. WILL exchange td hand carpenter tools for aid ear. Address 8. C. IK0 Bee. AUTO Will accept good auto as firat payment on new, all modern, aeven room bungalow In good location. Red lhSl. WILL make a balr switch sny color In exchange for sewing machine or oil cooker. S. C. USX Bea FOR HE XT Aa rtm.su anal Flats. Tha For Rent advertisement appearing In th Fur Rent column of Th He di y cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill ths needs of sny on de airing to rent. Phone Tyler total. THE SHERMAN. Beautiful apartment, private garage; no objection to children. 1601 No. lth Ht. S-ROOM modern apartment off Farnam St.. In th "Page," hlgh-claa. fireproof building. Harney 1390 o Angelu Apt.. 1 and 4- room apt. H 4 -o VERY oliolc 4 or 5-room, steam heated apartment on Weat Farnam ft. JOHN W. RORBINS. 101 FARNAM ST. S-ROOM apartment. M. George. Ill N. Cat Ave. Phone Tyler l&3o; even'nga, Web. 1674. o 410 6. 17TH. S r . mod. Hat, ti7M. 2317 Dewey Ave., 4-r. iikhI. flat, 130. S14 S. 27th, S-r. mod. f't. MM C. O. Garlberg. Ill Brand !a Theater Bid. Faral.bea ii-ri seals, WANTED A furnlBhed flat for two or three months; prefer lct location li residence district. Har.ny 4g lafttrr'tahrd ApaTtuaeate. NEW HAMILTON. 1 rooma. kitchen, bath. Clement Chase, Tyler lauu. Hoard aa Hirant, Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience nu5 comiort in rlvate ramlllea . r boarding he usee of th high est cla wilt beat be found In the Fur nished Rooms column of Tb Bee, Phone Tyler lfto. bKAL'Tlr IX room, with two exceplloa ally luisa closets. In a VS eat Farnam borne; larse p-irch and yard; good board; young men P"eirred. Harney tfij. R.'lAKD and room for two; ref. W. 4211 ino HARNEY- Board with or without rooms. s. m FOn HENT Karaiiksd Rooms. If you do rir.t ee anything' that suit J'ou In the rv of Furnished Rooms yo'i can call at Room P 4, Roe Bids., and ask for the FVee Furnished Room bureau snd we will gladly refer you to a hlg'i rlas rooming or boarding house In any fart of the city. SOUTH 19TII, hil I large modern front room, flrat floor, with screen d porch; connected or alngle; rinse in: reasonable. DODOE. 1701-Cool, clean rooms close In; day or week. Furnished 1 1 on see. FOR RENT 7-room. modem, furnished houae in Dundee, aleeplng porch and garage, for month of July and August. Call Wal. 1144. "rwtewe H.sirkr.ni.s gseaia, Ua DODOB-Modern light housekeeping; reasonable. Itowses and tt agree. North. ALL modem S-room house, on car line, In Florence, lerea verri. rinrsn-. arjl loo Main Bt. SEVEN rooms; all modem; Bemls Park; Harney aoto. SIX-ROOM all modern house, close to car. 12o Thons Douglas 2715. ROOMS, mod. ex. heat, good location. atz uriatoi nt. only lis. C O. CARLBERO, 111 Hrandels The. Bid. oslk. FIVE-ROOM house, summer kitchen, fine cellar, water paid, $1(1. 122 So. mth fit. For Rent Sooth half of double brie, house T rooms, 4 bedrooms, all modern, at iOl South Btk St., near Park school, on block east of Hanaoom park. TL Harney U-uS. &ASY to keep house on on toor; 15H Park Ar. a peavutiful home, S rooms, latrndry, parrtry, sto. gtrtotly modern; ra store; facing Hanacom Park, IM. Bar ohaao. M leeellmaeews. LOOK AT THESE RENT SNAPS, t-r.. mod.. HIS N. 27th Av . 114: 1321 S. 20th, 115: tJ(S Franklin. S-r., mod $18; 1328 S. t7th. 7-r., mod-, choice. 1: S-r., 270S S. 14th. $1160; neat cottage and barn, 4-r., large lot, good looation, nlc basement. ml 8. S8th, III; other. D. 1482. Tyler 2140-J. GlobeVan c&Storage Store, moves, packs ship: S-horse van nd I men, 11. per brj storag M per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 413S A Ty. liq BErm oant SIONS. joth, north of Farnam. t-room brlok, (25. tftl N. 2f.h, S rooms and ball, IX. UR N. soth, S-room bpex, Clos In, near high stmool, t-room. roomer, iw. O'KEKTB REAL ESTATE! CO.. lots Omaha Nat'l. Douglss 171 fL $12 lf4 No. 11U St, f rooms. US taol No. S5th Av., 6 rma., mod. ex. ht In 4223 Farnam St, S rma., mod. ex. ht. 127.(0 1615 Sherman Av., S mu., all mod. i.10 1786 So. 29th St., B rma, all mod. PAYNE INVESTMENT OOMPANT, New Location, 617 Omaha National Bank Bidg. Doug. 1781. FIDELITY e"1 FREE Phone touglaa tS for complst list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. ISth and Jackson "ts. BEE the Central Furniture Btorea. FREE RENTAL, LIST. ITnncou Crelgh Sons ft Co., Bee Bidg IIOUBCS lD aY parts of tha city. Gordon Van Co. gag fit N. llth St Tel. D SM or Web. list" ALL stses, 11 per month ap. 107 Pax ton. J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving, packing A storag. 1207 Farnam. D. 144V Macrsrard's Van and n to. -age Co. Call us for es . y umimi xor mov ing, packing, shipping. 1711 Wbter Bt Douglas 1494. timates for mov Btorea and Of ft see. Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Private (if flee Waiting; Room 180 Sq. Ft 118.50 The Bee Building Office Room 103. Compare These Figures The cheapest single office is $15 per month. The cheapest office help you can pet Is $3o per month. Telephone, $6 per month. Total. $51 per month. We will rent desk room by a win dow, looking out on 15th 8t., with telephone on y ur desk, with a com petent office girl to answer your culls, all for $12.50 per month. Central Office Exchange 514 Ware Block. Doug. 8067. Nice Cool Office With Vault Xear the Elevator and Stairs Electric Lic;ht Free The Bee Building Go. Superintendents Office. Room 10S. WIKTEl) TO nut WE psy Ci.ia,o piicts for aluminum until caauiLMB. mxiuh-4i linieil to. WANTED A e:ond hand" bicycle and t Tin ttrcof aafe. uood condition Call lit b !) cveiytlilun lou hand. Web. 4XH OF r I'll '. furiutuie Iwucht and eolj. J C Keel. 151 ;artu.m. Dou. 4144 REAL ESTATE FARM at l.liiJ FOR BALE .avAtwrae Live Oak Coloniee, none better. W. T. mlth Co.. 9U-I4 Olt Nat hk. 1 . 28. t lerae. COMB to cool Colorado, in shadow of pipes, when hot winds blow. Oet a mountain home aite, Denver's mountain parks; beautiful mountain scenery, good water, fine roads. Ideal location for sum mer home; eve buys iOxluO feet, worth li'JU, number f bungalows being built; easy payments. Addrees Denver Moun tain Park Home Co., 1711 Champa ht., Denver, Colo. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will jdeape the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RF.FTD ABSTRACT CH, oldest abstract office? In Nehra'ka MS Rrandela Thes. AlSATbl H KI.MS1I1NU. FILMS develore.7 free If purchased from Fhotn Crwft Shorl 41a: Pee BM Dnt. D AR ill I kt'lH, Everett si nodrts. aiTravton Bik r ARTIFItltl, .TlE SI1II3WAI.K9. 8IDFWA t.ira .i ,i conl ' '"'io. I mnrs. wans, steps, r ni',n'r, ,n guaranteed on- crete mo Paxton D Tit n norwnt Mgr. W ATTM l T1UNS. .EVTv'r PnT'T' nrsiptvrt bk- fRR-iUVKN'TS, WRITE HANSOOM I K. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlkltiron. SU Paxton Blk. n. iH. Al C"l leJKHS. Dowd Auction Co., 111R-1S W. O. W. R. .24. Kan "ale At Auction Co., 1127 W. O. W. AliT4 llvSLRAKCR. MCTM. INSURANCE AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator RPLC.. W Far. P mot DAHERISEsi g. H. REEDER, ivx N, lgtt, Web UKD1MNO. IwflV..,WT' Hcnovate feathera BLUB PRIifTII, O. . W co- Omaha . UIUSJ. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. " Paxton-Mltchell Co.. Wth and Martha Sta CAHPKhTKRb AND t'OATHACTORl. STETENSON. la B Kd. Douglas 6610. Leasard Bon. HQS Cap. Av. T. 1431. CHIROPRACTIC SPIN Al,, ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrenfe, 1 Batrd Bidg. P. giei. CHIROPODIST. Carrl J Burford. 430 Pax. Blk. Rad 4W7. CIVIL aaNiilSiaiaiUST M. J. I .ACT. 611 BEIS BLDQ . DOUQ. 47u CLifiANICav ANA LIVERS. ROYAL Dry Cleaner. 2231 Lear. D. 1111. COA CRETE CWNS'lsilJCTlON 4JA. Western representative ot VELVETILE COMPOB1TIUN flooring. INVESTI GATE 111-11 City Nat. Bk. Bidg. P. 1671. COSTUMaiS AAA LOUUH StPPLlav. MFO. ot lodge regalia and costume. . l i i .1 ml o mt j ti .. r. ,11. DANC1NU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy. cUsalo. D. UTL Summer rates now at Mackles; privet lessons dally. 1U6 Harney. Doug. 6440. UHaiSSMAhlNU. Terry I iressmsk'g college, loth A Farnam. OVERS AAU CLEAN UHS. STATU Dry Clng. Co., 130 N. Uth. P. SOW, DU 1 ACCTIV ES, . JAMES ALLAN, 111 Nevlli Block. Evl denco recurtd In all cases. Tyisr 11SS. DhlNTlSlS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. BWg. Pyorrhea. Pr. Flckes. TM City Nat Bank. Taf Dntal Rooms. 1617 Douglas P. 218. DBVUI. PRUOS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman 4V Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC flAKOS. Continental Nov. Co.. Ill N. lth. Terms ELECTROLYSIS. Dlo Allender. 4 Be Bidg. Red 106&. BVKRITU1NO rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, ld. knlf. sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. MO Doiigla Bloca. D. 1JJS. MEW TORK aampl store Must vacate. building coming down; cloak, ault and Creese sacrificed, f N. Ith BL FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 402S Hamilton. Wal. t97t FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. 1804 Farnam St, P. I00O. U HENDERSON. 161S Farnam. P. IS Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ana h HKSS BWOBODA. 141t Farnam St A. nONAOIIUE. lia Harney. Pcug. 1001. HAT tLUAftlNO. Panamas clcan-d. D. Elsela. 11 City Nat P A N A MAS cleaned and blocked. 1630 Har. 4JOLD AND SILVACR PLATING, WE roplate everyttlng of metel. Omaha Plating Co.. nn H"i)y Pt Est. 1WW. Lakeside Ice Co. FOH iCn. mo; WE BISTER ill Oeoeral Oflce. nth nd Manderson bla. " JtTsTlCfc.! OK Ilia' PACACK. H H. CLAIBORNE, til Paxton Blk. R, 7VI Notary pub., deposition stenu- C. W. BR1TT. M Baker block. V. C. HAPCALU 40 Psxton Blk D. lite. LIVE moth COMMISSION. MART'N crot A CO., Exchange Bidg. Lii.ll I t. t, . tA I'iki.., k IHUli. minilV Thomas. Doug'as ST. -IVJvAlv ,is r-tirnina t. MOV1.N4. IMC'llala. MACHINES. OMAilA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motto picture machine and flim bargain MOTORCYCLES. H A Rt.ET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Haraalna la uaed machines. Victor Rooa, The alotorry. le Ti'en." leavfcnworth. Oil, BIRNERS. If you don't want to ehovel any mon coal, put a P!evert OH Burner In y ur furnace. Nebraska Cil and Furnace Co., liio . 1 1 ,1. oana s ELECTRIC MOTOR HEPAIRINU. CAH1LL t'l.ECTRlC CO. pee Pldg D 1V71 4'l aufA saatc ruliillM. JOSCPHINE ARMSTRONG. 411 Be Blda. ISC' A, LIS A'S. Eye examined, glassea fitted, ray a yo ran- Dra McCarty. 1111 W. O W. Bidg. FLAT1A4., PlaUng C.. HI 8. Sth St. XX UTT. Acm PAINT1XC1 AKD PAPERIISO. HUGH MMANU8. 417 N. 40th. H. 173. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red W3S.V l''IU,Ml, D. O. Baroell. Paxton Blk. Tet Red TITT. H. A. Fturses. W Brsndets Theeter Bidg. fast llu. WATERS-BARN HART PtA. Co.. troallty printing. Tl. Doug. 2180. 614 & llthBt. CENTRAL PRINTINO CC. DOUO. tlX. I DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Douglas SU, Ralph Printing Co.. MS S. llth. Doug. tlSC ' HI HBAtifc; t uMPANIBS. NEBRASKA RUBBAOE CO. This Is th man to call if vou have any ashes or tin enns to haul. Phone Web. 6811. SAE A.NU llatK LUCK aiAPKatTS. O A Opened, repaired, comb. M r changed F. E. Daren- KJA u port. 140 Dodge. P. 1121. SCALIS MKPA1RINO. Om. Standard Scale Co.. CIS S. llth. P.tlL SCREKN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 4A91 SHOK HKfAlBlSO. ' FRIEDMAN PRQS.I shoe rapair. in 8. 11 Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 004 Fara'm. R.S44S SEWINU MACHINES. T AT-W Ient repair, sell needle and parts WGfor all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, I5th and Harney. Doug. 16V STEsWA. C'ElLlNOg. CARTER Bhset Metal Company, lis S. is. TORE AND WFtlCA FIXTURES. nseteu"' c.,howcase., sbelr. sflVnSV 4bll Vig's1 tiSFtJEvz 'A'OWssA, SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. :07 & Uth. D. f?K 'AAILOAAS. CHA8. C. IjAXDKRTOU, 108 N. 16th St, TRUNKS AAU SUITCASES. FRELINQ Ar BTEINLE. ISO Farnam SL TYPEWHAAERS SOU RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter S mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, lik Farnm Butts Typewriter Exchange, (II S. Uth St. All makes for sale or rant. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type, writer, low rent. Call Douglas 124 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, fd ft Paxton Bk.. II yr. exp. WUUUlnU STATIONERY. Wedding announcements, Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LlKiruilk, ALEX JETES, S71-I 8. llth St' Wines, liquors, cigars Plat dinners, 11 to 1, loo. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSHX Uth and Capitol Ave, Ten -cent lunch. REAL ESTATES FARM at RANCH LANDS FOR SALE HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE Writs a good description of your land and send It to th Sioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium " Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and Avery Saturday evening and Sunday mossing for one month, giving sixteen aA oa twelva different days for 2;' or words, 14 ; or 75 words, SI lArgeat circulation of any Iowa news paper, tiO.OOS readers dally In four great states ARE TOU OOINQ TO BUT LAND! If so you should first get a copy of the Farm and Real Estat Journal. It has lands advertised In It from nearly very state, so that you can find Just whst you are looking for In Its columns. It keeps you Informed on land oppor tunities in all parts of ths country, Uvea you personal help In finding land, Ben the today for a year's aubecrlptlon, or io for three month trial. It will be stopped at tb and of the tlm ordered. Farm and Real Estats JourlnaL Trar. Iowa. Michigan. . Good Farm Lands in the SwlKart Tract of wetrn MlohU gan's clover and fruit belt. Thes ar new lands well adapted for genera farming, stockf dairying, poultry and fruits. Io to 130 per acre and a large seieeUon of choice lands at 18 to IJ0. Terms, i0 to 50 down and IT, to 110 a month on 40 seres or annual payments. Near town schools, railroads and markets Qood roads and quick transportation by boat or rail to Chicago, Detroit, Orand Rapid. Write for 72-page book and map ire. Join our excursion Tuesday, July 20, leaving my Chicago offices at 11 a. m. Entlre expenaa from Chicago and return, including railroad far, board, berta, wbo., 116.60. George W. Swigart OWNER Q-I350 Flrat Net. Bk. Bidg.. Chios go. O. Mlaaesota. 140 ACRES 45 miles from Minneapolis, one imU from town; ISO acres under cultivation; balance used for Dasture: can piacitrally a l ba cultivated: heavy axil; good aet buildings, conaisting of t- room aouae. large barn, granary, corn iba. wlndmtlla. etc.: th land will pro uuce 60 hurhela of corn per acre; tele phone In house; country thickly settled; complete set of machinery; 27 head of sunk, consisting of 11 cows, balano 1 and 1 years old; six good horses; 2t hogs: chlckenr; one-half of this year's crop ana sverythlng on fsrm goes at 100 per acre; half cash. Schwab Dros.. loin Plymouth 'ildg.. Mlnneaixlls. Minn. Hosttaa. CAN locate 25 people on homesteads of 12 1 acres each. Uuarantee nice, smooth land. Address E. O. Farnswortb, DUlon, Montana. . nrbrsiks. FOR SALE Best lsrge body hlgh-grad medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Woi bach. Neb. S ACItr.S miles west, of Maraland, .vxeelleiit fo'l; you can farm every acr of It; lit aciva under cultivation and into crop this year; S of the crop goes with the place. 140 acrea U all fenced and cross fenced, while the other quarter la fenced .on two sP.'e. Good we I of fin water; good p'lulo cellar snd a barn. SO or W acre of the p. ace will cut good upland hiy only lit per acre where ran you t ut It T AltAII L HUNGERFORD, Crawford, I'awea County, Nebraska.' Svath Dakota. FOR SAI.K-W acrea lit Penington Co.. South Dnkota. Good Boll. 11 acrea broke. 1 wel a, plenty of water, some timber; ' fenced ai d rose-fenced; on mail, tele i Phone and u-rool lln,.; 10 miles to Wall ;anl 7 to V'aM. For price end terms. w me owner, nirs. n. iJiei.t, ut trie St., Morm Lake, la W reaaiag. LOT Have a lot In Casper, Wyoming; none but Omaha buyers In thla mAM- iifn, win iraae tor L'ndsren.4 . writer, new or In firsb-alas ohaiAn. or rnrat bav youf Addreas b O 114 Beat