i . . Hit. wtiK.: u.MIL, U KI).VJ:SIUV. M IA'- 7, 101.. . Xti .'' ejaMaMMatMaWaaiaaMaaB By MELLIFIOIA. Tuesday, July 6, 1915. , LOT of noclrty folks cre prominently In eridence at the auto speed- Air, and the women seemed to enjoy the rsres as much, If not more than the men, even though perhaps their admiration was exrited by different points. I think that tray machine there ought to win!" exclaimed one of the fair one. "It's the prettiest auto on th track." And then a little later when the fast drirera were pasting the slower ones, another young lady remarked, "t)h, Isn't it a shame! That driver la such a handsome fellow! And the chap riding wtth hm Is too darling for anything! They ought to W him keep ahead!" n When the price winner ahed part of a tire, there was a momentary feminine gasp, but aa he came around once more, the society belle de clared, "Oh, I do wish ht do that again!", At Hippy Hollow Club. Among thoen giving dinners Inst evening It the Happy Ifnllow cluh were Mr. II. r. McConnell. who had four sii'; Mr A. P. Currt. two; Mr. C. JV Tunnlrliffe, thrt; Mr. E. T. Slanntna. five; Mr. Julius KaaIr. thrao; Mr. Carroll C. Br-Iin, two; Mr. II. W. Morrow, two; Mr. P. K. Pol ler, al; Mr., II. Ooodrlrh, four; Mr. W. R. Watson, two; Mr. E. M. D'irkee, four; Mr. J. T. rrntl. two; Mr. C. H. Marlay, four; Mr. R. K. IJn!rholm, six: Mr. A. C. Howard. thr-; Mr. W. I). McHush. two; Mr. Blaine Touns. two; Mr. Brlre Crawford, four; Mr. I.. A. Talma, four; Mr, R. Benedict, two; Mr. E. O. Hamilton, two; Dr. Mllroy, three: Mr. A. I. RuaMon. four; Mr. A. W. Friend, four; Mr. B. W. Oarratt. three: Mr. A. Brown, three: Mr. A. W. Bowman, three; Mr. Elliott, three. Tha membership committee of the Cora rrierciai cluh entertained at luncheen to day at the Happy Hollow cluh. Covers wr placed for fifty guests. A small dinner party at the Happy Hollow club last evening waa compoeed f Mr. ami Mra. Dan Kdserley and Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Douglas. Mr. M. M. Rofoertnon and Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Wllliama will entertain, at dinner this evening at th Happy Hollow cluh. ' Mrs. -Weiss and Mrs. M. W. Ralnholt entertained at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club. . . At the' Country Club. Miss Elisabeth Davla entertained at .luncheon today at the Country club. iCovers wera placed for: Meedamee Meadsmas-' HiarlM T. Kountse, Mard Bursess. '.Tack Barber. F.llaabetn l'avie. Fred Hamilton. Menla Davla. . , Mr. A. J. Totter will have four guests at dinner thta evening at the Country club and Wedneeday evening Mr. fcnd Mrs. E. B. Martin will rive a small din er at tha-Country club. At the Field Club. I ,, Mr. Louis Nash will give a 1 clock dinner Thursday at the Field club. Mra. Nloholson will entertain at the leld club Wednesday afternoon. The MiMa Naomi and Marlon Towle isave an attractively appointed luncheon Itod&y at the Field club tn honor of thair ihouse guest, Mini Charlotte Farmalee, of iKenlrworth. Ill, A large mound of Kll ilarney rosea and atari decorated the liable and the guests entertained were: Misses Misses Charlotte rarmatae, I.uclle tJreen, 'Helen lngwrtn, Mary Megeath. v Alice Jaqulth, On the Calendar. Mr. and Mra. A. t Heed will entertain ;st dinner Wednesday evening at' the Country club. Miss Eleanor McGilton will be hostess st a lum-Ueon Thursday at tha Happy (Hollow club. The Mlaaea Naomi and Marlon Towte ,whl give a garden party "mday after, noon at their home. The women of the Columbian club will entertain Wednesday afternoon at S;i o'clock at their hall. Twenty-second and .tiloney street. Mrs. J. T. Moore and Mrs. Frank 8jutrea will be tha hostesses. Dancing Party. The Junior members, of tha O. T. V. Hub gav a dancing party Friday even ing at Carter lake. Intermissions wera fcpent motoring on tha lake. Mrs. F. Mcngedoht chaperoned the party. Tha quests were: DUNDEE TREASURER IS STILHIISSIllG Books Are Being Checked Up to See What Amount it to Be Turned Orer to Greater Omaha. WIFE SAYS BACK THURSDAY Byrne, all of ft. Joaeph, arrived Sunday for the rare. They are the guests while hers of Mr. and Mra. T. C. Byrne, . Plant for the Summer. Mr. -and Mrs. I). W, Merrew started today In their car for Maine, where they will he until September. Miss Mildred Todd will leave In two weeka for Minnesota, where she will upend the summer. The Mlsres May snd Kvl Mahoney j leave Saturday morning for lake, Oknbnll and Minneapolis, stsylns; a few days In each p1hc, and wl'l then go en to Csll fornls, where they will upend the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. t. J. McDonald and small daughter, Charlotte, leave the early pert of next week for Boulder. Colo., Where they have taken an apartment. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have spent their sum mers in Boulder In the past .and plan to make the Estes )srk trip In addition, thla year. Pleaiurei Past Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Newton enter tained the members e the Rummy .club and their husbanda at a csrd ,pa.rtyFrl dsy evenlntf. P.ardrn flowers were used In -the decorstlons snd six tsbles were placed for the same. Prises were won'by Mesdsmes Peter Mehrens. W. A. Smith, J. W. Hood and Messrs. R. Oakes, reter Mehrens and H. I. Underwood. Mrs. W. F. litres will entertain the members of tha club at her home Monday after noon. Pergonal Mention Mrs. Roy Byrne Is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bherldsn. In Bt. Joseph. . , S Miss Miyfssret Kwlft and her niece, Miss Mary Clara Hwlft. left Sunday for Montana, where they will remain for two months. Mr. and Mrs. Albert King, Miss M. Parker and Mr. and Mra. W. O. Perry snd family left Sunday for a three weeka" trip to the Minnesota lakes. Miss Otis Hsssler of Pawnee City, who hsa been visiting In the city for aeveral dsya. left last evening for tha Taolflc cosst, where she will spend tha summer. Mr. and Mra. Roawell Barber of Mln neapolla arrived this afternoon to be the guests of Miss May Mahoney for several days. Mra; Barber was formerly Miss Etta O'Connor and visited Miss Ma honey last winter. . Kills Self While Daughter is On Her - Honeymoon Trip When summoned to answer a long dis tance telephone call Monday afternoon, Mrs. Cora Ware, 3m- Mm street, waa found dead in her bed, Indications being that she-bed swallowed chloroform with suicidal Intent. Mrs. Msy Malone, a daughter now on her honeymoon to California, has been summoned home. The coroner will nut hold an Inquest. Mrs. Ware wss 44 years of age and had osen separated rrom her huaband. e'ha returned Monday afternoon from an outing and sll she was tired. When next s.en she wss dead. She lived with Mrs. Iishelle Campbell. . Tarker Ware la the aurvtving son. Mesers. 2Job Christie, Arfhur Mrehlow, ?fob Strehlow, Into I-snkratS, J'eton M, ii.mil Be. hlold. , M laRes telen MecMnid, tMarsrsret fcng- lanler, ?Mna Vnglsnder, lbe Kranaen, Jfin Wsllai-e, l.lds s Drelb ia Measrs.1- Clarence throeder, Ruben Kronstedt, Kred Cbsrler. Krnest Johnson, Join Kmire, Frlnk labaili. i eses Ruvi Mutton. MaAraret Mtrehlow, Holin liftman, Mtn;e Smith, Oertl line Hailing, Mari4 Kchroedcr, To Honor Viiiton. Mra C. W. Hayes gave a !unchean to day at tha Hotel Loyal In honor of Mra. 4 Kdwsrd Doyland of Humboldt, Neb., and for Mlae Dorrls Maullrk, the houae (uest of Mrs, J. K. ilealey. and for Miss iDorothy Matillck, ho Is the guest of her 'eletrr. Mis. E. M. efrt. and the lunch eon was followed by a theater party at the Brandrls, The guents were: Meadainra Mfedsmes I'oyland, Rdwart I'lielsn, H. w. Jewell, J. W. Campbell. I.. J. Hl.'v. iSi M. Hyttt, 5-. M. lA.nl. Mipwe yrris Maullck, Mlee Dorothy Maiilic-k. To Honor House Guest MUs MlUlrcd Tpdd entertained st dinner lar.t evening st her home In honor of her sueat. Mies Margaret Dudnelan of Platls muutlt. The tal.le mas rtftcorated with iil, fktneif and Inter the guctts 'danced at the KUiJ ilub. KUht guests fi eoterl slued. Jcforrsal Luncheon. Mrs. 0or-e M. Durkec gave a lum heon to!ay of sin covers at the Fontenelle la jiouor of Mis. llghten of Kyetle ills. Ark. DARKEN GRAY IIAIR.LOOK YOUNG firny Hajr Cliitngesl to an Kve-n Dark Htmvic No Dye, Vou can easily turn, your gray, faded or stivaked with gray hair beautifully oar ana luatroua almoat overnlgbt if you'll apply, a few times. Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer to hair and acalp like a hajupoo. Q-Ban Is harmless, not stlrky, delightful to us and darkens all your gray hair so naturally and evenly that no one caa tell It haa been applied. Q-tta acta on tha roota. makes hair and aeetp healthy, changing gray hair and entire head of hair to that soft even dark luster, ftuffinesa, beauty and abundance which makes the hair so fascinating and attractive, bealdee pie vents dandruff, itching acalp and fall ing hair. Try at our rtk guaranteed. Only 6fc for a big 7-os. bottle, at Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Owl Drug Co., Harvard and Loyal Pharmacy, Omaha. Neb. Out of town folke aup plled fcy Parel Post. - The "myeterlotia disappearance" of Ellery II. Weaterfield, the Omaha attorney who has been treasurer of Dundee village, Is eiplalned by his family as due to "a nervous break down." In the meantime the 'village funds have not yet been turned over to Treasurer lire In accordance with the Greater Omaha merger act, and the city comptroller' office Is check ing up the warrant account. Dundee was supposed to turn over about f 130,000 when it lost Its cor porate Identity, of which It Is said some 1116,000 Is in the banks. The Omaha city council held a secret ses sion this morning to connlder the matter, and eTery one who would be expected to have inside Information is aa close-mouthed as a clam. , Admlalatrator af F.atatea. Attorney Weaterfield Is of record In the county court aa adminlatrator of a num ber of eatates, all of minor Imports nee eseept that of Grace B. Beals, to, which he waa appointed about two months aao. and In which he haa not yet filed an In-: ventory. In the petition It waa deHaied j that the estate consisted of M.WO In per-1 sonal, property, and, according to the terms of tha will, only a nominal 11,000 ! surety company bond waa exacted. j Beeldes lils activity In village politics In Dundee Mr. Weaterfield took a hand In polities generally, being one of the leading lights of the Fontenelle club, of which he waa at last accounts one of the officers over whose names the literature of that defunct organisation aaa sent out. - AaeltlanT Areeasta. City Commissioner Butler of the depart ment of public accounta and finance, rep resentative of , a bonding company and city treasurer are making an. audit of Mr. Weaterf ietd'a accounta. A cursory examination of the books shows tht the Dundee treasurer maintained a aeparate balance for, money Invested in warrants instead of keeping a generat balance of all money and securities In his keeping. Mr. Weaterfield. acovrdlna to hla wife, left Omaha' on Sunday, June 27, tha day before It waa expected that demand would be made upon him for tha village funds. Frequent calls were made at tha Weater field borne, but each time it was stated the treasurer was out of the city. - In terest In the situation grew more tense when Attorney Arthur I'ancoast, repre senting Mrs. Weaterfield. offered to turn over the rerrds and funda to. Treasurer Ure, who declined because, using his own words. "I wanted to know whst I wss receipting for and wanted a -reconciliation of certain apparent dfecrep anrlea. I want to know )uet what funda and securities there are and what the balances, aa ahown on Mr. Weaterfletd'a books, really represent." Treasurer t're eslo ha always hsd a high regsnlfor Treasurer Weaterfield. who baa been active In the affaire of the Dundee Presnyterian church. lader Srey Bead. Mr. Weaterfield Is under a surety bond of S2.IK10. In this'' connection Treaaurer t're remarked that he. himself, ia under a bond of I20A.O0O, while today he la cus todian of about 2. Soft. 000 of city, county and school funds. . Mia. Weaterfield atatea aha baa received several letters from her husband since he left the city' and she maintains he will he back Thursday. Tha sheriffs office la holding a writ of mandamue Isaued from the district court, ordering the Dundee treasurer to turn over the funds of that village. The work of checking up Mr. Weater fleld'a accounta will take several daya, as there are sixty Improvement district accounts to go over sad considerable other detail work. On Train tn Chlreao. Robert C. Druesedow, Intimately ac quainted with Mr. Weaterfield. happened to go to Chicago on the same train with tha Dundee treasurer, leaving here on the Burlington, Sunday evening, June M. Mr. Drnesedow made thla ststemnt: "Mr. Wasterfleld and I chstted for sev eral hours In the sleeping car before tire retired. He appeared In hla usual state of health and spirits. W discussed' many auhjects, the consolidation of Dundee be ing mentioned. I know him quite well and noticed no nervousness nor anything unusual. Arriving at Chicago, he agreed to meet me at t p. m., at the Greet Northern hotel, to go to a base bail game with me. . t was late and missed the ap pointment. Tha hotel clerk said some body bad called for me. Mr. Weaterfield checked hla grip at the Burlington depot tn Chicago and gave me to understand he would return to Omaha on the even ing of tha day of hla arrival." Tha United States Fidelity and Guar anty company of Baltimore furnished the Weaterfield bond. - .- AikawrlaaT lamr Cwaara. The first dose of Dr. Bell's Flne-Tai-Honey will help yen. It kills tha cold germ. Only. 2Ro; . All druggist Advertisement. OPERATION $AYES LIFE OF THE BOK Brought, to Omaha and Kernel of Corn Lodped in Windpipe ii Removed. LITTLE ONE OUT OF DANGER An operation wa performed with entire success at the Lord Lister hos pital Saturday, when a grata ot corn was removed from the lower trachea, or windpipe, of Harold Fiddellde, 17-roonths-old son of H. A. Flddel kle, of Rlverdale, Neb, Harold and hla older brother were playing tog-ether. Harold had several grains of corn In his month when hla brother pushed him playfully off of a chair. Harold swallowed one of the ker nels of corn and It lodged In the wind pipes' Coughing failed to dtslodga It and Wfe child waa nearly aufflocated. His father rushed him to Kearney. Physicians there could do nothing and he waa told that the case wss prac tically hopeless. A Union Pacific train for Omaha waa just due. "I'm going to give the boy a chsnce," said the father. A few minutea later he and hla son wera on the train speeding toward Omaha. Arriving here they wert to the Lord Lister hospital. Dr. H. I Arnold took the case. Operation was the only faint hope and he, wtth Dr. D. C. Bryant, cut through the muscles, of tha tbrost and laid open the windpipe. The grain of corn waa removed, the silt sewed up and today the child la already able to play again. TO PROTEST ON TOLLS BETWEEN S. 0. AND OMAHA Commissioners Butler, Kugel and Wlth fiell have ben appointed aa a special commtttee of the city council to wait upon the telephone company with' a re quest that tha B-cent telephone toll be tween Omaha and South Omaha be elimi nated In view of consolidation. J. J. Breen of the south side sent the council a letter wherein he contends that It would not be fair to cut out this toll and then offset that reduction by raising the south side rates to the present Omaha achedule. R 6kderbiltHotel THIrmr FOURTH STREET AT PARK AVENUE jfnJoiel f 'Designed to Jfppeaftowe (BonserVative Summer Rates walton h. Marshall I aft IV? AS A MATTER OF SAFETY i If for no other reason, you a hould keen your money in biuik m And when vou eelect THIS bank. I in addition to protection, you fi a' til aulov tha efiva.nti.aA nt draw Ins; a liberal rate of interest on your deposits. a Hundreds of thrifty, far-seeing 1 peopie are providing for the fu- S ture by depositing their savings I HKOvLkHLX In this strong 9 bank. SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24 th and M Streets n. O. r.OHTWTCX, Prealdeat TRCMAJr BUCK, V. Pres. P. R. GETTY, Ctebler. V7iih the Visitors. Mtas Mary KIIKok of t'herldan, Wye., ! vUltlng Mies I.u -Ills I Holder. Mrs. Theodore Lie ben of Kanaas City U vlBlUng her son. Oscar Lirben, snd Urs. Utben. l!!a Charlotte I'armalee. whi la the '-at of Mlea Naomi and Mariou Towle, i!l leave l-'rMay fer the w.t. Mr. and Mr. K.l,ard RoeaU of )L.,,,i,1iij, Mont., arrived Friday to be e''j-ie at the home of Ml. N. Rouaaeau. V s.u liciiy llflinan of Huffaio, N. T., ! j.er,cllTig tt.e u-.micr with her brother, 1. r liolii.an, t iho home of Mr. and yiK. s. J ix.-i.u. Vi.f Mji irfrvi lu.i.i Inn of riattaiiKiuth, " ; l iH.n the t ... ! jt Mlsa Mildred ! ,1l fvr b f.:v. ri l. tte far hr home c:;.i? v ' ' ' w-t a. .-uinjianicd by her ISO DOUBT THAT RESHIQL DOES HEAL SICK SKIN When you know physlclsns hav prt- scribed liealnol for 10 years In the treat ment of ecsema and other Itching burn- I Ing, unsightly skin eruptions, and hav written thousands of reports aaylng. It Is my resu la r prescription for Itch ing," "Keatnol has produced brllltaiit results," The result It cave was mar velous ',D one of the worat caaes of ec n-nia." etc., etc., doesn't it make you feel that "thla la the treatment I caa rely on for MY akin-trouble?" The moment Reelnol Ointment touches Itching aklne, the Itching atopa and healing beirlna. With the aid of Jtteainol Koap, It almoat alaays clears away every trace of ecsema.' ringworm, pirn pies. or other dlstreeatng erupion Quickly, leaving the skin clear and Jmalthy. fold by all drucrlata Yot trial, fr, writ te let.t 9-R. IUaliuI Mr. Let J st.lura.wa, Kt Utsat fT auubura. 7 7 m W 11 Nit risk fcevUa t a a Solldi Ua. BMaaaie ot ha tacaakul krtas ta mii i isa eeau- tf. ll't aeller I1 tour MSit I vur 4Mrt Uefculcal auixo u, ...k m 1 aa I , Call SSM aelta S. 6. PET1DGUS MaaiMe arla laitttvta mi l,4!Mf. 1S04 W. O. W. lg. t-Seae Do or Us Mj7 I U3 tfnettney thsfi tthot yon ipant when ttwaSJ aui vmn s f lotet. Y't pat tncp U car ircfi, is h.ztt wwi mi ti&t ut can nl? ;ert. f4.4.ef 4.eaepeai L..I...W...,. ,,. .i...,. ... - ,. ......L.l ,..,.1.. I....ii....n. rm ccnr. rr?i Id) MiJ1,iUi:,JilrVjijiil'i!il'J!;i C3 t""--'- ..l.a.ll..l..!..l.l.l..b 1. '.I t n ft ' r aissjaSaTaas'''1'' ' ' 1 I I H .ygllSSWiiHSl I I I H 4 V,. V J CSK...J 1 Jf-U, r. . r ' v. MMasaasl.weiaaBBBnrssw raasfcasssaaresar'BaaaaBiaaareaa'a aasJJaal, :o1 J If .4 afr eft 4 The great quantities and Yarieties of stocks represented in our July Clearance Sale were offered to the public beginning Tuesday morning. In addition to the published offers in this and following adver j" tisements, . regrouping of depleted lines will be made abd new prices set daily in each section; In many T cases these cannot be advertised, . , T Please consider the news on this -page as by no means complete, for in no single advertisement can ' T the pnee news of the tremendous values be fully told. These days -will afford such opportunities as T the true economists will quickly take advantage of. . 4 4 4 4 Clearance Sale of 4- 4- 4- 4 4. 4-4- t 4- 4 f 4- 4-4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4-4 4 4-4-4-4-4-4- Blouses Lot No. 1 Values to JM.50, at 9 Jap Silks, French VoUe$ and , Organdie Blouses. Lot No. 2 Values to 3.00, at $1.89 Crepe de Chine, Jap Silks, Tub Silks, Orrandie and Dainty Lingerie Blouses. Lot No. 3 Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Striped Silk Shirts, Plaid Silks and Radium Silk Blouses, At $2.69 .. Lot No. 4 Values to $7.50. All nev merchandise- Dress Lace Blouses, Georgette Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Fine Organdie an(l French Voile Blouses ljundreds of styles to select from, , ' At $4.50 4- i v , 4- eeart- . W .14 4-4-4-4- Ml a . 4- 4- 3-4- v : July Clearance of Millinery 1 ' -200 new Trimmed Hats, made of fine sewn Italian hemp, shapes mostly large black, white or burnt sailors, trimmed with flowers, ribbons, pompons of ostrich, etc. Worth $5.00; clearance sale price. .. .$2.50 Hundreds of Black Silk, Velvet, Cordurov. Taffeta, Silk or Plush Tarns. Most all of them trimmed with tassel and cord effects. AVorth to 2.50..$1 Most complete assortment of Flowers in the city. Hundreds of Pink,' Roses. French Bou quets of mixed flowers, Lilacs, White Flowers, Fruit effects, etc., at v Half Price Your Choice of Owf Stock. Clearance Main Floor Shoes Women's Bulgarian ' Sandals and White Buckskin Button Oxfords. Worth to 1 4.00,. per pair ....$1.83 Women's Pine Pumps and Ox fords. Worth to 5.00. special. pair $2.65 Odds and Ends of Finest Pumps, made by Weil, L. &. M.. Wickert. Gardner, etc Worth to H7.00, pair. . ,$3.35 Bath Slippers of all kinds for men and women, wortn 30c, nair . 22c r Women's Taney Top Shoes, 4 fawn or mixed colors, lace or VS button. Worth 4, pair. $2.43 Odds and Ends in Misses' and Children's Pumps. Worth S2.50. pair $1.49 Odds and Ends of Children's Pumps. Worth to $2, pair. 83c Odds and Ends of Women's Satin Slippers. Worth $3.00, rair $1.49 Aluminum and Enamel Ware. Aluminum Sauce Pans. Stew Pin Prvirie- Pans worth OC v each 1 Be 6 and 5-quart uiue uiame Buckets, worth 50c, each. 15c if. 4 The July Clearing Sale Brings Good News to 1 hose Who Desire to Save Money on Coats, Dresses, etc. Colored wash dresses of good wearing quality, 7.5o, at worth to ...$3.88 'Colored and white wash dresses, worth to JM0. $5.00 Choice of small lot of odd sizes and colors of Klosfit petti coats, one day only, Wednesday $3.89 Choice of big lot of white , lawn long kimonos 'and dressing sacques at just half price. ' Infants' white mercerized hose, worth 2(c, at. ...... .12 Vic Infants' hand embroidered yoke slips, worth 59c, at. . . . .39c Infants' light weight summer shirts,' worth 25c. at. . . . . .18c Choice of any tailored wool suit inour entire sock for. .$10 Colored tub 'dresses; worth to $4, clearance sale price. .$1.98 Big lot of linen auto and traveling coats; worth to $4. .$1.98 1,200 wash skirts In linens, pique, repps, etc., made to sell up to 2, choice, each. . , .79c Children's dresses .of ginghams, percales and worm 75C, at., chambray, . . .. ..49c Laces and Embroideries at Half Price and Less 45-inch crepe, voile and organdie embroidery flouncings, very pretty floral and conventional designs, worth-up to f t.oo, yard. . . . : , .50c 2J4-Inch to 6-inch embroidery edges and Insertions, very dainty patterns, extra fine quality of cambric, swiss .and nainsook, worth to. 10c yard. 5c Sample pieces and odd lots of fancy laces, flouncings and all overs, from 18 to 36 inches wide, worth up to 75c, yd., ,25c July Clearing of the Attractive , Cotton Fabrics Full standard apron gingham, pure indigo dye, in all the want ed checks and broken effects, 5c value, sale price, yard. .3 Vic The genuine Lonsdale bleached cambric, 36 Inches wide, the regular 1 4c value, clearing sale price, yard, only.- 8 Vie 27-inch beautiful silk stripe voile, in all the leading plain shades, sheer and crisp, dainty silk stripes, 15c value, clear ing sale, yard.., SVie 36-lnch dress percale, light shirting dress and wrapper styles, fast colors, IOC value, clearing safe, yard ,5c 72 and 90-inch bleached sheets, fine 'soft finish, 3-inch hems, ready for use, 39c value, clearing sale, each 29c 42x36 and 45x36-tnch bleached pillow slips, soft finish, to match, 10c value, clearing sale price,' each .7 Vic - ( Wash Goods in the Clearing Just received three cases of fine printed voiles for our July Clearing Sale; entirely new styles and designs in both stripes and floral. Also a wide range of black and white stripes which are In great demand, 40 Inches wide, clearing sale, yard. .19c Fine quality cotton crepe in dark colored background, dainty, neat design, 25c value, 27 Inches wide, clearing sale, yard. Sc Embroidered cotton crepe, white., ground in colored embroid ercd designs, 27 inches, 25c value, clearing sale, yard. .12 Vic 36-lnch white cotton crepe, also a fine quality of whlte seed grandine, 25c value, clearing sale, yard 10c July Clearing Sale of Trunks, Trav eling Bags and Suit Cases Wednesday we will place on sale about 40 trunks, sizes 30, 32, 34 and 36 inches long, values to,7.50, Wedncsaay Exceedingly Good . ' Hosiery in the Sale Children's pure - thread silk hosiery, full fashioned, worth 5oc, pair .19c Misses', and children's tine arid heavy ribbed hosiery, all sizes, worth to 20C, pair. .... . ,10c Women's silk boot hosiery in black, white and fancy colors, some all silk to top, full fash ioned, double heel and toe, double garter top, some slightly soiled, worth from $i to $1.5(3, on bargain square, choice. 69c Clearance of Knit Underwear Women's Halo union aulta and pants in cuff and umbrella knee styles. Vests, plain or hand crochet lacs yokes ..... Kayaer's Cotton Bloom ers in black and colors. Children's. Misses' and Boys' Union Suits, some slses in Munslng and other well-known brands included, none less tbsn 60c Quality, on sale on bargain square 25c Oar. ' ment choice of sizes $4.93 About 200 traveling bags and suit cases, value up to $8.. So, Wednesday at. . . .$2.83, $3.98 and $4.98 July CI ear ance Sale Wall Paper Wonderful values in new papers, suitable for any room in the house. All 6c wall paper, roll. . . 3c All 14c wall paper, roll. .. 7c All 20c wall paper, roll . . .10c All 25c wall paper, roll.l2Vic All 50c wall paper, roll. . ,25c Beautiful Pictures in the July Clear- x ance Sale 2,000 genuine Gar-Ben pic-, tures, sizes 8x10 to 14x17, in hald colored landscapes, sea ' scenes, beautiful figure pieces, all popular subjects, all double mounted. ' On Mkle Wednesday, maun floor 10c each . These pictures have never been sold in Omaha outside of the Brandels Stores. : Clearance of Corsets . v Madeline, Lyra and La Vida Corsets, values up to $7.50. $2 Corsets wxrth to J 5... $1.79 Jl.50 Corsets, two different models, or. $1 K Italian $Uk and Crepe de Chine Camisoles . . . . . . . .98c Brassieres, $2 and $1 vals..$l Brassieres front or back clos ing, embroidery trimmed, 25c values, at 19c af ' . 4 -I 4 . 4 "$lirl!J! lUTJl. H "i" fc Sr J r r rj U wj- v. 1 1