Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE HKE: OWlllA, WKHNKSPAV. .Tl.XY 7, 1015.
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'Thought for the Day
A forgivtru$i ought to bt lik a canctUd noli
termin tieo and frurnsi, so that (t ntr can be
hoen agnintt tht man. '
H. W. Bttcktr.
Nebraska farm products are world beaten,
all right!
The German reply to the laat Americas note
la coming. Mr. Bryan's resignation came faster
than that.
KebraskVi on the Map. '
Nebraska baa long boon firmly filed in Ha
proud noalHon as load or of enllghtmant, with
the lowest i.rcntate of Illiteracy Iff the union.
Recent government report place this state ae
fourth In per capita wealth. It la first la num
ber of automobiles owned and used tn propor
tion to Its population, world famed for Its poli
tics, and somewhat known for the statesmen It
has produced. Nebraeka scholars hare shed a
luster on the name of the state, and by their
erudition and Industry hsre added to the world's
tore of knowledge. Its fields and orchards hare
glren It first rank among the food producers of
the world, and poets and painters hare glorified
In song and on canvas Its sunshine, its scenery
and its people. It would seem that Nebraska's
cup had been filled to overflowing.
But now cornea Fame, and with a new blast
of her trumpet, she heralds to the four winds
of heaven and all quarters of the globe that Ne
braska has brought forth a champion athlete,
and Is otherwise bedecked with added Impor
tance. . Maybe this category has not been set
down with exact regard to the relative depend
able values of the attributes and accomplish
ments noted, nor is It entirely complete, but It Is
enough to show the world that Nebraska Is on
the map, and that its particular spot is getting
brighter all the time.
13 It a War to a Finish?
Henry M. rtaSeU la fcUo.
Huerta's Plaint from Prison.
Victorlano Huerta weeps in prison, as he
tells how deeply be is hurt because the United
States will not accept hlj word as a pledge. We
will be given tear-compelling word pictures of
this caged eagle, beating his wings against re
straining bars, while his soul strains to free It
self and soar again. All of which is very nice,
but Huerta's record Is much against htm. Me
pledged his word to Madero and the Mexican
people, and broke hla pledge. He allowed his
ambition to outweigh his loyalty and honor, and
he roust now pay for broken faith by being, com
pelled to give other security than hla word. The
United States was very tolerant of him aa a
guest, peacefully sojourning within our boun
daries, but as a suspected conspirator against
the people of another nation he takes on en en
tirely different aspeot The government it fully
warranted In dealing sternly with Huerta, and
with all other Mexicans who foment disorder
from this side of the border.
Here's a suggestion for a "Joe Stecher
nlgbf at the Ak-Sar-Ben den. But where get
men to aerve on the initiating crew?
Note the temperature deficiency of 18? de
trees oa the thermometer below normal alace
March 1, which ia the self-talking explanation.,
War geography runs the gamut of the alpha
bet keyboard, from Arras to Zamosc, and tumul
tuous pressure holds both ends and the middle.
The Increased activities and victims of Ger
man submarines carry a succession of sinking
spells to J. Bull's marine department. Ills sea
power is short of Jep.,
Every financial institution hereabouts re
ports normal or better gains for the half year,
and bears eloquent testimony to the productive
resources of the corn belt.
Omaha as a Model Host.
Omaha la entitled to furthecplume itself on
fts ability to take care of and entertain large
crowds of visitors. It easily provided for one
of the largest assemblages of holiday visitors
ever gathered in a western city, and without ap
parent strain on its resources. The Fourth of
July merrymakers, most of whom spent two days
and some three in the city, found everything
ready for them, and had no occasion to complain
of their welcome or of their treatment. They
took part In' a safe and sane observance, and en
joyed a program of out-door sports and games
of such diversity and attractiveness as is rarely
afforded, and all without serious hitch or mls-
This is an achievement to be proud of, and
shows how well Omaha's facilities for handling
crowds are organized. All the local public ser
vices are accustomed to unusual tasks, and dis
charge extraordinary duties without friction or
fuss. It is bard work, but It was well done.
I O THJO American from the middle wet the war
sons offer a erki of rapid-fir senaatlona. ln
. tha ar baa not at ret exacted any
nao'io trthuta. tha Interest has not bean loeallaad,
there" has boan ne erytallltIoa of pubtie sentiment,
therefore tha opening and prorr of the baa ball
aaaon. th Invasion of the JHnay tu. and the like,
frequently drive th wr new from the front pas.
In In east, where h conflict haa touched more
dirtetly upon th butnt of living, tt the Its natural
place a th paramount oueatlon of th day. "o th
ould-b Invadar of th wr aon ntra It outr circi
befor b leave hU patlv neath. New Yor wm
warmly dlecuaaing th poMlbtlltl of an attack en th
Entllah liners daya befor th lAialtanta mat her rat,
and th Atlantic rolng promiaed Increasing excite
Th flrat gllmpM of England was eurloualy diaarw
pointing. War was w1l In avldanc. th Liverpool
harbor wa crowded with war venal a; Atlantl racer
war making ready for duty a transport, cattl boat
unloading hundred of horaea. huare freighter bringing
In siippllei; munitions wer piled high on all ld, and
soldier wer very here; but It a tre ime,old Ena-
and we all knew, normal, poleed, elf-ront.lred, a bit
bored If anything by all thla pother of war. It was
only at tha .club, th laat place one would hav looked
for tt. that a vital tntereat tn the aubject waa found.
Th man In the atreet appeared to view th proceed
ing with Mngularly detaonad ye; and th con
stantly me vine- aoldier. the ever vtalble machinery of
th war. gav th Impraaelon of an elaborate effort
t advarti patriotism rather than express It.
No adequate explanation was offered for the ap
parent apathy of the people. Th lack ef any popular
leader waa uteatd and the ugaeUon wa plaual-
ble. but war o terrible, eo cloao at haad. war that
haa already lvled heavy a toll on llf and eoonomia
condition, might be expected to develop popular lead
era. That the apathy realty exlatad in th face of all
th panoply of preparation, and waa not merely a
pose, wa freely admitted publicly and privately.
And a the vtaltor wondored that thla should be,
he Luaitanla waa aunk, and with a tullen roar tha
British lion awoke. Th visitor had a chance to aee
the chance of mental attitude aa auddan and surpris
ing as If all the clubs on Pall Mall had by a bolt or
lightning been turned Into gardens. The people bail
aocepted everything else aa part Of the fortunes of
war, but this hld-oue thing wa so purposeless, so
Inexcusable, that in the fiorceneaa of their resent
ment the whole country solidified tn sn Instant, a
soldier ambling along, each at hla own gait, fall Into
military formation at th tap of a drum or a bugle
not. Th recruiting offices, formerly doing a steady
but modest justness despite enormous advertising.
were Jammed. The crowd in th street cheered tn
marching 3ld(er ss If they wer entirely a new fea-
turer and th crowd became a mob and th restaur
ants and shop Controlled by Germans, whion had In
no way been Inconvenienced up to thl time, felt th
foroe of th mob anger. Th authorltlea had their
hand, full to protect tha lives of resident Germane.
The coalition government cam In with a ruah, Par
liamentary leader no .longer had to plead the oaua
of the nation's defendera, millions more wer voted to
th war budget without a dissenting voice.
Th victim of th ljusltania did not die In vaia.
They gave new life to England.
Subsequent experience proves tba the auto
cratic power exercised by the late President
Diss is the only successful system of refrigera
tion for Mexico's hot tamales.
With his years of experience and bis knowl
edge of the IUo Grande as a trouble breeder.
General Huerta's plea of Innocence mocks his
discretion and banishes his smile. ,
Try to Imagine some one aeriously propoalng
to the Continental congress that the Liberty bell
be put on wheels and sent out on -a cross country
trip to the Pacific coast and back.
Ciriliiatioa After tht War.
Edward Davies fichoonmaker, writing of
"The Moral Failure of Efficiency," sounds a new
note in criticism of our civilisation. Me depicts
our social scheme as a train of two cars, pushed
by au engine, and rushing to destruction. The
first car is militarism, the second induetriallam,
and the engine is our educational system. It is
his argument that militarism is the outgrowth
of industrialism, and that industrialism flows
from our system of education, and that the
wreck of one will surely entail the destruction
of the others. Following this line, he finds that
'efficiency" has failed because it Is, paradox!
caliy, inefficient, lacking in the moral element
Internal revenue receipts from distilleries
and breweries show a decided slump for the
flxcai year. As a Joytnaker the white map does I that makes for the fuller development of man'a
not send its thrills to Uncle Barn's pocket. I faculties and provides for his spiritual along
with his material growth.
The parents of Omaha's Fourth of July trip- It Is interesting, too. that Mr. Sohoonmaker
lets are entitled to active life membership In does not confine bis accusation to any one race
the Two Hundred Thousand Population club.
Tbelr example is worthy of praise and emulation.
Assurances or permanency accompany the
proffer of the chair of political economy tn the
Lntveraity of Indiana to Mr. Bryan. Improving
tbe politics of Hooaierdora guarantees a life Job.
By holding hack public warrant for salariea
sot specifically appropriated, Btat Auditor
Smith is likely to make himaelf unpopular with
the payroll brigade. What's the conatltution be
tween frlenda, anyway?
Steel mills working at 80 to IS per cent of
capacity Is another reliable barometer of the
country's industrial uplift The gala la due to
' home demand, aa the mllla covered by the report
are not in the war order class.
c rrr 'VT-- Of si
1 - -y-vgiaraaaaxaaMaaaaaj
Tha fracas between th mayor and council waa r
Ivrd by the nomination of J. & livus te take the
place of Jamea C reishioa aa chairman of the Board of
PubMs Works, which, like all tha othera. waa referred
to a com mi Ufa. The mayor also withdrew the nam
of W. R. Shoemaker for city attorney, substituting tht
of Geoige U. l ake.
A movement la on foot to have all th clothing
tores i loss at I o'clock excepting Saturday.
Aarun Cahn baa revived a postal from Max Meyer
mailed at I'loldmsludi. Mr. Cahn'a native village,
where his els'er snd other relatives still reside, and
bleb Mr. Mvyrr promised to tlslt when ha ot t
M. 6. MariinoYk'b la back from a fishing excursloa
te norrnce lake. Mo tells a fabulous story of how
tha fish in the beat were eo heavy that th boat sank,
when he and bis comralce etradJled a bis catfish anl
landed oa terra firoia. All the fish escaped but the
big catfuh that had saved two valuable lives, and, of
court, toe kt.ighis of the rod and Una could not be
ao u.iKTttff'il as rot to allow It lie freedom, which
eipiaiiie their bom coming without any fish.
Mni Edna Co in. daughter of General Cowin, I e
turni to Omaha from i'leveUnd, wher she ha been
it'4 iter (isndparanis.
Hut JUl't-jif, the pouular bookkeeper for Morse A
fo. fit to I-S'iin, Mass, where. It is rujrawr4, a
j : l.ii l,aa sjong for Liuv.
or nation. It has been quite fashionable of. late
to lay all the blame flowing front "efficiency"
on Germany, because the Germans have proved
themselves such capable exponents of the dogma
of organisation and preparation. Americans are
Included with the other enlightened nations of
the world in the Indictment, and must take their
full shsre of responsibility, and pay In propor
tion as they have neglected the ethical to expand
the practical in the possibilities of the race. Our
educational practice leada to industrialism. nd
thia to militarism, whether we admit It or not
according to the syllogism presented.
But Mr. Schoonmaker sees a worthier clvl
lUatlon arising; not a aoctallstle atate. nor an
Utopia, hut, a condition in which the individual
will have every opportunity for developing to the
fulleat, encouraged and acslsted in bringing to
fullest fruition his better and more desirable
qualifies, and in which "efficiency" will not be
gauged by mere capacity for production of ma
terial thinga. Industrialism will no longer lead
to militarism, for It will be a means and not aa
end la the better social life that is to com.
Will the One-Term Plank Hold?
Interest in the p'eiform adopted at Balti
more by the democrat ! revived to some degree
by the defection of Mr. Bryan from the coun
rtla of the party' Isadora. Will th ax-secretary
of atate undertake to nail the president to th
one-term plsnk of tbst platform, and set him
adrift oa the sea of retirement? At the time that
platform maa adopted, the public was assured
that it contained the articles of faith of the demo- ! b
cratlc party of today, and later tbe candidate
for president solemnly announced that it waa
not set "aa molassea to catch files." In light of
later events, however, reason for doubt as to tbe
sincerity of these prophets haa been raised. The
canal tolls plank waa flagrantly set aside and
other violence has been done to the document.
Therefore, it remains to be seen how much de
pendence can be placed on the one-term plank.
At thla writing the odda are much in favor of
the proposition that the democratic convention
will ask Mr. Wllaon to take another cup of
ooffee. -
If the detachment of th English was a surprise,
the exaltation of th french waa on no less. That
Part, the debonair, the rapldeet and most reckless
of pleasure's pace-makers, should reveal an almost
nun-Ilk quiet and spirituality waa a distinct ahock.
The French have often protested that foreigners could
not Judae the nation as a whole by what they saw In
Paris and the Parislsns, but today the Parisian I lost
In th Frenchman, the hero of the boulevard I on
with hi brother from Bretagn or Normandy. There
la no need her for ropular leader to arouse enthusi
asm, th causa of France 1 motive enough, and It
children are as one 'In devotion and service. There
I not a family, rich or poor, aristocrat or peasant, that
I not contributing to th army or It Immediate need.
Every able-bodied man la under arma or employed In
making them.. Every tiny village ha It factory to
produce the ammunition needed for its defense.
' I hav lost five son in this war," the aad-eyed
woman In black said, "and If I had five more I would
gladly live them to Franc. On can not glv enough."
And It was th who! nation speaking.
rsrls I full of these women In black. Th soldier
furnish all the brilliance In the atreet. that wer
formerly riot of color and light.
That with thl aplrlt th Frenchman should be an
ldeul soldier is a matter of course. Ho I quick, dar
ing. yt patient, and alway cheerful alike In victory,"
defeat or delay. "H love to take a trench, but dis
likes holding It." he want to go rlgbt ahead and take
another one, yet he aervea weeka In the trenchea with-
out a murmur a long a Frsno bid him stay. It 1 the
long lines of underground fortifications, the trenches,
with their complete equipment for aupplylng the need
of men who must eat and sleep there ss well as fight,
their bomb-proof chambers and their endless barri
cading hedges of barbed wire, that add another rea
sonable doubt tn resard to the possibilities pf its being
all over by October or November. Only a little beyond
are tha German lines. Just a well equipped, Just aa
anSlous to advanc. Just aa determined to conquer.
These ar not fortification Intended for a few month
service. Uks 'everythlnt else that Is being don In
connection with th war. they portend a long, long
On little experience stands out in my memory of
those amasing day spent at the front In th vicinity
of Nancy and Lunevtlle, atanda out with lnsulr
'vtvtdneee. and I give It here beciuiie It perhaps beet
Illustrate the Impression war at cloae rang mad
uoon on onlooker.
Walking along behind the second line of trenches,
the hills pock marked by ahella, the crumbling houses
of th destroyed village a our background, we could
see quite plainly, beyond th wired hedge of the flrat
trenches, th German battle front. Suddenly from out
tha forest tops a French dirigible soared up In the
blue. In an Inatant th Oertnen guna were trained
upon It Great puff of whit mok told of the burst
ing bomb close about It Serenely It poised to fulfil
its mission of observation, than swiftly aa It had com
It nailed up, up, and waa lost In the clouda. Soma twenty
feet from our pathway a bunch of popple nodded
bravely In the wind; they wer red like blood and
flaming Ilk th spirit et France. I took chances
with the German markmen and went over and picked
them. I wanted them becauae they were real.
That thla la a war to a finish Is a conviction that
deepened with very hour spent In the war sone;'a
war to a finish whether that finish be brought about
by annihilation, ex..auatlon, or absolute surrender,
whether It duration be sis month or six years. It
la the same story on vry lde. For fifty year
Franc has suffered the menace of the German ad
vance. Alaace and Lorraine hav never crated to be a
bleeding wound In It heart. It la determined at all
coata to hav It own again and to fettle for U time
the republic' boundaries Ther can be no compromise,
no tslk of peace: auch measure would ' be merely
bottling 'a volcano; th fir would burat out more
furloua'y later. That U the unanimous verdict of th
Do the allies look to America for help? Surely, but
not as a participant in tli struggl. "This 1 our
fight and th United States can help most by keeping
out of, it." That waa the Idea repeatedly expressed
by every men whose opinion had weight to whom th
writer talked either In France or England, and thanks
to th endless courtesies of the American ambassador
In Parla and London, the opportunities for reoelvlag
such opinions at first hand were exceptionally favor-
Isrtef eonerlVatloaa tlsaaly
t epics tart tea. Th Bee aswasae
a reapeastVUlty tot opinion f
oroaBta. AU letter sm
Jot So eoademaattoa by aitot.
Savla Money hy Set Wsstlss
Omaha, July 1T tha yjdltnf of The
Bee: 'Indignant Wife" wrltea to yrair
paper and call me a "Poor old fool" be
mun I hav managed to a.v money and
rale a family. X am a ."poor foot" be
cause I do th marketing myself and
don't let the tradesmen overcharge me
as thy might my wtf. I am a "poor
fool" becaua my children don't go S ad
ding to th movie and don't poll their
health with candy and ! cream.
ffh say. "Lt m tell yon It's a good
thing I am not your wtf." It surly t.
for if ah wm ah wou)d hav to to
th mark. X would do th marketing If
X wanted to and h would hav to let It
go at that'. My wife objected, too, at
flrat, but now she sees Ui advsntag
and doesn't aay a word.
Why shouldn't I buy th groceries and
meat, eta.? I earn th money T Haven't
1 got th right to ae that It ain't
W td ?
Thsy'r my children, too. and I'v got
the right to say they shan't west money
nd ruin their health with candle and
Ice cream ' eon and movie. I would
Ilk to ask "Indignant Wtf" how much
of her husband's money She -haa laid up
In th bank for a rainy day? Poor man,
I bet It goe as fast or faster than h
can earn It And I suppoa hi wlf and
children go gadding to tha movies every
other ntaht-
In my house we spend the evening at
home. Smoking my. pipe Is good enough
parttlme for me and my wlf doe sew
ing and the older children dsm stock
ing. That's more sensible than gadding
to tha movie and filling themselves ur
with candy and ice cream snd setting
Ick and running up doctor' Mils.
Splrliaal and Paveal ftmedlea.
OMAHA, July .To tha Editor of The
Be: In a hecent Issue of tho Church
and Home appears an interesting and
impartial discumton of th relation of
the church to healing.
Without admitting that the physician
can operate In the dual capacity of using
both spiritual and material lemedle for
th sick, w certainly can agree that th
Christian phyatdan. believing In th
ternality of llf rather than death would
to a tremendous agency for the eradica
tion of fear and ignorance which con
stitute th prim cause of much of sick
ness and death.
Concerning this question Mrs. Eddy
expresses the thought suggested by th
article In question in the following apt
Phrolclana whom tha elck employ In
thalr helplessness, should be models of
virtu. They should ti wis spiritual
uldes tn heeUth and hob. To th
tremblers on the brink of death, who un
ci eret and. not the divine trutn wnicn i
life and perpetuates being, physicians
should be able to teach it. Then when
tha soul is willing and the flesh weak.
the patient's feet may be planted on the
men J u a innn, ine true inea
plritual power.
Th writer Is not eufflclently learned
In th ubjecta Involving th relative
authority to be Riven the canonical and
apocrypal writings and therefor I
not In a position to deprecate tbe us of
th book of Eocltntlcu aa authority
for eom of th positions taken, but
from a layman's standpoint th prophet
Isaiah more fully sound th Inspired
not when he says:
"And I will bring the blind by a war
that they know not; I will lead them in
path that they hav not known; I will
make darkness light befor them, and
crooked thing tralfht."
Th author tieferrlng to Christian
Sotenc suggest that he would b loath
to erect a church upon the one gift of
"healing the sick" a Christian Scientist
Tonne Psrnes had married contrary to
Ha father's wlhes. Meeting his i.arnt
onn afterward, the father said, artgrtly-
"Well, young man, 1 have mad my
Will and cut you off with a dollar."
"I am very sorry, fsther," said th
youth, contritely, nd then added, "But
you don't happen to hve th dollar with
you 7 Ldieo Home journal.
'The submarine Is to be the fighting
vesel of the future."
Iooks tbst way. Ones our future
naval students will graduat in overalls
nd each be presented with a monkey
wrenoh Instead of a word." Loulsvlll
HE pocSAli-T-rUKi,
fie i&txs who Ht?fai
"Do you promts to love, honor and
cherish this woman?"
"Tee." said the Politician! "what
ever th platform I. I subcrlb to it"
LoulsvUI Courier-Journal.
'Teopl ar always mor Interested
In their own affairs than they ar in
their neighbors."
"It Is easy to see you don't know our
neighborhood." Baltimore American.
Castldy (Visiting Warehlp) Ivry time
that. ble gun is fired, Dlnny, slvln hun
dred dollar goe up la amok.
Conley Glory be I Why don't they use
smoksless powder ? Puok.
"That suburban town where jyou live
is rather arid socially, isn't HT' asked
."Arldr Welt, I should say It was
arid," said Banks. "Why, th soil there
is so arid socially that you can't even
raise eyebrow there." Chicago Herald.
"The more a man has, th mor h
Wants." ouoth tha parlor Dhlloeonhee.
"IDo, you think that applies to the father
or seven children?" asked the mere man.
who happened to have that n any -Judge.
He dropped her hand With defeat writ
ten upon every feature.
Silently she eased into hi ye.
own expressing a mat ppeal for help
for tha decision she knew wa cimlng.
Again he gased down upon her hand.
"Utve them the trick." h growled:
"you haven't got a trump." Philadelphia
Tankey Is an awful braggart wheei he
gets a load on."
"Well, I suppose It's natural for a
man to blow his own horn when he's
on a toot" Boston Transcript
" Tay a you go.' I my motto," said
th stern, practical man
'"Well," replied Farmer CorntOMl:
"maybe if an all rlsht tnotto. But
,1 have noticed that roads with tll
gntea to 'em la mostly In poor repair."
Washington 8tar.
strccoiuNa the clan.
John O'Keef In New York World.
I waa foollehly proud of the fact
I had relative hither and vnn:
I'd an uncle In Austria a tract
And another In Germany a sun.
But no longer I'm proud
Of that polyglot crowd.
For I now am supporting eich one!
I've a couMn In Pontypridd. Wales;
I've a neahew residing in Cork;
And I'm cettlng by various mails
Little daily rerjueets that I fork;
And I hourly behold
Mor demand for th gold
That a supposed to grow wild In New
From my grandfather cousin's pet nleoe.
Who is living In Pstrograd now,
I've a letter imploring some fleece
Of- the aureate juvenile cow!
For th Petrograd bunch
Haven't had any lun n.
And they've got to get dinner somehow!
And I'v heard from a Turk
Of th city of minarets high
Who perceives a relationship lurk.
Thoua-h it's certainly vague to my eye,
And the prophet s son says
He 1- holding his fex ;
For a lot of backsheesh from N. V.! j
Ther are calls from the hills or Savov,
There aro pleas from the banks of the
TIM I pray that the name I employ
Mav be Suddenly altered In stvle.
Yes. I'd elve fifty bones
To be rare as a Jones
Or a Smith or a Brown for a while!
hav don.
It might be pertinent upon the direct
point to seriously consider whether the
health of the community, more and
physical, 1 not the entanglement In our
Immediate path and that th church
might well center all of Its' sncrgle upon
thl problem aa th prerequisite to the
next progressive step, but to linger upon
thla argument would ' not be fair to
Christian Scleno Inasmuch a healing
th sick -Is but Incidental to th building
of the perfect structure which I th
end and aim of Christian Science .
While th cur of disease) attracts the
attention of the outside world both be
cause of th world' great need to he
healed of its disease, a well aa the
radical departure In the method em
ployed by Christian clemce, yet th
thoumnda who hav been tiealed tn
Science testify that their physical healing
1 relatively unimportant compared to
th mental awakening which ha coma
from some understanding; of what Paul
meant when he aald, "For the law of th
spirit of Ufa In Christ Jeeus hath made
me free from th law of in and death."
and tha writing of Mrs. Eddy fully Jus.
tify her statement, that "The mission of
Christian Scieno now. a In th time' of
Ha earlier demonstration, la not pri
marily one of physical healing. Now, as
than, signs and wondtr ar wrought In
th metaphysical healing of physical
disease; but these rlgns ar only to
demonstrate It divine origin to attest
th reality of th higher mtaMon of tha
Christ -power to tak away th . stn of
th world." CARLE. HERRING.
Editorial Viewpoint
Twice Told Tale3
Slew I'm for a roll.
A pollmn. with mor than usual avoirdupois and
expanse of shoe leather, had lust passed a little terrace
house In Jeraey. with a bit of gardea tn front, whea a
IllUe boy ran after him.
"Hello, kiddle, said the copper, genially, "what
caa I do for you?"
"Mother aeat me out." answered the youngster, "to
ask you tf you would mind walking up and down our
path for a minute or two. It s lust been graveled and
w ala't rt a rol j," .New terk Tune.
New. York World: In plant word, th
Frit Urn memorandum In relation to th
lawleea Interference with our ships and
cargo I an Impudent perslatanc In
wrong-doing. Nobody I mor conscious
of this offense than tbe member of the
British ministry, for In answering us now
with sophistry and falsehood they nnru
th record of their own government in
like cases for many years. .
Indianapolis News: Th Mexican ar
wrong. Thar I no Incoaslstsacy be
tween th president's former declaration
that he had no disposition to Interfere in
Mexican affair and hi recent warning
that If condition down ther didn't Im
prove something would be done. No civ
ilised person would hav any disposition
t mix up la such a nasty muss, but It
may hav to be don anyhow.
. ftprtngfleld Republican: "Ma a who
through toll and ability hav got to
gether money enough te endow universi
ties ar professor' chair," think th
New York Times, "do not generally hav
It la their mind that tbelr money should
b spent for th dtasemtaaUoa of the dog
mas of socialism." Thla I th angle
from which It view th dismissal of Dr.
Svott Nearlng from the faculty of the
Vntveraity of Pennsylvania. To this the
obvious snswer is that If rich men endow
universities with the i tea of hampering
academic freedom, a free couutry cannot
afford te accent th brLba.
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