10 THE BEE: OMAHA. ....... JFLY , 1915. The man who has long planned to own a home has not abandoned the idea because there is a war going on. Real estate is always salable L WANT ADS Want ade received at any time, but to Insure proper olaealfloetion must be pr anted before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and t:80 p. m. for morning and Sunday edition. Want ad. received after urh hour Ul be under the beading. Too Lata to Claeelfy." rilU Tl iTTd Beven consecutive tlm. 1 cent a word each Inaertlon. rhree tlmee 'within ona weak. 1H cent word, ekoh Inaction. Ona time, I canta a word. Beven eonkaouUra tlmee. I centa a Una .arh inaertlon. I Tnr ree time 'within ona weak 10 oenta a una eeen insertion. Ona Uma, I oanta a Una. Count & Average word, to a Una. Minimum ehartre. 10 canta. An edvertteement Ineerte . tinttl dieoontlnued rouat ba atoppad by written order. . . ... All clalme for errore muat ba rnaaa within fifteen dajra efter tha laat Inser tion of tba advertiaement Too can place your want ad tn Tba Bee b7 t,'"TELEPHOW TTLKR 1000. BrRTHI AND DEATHS. Blrtha-Cartnalo and Maria Basso. W IPteroe, boy; Mlka and Rom Roursen, M Locust, boy; Joeeph and Nora Connolly. 14 North Fourteenth avenue, boy; Hyman and Berkle Klraan, 1U14 Center, boy; M. to. and Nora Liuwh. Angelua apartmenta. boy; W. K. and Baa lwla. Dewey avenue, boyi W. H. and With McDonnell. SSW Bouth Twentieth, girl. Haivatot-e and Qotrtetta Novaca, 2228 South fMsteenttt. Wl Anonyand Anna Malleeeewskl. fcl North I1J"ty-t South Bide, girl; William and li'T 'awn. SOW Sewer., ftrli Jarooa and Bophlj Nlaleen, 81K2 Mas-eltow JtiHl Lao and bora Qulnn. 87ll Caataflas, boyi Andrew wl Maraaret Thornton. SM Bancroft, jfcyy Kdr1 Jlu' F.liaabeAh Bkup. 13U , De'aiha-Davld 8. Allan, 48. UEB Smith laNrenty-eeventh: PaaH Howell. 22. 4 'North Nineteenth! Dorothy Rasmuseen. 14, 1SB4 South Fifth; Mra Charlotte A. Wieeler, 78. W Routh Twentir-etxth ave nnai Carf 6els Patterson. 63. JfM Bouth I Twentieth avenue; Barah MoOiiIre, 41, 'Bit fi. South Hldei Joseph O. Norton. T, I1210 North Twentv-lhird; George F. 'ifathewa, 71, Thirty-fourth and F. Bouth Fide; Oeorge Allen Rnowden, . hoardtal; lOarrta Elizabeth Bmlth. SO. 1721 TVde-e; Alfred C. Kennedy. M. 1024 Bouth Thlrty ' aeeond. BUILDING PERMITI. Stephen Bardosy. 4K11 North Seven teenth, eottaga. H.VQ. Today's Movie Programs LANTERN elldea for movlee. Band your copy to na We can reproduce photo ar will prepare) your copy. We will color aa directed. Baa Fboto Dept., 103 Hea Bid. Uonaiawa. EMPRESS, 15TH AND DOUGLAS. Tha Pream Dance, three-reel Luhln. Tha Evolution of Cutey, Vltak'raph, Pud Reeolvea Not to Bmoka, Laaanay. Boenlo. Hearat-flellg No. U. .Vaudeville. H1T-X9 DOUGLAS. Ttia Broken Coin, third chapter, Tha Healera, a gure blue killer. A Woman Bcorned. drama. 1-Jteat Mutual Weekly. North. GRAND, 16TK AND BINNRT. (THUATER BEAUTIFUL.) HOME OF GOOD PICTURES. Eamaon, B-recl feature. LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP. ''Money," a S-rael World film releaae. Bobert Warwick. APOIXO 2824""lEAVENWORTH. A Ballrad'a Bravery, Kalem. Jane Waa Worth. It, -r. Vlu graph. Paved Bv Her Horae, Bellg. BESSE. . 24 & N. Near Eternity. Kalem. The Clutch of Ctrcumatancea. l-r. Kaa. BJfe'a Myaterlea. Mlna. Weat. NONROB. 2565 FARNAM. Clara KImbal Young In Tha Peep Purple. I reela. Bhubert feature. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself ami Furuiph Comfort For Your Customers nnd Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendence Office Hoom lot. laveallgale V.M C.A. wui g vara, auiuuiar. AUTOMOBILES FOSTENKI.LE Al.'lX) CO.. lit ej. Wh Ht. Kxpert repairing; bargalna In used care, guaranteed aa repreaented. FOR "baTTk Auto In flrat-claaa condition. Call l-3 N. IM bt., Bouth Omaha. Vl.rMVr.r vou ere cunatdeiina aelllna mt buying a uaed ear and you want full value for ycur money or you want people who ere willing to pay tor what they era getting you will have no regret If you buy or odvtrtUe through the uaed car I column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lutw. C. ELSA6.SK R. eapen radiator and lamp repaira. Ty. 703. got I-ea venarorth. Overton e for leaky radiator, ioc, Uealera. 100 PWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Cone repd. Mayadurfer. lie N.l. o Want an auto. C J. Cauaa. alcCague tldg." WANTED-Capital to promote Omaha In vention to handle gasoline with safety around all parasea Apply Hit ClJe-ao bt. KilLlUtiKA Luick eervice tiiaUon. Uil Famara St. Phone Douglaa Til X E W Ford auto delivery bodlea of all atylea, open or cloaed, alwaya on hand. Our prioea will aave you money, ttee i oh neon- Wri forth Co.. li,J&-tl-i No. lata. Pierce Arrw....7M Cutting , ac.l Kettal lH Mai well 11 Truck law 140 MotvrcycJe , t20 Fxnum bt.. Tat. Doug. Ml WILL eell my sUghlly uaed 114 CadUleo phaeton very reaaonably. Can be aeen at "-4 Farnam tt. I. It M l.E-11.e-paeener Ford car, 1 4 n,Mit I, in aood co'uiltlon, Pielt St i hone WebMer till liw. , 'fiiitt ak Harney fella Melorr rkea. Goil iiii. i.l mtUcl, Excvlklor. Web aur Z-. BIKINE8S C11ANCKS If your Rualnraa chanca will atand rUld Invo.tlaatlon and la )uat what It itt adeitl-d, or If you are looking to atart In hunlnean for youraelf you will be per frcllv ntiafled If von uae th Huln. Chan'-e column of The Hce When buy Ina or nellina; a bualnpaa Phtme Tyler 1""0. TO OKT In or out of bualneae cail on OAXiiSTA P. 422 Hee Bld. IoUf S477. flONB. ahow rarda. Clerk & Bon. U. 137T YOR HA I,K Hardarare stock, building and flxtL'rea; location ood live town In eastnrn Idaho; one of tha beat grain and atork growing eeatlona In tha weat; alea laat year, frl.OuO. Addraaa t.a, t'ea. FH BAl.K y line realrln ehop; money maker for right man; owner leaving town; lfrH Iodge F)K BALlvllS.OO atock gen. mdte. In aaatern Nabraaka for caah, or will oon aldrr good land. Add reaa Y WT, Baa. Fon. BALE CHKAP-t'lean clothing Block, riplendld location on main atreet, 4-ear-leaae, modern Mxturee, retiring from buameaa. Apply 11. Bcoonover Co.. North Platte, Nab. FOR BALK OR RENT The Hartley t entcr-Ooaan with printing outrit in quire of J. K. Ha thorn. Hartley, Nab, WHY RENT? Aak about tha Iawler diatat' t, Altktn county, Mlnneaota. tba Land of Opportunity: ualmproved, ll to J; Improved, 36 to 145 per acre; eaav payment plan. W. u. Templeton, tuf, t'aa. Omaha. HEAL aatata Bualneaa pla-a euppltad or handled) all atataa. F. V. Kntaet, Omaha THKATttlti Buy, laaaa or an your the- ater. macnina and auppllea tnrougn Theater Kxohanga Co., la Farnam bi. nouglaa 1897. TO HELj or buy a bualneaa, call on Buach Borghoff, Franaer Blk. D. 8319. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Par Bohool. Night Bohool. oompleta bualneaa oourae. oompleta ahortliand or atenotypa eourae. complete telegraphy courae, oMl ecvioe brancbaa and Kng llah. Studnnta admitted at any tlma. Write, phone or call for IBIS oatalog-ue, BOTLK5 COlJ'KnC, II, fi. ijOTLEB. iTaaldenL Tel. T. Wtg, Iioylea BWg., Oma!ia, Nab. FOR aala, tha following acholarahlpa In a flrat claaa Omaha Bualneaa College: One unlimited combination bualneaa and ahorthand courae. One unlimited atenographlo courae. Ona thieo montha' bualneaa or ateno graphlo courae. Will bo aold at a dlacount at tha office of Tha Omaha Baa. FOR BALE FOR BALE Here la a claaalfloaUon tbat la of tha utinoat Importance to every reader, an thla column Offera aome excep tional opportunltlea every day and a email want ad will eel I your article at lta full value. I'hona Tyler 10U0. Farallarr. Iloaaehold Unode, Eta, nF.VlM t,1ht and anld. J. O. Reed, ltoaOia, Farnam at D. 14. Foil BALk Una ramie. 110.00; coat 1S3 0O kitchen cul'lnet, 10.00 coat 123.00; divan, 17.00; coat t:2M; centre table. 1:1 00, coat 00. Ohio ''honaJkVeb. 2168. BARGAINS IN FURNITURB AND HAKDWARK. 1RS9 N. I4TH. WET1. 1H07. MORTON hnnd waahln machine and wringer; nearly new; 110. Harney 11472. Horae ... VvaUriee, J-Vi buya a well broke, neck rein aaddle horao. :i8."2 llurrlaon 81. fhone Wo. . 8 PUnoo SOWS with llttera of ptaa; a I ao lata cubbage plant.. Benaon i7. Maalcat Inatrumeata. ON ACCOUNT of breaking up houae keeplng, will aell my llallet ft Davla plana and mualo cabinet. K. 76. Bee. aUiKhtly uih-u hlKli grade piaiiu. I. attll. I'aallrr, k ail mm laaiiWti, STEREOTYPE metric, make tha beat and c hea peat lining for poultry houaea They are l.x-3 Inchea, atronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. fNc a numlred at Tha ttee office. Bmal) hcat. 1 lb. t? ia. Wagner. WU N. 11 Tyievrltrre. TYPKWHi'lERS Bold, ranted, repaired. Ctnlrmi Typewriter Kio. 1V06 Farnam. MONARCH No. I: bargain. 22 Bee Bldg. Mtki'illnapoal. FGil SALE Ntw and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard Ublea and bowling alleye and ucceaaurles; bar fUturea of all kluda; eaay naytnenta. Tha Biunawlck- l.iilk. ( hI.himIit ''u.. "T-4ui) S I'Hh St. KOK SA L K Flying machine. Motor ahop, Hi nuctt, Neb. MOTION- picture machine for aale. Motor ahop, Hcnnott, JSeu. IF you want to get Into or out of the moving picture bualnca. or buy new equipment aceeaaorlea or get a location write omana 'tneater ouppiy i;o., m Ualrd Bldg., 17th A Douglaa, Omaha, Nch. BIO aale on trunka, bags and aultcaaaa Friedman. 1211 I'ouglaa Bt. TOOLS, ahovele, plcka, Jackacraws, win dow glaas. 2 car pen tar benohe tl aaoh; 10 match- machine.. 60c each, 1 hot water boiler complete. l0; combination electric flxturea Iwo eaon; iron oeaa ouinpieia, a; good horae. tM; barnaaa, 110; good ax pre., wagon, t Q Tel. Harney TOt B. tlat Ave. XT XJ-lutnd motora, tlyuamoa, rlPA7 roagnetoa, etc., meohanlaal '" re pair a La Bron Liectrlc Worka.tlt-tO B, Uth Bt o tt0 OA Oolden Weat Whlakay, 4 full rS.'i XI J quart, bottled In bond, pra Y'"v paid. Oarkley Broa.. Omaha. For Bala mall ahed. aultable hnr chlokcn home or Ford garage. 'Mi N. IMh. LA.URtJL rang. Wauetor U. HELP WANTED FEMALE CleWcaJ aaat Offla. J nm wi ". Tl A UjJVn e l r. r.o-T.tfl riz-- n ...,.,..,,. ... .aw DICTA PHON H '.f"R. (Oo. Bluff.)... M BUU1NKNS MPS REFERENCE AHbN iaie-30 WoHan of W orl. (MMITOMBTBK OVWtATOtt. TfclNOOHAPHm tCLIVSR). i-0 l t.u a ft i ' rsKKjAtst i'rn CA8U1KP. , M ANJ BOARD TUB CANO ACrENCY, 0t) BEE BL1X1. 8TENO. Spokane. Waeli.: excellent iHropoaltloni M and transportation. Watts Raf. Co.. W0-4J Krandela Theater ROOKKKKl'lSR AND STKNQ. ." SALARY tiKI'ENUS; AND CASHIER, SALARY CiLJililTUlTlVV Tl IT IT T3 nVPO' Hf 101&-16 CITY NATIONAL RANK Blj"0. 6TF.NUOHAPHER Neat, aome experi ence yt TVPIST-Permanent & CO-OPKHAT1VH RKFERBNCK CO. 1UIM6 City National Rank Rldy. STENtHIRAPHER, uol poaltlon, lii HL'Hl N Kl8 MKN'H REFER KNCK AB8N. m-!0 Woodmen of the World. WANTKIl-An experienced atenographer and office eeelata.nl, who can talk and write the Bohemian language. Perma nent poaltlon to right party, and good w a gee. Ad dreaa Y W.m Re. BOO I K B KP EJl and stenographer... 1.0 Bookkeeiwr. caaltler M Tyiilat and clerk 40 Stenographer Salary Iependa CO-OPRRATTVB REFERENCE CO., 1016-1 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Isitsir aa Traiaea. OIRL to learn halrdreaalng. Oppenhetm Parlora lluaaekreperk anal Dataritlva. TUB Servant Qlrt Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE) until you get tha deelred results. Thla appliea to reeTdenta of Omaha routh Omaha and Council Bluffa. B-tna ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler !. V A NT El - tlirl fur general liuuaework In amall fJinl y; must unJeratana cooking lt'.s Capitol Ave. WA NTE1- A white girl to asatat in house oik; no weakling or looking. Webatar 6131. VM. Biondu. MOVIES A FEATURES T7 TODAY LOTHROP. 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. "Money," a o-reel World film reioaae. Robert Warwick. MUNROE. 2555 FARNAM. Clara KImbal Toting In Tha Peep Purple, t reela, Bhubert feature. HELP WANTED FKMALE Uoaaekeeaerw and Domaattea. IjAUT would Ilka bouaekaeplng In town or country home for elderly ooupla, or cere of Invalid. Can take full eharga of home. Addraaa F I71, Bea. W A NTPD I Ady for general houaework. Soj No. f4th. Wabatar 77, WANTFI Olrl for get IM Davenport. K. . naral nouaework. f tucr 1 1 AMweiaie. TOUNO woman coming to Omaha aa atrangera are Invited to vlelt toe Tounf Wnmen'a Chrlatlan aaaootatlon building at St Marv'a Ave. and nth St. wheii they will be dlreoted to auitaoie Doardlng plaoaa ar otherwUe aaalated. Look for our travaiera' guloe at ITnlon atatlon. LAbllvH Make ahlelda at home, ItO for 100: work aent prepaid I no canvaaalng; (end atamp. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co., St. Louie, Mo. A SUITE of houeekeeplng rooma In ex- changa for chambermaid to work rive houre per day. Mra B. J. Kol.ler. lew Howard. HELP WANTED MALE Clertoal aael Office. BTENOORAPHCn f TB CITY BALKHMRN (INVF.ST.). 1100 8TONOORAPHEIR (RAILROAP)..... ..t 05 TJ1B CANO AOBNCY, 600 BKffl PLIX. BALKHMANBacellent propoaslion, al- ary uepenoa. illi wmr- Prajidela Theater. WanTKI) Six live ealeamen Monday afternoon and Tueaday. 1701 Davenport HIOH-OUADE oommerclal poaJUona. WEST Rfc-FERENCU. tt BOND ASSN. tit Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, etenographar, aatary da penda. Baleaman, city, aalary dependav Baleaman, oily, aalary, nommlalon. CtJ-OPrlrtATIVB REFERBNCp OCK 101B-1I City Nat. Bank Blcty, NlKW locatloa MO Paxton BlkTWe have aeveral poaltlona open. Rogera Raf. jCj, Ageata, Balaanien. and Bolloltotva, Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor gerTlca frea. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, RoomlOJ. WR have a good plaoe for a live Inaur ance man. Mutual Benefit Health A Ac cident Aaa'n , 4a City Nat. Bank Bldg. 8QUARE TEGW IN BQUARB HOLES. We find a noaltlon that flta you, CO-OI'EUATIVE REF. tX). 1015 City Nat Bank Bldg. Kaotorf and liaatt, Drug atore anapa; Joha. Knelat, Bea Bldg. LearnBarber Trade Wagea paid. Toola given. Poaltlona guaranteed. Call or write for mora Information. Trl-Clty College, 1124 Doug laa Bt., Omaha. CARPENTERS familiar with frame houaej work to go In country; Bweeda pre ferred; no union In town: none but beat mechanic need ananer; atate where can he aeen Tueaday night or Wedne.day morning.- Acini-fan ir trrr, nee. Free Tuition for a .hort time. WESTERN BARBER IU1.LCJIK. 1"4 llmllil Ht. WANTKl A fliat c.aaa repair man I steady work for lial.l niHn. Write or all. Juhnke'a Oiirauiv Fair-bury. Neb. WANTWI f 'ran line operator familiar with gaaolliie engine. Addreaa Jdul- grew-Moyce Co.. Dubuuue, la. I'onltlon Now open. Free Catalogua AMERICAN AUTO W. Farnam Bt . COLLEOB. OMAHA. NEB. WfC need men. had lu turn down two Job per week lately. Get in. Learn by our method. Uet one of theaa Joba Catalogue l R. free. Nebraska Auto n, chile Hrhool MI7 Oodp St MOLER BARHER COLLEGE Special summer rate Catalogue mailed free. 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. l Uri'llnaruak. WANTED 1 ,000 men to eat ham and egt'a, 16c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. HEN wanted: government Joba; 190 per month; Oiniiha vxnmliiHtlons Sept. IK. Sample questions free. Fri nklin Insti tute. lept 221 F. Rochester. N. Y". WANTKD- Naniea of young men want ing to be Railway Mali Clrika. 7C month. Answer Immediately. Y. (66. Bee. SITUATION'S WANTED WANTEIV-Hy young man, S3 yare, po attlon aa aaalMant bookkeeper, ledger clerk or any kind of office work. Rest of references. Kxerlenced. Addreaa B-66i, Ree. ' PFRFECT cashing. Wehatar 4J3. expert ironing. LAOT atrnographer and dictaphone op erator, graduate of Ho) lea college, de slree permanent position with amall aal ary to begin. Addreaa K Ilea. EXPERIENCED young man anta ateaeiy Job In prlva.e family. Houae cleaning, garden. Honest aervlce. Will ing to work. Addreaa A (73. Bee. TWO experienced girls vant work, cham bermaid or laundry. Out of town. 412 North 18th St. COLORED woman wanta ateady place In houaework or assistant In kitchen. Web. 2344 ELDERLY lady would Itke poaltlon to oare for one or two children; beat of referenoea. Hull Caae Bt Douglaa e. WAITED A poaltlon doing huueework! Loug. ae. COlXRED girl of IS wanta place to aaaist wnn nouaewora or care lor children. Webste 2U4. LOST AND FOUND IX)bT Bobolink bracelet, linked together, 11 links. Return to bee office for re ward. OMAHA A COUNCIL BUTF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona havlna laat aome erltel WAiil.t do well to call uu the offloa of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Rallwa company te aacertain whether thev le ii in toe eireei uia Manv artlulaa aai-h day era turned In and the company la anxious tn restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 41. LOST Pair noae glasses In case with gold rhaln and ear attachment SultabU reward if returned Immediately. Phone H. Larson. Tyler 1815J Lost or Found ad in Omaha s l.at and Found medium means the tmsnedtate le turn of that article If advertised In The Bee. t("e loat and Found pai.er. L'ST-Pilver vanltv puree. nionr gntm M, I'ontaii ing aome i hanue. In down town shopping dial riot, Thuraday. July L Will finder ploaae call DougUa 2502 1 IX)8T ATfI FOUND LIHKRAL reward for return of box con taining ertlclea of clothing loat on iroda car Monday nlxht, July f, no queatlona aaked: cltlicr leave at thla oflre or SWU N. 24th St. Telephone Web. PEnRONAL YOt'NO women coming to Omaha aa atrangera are Invited to Malt the Young Women'e Christian aaaoclatlon building at 17th St. and Bt. Marv'a Ave., where they will be directed to aultable boarding place or otherwian aaalated. Lobk for our trave'ere' aid at the Union etatlon. THE Salvation Army Induatrlal home eo liclta your old clothing, furniture, maga alnee. We collect. Wa dlatrlbuta. Phona Douglaa 41M and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-lllt-qj lodtte 8V OORDON. the Magazine Man. Phona Doualaa Tlfix. SWAPPERS' 4JOLTMX Wanted to Swap. Why not advertl.e nethlng that you no longer have any uaa for and aot aomethlna you really Seed? It coata you nothing to join tha warpers' Club, and you will find It lot. of fun swapping thing. Write Room IH, ee mug., or phone Tyler two. A GOOD Remington typewriter, model No. . WIU trade for anything worth Addrea B. C. tW, bee. AL'ToMOHJLEfe For otuer automoblia barf alna aea tha 'Automobile" cl. slfl- twtlao. t.VolNJB-K'.arly new. 4 TTK englna from Indian motorcycle, oomolete: equipped wlih friction clutch, pulley and enclosed. tyi' Boaoh magneto; condition porioui. inuiinK yrioe, ..to; will lane in your old angina or a email atatlonary angina on trade. Tbl. angina la powerful anou fora Ugfct cycle oar. Addreaa 8. oom bungalow, mod ern, for clear jo or auto, B. ffTj. Bee. tT8INiKS CHANda- Oenf furniahlng atore, good location, South Omalia. Will trade for Omaha real aatata, vooant or unjurwvao, or gooa auio wortn aioout u.Ouu, Addreaa B. HO. Bea. HOHSE, BUOOY AND HARNES4 BALK REASONABLE. TILER ill! 'INDIAN" motprcyole and new elde-cart lata U14 model, twin cylinder, two- complete electric equipment. 1U rn.uro-oq kick aianer: new Urea; all per teot condition. Coat 370. Want Ford or ant roadater; no other propoaitlona con- a! dared. Add reaa D. C. 1071. Bea. LA ROB view camera for typewriter, or, what bavo yout V. Crawdaon, Missouri vaiier. ta koUAKL "Aneco" folding pocket, aixe IHxHl double len. automatic ahutter; Heing, lowering and laterally ahlfting front 1 like new; together with oompleta outIt, Including- new IS developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying caae, eta. Want vlalbla typewriter In good condi tion. Addreaa 8. C. MRS. Bea. PLAYER PIANO Leaving city; willing to aaortflaa new playor piano. What have vom to offer for earno. Could uaa auto or diamond. Addreaa S. c. 1177, Bee. ROOMING houae. 2223 Farnam 8U ta trade for an automobile. Lirlve up wlta your car and make a quick deal. RKFRIQERATOR In in ood condition, a vou tn value almut S10. What have trade? Addrea. 8. C. 1135, Bee. PAInTINO aervlce In exchange for horae. Addreaa S. C 1178, Bea. PIANO-vAlmoat new Wellington piano; coat WOO; alx montha ago; beautiful mahogany caae; will trade for aomethlng I can uaa Addrea S. C. 1178. Bee. SEWING MACHINE Hlnger; retail price good condition; drop-head. Will ex change. What have your Addreaa 8. C, WlLL exchange 2d hand carpenter toola tor aiae car. Andre, b. c. iino Bee. AUTO Will accept good auto aa first payment on new, all modern, aeven room bungalow In good location. Red 1S81. WILL make a hair awltch any color In exchange for aewlng machine or oil cooker. 8. C. 1182. Bea FOR RE XT Apartmenta and Flate. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will plaaaa and fill tha need of any ona de-alrlna- to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. TUB SHERMAN. Beautiful apartment, private garage; no cbjeotlon to children. 0i Bher. Ave. Lngelua Apt., and 4-room apt. H. 20?4.- FOUR and eeven-rooin apartments, $18 and upwards; near poetoffloe. G. P. Btebblna. VKRY oholce 4 or (-room, steam heated apartment on Weat Farnam Bt. JOHN W. ROHBINS. ISO! FARNAM ST. ROOM apartment, ot. Oeorge, na n. Slat Ave. Web. 1671 Phona Tyler 1636; evenings. Karnlabrri 4parimeats. SPLRNTIIO NEW FURNISH rTD APART.MENT for rent In tha New Traverton FIREPROOF. S4TH AND LAN DON COt'RT. Catering to people of refined taava. Apartment completely equipped for hnueekeeplng; up-to-date and comfort able. TRAVER BROS . Tel Douglaa UtA 706 Omaha Nat Bnnk i iW?7; : ; . . : room nouw, large barn, granary, corn U'ANTKDA furnished flat for two or .ribs, wlndmllie. etc.; the "and wlil pro three montha; prefer aelect location In I ouce 60 huahela of corn per acre; tele- resldenoe dlatiict. Harney MX7 Bear and Rnoata, Furnished Rooma that offer every mod ern convenience) and comfort In private famtliea ur boarding houaea of tha high eat oiaaa w1l beat be found In tha Fur nlahed Rooma column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lOuO. BEAUTIFUL room, with tao exceptlon ally large aloaeta. In a Weat Farnam home) large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney im. 1310 HARNFJY Board with or without rooma. V. SONS. BOARD and room for two; ref. W. 6211 Farnlahed Itounia. If you do net ee anything- that aultt you In tha way of Furnished Rooma you can nail at Room 104 Bee Bldg., and aak for the Free Furnished Hoom bureau and we will aladlv refer vou tn a 1,1', claaa rooming or boarding houae In any I part of the city. j SOUTH lffll, 6222 large modern front rooma flrat floor, with screentd porch; conneoted or single; close in; reahonahle. NICELY furnl!hed room; modern: very reasonable. H. fclli Ave. Dun. tM. DODO E, 1708 Cool, clean nMiniaroae'ln; day or week. Karnlahed llonaea. FOR RES'T 7-room, modern, furnished houae In Dundee, sleeping porch and garage, for montha of July and Auguat. Call Wal. S344. ST B re I e teiarw-'aiaiai kaoau. tlSS DODUE Modern light housekeeping, reaaunabla. Ltarhi Hoaearr4ii-,M H . 1001 PARK AVE. 2 and t-roooi apart menta. clean, cm1. oiy. Hainev W.O Kortk. At J, modern f-rooin tiouae, on car Una. in Florence, large yard. Florence Sul Mam Ht BAKCIAIN if taken at once, alt in-oarn i-rooin houae; maple flooring In l.ving and dining rooma, lartce ahde and bear ing cherry treea. oiner ehrubbery: one blk from car and aci, .. Webater 8T13. SEVEN rooma, all modern, Harney . Bemle Park, BlX-HixiM all modern houe, elose ta er ii Phone lvugla iTlf. 11 lu N. 2.'d 4-r. flat, aleel ran.ee. ita atove. Wli.-hei cabinet, water paid. il7. RASP BROS.. Douglaa 1661. aaalk. FIVE-ROOM house, summer kitchen, fine cellar, water paid. l-i. tl bo. Suth L von RFXT llouata "nrl nllaxra, donth. For Rent South half of double brick houae 7 room.. 4 bodrnoma. ail modern, at l-'lt Snu h Jti fit., near Park -cIkkjI. one block eaat of llanacom park Tel. Harney IJod. Mlaellaneona. GlobeVan & Storage Ptorea. movea, paoka ahlpa; l-hore van and t man, 11.25 per nr.; atorage $3 pr mo. Batlf action guar. D. 4388 A T.v lid FIDELITY 8&"vftis YUKh Pbona Poualaa If for complete Hat of vacant h?uaea and apartmenta; alio for r.toiage, moving, letn ann jece..n !t 6EIC the Central Furniture Btorea RENTAL L18T. KHKE ITnncau Crelrh Pona A Co., Bea Bldg IlUUbttb , ,T, rrt, of lb, clty- , Gordon Van Co. E Stoiage. 119 N. 11th fit. Tel D M or Wob. li"i 06 Bouth 2Eth St., modern 7-room brick. Apply 8424 Farnam. Harney 4-TJ, ALL alxea. IS per month up. 607 I'axton. . (J. KPPfl pVcklnr- moving. J lacking aV atoraga. 207 Farnam. n. tfil Maggard's g an and Mtormga o. Call na for ea- tlmatea fn vnnv- ing. packing, anipping. iTlt Webater Bt Douglaa 14S. GLOSE-IN, detached, modem t-room and reception hall, t bed rooma, tsn Capitol " no Vfht houakeiplng, rafer encea. Phona Douglag o. ttormm and Office. Office on 17th St Double Windows ONLY VAOAOT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Private (iff lea Wnlttng Room 180 Bq. Ft. $18.80 The Bee Building Office Room 10S. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent Office. Room 103. WANTED TO BCf Tale buya everything 2nd hand. Web. 4904. OFFF1CB furniture bought and aold. C. Reed. 120T Farnam. Doug. 6144 J. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Calltorat. Live Oak Colonlea, none better. W. T. Bmlth Co.. tla-14 City Nat. Bk. T. ttU, Iowa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and aend It to tba Sioux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa'e Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and ieer Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving alxtaen aria oa twelve different daya for 2; or W worda, 14; or TS worda. H. Largeat circulation of any Iowa aefa paper, ii0,M readera dally in tour area! state a. 39 A0RFS, near town, on good road; new small houue. barn, chicken houae; fine water, windmill; about 10 acrea of fruit. Price, H.wAi, on easy terma. Day & Hess Co. SOLE AOENT9. 123 Pearl Bt., Council Bluffs o SMALL MISSOURI FARM. So cash and 43 monthly, no Interest er tana; hlgnly productive land, close to three big markets; write for photographa and full Information. Munger. R. lit N. V. Mte-Hldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Mlnanoui. 240 ACRKS 45 mllea from Mlnnaapolla, one mllu from town; 160 acrea under cultivation: balance uaed for paature; can practically all ba cultivated: heavy soil; good set buildings, consisting of t- nhnna In I. ...... ' nA..M-u AU.-I.U. . . l . ,..,,;, IUUHVI7 OllVnif lUSUi iomplete ant of nmcliinery; 27 head of stock. conKintlng of 11 cowa. balance 1 und 2 ytura old, alx good horaea; 2S hogs: chickens; one-httif of this year a crop and everything on farm gues at T0 per acre; half tabu fchab Tiros.. lOi'K Plymouth M.ilg , Minnini" il. Minn. UOUUHR. CAN locate 26 people on homeateada ot 32 acres each. Guarantee nice, smooth land. Address E. O Farnswo.th. Dillon, Montana. MONTANA ramh for aale. splendid ranch of about J. 700 aires, and four ' ranchea of 160 acres each In Teton county. Montana. Tor sale ny owner, at very at-tructik-e prt.-e and ren.vna.ble terms. Ir rigated and every acre tillable. Railronda cioaa property and depot on ranch. Maps ard dea. rlp'iona on application to R. A Trriaer. Helena. Mont. o .NrbmaXs. IF you want a good bin ranch. I have It 1.4ei acres. 12 miles weat of Maralnnd. good soil, more than half la good fnrm innd; nil Ik uell end henvtlv greased. All fenced; two wella and wlndm'lla; excel lent opportunity to get Into the atock buelneaa. Only J9 per acre, and on terma to autt. Aran I., ifuneei ford Crawford, Dawea County, Nebraska. FARls WANTED WANTED TO BENT-Well Improved 80 acrea, grain rrnt Wll! 1-aae for " ears If desiralile. O d referencea. tiuy Cow gill. S14 N. .'(2d St . Lincoln. Neb. REAL f.ST TF. IX1AX9 FARM LOANS, 6 PhK CENT TOLAS' P A THl'MMCI I.. 44 Bee Wdg U' T f'u.wH! mad' r imptly a. D. Weed. Weed Bli'a ?6th nnd Karns.ni gta CITY and term loans, i 4 per lent J. H. Dumor.t A Co.. 41". Plate Him. WANTED -i"oi (arm and c.ty loans at loweet rte PFTER.H TCUVT fft .. KH Farnam. W.A NTe I Ht loans and warran'a W. Fame"! Sn-fth Co.. l ?n Farnr n St CIYY pmpenr. I.arga loana a specialty. V . H Thomas. J2! Btate Bank Bldg MC XF.r on hand for city and farm loana II W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg, OMAHA houiea. Eaat Nebraska farina IYXEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. IW Omaha National- Phone Doug, aa in I SITE ua flrat for farm loana in eaatera Neb. United Statee Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 CITT LOANS C. O. Ca.nberS, 210-U Brandeia Theater Bldg. Ready Reference Directory The followiue; firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: A na.TR ACTS )K TITLE. MKEH ARPTrtACT CO. oldest abrtraft nffloe ! v'..,, "ck urt ndla Tlia. ti IMI .MAAI.v IT PAYS ? o have your ac- roints audited Lrt la innke -r,u n irtD- ctiilon for doing your i.udltlng. DWOHAlv AC WXTINO CO Art- r t-TJ llimsc Bldg Phone Douglaa Tirej AMATKIH CINtSlllVU. FILMS rle eloped free If purchaaed from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Pee Bldg Dent. D. Ahl'liri'kll'i.l. Fverett a Portrta, 1? Pn-rtor Ptk T. i1 AHTinnu, stum; widf.wai.ks. RinKW M,K5. drives, floors, walls, atepa. coplnca: an' thine In vuarqntecd ron rif'C. 't 'oni "rml P.ivlne Co , W P?Tton n 'fit O n Omnt Mar V.v ATTR i TIO.M. e i, ,-n.i.a rfFiring service or re- rreanmenta, phone Hana"om paik H. fiSR4. ATTORNEYS. C. T. DIMnaon. Ell Paxton Blk I. :04 At tTIONEKHs. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-16 W. O. W. R. sakj. Nat'l Pale Auction Co.. l.tj; w. O. W. ALTO INSlRANtK. hr'Z&,ZJ,OUr """'n'" Inerjrance py patronising a home Co. Doug ia, A17TO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. KM Far. D 2001. BAKERIES. a. H. REEDKR, 1506 N. 18th Web JOT BEDniNU. 0 .vat'e? feaTnS?. DLIE PRINTING. HORNBY RLTJE PRINT CO so n w National Bank Bldg - 302 mha BRASS AND IRON VOV&OHliiaT' Paxton-Mltchftlt CoTFth and Martha Sta CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 223 S. Kid. Dougla. M20. Lessard A Bon. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1431 CHIROPRACTIC SPIftAl, ADJU'ADTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D g46i. ClilHOFODlST. Carrie J rftJg'axJlk. Red 4tj7. CIV1L klMilAckHlT M. J l.ACY. 618 BE1S BLDQ DOUO. 47U, CLEAN EM A tilt DYERS. TtOYAL Dry Cleaners. 2231 Leav. T. 1811. C'OACUETE tuAkittUCTlON CW.'S Weatern representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE ill-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AND LODUE SUPPLIES. UFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. Tlieo. Lieben & Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4116. UAM1AU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, elaaelo. D. UTL Summer rates now at Mackte'a; private lessons dally. 1816 Harney. Doug. 644b. UHUssHAklMi. Terry Dreasmak g college, 20th A Farnam. DYEHa AAU CLEAAEUS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. Uth. D. 6071 DE 1 ECTi V Ea, JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Block. Evl- denco recurta in all case, lyiur iuo- UHI I1'A . Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bids. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea, 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Rooma. 1517 Douglaa. D. 2186. uuuus. DRUOR at cut prices ; freight paid on 119 order; cataloguea free Sherman ft Mo- Connell Drug Co., umaha. Neb. ELECTRIC rlASOl, Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. loth. Terma Electrical Werlu. P A IT IT T, ELECTRIC HJUllLiU COMPANY , new una eecoi.u i enu . r . . . . ..til r-m ullllH in lt m n(i lane anu iiioto.a, - , electric repairs;- prices right Office Bee rtlQg I'oug. seie. iiu I'"""' .. ELEC'i HOLYSIi. jjioa Allender. C24 Bee Bldg. Red SKA. SEVER YTU lis CJ ruR WOMEN. ACCORDION, Bide, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttona ail aiae and styles; hemstitching, pleol edging. Idual Pleating Co.. 2tl Douglas Bloca. D. NEV"TORK aample store Must vacate, building cnmii.g diiwr,; cloaks, suite and dreeaea aiicrliice.l ? N Irit r Bt KlK.NAtt-S AND TIN WORK. HABERSTHOH. Hamilton. Wal. 29W. rbOllltli. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. SO00. t HFNDERSON. 1M Farnam. D. lli. Menitei l lfrlst Telegraph Del. Ana n HESS PWOPOPA. 1416JTarnam St A. pOVACUVF. I'? Harney Dr.ua. 100L H A T t 2.11 4a. ! Panamaa cleai.ed. D. Elsele. IV City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. IMn Har. COLD AM ILEll PlATIsO. WE reolate everything of metal. Omsha Plattn C 1W Hf-nev Pt Fat. IW, t n. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE ' PHO'E WEBSTER til General Office. Uth and Manderon Bta JVSTItKS OF I lit; 1EACK. H. H. CLAIBORNE, E12 Paxton Blk. R. 7401. Notary pub., depoaltion stenu. C. W. BR1TT. 201 Baker block. V. C- H ABC ALL. 4?0 Paxton Blk D. 21t. 1.1 V E mutk t uMlllssliA. MARTIN CROSS A CO.. Exchange Hldg. LlUltrtM. tlillHuh, VVIHINO. mTTMv'lV -Thome. Douglaa K19 MU INt. I'tC'l I Ha. M II I KB. OMAHA Fl'.m Fx.. 14th and Doug. Motive picture machine and film haraaina MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DA VIDPON 10TORCTCT.ir.) Rarcalna In used machine Victor Rooa. "The Motorcycle Man." T( Leavenworth. JSTEOPATsilO PUVS1CIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. tU Bee) Bid OCL LISTS. Fvea examined. Blesses fitted, ff ym can Its MrCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Plrtg. iiiAliNU. D. 8277. Acme PlatlruiCo.. Ill S. 18th Bt j PAI.TI0 AM) 1'APERINO. HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40lh. H. im. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7620. I A I E . V I S. D. O. BarnelU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Fturpea. C6 Brendela Theater Bldg. ritlMlaU. WATER9-FAENHART P'. Co.. qaallty printing. Tel. Dour. J1B0. 624 8. lith Bt CENTRAL PRINTING CC. POUO. 1766, DOVGLA9 Printing Co Tel. Douglaa 641 Ralph Printing Co., 320 B. Wh. Doug. 2166. 1U BBAUni COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. Thla la the man to call If you have any aehea or tin cans to haul. Phone Web. ft"19, As'E ANU Tliin LOCK 1CAPEH1S. SAFES S ened repaired, comb. nped F. E. Daven- 1406 Dodge. D. 1821. SCALfei MKI'AIRINU. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 618 9. 12th. D.2S1L SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 4691 shoe rkpairTnVX FRIEDMAN PROS., shoo repair. 211 S. It Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.I448 ikWIAU MACHINES. "XT n. nnt- repair, aell needles and part VV tz. f"r mil sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Doug. 1661 ST EE A CK1L1NUS. CARTER Shret Metal Company, 110 8. 18. TORE ANU JF It. FIXTURES. DESK 8, aafes. acalea, ahowcaaee, shelv " )e buy. sell Omaha Future and .Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. Uth. Jug7J row,. stPLiEs. OMAHA Towel Supply. M7 8. Uth. p. 801 TAILOMS. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU, 108 N. 16th St TRUNKS AND kUITOASES. FRELINQ A STEIN LB. 1808 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS 'OR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter for 84. Oliver Typewriter Agency, i: arnam. Butts Typewriter Exohange, 811 & Uth St Ail rnakea for aale or reaL RENT a "Remln writer, low ren WATCil SrECIALISTfl. Christiansen. Id fL Paxton Bk, M fTV n. WEDDINU STATlOBIERt. Wedding announoementa. pruf. JPtig. Cm, WINES ADD A,I4I7ttaaj. ALEX JETES. 201-8 B, 18th Bt, Wlnea. liquors, clgara Plate dl&nars, li ta 8, 10a HENRY POLLOCK; LIQUOR HOTJtm Uth and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. REATj ESTATE EXCHANGE III PROVED 160. 76 a.crea of corn, aorea of wheat, will make 35 buahela Price reasonable with or without cor , atock; might exchange. Hellyer, Bapti and .10- llcan City, Neb. REAL ESTATE ACTREAGB Invest Your Money in Acres Near Omaha 10 acrea. within one-half mile of Mili tary ron4, northwest of Benson; Ilea high and sightly: haa 8 acrea In fruit; S aci-en in aiialfa; 2 acrea open land. Price, tcbO per acre. 10 acres north of Florence, on paved road; finest view, overlooking the. river and Missouri valley; close to Florence; 2400 per acre. 1 14 acres adjoining the above 10 acrea: Juat a little off paved road; 800 per acre, or will sell 7 acrea at the same price. 5 acre north of Krug park; Has hlgrh and sightly; eat view; nearly level; close to paved road; $j60 per acre. 9.65 acres northwest of Benson: has run ning water: some trees and alfalfa. Prtoe. I32i rcr acre. C acres level, rich garden land; north nest of Benaon; close to Keyrtone park. Per acre. 8426. m acres on West Main street Benaon; paved road. Price, 7h0. 3 acres. Keystone park; lies high and alalitlv; clone to paved road; good aur- roundir.ms. Price. 81,2:0. 5 acres level land; Ilea high and sightly! south of Elmwood park. Price, 81.50. Theae are only a few of the good bar gains we have on our Hat: we also have one-acre tracts, close to paved road, out Henaon wav. that we are selling for 210 down and 110 per month. Your monev Invented In acreage near Omaha in the heat and stifest investment vou cm net; your taxes arc low and the e Incrcaae In value Is certain, aa euro as ! Omaha continues to grow. w. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. REAL F.8TATF NORTH SIDE See This Place If vou want a very deirable 6-room completrl.- modern new houae. Ii.ated 4.1- Wakeley Ave., between Davenport and t hic.mo atreeta. Thla ho.. ie 1.4 on a lune south front lot 5,xl28. is tl rce h o: ks from the Dundee ctr and 14 in.nutes ride from 16th and Farnam rts. it la a well hul t and well planned house. One you will he proud to own. The rrincipal looms are on the first floor and have oak floors and fin ish. Bedrooms and hath tn aecund tloor. Kurnaie. ecrecn-. shades, nuill-ln book-(t-it. roomy porch; In fact, all that goes to im.e a lonfortabl liouae la I f,- if ,-o i want a home of your own that is In a new restricted residential 1.1. I net ou will be repali If ion sea tin now. You ran buv on the easy ra ment plan for 8-VM cash and US pr month. Kea at ojr office. iCreigh, Sons & Co. Phone Douglaa 0. &u& Bee Bldg. 2526-7 NORTH H;th Street, double dwelU ing. annual rental 8340. Hardwood fin ish, completely modern. Only T minutea ride to poatoftlce. Formerly llated ta) eell at 86.). Will now reduce thl oonaidar able, U aold direct by 08a4vXaaV tre . tell yoiA-nutr by taHtitliailrier t..