12 THE I IKK: OMAHA. TIT.XDAY. Jl'l.Y fi, ini:,. Nebraska OBJECT TO NAMES ON CORNERSTONE Citiiens of Peru Threaten to Enjoin JTormal Board for Its Choice of Officer. MATTER IS FINALLY DROPPED (rrom a KUff orrespnnlrit.i LINCOLN, Julv S.-lSr-eclnl.i ' lsfled cltlitrns of rrru. Neb . t'.liy tele phoned Lincoln attorn.-ys rerr.ir.ling an Injunction s.lt to prevent lay ng the cort.errtone of lb" new $0.1 normal tralnlns school. Th nmtter ni litT droprad. The building was formally d-dn-ated today with thi placing of a cornerstone bearing the nvne of 'resent nn1 rt members of the normil board, with Ma sonic ceremonies. Th objection was thst the Inscription which It bore contained a putt of the Mmri of the old officers of the board and a part of the new. It rnriler the ram of A. II. Vlele of NnrMk n presi dent, while tan Morris of Kenrney was elected at the last meeting of the normal board. June M. Altnoush J. It. tiettys was vie president of the board until June. a. when T. J. Majors wss e'.ected to aneooed him. Major- name appcara on th Inacrlptlon aa vN prel.lont. Mr. Getty la atlll a memtvr of the board, bat hla nam was entirely omlttd. and In it plac wae put H. B. Rl he of Chadron. who waa appointed by Gov mor Morehead to suoeed tha former. Jfr. Oottya, however, atlll his two month a to serv. Th persons Intereated In tha Injunc tion proceedings are said not to have objected to either naming tha offlcere cf tha old board, or the officer of the new. but tha Idea of sprinkling in a por tion of th old and th new seemed to strlk aom aa Impartial. Jefferson Farmers Harvest on Fourth rAIRBtTRT, Nab.. July l-tr-pedal TeletTn.-T.a1ni' advantage of the dry pell, hundreds of Jefferaon county farm era oelabratad tha Fourth by anterlwr their wheat field with harvesters. While Jefferaon county wheat baa been damaged by wind. Htealan flla and mat. at th aajn tlmt farmer aaaart It will make a, fair yield, provided weather permit harvesting. THREE OMAHA DAMAGE CASES ARE APPEALED (Trom a Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN. July . (Special.) An ap peal from th decision of a nouglaa county Jury awarding Reaarlo Vestuto tS.SU for Injurle to hi daughter when she waa run over by a wagon of tha Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van company of Omaha last summer, has bean carried to th supreme court by th company. Th girl. Mary. S year eld. suffered a broken collarbone and a fractured right arm. Swift Co. has appealed from a Douglas county ludgment for I9.C5, secured by Frank Uyba. a caipenter. for Injuria h received In a fall of 10 feet from a building being constructed by th company. H la alleged to hav broken a leg and two rib. Another appeal haa been filed by tha Omaha Council Bluffe Street Railway company from a verdict for H.3 In favor of Nat C. Houston, a commission dealer, for th death of Ma wlf who waa killed when her eutomobllo and street ear collided. GRAND ISLAND FAIR WILL CONSTRUCT NEW BUILDING GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. July l.-'Kpe-elal.)-At a mtln of the board of riirvtori of the cenirai hcu.m.. inbhlrnnl association it was decided to solicit proposals for an additional building at the fair grounds-on for art and manufactures. A subcommittee, wltb plana for th building, mad a can vas of th merchants and sold every foot of display spac In th proposed structure within on hour. ' Not from Sattoa. SUTTON. Neb.. July s.-(peclal )-Ir. M. V. Clark and wlf will recelv their friends thla , evening In honor of their fiftieth anniversary. Dr. and Mr. Clark were among tho who helped make the town of Sutton and hav th experiences ef thos pioneers who settled In the early seventies. Mrs. Margaret Zlmbteman passed away at th bom of her daughter In Omaha, Mrs. TUnry TJroaabana. Mrs. ZtmUeman -waa born in Worms, South Germany, In 1MJ. and cam to America with her hus band and Bin children in 1S72. She la survived by four daughter and three son: Mrs. Henry Qrosshans, Mrs. Val Peter. Mr. Andrew Peter. Mrs. P. Ochancr. Mr. . "Tred Zlmbleman. Mr. Henry Zlmbleman and Will Zlmbleman. Th body waa brought to Button for burial. Th third annual Chautauqua program la announced, beginning July IK. Among th numbers ar Kalph I'arlctt, Kverett Kemp and th Merry musicians. Pawsf ri.B.er I IImI, TABLE ROCK. Neb., July .- Special.) Nelson Bacorn, who settled on a farm five miles southeast of her fifty years ago, died Friday at his homo In Pwne City after a brief Illness, aged Tt years Mr. Bacorn moved from hla farm to Tabl Itock In Iffl, whan tha old Atchison A Northern railroad first came through ber. being landlord for a tlm of the City hotel and later of th A be II house, funeral sen-Ices win b held this after boon under th ausvlce of the Orand Army of tho Republic, as h waa an old oleUer of the civil war. 11 Is survived by a widow, two sons and two daughters. Tfri PI res at KalrWary, rAIRBl BT. Nb. July l. 8oll Tel gram ) Today was marked a a holiday la Falrbury, all stores beinjr closed, but a celebration wss bald here, th only town ln the county having a celebration betng Steele City, where an old-fashioned Fourth wss hald. Two fires occurred dur ing th day. th. first being a tent belong big to Evangelist Holier of th Seventh Day AdvenUrt. The canvas caught fir. from a gasollo stov and burned up his household effects. Th. I'niun hotel was sMgbtly aamagea by fir du. to a de Iiyy flu. Nebraska WAR INCREASES VALUATION i Higher Value of Farm Produce! Likely to Bring; in Much Larger Amount of Taxci. j THIRTY-SEVEN COUNTIES IN (From a LINCOLN. Ptnff Correspondent July . Spe lull Tlin European war la responsible for lwrr Ing the assessed valuation of Nebraska tT.OfiO.OciO. If return from remaining roifntles bear out the gains, ahown by the flrat thirty-seven counties. By rsllng tlie value of agricultural produce the war la it.riini Ira Influence The toml Incrense for the thlrty-aeven counties heard from amounta to K.100.)o. 1 The combined valuation for purposes purposes of e tnrnent. which Is one-fifth of the ac ' tual valuation. as Juat a little below , $14fi. 000.00.). The yrand total In 1911 for the ninety-three counties In the state vns I but HT1.8:;3,!"2. At the same ratio of In- crease, the valuation would ahow a Rain of r.fi'.T.onx - I !... t au. n..lAai rsnetln liall ' shown a decrease. Thev are Bo Butte. I Itoyd, Cass. Chase and Llxon. Some of! these will be ralaed by Ibe State Board I of Initialisation If the assessors In theae i counties do not voluntarily Increase them, j If the 7,0"0.000 Rain la realised. It will v llftn AM mAAIH-ml In fn. ii,Wu. ,.,.,1,., . r- , ... i - . last year amounted to 43Hi mills, and It Is' hot expected there will be much chanaa In the rate this year. The state levy last year waa 7 S mills, and It will remain un changed. Hldcell Will Try the dirti. To determine If he has the right to draw from the state treasury funds be longing to his department without spectrin legislative appropriation, Klre Commis sioner W, 8. Kldgell may bring man- damua proceedings against State Auditor! t Smith to compel the Issuance of warrants for salaries and expenses of th fir commission. Auditor Smith haa been waiting for an opinion from th attorney general as to whether he can legally draw th warrants on feea when the leg islature failed to mak specific appropri ation. Ravenna Farmer Kills Wife, Young Son and Himself RAVENNA. Neb.. July S.-(3peclal Tele gram.) Ola M oh If eld, farmer, aged SR years, ahot hi wife and boy each two time tl.ro-jfh the body with a shotgun and shot himself through th body with tha shotgun at hla home, eight mllea west of Ravenna. Th crime, which probably waa committed Saturday night, was dis covered by nelghbora Sunday night. On ahot waa fired through th door of th house. No cause Is known for th aot. Mohl feld left a letter that waa scrawled ao no on could read It. Ha waa In good standing In th community and no ona had noticed anything wrong. Appear ances Indicated that he waa Insane. Th boy waa S years old. Ther ere no other children. DE FRANCE WILL EXAMINE TWELVE TRUST COMPANIES (Prom a Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN. July 6.-(8peclal.)-State Au dltor Smith will hav th twelve thuat companies doing business In Nebraska examined by State Accountant Do Franc Instead of employing a special examiner for that purpose. As Mr. P France draws a regular salary from the state. the feea collected from thla examination will go Into tha atste genera) fund. Beatrice After C'oarslagr Meet. BEATRICE, Neb.. July 8. (Special) number of business men of this city has called a meeting for tomorrow evening at the Commercial club rooms to discuss th proposition of securing th national coursing meet for this city next October. Th meet will last five days and will b held about the third week in October. Approximately SS.Ono In prise money will be divided among th winners . Bid for the meet must be In th hands of th na tlonat secretary within th next week. Two years 'ago the meet wi held at Wymor and was vsry successful. Ilomeoasat ; for Takl Hock. TAHLB ROCK, Neb.. July .-tSpcll.) A chautauqua, wtll b hld her from August I to tf, Inclusive. August T has been fixed as Old Settlers' day and the data of the big homecoming for old llme residents ami a apeclnl program ar ranged for that date. Several hundred postcards have been mailed oCf by th secretary, F. If. Taylor, to former real- oents inviting mem to be with us August T and tenew th associations of "Auld Lang Syne." All D-bhs fsstincd to Great Acliisvcmcnf To be born U la be great. For there ' are possibilities la every tiny human In- , r. And for this VVy reason v.ry on. J. . 1 should rem m ber that whatever la don U Id th another, to re-! Iter bsf Of distresses ' during her t r y I a g j mouth, will surely or surxea dcdcbi to th child, Among th sterling aids Is a svleadij ex tvaal renwdy known as "Mother ""rli-rul.' la what Is called aa embrocation. It la plied to th abdominal muscles, gently rubtMd la by yuur own hsnd guided by your owa mind. It make th muscles pliant, they expand quit naturally and th effect npo th. aerre la such that I bey ad Just thma.ve to th process of eipanslo so that pain from this source Is almost ellmt aaUd. U' oaten who m "Mother's Friend refer to th aUteac of morning sickness, they ar relieved of a great many minor dis treates. all apprehension dlaappMrs and tbuM L-ullsr aervous "adgeU' ao longer dlsturk alsuta, U I wed named "MoUmt's tdr Get a bottl today of asr dru rrlaad.1 fisu Then at ear. writ for a most enter aluing and Instruct! book for all prospw. tiv motaer. Address Bradfteld iJcguUlor 19i 1 amsr BW, Atlanta, Ua. Thla book sxplalus th physical actio f "Mother's Friend." tells wiiy U afores strength to th mosrle and relieves undue atraia. It also contains letUrs mi .1 par Ivor. I rum sssny happy aiuthera. It Is Just surd handy little U.k s svery woman will st one rcontnif. a )ut wrist sb hd shears wished to read plaia facts about nrlr. Tu. hook Is maiUd ft I sag adilrsss. .krit Ivr It lousy. sT If i I l 1 It Nebraska PLEADS FOR FISH IN PLATTE RIVER Ashland Citizen Declares Gas Com pany at Lincoln is Polluting; I ' Their Watery Home. CONVICTS WILL HAVE HOLIDAY I ""rrmi t Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 4.-(PiMrUD-'tizens ! of Aahland, through Ir. O. W. Morrtith. , l.ave asked permlaalon to appear hcf-irc j tie illy council and ahow how the rcsl'ltm i tr m the IJncoln On cmiji.m. hn floated down Palt creek arid In klllng the n"h ln tn riatte river. Mayor I'.rynn In announced that the commission will rladly l-.ear complaints. Wonlit Nee Liberty Hell. Mayor IJryan lis a written th5 Post orrice "epnrtment ask.'ng that the Lincoln1 omen oe allowed 10 c I ae an hour Friday, j July In order that the employes mny I aee tlie Liberty bell, on Its way to the . Basil (hlrkts for ton, let.. v special roasi cnicaen dinner will tie on the pro irram for the convicts at th" atatc penitentiary Monday. In celebration . of the Fourth of July. There will be a I movlnff nlef'lr ilin. .nH KmII n... IH I r .. the mornlns;, and the privilege of tha jsrd granted the Inmates In the noon ifter- Equality the Aim Of True Government i From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCXH.N, July S 8peclal.)-Att,orney General Willis E. Reed waa the speaker at tho Fourth of July nhoirram held bv he Son of Veterans at th. meoirin n.,i. here today. Two thouaand veterans and their families attended the program. Bpeaklng of th Increase In number of persona having great wealth. Mr. Reed said: "No human form of government Is perfect, but In on uch aa ours It la the duty of eati generation to consider the Injustice and reetohe It to a sound condi tion. W should seek to establish a type of civilisation where want la unknown, wher the cry of hunger Is not heard, and wher oppression Is a stranger. The laws should b ao framed that no individual, company or corporation could rob another of the wealth whlchi It haa created." Reavis Endorses Pension Measure (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July t (Special. )-Con-grawiman C. F. Reavla endorsed the Hammlll pension measure In speaking be fohe th meeting of th Nebraska Car riers' association her today. Congressman Reavis aald he was op posed to two of tha provisions of the bill, however, on of which would retire a man at th end of thirty years' service and th other providing for pensions In th case of Injured employe. A "Fo Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. More Business means more Employment:, mor Prosperity and The numbers of the unemployed dwindle when business is good, and everyone all around shares in the prosperity. ; A huge sum of Omaha-Made money goes out of town every month which would stay here if all of us knew that its purchasing power was larger at home. m. This is the point: Buy Omaha-Made products for your home or business-Omaha manufacturers are ready to prove to you that they can save money for you and give you just as good, and in most cases, better quality and service. I NAM IN " lpMAHA Omaha Manufacturers?? OMAHA IS THE HOST TO MANY THOUSANDS Crush in the Streets, Hotels Filled and Everybody Happy on the Glorious Holiday. BUT PLENTY TO EAT FOR ALL Omaha was called upon yeaterday to entertain n record breaking crowd, attracted by the big Fourth of July attractions, Including the base ball game, the Speedway races, the wrestling' match and the numerous other celebrations. The largest crowd was at the Merchants hotel, ! w hich was the headquarters for the wrestle. So great was the crowd that Dan Gaines, the proprietor, worked until after 2 o'clock ln the morning telephoning to all available boarding houses and outlying hotels, trying to find places for the people to sleep, after all the regular hotels bad all their rooms filled and every avail able cot taken. The people commenced coming Sunday and by night there was a Jam. However, the Influx continued and by morning the crowd hnj reached tha proportions of the Ak-8ix-Ren day parade Jama, but ..it. null people kept coming. The high tide win reached at noon, at which tlm all alona the downtown streets there was a conjeate.1 mass of humanity. The hotel rapncltv of Omaha baa been Increased by fully 1,M0 rooms since laal fall, but notwithstanding this, every placo that supplied longing Sunday night was filled to overflowing, every train reaching the city beinis' londed to the platform. Jam of Autos, Yeaterday new arrivals swelled th rrowd until It had become a crush. Dealers on automobile row, who ln the past have made it a part of their busi ness to keep tab on crowds corning to the city In autos, assert that they have never seen anything like It. Non of them will attempt to estimate th number of ouMldo cars that have arrived ln the city, though some of them say that it may have reached 6,000 to 8,000. The automobiles have come from points out in the state, aa far away aa Hastings, Orand Island and Norfolk, while from Iowa, many have com from a far east as Marahalltown and Orlnnell, with a large number from Des Moines and vicinity. In almost every Instance these cars have brought not lea than five peo ple, while many hundreds of them have carried seven and soma even more. At any rate, they have been loaded to capacity. Resides the Nebraska and Iowa cars, there are score her from South Dakota. Kansas and Missouri. Those coming from a long distance will remain over until Tuesday, with many staying longer. Plenty to Knt. While some of the visitors to th city have found difficulty In finding sleeping quarters, they have all been able to get meals and those at th regular rates. Tho hotel nnd restaurant facilities of the city have been ampin to supply food. The railroads have brought ln more people than ever before in on day. The Hurllngton had In two special train, one during the early morning and an other at noon. Kach train had to ex ceed W0 passengers. All other lines and "I didn't know such things were made in Omaha" Pt-ople aro making that same remark as they xead this -series of advertisements. Nine persons out of ten can't name a dozen Omaha-Made products. , Yet, almost every conceivable article needed about the home or in business is made in Omaha and what's more verify it for yourself it is better made and costs less than the shipped-in article. Tlie Harness and Saddle business for example: The J. II. IIENT3Y CO.,' 313-17 h?0. 13TH STREET, considers this trritory the best in the world for this line and they are able to meet its every require ment. ' IVople are particular about their horses here. They f hould also be particular when it comes to har ness nnd paddles and nil the other little odds and ends needed by horse owners. .1. II. Ilnney i: Co. invite you to be as particular as you like in dealing with their products and promir-e that you will tret far better quality and much lower prices than is possible elsewhere. After all, it's a matter of becoming acquainted. ,Yon will buy Omrtha-Made products when you know them. ' : ' V tlx.- from erry .llir.tio.i Ind rtr coarhe. attached to trains Sun'lav nin'.t and Monday and In nrot of them people were standing lon before Omaha was reached. Troops of Villa Occupy Satillo LARf;t0. Tex., July S. Important Villa troop movements near Monterey are reported today by Incoming passengers from that city. They announced the Villa force, hsve occupied Saltillo which Is atKHit thirty nitles southwest of Mon terey and that there are heavy troop movements aa if In preparation for a battle neah Paredon, about thirty miles northwest of Monterey. The truce between Villa and Carranxa troops around Villa Garcia lasted one day, to give time for burial of dead. BRYAN MAKES A TALK ON MEANING OF FLAG SAN FRAtfSICSO. July 6-Willlam Jen nings Bryan, former secretary of state, stood bare-headed in a mlaty, biting wind today at the Tanama-Paclflc exposition and spoke to a great concourse on "The Meaning of the Flag." He discuased tho solving of domestic problems, the true measure of greatness rnd the methods we should employ In dealing with other nations. Mr. Bryan was the only speaker who did not appear In the Independence day parade, whlci was largely a military pageant. He sold that being travel tired and anticipating the fatigue of speaking, he had arranged to go directly to the exposition grounds. GRETNA RUNS AWAY FROM GREENWOOD TEAM ORRTNA. Neb.. July B. (Special Tele gram.) Gretna defeated Greenwood on the Gretna field yesterday by lfi to I In a game featured by the usual heavy hit ting and errorless ball played by Gretnn. Three Greenwood pitchers were batted out of the box, while Gotch had them under his mit. The only scores made by the visitors were on bunched lilts In the third. This makes the sixth consecutive game In favor of Gretna, Louisville losing, T to S, last Sunday. The Oretna team is now acknowledged the best in the section. Open dates will be given to Class A teams only. Memphis plays Gretna next Sunday. Score: R H E. Greenwood ...0 t 80000004 3 6 Gretna 8 S 1 0 I 4 0 1 16 15 S Batteries: Krtngle and Roberts, Gotch and Mangold. Stolen bases: Hanna (2). Three-bane hit: Adams. Four two-base hits by Gretna. Attendance, 200. Umpire, Zimmerman. '" 1 h A I ii i .a a s j r f n mm Deserve ECZEMA Oil BOY'S Shoulders, Around Waist and On Face, like Ringworm. Could Hardly Sleep. WeUin2 Weeks. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My IKtle boy was troubled with ariema when about on year old. It started some thing like ringworm on the back of his neck. then on his shoulders, around bis wal.it and at last spread to bis fare. He had what waa called weeping ecsema. Clear water would com out In drops most all the time. The skin would get red 1. I Winum' na wt' oosea out or I I"""1" It. Bis clothe rubbed the pUcs on sis back and they stuck tight to Ms elotbes. Be could hardly sleep at night; be would roll and scratch. "Bo I sent for Outlcura Soap and Oint ment and be was well within two weeks." (Signed) Mrs. H. A. Brown, Atwood, Kan., Marok 0. 115. Sample Each Free by Mall With 33-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-oard "Cvtlenra, Dept. T, Bo. tmm." Sold throughout the world. HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Non-Alcobolic) In summer, body and brain crave acids and phosphatea. Lack of acid causes thirst, lack of phos phates causes physical and nervous exhaustion. Quench the thirst, tone and strengthen body, brain and nerves with Horsford's Acid Phosphate. A little in a glass of water makes a satisfying SUMMER Drink and Tonic Keep a bottls fa ysv ksai Better WEEPING IILtll -NSSBk Omaha ryti 'J. Tv mutest Why Not a Trip "Way Down East" to the Famous Atlantic Resorts Which stretch from Boston north to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia? This strip of coast is dotted with places of historic and literary interest. The scenery is varied and de lightful throughout, and every kind of summer recreation is afforded. Comfortable hotels and boarding houses are avail able, with a range of pricet to suit every purse. Old Orchard (Maine) Kennebunkport (Maine) St Andrews (New Brunswick) and a hundred seaside re sorts in Nova Scotia (Evangeline Land) are waiting for you. Travel there by the cool northern route through Canada, the Canadian Pacific Railway For full particulars, write or call for Booklet Na 298. Ask for the service of our expert ticket man to aid you in planning your itiner ary and estimating costs. GEORGB A. WAt-TON, O.A.P.D.,Cansdlsn Pacific By. 224 South Clark Street Opp. Post Office, Chicago, IU. Prices I, ( ji lurusuw aciricg I K4AOC IN omahaX J. m. a. a Patronage