Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    T1IK BKK: ()LAILA. MOXDAV, JflA j, 1U1J.
., ?ltirr aad Offlee.
t-ROOM uito offices, r occupied by
real estate agant. will ahare with nnn
m Tel. II. 141.
STOKE ROOM lath and California Bts.,
Tiex h"t"1 T1 pood afcano.
4:2 Bee Hhi. lous. g.
VANTE1 to rent for Jitney service. Ford
preferred by competent driver. Address
L 46, be.
wanted to ncr
Yale buy everything 2nd hand. Web. 4904.
OFFFICK furniture bought and soU. J.
C. Keed. 191 Farnam. Doug. 14e
WANTED To buy good grocery and
meat ftxturea for our new store. No. S3,
at 31S7 Far nam. Tel. Baaket Btore Office.
Douglas 23UU
I.MPHOVED 400 a., part bottom, railroad
witch, crop and possession, 13,600. Les
He Itnd Co.. Leslie. Ark.
Lire Oak Colonies, none better. Vf. T.
Smith Pb- tl!Ut4 rity Vat Wa. T. PUl
Writ a good description of your land
and send It to tlie Rioux City, la., Journal,
Iowa' a Moat Powerful Want Ad Me
dium." Twenty-five worda avery Friday
rvening, Saturday morning and Avery
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
for one month, giving etxteon ala oa
twelv, different day fof 2;, or worda,
14; or 75 worda, S.
Largeat circulation of any Iowa, news
papcr. K0,0u9 reader daily in four great
Chicagoan Has Better of Champion
in Their Ten-Round Go in
Open at New York.
S3 rash and U monthly, no Interest or
lini; highly productive land, clone, to
three hie market"; write for photograph
nd full Information. Muuger. K. 171, N.
Y: Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo.
CAN locate JS people on homesteads ot
.120 acres each. Guarantee nice, amooth
Innd. Address K. O. Farnsworth, Dillon,
"Alt ACRKS 45 mtlea from Minneapolis.
one milu from (own; 160 acres under
cultivation: balance used for paature;
can practically all be cultivated; heavy
soil; good act buildings, consisting of 8
room house, large barn, granary, corn
cribs, windmills, etc.: the land will pro
duce 60 buehela of corn per acre; tele
phone in house; country thickly settled;
complete aet of machinery; 27 head of
stock, consisting of 11 cowa. balance 1
iind 2 years old; six good horses; 25 hogs:
chickens; one-half of this year's crop and
everything on farm soes at SnO per acre;
half cash. Schwab Tiros., 10S8 Plymouth
Rldg., Minneapolis. Minn.
, WANTiiD TO RENT Well improved aO
acres, gruln rnt. Will lease lor 5 years
if desirable. Good references, ouy Cow
Hill, 314 N. ffid St., Lincoln, Neb.
$100 TO 110,000 meda rrDiuptly. F. D.
Wead. Wead Blr'r ISth s-nd Farnani ft.
C3TY and twin loans, S. &V. 6 per cent
J. H. Dumor.t & Co.. 41 State Ban.
WANTED Good furm and city loana at
lowest rates.
WANTED City loana and warren-s. W.
Farnari Pmlth R- Co.. l;f?0 Farnam St.
CITY property. Large loana a apaclalty.
W. H. Thomas, Sii State Bank Uldg
MONEY on hand for city and farm loana.
H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg.
OMaHA homey. East Nebraska farms.
Idle Ocaha National. Phone Doug,as!713.
BEE us first for farm loans in eastorn
Nab. United State Trust Co.. Omaha.
CITY LOANS. C. O. Ca.-iuarg,
u llll-li Brand!a Theater Bldg.
NEW YORK, July 4. Charley White
of Chicago outpointed Freddie Welsh,
world' lightweight champion. In their
ten-round bout tn the open at Brighton
Beach rao traik last night. Th rlngmido
weight wt-re: Whit, 1J31; Walsh. 1H
pound Both men agreed to weigh In
at 135 pound at S p. m.
Welsh led In the opening round, while
'White cams back with right and lett
body blow. There were several fast ex
change, with Welsh having the better
of it The second was a yen, ,
In the third Welsh used his left to face
and right to riba. White gave him sev
eral uppercuta over the heart in return,
Welsh was forced into his corner in the
fourth, two of WTilte'a left hooka landing
cn hi opponent' earr
First blood was drawn in the firth when
a straight left landed on White' nose.
The latter, however, kept up a forcing
contest and had a shad the best of the
Although Welh had the advantage In
the !xth and seventh round, White
came ft in the eighth. Welsh, who wa
tiring, held long in the clinches. Hevtral
time White failed to land with hia left,
but he forct-d the fighting in the ninth
and tenth. Five round were White',
four went to Welsh, with honor even.
Charged with Deserting Live Stock
CaoalryBut He Finally Got Here
l.V. I'KOVK'O KO, iB acres of corn. A acre
of wheat, will make 35 buatieio. Price
reasonable with or without crop and
stock; might exchange. Hellyer, itepub
Mcan CKy Neb.
List your property with
The Byron Reed Co
lieal Estate and Rental Agents.
NORTH Pith Street, double dwell
ing, annual rental Jfi40. Hardwood fin
ish, completely modern. Only 7 minutes
rlle to poatoffice. Formerly listed to sell
at J5,8i0. Will now, reduce this consider
able. Is sold direct by owner. Let me
tell you more by telephoning Woo. 447H.
Living room, dining room, bedroom,
kitchen and pantry on first floor, finished
stairway to large floored attic, with
Hinple s;iace fur two rooms and bath;
lectric lights, city water, cement baser
tnent, nice lot, price $1.1150, $HX down,
balance J20 a month. located 401J N. 44th
f-'t., 1ut south of the park. Keys at L.
W. Elrperlo. 3724 N. 41th Ave.
MAKE me an offer for my S-room, mod
ern cottage. S602 N. 20th 8t.
On Easy
Bungalow atyle, story and half, six'
rooma and sun room, with French doors;
dining room haa built-in combination
buffat and china closet; lartre livln room
across entire house; modem lighting fix
tures. Come out and look it over today.
Only one block from Crt.astown car line.
1f37 8. 25th St Call owuer, Rtd ISM. 614
Paxtoa Blk.
5-ROOM modern house, 10 lots, bearing
fruit. Benson 282 or 4il, Dr. Parson.
C. L. NETHAWAYorrade. Flor. 278.
$300 -M U8T be Bold Flverootn-"modern
vottage. 171 N. ith ft. Worth l.VM.
reduced to H.3W) oUO cah. Evht-rouan
house and two lots near 17th and Hprlna
Mts.. tJ,'.i)0 $lS'i cash, 7-roora house. Call
owner, Douglas "iWl.
E. U. Graff Takes
Sudden Interest in
Game of Base Ball
H. U. Graff, superintendent of schools
in Omaha, ha suddenly taken a decided
interest in professional base ball. Mr.
Oraff has, of course, always been mildly
Interested In baae bail a it la played by
the youth who attend hia echool, but
the professional game was never re
garded as amounting to much by the
Mr. Graff has just returned from Lake
Forest, where he received sn honorary
degree a few days ago. While at Lake
Forest Mr. CJreff wandered about the
campus, talking to the undergraduate.
In the course of the conversation one of
them, put this question to him:
"Do you know FJmio Krueger?"
"Kruoger?" questioned the superintend
ent. "1 don't believe I ever heard of
In amazement the students cast their
bewildered orbs at the super.
"Why, don't you como from Omaha?"
raid one.
Mr. Oraff assented. But he bad to
confess ignorance of acquaintance with
Ernie Krueger.
"Why, he's the star catoher on the
ball club out there, and the star of the
league, too,' explained one of the stu
dents. Then Mr. Oraff discovered that Ernie
was not only a graduate of Lake Forest,
but was also a member of his fraternity.
So now Mr. Graff has taken a keen In
terest In base ball, particularly the for
tune of one Krueger. He promised to
visit Ernie upon his return from Lake
Forest, but a yet ha not taken a chance.
He I reading up on the base ball dope
with avidity because when he meets hi
fraternity brother he want to be able
to converse on base ball intelligently.
"us" Ro.tenstock of -kux City is In
Crnaha (pending hi Fourth of July holi
day with bis brother "Dave." For a
little while, although the Jaunt was long
planned, it looked as if ho wouldn't get
here at all. How did it happen? Well,
her I th way the story Is told In
the town up the river.
"Gus Rosenstock, a inmlei' of the
Rosenstoek rommlaalon firm at the
stock yards, was ihe MUiin of a false
arrest at noon Friday. Chief of Police
James Britton acted on a warrant charg
ing the crime of 'oesertlon.' He was
taken to police headquarters, where
friends signed hia bondc which were
fixed at l25.oun. On of the two men who
signed the Information against the 'de
serter' fixed his name to the papers
which released the prisoner from tho
toll pen.
"Specfflcally, Rossnetcct 1 aeciaed of
c'iserting Company A of the Fourth
Stockyards cavalry, of which organi
sation he has been a inmber for sev
eral weeks. He is rharrod with violat
ing the vows taken at hi Initiator. Tom
'Lealty and A. L. Gallnsky filed the In
formation when they learned of Ms,
plan to skip to Omaha to avoid ap
pearance tn the T. O. T. 8. parade. So
shortly before th 11:J0 train bound for
Omaha atarted to leave the Northwest
ern station member of th stockyards
cavalry swooped down with the law on
Rosenstock and took I no into . urtody.
They camo efwr he hi
railroad ticket, but that made no dif
ference to hia fellow cavalrymen, who
hut1ed Mm Into an a'lto and sMited for
w police station.
"Citable to converse in tbe American
language very plnlnly Rosenstock did
not quite understand why he wa. being
detained. All he wanted t( do w-s to
go to Oniutia to visit Jils trother 'Iav.
When It was rxplnimvl to him that he
was violating the laws of the troop of
cavalry he calmed dowr and snld he
was willing to do rhit whb rinlit. At
the station he tried tj secure his .el. 'Ha
iti time to catch his train. But the of
ficers held hl'ii until Uu last train for
Omaha had pulled out of Sioux City.
He was then turned loso with the un
derstandlnn tht he appear for the pa
rade In the evening. Here, however, he
I'ed to appear In a different cluiracter
than he would have, had he not tried to
desert. Instead of sitting astride a pow
erful cavalry mount he was placed In
chain on one of tho floats and guarded
so that his presence would be assured.
During the evening a mock trial of
Rosenstock for desertion was held with
County Attorney Olo T. Nagleatad aa
judge. A pre-ariAngcd Verdict was
handed In by the Jury end nentenve exe
cuted during the inltlition of new T.
O. T. R mombers."
Present Jail Building May Be
Turned Into Garage and
Fire Home.
Product of Omaha
Dirt Track Is Now
Leading Speed King
To speed enthusiasts In every city In
the country the name of Eddie Rlcken
bacher is a prominent one and Eddie haa
a host of friends in every spot in the
land, but Omaha Is where you will find
the largest number of booster for the
sensational Maxwell pilot Whenever
there 1 a race and Rickenbacher I en
tered, it I even money that half - the
town I pulling for Eddie to win.
For Eddie learned the racing game in
Omaha, driving a Firestone-Columbus on
th mile dirt track on West Leavenworth
street. Eddie was) a protege of Roy Cof-
feen who taught him how to handle a
touchy racing monter like a watchmaker
work on a watch. ,
Bddi was th whole work on the dirt
track, which ha long since become a
weed patch. In 1910 a race meet - waa
held there and there were ten events.
Eddie waa first la nine of them and third
in the other. He was employed in the
Omaha branch of the now defunct Fire-tone-Columbu
company at tho time.
When he left Omaha Eddie took up the
racing game exclusively a a mean ot
earning a livelihood and he haa been a
wonderful success. He 1 ono of the five
leading American driver in th game to
day. He wa the flrat American to fin
ish in the recent Chicago classic.
HI experience on the dirt track stood
lilra well for Uddle ha a reputation as a
hard driver of car, taking every possi
ble chance to win and performing feata
with the steering wheel which other
driver fear to attempt. When a man
ran control a car on that old Omaha dirt
track he can do moat anything on the
inooth speedway audi a Chicago and
Omaha. s
The annual meeting of the shareholder
Of th Nebraska Savings 4 Losn Associ
ation will be teld In the association of
fice, 211 South Hchteeuth Street, Saund-ers-Kentsedy
Building. Omaha. Nebrunka,
Wednesday, July 1, lulo. at p. m. Polls
tor election of three directors open at 12
o'clock noon and cloae at s p. ni.. on the
fame day. John R. Brandt, ttocrctary.
On and after today. I will not be re
sponsible for any debts or ebllgations
.-ontreoted for by my wife, Mrs. I-'. W.,
or Ines I- Reeves
Ordeman Loses Two
Straight to Gotch
aiCMBOIjyr. Ia.. uJly 4,-Frank
Gotch, champion wrestler, after tw
year' retirement, won a match with
Henry Ordeman of Minneapolis here yes
terday. Gotch won in straight rails of
twenty-one and eighteen seconds, re
tpectivelr. Vtlliaws Attache.
When you have a bullous attack yonr
liver falls to perform it function You
become constipated. The food yea eat
ferment In your stomach and nuu.
nausVa. vomiting and a terrible head-i
ache. Take Chamberlain' Tablet. Th I
wfll tone up your liver, clean out your !
stomach and you will soon be a well as !
errer. They only cost a Quarter. Obtaia- I
abia everywhere. Advertisement . !
D. B. R. Tarrv cures pitas, fistula aad
other rectal diaeaasa without euraical
operation Cure guaranteed and no
money paid untU cured. Write fe took
or rectal dlaeasee with tae'latoniala. UtL
Jr. R TAKHV, 140 H hid
h I : PT LR cured in few days wiThout
pain. Cal! or write Dr. V'rj. jut lie
Bidg.. Omaha. EstaMUhed li4 -o
Windy City Association Gathers
Total of EigMy-Uine Points
at Meet.
CHICAGO. July i,-The Chicago Ath
letic association won tho annual senior
track and field championship meet of
the Central Amateur Athletlo union yes
terday gnitilng a total of cighty-nin
points to seventy-two by the Illinois Ath
letic club, which won second plac.
Seven records of the Central Amateur
Athletlo union were broken and two tied.
There were sixteen institution repre
sented In the meet. The track at the
University of Chicago, where the event
were held, waa lightning fast and good
mark were aet in all events.
The University of Wisconsin was third
with IS point. The University of Chl
cRO and the Danish Athletic club of
Chicago wero tied with ten points. Notre
Dame scrre(i 4. the Norwegian Turner
3 and th Northwestern university L
Protest Filed.
Protests were filed against four ath
letes who were permitted to compete
with the understanding that their per
formance might not stand. The Illinois
Athletlo cl'ib charged that C. C. Cooke
and Arthur Alexander, who competed for
tho C. A. A., would be ineligible to take
part with any club but the Cleveland A.
C, until tomorrow, which ia juat a year
sinco they Tan at the Dayton meet.
Against Carroll of the C. A. A., the I. A.
C. complalnod that, though a student of
the University of Michigan, as a resi
dent of Lockport, N. Y., he was disqual
ified as a non-resident ot th central
district. The C. A. A. brought a non
resident charge against Alma Richard,
a a citizen of Frovo, Utah.
SSO-yard run: Campbell, University of
Chicago, first; Myers, Illinois Athletlo
club, second: Khy, Chicago Athletic as
sociation, third; Bechtol, Illinois Athletlo
olub, fourth. Time, J to. ' (New Central
Amateur Athletic union record, old mark
made in 1907 by P. Paur, Chicago Athletlo
association at 1 :5.
Three-mile walk; Nlppe, Danish-American
Athletic association, first; Zeelars,
Danish-American Athletic association,
second; Meltens, Chicago Athletlo asso
clatlon, third; Boyd, Mystic Athletic club,
fourth. Time, Z3;SoH.
100-yard dneh: Loomls, Chicago Ath
letic association, first; Smith, Chicago
Athletlo association, socend; Cooke, Chi
cago Athletic aaeociation, third; Casey,
University of Wisconsin, fourth. Time,
One-mile run: Marceau, Chicago Ath
letic association, first; Bay, Illinois Ath
letic, association, seconl; Myers, Illinois
Athletic association, third; Carroll, Chi
cago Athletic association, fourth. Time,
(New reoord. Central Amateur
Athletic union, old sot at 4:32i by G.
Waage, Illinois Athletic club, 19U)
130-yard, high hurdle: McKowcn, Chi
cago Athletic association, first: IJchtsr.
Illinois Athletic club, second; Burgas,
Illinois Athletic association, third; lleldrl,
Chicago, Athletic association, fourth.
Time. Q14.
Pole vault: Knourlck. Illinois Athletic
club, first; Graham, hlcago Athletic
association, second; lenders, Chicago
Athletlo association, third: Bchobtnser.
Chicago Athletic association, fourth.
Height. U feet 61 tnohe. (New Central
Amateur Athletic union record; old aet
at IS feet IVinch by Leroy Stmit, Chi
cago Athletic association, 1M.)
Running high Jump: Loomls, Chicago
Athletic association, flrat; Richards, Illi
nois Athletic club, second; Portur, Chi
cago Athletic association, third; James,
Chicago Athletic association, fourth.
Height, 6 feei . Inch' (New Central
Amateur Athletic union record, eld set
at feet 1 Inches, by Richards, Illinois
Athletic club, 14.)
Runniiia- broad lumn: Ktllt. ITlvr.i
of Wisconsin, first; Hasklns. Chicago
Athletic ansoclatlon, second: Ahearn, Illi
nois Aimeic ciun. mira; vanramp. Illi
nois Athletlo club, fourth. Distance. Zi
feet ia inches.
Bholput: Murks, University of Wiscon
sin, first: Richards. Illinois Athletic rtuh
second; Kanzler. Chicago Athletic asso-
luuon, tnii-d; HacMniun. University of
Notre Dame, fourth. liisUnca. 46 toit
6 '4 inches. (New reoord: old set at 45
feet by Kohler. Illinois Athletic club, in
40-yartf flash: Diamond. University of
Chicago, first; Oborne. Chicago Athletic
association, second; Ray Williams. Uni
versity of Wisconsin, third: Bclote. Chi
cane Athletic association, fourth. Tlma.
:4ft. (New record; old mark aet at 0:5o.)
t-v-yara aasn: amitn. unicaso Athletic
BSROclation. first; Booth, Chicago Ath
letic association, second; CooUe, Chlcaao
Athletic association, third; Parker Illinois
Athletlo club, fourth. Time. 0:21V (Tlea
reoord set by F. K. Hamilton. Chicago
Athletlo association, tn 5S07.J
4 i-yard hurdles: Llchtar. Illinois Ath
letic olub, first; 8mait, Chicago Athletic
sssoclatlon. second: Loomls Chicago
AtHeliu association, third, K. T. William,
Northwestern university, fourth. Time.
0 :MH.
Five-mile rn: Ray. Illinois Athletic
club, first: Cameron, Illinois Athletic
club, second: Mellor. Danish-American
Athlutio c'ub. third; French, unattached,
fourth. Time. 27;10i.
?M-yard hurdles: loomls. Chicago Ath
letic association, first; West, Illinois
Athlotio club, second; Qoellts. Chicago
Athletic association, tTitrd; McKeown,
Chicago Athletic association. fourth.
Time. Q:lAi.
Runnlna hop. step and Jump: Ahearn,
Illinois Athletic club, first; Vancamu, Illi
nois Athletic, clur. second; Hnskins. Chi
os so Athletlo aasoclatton, third; Cooley,
Chicago Athletie association, fourth. Dis
tance. Ah feet ' inches.
Throwlnct the discus: Muck, Univer
sity of Wisconsin, first; Bachman. Notre
Da toe. ercond: Richards. Illinois Athletlo
club, third: Cole. Illinois Athletlo club,
fnurth. Distance." 143 feet SV Inches.
'This Is a new record tor the Chicago
Amateur Athletic union; the old record
was M feet Inches made on ftaag
field hy M. !"li. Chicago Athletic aa
w in I'
Thniwtn the Uve'ln: Hutchinson. Illi
nois A'hletv jlul . firt; (Vr'if'e;. Nnr.
tlnn Torre-, .our K' h"1 IMl"ts
Axdetl" tlnh. IM:i- U'wrd. At.
. lulv. fnurth. Itm.. -. VI feet
I-- !. ..
Thro wins Ihe. iC-y'.uti.; welht:
arda, Illinois Athletic club, first: Phana
han, Illinois Athlem, second; Ren
eon, Chicago Athletic association, third;
Honker, Chicago s.tlilctle association,
fourth. Distance, Jl feet inches.
Will Be Held at the Country Club
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday s
and Saturday.
The 1915 Nebraska state golf tourna
ment will be held at the Countty club
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urdajr of this week. Nlnety-lx golfer
will qualify In three flight of thirty-two
each, aa determined by thlrty-alx hole
of medal play on the opening day.
Trophle and cup will be awared the
various winner.
Play wilt start at 7 o'clock Wednes
day morning In the iuallfylng round.
From then on matches will He played
each morning and ariernoon until the
final round, which will be played on Sat
urday. A banquet I to be tendered ta all en
trant at the Country club ou Thursday
The program of evoot la a follows:
Wednesday, Jwly T.
Qualifying round, thirty-six holes,
medal play. Team contest decided by
qualifying snore.
Play will start at 7 a. in. and pjliinga
will be made at the first tee.
Thwraaar, Jsly H Foreseen ,
First round of eighteen holes, match
play, as follow:
Third flight, starting 7.30 to S.Au
Second flight, starting tt;.10 to :l.
Championship flight, starting :aa to
Second round of eighteen holes, match
play, aa follows:
Third flight, starting 12:30 to 100.
Second flight, starting 1:00 to 1:30
Championship flight, starting- l: to
Firat round of eighteen holes, match
play, in consolation flight, for those whu
are put out in first round of champion
ship flight, starting 2:16 to 1:4T.
Medal play handicap, eighteen holes,
for all who did not iunliry and losers
in first round of second and third
flights. Handicaps on bista of qualify
in; score. This contest will start at !:0t
Friday, Jaly t Forenoon-.
Third round, of eighteen holes, match
play, aa follows:
Third flight, starting 8:0o to S:3l.
Second flight, starting It In to 940.
Championship flight, starting . ta
Second round consolation flight, atart
Ing U):W to 10.20.
Match play against bogey, eighteen
holes, for all who are not in the above
flights, start at lo So.
Semi-final round, eighteen hole, match
play, as follow:
Third flight, starting 2:00 to
Second flight, 2:10 ta 2:W.
Champlonehlp flight, starting !. to
Consolation flight, starting iJU to 2 40i
Kwatfest, qualifying round. h,-hteen
holes, medal piny; seven to qualify
blurts at 2:46. Open to all who ate out
atardoy, Jaly 10 Psrtsasa,
' Finals In all flights, as follow:
Thlrti flight, eightee.i holes, tartln
atSoona flight, eighteen hole, starting
Championship flight, first eighteen
holes, starting at :W.
Consolation flight, rtarting at :1V.
lat'n'ar M0 no':, ot cnaml ionship,
Out on Leavenworth ilrMl vtwn -v-
- - -
n A t r rAriutlt.W . . . .
w, ..J-...., wtrri, aatj aa xar
outh as Pacific street, aa extensive reef
estate development has been going on
so autetly that onlv thnsa ruin, h
locality are familiar with It. The entire
tract naa oeen lata out in an attractive
manner. All tbe street are being
brought to grade, and every lot I to be
provided with water, gaa. electricity,
ewer and cement walks. The view from
the property I magnllceot. It 1 only
a few block from what I known a
me west Farnam district, or "Knob
Benson & Carmichiml. who A lav A if in
charge, say they are developing It as an
ideal place- for homes of moderate cost.
They say It close-lu location and near
ness to tho center of business will ap
peal forcltry to thoughtful purchasers.
It 1 U lc known us Leavenworth
Height, and will be on the market In a
fow wees, and the proprietors ay they
win spring a surprise as to the amount
of building to be dona on. the property
this summer.
.Rapidly the clicking work at (he old
city hull la being concluded. The fmnl-tui-e
will he romove.1 Tuesday to the dif
ferent departments to which It has lieen
designated. The books ot th city clerk
will be removed tn the department of
Oimtnlsaloner Butler in Omaha, where
! John Men-ell will probably be lix-atod.
i The last vestige of local control wa
I taken away by Ihe changing' of the lork
on the city hall ImtMlng sad on the of
fices of former Mayor Moot or It I
i understood that there ta some talk of
turning the present Jail buildlna; into a
garage and station and transferring the
police tail and court officoa to the old
city hall building. This Is favored by the
nolle especially. If a polio garage and
fir s st Ion were Installed; In the old lull
building the packing nous district would
benefit by the additional fire equipment
and convenient location.
f'omplnlata Aanlaat Satoowtata.
Complaints aaalnst the six saloonmen
rlted In by the police Friday night were
filed yeaterday by Prowecnitor R. II. Leigh.
Acting Captain Anton Vannu awora ont
the complaint. The men w-er charged
with running disorderly houses.
Itooater flrerr tit Ckeyeaae.
! A biar booster t-rotvd will n ram
Omaha to Cheynnne for the annual
frontier celebration. July B to S4. The
men ot the mion stock Tarda are
organising a delegation and It Is under
stood that Omaha business men as a
class will Join th excursion. Th trip
le to be a big on.
Hit MtUc Tank.
William Heffllnger, teamster, undertook
to make milk punch oa a huge sral yes
terday evening wlmn he collided with
the milk tank driven by Joe Burn on
the' Q street viaduct. He succeeded In
demolishing the milk wagon and some
thing of Die lacteal fluid got mixed with
the fiery spirit that were Illuminating
him at th time. He waa thrown from
hi wagon and picked up for dead. When
the police auto in charge of Conductor
John Jackman and Chafftter Bennle Dan
baum had suocrednd In running down the
upposcd deed man Heffllnger strenu
ous ty objected to be Jailed. Ho wa kept
i at tli station until ha had sobered up.
Hi escape from death in the accident on
tbe bridge was said to be most remark
able. He suffered only a slight scalp
reeai la ' Mentioned.
Since th. refusal of Ralph West to
accept the position of public defender, the
name of Attorney J. J. Rreen ta being
mentioned a the lucky one. Rreen wa
mentioned for ' tho place before West'
appointment. Since West's withdrawal,
Rreen haa been reccMng much support.
lit la an old member of the Douglas
county bar and ha hnd much experience.
Can't rlay on Groand.
liaao boll on the school grounds In
South Omaha Is talo-d. For the of
fender who approach the age of ma
turity the offense will mean Jail. For
tho younger fry it wilt mean a trip to
the police station and a parental Inter
view In the wondshej. Anyway the
school grounds will no longer furnish
the diamond for the national sport. The
cops have spoken and It Is th law.
According, to school authorities small
boys and some who aro not small have
been using the grounds ca a park. And
as a result of the diverse horn run, hit,
fowl and wild ball the achool district
Is said to have a glas bill that foot
up something like $100.
To Honor Reformer.
A large program has been rraagd
In memory of the five hundredth anni
versary of "Jan Hub,-' by the combined
effort of th Bohemian lodge and club
of the Kouth Side. Prof. U. Shonelc of
the 1'nlverstty of Iowa, will spesk on
' The Ufa and Teachings of Jan Hui."
Th program will he given at the Na
tional hall. Twentv-flrat and II treet,
Routbside, Sunday evening at S o'clock.
Maate City Uosalg.. 1
Henry Rothkop Is visiting with hi
parent. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Kuthkop.
O. IL Hallgren and wlfs Is ft last even
ing to spend the Fourth at North Bsnd.
Mlsa Flora Robinson left last evening i
to spend tbe holiday with friend at Lin
coln. For the beet result use "Anseo Bpeedas
Films" in your rauiera Ueluher Drug
Co., 418 North Mth.
Mrs. J. C. Wilson of tl City will
arrive in the city this evening tn spend
thu Fourth with relative.
Houth Omaha lodge No. M, Ancient
Older of L'nlted Workmen, will install i
officer Tuesday evening.
Cameras, photo supplies We do de
veloping uru printing of film. Melcher
Drug Co.. 4U North 24th.
Tho women' auxiliary of Pt. Martin'
church will meet at the home of Mra
Hears, Wednesday afternoon.
Lerat yards will be closed Monday,
July 6. the Uve Htock exchange having
voted to make it a legal holiday.
Miss Clementine Nave of Lincoln Is
visiting with her friend. Mis Robinson,
and intend to stay over and witness th
Miss Kllen Coulson left last venltig for
her liome at Oekalooa. Ta.. where she
waa called by the sudden lllnea of her
MemlwiB of t. .cnos' pariah hnvo
compHel all arrangements for te an
ti'ial tucnta. which i to be In M at the
old Country club grounds cii Monday.
Mr. and Mra ChaHe K. O'llafw nnil
dsuchtes- Mnxlne of tjulticy. 111., and Mrs.
Horry lluhltell and son. Harry. r.. of
Tii.rt are vtattlng here with Mr. sod
Mr. 4. p. O Hare.
H. -net si Htiperintenrient .lack Walter
celebrated the t wenty-elshth anniversary
of his connection wlih the Union Sttx k
Yartls cnmanv no rrltlay. having h.
In Ha eniphty since July . iav alters
Is siill "on the Job."
''pchurc'i It.rige. No. I. IVg,-ee of
Jlonur. will liold a reauiar nieetina. Wed
.cs!By. Julv it 1 f p. m., sharp, after
i w hich Ihe nail will he turned ov.-r to an
open mretliu; ami entertainment to the
public. Everybody invited.
Oclleme ramp ef Royal NYlghhoia en
tertainnd f'liwrt- 1af rump of SoiKh
Omaha at a picnic given at Uellevue list
Wedneeilay. t'hlcken dinner ws sened
and prise In various enntests aw-arded to
Mr. AA. O. No wee, Mr. Stella Wildes,
fcitswe Edith Merman and Ttechonlt-k i:ia-
Thot as l-Tynn, vcnernl me o.aet ,f
Hwyien lltotherw- 111 lnse fliin
rt evening fo- Xew Yo,k to purchase
noon s.
Rent rooms quick with a !e Wi.nt Ad.
Home people pre vmn at 0 red
clie.'Ked. ruudy nM,) vleoroua. Others are
Old :tt 40-1, not lulnm.- . . i
a tilt; afen lieKlnnmg to le and maa ta
srltiine,.: oreaatonal touchea of pain
In the back: feel tired without cause,
and pnaaibir n twlnue of rheumatic pn.1".
iri moMt cbmcs, torse are tne danKer
slKniiU to wain you that the kldners
tire not promptly doing their work of
throwing off the polaon that are alwsvs
forming In tie holy. To neglect these
minimi warninga Is
crlttto aa-nlnRt
ir you iihv these symptom.
yon ran find prompt reif In GOLD
M KT.I. Ilatirletii (Ml fapaules. For
niora than jno vaare, tha haa been the
rernsnlxed for kidney and blart
der ulllllellt!".
J)LI MKIiAL Haarlem oil Capsules
are Imported direct from the laboratories
ut Haarlem, Hnlland. Prices are 2'c,
i'"r and Il.en. Get them at your drug
gists, hi not take a substitute.
Tttshop MDIspaugli of Kansas and his
wife are the guests of Fred If. Davis
and family, enroute tn their summer
horn at Prior Lake. Minn. Th bishop
waa dean of Trinity cathedral between
174 and IfeS. The rathodral was built
during his Incumbency.
Insert Bites aad lafertlou Do agar
ose. Apply Bloan's Llnlinem to any btte,
sting or bruise, it kills the poison and
heals tho 'wound. Only Vc. All druggist.
a co. -
Stocks Cotton
Grain Provisions
laxscssma. .--
lew Tark. Stoek Bsoaaa
Msw Tork Cottoa Bschaagra '
Caleago Beard of Trad
Sjeuls Bterenaata' Baekaaaw
Kaaeea City Boas AA. Ttaeuj
KtaaaapaUa (Aaaabe of OomaMXse
Omaaa Oraia Baaaaag
711-15 Drandels Oldg.j
-'Trr , .nwi, -n, -a -
I'M i" i i in nun. i ii i in n i n i n
even pure beer
it starts decay and
renders it unfit
for use," and the
slightest taint
ruins the health- v
fulness of beer.
The light bottle is
insufficient pro
tection; even
the light bottle
brewers admit
that brown glass
is the best known
r l.fs.'S'JQ
in o
j A i art mint, flat, hotiaca utid lotlages
I c;i:i ta rented nuii.kly and ch. aply bv a
. ik. "l or Kent."
More Heat-
V Lea. Ash-No
Smoke Ak
Your Dealer.
There is no purer
beer brewed, and
the Brown Bottle
protects its purity
from the brewery
to your glass.
Schlitz is all
it costs no more
than light bottle
See that crown is branded "Schlitz
Phone Dougr. 1597
SchMta Bottled Br Depot
723 S. 9th St., Omaha, Neb.
PUona id
Hy. Gerber
101 S. Mala St., Council Blu3
wmwmmm ) W W w e ki , . J B,jala