JULY 5.. 191: The man who has long planned to own a home has not abandoned the idea because there is a war going on. Real estate is always salable THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, WANT ADS Went ads received at any time, but to Insure Propur classification must be pre sented before 11 o clock nwn for evening edition and T:M p. m. fur morning snd undr editions. Want ads received efter such hour will be under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CAH RATES. Seven consecutive time, 1 cent a word each insertion. Three times vxjthln on week, 1V cent a word eaoh Insertion. One time, I cent a word. ' CHAROB RATES. Seven onnseouUve time. I cent a line each ineertlon. Three time within on WMk 19 cent line each Ineertlon. One time. 11 cent a line. Count six averngo wo-ds to a line. Minimum charge, M cent. An advertisement inserted to be run nntil discontinued muit be stopped by written order. . , All claims for nrrors must be mfl Within fifteen dss after th lt Inser tion of the advertisement Ton can plac your want ad In The Be by telephone. TELEPHONE- TTLER !. i, odor snTicit. BRICK LAI BKB ATTENTION. All member of Brlokleyer' union No. 1. Nebraska, ar requested to observe Monday. July 4, a Independence day. By order of tmloiw B, A. Shannon, eo rtrr ; CARD OF THANK. We wish to thank our many friend for their lnore sympathy during the etckneee and death of our mother. CHARLEb A. LEWIS AND FAMTLT. Today's Movie Program. LANTERN slides for movie. Bend your eopy to on. We can reproduce photo r will prepare your copy. W will color at directed. Hoe Photo Dept.. 101 Me Hid, Meat. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. Mm. Jen's Auction Bridge, VltagTaph. The Unsparing Sword, Lubln. Her Proper Place, three-ral FMlaon. EMPRESS, UT1I 'and DOUGLAS. The Preem Dance, three-reel Lubln. The Evolution of Outey, Vltagraph. ' lud Reeolrae Not to Smoke, Kssaney. Scenic, Hearst-Sellg No. 63. Vaudeville. 1817-10 D0UQLA8. A Bad Man and Other. J-r. Weeiarn dra. The Madonna, a drama of the heart. A Woman Scorned, An unuaual drama. Fay Flncher In Beautiful Love, comedy, GRAND, 16TH A.D ijlNNHf. (TIIHATER BBAtJTTFTTTj.) 1J0M12 OF GOOD PICTURES. Horn of Good Picture. Hash Houee Fraud, comedy. His Obligation. $-reel drama. Th Woman From Warren, l-r. grama ' North). LOTHR0P, J4TH AND LOTIIROP, A Fool There Wa, six-reel feature. . POLLO 2824 LEAVENWORTH. rhe Valley of th Shadow, Lupin, ller Husband' Honor, two-reel Kalem ripadea Are Tnimpe. Vltagraph. ; BESSE sTTH and n. The Way of th TranTaor, three -reel Vltagraph drama. . Raskey's Road Show, Ks'cm. Vaaaenlle. ORPHEUM, 24TII AND M. Weekly. Little CTiryssntharaum.' Beauty dra, ftrlke at Centipede, 8-reol )otn. dra. Hash. House Fraud, Key. com. AKNOUWCKStlCNTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Hoom 10$. Javeetlsate I.M C A. mi g para. sJminer. YOIINQ lawyer wanta proposition from eetabllalied lawyer. Addivas M 0, Uee. J. II. Schmidt Announce tlie Formal Opening of Our Drug Store N. E. Corner 83d and Cuming, Saturday. July 3. - Valuable Souvenir for EverybocJy. Brine tha Children. Music, Caody, Cigars. Flowers and Toy Balloons. Telephone Harney (68. AUTOMOBILES ENJOT trilB FOURTH In a car of your own. Five-passenger, overhauled and repainted. Sold for repair bul; part terms. If you wish; lioO. MtUhU Itoadstsr, a bargain. Auburn, Is-!, la fin shape; a snait. Uln Sundsy. tis lKth Bt . I O N X t-N' i-IAj ALTO CO.. lis fl. lih ht. k.xprt repairing: bargain in Used cars.' guaranteed ae'rei-rented. pnR BAIJ&-Auto In first-class condition, tall l'J-i N. ttt., Mouth Omaha. VtviJvr you are coiildrttig selling or buriQg a usd cat and you want full value for your niotwy or you want people vi.o are -.i.iii.g to pay for what tber ere -i'li.j you will bave no rearet If you tif itt bdvertlae tbrousb. the urd car c.n.n of The l-.ee. I'riune 1 yler Iwi. CAiiJ-AO hoADaTiiR, eJouino lisht. ninrtrlo starter; tn tin hlpe. H..S. Must S'-'l Ucium leaving the city. T. ti. Wright. Irmitenelle Hot-! h "t fAl C or trade, a flve-paait-r l l.l'.e r-'oani Aulo In good runrung o r. 1:1 ell !. fur.caan. tveretl Ae.i.i t-nrilon. Nrb. -o C- I .i Ac." K. iiyrt radiator and lajop r, .is. 'I f. 7t-4 L1 Irftavc nworth. rii-.n a t-jf a 1'lietr. d-alera. '"l l4 A It l !..; eoy irtgneto ere can I f i air. Cons ep Lrttlvi tar, tilt N.la. a AUTOMOBILES Want an auto. C J. Csnan. MoCagua bldg. Industrial Oarage Co . h aV Hamey Sta, NEBRASKA Btilck Service Ft at Ion. 1S14 Femam Ht J'hone Dnualaa 72L NEW Ford auto deliver '.bodies; of all styles, open or cloeed.islways on hand. Our prices will save you money. See Johnson-LMrnforth Co., lAt-8138 No. lath. $.1,000 ST K K N S-D U R Y EA, -Pss. car. just overhasled and . painted, $8u0. Web. 7W7. Pierre Arrow....7ry) Max well 'uttln; ir Trurk J90 Rasal 9rt Motorcycle 140 THF) AUTO CUEAiaNQ HOtTflB, t2fl Farnam St. Tel Douf. 331& W1I.I. sell my slightly used lilt Cadillac phaeton very reasonably. Can be seen at 30A4 Farnam St BUSINESS CTIANCE8 If your Business Chance -will stani". riald Investigation and la just what It la fidvertlsed. or If vou are looWlns to start n bualnesa for youraelf you will be per fectly aatlafled If vou use .the liuMneea Chance column of The Hea When buy lo or selling a business Phone Tyler 1009, TO QF.T In or out"of business rail on OANOHTAH. 422 Fee Bldg. Doug. 3477. f IONrt, show rrd, ClarK A Hon. 1. 197. rOJt SALIC haroware , stock, building and fixtures; location good llvs town In eastern Idaho: one of the beat grain and stock growing seatlons In the wsst; sale last year, tn.OUQ. Address 1 I t, Fee. WANThll A partner In ' drus; store, ood. location, small i Investment A FCn 8AI,L"Shoc repairing shop; money maksr for right man;, owner leaving town; I lo.lge. f)H HALh Ili OO stock : gen. mdse. In eastsrn Nebraska for cash, or will con sider good lend. Address Y(W7, Bee. FOR SALE) CHEAP-JUean clothing stock, Splendid location on main street, 4-year-leaee, modem fixtures, retiring from business. Apply 11. Booonover Co., North Platte, Neb. MOVING pfbtur house with seating ca pacity of ever too; furnlshsd; good lo cation: A-l share. 140. ' IJIuKKiT & COMPANY, 431 Bee Blrt'g. V'.' Doug. WJ. WANTED A party to i;ent a butolier shop; all equipped and ready for Im mediate poaseaslont dolng'heavy bualnesa: reasonable rent: wast nottlme In Invest! gating. Web. t30g or Wal. f4' Sundays. Fpn HALE OR RENT-Th Hartley t'entcr-Ocean with urlntlna outfit. In quire of J. -K. Hathorn, 'HaVtley, Neb. BUTCH KRWHoFforsMiW; shop in gro oery store; In good locaejoh, doing good business: selling on account of health: will aaortriw It sold Dei ?,W July i. Call at 4114 Corby Sunday, orJrfor at shop, i2J N. lth8t Call for H.utcher. Wlir RKTT Ask about' the Iwler dlatxlct, Aitkin county, Minnesota, th Land of Opportunity; unimproved, lit to jr; Improved, IX to lii"t-er acre; aaay payment pjan. W. O. Tmpleton, 03 ftre, Omaha. HEAL, estaQs Business plares supplied or handledN aiHatatea. F. v. K bleat, Omaha. THEATEKSUuy, leas or. sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Ejchenge Co.( .1406 Farnam St imugia IK) i lkl KTROPOUIT AN hotel - building for salei to be removed. Barney Olllnsky, W W, Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. FOR BALK Restaurant, hotel and bar ber shop: good location, opposite car barn, and dolus; good business. Reason for selling, going on farm.' 8. M McDon ald, imii ats. A., council .Bluff, In. tf -FKIR 8ALiV-HotcL.reetsurHnL ton. " fectlonery; dandy eblialneas; stock nd fixtures, 11,000. JIM WHAV. BIOUX CITY. T UK LI. or buy a buslnees, call on Uusoh A Borghoff. Frebier lllk. Tel. rouisa mt. . Nw York Boads. LIST of 1.2M fertllo farms sent by state offlolsla, wnll Improved, $10 acre up, payment ilka rent: can . trad Omaha property on first payment Address L tit. Bee. , EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day Bchool, Nlitht Rchool, complete bualnesa courae, complete sliorthund or stenotypa course, complete teloKraphy course, civil svlce brsnchss and Kng. Huh. students a'lmlttcd,' at any time. Write, phone or cell for VMi catalogue. BOYLKM COLLK'JK, H, B. BOyLKfi, Prealdent. Tel. D lltflfc. , Hoyles Bldy:,Omaha. Neh. OR aalo. the following. scholarahipsln a first claas Otuaha liuslneas College: One unlimited combination businesa and shorthand courss. On unlimited stenogrsphlo courss. Ons thren months' business or steno grsphlo course. u Will be sold at a discount at th ofIce of The Omaha Bee. Experienced lady tutor In' grade and bUh schoo; subje'ts; make-up work a siwiinlty. uosi references. Apart. A-I1U j)ev. H. ftixu. ' rOB BALE FOR BALE Here 1 a closstrioatloa that Is of the utmost Importance to every reader, aa this oolumn offer some excep tion.! opportunities svery, day and a small want sd will sell your article at It iuii ffliu,, rnonf trier iuou. Faralrwre, llssasksU ueeds, Rto. DFSrCS fccAifnt nd sold. J. C. Reed. t't-'K ttALkr 4ias ritigo, lluou; cost I3J0O) kitchen oal tnet, I10.&); cost4a.a: divan. r.m cost l-'2.X: centra table, MM, cost 2 Ohio ft. riionetWek im. t VltCli ninhogany parlor suite. Tyler f"l a. i t . f BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND ihhdivaiu,. it. ;ih. WKB. lurf lATEHT model Oriole g-tiasket. So. Vjf klaalc laetrasaeata. Bllgbtly used high rrade' ptano. tV 11 T. Xoreee aad Vefelelea. .''.. M BUIfl a well broke, neck rain saddle hores. Kl lUrreir Bt ,l hone So. ki2t. Cii'OD florae, bue-fy aud tiarmNts, iia. 24 . ctoeeweier. r mntOC SOWS lthUttre of plus, also lets cubt'Sg plant -. Benson 17. Mailral lastraaneata. t ON ACCOUNT of breaking up keeping will sell my pallet A Piano and mualo cabinet Addrees hou Iavls et VAd.lreas Bee. poaltry, IVsa i.Mn, BTKHh.'T1 t; metrics 'iiwtt th best ua cnvapoei lining tor,-pouii.ry nouses. They ar lx:4 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felttsnd Practically fireproof. IM a hundred f,The Bee ofri. e. STltONtt chicks, t for a Tyler tA Small oheat iJu lb. yguer. KUt tTl7 I rMwrllen. f 1 TtPEWhllERS sold, rented repaired. Central Typewriter Kxtrt 1W Varpara. HON A HI II No. I; beia.in, pjl Bee BidgT Mleeellaaeoaa. FOH BALK N w and second-hand earorn and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aoceasuriesi bari fixtures of a4 almas; easy payments. Ths Brurwulca-BaUe-CoimnJer Co.. eOT-Vo'S. IHh et. BIG sale ou trunks, baita'and suite aeee. Krle.lnian, 1211 looglaa'Kt T01J4 shovels, picks, J kecrews. win dow giaasel carpenter W-itihea II each; 10 match luachlunt svM I hot Water boner complete, a.u. comi li.atlon eiectns futures 16u eeoh: Iron ba-.s coinolvte. U: $.0; coin! li.atlon electi-ia good boree,, t); haroesa,'! tlUi good es- J. C, ISH,' Tel. Harney tU 7ol" 8. Slst Ava New M-l and mot rs, dynamoa. maicnetoa, etc., mechanical ei.aifa. l.e tUroti L e ll ic Werks.lH-30 ti. l . h pt . - v. . o POl'tRN and p. anut it-.ste j ( heap I hulis cbati j, ki. anut it-ister for sale MOVIES i FEATURES TODAY LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTKROP. A Fool There Wss. elx-reel feature. ORPHEUM. 24TH AND M, The Darkenlnc Trail, a master picture In iour reels. FOU BALK Mlaeellaaeooa. 4PO r)A Oolden Wsst Whisker, 4 full ,V"S I quarts bottled In' bond, pre-,t-'aW pal,. Cackley Bros.. Omaha. .t,w gas and electric Iron, for your price. Afiflwi it rm. Bee. FOR SALK Small shed, suitable for Chicken house or Font rami. MM N. 2Mh. TIELP WAXTED-- FEIALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER Neat some experi ence , IjV) TY Pi BT Perms nent 4 CO-OPKRATIVW RKFKRFJNC" CO. 1016-14 City National Hank Bldg. STKNOORAPHKK. BL'SJNKtta MKN 9 good position, v t6. RKfKREM K AbbM, 131-W Woodmen of the World WANTKD An experienced stenographer and offlc assistant, who can talk, and writ tha Bohemian language. Perma nent position to right party, and good wages. Ann reus T eio. Hee. TEACHER, com'l colles, expertono. . .174 Steno. At experienced. Aug. 1 ' Record clerk, exner'd tu stoak books.. IH0 ! Bteno, very bright, neat, experd tteno, out of town, experienced.. ....... .160 teno, bright, rapid, son,o expeHsnc..4w WtioTBRN Rtti. A BOND Ago N, (Ina). STENOGRAPHER for epcraane. Wash; aalary 4U per month. Transportation furnished, splendid position for right arty. I'hoo Mr. Knspp, Webster 76o4, Sunday a. m., for appointment. BOOKKEE7PER, some typewriting, ( tin. WTEVOQRAPHER, small office, $48.09, TYPIST, 140.00. TYPIST and clerk, $40.00. CAN PLACE BBVKHAL $50 00 and IW00 8TENOORAPHHRS TEMPO HART PLAC KB, BUSINESS MEN'S KEF. ASSN. 1319-20 Woodmen of World. MULTIORAP1I onanitor. half time. WATTS REFERENCE! CC)-, S3S-40-U Brandel Theater BldS. 1 QIRL to learn halrd railing. Oppenhelm foriors. Ilonaekeepert, and Donaeatlca. WANTED Qlrl for general housework: no washing, wen. lir. I2A Seward St THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREB until you set th desired reaulta. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Hee orrioa or telephone Tyler low, WANTF.D An experienced girl for gen- eral housework. Call SJ.J Harney. Tel. H. ! WANTED Girl for general housework In small rami v: muat unaaratand eonlilnar 1M6 Capitol Ave. W ANT ED 11 rl for general housework; two tn fsmlly. Harney C K1K Experienced colored cook, til S. Mtn. WANTEJ- A white girl to ' assist in holleework : no weahln-r ni In m Webster bm. Jf.2t Blondo. GIRL tor general houssiaork. Call Wsi- nut n. WA N'TLD -Rvllabls girT for general liouaeirnrk two In famllw k . v.. . 30 8. id Ave. I-ADY would like housekeeping In town or country home for elderly oouple, or care of Invalid. Can take full charge of norr.e, Anureas f M. lee. Mlaeellaioo, TOUNG women romlng to Omaha as straners are invited (a visit in, Vmm-r Woman's Christian association building at lit Marv's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding Places ar otherwise aaalsted. Look for our travelers' guide st Union station. WANTED Woman to help" Tin kitchen In hoarding hnuee. 1711 Dodge. WANTED A roinpetnnt nurse maid to care for one child. Cltv references re quired. Mrs. N. F. Ooo'l.ody. it, 7000. WANTED A housekeeper. good reliable working h. em. LADlEri-Make shields at home. $10 for 100; work sent prepaid; no canvassing; send stamp, Ivan hoe Mfg. Co., Bt Louis, Kt rt WANTED - TWO COl!f)RED LaUT A . - ir K ' r, J , i ......... - ,M rk-t i. i -.I.I, -1AU.ILI 14VI. chanae for clmnibermald to work rive A SUITE of houaekeenlne- room in ex. hours per day. Mrs, E, J. Kol.ler, 111 Howard. . v ITELP WANTED MALB t lerloat aa4 Uftleo. . HIOH-QRADH! commercial positions. WtST. Kh.FERE.NCli A BOND AHSK. TC2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SALESMAN A No 1 proposition, salary dtixncls. WATTS HEF. CO.. M0-4J Brandels Thsa. MANAGER, machinery factory tlX Specialty salesman $128 City salesman, Al experienced man. ftiO City salesman, experienced man (liio Salesman, grocery specialty $100 Hnleeman, expert on tools .....$7$-$' Steno, salesman, experier.ood only t'O Hteno, private secretary $.'B Multlgraoh operator $40 WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, (Ina). 751 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg BEST COMMERCIAL POtjlTI ON 8. Rogers Reference Co.. Kfr-S State Bank. NEW location. M0 l axton Blk. We have several positions open. Roarers Ref. Co. HAVE choice Improverl Red River Valley farms fur sal In Minn, and N. Dak. Agents wanted. Hlckson Land Co., Hick, son. N. Dk. WH havo a good place for a llvs insur ance man. - Mutual Benefit Health A Aft. clueiit Ass'n . 4-1 City Nat Bank Bldg. Very Desirable, 8pac for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor service tree. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room SOS. raxetor and Itaaea. Drug store snaps; looa Knelst, Bee Bldg. LearnBarber Trade Waxes paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for more Information. Trt-Ctty College, 11M Doug la s ht., ttmaha. Free Tuition for a short time. WESTERN BARBER COI.l K1E. Ikxle tit. WANTf.lk A fut : repair iian, steady w irk i..r rlM Minn. W rite ut all. Jji.iiat s liifafcO. Faubuiy, ,Seb. HELP WANTKD MALE 'actory aad Trades. WANTKIDPrag line operstor familiar with gasoline engine. Address Mul-grew-Boyce Co.. Iiubuqiie, la Positions Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO OOLLEOB frftS Farnam fit., OMAHA. NER. WE need men; had to turn down two Jobs per week Istely. Oet In. Learn by our method. Uet one of these Joba CsUlogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School, 1417 Dodge St MOLEIt BATCHER COLLEGE Special summer rate. Catalogue mailed free. 110 Bo, 14th St. Omaha. Mlseellaoowoe. WANTED First-class farmer with thor ough knowledge of caring for horses, to tak charge of th farming and horses on a dairy farm near Omaha; single, middle-aged man preferred. If marrlpd, man without children, willing to employ wife as cook; position permanent; liberal salarr Dald. but man must be efficient. Give age, reference and salary required. Address B tri, care Bee. WANTKD 1,000 men to eat ham and eifgs, lie. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. MEN wanted: government Jobs: IflO per month; Omaha examinations Bept 15. Sample queatlons free. Frrnklin Insti tute. iepi. rci r . rinenrsrer. rr r. WANTED- rJamea of young men want-Ina- to be Railway Mail C!ei. (TS month. Answer Immediately. Y. tt. Be. SITUATION'S WANTED WANTED By young man, 2J yrs, po sition as snnlrtant bookkeeper, ledger clerk or any kind of office work. Beat of references. Experienced. Address H-tittt, Me. BOT, 1 years o.d, wants to get into shop where be can learn the electrician trade. Wilting to . work hard. Address H. see, use. PERFECT washing, expert Ironing. webstsr 4-81. WANTED Position as housekeeper In the city or outskl rts. Harney 1MI. LADY wants board Or small wages In home for services, companion, teaching music, caring for children, cooking, sew ing, housekeeping. Phone Douglas 6882. Address C. M , 2411 Capitol Ave. LADY with daughter, would like position as housekeeper, thoroughly competent to take charge, references exchanged. Phone Webster MX, or address L 667, Bee. CHILD'S nurse wishes position. Best ref- orenoes. Tyler lawt. - LADY1 stenographer- end dictaphone op erator, graduate of 'Boyles college, de sire permanent position with small sal ary to begin. Address K M, Bee, EXPERIENCED young man wants steady Job In prlva;e family. House cleaning, gardsn. Honest service. Will ing to work. Address A (72. Bee, TWO experienced girls want work, cham bermaid oy laundry. Out of town. 412 North ISth St LOST AND FOUND LOST Bobolink bracelet, linked together, 11 link. Return to Be of floe for re ward. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLt'FFS STREET HALLWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would do woll to call up tha office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43, LOST On Sherman Ave. car, pocketbook containing valuable diamond ring wed ding ring and money. Finder kindly call Doug. 8743 or Web. 3796. Address Mrs. 1a a. uravee, &o Locust St. LOST Pair nose glasses In cans with gold chain and ear attachment. Suitable reward if returned Immediately. Phone H. I .arson. Tyler 1818J. WILL PARTY WHO FOUND RED LEATHER PRICH ROOK CALL WEB STER 2G7T REJWARD. Lost or Found ad In Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, the Ixist and Found paper. LOST Sliver vanity purse, monogram M, containing some change. In down town shopping district, Thursday, July L will nnoer pioaae call Douglas tout LOST In Burlington depot, child red wester and shepherd plaid coat call Douglas MM. Reward. LOST Brooch set with pearls; downtown. Reward. Call uouglas sw. FOUND Glasses In Bee Bldg. July T Owner can have same by proving prop erty and paying for this advertisement 103 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to Vtalt the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army lnduatrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga lines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Podge St GORDON the Magaalne. Man. Phone Douaiaa TlfiL PET STOCK BEAUTIFUL white Persian King cat, U mo. eld; also other choice ones. Webster iturt. SWAPPERS' tTJLlMN We i Jo J to Swapk Why not advertise something that you do longer have any use for and got something you really naedf It costs you nothing to join the Swappers' Club, and you will find it lots of fun swapping things. Writs Room lot. nee mog., or pnone lyier luuu. A GOOD Remington tyewiiu-r, modul No. a. Will tisde for anything worth $& Address S. O. teu. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automoMls bargains see the "Automobile" claaalfi tatlon. A DANDY Six-inn Boa AUey, fine condi tion, firet t.i takes It W. E. Dennett Orsnd island, Neb. - I'lAMoND Neat Udiea', tiffany, ring, to-100 Karat platinum head; want motorcycle or piano. Address S. C. 1176. Hee tNGINE Nearly new, 4 HP. en nine from Indian lnotorocle, complete; qulpied wliU friction clutch, pulley and encUwe type Boach makneto; condition lerfect; trading price, tJ; will take In your old eUKitte or a email atatlonary engine on trade. This enauie Is powerful enuuirh for a light cycle car. Address S. i'.. u,' Bee. BUSINESS CHANtli-Gent's furnlshlna store, good location. South Ou.iha. Will trade for Omaha real estate, vucant or Improved, or good auto worth about tl OUu. A .i A a d1 l i c i n . nuuirn D. . 11 OA, fttej HOHoB, BUGGY AND HAHNEHi KuH i.i" nuwunAnus. 1II.L.K Ills. INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car; lata 1014 modal, twin cylinder. to peed, complete eleclrio eiulprueut lslt iuiprovod kick starter: new tires; au per fect condition. Coet $;I70. Want Fori or lisht roadster; no other propoeitlone cost s'dered. Address 8. C. lih'i Bee. LAUtliC view camera for typewriter, or, what have you! D. Crewdaon. Missouri Valley, la. KODAK "Aneco" folding povket alms S'x4i4: double Ions, automatic ehuttori rtaing, loworuig and laterally shifting front; like d; together with ootiipleto outfit Including new K developing lank, printing frame, tray, carrying case, eta Went lalble typewriter in good condi tion. AiUress K. C iKi, Bea MAll, IlltliER buallK'M. Inn.l. t:M. Will Hade for tmunpioved lots. Ad- i.iu f tl,, lies. SITUATIONS WANTED PAINTING service in exchange for horse. Address S. C. 117.. Bee. REKRlGEHATt Hi In aond condition. slue aliout 210. What neve you to trade? A del ion S. C. lir. Bee. PIANO Almost new Welllnton piano; cost t'MHi; six months ago, beautiful maho&anv rase; will trade for something I can u. Address K C. II7.. Bee PI.AYEK PIANO leaving city; willing to eat rifles new player piano. What have von to offer for same. Could use auto or diamond. Address S. C. 1177, Bee. ROOMING house, TITl Farnam St., to trade ror an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. SEWING MACHINE Singer; retail price $S; good condition; drop-head. Will ex change. What have you? Address S. C, 1134, Bee. $no0 Jeweler's safe for $2W, second-hand Ford or other small car. Address S. C. 114?, Bee. TO TRADE Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, Hanscom Park district, on paved street; cement basement shade trees, hardwood finish. Owner moving to Lincoln. Wlihes to trade for house In Lincoln or lots In Omaha or Lincoln. Webster !t"2. VP TO $1,000 in going local company. No liabilities and $4,000 In treasury stock 1 not for sale generally and none has ever been sold below par. Will trade for equity In cottage or might take west ern land or auto. Address rt. C. 118. Bee. WILL exchange 2d hand carpenter tools for side car. Adrirens S. C, 110 Bee. AUTO Will accept good auto as first payment on new, all modern, seven room bungalow In good location. Red lhL FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill ths needs of any one de- slrins; to rent. Phone Tyler ynv Angelus Apt, $ snd 4-room apt. H. 20f4. O k-ROOM modern apartments off Farnam St., In the "Page," high-da, fireproof building. Harney 1W o FOU IV and seven-room apartment. $111 and upwards: near post off ice. G. P. stebbins. VERY ohole 4 or 6-room, steam heated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1S02 FARNAM BT. Varnished Apartments. WANTED A furnished flat for two or three months: prefer select location In residence district. Harney 47. EVERYTHING FURNISHED COM PLETE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. The Traverton 4TH AND LAN DON COURT. Fireproof and sanltaryi screens, awn- Large halls, with tiled floor and mar ble bass. Cool & Comfortable Th only apartments having tha com forts of the home and the advantages of a downtown hotsl. beinn only a stone's throw of the business district. Under the supervision of the owners, ,-Traver Bros. 70S Omaha' National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas lli3. Sunday, Web. 4."t5. Board and Rooms. Nicely furn. rm., 3012 Sner. Ay. Web. S43. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenlenoo and comfort In private families .r boarding houses of th high est olaas wll best be found In the Fur nished Room. column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lOtO. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large close U, in a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Hamey 4981. tlio HARNEY-Board with or without rooms. I). S683. YOUNG man wanta board and room with private family: irive references. Addreaa E 6t4, Bee. Furnished Room. ELEOANTLT furlehed rooms: private home; close In. Phone Doug. Mfta CHICAGO, 1813 Beautiful, cool room. next to bath, for one or two gentle men; private family; hot water at all hours; $2. Doug. 6271. EXCEPTIONALLY cool room In modern hoiniT riJIlt if 111 llllrnnnr1nir Qnaan 4?.. VentlerrigLiT ADnrtrlatlnir ssms w fii.a wietniiuTi. sr nut 13 nanify oivj. SOUTH IKTH, large modsrn front rooms, first floor, with screened porch; conneuteo or single; close In; ressonable. NICELY furnished room; modern; very reasonaoie. sv B. atn Av. Doug. SMod. Vv ..w, 0w aiif umis' tiiai suiu you In the wsy of Furnished Room you eaM Aall , tj M i. r i . . . , ... f . I Vt i'", oee omg., anq ass or mi nee wnisnou itoom bureau nl Mill! .1.1. . . i . class rooming cr boarding bouse in any Sii sg s4f ika aG w ysa, wi IMP till. DOUGLAS, 17131 single room with bath. TWO furnished sleeping rooms; gentle- pieieneu. y eo. can punoay W al . 49. - Wasted Famished Rooma. I WOI7LD Ilka a rojm In private home of oongenlal and homelike surroundings. witn snower bath preferred, but not es sential; would Ilka breakfast and supper. VI.JI. ..11 . I . . 1 i . ...in... p.o.w tun iwuvuian wuen reply ing, ft 4t3. Bee. Ksurateaed ilSBiekeesiae Kmhl Ml DODGE Modern Ught housekeeping; reasonaoie. Housekeeping; Roesu, DOUGLAB. 17U-On nicely furnished modern housekeeping room; private ninny; Close in. , 5 P1TOL AVE.. 1811 Clean. eomfortahU housekeeping rooms; reasonable rates. DAVENPORT. 18. TVVO OR THRE'ffi NICELY FUHNISHHD FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. DAVENPORT. TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $160 WEEK. . L.lnkt tiouacktrslxa Rmbb. 1001 PARK AVE. I and I-room apart- inenia: ciean, ooot, cosy. Harney M10. ltomeee aad Cottascea. Ifcnrtn. ALL modsrn S-rooin house, on car line, In Florence, large yard. Florence Jul fi"l Main St. BARGAIN if taken at once all modern room house; maple flooring in living sr.d dining rooms; largs shade and bear 1n cherry trees, other shrubbery; one tlk from car and school, w ebeter Kyi. SEVF N-ROOMi modern brick house. 610 N. 2th St. Thoonaa a Kelley care of io.. or leiepnone w. ms. SEVEN rooms; all modern; Bemla Park; Niamey soi. FOR RENT. Six-room house, all modem except heat New bath and lighting fixture lust Installed. East front, 14.3 No. th Bt. $18 per month. TRAVER BR08.. T05 Omaha Nat Bank Bid. Doug. UU Sundaye and evenings, Webster 4Vli. keatk. For Rent. . South half et double brick house T room. 4 bedrooms, all modsrn. at UU South tM St., near park school, one block east of Hanaoom par. . lei. Harnay LasJ. FINE. STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM1 HOUSE, vlt S. HTH. HARNEY 6o7t. M:ti ST. o. i-th D. $14. MARY'S AVH-7-r. houee. li8 bt. 4Vr. cottage; mod. ex. heat ' Ready Reference Directory SxssssBBBIssi....ss.ax.BBHsiaMss II - The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO.. eldest abstract offlos In Nebraska T MS Brandels Thea. ACCOUNTANTS, IT PAYS to have your ac counts audited. Let Ua mnke vntl a nron- Ofcltlon for doing your auditing. DWOHA K API OUNT1NO CO. Address 43$ Uamgc Bldg I'hone Douglas 74o. AMATEUR FlAISIll.NO. FILMS rteveloped free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bids: lept. D. AKClll'l Ul'TS, Fverett 8. Dmlds. 12 Paxton Blk. n. Wl. AHTIKKIAL STtOE SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS, drives, floors, wslls, steps. copings: snvthln? In guaranteed con crete. Est ISM. John Grant Paving Co.. 680 Paxton D CTS. G.n.Grant Mjtr. W.ftr-.'il. ATTltAt TIO.VS. OUTING parties dealrins service or fe riehment, phone Han acorn paik.' H. iSS4, Al TOIINEYS. . C. T.' Dlklnson, 611 Paxton Blk. P. 1104. A L CT I O N a; H It 9 . Dpwd Auction Co.. m5-lS W. O. W.. R. S28J. Nafl Pale A Auction Co.. 13CT W. O. W. ACTO lAStUAKtJtoI 4hv"r,.VJ?n. your "t"noblle Insurance cy patronising a home Co. Doug 2S1. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. t02 Far. D.tOOI. BAKERIES, Z. H. REEDRR, ivx) N, lgtn w,b BEUU1MO. Ott'K1,0'' 1K1 Cum'"lf ilfif Renovates featlieFa f.v nl ""ttresses of all kinds make! feather mattresses and down core?. BLtbl rKl.MlAu. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO SOI n.v. National n,.k L OT Omaha BRASS AND IRoM FOU!UR1mT Paxton-Mltchell Co.. nth and Martha Sta CAUI'UnTUHt AJVU CONTRACTORS, STEVKN30N. 82$ B. 22d- Dougla K. Leard A Son, 1908 Cap. Ave. T. IB1 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJU'Al'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, l Balrd Bldg. D. mi. CH1ROPOU1ST. Carrie J Burford. W Pax. Blk. Red 4od7. CIVIL. iAi0i4a.EM. M. J. I.ACY. 618 BEE BLDO . DOUG. 47 U. ILkAAbMS AAA PlkHl. ROYAL Dry Cleaners. 2231. Leav. P. 181L COACRETtd tWAkta4tJCTAOM tW.'l Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOWl'i'lON tloortng. INVlwSi'li OATE 811-18 City Nat hit. Bldg. D. COSTUMES AAA. LOaitild ilPt'Aiike. MFG. of lodge recall and costume. Tbeo. Liebtin Soti. 1614 Howard. D. 41 li. UANCINU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS Academy, clato. D. 1S7L Summsr rat now at Mackle's; privat leasous aaiiy. 1816 Harney. Doug. b44t. URESSMAM1AU. Terry Prsasmak'g college, 2th Farnam. UKEUa AAli CLEAAAbUS. B.TATE Dry Clrig. Co., 130 N. Uth. D. 607 1. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Evl denco teourtrd In all cases. Tyier Hod. DaaATlSA'a. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. Vv. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, IM City Nat Bank, Taf Dental Room, 1417 Douglae. D. 218. DBUUI. DRUGS at out price; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIO P1AAOS. ContineiiUl Noy. Co.. 11 N. loth. Terms. Electrical Works. nTTILL ELECTRIC V- IIILjLJ txiMPAN Y m . New and Mcotd rand A. C. and D. C. fans and motors, armature wlnalng end electric repairs: prtces right Office Bee Bldg. Doug. W,t. Night phone wen, gnw. kbhblUulillU. Uloa Allender. 24 Bee Bldg. Red 8051 EVER YTAllAa rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst bos pleating; covered buttons, all sue and Styles; hemstitching, pi col edging, ldval Pleating Co.. 8ta Douglas Bloca. D. lJJ. NBW TORK (ample store. Mint vacate. i...:ll..tf tin 1 1 . u ,l,,mrr.' 1'lfiaka aulla rn.ua dresses sacrificed. KUR N. lath St FIR.1ACKS AMD TIN WORK.. HABER3TROH, 401 Hamilton. Wat, tm. S.OR1STS. ( BATH'S, florlsU. IH04 Farnam St. D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 1518 Farnam. D. lSoi. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HKS8 6WOBODA. 14U Farnam St A. PONAGHUE, 163 Haruey. Pcug. 1001. MAT tt&tol.VU. Panamas clsaned. D. Elsele. W City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1530 Har. 4iOtU AAD SILVER PLATIAO. WE replete everytblng of metal. Omaha ni.il.u . T i 1 1 . . w c, 1. . 1b..ri riBiiiu .... .... w.. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE Flluek, Walisl'tK WIS General Office. Ilth and Manaeraon Sta. JUSTICES OF 'I1IK PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. SIS Paxton Blk. R. 740L Notary pub., deposition slenu. C. W. BRITTrSQU Baker" Mock. V. C. H ASOALU 40 Paxton Blk. P. 110a. LIVE SlUlK COMMISSION. MARTIN CROf. A CO.. Kvehange Bldg. LIUHTIAU rllllka, W1M1A4A. mTnTvIU Thomas. Dougla $511. AIUVIM, riLllHa MACU1NE. OMAHA Film Fa.. 14th and Doug. Motlos picture machine and fUm bargaina WE rent moving picture machines. Star T boat rice I Exchange. 84 Paxton block. MolORCYCLES. . HARLrY-PAVIpeoN HOTORTYrLES. Baxsaina tn used machines. Victor Rooa, "The feiolorvytl ldan." rvl Leavanworta. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS, JOSrPHINK ARMSTRONG. lt Bee Bldp. OCLLISTS. - Eyes exsmlned, glasses flttetf, pay as yon can. Drs MoCarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. i'LATlNti, P. 8CT. Acme PlatlruTco.. IU 8. 16th Bt-o PAINT1AU AND PAPERING, HUGH XT MAN US, 417 N. 40th. II. $721 N. Enir. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7520. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7117. A. Eturges, 638 Brandel" Theater Bldg. PRAATAAU. ( WATER 8-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. Bit S. 13th 8L N. CENTRAL PRINTING CC. POUO. 87J4. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Dougla 444, Ralph Printing Co.. 320 S. 19th. Doug. 11M. HIMBAUE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. This I th man to call If you have any ashe or tin cans to haul. Phone Web. 5818. SAAB AND TIME) LOCK EXPERTS. O A T?T?0 Opened, repaired, comb. J) M r lL,k? changed. F. E. Paven KJA XA port, ittn Dodge, b. mi. SCALE HEPA1H1NU. On. Standard Bra) Co.. 613 8, 11th. P.t SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co.. Doug. a ' SHOE REPAIRING. ' FRIEDMAN PROS., shoo repair. 211 8. li, Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Kam'm. R.8448 8EWINU MACHINES. We rent repair, sell needle and parts for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S." NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, 15th and Harney. Doug. 1661 STEEAf CEAJuINUS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, HQ 8. It TORE AND OFfc lCAa FIXTURES. " niftcui' "f.-howcase, .heir. .ndsuy &T. h', fig; .turs AOWEA. SCPPLIES. " OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. Ilth. P. AA1L.ORS. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU. 10 N. 18th Bt TRUNKS AND 'SUITCASES. FREEING At 8TEINLE. 180$ Farnam St TYPEWRAAERS OR RENT RENT an Oliver Typewriter $ mo. for $4, Oliver rypowrltsr Agency, lift Fax nam. Butt Typewriter Exchange, 316 S. 13th 8U All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer, low reut. Call Douglas mc WATCAA SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. ogp. WEDD1NU STATIONERS. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg, Ce WINES AND a,14AUORk, ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St. Win, liquor, cigar Plat dinners, 11 to 8. 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE-, 16th and Capitol Ave. Tea-cent luncb. FOn RENT Moueea and Cottage. South. S-ROOM modern, hot water heat fine location. Tel. D. BH1K. FIVE-ROOM houae, ummer kitchen, fine cellar, water paid, $15. 223 So. 20th SI. 20 S. 18TH, two block weat from Miller hotel, 6-room house, modern. Web. 6373. West. BRICK flat, ( rooms, hot water, heat, all up-to-date. $25. 21 S. 80th St Mads A. Hansen. Mcfague Bldg. Miscellaneous. GlobeVan & Storage fitires. move, packs ship; 8-horse van nd I men. $1.25 per nr.; storage $3 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 A Ty. IHK FIDELITY Btkcil FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for etoisge. moving. IRth and Jackson Sta. fcEK the Central Furniture d tores. FHEfl RENTAL LIST. Mniicou Crelgh Sons A Co., Bes Bldg. Gordon Van Co.S f 19 N. 11th St Tel. D 8M or Web. liU & S. 28TH St. -r. and garage, $u0. 8' Mason. 8-r., all modern. $40. U.i3 Franklin. 13-r.. all mod.. A.A. 2-1.' Mason, 8-r.. all mod., $31. 611 N. 22d St.. 8-r., all mad., $30. hK!4 Maple, 7-r., all mod.. 836. 520 N. 22A St. 6-r.. all mod.. $C2.50. 2'3 Chicago, 6-r., all mod. ex. heat, $30. 2SS Emmet, 7-r., mod. ex. heat $1. 5I4V4 N. 2id St., 6-r., all mod., $17. ft,bH Kahler. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. Hi. lolO Pacific, 4-r.. mod. ex. heat $16. $213 N- lAth St., 4-r.. mod ex. heat fit BIRKETT A COMPANY. 423 Bee bldg. Doug. 3. 106 South 25th St., modern 7-room brick. Apply 8424 Farnam. Hamey 46S. Nice Cool Office ' With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 101. J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving, facklng A storage. W7 Farnam. fl. l44 Maggard's Ing. packing, shipping. Van and 0 to rase Co. Call ua (or ae- tlmatea for mov. packing, shipping. 1718 WcbsUr St Douglas 14. ALL slues. M nor month ut.. SO? Past. Stores and Offices. Office on 17th St Douhle Windows QXLY i VACANT ROOil AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. ITlvst liTTlce Waiting Room 18') Sq. Kt. 118.50 The Bee Building Of Me Room 101. 1 1 1. t