Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1915, Image 1

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    . Omaha Daily
The Best
Schools and Colleges
Advertised in The Bee
VOL. XLV-KO. 14.
Om Train, ana at
Vetel sw. Steads, Be
Thousand! Come to Witness Races,
the Wrestling Match and to
Enjoy Metropolitan Cele
bration Today.
Prospect of Strenuous Session Brings ;
Out Much Money on Both
Every hotel shelters strangers who
are here for the varied bill of at
tratfions; the races, the ball game,
the wrestle, and the pleasurable
times afforded by metropollton cele
bration of Independence day. .
A early as , yesterday morning tho
visitors began to arrive. Early trains
brought them from all directions. EJvery i
road leading to Omaha bore constant j
streams of saucy, honking automobiles.
Many farmers and residents of outlying
vicinities even hitched up their lrss ex
peditious vehicles and started, Late last
night there was still a steady stream
pouring In from over the Douglas street
bridge and from roads entering tho city
from the opposite direction.
It is obviously an ' Impossibility to
gauge the Influx of humanity. Private
hoincs are crowded with friends and rela
tives who are here to bet money that Joe
Ktecher does or don't: boarding houses
are filled with those learned in the lore
of speedkings; hotels house the con
glomeration. nark Nebraska Grapaler.
Last, but not leaat, are those creatures
who are here for the aole and only pur
pose of seeing one Josephus Stecher em
brace Charles Cutler of Greco-Roman
fame. For the tlmo between now and to
night cannot pass too swiftly.
A bellboy In the Merchants hotel is au
thority for the statement that many of
tho visitors are so eager to do somoono
a financial Injury that they stop In tho
lobby, pull money out of tho bandanna
and commence to size up the folks in the
lobby before they even set down the car
pet bag or register. Persons with a
manicure or a Chicago paper sticking out
' of pocket are approached by a sun
burned sportsman oftenor than trail
hitters aieb temptation. The scene is
the same In every hotel lobby.
The residents of thta section of the
country who are In Omaha for tha match,
are determined not to let It be said that
Joseph BUcher Is without honor in his
own land. . Bo determined Is . the de
termination that it almost amounts to
defiance. There'll be. a, lot of good farm
laud for sale this week If Josy Boy
loses, ' but none of the visitors seem to
heed the oft repeated warning to "alow
up." 4
Autoists Advised
ToJJse Grace Street
Going to Speedway
Autoists going to the Speedway race to
day are urged by Police Captain Heltfeld
to use the Grace street road Instead of
Looust street, in order to avoid Jrafflo
congestion on the latter, which is par
tially blocked by work on the viaduct
"The Grace street route Is a good one,
well paved most of the way, and will
save time for auto parties going tc the
Speedway," Captain Heltfeld says. "I
had a motorcycle officer inspect it, and
he reports that It is the best route to
the ' races. v
"Take Grace street from Sixteenth to
Kleventli, go north on Eleventh to Lake,
east on Lake to Fifth, and thon north
on Fifth to the specially prepared
Speedway road Into tho grounds."
Auto Truck Comes
From Hartford and
Has No Puncture
A small auto truck, with a canvas top,
tilled with camping equipment and
labeled "Flivver Hotel," attracted much
attention in front of the Omaha Auto
club's headquarters at Hotel Fontenelle
6unday. It belonged to J. M. Gorton,
H. C. Mitchell and A. H. Orosler, three
young men who are touring from Hart
ford. Conn., to San Francisco.
They stopped off at Omaha, along
with many Other tourists, and after en
Joying a day'a sightseeing here, con
tinued west over the Lincoln highway
last evening. They have been out sinoe
a week ago Friday, camp In the car at
night and haven't had a single puncture
so far.
The Weather
Forecsst of th. weather for Monday:
For Nebraska Cloud y.
For Iowa Generally fair.
Temperatar. at Omaha Yesterday.
, Hour. De
I t, m si
a. m M
T a. in, .... i
a, m SI
t a, m hi
W a. m tvS
II a. m fcA
in 61
1 p. in fl
3 p. m.... M
S p. ni M
4 p. m tit
9 p. ra , (1
p. m el
1 p. m..... .......
Coatparativa Laeal Hrora. s
ms. ii4. i9ij. ma.
Highest yesterday 67 93 l x
lwest yesterday f'l TT- 74 '
Mean teinperatur. ( 1 i fi
1'iwc'lpltatlun W .00 .04 - .W
Tempt- ratui. and precipitation depar
tures fix ta normal, aloce March 1:
Normal temperatut; 7
'ic ncv for the day 17
'lo-i-' di-fl. i. nry Inc. March I.... 177
v' inial pi. lpitaiiin . I inch
1 I Ictm y for Hie day 1 Incij"
Voifl ramiall kitue Itlsrrh 1. .11.4 Inches
iHflrlency nine. March J I Inches
Ii.-ili'1-m y f. r rnr. Prl "d, 114. .71 Inc i
Ix-ticien'-y for cor. period, mil. .9 ln ,i
L.' A. VVaUli, Local t'oiscasUr.
Rev. C. w. McCaskill Review the..j
Repnblio't Greatness and Warns
Against Egotism.
From dozens of pulpiU Sunday
morning, and evening as well, patri
otic addresses and sermons were de-
' llvered, sine the Sunday chanced to
fall on the Fourth of July, the one
I. . A ,VI.. .UL ...l....M
'of the signing of tho Declaration of
Independence. The nation s history
was brieriy review in dozens of pul
pits and the glories and greatness of
the country dwelt upon. The
churches were well filled, and while
an occasional cannon firecracker,
touched off by a small boy in the
street, boomed forth, they failed to
disturb the programs.
Rev. C. W. McCaskltl of Hanscom Tarn
Methodist church chose the theme.
Freely Have Ye Received, reely Give."
In applying this text to the national life
of America he charged the congregation
not to forget that a nation of great power
must assume also great responsibility.
He spoke of the greatness of the Ameri
can nation, both in area and In resources.
America Rataea KvrrrthlaK.'
"The nation is as large as all the
warring nations combined," ho said, "and
there is nothing that is raised anywhere
in the world that we cannot raise in our
soil in America. Yet our greatness lies
not In our area; our greatness lies not in
our agricultural resources. Our great
ness lies rather In the high order or In
tellectual life of our average cittxens.
Our greatness lies In the high intellectual
and national life we enjoy.
"We should be mindful that we owe a
debt to the past. Our national greatness
does not rest alone upon the efforts of
those who have lived since 1776. , We
must hark back to the days of such men
as Luther. John Hues, John Knox, the
Pilgrim fathers and many others who
suffered and died for the cause of free
dom. Let us not forget the brave men
who wrested the. Magna Charts, from
King John. We have Inherited great
things from the past and" we owe much
to the future. We have drawn from the
archives of the past the glories of all that
was best. We are God's favored people
and It for us to preserve this great
heritage and do our share in the world's
Tha minister declared that this country
is the most favored for commercial su
premacy and U destined to be the great
est civilised nation In the world.- :
He warned, his .hearers against a. tend
ency to disregard tha Eabbalh. Ho re
ferred to the decadence of Franco when
that oountry remembered not the Sab
bath day to keep it holy, and he - tol
how Fraitoe returned, penitently, to rec
ognise tho Sabbath to save' that nation
from Its Impending doom.
Arrangements for
Funeral of Porfirio
Diaz Not Yet Made
PARIS, July 1 Members of the family
of General Porfirio Dias have not yet
determined what arrangements wlll he
made for the funeral of the late president
of Mexico except that they, will be of
simple character, in keeping with his
quiet life In Paris. The ex-presldent cled
last night as the result of a complication
of diseases due to advanced age.
General Dias during his four years'
residence in Paris made few acquaint
ances among the French people. He re
ceived many Mexicans, especially when
he first cam to France.
He was always absorbed in the news
from Mexico, but became more and more
distressed by tha disorders there as his
friends by letter and In person gave him
pessimistic accounts of the conditions
and the destruction of hla institutions.
It does not appear that General Diss
ever regretted his resignation from the
presidency of Mexico after thirty years
j of rule nor tnat ne leu inciinea 10 reiurn
nor missea nut iosb 01 powor. nouunn
that ha told his friends would indicate it.
Only once so far as known did the gen
eral endeavor directly to Influence Mexi
can affairs. That was when ha allowed
two of his friends to use hla name In
recommending ' to' General Victorlano
Huerta, when tho latter was provisional
president of th. r.publlo, that ho yield
to the desires of President Wilson and
Special Show at
Den for Shriners
Stopping in Omaha
Monday night Is to bo without a show
at Ak-6ar-Ben Din because It Is th. day
set aside for th. celebration of th. an
niversary of th. Declaration of Inde
pendence. But ther. is to be a little
show th. evening of July 4, which is to
night It will not b. generally attended
by Omaha folk, but th. working crew
will b. there to give show for the bene
fit of :0 Bhriners, who will stop in
Omsha several hours Sunday evening on
their way from th. east to tha coast.
Then next Thursday night ther. la to
be a special show for th. delegstes to
th. convention of th. society of the Deaf
of Nebraska. Th. convention will be in
session in Omaha at that time.
Th. same night the Fourth Regimental
band of Watertown, 8. P., U to be en
tertained at th. den. Then, too, at least
100 Elks from various parts of tha stste
are to be entertained. They will con
verge In Omaha for a good start to tb.
eoast, where they ar. to attend a con
vention. Then th. following Monday night th.
Woodmen of th. World, th. Sarpy county
delegation, and th. Missouri Valley
Vatertnary delegation are to ho enter
tained. Following that come, ths night of July
2, when the Tekamah, Blair, Herman,
Okkland bunch ar d th. towns along the
.M. A O. rund In general are to be enter-tauied.
r .o.aown here at the wheel, is now holder of tho 300-
'.. speedway automobile record, made at Chicago a week
.-go.- It is freely prophesied
race today will exceed the
Patrick auinlan 'of-I51airr Expires
After Accompanying Son
, ': to Depot ', -
Patrick Quintan of Blair, father of
Thomas F. Quinlan of tha Brandels
stores, dropped dead of heart failure In
the yard of hla Blair home Saturday
morning, while his Omaha son was re
turning to this city after visiting htm
over night. The deceased was 75 years
old and had lived in Nebraska more than
halt a century.
Ho had enjoyed the visit of his son,
who frequently went to Blair to spend
a night with him. Saturday morning the
father accompanied Thomas Quinlan to
the depot and appeared to be In good
health when they said good bye, so it
was a great shock to tho Omaha man to
learn by wire of his father's death when
he reached his office here. Death came
as he reached his home, after walking
from the depot. Tbomas Quinlan re
turned to Clair at once and the funeral
and burial services will be held there
Monday morning.'
Patrick Quinlan was - born tn Ireland,
immigrated to Syracuse, N. T., when a
youth, and oame by river steanTboat ' to
Nebraska, fifty-two years ago. He lived
at Omaha two years and then aettled on
a Washington county homestead, eight
een miles from here, and lived in that
fountv th mmnlnilitf ' nf Yite Iff If
i marrterf , omn wh,i a,.a
twenty years ago.
He was not only a resident of tho
state for fifty-two years, but also on.
of the pioneers in Its development, He
acquired and Improved considerable land
around Blair, which he still owned at hla
death, and he was connected for some
I years with Northwestern railroad oon
r.structlon work.' Muiv friends . tn K.
braska and Iowa will regret his sudden
Beside, a brother, William Quinlan of
Delmar, la., he l survived by th. fol
lowing children; Thomas F. Quinlan of
Omaha. William Quinlan of California
Junction, Ia: Mrs Thoojaa Binuott of
Fremont, John Quinlan. Mrs. Harry
Tucket and Mrs. I-ouls Grimm of Blair.
Editor W. N. Becker ,
Of Ashland Dead
ASHLAND, Neb., July 4.- Special Tel
egram.) Following an operation for in
testinal trouble after a two days' Illness.
William Nelson Becker, passed away at
12:15 a. m. at his home here aged 3
Its was native of New York and had
resided in Ashland since 1SS1. For nearly
nineteen years he was editor and pub
lisher of the Ashland GasetU. H. is
survived by his widow, a daughter. Mrs.
Cm L. Narber and son, W. E. C. Becker,
all of Ashland.
Funeral services will be held at 2
o'clock Tuesday afternoon from his late
horn., conducted by Rev. Hugo C. Seldel,
pastor of th. Methodist Episcopal church
of Friend. Burial will be a( Ashland.
Overcosts on tnc Fourth of July.
They were resUy wnrn Funds y by
liiany popl", who .'rtpin.y trved as
walking advprtlem'iia f"r Oinsli ss a
cool si.inirw-r ifwiit ty
Ant) tv-n had fi s in their furnace
k -;- , 'f- 4
' ' i ... . , - . - J A f.-i
if . .A
A V I I : A j j
that the winner of the Omaha
Resta record.
DunbTer Sued for Divorce and Judg
" ment to Be Enforced After
' Close of War. :
Mrs. Siana T. Dunbier In a suit
for divorce from Otto B. Dunbier of
, a writer, filed yesterday. ! track the fastest In the world and Fred'
district court to award heriwagne, . declad that probably
I,,. . - ,,.. .Mno trach could hold any faster time than
asks the
ma alimony a yu.iu v - a- A
tate near Cologne, Germany, fifty
miles from Belgium, in which, she ;
alleges, her husband has a consider
able Interest
The plaintiff aska that a judgment
be awarded her which after the close
of the European war may be trans
ferred to Germany and enforced.
She alleges that Mr. ttunbier's share
of the estate amounts to at least
,25,000. .
Mr. Dunbier at his home, 2424 Temple-'
ton street, declared h. had no Interest In
th. estate, but that It was owned by hla
mother, who lives In Germany. H. aald
he knew nothing of the bringing of th.
divorce gult. His wife, h. assarted, was
absent . on a. visit.
"I Just returned from a business trip to
Worthlngton, Minn." , he .declarad, "and
this Is th. first new. I hav. had of th.
suit What does my wife charger' I Moycrs of th. stabls of motorcycles rider
After being Informed that th. petition ! at th. Stadium made a few lap. around
accused him of treating his wlf. cruelly ' tho track on their pop-pop mcchfnes for
and of writing letters to other women, he the benefit of the larg. crowd. Tha
eai,i: , I atands were well filled at S o'clock, but
"Ther. is nothing to it. I do not think none th drivers was abl. to gt out
ther. will b. a dlvorc.." due to the da,a'r m egpraslng th. ma-
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbier wer. married at!cnhle' frcm B,ou" cit w,d "' loading
Osceola, Neb., September 34, 190. Mr.
Dunbier formerly owned a ranch ther..
Morgan' Condition
Is Most Favorable!Largei AP?le .CroP .
NEW YORK, July 4.-J. P, Morgan's
conouion continues most favorable, said j (From a Staff Correspondent)
th. only bulletin Issued today by physl- LINCOLN. July 4. (Speclal.)-Th. ap
clans In attendance upon the financier, , pie crop thl year In Nebraska Is estl
who was shot yesterday In his horn, near i malt at 1.000.000 bushels, compared wltb
Glen Cove. UOO.Ono in 114. according to th. secrs-
Tbe bulletin, timed 1:10 p. m., and given
out. at th. office of J. P. Morgan Co.,
"The bullet did not enle rtb. abdomen,
and an X-ray examlnatlln showed that
no bones hav. been damaged. Mr. Mor
gan's condition continues most favorable.
(Signed.) "JAMES MAUKOE,
"H. H. LTLE."
TAHOE. Cal , July 4. William Jennings
Bryan, former secretary of state, arrived
here this afternoon wrtth Mra Bryan and
a party of Nevada friends for an over-
ltJtht stay on the shores of Lak. Tahoe,
befnre proceeding to Pan Francisco
morrow morning.
ROCHESTER, N. T.. July 4-Jsmes
FMard Quigley, Catholic archbishop of
''hicsgo. Is ntaku.g a remarkable battle
for bis life. Ill phyklclans, however,
ho d nut no lippe for Ms recovery. Tj
nigut his c.iduiou was unchanged.
Eddie O'Donnell, Tom Alley and
Billy Chandler of Deusenberg
Team Pilot Mounts at
Tcrrifio Speed.
Deusenber; Team Finds it Hard to
Cling to Steeple-Pitched Turns
Despite High Speed.
Eddie O'Donnell. Tom Alley and
Billy Chandler, winners of second,
third and fourth places at Sioux City
Saturday, were the first three drivers
to try out the new Omaha board
speedway. All three of theso pilots
sent their Deusenberg machines aver
the boards at over ninety-five miles
an hour Sunday afternoon.
Chamllnr was the fjtst man to go on
the track. Chandler arrived shortly
after 1 o'clock and md several-laps
around tha track. One li.p he turned at
ninety-two miles an hour, but for all
this speort found hlmneif unable o hang
on to tho pitched walla at the turns.
After msklng several futile attempts to
go Into the curves without hugging the
safety apron, Chandler decided thst his
car was not fsst enough snd he hurried
to the downtown garage where some
more work was nut In on the engine.
At o'clock Uilly again appeared, and
this time clipped off ninety-five miles an
hour. He was able to take the curves
full and on several occasions ran clear
to the top of the forty-two-degree bank,
much to the delight of the large gathering
of spectators. A car riding the top of
one of the turns here is one of the most
spectacular sights a speed enthusiast can
hope to see.
Following Chandler, Tom Alley took the
trsck. but before he left he w
ahle to i
sail Into the curves under a full head of,""1 l" '" "" wl" " l
steam and spin around without side
slipping. Eddie O'Donnell was the third
Deuennberg drlvef to appear and had no
trouble after a few ' preliminary laps.
Alley and O'Donnell both turned laps at
nlnety-slz and ninety-seven miles an
Fiddle Rlckenbacher and Tom Orr. th.
Maxwell drivers, did not go out on th.
track, as they, kept working on their
motors in the garage all afternoon.
That the Omaha track la a year ahead
of the motors is the asertlon of raca
experts who are n attendance. Fasrt
ths racing cars of tha country are fast
enough to hold th. .teep-pltcl.ed wail. turns, and aven the Dounbg
drivers, with cars that are capable of
over 100 miles an hour, found It hard to
hang on. It U also a dUflcult track to
drive, and th. pllota would do much
better work with several days of prae-
Tho Dauscnberg dlrvers pronounced th.;u,6 w, b, rlgldlr obW!rve(i M that crowo.
can Omnha. Th. ordinary racing car Is
not rMt enough for the bowl and only th.
cream of the land will bo able to com-
pete here.
Mochanlclans will have to be unusually
alert as a car which blow, a tire or suf
fers a sllgt mechanical mlship will have
to llteraly drop from th. track to th.
safety apron and th. mechanician will
hav. to keep his eys and ears open every
minute or a serious accident may occur.
Kraaerdell Takes Trip.
Richard Kennerdcll, chairman of th.
contest board of the Amerioan Automo-
Biny chandler when Billy was clipping
j of mnety-fiv.. Kennerdell declared upon
. hl arrtval at the pita that th. track was
,rreat, to only trouble balng th. chano.
j that It Is too fast for tha cars. That th.
I riding waa tasy and that th. swing into
' th. curves with th. Quick Unking , was
perfectly natural waa hla declaration.
bile association, rodo thre , laeps with
Roy Bhaw, Berg Bruggomsa and Dutolrs
them this morning. Many repairs alsj
must b. made because th. machine, suf
fered echfldcrably from th. ordeal at
Sioux Ctly Batuttfay.
is rromise in state
tary of the Bute Horticultural society.
This Is assuming best possible weather
conditions and a minimum amount of
fungus trouble.
The profuse molstur. of the past fsw
weeks lias teen favorable to fungus
growths, however. Aprln scab has ap-
I peered lu orchards this year In lurger
j quantities than for several years The
the stste has prospects of being above
Th. strswberry crop wss a slight dis
appointment on account of . too much
rain. Raspberries' promts, fair and
blackberries excellent. Grapes ar. Ir
regularly, developed.
PERLIV, July 4. (By Wireless to Bsy
vllls). The Overseas News agency todsy
gavs out th. following:
"Reports have been received In Berlin
political circles confirming the statement
that ths new offer suatnltted by th.
quadruple alliance to the Rumanlsn gov
ernment were without effect because that
government expects more favorable con
cessions from the icntrul powers."
RcMc of Americ.n Revolution Be
gins Journey Across Conti
nent Monday.
PHILADELPHIA, July i-The liberty
bell, precious relic of the Amerloa.i rev
rlutlon, will start Monday on Its" Ighlh
and longest Journey from Phllndo'phla
s.r.ce It was first hung In the old state
Louse of the province of Pennsylvania
Ir. lTSt. It goes to the I'anama-Feclfle
International exposition and before It Is
r turned to Its Mg glass case In Inde
rrdence Hell next November or De
cember It will have traveled more than
K.ono miles and will have been sefn by
millions of people.
On Its Journey to San Franclam the
liberty bell special train will irmirM
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana. Illinois,
Iowa. Mlasouvi, Kansas, Nebraska, Colo
rado. Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Washing
ton, Oregon and California.
Klaboratn arrangements have been
mde for the Journey and everything that
will aid In safe-guarding the bell from
Injury has been done. Four policemen
from the Philadelphia traffic squad will
grard the rello until It Is again returned
to Its home.
Starts at Right.
At sunrise on Monday workmen will
nmove tho bell from Its case and : ut It ( M(,n(1 ppMr t bo trying to offer serious
on the special hanger that will support irdttunce. but unless the approschee t
It across the country. It will be wueeled Warsaw are to bo left unprotected, mill
on a truck-lnto Independence square, ! tary ohservera say. the forces of Grand
where patriotic exercises will be hold. At i puke Nicholas must soon do some stub
noon the First brigade, Pennsylvania i"a-born fighting over the southern Poland
tlonal Guard, will escort the bell to the frontier, while his extreme left In Gallcla
West Philadelphia station of the penn-' must match this In rapid retirement 't
sylvanla railroad, where it will be l olsted ' it Is to avoid a critical predicament,
on a special car. The First troop, Phil- KmmH Admit Itetreaf.
adelphla City cavalry, which organise-j prograd admits the retirement of tho
tlon escorted George Wsshlngton on state RBIIwn, across the Gnlla Lipa.
fur.ctlona In Philadelphia, will be tho j Today's official statements from Vienna
special escort of the bell as on previous 1 ri chronicle nothing but sue
rcraalons. At S p. m. the bell train wltn rrrses for their arms. The Austro-Ger-a
party of twenty-six city ' counollmen ' mans have occupied the plains of La
wlll start on the Journey. j Imnka in Lublin.
The train will consist of a baggagj car, -J Friday's battle In the Raltin sea has
diner, three sleepers, a special car for simmered down to an encounter. In what
tho reception of guests en route and a
ram L. 1. 1 1 L I .L ...111 . t 1
l HIS IS a specially constructed fist car ; termini mine layrr. inn irermam ntinui
with an Iron railing at the sides and ends, the loss of the mine layer and twenty
American flags will wave from atalfs at 'seven men.
arh corner and there will be other deco- The British front in Flanders remains
rations in American colors. I remarkably quiet, a fact which may
The councllmantc committee In charge 1 pressge some Importsnt movement on
of the Journey announced that in hanging "hT Th" French and Germans are
the bell the crack in it will be on"t r,n" 8ln In the Argonne region and
rtrht-hnnri aiHa of thm r. mm u
Evep cities traversed in th,e nlghs will
... . ,, . .t ... ' ..."
pitiiifrv vi aim iviiV m my sfi.aia v. i
lll,iml.,a..i um, i ...1.. ut
, throw m hiM of ,llht th uu u,tn counter awaca. sr. s oe-
teases through-in th4avkitos. . jeome nsora wselute. .
' hji" r ' Itallaas txopy Tolmlas.
abrThava'been"". alted on I reports say thst Tolmino, on
! e V , the Ison.o, river, has been oocupled by
iaumA . Th- -,. . ,... ithelullana. ,
i?l, .. ,r'n J!"..!.. Tl In th. Dardanclle. the Turks claim to
I iBtiuii iibt iiik u c v i arcu tiiaL will
itBrtlng Md it0ppln. lr(kln, Tha ,md
th. eon.ln,nt Ulil n tw
kM th,n .htwm ,,,. -a hou. op
mora than thirty-five miles. Tha aohed.
not b(J ;,Dt w.ltlnir beyona th. time
1' oVr
.h.r communlll...
their communities
Another absolute rule the committee
has made is that th. bell Will not un
der any circumstances be taken from the
ear for the purpose of parading It
through th. streets. Many municipali
ties hav. been advised to build movable
platforms the height of th. flat car with
an Incline at each end, ao that children
may go up one incline, pasa the ball,
touch It if they ear to, and then pass
down th. Incline at th. other end of
th. platform. Where these platforms
ar. provided th. railing on on. aid. of
tho car will b. removL ' .
During atop., booklets containing the
history of th. ball, cards with a picture
of tha rello and buttons also containing
a plctur. of th. bell und th. American
fUg, wtU be distribute. to children. It
will tak. hundreds of thousands of these
souvenirs to supply th. demand. To tho
governors and mayors, th. history of th.
ball In small bound volume will be pre
sented. Governors hav. boon invltsd to
Journey with th. bell through their re
spective states.
x No Official Baavealrs.
' There1 will ' b. no offlolal souvenirs of
th. Journey except those distributed fre.
by th. escorting commute.. Th. com
mittee also refused to make .any con
cessions to moving plctur. concerns, vir
tually every such enterprise in tho coun
try having applied for the privilege of
sending representatives on the trip. Th.
commute., hpwever, purchased a special
moving picture machine for Its own use.
Pictures will be take,) through the Jour
ney and film, will be furnished to public
(Continued on Page Two, Column Five )
Train Plunges Off
Trestle; Two Dead,
Two Believed Dying
TACOMA. Waal... July 4 -Thre. per -
sons are dead and two are believed to be I
dying in Tacoma hospitals as a result off
W. wreck yesterday, when a Chicago, Mil-1
WHUkee & t-t. Poul 'train from Tacoma I WASHINGTON,' July 4. Alexander
to Aberdeen, plunged off a trestle near (Grunt, division superintendent of the rall
P.anler. Ths dead are: 1 wayji;all service here, has resigned to
W. It. B.tLUWIN of HeattW, engineer : become general uuperlntcndent of mall
in eharre.
Seattle. freight
mlliitor of the MUwauku mliroad.
W. J. PENEUOIt, Seattle, fireman.
Harry novo of Btattle, another freight
solicitor for the MI'waukee, Is seriously
Injured, as Is also his' wife, whose Ufa
Is despulred of. Walter Holden. aged of
Ford, Wash., Is also believed to be dying.
Seven others are badly hurt. j
A Northern Pacific freight train had
passed under ths Milwaukee nestle and
a crane which extended from the side
of the car damaged and weakened the
In an attempt to prevent a rataatronhs
Frank Ruffel, brakeman on the freight
train, rlrkcd his own lite by mounting
the trestle to flag tho a-r oachii) 1st-!; g
ef passenger cars. He was too late to
prevent the gecidrnt and leaped to safety.
The engine, a combination roach and a
fl;iy cOuh, plu:ixcd through the breach.
The parlor car stayed on the trestle.
English Military Critics See Deci
sive Russ Defeat Certain Un
less Blow Struck South
or West.
Slavs Apparently Are Offering No
Resistance Anywhere to Aus-tro-Germans.
LOXIH1N, July 4. Althongn the
retreating Russian armies tnnst be
considered as yet to be virtually In
tact, the growing Impetus of (he
Atistro-aerman advance Is such that
a decisive Russian defeat seema in
evitable, according to military ex
perts, unless the entente powera Ini
tiate a powerful diversion on the
Italian or the western front.
Neither, to the north of Lemberg.
Gallcla. nor to the southeast, do the Rus-
Germans allege were Swedish territorial
.. II 1 1 a .1 a . nrill..,. at A n
: eisewnere.
In the Italian theater of operations the
Italians claim to be making slow but
isU - adv gains, though the Austro-Hun-
r j v ..... . . -
... a . -I a .. .. fl
Srians are u,nirnuin i..-,r ...-. ..m
.... . . a. . .
Iiav. boaten off renewed attacks of th.
Anglo-French forces with heavy losses to
their opponents.
German submarines' activity. In the war
son. drawn around tha British Isles has
I "CCOUnted f' flV mr" Hrltl"h
. 'TO"- Tha ,lv.! 'll 'h T"??!
of tha crews were saved before tha ships
were sent to the bottom by torpedoes or
shell fire.
A Russian submarine In th. Dlack sea
sank two Turkish steamers and a aalllng
ship carrying provisions and coal, and
Ister engaged and drove aground- three
armed schooner, near the mouth of tho
Tst Aaslriaa Report.
VIENNA. July S. (Via London.)--Tho
following Austrian official war statement
was given cut here tonight:
"In oast Gallcla th. Teuton lo allied
troops are advancing, pursuing the
enemy east of Italics and across the
Narajowska, and to th. north attacking
successfully, on 'the heights east of
Jancsyn. On ths Bug river th. situation
la unchanged. . u .
"Between the Vistula and the' Bug
river th. teutonic allies ' are advancing.
Zaroose has been stormed. The Russians
everywhere hav. been repulsed beyond
th. Por plain, which is in. our posses
sion. At several places w. forced
passage 'of th. brook.
"East of Krasntk. for wbtch fighting
la proceeding. ISludxIankl has been cap
tured. Wysnlcg, west of Kraanlka, also
waa stormed. Here and elsewhere In
this sector the enemy wa. repulsed.
"Friday, on the Por and near Krasnlk,
4,lii) prtsonrr. were captured and three
machtn. guns tsken. West of th. Vis
tula ther. were . artillery duels."
Two Battle Fronts.
FETF.OOnAD. July J-(Vla London.)
Ths present alignment of th. tremendous
forces eniiged In Galacla and southern
UuiikIi Is muthlv dlvlsabla Into two
: ,eenty-flve-mlls fro.its. on. running
north from Hnllct and th. Gnlla Lipa
river, and th. other traveling east from
tha Junction of the Ban and Vistula
rivers. Together ihe fronts form an ob
tuse angl. at 8okal, on the River Bug
and on the Uullclan slda of th. Russian
transportation of the Southern railway.
I Orders wcr lufiitd todsv making the
following thungus lu the service: Clyde
M. Reed, superintendent Fourteenth di
vision, Omaha, trsnsfrircd to Tenth di
vision, t. Paul.
Frank J. John. n. superintendent First
division, Boston? transferred to Four
teenth division, Oinuha.
NFW YOrtK. Jidv 4. Conditions tn th.
fteel trsde n" sstisfactoiy. Tbe Industry
as a sIt'i i" op rati r between 80 per
ivnt nrrt " -e::t of t'U! ingot eapae.
tr. The Hu'lint m placed th. Kansas
City bridge contract for requiring S.oi
tons of steel and la negotiating for ?0
rar. Ti e Chlcaxo. B. PaifT, Minneapolis
Omaha is In ths market for 1,000 cars.