s-a; . THK omaua s;xhay vee-. .iii.v 4. irn.v - ' X irjtanliatlon mhl.-h acts flt-st in tho mst-i lUTif siVinll Tin a Atlfft I f ;' ti: '" ' "' m ' """ " ftm.n f iin-- mi run mr i - n u,nvtiim,im.u,i trr will also bo ir.aalne; a concession lYllLOIiUll lido iiUtU H , f in ; xa'i . . n INSURANCE FORSPEED BUGS Sy Harroun Bug-jetts Per Cent of Race Beceipta Be Put in Fnnd for Drlten Hurt. KO PEOTEOIOU AT ALL KOW . Thai mmi oflnl plan should ha pit Into effect that will provide for tho car ef reoe drlvr-m and ridlns mechanic, in Jure In the rurulnrty saJetion1 events Of the sson, U the belief of Chief Kn finrr Bay Harroun of the Ifaiirell Mo tor company. Mr. Harroun niggmtn that a direct path to swh an tnd would be the eMab llartment of a national Insurance fund eomprlsad of 1 per cent of the arose is e1pta of tha rsrlons meeting. thU nd to be administered by a commission rep resntln( the drlvera, mechanics and pro .meters, aa well aa the entrant in the .various meeting. Tha coat of accldetU: Insurance for iran Intf men la ao high aa to make It vlnunlly Vrohlbttlva. Vital statistic in tl.la tine re still fcaaed on the hajanls of many -are mo. ! At praam t participant arc compelled to waive, with their entry, any rtaht to taco-rer damages aa tha result of .heir empetiUon. la the absence of any or ganization representlna; their rlsMa, drivers and mwhanlca conform InVarltbly to this custom. A a renlt. Injury has In many case thrown the victim n his own resource for a Ions; perlol during which ha Is without earning capacity. - "My former teammala, Jo IHiwson, hasn't been 1M0 to drive In a raca alncu hVwt hurt at 1r!anspo!l a ywt 40." decUres Harroun. "Two years ago JncK Tower went to the hospital for a long stay, In rlmtlar flrcumotancea. Uoth these men are prnctlrally well .miln, ai:d both were able to command K vo.l care. In which detail th-sy were mom foi-tunsti than mariy other dslvers and mechanics. "Any vteriii mc'i.g man csn nnnm case where men either dl d or ririaln crippled today through their luibillty to psy for cxper. attention aft r Injury. Jn some cases hos.iltnl egpe!i have teen paid through a collection taken by other drivers and mechanics." Tha percentage suggentc.i i.y fr. lTar roun should, In tho belief of epr!enced racing men. be amplo to caro for all hns jHtnl expenses. It .v!ld iindoiihteillv In tlmn create a fund ;re -nougi to acive aa n endowmeril, fr.m which mnis could also be rnld to deucndi-nt rrlu'lvcs of drivers or mtchon!cs wbi loe ihHr live In tHsi .rccarl 'port of autcmo hll racing. Undoubtedly, the first racing organiza tion to announce stch a pri.vls'on -wi:i provide an op'iln.i wed for general recognition of wmc such movemont. Thw tho psrtlilpaura ii utomollla racing. Reo Manager Says -Auto Business is Now Most Stable . "Conditions In tha automobile business are mora settled than St any preAluus time," ay nichard K. Scott, general manager of t)e Iteo Motor Car c)mruny. "I can't recall a time when tho outlook was so clear or' the Industry on a firmer basis than right now," continued tha lleo man. "To tha man 'on tho outside I suppos It look Just tha reverse what with the many Innovations, the many types of multi-cylinder car and the other seem ingly contradictory announcements, to gether with the apparent slashing of price. "But if you look bilow the surface you wl'.l see that these aYi but Indications of ta hint v frantic breads In price In mld-Sf-ason. the adoption of now radical type of motors, etc., are but efforts on the part of soma maker to get 'a place In tiie sun,' while those who already enjoy that privilege the better established makers are announcing nothing radical." Mitchell Has Auto Display in Window of Burgess-Nash Co. The slxteen-slx Mitchells are keeping the factory and dealers on a lively Jump since their announcement, making deliv eries. The smaller car waa delivered from the Omaha agency during; the last week to the following: A. E. Jteaaon, Audu bon; I. Fred Ritter, Tllden. Neb.; E. E. Mock el t, Lincoln, two carloads; Bchlentsi Bros., David City, carload; F. H. Bee be, M.ssourt Valley, la.; M. T. Christian, Missouri Valley, la. The 191 six d luxe car were delivered to J. T. Bowman, Brunlng, Neb. Hegney Broa and Tom Wolfe, Friend, Neb.; It C. Peters, Dun lnp, la., and Scott A IIIIU Omaha, and a fmir-eyHnder to C it. Peterson, Omaha. A window display at Burgess-Nash stores of tho six d luxe shows the new Mitchell model for those wanting a littlo larccr cr.r. This - Is a handsome fort-flve-horse-power, slx-paasenger, lMnch wheel base model. The wheel have the chain tread tires all round ' and an elegant set of covers over tlia upholstering. This dis play Is somewhat of a departure; from the usual automobile display. r'1 ' i i ' ii "' ' i i i 1 1 1 Tina iri glrtlsftWsml aiias'rislls1flla9sWi1aSa ' SIX &Tlfhf3 PAIGE "iivycJ,' C-1 "'",J" "'uMiwwswM'siiniinsiini aiai u wsMMssaswwawBaajawrsssi.Msis.iwi.u l iralaaiqispwsassMssassaassssispijis ... ' - ' :' ::. . v: . ..m:t:; j i IT i lain ssjlalii Mil ligSeWWIaalasa)lsss)laaastssWsss A HEW OGH1 very In ch a THE UPPERMOST IN VALUE THE NEW 1916 MONITOR There are cars and car, some at the same prloe, others higher or lower. But more important than what you par Is what you ret. For the new 1916 Mon itor . . . ' HERE IS WHAT. YOU PAY $750 And ( for that amount we could tell yon that no greater ralne was ever offered tn a motor car we could write enticing d ascriptions In laudatory terms; but others could claim as much for any other car. It would be better for you to COME AND SEE WHAT YOU GET. Monitor Specifications in Brief: Gaa fUlST ea tasfervmant board JT.lactrto Marvin and lighting- system. Keadilf-fet slmm-rrs Jsala-Tlalon, vaattlatlBg' type, built-in wlaflsMsld ' tnstnuneat board e oowl TSash X.fVbMid drive, center oontrol One-ma a top, In aids curtains amd top eover. tram pown nun M Horsepower motor east anbloo afoltlple diss elatok Big-h-taasloa mag-neta igmltloa Xataev Vpholatsrlaa; Uetrtnf oranashaft TUarme-sypnoa cooling TJndai-siung rear spring's Wx3H" tires i aon-skta la rear Damountabla rims) vita, ana extra A a dealers proposition, we hay one of the beet and are in a position to put you in the way of making money from the day yobegln. A light, classy, powerful car at a popular prloet Consider the number, 'of saler possible at this price. . . . j IF $750 IS YOUR PRICE y THE MONITOR IS THE CAR E. fit Reynolds & Co,, 21Q5NFarnam St. OMAHA, NEB. . I. , Distributors for South Dakota, .Western Iowa and Nebraska rlTERE you see illustrated the new Paige Six "36." j Here you see the latest addition, to "a distinguished line of carsa true Paige every inch of it a car built to realize an ideal a car that must not and cannot be judged from the standpoint of its astounding price alone. . , . : -When we say that this new PalgC Six t36," has been built to realize an ideal we are'speaking accurate, literal truth. . . From the very beginning It hs been the unfaltering purpose and policy of the Paige Company to ' build high class, dependable motor cars. . ,v ' It has been the purpose and policy of the Paige Company to achieve a Standard of Quality and Value not merely a standard of Price, , ' ., . j If you happen to know an owner of our larger, seven-passenger Six "46," you know precisely what we mean when we speak of Value and Quality. . V . All of the careful manufacturing, all fof the painstaking attention to rdctail, all of the sturdy, reliable qualities which characterize the larger Six and have madeitr a pre-eminent Six of the year will be found in this newer and smaller five-passenger Paige Six "36." ' ' The New Paige Six "36" Is Here v We realize that there are a vast number of people who do not require, a Urge sevrn-passengrr car. But all of these peop'.e want a "Six," that this is th day of tic "Six" in quality cars. Furthermore, they want a "roomy smart car a a economx al car. for they know car a luxurious 7 a cord, then ia an tnomunu demand for just tuch a car at the new Paige Six "3S" Glance at the illustration on this pape and you will are, that from the radiator to tire carrirr this car is a five yaserngrr reproduction of the larger Six "46." This body design haa proved to e a sensation of the year No amount ol money could buy more graceful lines or smarter appearance. Inside the car you will find a -great, big, comfortable tonncau and a broad driver's seat wuh upholstery of genuine leather which mena eaae and fretdoon front crowdiig for all of the bve passengers. Like the larger Six "46" you will find this car equipped vilh the world-famous Gray ft Luyi starting and lighting system. like the larger Six "46" you will find this car equipped with cantilever agings whirh insure easy, comfortable ndmg no ttuttter hat the road condition may be a velvety acting corlc inwrt multiple rlic clutch (urced feed lubrication system and tha uacuatcd Ka field carburetor. When you raise the hood of this car, you will see an arceskible, powerful six cylinder motor 3"x5" wVich is a crowning achievement in motor construction. - We might attempt to tell you about the performance of this remarkable power plant, but we much prefer to have you rid. la the car and establish the facts for yourself. Then," you will realize what true sixy Under Flexibility and Power really mean. For the first time, perhaps, you will experience the indescribable sensation of riding iu a car that is practically throtilt contrulieii a car that travels smoothly at a slow walking pace or the speed of the winds without change from high gear. Low First Cost "Upkeep" Expense Best of all, this ia a car that any man can afford to 1 drive. The Six "3" wrtKha but 2600 pounds and is equipped with overie 4-inrh tires. Wuh this car you can enjoy true six-cylinder motor comfort without the peualty of exresaiva upkeep" expense. Space will not ptrmit us to name even one-half the surprisingly good features embodied in the latest 1'aige. But accept our nssurance5 there Is a treme.tdous . surprise in store for you when you first inspect this car. Then and only then you will appreciate what a truly great achievement it represents. Then, we predict, your firt query will be "How is it possible to build such a tar for JiU95i" , MURPHY-O'BRIEN AUTO CO. Famam at Nineteenth DUG. BOWIE. Mgr. No. U Wlf e-Detrolt Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich. If. f W fli p ! 1 1 1 r H PS ; ! 1F ,J1B Iff Iffi n IMPl In Now Comes More Velie News v'TTHE first 1916 Vclie announcement published a few . days ago was of the Model 22 Vclie Six with every feature of Velie quality retained at $1065. ' . ' We now announce that in addition our original : Biltwcl Six, with VA x 5 long stroke motor, 124-inch . wheel base, and every refinement, 17x11 be continued at a reduction of nearly $200, Model 1 55 Pacsenger$ 1 400 ' Model 15 6 Passenger $1450 -, Powerful, roomy, luxurious these cars are novr piviiig remark able service in the hands of thousands of owners. Their u?rih is ' already proved. In hlll-clirnbing strength, dependability, suppleness and silence they are unsurpassed at any price. At our new price v)iL nothing omitted, we do not expect these values to be matched during) the coming season. . Compare. Ask for catalog of models 15. . Velie Motor Vehicle Co., Moline, Illinois ' Chas. R. Gardacr, Rep., care John Deere Plow Co., Omaha, Neb. This announcement complete oar 1014 offering. Model 15 dnuonatrsXort are ready. A ret opportunity la now offered the ddftler who wiehea to handle a complete line. Your territory may be open. Write or wire today. ' IX , 1