Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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    thi: omaha Sunday iwa. july 4, lyis.
a a
Host Valuable Location in "Omaha
IUi Changed Hands Several
Timet with Profit
A jrxl imm to th nln.
fhn.ha m tat Inm-sUn; 'V
1. In In hlMorr " ""Mrr-
TMUon cornor" at SUlnth nd r"am
,iwti. Woric has bwn brun on 1I
ir.ntUn th M on-ory bulldin. pr'
parntftry to "-Uon of a l-tory
Mncturs. 4 .
ti,. nn RmUt company, a privately
. ..M.nfvMi hv ti Ann-1
",w ml"1' h nnrnos f
r-llnir thl Milldln;, tiid the land
for rlntY-nln years lit n annual rental
of tItW t var to start with. This 1
en a ba-ls erf i r nt or. tb SPtltnl
vshi of tr. lot, namely !.
At leant thrw hi fortun hsv bn
ira.l hv owners of thla lot, hlch inaa
uroa only Sxl f"t-
Th f!rt forttin waa mad y Anna
M. Goodrich, irho boucht tha lot from
William B. Jaroba In January. 13. for
tVA Fh owned It for twnty-thre year,
and then. In Jun. 1. aha aold It to
John A. McShana for M,000.
Mr. McShane held It for. ve n months,
and then. In Jannary. 1W7. ha aold It to
Kach Thomasson. a ranchman from
Cheyenne, for r.. remain- a profit
of t,X In a few tnontha.
l.a.abed a llnwa".
Real aatat men of. that day lauRhed
and said tha old rancher baa made a
poor Investment. Mr. Mchan aays to
day that he considered ha had road a
mighty rood bargain. He aaya llaewls
that' ha now realises ha had made a
mlg-hly poor bargain. For the two daugh
ter of In Zb Thomaaaon ara today
rcelvlnie about 41 per cent annually on father'f Investment.
1 hesa two dsuahters, tha prrsent own
ej a, are Mra. J. P.. Cobb of NewYorK
City and Mra. John Xuykendall ot ron-
vr ' !
By tha term eflhclr leas to the Horn
Realty company th?y ara to receive
tM, annual rental for tha land during
tha first flva of the nlnety-nln yeara
of the lease. If, at the expiration of that
tlm. tha value of tha land haa Increased
above 830,00O, they are to receive as ren
tal $ per cent on Its valuation. If It has
decreased In value they ar to receive
the S3o,0f a year Just the same. Re
appralsement Is to be made every flv
years during tha life of tha lease.
W.rtk Forime a Foot.
The value of thU bit of Omaha bti al
liens property at present is something
like $9,(90 per front foot on Farnam
street. The value of each square foot
li tb lot is about SO.
The lease to the bulldlns- and operating
company dates from July 3, and the
building company will have to pay to
the lot owners tha monthly leas of f 1,600
.while the old bullJlng la being demol.
Uhed and the new one erected. This
company will not begin to draw revenue
from the property until November of
this year. The contract calls for tha
tores to t finished November 1, and the
wtiolehulldlrig by January L y
The building U tq be; sis stories high,
of rlnforcl concrete, terra cotta and
brii-v. It will be a novel 'truetur In
i isny wtyc ( One of these la that It will
have store rooms In tha basement, on
the street floor and on tha second floor.
eeoaa FHor Stores.
The basement will be reached by only
elfeht steps The second floor will have
lrtrge show windows opening on three
sides for the display of goods by the
tore that- rent tha second floor room a
The uppr four floors will consist of
.f flee rooms. Heating and lighting plants
will be located In a sub-basement. There
will b-two elevatora
Three of the stores have already been
rented. 'Tha Ryan Jewelry company,
which hag been at Fifteenth and Douglas
streets for many yeara, will occupy one.
Another will be rented by tho Napier
Urothers Bhoe company, a concern with
'shoe stores In a number of cities, which
will establish Its principal atore here.
The third will be taken by Lewis Hen
derson, tha florist, who has been In that
location for a quarter century.
Work boih on clearing away tha old
building aid erecting the new
pushed at terurd speed to mtke the big
rental-earnlt.g power of : tha building
available aa anon as poaarble.
In the meantime the Wyers-Plllon
Drug company has secured temporary
quarter half a block west on Farnam
Millions Put Into
Buildings in the
last Six Months
A total of EM building permits have
been Iveued In the first alg months of the
present year. These represent building
construction aggregating S2.4'.t..".. This la
a trifle fewer permits, representing a lit
tle less expenditure than the first six
months of last year. Hut the chief rlerk
Thomas Itltt. of the city building de
partment, eatimstea that the last six
months of Vti will bring the tola for
the year far ahead of the total for last
ear. Ha bases bis opinion on the tact
that there la so rntirh. big work now In
ir.t. Dm builiting per ml Is for which are
10 be takeit out shortly.
The renlly big , structures for Which
pirmllii are still to le taken out this
year are the Bone Uialty company, a.
story building; the Flrot National bank,
11 stories; I- Inner Mticsronl company en
largement; National company, new build
in. Joalyn building, Sixteenth and Har
ney: state hospital for the University of
Nebraska, Forty-second and Harney;
M.-Tabe Methodist church. First Prey
t'tUu church; Drendets warehouse and
gurage at Meventeenlh and Dodge atresia
PvCal Estate Folks
Go on a Picnio
The office force of Hastings A Heyden
ni)od a plcnlo and outing at Benson
Gudep.s Thurwtsy Twenty-four men and
women weot out in automobiles at 4
o'clock, and after a plcnlo dinner, an out
ing among the trees and on ths lawns, a
Un oa a lUtform built there. They
returned at o'clock at n!ht.
Ail( Bamauer t oaatt.
The flrtt di.a of lr. lirll'e I'lne-Tur-Honry
lll hli you. M kilts the oold
germ. '! All druj6l'- Adver-
Aart:n'ris;. fete, 1oues and (ot'.agt.!
an be rci.tnd u"'ly ai.d tt.ceply by a
. . " r Vr liei.t."
Six Per Cent Interest Paid and
Plenty of Money on Hand to Loan
- Oat on Real Estate Security.
The building and loan companies ot
Omaha now have combined axsets .total
ling l-f .flrn.MO. The semi-annual dividends
were paid July 1, ard the business of all
the companies was reported to be In ex
cellent share. There la plenty of money
In their coffers and the desire of the
public to lnvet In the companies or to
deposit, as It Is called, la said to he grow
In jr. It Is reported by the compsn'es lhnt
this form of Investment is becoming
popular -with the men of considerable
money fo Invest, whereat theae com
panlea were organized to handle tho
money of th small depositor ralhrr than
the large Investor. The regularity with
whlrh O e per cent la raid out of thie
companies on depoelta Is attractive (o
I hone who have a few thousand dollnrs
that they want to put In a aafe place.,
where they do not need to shoulder' the
burden of conducting a business of their
own with their capital.
Loaning -on farm mortgages Is a new
departure In the building and loan busi
ness that haa taken root with aome of
the companies. The Conservative Hav
ings and lxio n company has loaned S3)1.0nQ
on first mortgagee on eastern Nebraska
farms In the last four months.
If money continues to flow Into theae
companies as abundantly as It haa for
some time rest, officials of some of the
companies assert they will probably have
to conalilT the mutter of paying a
smaller . ilvil nd In the future, as . the
deposits come Taster than they can place
the money at a profitable rata of In
terest. Creston Annex Put
Upon the Market
Creston Annx is tha name of a new
addition platted and put on tha market
by A, P. Tukey ft Son. It lies on Hie
north aide of. Davenport street, between
Tbirty-eUlh and Thlrty-elxhth streets.
There are twenty-five lots In tha tract
and a number of them have been sold.
Tha district Is restricted, and Is being
mentioned as the flnl aval Utile tract on
the top of the hill In the West Farnam
district The prices range from S.T3 to 87
per front foot. Water, sewerage, cement
sidewalks., gas and paving are installed,
so that the ground Is ready for building.
Thla la the property belonging to the
Coad estate. John F. Coad came Into
posaeaalon of tha property in 1W. lie
bought It originally Intending to build
his) home there. Later ha changed his
mind and built his home on Farnam
street. ,
City Dads Consider
General Levy for '
Next Year's Budget
Next Tueaday the city commissioner
will begin to consider tha general levy
for UK budget. The Greater Omaha
situation makes thla financial problem
rather complex, aa the legal department
haa not given opinion on several mooted
Foremost among tha unsolved problems
I th manner in which provision shall
be made for final payment of added ex
pense which will be Incurred by reason
or ttoutn Omaha coming Into th Greater
Omaha family with no fund for the last
flva month of thla year. Tha city at
torney has his coat off. sleeve rolled up
and a pile of law books before him.
It Is admitted 'that the 1?1 tax rate
will b slightly Increased, th South
Omaha situation being one factor and
recent Increaso of soma of the statutory
fund by the legislature being another
factor. For Instance, the poll-. fund hua
been raised i.10,000; park fund. S30.000; 11
brarey fund, S20.000; flra fund, SJ0.00O. The
new charter amendments require that a
bond sinking fund of not lesa than
nor more than PSO.Ono, thsll be levlej
each year. Special provision was made i
in th h.v . a .
th fir department, which will amount.
to about i.O00 a year for five yers. i
Th new levy for Omaha will Include
th annexed. territory.
Postmaster Wharton
is Seeking Becker
A letter from JX U. Cox, attorney,
Rose be try, Idaho, ha been referred to
Postmaster Wharton In an effort to find
J. J. Becker, auvposed to be In Omaha.
The letter state that Becker I reported
to b or to have been In th liquor bust
ness her and to hare been a policeman
In Chicago.
Becker's brother Is seriously a Rose,
berry. He is about 66 yeara old and 1
said to have considerable money, but
will not apend any of It for medical car.
He auhpecu all those who offer aid to be
after his money.
Kennedy Funeral
Td BeHcld Today
Funeral services for Alfred C. Kennedy
will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the reaidenoe. 1(C4 South Thirty-second
street. Kev, fklln II. Jen, pastor of
the FliH .rreshyterlan Church offlcuU
Ing. burial will be In the family lot tn
Forest Uwii cemetery.
These friends wlU act aa pall bearers:
J H. Adams. V. T. Bourke
IP A. In. u.l, U. M. Htl.hcock.
Chsrles VV. itnlney, Adam Johmion,
V, T. Itolirton, John Lk Kennedy.
"At th regular meeting of th Board of
tducatton Tueaday evening th commit
tee on building and grounds will recom
mend th dismissal of twenty school en
gineer and Janitor tor th summer
months. It la ei plained that not more
than on man Is needed at a school dur
ing th vacation period. Th saving Is
estimated at U,000.
KVd-nU Judr Walter I. Smith of Coun
cil Muffs wl'l hear arguments on the
spi.lication of Jitney operators for a re-
laiuaiiiug Older to keep tha ne w Jitney
ordinance from going Into operation.
Hearing hav heen set for July 1 Th or
dinance t:l co li to effect July T unleea
tr. or.ivr is granted. Jurlgs T. C. Mungcr
alll Ivava for bis vacatlun next week.
Omaha's Newest First-Class Apartment House
s rr
i rr
r p:.
n rr.
1 T
f S
Work ha already started on the big
first-class apartment house to be known
the Bisckstone hotel, at Thirty-sixth
and Farnam streets. This is the struc
ture designed and to be built by tha
'Hankers' Realty Investment company,
Heal Estate Wen Who Will Figure
Out a ; Plan for Widening
Twenty-Fourth Street
Th committee of the Real Estate ex
change that la to Investigate ways and
mean of going about th - Iprojeot of
widening Twenty-fourth street and open
Ing a few ot the tributary streets now
closed, haa been announced by President
Thomas or the exchange.
. Th personnel of the committee Is:
George T. Morton, F. II. Meyer, W. H.
Green, Harry Christie and K. R. Benson.
The question of widening th street
camo up again for a lengthy discussion
at the meeting Wednesday, last John
U McCagu and C. C. George objected to
the manner In which th movement had
been started and the wide publicity which
It received, Mr. McC'ague asserted.
"There Is danger of having a business
cervter on wheels." He declared that the
men must guard against this and not
rush to rapidly into a campaign to make
a certain outlying street the business
vrnici u, ,( kit.
"It la not fair to those who have In
vested large sums of money to develop
the present business center, for you to
proclaim a new district and go ahead to
boost for th development ot this new
center' he said.
Prealdent Thomas explained that all the
exchange wanted to do was to get behind
a movement to straighten and widen
Twenty-fourth street which needed such
attention badly.
"All w want to do." he added, "1
to correct an error mad twenty-four or
thirty years ago. What we do, or say
will not move ' th business center of
Omaha In a day, a week, or a year. It
la not so easy to put the business center
of a city on wheels."'
W. II. Green explained that It was not
the purpose of this movement on the
part of th exchange to move the bul-
noss center to Twenty-fourth street, twit
rather, to get that street ready for tb
growth and development tha 1 Inevit
able In the future.
Business Men to Go
. On a One Day Trade
Trip Into Iowa
A one-day automobile excursion of
wholesalers, manufacturers, hankers and
otne of Omaha U planned to run
Into the Southwestern section of Iowa
JuI' Xh" run wl" ' unar the ,
U'P' or th "n.te extension commlt-
ee or ine i ommerciai c;uo oi umana.
The autnmobllea are to leave Omaha at
7 o'clock Thursday morning, July 8. and
are to return before dark the same even
ing. The Itinerary Include Glenwood,
Malvern, Hastings, Emerson, Red Oak,
Kssex, r'henandoah, Sidney and Tabor.'
Borne twenty-five mlnutea la to be spent
In each town. Thla la expected to allow
those In th party to visit their customers
In each place, ,
Wheat Fluctuates
.on Erratic Market
The Omaha Grain exchange will observe
Monday aa a holiday and consequently
there wilt not be any market until Tues
dsy. With reports ot clearing weather
generally and wheat turning out better
than had been anticipated, wheat was
rratlo. Belling at t cent up to 1 cent
down from th Friday price. Sales were
made at 11. W to Sl.SS, with fourteen car
loads offered,'
Corn waa weaker and was oft ocni,
selling at T1V4 to Tlla cents. The receipt
were fifty-five cars.
Oats followed the slump and sold off
H to i cent per bushel, prloe telng !&
to 4, k cents. Th receipts were twelve
carloads. '
When John Miller ot Portsmouth, la.,
Insisted on slug Ing 'neath hi bedroom
window, . William, Rasmusaen, Seven
teenth and Capitol avenue, emptied th
content of a revolver at th warbler,
and both men were arrested and brought
to Jail.
Rasmussett got decidedly th wora ot
tb affair, by having hi dumber shat
tered, being hauled before Judg Foster
and flued 10 and coat with, suspended
sentence, and losing th revolver, which
was confiscated by th court. MUler
waa discharged.
Two deliveries of mail wffl mad
In th bustnee district Monday and one
In the - residence dlstik-ta Parcel poet
automobile deliveries will b mad tn
tl morning. General delivery. Inquiry,
Information, stamp said registry depart
ment will close at 10:M a. m. Janitor,
firemen, etc., la h building will be
given a full holiday and th elevator
will not operate at al.
,wew tvwr:
' Is-.-.
r-r'"- ' -
rri rr. n.;
, I i 1 .
r-; L '
i ' ' I r"' r- f rV
i v . . - - ;
Hrf ...
! -I
) e t . i i I
we t ' r- r !- f"
and owned by a syndicate of-Investor
known th Blackstone Holding com
pany. It Is to be ISO by 90 feet. It will
have 97 one-room apartments, 36 two
room apartment, 10 three-room apart
ment. 4 four-room apartments, I five-
TElaetrl fan, 17.00. Burgess-Grsnden.
Slav Seo Friat n Now Beacon Pre
VnbUo lasnraao AJatr Oeorg
Schroeder, 0S Ware block. Ked M.
rree Calif orala Sxonrslon, July IS, to
buyer of Live Oak Colony land.-W. T.
Smith Co., City National Bank Bldg.
Cfcoie of Iprlag Ohiokaa or plfcnked
whit fish dinner at Bchllt hotel July
4 and S, served from 11 a. in. to 9 p. m.
Prloe SO cent.
Br. jr. 9. BTuUer, Deatlst, announce
th removal of hi office from 621 to 615
M CTty National Bank. Bldg. Telephone
Tyler 2061. .
Fred W. Anhenawr and Cornelius F,
Connolly, aUomey-t-law, hav moved
to 682-4 BrandeU Tneater Bldg. Bam
phone, Douglas 49fiO.
Hart lastk lUsswhsre No luncheon
will be served at th Commercial club
dining room July 6. The dining room la
to be closed on that dsy.
"Today Complete Movt Program"
classified section toaay, and appear In
Th Be EXCLUSIVELY. Kind out what
th various moving picture theater offer.
Clothing Btolea from Barn li. D.
Berger,, eWJ CLarlca street, reports the
theft of clothing to I the value 6f S30,
which waB taken from a barn to the rear
ofSHJO Charles street.
To Closs on Monday In observance
of Independenco day, the Toung Men'
Christian association will close its
cafeteria Monday and the vacation school
for boy j will also have -a holiday.
Combs . to Wind Uls Clocks Tha
clock In th federal building, will be
wound during th coming year by T.
I Combe A Co. There are thirty-eight
of them beside the big tower clock.
They must b wound each week. The
contract ric I 1130. '
Censor Parent Judge Leslie, sit
ting In .Juvenile court, censured Abraham
f'enchanaky. who brought his 10-year-oH
son into court declaring that he waa
Inoorriglbl. "You should take better
car of your son," said the Judge; "you
would fln-1 hlro a better behaved boy."
Liberty Ball Badges Several) thou
sand liberty bell badges are being prC-
pared by th Pennsylvania society and j
th secretary of tb society, will be In. i
th Pioneer room of the court house
Thursday afternoon and probably Friday
morning to distribute them to member
of th Pensylvcnla society and other na
tive Pennsylvania of Nebraska and
Th Turkish and Bulphnr Bain Boon
at th' Harney hotel. Fourteenth and
Harney street, entrance on Harney, will
not fall to attract th public. They are
conducted by er'perloneej attendant
from Hot Kprlng, Ark. To Introduce
them, a uniform fee of II for the entire
is charged.. Separate rooms for
electrical treatment, and massage. Tel.
Douglas SUS.
All Roads Leading
Into Omaha Put in
Finest Condition
All roada will lead to Omaha Monday,
and, according to reports, all those roads
will be In fine condition.
Commercial cluba, auto club, farmer
and townapeopla hsve been dragging all '
auto roada lthtn 900 mile of Omaha,
to put I hem into share for the heavy
traff lo to tho big peedway race and ;
world' championship wrestling match j
her Monday. Many of th road hav
also been given additional treatment, to
make them perfect for travel.
Clarke Powell, secretary of th Omaha
Auto club, sent 0t letter to th various
organisations, asking them to Improve
th roada within 90Q mile : of Omaha,
and wlth'n th last few days he has had
ample proof that th appeal haa had a
ready response.
"I was motoring out around Calhoun i
and Itlalr," Powell aaya, "and found
that th road had been dragged all
along th Una. I also hav letter from '
many of th Commercial and auto ,
clubs I wrote, and they all rrfport that :
much work has been done to make th ,
roads first claaa for Monday. Among j
th club replying were those at Lin- j
coin. Schuyler, Fremont, Lyon and
majiy other place."
Has Plan to Abolish
the Telephone Toll
City , Commissioner Butler Tuesday
morning will offer a resolution to pro-"
vide that a committee ot th council wait
upon th officers of th ..ebraska Tele
phone company with a request that th !
Omaha-South Omaha . S-osnt toll be
"Now that consolidation baa been ao-1
eompllahed it ! not fair to asses thla I
toll to ttoutl.dld resident and not make I
the same assessment on calls to the '
north lde, said Mr. BuUer.
Cupor S. Yost, president of th tela- ,
phone company, said It would consider
tills matter when h received official ;
notice of the action ot the council. II j
intimated, however, that If th toll 1
cut out it woulj be fair to raise the'
South Omaha monthly rates to th earn )
basis as now charged In Omaha proper.
room apartments and t six-room apart
ments. On the eighth floor there is to be a
kjiall room, 38 by 60 feet The structure is
to b completed by February 1, 1918.
Holdup Men Take
Victim's Shoes and
Hat and Get Away
Carl Lauterbach of Emerson, la., was
(trolling at 4:30 a. m. near Thirteenth
street and Capitol avenue when two men
Induced bim to give 17 toward the col
lection they were taking.
Description -of the two men in the Cope
land and Lauterbach cases agree with
those of two ot the four men who held
up Mr. MoCloud. Th police are on the
trail of th quartet.
J. H. McCloud of 81 West Fourteenth
avenue, Denver, reported to th police
that he was (topped at 11:30 Friday night
at the north and of th Sixteenth street
viaduct and compelled to contribute tl.23,
hoe and hat. Th stranger 'stopped
to untie hi shoes and were deliberate In
their proceeding.. The shoe were new
and bought for tb Fourth of July.
L. A. Copeland of Persia, la., waa ac
costed In an alley near Eleventh and
Farnam streets by two men who grabbed
him. Copeland brok awajr and ran, leav
ing hi hat. .
- Th 6-year-old1 son of V. Krotfcy, 917
Homer streets was badly bitten on tha
right forearm and left hand by a dog
belonging to . John Bterrert, 1015 Homer
street several day ago, when th child
entered th Sterrert yard ttnd tried to
take a puppy from th ' side of th
mother. Bterrert . waa given his choice
of taking a fin .of 123 and cost or
bringing tho animal to th station and
having it shot. H chose th latter
course and tise head of th beast will
be sent to th Pasteur Institute.
7 to 10
' We have several different
plan whereby you can xt
from 7 to 10 per cent on rour
money and - be absolutely, safe
in your Investment. A every
one knows real estate Is one oJ"'
the best and safest Investments
on. earth. We can arrange It
so you can invest In Individual
properties .or take an interest
wltU others It win pay you to
ee or write ueabout' it.
kslings & llcyden
1014 Harney St.
Psoauy foisting
UI2rSrr,:mSL TcLD.35!
.. E-; GARTEQ,
2314 M SU Sculh Cntaha
Phono South 1133
L 1 .
. Southwest Corner 17th and Douglas Streets,
Financial Statement July 1st. 1915
Rest KsjAte Mortgages and Contracts...:.. $70,9(0.04
1'nconu'letcxi Building. Contracts 20,495.98
"'lis Receivable 9,183.25
Storks and Konds 1,010.00
Loans on Home Builders' Stock
Dwellings .'
Accrued Interest
Furnltnre and Fixtures .......
Ciifth on Hand- and with Fiscal Agents
Totsl ,
Capital Stock . .'. $136,395.00
Accounts Payable, for labor and material on dwellings
vnder construction' (not yet flue) . 4,898.67
Dividends Payable , 4,596.76
Surplus and Undivided Profit 28,172.81
$ 17,12.',C5
Jan. 1. 1912
Jan. 1, 19V1
Jan. 1, 1914
Jan. 1, 191S
July 1, 191b
Jan. 1, 191A
In addition to our cash dividend at the rate ot 7.98 on par,
or 7 on the book value of Home Builders' shares, we carried 2
per share to Surplus, making the VALUE OF THE SHARES NOW
$1.16. Net earnings over 10.
U.i A Rohrbough, Vice Pres. C C. Bhtiuer, 8ec'jr
A. Banks .. O. IV. Johnson Hon. Lee S. Eetella
H. O. Townend E. E. Llti Geo. J. Morris
American. Security Co., Fiscal Agents for Home) Builders.
Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Ground Floor.
Nouthweet Corner 17th and Douglas Street, Omafia.
This Company is
Equipped to Provide the Class
of Service That Assures Protection
for the Building Owner
; Should you hare this company
build for you, you will know:
FIRST, the final cost of the entire building before
work is commenced. , .
SECOND, that yon will be free from every resporisi-'
bility, excepting the approval of plans and
materials,and the meeting of payments. "
' y
AND THIRD, you will know the satisfaction that comes
of dealing with a firm that is financially
. . . ' responsible.
Submit Your Plan,
for Our Figures
I"-1. , , 1
Hvs. Mcdonald.
17c Set
the Fashion
in Awnings
whsa yon erdar frm
a yoa ar assord of
stylish, asrvtoaabls
lnrs thai ar marantd.
Orasr yonr awaiaa' bow
ws wiu rcs ai
Oar prie vUl latrst you sua ear matrl4a ar tb
bsat tbat oajt b ao.
I'hou. ItooKlas H641. 700 South Sixteenth St.
1812 FARNAM 3T.
rhone DougU SS081.
Send fiO Cents (or My New Flan Rook,
. . 4,381.61
. 16.623. 45
. . f. . . . .
, 6,958.22
1,064. IT
.' .$173,063.14,
Dlv. Rate on Tar
. 7.66
7.98 .
rate per cent will be
(Acthorlssa Capital $750,000.00)
Gtrouad Floor Ess Bldf.
on a ha. ra.
m ill
W, iUpp4 tb ToataiU XoUl with
awaln; lis abov oat.
"rp For jResolto
i i Bcc Want Ado