II I hi U.M.MIA SI MIA V m;i;: .11 l.Y 4, 1!M.". I AHTE-ROOM ECHOES AT FALL0F GAYEL Yeomen of Omaha Give Entertain- ment and Conduct Public Memo rial Exercise at Hall. 'BIO DOEJOS WEDNESDAY EVE Lt Wdne4itT evening Otrmnn hnmi U4 hld a brief hiiRlnm itieMin:. flr "which dancing ami vrA playing oocuirtd hh balance of the evenln. The enter tainment commltw served loe crem and Irake. Th aoclahle gplrlt nf Omaha hnmeoieftri aa eanerlalljr In- frMmw, cwlnir to the frt that the entertainment comtnitto hd announced that all nifratxrt of the family of anyone who waa a Teomsn (war entitled to anjoy tha refrrahnirnta jlha aame aa a mnrober. Sunday, June 2, Omaha homc.iuead held It annual publta memorial eterclar. II wing to tha fart that the decraeed mrm Nn ar burled In vnrlom rentetertea, the tpverclaea wera held In the hall, it holns fittingly decorated for tha occaxlvn. , During tha laat year Omaha hoinoitoad J hi had two deaths and tha honvtead I hna hefn hUMy pralned fn the fraternal spirit exhibited. Tim plrlt haa been ere- clnlijr phon at funeral by tha women' I drill team attrndlns In a body. Captain IteckW of tha drill team ra I fiueata all member of the drill team to j be present AVednewlay evening, July 7. jwhli-h will be the regular Initiation eve i nina for July, an I Ietri t Manaiter F.ntow ; haa aavured him thnt there will be a wood Ired rliipa to Initiate. Inltlntlonc In Omaha homeatead are unique in that j Omaha. hnmetea4 prMe Itself on lielng the only homeatoad In tha atata which haa an exclusive worr.on'a drill team ard j deirree ataff for the Initiatory work, hence, the Initiations ara of special inter est to members of rfther homestead and all members of. other homesteads are cor dinlly Invited to be present at the Inltla tlm of Omaha homestead. Orilee ol XroetUh C lans. The women's auxiliary to Clan Oordun No. CI will hold lis rrKUlar meeting lit the bom of Mr. Oeorfre Dunn. 4119 Our dette street, next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. There will be Installation of officers. Kiwilmra of the World. Kloience ramp No. ofi haa appointed a commute to arrange time and place for holding a family picnic. It will rrobnbly be held during the first week In August. All Woodmen of the World members re siding; in FTirenre will be Invited to at tend. Tha drill team recently organised by Pouth Omaha ramp. No. 211, la making satisfactory progress. It new officers show real enthusiasm. An exhibition drill Is being arranged so that the memlwra niy tr shown what practice and organi sation will accomplish. The annunl picnic given by Alpha camp No. 1 at Klinwood psrk; Sunday last, wee Inrgcly attended and waa a great euc ww Kvery detail of the entertain ment was carried out and reflected great credit on the committee In charge of ar rangements. 7Jskuv-Dub No. 115 will entertain Ita MiMl.a,a ' it m (...It T i . I T.. I. B-riak Is rhairman of the committee on rranncrnrnia. wnicn assure a roy;w good time to all who. attend. This camp la making headway In Increased member ship, due In a large measure to Ita social entertainments. (.'omenlus camp No. Tt 1a making satis factory progress. Vao Vomacka haa ac cetted the appointment tit deputy for this camp and haa already shown evi dence of real activity. f'edar Wood camp No. 19 promises great return from Its annual picnic, to he held August 16. . Vaclav Opoceneky, the real life of the ramp, will furnish the en- trlainment and hae chant of the pro gram. fienersl f'rook post 'No. PU, and Woman's Relief corps No. HI will .hold a baeket picnic at Fontenelle park Mon day afternoon. ' Fraternal Aid Islos. ktondamln lodge. No. 11, of Fraternal Aid union, will nwt Tuesday evening at Nineteenth and Farnam street, with the Initiation of a large claas, after which there will be an entertainment with cards and dancing. Miss Downey won the attendance prise last Tuesday. supreme chief officer ol the order, haa promised to attend as have several of tho officers of the fcrnnd lodge from Lincoln. Sessions of the convention will be held In Workmen hall. The evening r,f July i. a Joint meeting of regree of Honor and Workmen will be held. Kslskta anal Ladles of Sresrllr. Loyal council. No. ZM, held an inter esting business session . last Thursday evening. There were four new members Initiated by the degree staff, directed by Pergeant F. E. Humphrey In the absence 6f the captain. A number of hew appli cations were read of members who will probably be Initiated at tha next meeting. Aaelent Order I'nltefl Workmea. Pegree of Honor, women' auxiliary of the Workmen, will hold convention of the Second Nebraska district. In Omaha, July I ahd t. - Some thirty-four delegate and 200 I visitors arc expected. Frances Vuell Olson of Minneapolis, Diaz Did Not Let Governors Become , Any Too Popular T. M. Orr, assistant to President Mohler of tha Union Pacific, la tha man In Omaha who knew forflrlo' tnas. exiled president of Mexico, who died in Parts Friday. Although not lntlmateiy to- qualnted with IHac. during 1S 'and 1390, when ha waa located - In the City of Mexico as a representative of tha Gould line of railroad, Mr. Orr frequently saw tha distinguished Mexican and enjoyed the close friendship of his son, Por flrlo Dlaa, Jr. During his realdenoe In Mexico, upon several occasions, tha business of Mr. Orr called him to tha presidential reai d"nee Speaking of the former president, Mr. Orr said: ' "President Dial .waa a man of com manding appearance, tall sfnd straight, large and well proportioned. His swarthy complexion IndlcAted the Tottee origin. Those who knew him Intimately always asserted that ha was a most lovable character, though ha was atern and every Inch a soldier. Ha ruled with an Iron hand and waa apparently tha kind of a ruler that the country needed. Though despotic in the management ef the affairs of tha country, he had tha faculty of retting along with tha people and making them love him. Hie military commander! were tha governors of tha states ef Mexico and ha saw to tt that they did not become too popular. In the event that on of hi governors Indicated that he was becoming very popular In tha state assigned to him. he waa trans ferred to some other state and In this way the president held the government welt In hand. This method to a great extent prevented uprisings and revolu tion, which of lata years hav been so frequent." ' FREpERICK IS FINED ' FOR PART IN COLLISION A the result of.' a recent collision, which damaged two perfectly good auto mobile. Frank M. Frederick, ml Doug la street, tha driver of on of tha cars, was fined VQ and coats for reckless driv ing, and Carl Benjamin, an occur nt of the same machine, Iia and costs. A bench warrant waa also Issued for Harold V. Johnaon ef Fort Dodge, la., hut Mr. Johnson tt is believed haa departed. mjm a smrmr .Sanatorium Thtt institution Is tha only on In tha central wt with separate bulldinga. situated la their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify eases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others bo te g admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de vuied to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe ctal nursing. ifisoraes a cJ I I Sale It Commences Tuesday, July 6tH It Embraces Uncommon Weariables -It Attracts the Buyer Who Has a Proper Regard as to flow the Garment Is Styled and Made Up" Never have we trifled with a value; never have we falsified a line of type; whatever you see advertised here we HAVE at the price printed. Sale" Items are scattered nil over the store shop around and see what you'll And; It's impoIM0 to insert ALL of the Items In single "4" We are not advocates of hysterical " advertising; we see folly in impossible claims; but we are really sure THIS is a "Bargain Event" throughout. I Shop here Tuesday; you are very apt to find a style, a size, a clearance price that may not be in evidence in the ordinary run of stores. onononononoaoaononoaoBononoaononoRaoi 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. There's a Deeply Cut "Clearance" Price to Meet You at Every Step in Our Exceptionally "Genteel" WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT $12.75 Only Tor Women's Cloth Suits- That Ilave Sold at - $19.5!) to $30.00, - $19.75 Only ' For Women's Cloth Suits That Have Sold Up as High as $35.00:' $17.50 " i vrr - . -wswxa ji,o n HOYS' SUITS that have Hold at 110.00 are now $7.75. the $8.50 kinds are $0.75 and the $7.50 kinds are "cleared" at. . . . HOYS' Sl'lTS that were $6.60 ore now $4.75. the m An , r i J a t r A Utner Choice Loots That Sola Rcsularlv 2 and' $3.75 suits are "cleared- at The very finest or silk coats, fancy gabar dines, etc., that sold for as much as $3f, are now to be "cleared, la one lot at 817.50 D o D Q o D o a o a o a o tl o D o D o a o D o D 0 o a o a o D o D OUR Sort of Men's Clothing Is "Cut" NowWi Chance OBDMBY Kinds? THIS MEN'S CLOTHES "CLEARANCE" is very near all-inclusive; it includes practically all our nobbily styled medium and light weight wool suits. $11.50 $13.50 $14.50 Is the Price That Will Clear Is the Price That Clears Is the Price ' That Clear Men's $15 Suits. Men's $18.00 Suits. Men's $20X0 Suits. $16.50 $18.50 $22.50 Is tho Price That 'Clears Is the Price That Clears Is the Price That Clears Men's $22.50 Suits; - Men's $25.00 Suits ... Men's $30.00 Suits. 'Boys. Clothes ;Cleared ; j Boysv Wash Suits, 69c1 at $22.50, $25 and $29. SO, now-$14.50 8.00 f'ilY.llll f Women's White I , j Coat and faiicy $17.50 ar to be WO.MFA'R BILK lUK.SSKSKorraerly In this "Clearance" at, only Clears Women's Coats Sport Coats, PaUn Beach Corduroys that sold up to "Cleared" now at.. 83.00 up to $1.50" kind will be S10.00 WOMEX'8 81LK DIU.SSKS The silk dresses that have been br!n- lnn $$$.50 to $29.50. go on sale at $13.75 WOMEN'S SILK DRKKMKS The silk dresues that have all alonu brought up to $35 may now be bad at. ... .s .$19.75 A Biz Fact as "Clearance Sale" in vrr tf weu as in D o D o D o D o 0 o D o a o p o a o D Claim a $5.75 v $4.75. the $2.50 A lack of space In this announcement pre vents mention of numerous other Items under priced In our Justly famed Boys' Dept. JvlEN'S HATS. SHIRTS, Etc.. TO BE CLEARED ' PAJAMAS "CLEAHF.D" Mea's $1.50 white or colored Pa Jamas go at'.' .$1.15 VNDEmVKAIt CLEARED" Men's 2-plore 60c underwear "cleared" at, garment. .. . 25? NKCKWEAR "CX.K.1RED" Men's handsome '60c ties at 35c, or at three for $1.00 UNIOX SUITS "CLKARED" Men's 65c Nainsook Union Suits to be "cleared- at ....... 504 MEN'S SHIRTS "CLEARED" Mot of our stylish $1.50 shlrta go at, each 954 MEN'S 8IIIKTS "CLEARED" Most $2 kinds at $1.16; most $1 kinds at .............. -70 MEN'S SHIRTS "CLEARED $3.50 BblrUt $2.75; $5 shirts now at $3.05 MEN'S SU1RTS "CLEARED" The handsomest $6 shirts worm by men are now $3.95 Women's White and Colored WASH DRESSES Will Move Briskly Indeed ononoaonononononononononononononoznoaonononono onodononoaaononoaoaoQoaononoao D o ononoaononononoao a o a o S a o a 9 o D o a o D o D o a o D Q a o D o a o a o a o a o . Q o D o D o 0 o a o n o a o a o D o a o a o i Htyle for style, fabric for fabric take It that way aa yon com pare, and we are sore yon wlU Jndge OURS to bo bona, fide, A. A. 1 "Clearance" value. 1816-18-20 FARNAM STREET. Only About Once a Year Are We Enabled to Quote "Clearance" Prices Like These on Our Stocks of GIRLS' AND MISSES' WEAR At Only $2.95 You Choose Girls' Coats, S to 14 years) that have sold at from $5 to $3.50 ea. At Only $5.00 Buy Girls' Coats (8 to 14. years) in values of from' $&.75 to' $12.00 each. ' ROYS' "WASH SUITS The "Clearance" includes a particularly line big lot ot boys colored waan Suits, In snappy styles for youngsters of 2 to 7 years of age. Choice of lot. ROVS' WASH SUITS that sold for $3 and $2.25 .r j . rA . nw - are now: i.vo, uu vuo x.ov auu fx.io kinds are In the "Clsarance" at. RUVS' WASH SUITS worth $3.60 and $5.00 are $2.85,, the $2.50 and $3.00 kinds are 69c id $2.25 95c $1.95 $4.85 Girl's Dresses Cleared A small lot of girls' fancy white net dresses that brought $8.50 to $18.60 formerly, will make an exciting "Clearance' 'at only $4.85 Ask to See the Line of Girls' $5 Dresses That Will Be "Cleared" at Once at $2.85 Girls' .Wash -Dresses MEVS STRAW HATS "CLEARED" All $2 straw are $1.50 and all $3 straws at ..-.82.25 MEN'S STRAW HATS CLEARED" $3.60 Leghorn hats are $2.50;' $5 Milan and Leghorns S3.75 MEN'S STRAW HATS CLEARED" The very finest $6 straw hats In the house at . &4.00 , OTHER ITEMS "CLEARED". Hundreds of other Items at "Clearance" prices at this time. 94c If you've a girl of 8 to 14 rears have her choose one .or several of $1.60 and $1.96 colored wash dresses we are "clearing" at, each f) GIRLS' COLORED WASH DRESSES The dresses that have brought $2.50 to $2.05 are to he "cleared" at $1.65 GIRLS' COLORED WASH DRESSES The dresses that have been bringing $3.60 and $5 are in "Clearance" at.. "$2.85 GIRLS' COLORED WASH DRESSES The dresses that have been bringing $5.75 to $6.50 are to be "cleared 'at. $3.85 A "Clearance" on Clothes You'll Wear Right Now I0O0E30E30 ononoaono o The "Clearance" takes la all of those beautiful summer dreaes ia Ton see and TruerlUe Linen, French Voiles, Organdl", Nets, etc The showing ia beyond doubt the pri-tti-est offered in Omaha. We've become known for our superiority on wash dresses, yet each) drex must be '"Cleared." WASH DRKhSKH worth $3.5 to $6. now $2.75 Women's Kerchief j r Women's' linen 25s In. ItUl handkerchiefs at 15c. and 16c and 20c kerchiefs at, each 10c WASH, DRESSES worth $5.76 to $7.60, now $3.03 WAKII DRESSES worth $8.50 to $9.75. at 80.75 WASH DRESSES worth $12 to $13.50 at 88.75 WASH DRESSKS worth $16.00, in "Clearance" at 810.50 WASH DRESSES wortU $10.60 go now 8X4.50 WASH DRESSES worth $:2.&o go at.. 810.50 Boys' r - Blouses Boys' Blouses. In light and dark patterns in 6Uu values are In the "Clearance" or at vvV No matter what the or iginal cost, the "Clear ance" figure prevails It the garment be of a sum-s mery nature. We open our bcawm each yar with entirely new stocks and , would far rather take the loss THIS year than to risk showing an undexlrnble and pocstbly "ancient" stock NEXT r.tason. Dutch Aprons Children's Dutch Apron s. Z to B years, in ti5o to $1.25 grades, now going at 49c D o D o a o a o D o D U o D o a o D o Q o D o D Important Shoe "Clearance" Sale WOMEN'S AND GROWING GIRLS' rOUtt AND OXKOIIDS Pumps in dull or patent leather or white can vas, one strap or three-strap, orna ment trimmed styles, with black and colored tops. Hand turn and well sewed soles, Louis, Cuban or low heels. Oxford are In Eugllsh lace htylca in dull or tan leather, with welt soles and both low and spring heels. Positive $3.60 and $4.50 shoes to go at. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S I'lMPS Tau leather, and white canyia pumps from our regular $3.50 to $? lines will go ROYS' OXFORDS I'LEAIlED" lilucher and English lae style In patent, gun metal or ten leathers. With welt sewed oak soles. Regular $3 and $3.60 line, ut, psir $2.45 $195 $1.95 WOMEN'S DRESS PUMPS Wo men's high grade pumps In patent and kid. leathers, plain or ornament trimmed styles, with black, white or colored tops; hand turn and light weight welt soles; full Louis heels. Our regular $5 and $6 lines, to go at $3.45 g WOMEN'S AND GROWING GIRLS' PUMPS AND OXFORDS The pumps In plain low and strap patterns; the Oxfords In button and in lace styles. The leathers Include patents, suedes, tans and white canvas, Cuban and low heels; welt soles and perfect tit- ting dressy footwear in every respect. Regular $$ and $8.60 styles at , $1.45 Women's WAISTS and BLOUSES at Excessively. Low "Clearance" Prices S Styfe Here Are Truer, Newer Better CHILDREN'S, DREE3 CLEARANCE Children's white drees, in ages 2 to t years' $1.50 and $2.50 dresses are now s.t .... fJ5 $3 and $5 dresses are now at i., 8L.l5 Children's colored dr es, 3 to $ years, 75c val ue at (6c: $1 and $1.25 kind. 7 St; $1.60 and $! . kind are 81.15 CHILDREN'S DRESS CLEARANCE Children's colored dress. ea, In sges t to 6 years, cut as per following Hit: $8.25 to $2.95 value gc- " Sl.fcS $3.60 to $3. $6 value go 92.05 $4.60 to $(.00 value to now at v .J 83.35 Our reputatlfta on chil dren's ,wear hss built our bufines. .oaononoDoaaononoaononononoQOQonononononp WHITE LINGERIE WAISTS of French Batis te and Swiss Organdies, embroidered In dainty de signs and lace trimmed, are In the "Clearance ' length sleeves, some with two-in-one ' collar. They sold Quickly at even the regular price $3. Sizes 34 to 4 4, In this "Clearance" at ..$1.10 Priscilla Rompers Girls' Priscilla, Romp ers In fine pllsee. ages 2 to years, $1.(0 values, ara going at. . . Q5c SWISS ORGANDIE WAISTS Dainty sheer creations; soma with fine tucks nd lace trimmed collars and cuffs; others with embroidered and lace designs; others with dotted" Swiss collars and cuffs. They have been selling at $1.76. but dur ing tha "Clearance" they ara yours at . . . .$1.45 Children's. Hats t Children's hats . la straw, linen or lawn, ara all offered at great ly reduced prices. SILK AND GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS-Lot In cludes Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Chiffons and Jap Silks. Values up to $8.95, will go at, only. Another fine lot ot blous es Includes handkerchief linens, fancy "Croket" lace and pretty Georg ettes, values $5 to $6. $1.79 a vvi uvvi t ues Sq QC .5,0, tPO.OsJ Children's Coats Infants' and . Chtlds' white and colored coata slsea to 6 yrs.; $3.50 S ST?! $1.95 $6.60 to $10.00 Coats at 83.05 CLEARANCE ON LNF ANTS' DRESSES infants' long and short white drees. including a good asortineht of con vent made garment. - 75c dresses at K5tf $1. $1.25 kinds 7l) $1.60-$1.5 kinds 81.15 $2.25-(2.50 kinds 81.75 $2.5 kinds 82.15 $3.60-$S.5 kinds Jjrj.OO $4.60-35.00 kinds 83.15 Also many other item. INFANTS' CREEPER CLEARANCE ' Sale Includes Infants' summer creepers of Crepe v and lightweight materials . ia colored or white styles: 85c values at 59t $1 values at CO , $1.25 vslues at . . . - Si) $1.60 values at. -81.15 , $1.85 valuea at..81J5v Alway Forenioei on "tlUldrea"" (mhmU, CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE r Children' knit Union suits In 60c values, now, at. garment .... . .33, Children's vesta and pants In 2 5o grades at, per gar ment -15 Children' vests or pacta In 16c grade now at, gar ment . .-. . .104 The Dept. of Underwear contributes many other "Clearance" items. CLEARANCE ON MANY LINES OF HOSIERY Infants colored hosa, la pink, bins or taa. 16c valuea at , 10 3 pairs for i;5t 26o values 15 Hisses' and women's hose, In pink, blue; red or tan. Tha 25o and. 60a kinds. I5e Women's silk hoe la tan shades. The $1.00 snd $1.50 grades now at 50 CLEARANCE ON WOMEN'S GLOVES Women's long silk gloves In prevailing tans or grays tha $1.60 kinds at 75 .Women's short silk gloves I la white, black or tan shades. - The former $1 grades now, per pair ....75 The former 60e grades now, per pair 35t All finely made gloves. We Are Earnest This ' Clearance Must "Clear" Lib o br.sy with household duties, phone an order-- s Tyler 1701-Uhp service as good aa though If t the n you chop ia person. i Our countless out-of-town customers are urged to make the most of this "July Clearance. ' Mail orders are filled "same day." 151&-18-20 FARNAM STREET.