Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 14

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    4 R
The Dee Publishing Com pany. Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha postofflc aa se-ond-clas matter.
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per year.
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sridress or complaints of
talty and Pnnday
IMilr without Sunday....'.
Waning and Sunday
Keeping without Sunday.,
punday Boa only
Hrregulartty la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
JRemlt br draft. enpree o- pwrtal order. Only two -t-ent
pnaisg itampi received In peyment or small ao
counts Personal check, except on Omaba and eaatern
.ichanaw. not accepted.
Omaha The Boo Running ,
Pouth Omaha Z'.IS N street.
Council Fluffs 14 North Main Street. .
Lincoln W I.lttla Mulldlnr.
Chicago W1 Hearst rtulldlng.
New fork-Room IN. X Fifth avenue.
Ft Louis MR New Bank of Commerce.
Washington 7 Fourteenth Bt.. N. W.
Address communlcstlnns relstlng to newa and adl
or1al matter to Omaha Bea, Ldltorlai Department.
Independence Say.
No Fourth of July In all the country's
records la more significant than the orfe we
greet today as the" anniversary of the nations
blrtb. The day has been signally marked on
many orrsslons, but Ita present observance. will
re most notable. It finds the United States at
peace, when all the other great powers of the
world are, at war. Our people sre enjoying a
they never have before life, liberty and the pur
suit of happiness. With our country's Inde
pendence of all other nations has come the dig
nity and power of true greatness, a condition
that flows from the high privilege of political
liberty, shared in common by all the people.
The ideals of the Declaration of Inde
pendence as yet have not been wholly attained,
but they never have been lost eight of, and
equality before the law la still assured to all
Americans. As the days go by the great repub
lic grows stronger, because of the faith of the
people on which It la founded. The Fourth of
July Is properly observed as the anniversary of
a momentous event In human history, but the
patriotic American will make every day a Glori
ous Fourth In practice. L
Ulale of Nehrask. County of Douglas, as:
Dwlirht Williams, circulation manager, says that
it ha average Fnl.y circulation for the month of Jun.
Jls, was 4VT34.
DWKIHT WIT J-JAMfl. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In mv preeene and aworn tu before
site, this 2d day of Julv, 1H15.
" ' ROUERT HUNTER, Notary Public.
II Kabvriber leaving tne city temporarily
should have Tlie IVce mailed to them. a
dress will be changed as often a reqneeted.
Thought for the Day
aa-aa aaasaaB a assess aaaaa as) aas aaaaaaa aaa
What flower (s this that greet tht morn,
Itt hue from heaven so fruhly bornt
hiih burning star and flaming band
It all iht sunset land:
0 tell tM vhatitt nam may be,
It thi tluflotHrof Liberty T
It is tlx banner of tin free,
The Harry ffower e Libert!
Oliver H endeU Ieltnei .
The Start and Stripes forever!
Overtime vigilance . work is the price of
' In case of doubt,-summon a physician or
Jiasten to a hospital.
Now, Mr. Weather Man, be a good fellow,
and do your best for us.
Shoot firecrackers if you must, but let the
other side of the pond monopolize the killing.
' It'a the one hundred thirty-ninth birthday of
Miss Independence, and she is a very young las
cle at that.
Etui, thera is no Immediate danger of the
dashing "Jtula'' ,being held up for breaking a
apeed record.' ' ' '
The original package of liberty would experi
ence difficulty la recognizing Itself in some of
these modern strait jackets.
Alfalfa and the Megrims.
Mere comes a convention of doctors at Chi
cago, with the startling announcement that a
sovereign remedy, a veritable panacea, for the
blues has been discovered. No longer need any
body mope In the dumps, the prey to disquieting
thoughts, to worry and care. One little dose of
a simple will chase the glooms far into
the darkness from whence they come, and invite
the Joys to revel In happy abandon. Just a sip
of Medicago Satlva, and away goes your sorrow,
your interest in II le revives and your appetite
for earth's good things Is renewed. That name
may give you, and make, you doubt the
efficacy of the new drug, .but when you realize
that it Is the extract of alfalfa, youll realise
at once that the doctors are modest In their
presentment. The restorative properties of
alfalfa have long been known in the west. It
first brought new life to a range country, de
nuded by nibbling herds; then It put vitality
into the feeding pens and dairy barns, and it has
even been commended by some enthusiastic sup
porters as a substitute for bread and butter in
the dally dietary of man. Therefore, those of
us who are superficially familiar with the won
ders already achieved by alfalfa are quit will
ing to believe that its fluid extract will do all the
doctors report, and even more. As was written
of a certain delectable distillate on a long gone
by occasion: . '
"It smooths the wrinkles out of care. '
And makes ace blah look Ilka two pair."
Let us welcome this latest beneficence of the
great perenntaUpf the prairie and look forward
with cpnfldence to its unfolding still further
capacity for the service of mankind.
Mr. Bryan has not yet fully explained Just
!hy he called off his Chicago speech-maklns en
gagement. He will probably tell us about It be
fore long.
Note that the competition for the expected
vacancy on the federal bench in thla district Is
confined to democratic aspirants. No notion of
a non-partisan Judiciary there.
Conundrum: If all our Nebraska democratic
bosses were unable to land a reserve bank In this
state, have they a pole-hock long enough to cap
ture the democratic national convention?
With a three days' Fourth of July celebra
tion, there should be no difficulty In keeping up
the pitch of enthusiasm a little longer to em
brace the date of the visit of the famous Liberty
bell. . J
Whoever caused that exploaioa in the capltol
at Washington must be crazy. The wasting of
a good bomb at a time when congresa is not in
esion can be satisfactorily explained In no
other way.
Leg-iilatlve Pro ess for Women.
Regardless of suffrage and non-suffrage
stutes, legislation advancing, the welfare of
womankind has received marked attention from
htate lawmaklag bodies 'during this year; A
summary of legUlatlve activities shows a variety
of laws, mainly la the direction of mothers'
'peorlona, regulation of working hours In speci
fied industries and equal suffrage.
Mothers' pension laws were enacted for the
first time in Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New
Hampshire. New York, Oklahoma. Tennessee
and Wyoming. In eight other states existing
pension laws were amplified. Grants to depen
dent mothers with one child1 range from 110 to
125 a month, with f 3 per month for each addl
tional child under If years of age., The maxl
mum rate rr fib was established In Kansas.
Strictly speaking the aim of these helpful laws
Is to restrict public aealstance to widows with
minor children and to mothers with 'Children
whose husbands are Insane or in prison, or are
physically Incapable of earning a living.
New labor laws in four atates establish a
fifty-four hour week for women and boys under
IS years in Maine, forbid overtime work to com
li'UBiv ior noiiuaya in jnaa&acnuaells, lix an
eight-hour day in Wyoming, aod a maximum of
Iiity-two hours a week in Kansas. New Mexico
and Wyoming placed the property, rights of hus
band and wife on aa equal footing, and Oregon
ordained equal jjy for equal work of men and
women teaibers la the public schools of tae
A buttle royal fur equal suffrage la scheduled
for the coming fall la the big four eaatern states
MaaeaibuBttts, New York, New Jersey and
I't-nnsylvanla, hll Iowa, South Dakota and
Weut Virginia will vote on the question next
j ear. A program embrarlnf seven states la two
ears insures overtime work for the oratorical
!'kturtf of the causa
The Newt of the War.
Ever since the outbreak of the ; many
ompllnts have been heard charging the news
papers with printing, disseminating, unreliable or
one-sided news. Most of these complaints have
come from partisans finding the news not ex
actly to their, .liking or falling to find in the
newspapers appeals " or alleged exposure
which they would like to see printed to promote
the cause of the side with which they sympa
thize. On this point it it gratifying' to hare the
udgment of a neutral, thoroughly qualified to
give expert opinion purely from the standpoint
of newt gathering. If anyone anywhere is more
competent to speak on this score than is Chester
Lord, for more than forty years on the staff
of the New York Sun, and for thirty-two years.
its managing editor, but retired from active
newspaper work since 1918, ,it would be hard
to find him, and this Is what he says;
I have read constantly and with very great at
tention the American newspaper presentation of. this
war and wlt supreme pride In that nawapaper
chlevement. Almost every day we hear the sneering
remark, "You cannot believe anything tha news
papers aay about the war." To which I reply: You
can believe almost everything they aay In their news
columns, and you may read their comment and In
ferences with assurance that they have not falsified
facta In reaching conclusions. It has been difficult
to obtain quick reports of military movements or of
batllea for the reason that correspondents have nut
baen permitted to accompany the armies, and cansora
have over-censored all Information: yet, reviewing
the nioiths of the conflict, we fall to. recall any
erloue misrepresentation of facts and condition. We
understand with substantia accuracy how many men
each power hae Intha field, where the armies are
aathered, what tlie losaea have been, the reserve
resources In men. munitions and money; also Juit
what advantage has been gained and I oat. Our news
papers hsva spared neither effort nor expense. They
present the news from each national capital with
equal Impartiality, printing every official report ex
actly as it la slven out In presentation of the causei
of the war and of responsibilities for the declara
tion e( war, the- American newspapers have ex.
hausted almost every resource for obtaining the In
telligent- opinions of eminent statesmen, learned
Jurists, dUtlnculshed authors and writers, educators.
cabinet minister the beat rulnda rpreaenttng all
the nations In conflict. The spirit of fairness was
never more manifestly attested than In the throwing
open of newapap columns In Indefinite number to
anybody of any accoant who had anything to say
for any nation. I do not recall any stupendous event
either wtrhln memory or In history, that has been so
voluminously, so fairly, so honestly recorded.
Mr. Lord's statement of the case is so pointed
and so clear that It requires no emphasis. Just
put It down that never before since the dawn of
history have the people of any country In the
world been kept so well, so promptly, so fully
end so fairly Informed of all the movements and
by-plays of a great war as have the readers of
American newspapers during the last year.
r rxoToa wrwarm.
PORFIRIO DUZ. who has Just died In exile In
Parts, wss Mexico's "grand old man." Whatever
dark spots there may be on the record of hla
long rule, what he accomplished for Mexloo and the
Mexicans will constitute the btsaest chapter In the
history of that country whenever It Is written. I saw
and met IHas Just before the outbreak ot the Madero
revolution, now almost five years ago. when he was
the central figure of the festivities marking a century
of Mexican Independence, and his death makea my
observations of that event at the time again pertinent.
In the celebration of the centennial anniversary of
Mexico's first blow for freedom the ceremonies have
focused In the rinsing again by the president of tho
republic of the self-name bell upon which the curate
Hidalgo sounded forth his "Grlto tie Iolores" Just 100
yeara before. Hy a peculiar coincidence the birthday
of President Dlas also falls upon the eve of thla date,
affording an opportunity to make the holiday honor
the personality of tha ruler as well as the Idea of self
government which his rule Is supposed to typify.
It wss our fortune to witness from specially goal
ventage ground the principal head-line acts on the
centennial program. W were to have an audlenc
with the prealdent and view the historic, pageant from
the palace. Comparatively little difficulty waa en
countered In gaining admittance to the building end
only the usual wait for our turn for presentation. Ot
course, we were not the only ones in fact, we wera
the most somber among the gaily dressed diplomats
and brightly uniformed officers, provincial dignitaries
In native gala garb and palace attaches attired with
equal brilliance. As the line moved slowly through one
chamber after another w could examine the rich fur
niture and handsome wall decorations. At the far end
of the last room the isitora passed In front of a raised
platform on which the president stood with his cabinet
members behind him. He shook hand aa each person
waa presented by name and nsually added a word to
the greeting.
"You have my felicitations on your blrthdsy." I
"I am vry pleased," ha replied.
As I surveyed him hastily he did not look SO years
old. His hair and mustache, to be sure, are growing
white, but are strong reminders of the Jet black they
once were. Hla eye la keen and hie facial featurea
firm, but not noticeably lined by age. He wore simple
evening dress with a broad silk band of tha Mexican
trl-color green, white and red across the shirt bosom
He did not seem to be aa tall aa I had expected
probably five feet eight Inches but then he looked
more Impressive the next day, when I aaw him driving
past In full military uniform and coat breast laden
with glittering decoration and Jeweled Insignia ot
honorary rank. '
All this was but a prelude tu the grand historical
pageant which was to portray the striking scenes In,
Mexico's onward progress. In front of the palace,
stretching as far as tha eye could reach, waa one dense
mass of humanity. It would be a rash a-uess to
basard an estimate surely not less than 100.000 people
and the efforts of police and soldiers to keep ope.i
the space In front of the reviewing windowa were in
vain. Tha Aztecs, headed by Montsxuma, accompanied
by their different tribal allies, were to marcli forth
te receive Cortes and hie Spanish invaders with their
native auxiliaries. To get the costume and appoint
ments aa nearly correct as possible, books 'and pic
torial charts In the libraries of two worlds had been
ransacked, and I have no doubt that the procession
which we watched waa aa nearly a counterpart, ex
cept In numbers, aa that famous historical company
could have at this late day. Montezuma and hia wsr
rlors were Indeed resplendent In -every color of th
rainbow; they were not equipped however, for com
batting he Spaniards, crude aa were their Imple
menta of war, and the stories of those frightful con
flicts are more understandable after this -ocular de
monstration of the unequally matched forces.
Follewfag the mummers cam five or six allegorical
float, emblematic of agriculture and industry and cer
tain state of the federal union. The floats ware mora
or less on the order of our Ak-Par-Ben floats, yet
without the electrical Illumination and being for day
light una. perhaps a little more finished In appear
ance. They were tastefully designed' and not ever
loaded, and the living tableaux were at least at
trartlvely selected figures, au naturalle and not
en maequei
The evening demonstration found the plaxa If any
thing still more crowded than did the morning
pageant. Tha time to tha fateful hour of 11 waa de
voted to band concert, illuminations and fireworks
outside the palace, and to a' sort of reception w ithin It
The guest merely promenaded up and down the long
state chambers, talked In group or clustered about
the windowa It waa an official gathering, such a
party as may be seen at a diplomatic reception in our
own White House, but I believe leas brilliant. The
women' Were luxuriously gowned and Jeweled, but
hardly up to our standards of feminine beauty.
Precisely at the hour the president waved a sillt
green-white-red flag across the window and pulled a
Bold cord that brought peal from the bell which tho
great Hidalgo once sounded. 'From the multitude
below came a tremendous shout, the bands began to
play, rocket rained over the flre-outllned towers and
dome of the cathedral, and the church bells through
out the city clanged and bellowed as if mad. Thla
"performance. 1 am told, la gon through every year
on the eve of the Wth,of September, but of course the
on hundredth performance was entitled to an extra
halo end inspired with accelerated patriotism. '
Strange, Is i not. that Mexico . should have a
Liberty Bell corresponding o closely to our famous
old Liberty Bell, which la about to make a trip acroaa
tha continent, and "top off In Omaha" on the way?
The Mexican Liberty Bell, hanging up close to the
eaves of the National palace, la not so easily examine. 1
as our own, where It Is exhibited in Independence ball
In Philadelphia. One can aee, however, that It la a
very much' smaller boll, and Ita clear tone proves thst
it has not been cracked by over-strain In the cause of
liberty. But for Mexicans It arouses the aame pa
trlotlo fervor that our Liberty Belt will excite among
the thouaanda upon thouami of young and old aa
they view It for the first time, and are reminded by
It of the stirring deeds out of which came the birth
of the wonderful American republic, which we at all
acclaiming today.
Pome men are crank and some are
Lots of girls put on sirs, even ti e air
of Innocence.
It requires a lot of nsgnetlsm to get
things coming our wsy.
On the other hand we are also the ar
chitect of our own misfortunes.
in an argument some people never
give In and some never give out.
Some men are never neutral. They are
either kicking or being kicked.
There are times when the descent of
ir. an seems to consist of falling In love.
Tell a woman that consistency Is a
Jewt and she will tell you Jewelry Is
Love In a cottage Is all right If the
cottage la so smsll there Is no room for
doubt. .
Fame la a bubble, but It la Just as well
to allow some one else to blow yours
lor you.
Borne men are such rnbelievers that
they would actually question the rex of
the devil.
Strangely enough, there Is no alinllarity
between our mansions In the sky and
cur castles In the air.
The one thing the average girl cen t
undestand aibo'it every man is why he
doesn't fall In love with her.
Many a woman who thinks her face is
her fortune doesn't have to carry any
burglary Insurance.
. . I
Brewers have found that tha ferment
ing power of yeast Is lncressed by brief
exposure to oson.
One quart of liquid soap Invented by
a Dutch chemist; It Is ssserted, wilt wah
a man's hands a, M0 times.
Reliable statistics show that of all tha
timber treea cut in our forests less than
half of the available wood material is
actually used.
Tests made by an English electrician
have shown that it Is possible for a sin
gle maater cloiV to operate 600 other
clocks' strung along fifty miles of wire.
It has been estimated by a Berlin scien
tist that the commercial value of the
electricity in a flash, of lightning last
ing one-thousandth of a second is 29
One of the oldest Irrigation ditches
known to man has been discovered re
cently In New Mexico. It Is probably
between 1,000 and 3,000 yeara old and lies
In a valley near Fort Stanton.
By act of congress the standard barrel
will contain hereafter 7,066 cubic Inches
unless the cranberry is the commodity
measured. Presumably even barrels
pucker lip on due provocation.
Each year thousands of bushels of
strawberries go to waste because of low
prices or some adverse condition. The
Department of Agriculture has, therefore,
prepared bulletins on the manufacture ot
berry by-products, which should help In
saving this waate. ,
A watch may be used to determine the
points of the compass by pointing tha
hour hand at the aun any time of the
day and then placing a small piece of
straight wire crosswise between the hour
hand and the figure twelve, getting. ex
actly halfway. The point, of the wire
which cornea between the twelve and the
hour hand alway Totnt due south.
People and Events
The National Federation of Muaiclans
reports that the American people spend annually for music, besides the
great variety of chin music turned loose
without an orchestra leader.
The law Is bearing down hard on
Hooeiers these mellow days. An Evsns
vllle dad with more nerve than discre
tion, was fined 15 and costs for spanking
his 10-year-old daughter, who disobeyed
parental orders not to ge out with her
While looking at hi burning buildings
a few months ago, Tom Edison got an
Idea and developed It Into a light to we
on the heimeta of firemen, which will
enable there te see through smoke. This
may be beaten by a device which will
prevent spontaneoua combustion.
Lehigh county. Pennsylvania, has lost
Its champion pie baker, Sally Knauss,
who passed away at s4. It estimated
that In bar fifty-eight years of active
Joy-making, Sally made mankind her
debtor to the tune of tOOO.009 pies. If
Sally ha not received a Joy-ride across
the Styx' the ferryman doesn't know a
good recruit on sight.
An extended Investigation of the protein
and calory content of the food pushed
over the quick-lunch counters ef New
York City puU pork and besns at the
head of the list. To make assurance
doubly sure the "quantity of protein waa
determined by the method of KJeldahl
and Its calory content was tested by
combustion In a Rlche bomb-calorimeter."
Hoston's favorite energy-booster stands
up to every test. ,
The most beautiful man In. the world
has been found In Boston, and answers
to the nsme of William Alfred Williams.
The accusation Is qualified by the state
ment that he halls from Pittsburgh, The
difficulty of reconciling the claim and the
birthplace leaves the rest of mankind
undisturbed In their notions of beauty
reflected by a mirror.
Sixteen years sgo In a street in New
Tork City two 4-year-old babie saw
each other and became fast friends over
their playthings. They went to the same
schools and graduated from the high
school together. At a lunolieon given
the graduates a few days sgo, the en
gagement of the pair waa announced.
Both are. 20 and will wed at 22. The
age of romance Is not wholly lost.
Tacoma haa installed motor equipment
In Ita fire department and sent the fire
horses to grass.
Reading, Pa., haa a eurfew law which
requires unescorted young women to
scoot off the street at 10 p. m. 1
Chicago figures that 200.000 men are in
volved In the building trades strike. All
are not idle.- This is the open season for
Kslt Lake City sold 1300.0u0 of sewer and
water bonds to local capitalists "at par,
accrued Interest up to July 1, 1816, less
$4,230 for commission." The bond, Inter
est rate i not stated. r
The borough president of Brooklyn Jars
Greater New Tork by proposing to aban
don the new court house project because
of the great cost, estimated at from
117,000,000 to t'SOrlOO.OOO.
A Kansa City man testifying In hla
application for divorce said that an in
heritance of $226,000 by tils wife bsnished
happiness from hi household and led to
separation. When wealth comes in at
the window, love scoot through the
door- N
Nashville, Tenn., has a bunch of finan
cial trouble sandwiched with an official
scandal. Eleven of the city's cash
books, covering the' period from 1908 to
112, have disappeared and the city finance
commissioner and city treasurer have
been arrested.
"Hurrah!" was originally a fighting ex
clamatlon and ' is derived from . the
Slavonic "HuraJ" "to paradfce" the be
lief being that valiant fighters went
straight to heaven If killed.
A lightning bolt at Laurel. Del., struck
a half-grown chicken and stripped It as
clean, of feathers as a new-laid egg. leav
ing the bird none the worse for the ex
perience, except the lack of covering.
A Mexican who dwells In Acton, Cel.,
has been chopping and hauling wood for
the last fifty years, and now thinks .of
retiring from business and giving the.
young fellows a chance. Hla age Is 11!,
snd he thinks he Is entitled to a rest
Because of the scarcity of clocks li.
West Africa events are inied by the reg
ular daily occurrence. For example, a
native wrote that she had received news
of her sister's Illness "a little while be
fore the guinea fowls talk;" that is, about
S o'clock In the morning. "'
A Pittsburgh man haa a flock of In
telligent chickens 'which, headed by -
lordly rooster, march to meet him every
day at the station and eacort him home,
crowing and cackling their delight. . A
man who can substantiate such a story
as that has no need to weigh the catct.
of a fishing trip on official vuie.
from the Christian era till the present
time, as statists, and historians tell us,
there have been less than. 240 warless
years. Up to tha middle of the nineteenth
century It waa roughly computed that
nearly 7.0u0,O0oJX)O men had died in battle
si flee the beginning of recorded history, a
number equal to almost five times the
present estimated population ot tha globe.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: The church folks
who were excommunicated at Huntlngtoi..
W. Va., for refusing to give up dancing
and card playing are also now exaspei
ated. They got the ex coming and goln.
Houston Post: Brother Eaves told his
congregation Sundsy that Christian,
crowd too much religion Into one day of
the week, but we do not understand by
that he aas alluding to those who spend
the Sabbath fishing.
Brooklyn Eagle: A religions meeting
stoned by angered adherents of other
sects In Plalnfteld, N. J., may convince
pesslinlsta that. this old world Is not ad
vancing fast Or far. Sometimes we brag
tol much about modern civilisation.
St. Lou(s Republic: The Ackerly ex
posure of quarrels and bickerings over
money matters among the Sunday forces
will surprise no student of religious his
tory. There Is one thing that religious
work cannot stand and that la affluence. ,
The history Is all one way. The effect
of too much financial prosperity on re
ligioua organizations is, always either
splritusl dry-rot within, along with emi
nent respectability without, or straight
corruption. When religion grows flnsn
daily profitable look out for an Insurgent
"6)1. doctor, I'm so glsd you've come.
J Jst hsd such a scare. We thought at
first that the babv had swallowed a 5
gold piece."
"And you found out that he hasn't?"
"Ye. Thank jroodnesn, it s only a quar
ter. Boston Transcript.
uu ma ium. i once uvea in
a I'ttle room on the top fhor."
"How nice!" exclaimed the girl who
reads about the aay life. "Only one fllaht
up to the roof garden! "Washington
"Pa 'sugcested that in conducting our
Club rapr. each should take a depart
ment with which she was most familiar."
"Then, dear wouldn't vou like to have
charge of Its make-up." Baltimore Amer
ican. ,
The Sultan I want to sneak to you
about the light of the harem.
Grand Vlsier The beautiful .Fatlma?
The Sultan No the gas bills. They're
setting toe goldarn high. Philadelphia
Mr. Jones had recently become the
father of twins. The minister stopped him
on the street to congratulate him.
"Well, Jones." he said, "I hear that the
Lord has smiled on you."
"Smiled on me?" repeated Jones. "He
laughed out loud. "Ohio Farmer.,
"Now, don't talk too much when you
go to call on our neighbor. You may
answer questions, of course."
"That la all i ever do," said the child.
"And thev ask a great many questions.
Last time they asked how much salary
papa sot and If he ever auarreled with
you." Kanass City Journal.
Minna Irving.
From the shores of old Penobscot
Where the ocean's roar is hsrd.
To the home of sweet magnolia
And the clear-voiced mocking-bird;
From the pines, that whisper secrets
To the pale moon overhead,
To the live oaks in their mosses,
There's a gleam of white and red.
From the gray New England homestead
Framed In pear and apple tres.
To the valleys and the vineyards
By the blue Pacific seas:
From the rosy glow of morning
To the sunset s golden bars, ,
Over, 'ail the land of freedom
. Is a flash ot stiver stars.
North and south alike they glimmer.
East nd west the same they shine, '
In the palace and the cabin.
By the palm and by the pine)
Where the crowded city clamors,
Where the sylvan waters call.
Files the same Immortal, bgnnek.
Waving glorious for all. .
Twae for this the Continentals
Starved and suffered long ago,
Leaving footprints marked in crimson
On tho crust of froxen snow.
'Twas for this the Infant nation,
FYom the arms of Liberty.
Made It ringink declaration
To be fetterless and free.
Just one silken, starry standard.
Broad .and bright enough, behold!
For both white nnd black together
To be sheltered la it fold.
Just one flag hove a people :
That, united, lead the way .
To the world' emancipation; ' '
And its Independence dsy.
Moving Justice Up to Date. .
Although the law In Its administration Is re
puted to be the most conservative of human
institutions, we have a striking example ot
moving justice up to date In a recent decision
or a New Tork court holding that a steamship
company, in this age of wireless, haa bo right
to bury at sea, without the consent of relatives,
a passenger who diet after the vessel haa left
port. In this case the steamship company con
tended that the practice of immediate burial at
sea is countenanced by custom, but tha Judge
ruled that no s'uch custom would stand in view
of the facilities now afforded by wireless teleg
raphy, no matter what sound basis it might
have had In the past Carried to ultimate length
the logle of this would be to consider a person
on shipboard to have exactly the aame legal
rights as if he were on land, and flnslly to ex
tinguish most of the many-century-long accumu
lation of Intricate and inexplicable maritime law.
The glorioua Fourth, being the lCWh anniversary ot
our country's Independence, was celebrated iu Omaha.
For the parade Colonel B. F." Bmythe Was the marshal
of the day. Douglas street -never before presented
such a sight as was witnessed oa Ita broa smooth
surface. It seemed that the eO.000 people In Omahl
were all, crowded In the apace between Ninth and Fif
teenth. The firt specialty waa a greased pole fifteen
feet high, which twenty-five or thirty ventursome boy
tried to climb. The greaaed pig race also amounted to
'very tttl. because It waa utterly Impoaatbl to man
roora enough la the atreet to let the x4g run. Ia the
bicycle rex-e Johnny Hitchcock carried off the prise;
In the foot race. Hank Coodrums; Id tha aaclc race,
Harry Purdy; In tha ball throwing, F. A. Grant.
Messrs. Cotpetser, Troxet and Kountse had private
dlaolays of fireworks from their residences that were
greatly admired.
The fir boys outdid themselves in decotatlng them
selves and the hook and ladder wagons. -
Tha burlesque Salvation Army in the parade waa a
base libel oa tha old SalvatlooUts, for whoever heard
of a good old Salvationist drinking beer, and in the
street at that?
Four brans band and a drum corps furnished luuslo
for the, procession, and the liverymen of the city sup
plied the carriages free of charge.
Nathan Rosewater of Cleveland i visiting
brother, tdard Rosewater, for a day or two.
Mra Georgia Welch,' a widow, put
Bnaater of Corpua ChrUU, Tex., 1 bo
lieved to be the only woman In charge
of a United Slate poatofflce of the first
Mr. Estelle I.awton Llndsey haa been '
elected to th city council In Los Angela'
There are very few women In the coun- t
try who are. members of councils. Los
Angeles honored another woman last
week, electing Mrs. Maud Crew Waters
to the Los Angelea board ot education.
Bridget Dunn, president of the Office
Building ( leners' club of Boston, was
present at the National Woman Trade
Union league convention In New York re
cently. She say that when she began
to scrub she waa a sickly woman, and
that today she can stand anything a man
can stand.
.Mr. Mary K. Fawcett of KenUworth.
111., haa been appointed dean of women
at the Oregon State Agricultural achooL
She la a graduate of th Galena till.)
High school and the Ohio Stato univer
sity, where she was elected to the Phi
Beta Kappa. Ph took her master's de
gree at the University of Illinois.
New York club women .are expecting
to entertain 10,000 women at the bien
nial meeting of the General Federation
of Women's clubs in June of nut year.
Mra William Grant Brown ia chairman
of the commltte on arrangements- Re
cently ebe aald there was a highly de
veloped interest on the part of the women
of the country In problems which par
ticularly affect the womea of the day.
One satisfactory way of providing eiu
ploymtnt for th surplus women of Eng
land, now that so many mea are la the
army, has been found In th street car
service or ..tramway, aa Briton call It.
la New Casti a sveclal effort seems to
have been made ia thla direction, wlttt
the resuit that women have proved auch
an unqualified euccea a conductors that
th manaaement la not only wholly satis
fied, but Is soliciting further application
from women for this work.
We announce a peial "AFTER THE FOURTH
HALE'' of genuine Diamonda, beautiful wlde-aprest.
'stune. from 2S up wonderful value. Borne priced
at o ar aelllng elsewhere at tit to $69. Others
prlcad at S5 are regular 14 values. - Ali other Dia
monds at equal bargain price. Choose your mount-'
Ing ladle1 and men's Ringa, ticarf Pin. Studs,
Brooches, LValller Ear Screw, etc.. etc., all lat
est atylea. We also Include In this sale a fine 11ns .
of Watches. Open Face or Hunting Case, solid gold .
and gold filled all the standard movement Illi
nois, Elgin. Waltham. etc. Prices ranre from HO
up. Guaranteed. BAST CaXDIT TaM.
Opsa Daily Till a F. SC. Saturday Till 9:30.
cl or writ for Catalos Ms- s.
Pta DouiUa 144 aa our mImsmi) will call. (
40t Beat leia BhV. Osaaaa,
Have You Got
Really Desirable
Property for Rent?
t?an you offer unusual value to a tenant!
Is your flat, store, apartment or house calcu
lated to appeal to a particular tenant, both on
account of its desirability and of the rental
rates f
If yes, then you really have something
to advertise, and you can make a winning
advertising campaign in the- classified
columns of The Bee with the expendi
ture that will make but a slight
inroad upon your first mouth's
rent money.