Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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HIE UMAUA Sl'NDAi HKft: JIIIA 4, 1915.
Exodus of Society Folka Continue!,
Vmj DriTiajr in Their Auto
Slal CalraAar.
MONPAT-MlfK Strlla Thummll. dinner
at th Country club. Original Hrldg
dub. Tbl ! hot dinner at th Coun
try. Flli. H4ry Hollow and Saymour
Ixk Country dub.
TVBflDAY-ChlMrwi day at Happv
Hollow club. Membership oommltt of
the Commprrlal club, lunchron at th
Harrv Hollw cuh.
'KD'AY-Ul1tl 7wlln rluh at
the Harpy Hollow club. rlnnr-1no
at Country and FleM cluhs K11liia
lub party at ths F"I11 cl'ih In ths
THVRfDAY I Artlei' T.utvhoon day at
The Happy Hollow, KMH and PWrnour
I.ak Country clubs. Wedding of Mlaa
Kthol Katharine Hnlmqulst and Rav.
Oeonre 8t George Tynar.
FFIPAT Children's day at tha Field
club. tMnner-danre at tha Seymour
Ike Country club.
HATI'RDAY P1nnr dance at Country.
Happy Hollow, Field and Carter bake
i lub.
The clone of this week will find "ill tha
ttnaha, traveler comfortably located at
their favorite summering pliri, or well j
on thalr way there.
Mlaa Elisabeth Paris leave thla week I
for Mtrtneapoll. wherv ahe will bo the j
guests of friends. Her ulster. Mine Menla i
Dart, with Mlaa Alice Jaqulth. pUns to I
! leave Friday for Lake Champlaln, wh'o j
they will Join In a house Prty. Ijiter ;
the Mlaae Davl will Join th'lr patent, !
Mr. and Mm. F. H. PaiMs, and tolto a
i motor trip through the New Knsierid.
Mr. and Mr. Oeorge V. Kmlth nnd fam
ily leave Saturday for Hallna. Cal.,
where they have taken a cottage for the
summer. Mr. John A. Kuhn. Mlsa
Marlon Kuhn and Mlaa Or rt rude Met
leave today for Elk horn lodge, in Kate
Park, whare they will remain Until Sep
tember. Mr. and Mrs H. K. Kloka are plan,
nlng to go to California tha end of next
Mr. and Mr. John T. Men art. 2d ,
aid family left Monday for Weathamp
ton, Long Island, where they Lav a
t-ottag for tha season. Mr. Joel Stew
art join them later. Mr. Btewart will
only remain eaat a ahort time now, but
plana to return later.
Mr. J. T. Coad and family leave today
for fttamfoxd. Conn., where they will be
at The Manor for tha aummer.
' Richard race and Eugen Ntvllle left
Monday for Culver, Ind., to attend tha
aummer naval achool.
. Mr. and Mr. Charle T. Ptewart of
Council Muffs leave Tuesday for tha
east to be ton several waeka. They
expect to meet thalr daughter and her
husband. Mr. and Mr. Donald Mcf'er
ron. who are east on their wedding trip.
Mr. and Mr. E. W. Dixon, acrompa
hlad by Mr. and Mr. Wllhelm, left ye,
terday In tha Dixon car for Okoboji. Tha
latter will return home from there, but
Mr. and Mr. Dixon will continue to 8t.
Paul and Minneapolis, (pending- about
ten days motoring.
. 'Mrs. E. M. Fairfield and daughter.
Betty ad Wynne,. left yesterday for Cap
Cod to Join a girls' camp there,
i Mrs. 8. E. Howell and daughter. Mis
' Lots,' and Ml da Darlow leave nest
Tuesday to spend tha rest of tha turn
iner ftt Three Lake Wis.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. aer left yester
day In their car for St. Paul. After two
weeks' stay there they will motor
through the lake region of Minnesota,
stopptnt st different place. They expect
to be tons most of tha summer.
At Seymour Lake Club.
Mr. H. X Ham entertained at a dano
tng party Friday evening, having tho following-
M. Murdojk,
J. l.yner.
M. Kruv.
A. Maiier,
Wedded Last Week at West Point
k r r1 Z.J.- Xt- "It:
M. loch ran,
O. Van 6ant,
C. Crawford,
H. Cook.
V. William. .
H. CniKtenaeat
R. Hartley.
H. Chamber,
H. Meneeee.
P. Jordar.
E. Miller.
J. Sclnilti.
H- Vpergraf.
J. KoutKy,
I, lry.
T. Anderaon.
Mr. and Mr. Walter Nltrha had lth
Clementln Knorr.
Jr '
Vs .-is;?'
Flora Rohlneon.
Jevala Roblnaon.
Mra Mers
Walter Nltwhe. Jamee Korreet,
U yy. Robln3n, , U llartlandar.
C. OUon.
Dr. and Mr. Varcu King entertained:
neulah Hall. -
M. I- Klnt. '
O H. Peter.
With Dr. and
Euntre Knor of
Roch'eier, N. Y.i
One Hll.
Dr. P. Ensor.
Mr. and Mrs. .
y.4rK Hlmell
of Menala. WU
Margaret Irfwl.
John Wbltttu.
Jan.t MIIliMn.
Mr, i:. U Delanney
of ft. I-oul. Mo.
Dr. H. C. Miller.
I. J. llinchey' trucat
Monday rvenlnir, July 12, at the church
of the Good hhepherd.
Little Ml Helen Cole will he ring
bearer and will carry the ring on a
ratln cushion place on a silver plate.
The matron of honor will be Mr. H. E.
Pnyder. lter of the bride, and tho
maid of honor Ml Alice Fry and Mls
Elisabeth Fry bridesmaid. Tha at
tendants will all be gowned In different
shades of pink.
The brother or the bride, Mr. C. O.
Marhoff, of Chicago, will give the bride
Mr. B. F. McOulrl will be beat man.
The uhere will be Mr. Fred Marhoff,
brother of the bride, and Mr. H. El
The wedding of Ml Orate Ralley of
Menomonle, 111., to Dr. Lee Wlleon M
warda of this city took place at the home
of the bride's mother, Mr. H. J. Bailey,
at 4 p. m., Wedni-Rday, June 80. The
bridal couplo were unattended and simple
service was read by tha Rev. C. F.
Mile. After the coremony a wedding
supper was served.
The bride's gown ws of white em
broidered net, and In ptaco of the tradi
tional veil bouquet, ahe wore a pink hat
and corsage bouquet of lllle of the val
ley. Mlaa Bailey I the daughter of the late
Stewart J. Ualley of Menomonln and has
spent the lst five years In Chicago as
secretary to Ml Anna Nichols, first
civil service commissioner.
Dr. Edward 1 a prominent Omaha
After a wedding trip through the wi-at,
Dr. and Mr. Edward will be at home
In Omaha after Auguat 15.
Mr. Milton Rogers William, son of
Mr. Oscsr B. Williams of tbl city. Is
to be married Thursday, July t, In De
troit, to Mls Helen Vsn Hoeen, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mr. Van Hoeien of De
troit Mr. William went to Detroit from
New York about two month ago and l
associated in budnra with Mr. Kahn, tha
well known architect of that city. Mr.
and Mr. 0car R. Wllllama loav thla
evening for Detroit to attend tho wed
ding and wlU be there about a week.
Change of Address.
Mr. and Mrs. C M. Wllhelm moved
Thursday from tha Colonial to tha Llnd
sey home, near the Country club. They
will be there during the month of July
and AuguaL Mrs. Llndsey 1 with her
later In Council Bluff. .
Mr. snd Mrs. Thomaa Ruliedg have
taken an apartment at -he hul Vitta.
Mr. and Mr. H. S. ClnrVe. Jr.. who
have been Irving In the Balilrlj; house cn
Thirty-ninth atreet. have luat bought the
Barton home on Farnam and will move
into it before autumn. The Baldrlga
house will again be occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Baldrlge, who will give up
their apartment at th Claiinda this autumn.
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TTiss Josephine "Rhoien
Miss Monnsh Tatm
wedding will take place some time In
the early fall.'
Mr. and Mr. Charlea P. Rhoden an
nounce the engagement of their daughter.
Josephine, to Mr. Archibald R. Kelley of
this city. The wedding will take place in
September. '
Mr. and Mr. Jaroo Jonger announce
th engagement of their daughter, Betty,
to Mr. Mlohael Silverman of thla city.
No duflnlte date has been set for tha
Hie cimisfii tnt of Mis Nellie Els-utter
nd Dr. Harold Tell of Cleveland, O., la
announced. The wedding will fca celo-
braed quietly the latter part of July.
Informal Luncheons.
Miss Helen Murphy entertained In
formally at luncheon yesterday at tha
Field club in honor of her houee guest.
Mai saret Mella,
Ma.y Mcll.
Ml F ram Is llroort entertained at a
tnnls dinner Friday fvenlng, .overs t
Ing laid for:
Misses MUsoa
'Irec Pool. Olga petaraon.
Fern Pool. Clara Lla
Martha Frankfurt.
Seymour Ls.k dub w'l b en dte
parade Monday. Tue opening of the
childreo'a lay groun'ts will flag raising,
golf snd tennis contests for both men
and women, bost ra-e and to-ts of
vaiiou hind a'tll cumios" the tropram.
A naval pa'ade 1th llhiinlnatrd toats
an4 catK.ret dinti.-r and datrln will
cloea, tha evMfita
On account Jt Ion-lay baitui obi lived
as Indedendenc dsr the Omaha'
(Klf club has not);id Us tournament
to Monday.. July U. The Ladles' Oolt
dub of Seymour lake Country club will
be tbe hoteset and the Seymour evurae
will be used.
Wedding Plans.
Tho marriage of Mlaa Ethel Katherlne
IolmquUu Caugater of Mr. and 'it J.
W. iioimqulet, aud b Itev Oeorge Ht
Oeorga Tjnver wii; take place is the
church of St. MattMsa at I o clock
Thursday afternoon. July . The Rev. C
R, Tyner, brother of tbe groom, will
perform tbe oervuiooy and U1 bo as
sisted by th Rev. w. H. Moor. Miss
sraa M, Sanborn will be maid of honor.
Mkta Etslla and Miss Csrolyn Holmqutst
brldaansatds ad th Rev. Oliver H.
$eveland beet tnaa. Musi. Edward
jraguo and Kdgar Z&brUkl will he tbe
ushara. Tha eeramooy will be wltneaard
b a email number of tha relative and a
few personal frlenda. The Rev. and Mrs.
Titer wtll.koavo after the ceiemooy fwr
Canada. They will be at homo at the
lectory in Turk, Neb., after October 1.
Mr. and Mr. R. H. Tat announce th
engagement of their daughter. Hannah
to Mr. Jack Dunn of Wllkesbarre. Th
t FT
Invitation have been issued fur th
woding of Mis Csrol Marhoff and Mr.
Frederick F. Pltt. which will take place
? ... i
. X i
"Sx A ' 3arBer I
Mis Margaret Sunderland, of Chicago.
Covers were placed for eighty guest.
Mr. Charles Marsh entertained Mr.
C. D. Sturtnvant, Mr. Bturtcvant, sr.;
Mrs W. R. Uurbsnk, Mrs. James Lud
low, Mr. Colt Campbell. Mr. WlUlam
Hill Clark and Mli Hall of Oak Park 111.,
at luncheon Wednesday at the Country
To Okoboji.
Mr. and Mr. Sam Burn left Thurs
day afternoon by motor for Okoboji,
where they will open their cottage for
the aeaaon.
Mrs. Harley Moorhead and children
went to Okoboji Wednesday for the re,
of tha sesson.
Mrs. Lucy Cotton snd children left
Thursday for Okoboji, where they will
spend the summer with Mr. Eva Wal
lace. News of Wayfarers.
Mr. Warren M. Rogers, accompanied
by Mlaa Mildred Roger and Mr. Brad
ford, who have been sojourning in south
ern California, aro now at Ban Tsldro
ranch, Santa Barbara. Tuesday they
will go to Monterey and then 8an Fran
cisco nnd the exposition. Among well
known Omaha people whom Mr. Rogers
and daughters have met aro the Diets,
Miss Hsnscom snd Miss France.
Mrs. C. Y. Smith Returns.
Mrs. C. T. Kmlth arrived the middle
of the week end Is at the Fontenelle,
where ahe plans to remain until Mr.
Smith Joins her. Later they will move
Into their own home, which hss been oc
cupied by Mrs. A. B. Jaqulth since Mr.
and Mrs. Smith's depsrture south last
For the Future.
The Fidelia club will entertain at brldga
and high five at tha Field club Wednes
day morning from to 13.
Pleasures Past.
A surprise party was given by Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Keuchel Thursday
evening in honor of their daughter,
Irene, at their new home at 1961 Soutli
Sixteenth street. Mia Irene Keuchel,
Mr. Loul P. Vols and Mr. Meve Keu
chel, jr., gave a number of piano selec
tions during the evening. About twenty
guest were present.
Mr. O. W. Oarloch entertained Friday
from 2:S0 to 6 p. m. in honor of her
gueat, Mrs. Michael Eller of Erie. Pa.
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Funk entertainer", at
of ten for Miss Margery Mcintosh of New
York and his mns, Messrs. Morton and
Thompson Wakeley.
Miss Stella Thummcl will give a dinner
of twenty for Mls Burkinghsm of Mem
phli. Mr. snd Mrs. David Bsum will hsve
ten guests. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters,
eluht; Mr. and Mrs. R. f. Howe, four;
Mr. snd Mrs. Louis G Doup. five, and
MIks Frames llm hstetler. four.
Mr. snd Mrs. C. Will Hamilton enter
tained lust evening at the Country club
Misses Misses
Ruth Hltchi.oi k, Uretchen MeConnell.
Messrs Messrs
Lake Deuel. Charles Hamilton.
At the Field Club.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Russell entertained
at dinner last evening at the Field club
In honor of Mra. F. Laraway of Eugene,
Ore. The guests were:
Messrs. nnd Meadames
F. A. Waldmaa.
A. J. Faul,
C. W. Bruce.
Kdtth Burbank.
H. K. MacomM.
rfiaa Dorothy mnlich
Carl fj. Hoffman
Atlantic, la.,
W. R. Bruce
Olcnwood, la.
F. Laraway
Eugene. Ore.
R. P. Robinson.
uthers having dinner at the club last
evening were: Mr. D. C. Feill, who en
tertained eit?ht guest, and Mr. R. C.
Martin, two.
IMnners 'will be given Monday evening
at the. Field club by R. C. Qodard. who
will have six guest. Mr. 11. F. Waller,
seven: Mr. G. W. Engler, six, snd Mrs.
E. Buckingham.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M Brando had with
theni at dinner last evening at the Field
club: Mr. sad Mrs. E. O. Johnson, Ksn
s;is City, and Mr. Ralph James of St.
Is Your
ilk Man's
flame '
on his tummi in big letters?
Should yon entrtiM
to men who com s-nd go?
LET I'S be your Milkman.
WE KXOW HOW, and hare
a reputation at stoke.
Twelve years of continuous
Douglas 409.
s flax raislriK last evening st their home
In Clairmont in honor of Mrs. Funk'
father, Mr. Charles M. Harpster. The
lawn and house were elaborately decor
ated with flags and red and white flow
ers. The relief corps and the mate'
drum corps of the George A. Custer post
wero present and the drum corps have a
musical program. The ceremony of rais
ing the new flag was performed by Mr.
K. W. Johnson, commander of the enrne.
assisted by Mr. M. J. Feenan. Mrs. P. O.
Everson addresmd tho Women's Relief
corpH and Mr. Jonathan Edwards recited
"Toast to tho Nob! Thirty-seven." The
evening was spent in card and eighty
cuerts were entertained.
At the Country Club.
The largest party last evening at tha
Country club wa given by Mis Helen
Clarke, In honor of her gueat. Miss Loulso
Buckingham, of Memphis. Covers were
placed for:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Jack Webster. John McCague, Jr.;
Harold hYltehett, C. E. Metl,
Paul Gallagher,
Mlnes Misses
Louise Buckingham, France Hochstetler
Mildred Butler,
Marlon Howe,
Marv Burkley.
Laphne Peters.
Kleanor Mackay,
Helen Murphy,
Marlon Kuhn,
Harriot Mets.
Messrs '
of Denver.
Francis Oalnes.
Oerald Wharton,
Robert Burns,
Roy Smith.
Drexel Slbbemseii,
Isaac Carpenter, Jr.;
Wlllard Butler.
Fred Clarke, jr.
Ann Qifford.
Alice Jaqulth,
Luclln Oreen
of Indianapolis,
Stella Thummel,
Menlo Davis.
Kllzabeth Davis,
Luclle Ilacon,
Quy Furay,
Hen Gallngher.
Cuthbert Potter,
Raymond Lowe,
Edward Murphy,
Jack Summers,
Robert Howe,
Newman Benson,
Fred Daurherty,
Austin Galley
Mr. snd Mr. George C. Smith enter
tained at dinner last evening at the Coun
try club In honor of Miss Ella Llndley
of Minneapolis, who Is visiting their
daughter. Mlaa Winifred Smith. Those
Invited to meet the honor guest were:
Misses Misses
Marjorle tmith, Virginia Offutt.
Erna Reed, Esther Wllhelm.
Emily Keller,
Messrs Messrs
Morton Wakeley. Robert Wood.
Thompson Wakeley, Frits Buchols,
Robert Edwards. Rurdette Klrkendall,
Judson Squires, Barrett Smith.
Mr. and Mr. M. A. Kail entartalned:
Dr. and Mr. F. N. Connor.
Dr. and Mr. C. C. Alllajn.
Messrs. and Mesdames
Hochstetler, Walte Squier.
M. C Peter. J. E. George.
C C. Oeorge.
A amailer party waa composed of Mr.
and Mr. F. W. Clarke and Mr. and Mrs.
H. 8. Clarke, jr.
A Dutch treat party last evening at the
Country club waa composed of:
"oss"-. nd Mi"id'"'"
Loul Clarke. John Redlck.
Barton Millard.
Monday evening at the Country club
the Fourth of July will be celebrated with
a dinner and dance, for which reserva
tions aro being made every day. Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Towle will give a dinner
of twenty for their daughters. Miss
Marion and Miss Naomi, and their gueat.
Miss Parmalee, who arrives In Omaha on
Mr. Lucius Wakeley will give a dinner
The Store Beautiful"
Announce Their
- !"' ' ' rT"S fl
Starting Tuesday Morning"
at 8:30 o'clock
A Sale Event that will be particularly interesting because
of the wonderful merchandise wonderful styles
and wonderful bargains to be offered.
Tha to of Womis'i and liUsea' Garmsnts la this
ala will lncluds only ths newest Ideas in fashion all
distinctive and exclusive with this store.
Complete Details in This Paper Tomorrow Evening's
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mr. Pul E. Taulson entertained at
dinner last evening at the Happy Hollow
club. His FUC!"ts Included:
'orlnr.o Paulson.
Emma Wuderrnana,
Dr. Claude Wren.
Loulso Htorz.
Olgft mors.
Paul F. Pauken.
R. C. Pauken.
Dinner wer egiven last evening at the
Happy Hollow club by Mr. C. R- Gould,
who had four guests; Mr. W. C Randall,
two: C. M. S. Leflang, three, and John
T. Yates, five.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. McCague will
give a dinner of eight covers Monday at
the Happy Hollow club. Mr. Robert
Cowles will have two guests and Mrs.
Charles Burk, four.
The wedding of Miss Caroline Glllen,
daughter of Mrs. Katherlne Glllen of
Florence, and Mr. Walter Ray Isard was
celebrated Wednesday morning, June 30,
at the Sacred Heart church. Tha Rev.
P. J. Judge officiated. The bride wore a
gown of white crepe de chine trimmed
with spider web lace. Her tulle veil waa
(Continued on Page Three Column One.)
Real Estate
Read the latest news aboat real
rotate on the next to the last
page. Be informexl -investigate
and yon will be able to
Inreet your money more intelli
gently and more profitably.
at the
Hospe Remodeling Sale
Our Immense stock of art and music goods la placing hundreds
of frames and art goods in the homes of Omaha and vicinity. The
used pianos are moving out to a great extent. There are still many
more to go. This weelc we propose to put on the biggest piano sale
ever Inaugurated In Omaha. To do this, every Instrument In stock
will be cut and slashed as to prices and terms. The finest pianos
made will be sold at remarkably low prices on the very best terms
that were ever offered on good, new Instruments.
We are compelled to make room, for when we begin tearing
out the front, taking down the stairway, rebuilding and remodeling,
we must have the room.
Therefore, BEGINNING MONDAY, we offer the entire stock
of pianos and player pianos at outs from 10 to 83 off our very
best former prices.
Carloads of Mason & Hamlin Pianos, Kranich & Bach
Pianos, Bosh & Lane Pianos
Kimball Pianos, Cable-Nelson Pianos, Apollo Player Pianos, carloads
of miscellaneous Grand Plsnos, Player Pianos and standard Pianos,
which we are forced to sell at anheard-of prices.
Some of the most celebrated makes of new and used Pianos SO
into this sale. Brand new pianos, 1915 model, of walnut; oak and
mahogany pianos, as low as $169.00. Regular $260.00 to $300. ow
pianos. Another grade of $325.00 'pianos from $190.00 to $225.00.
Next class, retailing from $350.00 to $400.00. go at $235.00 to
$265.00. $400.00 to $500.00 pianos will be sold at $285.00 to
$335.00 and up, not to 'forget the beautiful new Brambach Grand
Pianos In mahogany.
Player Pianos retailing from $375.00 up, go on this Bale at
$287.00. Uemember, these are brand new, fully guaranteed player
pianos. Another line of players from $500.00 to $600.00, we will
put on at this sale at $375. 0. Our finest $650.00 player has been
marked down to $425.00.
This stock embraces makes such as Marshall Wend all, Whitney,
Thompson. Brewster, Krakauer, Hallet & Davis, Columbus, Steger
Sons. Hamilton. Standard. Smith & Barnes, H. P. Nelson, Hen-
derson, Steinway. Chlckerlng. Weser Bros., etc. 8ome of these
pianos we have but one of, others we have as many as three to six
each. Various styles of case designs and In various woods, such as
mahogany, American curly walnut. Circassian walnut, quarter-sawed
oak. French walnut finish, fumed oak and mission oak; In fact,
styles and veneers to match any furniture.
Terms Will Be $5 Down and $1 a Week on Some Pianos
$10 00 down and $2.00 per week on others; $15.00 down and $2.50
per week and up. With upright piano we furnish stool and scarf.
With tbe grand piano goes a combination bench for holding sheet
music. With the player pianos we furnish an up-to-date combina
tion bench and scarf.
Every Instrument Fully Guaranteed or Money Refunded
Should you purchase a low-priced Instrument at this sale and
wish to apply the payment of the cheaper piano Into a high-grade
instrument at any time within twelve months of the purchase of this
piano, we will allow you all you paid up to the twelve months to
apply on a better instrument. We will positively guarantee satis
faction and protect the customer in every way. as thla is our best
stock and not goods purchased for the purpose of making a sale.
Here Is the Opportunity By a Reliable House
with a legitimate reason for making a sale. We would advise
out-of-town customers to wire their orders. We will make the best
selection. If the goods are not as represented, if they are not the
very best that money can buy, we will gladly refund the money and
declare the contract off.
In the forty-one years of our establishment we have never
made such big slashes in piano prices nor as easy terms as we
herewith offer. Take advantage of this sale. If not now ready for
a piano, select the Instrument desired, make your contract, make a
payment down, and have the Instrument sent home later.
Buy your Piano now!
A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St.
Selling Art and
Music Goods
Must Be Sold
to Make Room
IPlP2 2 1
For Boys and Girls
Free With Every Purchase
314 South 15th Street
Agency for Nettleton Shoes.
The Only Store in Town Where
Yon Can Get This Won
derful Toy.