TIIK UKKi OMAHA, SA'iUlilAV .lll.Y I. 191 J. BRIEF CITY NEWS Zlsetrlo fans, $7. SO. Burcess-Qrsnd.n. Wsv. Boot Print It Now Beacon Prass rvblio ImruM Adjostar Oeors; (chroeiler, U War block. Hd 4W. Library Closts on tbe Fourth Th public library wilt close Monday all day. lrae Calif oral Exoursloa, July 12, to buyer Uve Onk Colony land. W. T. Smith Co., City National Hank Mlris;. Sr. J. P. Slater, D.ntlst, announces the removal of hla office from 2t to GIS 10 City National Hank Plilft. Telephone 'Jyler 2H51. Trod W. Aah.us.r and Cornelius P. j Connolly, altorneys-at-law, have moved' to 592-4 Brandeia Tneater Bid. Samel phone, Dougleia 4980, Two Ask for Divorce Mrs. Hattle) K. Cunntnphsm has brouicht ault for will dlehaml until Reptemhr 1. as they have nj regular plane to met while the new church la belnu built, and moat of the momWa will l-e out of the city during- the miinnier XcCarae Able to Walk Thomaa H M.-Caaue, who Buffered a paralytic stroke ten daya aro, la now considerably Im proved, hie physicians say, and la even able to walk In hla home. Draw "tiff Ttn Marruerlta Matthews, 11 n loilas street was fined $100 and costs In police or.urt for conduct ing a disorderly house. One Inmate waa also fined, ami the proprietor waa unable to pay the court the amount assessed them. Perry divorce against John Cunnlnaham, al leging- cruelty. Mrs. Therese p.loss Is Huinp Fred Bios, charging cruelty. "Today s Compute SCovle Prot-amM classified section toftay, and appear In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters of fer. Ylctrola Concerts at Haasooin Park L)ally Vlctrola concerts at Hanscom park ravlllon Is 'an attraction which Is pleasing many visitors to the park. A. C. Flathow la' the author of the plan, as the result of which the voices of Caruso, McCnrmack snd others are heard at the pavilion. To Investigate Haw Idea ,A. X.. I Orern, advertising: manager for the Buricpss-Nssh company, leaves thlsj even inn with his family for Colorado to spend ten dnys. While the trip Is chiefly for pleasure, Mr. Green will Investigate sev eral store Innovations with a view to ' their Introduction here. rails with Elevator John Stelnfeld, M3 South Thirteenth street, 8outh Omahn, employed by the Gate City Furniture company, sustained a broken right arm and ankle when an elevator In the plant and on which he waa riding, fell one floor. He was taken to St. Joseph hospital. Wants Old Directories Miss Kdlth Tobltt of the public library Is making another appeal to business men to donate their 1914 copies of the city directory to the library, so that the latter can ex change them for directories of other large cities, as Is the custom among the leading libraries. Visits Boyhood Homo Rev. Tltui lowe, pastor of th First Mulhodist thurch, is spending a short vacation In Pittsburgh, Pa., his boyhood home. Ho will return In about a week, to continue the summer preliminary work of the Billy Sunduy executive committee, of which he la chuirman. Endtavor.rs Disband for Bnnunor On account of the death of Alfred C. Kennedy, the First Pr?sbytisrlan Chris tian Kenrteavors will no longer hold their meetings at the home of Mr. Kennedy's sistor, Mrs. Will Grigor. The society Wheeler is to Get Job with Greater Omaha REAL ESTATE SALES REACH LARGE TOTAL Nearly Nine Million Dollars Worth of Property Changes Hands Dur ing Last Six Motnhs. Chance to Catch a Greased Pig at Big Florence Celebration TO HAKE THE EAGLE SCREAM ; Great Preparations Made for Cele- ALU&Jb lilAH AAOj UI planted by Hrighsm Young In the city park. In the afternoon there will be nu Greater Omaha will loleU-ste the Fourth or July at Finrrn.e HatuMsy bration in Fontenelle Park where a hi program has been ptepared. At 10:: In the morning the spenklng will take plsi-e under that famous tree I MUSIC. SPEECHES AND SfUKlS Next Monday Afternoon. Likely Real estate transfers during the first Klx months of 1916 amount to 18, 6J:. 412. according to figures pre pared by Harry Pearce, register of i deeds. break all rnofricisl information from the city hall credits a rumor that Perry Wheeler, former city clerk of South Omaha, will be appointed permit clerk at the South side city hall, his duties to include work as clerk of the police court. Mayor Dahlman believes a permit clerk should be at the service of the South side residents. This clerk would Issue various permits and licenses and thus save people the trouble of making trips to the central city hall. S. 0. Contracts Not Closed Must Meet Omaha Conditions Corporation Counsel Lambert will ad vle the city council that public Improve ment contracts entered Into by the for mer city officials of South Omaha must be honored by the Greater Omaha of ficials, but Improvement proceedings not actually closed by contracts must be started over again, under procedure as provided for by the Omaha city council. automobile race, starting on Main tre-t and going around the Tones loop. The motorcycle race lll also follow this course. Horse raring will take piece rn Fourth street and many entries for this 1 race are alresdv lit 'i.-hin previous j greased pig. as well as other races aud ! r,,",n" """"""''V noon- w',h 3linr l iwrniy-iuir uii mil, ...... . r- l y M. o. Cunningham, president of llf will take place on a plstform under th Brigham Young tree. The dsv Will Of ft. 11 programs tot the second annutl Kotirth of .Inly celebration st Fontenelle rnrk next Monday Indicate that a flue time la In stcre for those who attend. The schedule of events provides for a The figure records in the- history of the county "ports, win t. held in the city pntk. .... Holl.rs Vnr the first ' "n,'ln"- 601 " "ernoon snd evening. U J IlliaaaFiin v a vav.- . - - - time in many years the total Is based weights and heights. Pi Ires will be of j fered for each er.nl. I Tl. .....iu'iii m..hI f I,. a a, L , M- win l' i rrwrttt m .... ... display which cost fl,J Wwlrtera and huns will be given to boya and girls. There will be rest places for mothers with tables and otlr lenvenkemes will he provided. It la estimated that , people mill be In the park. Mmm lab rmrivlMtle. Chslrmen of the various committees are: K. McMichael. K. W. Pliinett. W. I,. Ovlts. W. A. Kills. A. W. Miller. G. U Burton. W. J. 1 1 le lop. J. B. Hummel. J. !t. Mcliln. II. P. Galhislth and Boy j Pierce. I The following improvement clubs ars Interested In this outing: Northwest ' rwlenitlon. Newport-BelvWere. ITW- mont. Central Park. Fontenelle Pst k, . rUlruls and -.2 less tieaths in New Terk I Kenwood-Fairfax, lruid Hill. ( )iusha 1 ( tty. A nesr-rlde-stop ordinance went !Near Stop Law is t I Credited With Big Accident Decrease I Supertntendrnt Kugel of the pel lee de ipartment, who la interested Just now In n ordinance to require all vehicle, In fiuiing street cars, to stop on near aides of intersections, hss received from ths "af-y Flr-t society of Vew Tort tn I formation which strengthens Ms estlma jlion of this proioned regulation. For the p nod of nine months, from iPeptemher I. ffll, to June I of this year, compared with the corrennondlng period (of a yesr ao. there were 4.T less sc- FAMILY ESCAPES. BUT HOME BURNS TO GROUND OMAHA CRICKETERS TO VISIT LINCOLN MONDAY upon the actual values or property j windup with a big display of fireworks. irftuniriiru vy " ' - stamps placed upon deeds which re cite "ft consideration" havs fur nished a means by which Mr. Pearce has determined the actual amounts paid for real estate. In the entire year 114 real estate transfers amounted to a total of R,4fi3, tilO, which Is more than J,,0 hclow the figures for the first six months of lrl6. Hundreds of transfers the actual consideration for which was not known, however, were included In ?ie 1911 total. ! More Thss All Last trar. Tha 8.M,41 total ot reai estate trans fera tor six months of litr does not In clude a number of tha largest tleala tit city property which have been made since January 1. becauso leases are not listed as transfers. Hundreds of thou- j sands of dollars have been paid for long time leasee on city property In addition to tho actual sales. Deeds filed In the office of the reg ister of deeds since januaiy i nuniuct S.147. Amounts of transfers and the number of deeds filed each month fol low: Month. No. Heeds Ami. Trsns. The home of Mrs. T. J. lHvls. S!4 Lavenworth street, was burned to the ground Thursday night when a lighted lamp became overturned In som manner, setting tha place ahlsse. Mis. Ps' ls end children escaped through a window, as uiu nr tamer, xne rsmlly are being ' feet or taller and also a race for fat men .-r.ru mr oy neignoors. The hnti.se le longed to James Allan of Benson. ten Hill Improvement club. The Post office band will give a concert at l! c'clock. At 4: a public program will be opened by prayer by Rev. C. 11. Fleming , View, Monmouth Park. Twelfth Wsrd. Lincoln Heights and rtrst Suburban. A. W. Miller will hava charge of the sports and fireworks. Last year there were !. pple at the celebration hi Fontenelle park and not sn accident oc- Into effect in Xrw fork September 1, IW4 The city legal department la working ou an onllnanc on this subject and Mr. Kugel exicta to have the measure readv for Introduction next Tuesday morning. snd then K. B. Howell will speak. Unset ramp degree team. Modern Wood- ten of America. Council Blurfs, will put on a drill at 7 .1U. followed by Imtld Hill camp No. 21 degree team. Another band i oncert will be given In the e-enlnf. All Klads f Naeea. BRINGS SUIT AGAINST FORMER MOTHER-IN-LAW ; John J. Ttooiioy has brought suit agslnst i.i. r...,r mult rr In liw. Mrs. 'arollne A feature of the program of sports will f prl1pl fr $i.2:. of which, he alleges, te races for boys and girls under S yeirs ... -avanred tts n cash, the remainder of age. There will be a race for men six , ri,,inWti r,,r support of Mis. Burnell In his home from June. 1!U'.'. to isovcni- her 1t4. Mrs. Burnell Is the mother er Other events will be provided for moth er, alrls. boys and men of all ages, Rooncy's divorced wife. 0. L. 0. CLUB ENJOYS PICNIC AT FONTENELLE PARK The 4 I O. ehiU met at Fnteell park Thurtdhy e'.-enlng with fifteen mem beta present. Including Mrs, IteMer. Mrs. Si-hsorm. Mrs. Peterson. Mrs rVsmer, Mrr. Ogllvle. Mra. Qulnby Mrs. I.tidwick. Mr Flantg.iMra. Justice. Mrs. Issvls. Mrs. Anson, Mlaa lTesw An sen, Misa Ilarel Jolinson and Mrs. Askew. Miss Maxle McOill of Columbus wsa si honor guest. The Omaha Cricket club will meet on the crease at Miller park Saturday at 2:30 p. m. for final practice game In pre paration for the "match" with the 'Links" eleven July 5 fo- the "cham pionship" of Nebraska. The Omaha con tingent Is anticipating tho pleasure of "knocking the spots" . off tho "Capital City Cricketera" and have been training hard for the coming "fray." Tha fol lowing "players" will represent the "Omaha" clu to Lincoln. Hoyle. T. P.. Peacock. George. Connolly, lwt. hrooksbankJaok. Cleary, P , Lawrenson. H., louglaa, John. 'Awrenson. R. K., Kenworthy. Tom, "Vlllns, G. G.,8., Uoono. Ir. H., Stlllman, W. Forehead, H., January Februajy f '4 Msrch April b4 May June W Totals M vig,a4.'. 2,37.611 l..U.ioO 1.175.J.17 l.XK.OJo ),t,4U INSULTS WOMEN AND THEN TRIES TO FIGHT COPPERS Charles Goodwin, salesman, giving bis address as the Paxton hotel, waa fined 60 and costs In police court for insulting women on the street and re.lstlngan officer. Goodwin was arrested by OfTI eer. Peterson and Anderson after a con siderable struggle. He Is alleged to hae Insulted the wife of a city fireman. JRffl A PIANO SALE TO BE REMEMBERED osoe's Remodeling Sale NEW PIANOS TO GO QUICK Our immense stock of art and music goods ie placing hundreds of frames and art goods in tha homes of Omaha and vicinity. The used pianos are moving out to a great extent. "in many more to go. This week we propose to put on the biggest piano sale ever nulnteaTn" Omaha. To do this, every instrument in atock will be cut and slashed as to Prices an 1 fineot pianos made will be sold at remarkably low prices on the very best terms that were ever oi fered on good new instruments. We are compelled to make room, for when we begin tearing out the front, taking down tne stairways, rebuilding and remodeling, we must hav the room. . Therefore, 1JKGIXMNG SATURDAY, we offer the entire stock of pianos and player pianos at cuts at from 10 to 33 off of our very best former prices. Carloads of Mason & Hamlin Pianos, Kra nich & Bach Pianos, Bush & Lane Pianos Kimball pianos, Cable-Nelson Pianos, Apollo Player pianos, carloads of miscellaneous grand pianos, player pianos and standard pianos, which we are forced to sell at unheard of prices. Some of the most celebrated makes of new and used pianos go into this sale. Brand new pianos, 1915 model of walnut, oak and mahogany pianos as low aa $lCi?.00. Regular $250.00 to $300.00 pianos. Another grade of $325.00 pianos from $190.00 to $225.00. Next class re tailing from $350.00 to $400.00 go at $235.00 to $265.00. $400.00 to $600.00 will be sold at $285.00 to $335.00 ana up, not to forget the beautiful new B rani bach Grand Piano in mahogany. Player Pianos retailing from $376.00 up go on this sale at $287.00. Remember, these are brand new, fully guar anteed player pianos. Another line of players from $500.00 to $600.00, we will put on at this sale at $375.00. Our finest $650.00 player has been marked down to $425.00. This stock embraces makes such as Marshall Whitney, Thompson, Brewster, Krakauer, Hallet Columbus, Steger & Sons, Hamilton, Standard, Barnes, H. P. Nelson, Henderson, Steinway, Checkering. Weser Bros., etc. Some of these pianos we have but one of, others we have as many as three to six each. Various Htyles of case designs and in various woods, such as ma hogany, American curly walnut, olrcasslon walnut, quar-,ter-sawed oak. French walnut finish, fumed oak, and mis sion oak; in fact, styles and veneers to match any furniture. NEW PIANOS $169.00 $1.00 Per Week Uvr'ass si3 USED PIANOS $98.00 $1.00 Per Week Wendall. A Davis, Smith At NEW PIANOS $190.00 $1.50 Per Week .1011 X A. SWAXSON, Pipi WM. L. 1 101 ..ZM AN, Tr?a. NEW PIANOS $215.00 $1.50 Per Week NEW GRANDS $455.00 $25.00 Down $3.00 Per Week Terms Will Be $5 Down and $1 a Week on Some Pianos $10.00 down and S2.00 per week ou others, $15.00 down and $2.50 per week and up. With upright piano, we fur nish stool and scarf. With the grand pianos goes a com bination bench for holding sheet music. With the player pianos we furnish an up-to-date combination bench and scarf. Every Instrument is Fully Guaranteed or Money Refunded Should you purchase a low-priced instrument at this sale and wish to apply the payment of the cheaper piano into a high-grade instrument at any time within twelve months of the purchase of this piano, we will allow you all you paid up to the twelve months to apply on a better instrument. We will positively girajite satisfaction and protect the customer in every way, as this Is our best stock and not goods purchased for the purpose of making a sale. Here Is the Opportunity By a Reliable House With a legitimate reason for making a sale. We would advise out-of-town customers to wire their orders. We will make the beet selection. If the goods are not as rep resented, if they are not the very best that money can buy, we will gladly refund the money and declare the con tract off. In the forty-one years of our establishment, we have never made such big slashes In piano prices nor as easy terms as we herewith offer. Take advantage of this sale, if not now ready for a piano, select the Instrument de sired, make your contract, make a payment down, and have the Instrument seat home later. Buy your piano now. USED PIANOS $117.00 $L00 Per Week USED PIANOS $137.00 $1.00 Per Week Used Players $298.00 $2.00 Per Week A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St. SELLING ART AND MUSIC GOODS MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE ROOM Omaha's Greatest Clothing Values Thousands of Men's and Young Men's Superbly Tailored Suits to Open till 9 P. M. Sat urday; Closed Mondayt July 5. sfstarw avrsm v jr m m r a a i so SATURDAY In the Int minute rush for Fourth of July Togs the ef ficiency of this greater sjorsv will be dwmeaatrated M never before. Yeull want what you want when you waat it Saturday and here's where you get It without delay. Enormous selections, three to five times larger thaa elsewhere; every garment strictly new, the cream of. Americaa leading clothe fashions. No old styles or odd and ends at any price. and wide-awake salesmen. i W. lwisifivplv siivp vim P PlBt -.- 1 ------ - ' - 7 II wsBvb. w k .a alaiU. . . , k A-a. . II rci s J J wi.ii sminifM IIUII, ...! HI lo $10.UU. inn No other auch store or stock stoip'j xntironiP vnhn- fw Jour convenience in the (hnnlia. No limit to the range for selection No need 'for you to buy the pattern you don't like, or wear any thing but the proper she and cut for your build. W offer more thnn one hundred different models and hundreds ot the season's choicest weaves and colors. Thousands of suits Outing Suits, Half-lined Suits. Quarter-lined Suits, Business 8ults Big men, tslt men, stout men. short men Men and young men of every sUe from 32 to 52 You're easy to fit here, where all sleos sou an proportions- await you. save tft.OC, $10.00. $15.00 em eic eon V"V JT TsT'D nJV r Saturday, your suit opportunity, . . V -tV Of Jf I 77 World's Finest Hand Tailored Suits -" M V Jqi JL JL Clothes thst conform to the most exacting demands of men w hsd the $50.00 to $70.00 tsilor habit. I nequalled aualltv. prestige in tries rmest or Kocbester Jour neymen tailored clothes, $35.00 and 140.00 suits, in a great value-demonstration at . . . ho have style and $25 and $30 Palm Beach Suits Wonderful Values One whole section of our second floor devoted to featherweight suits. ot aisunctiveiy new and smart weaves. In all colors and sizes from 'it to St. Pperlal values In Paim Reach Suits at. Best Palm Iteach rants, all hImm. at 82. OO. MSB's aat Toaa Kti'i Cl.tB.ss S)sss4 rim. Scores $4.50, $6 and $7.50 Men's and Young Men's PANTS worth $3.50 to $6X0. Worsteds, Casslmeres, Flannels, light, medium or dark patterns, and white Flannels. All slses, 28 to 62 waist $3.60 to $8.00 trousers at. . .S2.no and f:I.5o Furnishings for the "Fourth" More all around Hatist'aetion buying furnishing goods J iet. .LargPHt, most ttm prdiensive Bolection of now ideas and lowost in tho rity nc'K always. Sport Shirts I Bathing Suits, $1.00 and $1.50 50c to $3.00 Sport Union Suits at $1.00 and $1.50 Jersey Sweaters $1.00 to $2.50 Flannel Shirts, , $1.00 to $3.00 Sport Shirt Neckwear at 50c Largest Showing of Men's Underwear "I've looked all over Omaha, aud here's the first complete underwear stock I've mruck." He was a deter mined looking man, and he got what be wanted. Kvery good new idea in union suits Is here. Vaxear, Superior, B. V. D., Flaxall linen, Corwlth and a host of others. I'nion HulU, AOc to $.VOo. Shirts or Drawers, Vr to tl.ou. Special for Saturday 75c Mesh Knit Union Suits, 45c SI Athletic Union Suits, 50c $1 Balbriggun Union Suits, 69c 75c Men's Balbrigran Union Suits, 30c $1.25 Shirts 79c French cuff or starched. Wide selection of neat btrlpes and patterns. All colors. All slses, 14 to 17. $1.25 values, Saturday, 79c. $1.50 Shirts $1.05 Materials are fine madras. Crystal cloth and silk stripe. Snappy colors. Slses J.4 to 17. $1.50 values, 3 for $J, or, each $1.00 $5.00 Silk Shirts, $3.50 High grade Tub silks, In attractive new atripes All colors. All slses 14 to 17. The m sat, silk shirt bargain of the hour, un- p HI) matched elsewhere at $5:our price. . Straw Hats Worth While Slect your straw hat here where your satisfaction is cer tain No doubtful qualities or styles, but the season's newest, from the foremost straw hat makers, at the lowest In the city prices. W 5i3s Sen's Canvas Oxfords White canvas, with elk, rubber or tuatuer soles; English or medium high toe lusts; Palm Beach cloth oxfords, with welted soles and medium narrow toe. Fastest, EzH: $1.50 to $3.50 Oanoia. Panamas. a.oo to iiom Oaaolaa aaf- kofca, M te SS Oaaalae lbonm, UO te $0.00 Fort. WkUm tamassaa. S-OO s4 IU psvolal Oaaolma Xgberastte Kata Mold 111 world ov.r at .90, 1 MC special Katurdsy at 9. 1 sHvl pUt Straws, $1-00 lo g4.00 eaalt Tachls, $1.00 to $3.00 Qoaala Sta4a- raaea at $t-$0 SCaoklaaw llnsa at nttM a boa Xxpt. Mala Vloor STorth JOMN V sWANfON.ma WM 1 HCAIHAM COIWIECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN SI.OO Men's aJid IU)s hllh Hats at 63c. Mte Mfu'a aixi Hojrs' ttilk Hats at 3e id