niK IJKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JULY 1915. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BT EDWARD RO&BWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATEK, EDITOR. Te) nee Publishing Company, Proprietor. BEB BCILDINQ. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omaha portofflre aa aecopd-claas matter. TERMS OF 8CBSCRIPTION. By rm rrrr By mail mt month. Br Tar. tl and fftindaT.. Wic t 4 (tt filir wsthout Punday. KVonlrg end 'inclay.. T " J! rrfxlnf without Sunday o. JJ Rod not e "St 'r'tVa iVge' of "id cY rVis er comj1 sine a of Irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee. Circulation Department. RtMITTANClC. ftm!t by draft, pree or potal order. Only MMtn rrAivHl In ntvmmt of small two oounta Personal cncKS, except on vron aiehacyf. not accepted. . omn Omaha-The Bee Building. South Omaha SH N siret. CounHl Bluf(a-1 North Main ?- Vtncoln S Lift Building. Chicago- Hearst Building. New fork-Room 1T0H. M Fifth mu Pt t-mi-MS New Bank of Cmnmarcj. Washington 7 fourteenth Bt- N. W. CORRESPONDENCH. (Ureal fotntntltiotn relatrnir to tortal scatter to Omaha Baa. Editorial Pepartnxn. JUXE CIRCULATION. f 53,646 8lste of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss: Dwlght Williams, circulation mnnagor of The Bee Publlnhln company, tlng duly sworn, any a that tha ivrrut circulation for the month of June, IMS, waa Ml48'rWIOrrr WIUJAMB, Circulation Manager. SuoBortt'ed In my preeenre and sworn to before me, this 3d day of July W6 KOB&RT HUNTER, Notary Public. Subscribers leaving the Hty temporarily ahonld have The Dee mailed to them. Ad dreee will be changed as often as requested. fair a Thought for the Day StitcttJ by Mary Mmnthhoff "Die Mutik M tin BpUUtug fur die Freude und tine Religit r den SeAmsriP Remember to keep It safe and sane. A re-arrangement of Omaha'a street num bers to atop the confusion of duplication Is more urgent than ever. But a person can only guest how many more national banks would have taken out state bank charters If not deterred by the guaranty fund tax. With the commencement season about over, our political orators will have to start In again with picnics, old-settlers' reunions and log-rollings. The local organ of the Water board manage ment promised the consumer a reduction of SO cents a thousand gallons. Don't get excited! It was only a mistake of the types. Times change. In the good old days the merchants promoted holiday celebrations in or '. der to draw the trade of out-of-town visitors, i Now they Invite outsiders to a feast of amuse ' ment and close up. shop so everyone can aelp ', entertain them. . : The wise men who Journeyed to the Modern ,; Bethlehem with offerings of bags of money ! failed to bag tbe ammunition plant. Charley i Schwab Is altting tight on the ownership lid, backed by 61 per cent of the stock and a deter- m la at ion to hold on while business booms. t One city requires tbe Jitneys to have their I vehicles examined as to physical condition every two weeks by the municipal mechanician. That ! Is a regulation that the Jitneys ought welcome ? . In fact that tntffht main hit h o.ttKllah. Ing a physical examination bureau of their own. El Paso newspaper men gave the glad hand of fellowship to General Huerta. Hla motives nay not survive analysis. As a newsmaker be Is a live wire. Social courtesies tor past favors happily smoothes the way for featured tales to corns and scores heavily ror storied reciprocity. Young men are advised by a welfare expert to marry the oldest daughter In the family aa more likely to be less Indulged, and therefore mors self-reliant Tea, but suppose the oldest daughter la already married? Anyway, It la ob vious that there cannot be enough oldest daugh ters to go round Iowa lawmakers chose July 4 aa an auspi cious day giving effect to a law against tipping. Heavy penalties are provided for giving or re ceiving gratuities. Owing to Ha superb consti tution It Is confidently believed the liberty pro claimed 181 years ago will survive this and similar petty operations. In the midyear outpouring of dividends, to taling 1270,000,000, the railroads make a bet ter showing than the Industrials. Compared with a year ago the former are practically un changed, while the latter suffer a shrinkage. The fact proves the superior ability of railroads In adjusting outgo to Income. The Burlington and the Minneapolis Omaha are j engaged In a renewed fight for posseaalon of the right- if-way along tbe river bank from Farnant to Chivaao . trert. The Burlington has secured an Injunction, but the other road la threatening to lay tta track in the I tiara or the msiic j W. A. Paxton. lr., I back from eolkge to spend tho i auinmer with hi (larents. 1 George Malvla. bookkeeper fur the Anhauaer-Buaoh oreiuny. has gone to M. lxui to apend the glorious S rounn in inai city, una it I whUpered that he will t accomcanlej alien he returns. J Loe has returned from the Polytechnic eciiool In rew Turk. Mla Jeia ray of Troy U vtillng her suter, Mr. Jtuconlrauratr. . "(J. W. Paokle, M. D.. tbe renowned reader of di- f. Mill vina ills world s dUpt-nary of medicine for 11 uatiou at lUQ lHuglua." TI.e thrilling play, Nevada," a pruanled at til AtaOrmy or Mualc y tttc tilaln ilaibour Drawal iMinuany. J. W. Wtlklr.uu and Win Utile HUH were liiarrled by l(v. Mr. rowler at the remldeitce of tli bride's iwUmr oa tfoulh wtu alioet. L- T. - . y Seeking for an Excuse. ..... . Democrats are busily looking about, seeking for an excuse to aire the people In accounting for the deficit in the treasury of tbe United Stales, developed under control of that party. They admit that the Income tax baa produced a revenue greater than was expected, also that the "emergency" tax ha brought In a large sum, to be added to the ordinary revenues of the government. Prohibition Is blamed for tho big falling off In internal revenue collections, but this Is not sufficient to account for the deficit. The truth of the matter Is that a democratic con green made appropriations for the two yeara Just ended that far exceeded any pre vious record, while the money set apart for the two-year term just beginning touches a yet higher mark In governmental expenditures. Economy and retrenchment were promised by the democrats, In event they were entrusted with the control of the national government, and the deficit Is the result. Extravagance In expenditure, rather than shortage In revenue, la responsible for the treasury's condition. A Mystery of the War. In all the "multitudinous seas" of Ink that have been spread on uncounted reams of paper since the first of August last, dealing with the war, Its purposes and Its progress, not one drop bas been expended to elucidate a mystery that Is daily growing more and more dense. What Is Great Britain's navy doing In the North Sea? The German navy is safely bottled up In home ports, but tbe merry little unterseebote slips In and out of harbor at Its pleasure, and works Its will on commerce around the British Isles. At tbe beginning of tbe war Great Brit ain was reported to have more submarines than Germany, but so far almost nothing has been heard from them, save that they are being used for harbor protection. On the Baltic the Ger mans have maintained an open lane for traffic with Sweden and Norway, where It might nat urally be expected that English and Russians alike would be aggressively active In Interfer ing with commerce, If not actually attacking the German defenses. Curiosity Is growing as to what real service the British fleet of submmers lbles la rendering In the war. We Second the Motion. We notice that our friend, "Met," proposes to hold the democratic national convention In Omaha, and Insists that existing favorable con ditions make It perfectly feasible to get it. Now, we do not know of any great political convention which we would rather have to meet here "in our midst" than the democratic na tional convention, except, of course, the republi can national convention. The latter, however, according to the claims made by Chicago, bat already been nailed down for that city, which is also hot after the democratic national conven tion, so we may as well realize that Met's pro posal is not to beuncontested. It stands to reason, however, that this Is probably the only plank upon whlcn the war ring democrats of Nebraska might possibly be gotten to stand together. It would certainly be a sight for the gods to see "Met," Bryan, the Senator, "Brother Charley," and Colonel Maher all on the same delegation waiting on tbe demo cratic national .committee, and -asking In, uni son for the location for the big convention at Omaha. So we second tbe motion, and stand ready to co-operate with our sympathetic support for so laudable an effort to tbe utmost extent of the Influence of an Interested republican on looker. War and the Mining Industry. Secretary Lane has Issued for the first time mid-year aurvey of conditions in the mines of the country, a report that shows the revival of mining to be In full swing. That this is directly due to the war la admitted by each of the sev eral experts who make returns on the various branches of the Industry considered. Coal and Iron, principal products of the mines in the United States, are being produced at very nearly the normal rate, with a steady increase In the output ot Iron ore which will bring the total quite well op to the record figures before the year la ended. Petroleum production is up to that of last year, while tbe production of gold and silver is normal. In the metals most di rectly affected by the war demand, a great In crease in American output is seen. Spelter has Increased in price about 600 per cent since tbe war began, while cine Is now quoted around 100 per cent higher. Quicksilver, antimony and tungsten are other metals that have been af feeted similarly and have doubled or more than doubled In price since the beginning ot the year Tin and copper are following the lead of the others. Works long Idle have been reopened. and a general, activity prevails In all the win Ing regions of the country, while new sources or aupply of tbe metals are being sought. While the prices now being paid are not expected to continue long after the demand created by the abnormal conditions In Europe have been sat isfied, the mine owners are coming in for their share ot the war pickings. The socialists will help the Jitneys In their fight against the street railway. There is no more socialism in the Jitneys than there is In the street railway probably less, according to the socialistic doctrine that would concentrate control of productive property, and then have me government take It over. But. as a famous statesman once declared, It is a condition, and not a theory, that confront! us. uoes tbe fact that sixteen natioual banks have changed to state banks In Nebraska during tbe last year mean that state bank charters are more popular? Perhaps, but only by compari son. It Is proof, however, that national bank charters are less popular since the democratic national banking act became operative. The protest by the professional musicians ot Omaha against the postofflce band is the same old story. Similar protesta used to be lodged against the military bands stationed at Fort Omaha and Fort Crook. In other words, mu slclana must not be expected to. work together in harmony. Aouse or tne American flag must stop tatter said than done. The reach Of American law is three miles oft shore. "American Indian Day" Flee ef aVad Ton Jama. THE descerdant of nearly every race that has come to Anvrlca celebrate aome kind of holiday. Here In one that ha been overlooked and which simple Justice should recognise as eminently worthy of niu tl'n-wld celebration. This waa tho country of my people, the Indiana. My people were the original pro prietor of this land. You may call us savages, but the American Indians were the noblest, moat Intel, lectiial and heroic savages on the fare of the earth, and more intellectual than aome of the whites who called themselves clvlllced. Much of our fathers' aav. agety and more of their degradation were caused by coming in contact with the lowest type of the white race Instead of the proper elements. When rightly treated, the red men proved true frlnnda of the whites. We do not believe in too many holidays, aa It would lead to national poverty: how ever, days like Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday, Lexington day, Columbua day. and no- American-Indian day, ahould well be observed with suitable celebrations. We should have a great "pow wow," a council and conference where all the Indiana can' meet onea a year for exchange of views, consider atlon of ideals, and exchange of heroic hope to ani mate and to sustain ua in the lone watches by the dying fires of our national apiendor. We should be encouraged to pride In our ancestry by being; given a place, worthy In the national life, the nuna as other memorial days, to keep ua In mind of heroes of tho past who have helped to make this country grest. "lest we forget." Thoae who Say that the red man had no part In making this nation great fail to remember that our forefathers were aa statuesque gods In their clean blood and aculpturelike forms, lending dignity ot nought to the council, eloquence of language to tho need. Interpreting the bidden beauties of their great natural life into terms of passionate Imagery; having souls sglow with fire and heart attuned to the Infinite. Thus has the Indian had a share In contributing tr our national character. There was at one time of this rai'e l.fjUO.OOrt native of America, and now there are left only a little more than jn,0"0 Indians In the United States, with a slow Increase. Out of this number there are about 200,000 fult-bloodn In the United Ftates, and tbe balance are mixed bloods, so mixed that one cannot tell if they are Indian or not, more than a stray dog. I am In hope that the Indiana will remarry again within their own blood, and It Is the duty of tho younger Indians to help build up this once mighty race If we do not wish It to become a vanished race, to allow it to go Into the scrap heap of the nations. The whites will have to help to do this. They are willing to spend their money on the Belgians, tho Chinese, Japanese, and African missionaries, but they seem to forget the starving Indian In the weat. They fall to remember that the Indians gave this land to them. They became rich out of the Indian lands, and now we have to depend upon the bread of charity. Twice Told Tales Japanese Proverbs. It has been said that the Japanese are as apt and unique in their proverbs ss they are In their works ot art. What, for example, could be more appropriate to men In certain desperate circumstances than thUi: "Man may shout when he can no longer swim?" "White the tongue works tho brain sleeps," la another raying of the Japanese, which expresses their contempt for loquacious persona. The Japanese are quick at repartee; their wit is keen and tempered, and they can often administer a perfect snub In brief, terse form. In illustration of this there may be cited the following lnsante: There was being tried in a court a caae involving the possession and ownership of a piece ot property. The litigants were brothers. The holder, who was clearly not the rightful owner, had . aaaaulted and ejected his brother end was protesting his right to de fend his claim. i .-' The examining magistrate listened very patiently to him until he cloned mlth the words, "liven a cur may bark at hi own gate." Then the Judge quaintly voiced the Judgment, aa If stating an abstract point of law "A dog that has no gate bites at his own risk." Waahlngton Ptar. Preserving the Coart'a Ulsaltr. A Missouri Juatlce of the peaoe has devised a plan whereby Judges may resent Insult In an approved man ner, and at the same time invoke the majesty of the law to defeat retaliation. "Judge" Green had laid aside his shoemaker's awl, and waa engaged in the lr al of a civil suit that Involved St.25 and coats. In tho course of argument, Marks, counsel for the defendant. made a statement reflecting upon the Court's knowl edge of the law. Whereupon the court, rapping upon the side of his bench and rating fearlessly Into the eyes of defendant's counsel, said: "We will now take a brief recess. Marks, you're a d d, liar." Marks' lips parted with a ahow of resentment, but before he could proceed, the court rapped for order with the In junctions "Shut up, Mark: Court la now In session." Pittsburgh IMpatch. Kmoeta 'Work. At a dinner given by the prime minister of a little kingdom In Ruritanla a diplomat complained to hla host that the minister of Justice, who had been sitting on his left, bsd stolen his watch. "Ah, he shouldn't have done that," said the prima minister. In tones of annoysnce. "f will get It back for you." Bur enough, toward the end of the evening the watch waa returned to its owner. "And what did he y?" asked the diplomat 'h-h!" cautlonod the hot, glancing anxiously about him. "He doesn't know that I have got it back." Pittsburgh Chroniele Telegram. People and Events Before the war Lemberg was a typical boom town. Bo declares the National Geographic society. The boom remains with powder ss the chief boomer. In the Mg foundry shops of Belleville, III., "rush ing the can' maintains its standing in society, but the contents are undergoing a revolution. Milk Is taking the place of beer. Remvmter John L. 8ulllvan the only John I..? John thinks there is another fight In bis system. and is reported training to give John Barleycorn the fight of It life. The fight will be external, and the Anu-oaioon league agrees 10 nanaie tne gate re ceipts. The Industrial council of Ksnsaa City charge in an extended public statement that the election by which a UOOOJ.OU) street railway franchise waa car ried last fall is stamped with bribery, purchase and frauduU'Dt votes. The labor body presents numerous affidavits In support of th charges and demands a federal Inquiry, One of the swell hotels of Portland. Ore., permits cigarette and cigar smoking In the dining room, but draws the line at pipe smoking. A Ban Francisco capital lt. who was called down with his pipe, shot this comment at the manager as be walked out: "A prpo doesn't ahow much class, perhaps, but I'd rather smell a pipe than a smoldering rug and that la what a cigarette is like to me." The plaintiff In a New York divorce action charges that her husband "actually apanked me" in the pres ence of a colored servant. . The apanker admits th eaatlgatlun and defends It on the ground that tiM spanked party, between March Is and May X. this year, bought for her own use twenty-four quarta ef whisky. Vermouth and Bin. Domestic sobriety Is In hard lines when It must be rubbed In. An editorial roar for tho impeachment of Judge Ben Clarke goes vp from the ht. Louts Republic. The provocation Is the trial and dlacharge of a mem ber of th Board of Education charged with profit ing bv tlie purchase of school sites. Testimony showed that the acouseo man s real est at compaxy waa In on the split of a school site profit of U.soa The Judge regarded the spilt as trivial and dismissed the case. alia lllw, a Tightwad. OMAHA. Julv 2-To the Editor of The Bee: I read In your Letter Box the ar ticle signed "A. B. Miekle." In which this man explains bow to raise a family of six children on a salary of from l to W per month, and how out of such sn enor mous salary for the 1a"t fifteen yeara he had raved a considerable bank account. Now, this man, a T. W. he would noerts have to be. Is certainly In a class by himself when It comes to the matter of finances, but It would Indeed he enlight ening to obtain from Mr. Mlc.kle or the children their views on the subject. MK Mlckle writes "We buy one pound of meat esch week, of which I have a small piece each day to nourish my body for my daily labors, no meat of any kind being necessary for the rest of the fam ily, they being, in fact, better off with out It.' He alo Mate: "We get along very well on 40 cents per week for to bacco," which statement would lead one to believe that the entire family, father, mother and children all une the rile weed In some form or another. It Is very evident from the tone of Mr. Mlckle's letter that the word "we," so often used, should in reality have been "I." as In his mind the Idea of Mrs. Mlckle or sny of the children even occa slonslly thinking of such luxuries' as beef steak, candy, lee cream, a bit of finery or an occasional vlxlt to the movies, would be absurd. Time and space prohibit any further comments from me on this family's mode of existence Ut could hardly be called living), although I would enjoy immensely an opportunity of learning more of their methods of doing without the few pleas ures allotted to most people st some time In life. 3?1 J31 A OWe To my mind this is a proper esse for Investigation by the Juvenile authorities to endeavor to obtain for these children a few of the "luxuries" mentioned above and If still denied by by the parents, place them at least temporarily where they might "live." P. WEPTEROARD. Heeosrnltlnn of iod Work. KEARNEY. Neb.. July X-To the Edl tor of The Boe: I notice that Dr. K. R. Vsnderslice, superintendent of our state (jsnatorium, has been elected to tha board of directors of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuber culosis, at their annual meeting hell in Seattle, Wash. This is recognition of the work being pushed in Nebraska and should be an encouragement to the earn est workers throughout the state. A SCBSCRIHER. So Half-Way Mruurra Permitted. ElVTIS, Neb., July 2.-To the Editor of ha The Pee: The letter from "Poly Olot" of Tllden, a few days ago, waa enough to make a donkey laugh. No, indeed; I didn't laugh on the contrary, I felt so sorry for the poor fellow that I could not permit the trace of a smile to adorn my countenance. But why go at the matter In such a half-hearted and half-way manner? Many "furrlnera" are Illiterate in our language; therefore, they would ont be able to read thoae signs flaunted by "Poly Olot" nnd his ilk, even if the signs were an blir as circus posters. Why no foi . suggestion in apprising a "furrlner" that you can warble his lingo, if you can speak German let It be known by wear ing a quart of sauerkraut or a brick of limburger cheese affixed to your coat lapel: if Spanish, a bunch of garlic, red peppers or olives; if French, a big bottle of absinthe, a pair of frog's legs or a quart of mushrooms: if Bohemian, a big cup of goose grease? An Italian could adorn hla person with a fistfull of cooked spaghetti (heavens. Is that word spelled correctly?). On can readily see that he could easily recognise a fellow country man at a e?eat distance. Metropolitan city offlleals could be coerced into hiring linguistic policemen and wouldn't a guardian of the peace look becoming with a lot of the above mentioned articles hanging on his manly breast? Oh, yes. We must do something for those who cannot apeak for themselves and that at once. The suggestion of "Poly Olot" Is practical. In a large meas ure, and besides, a large industry could be worked up In supplying the needed articles. The writer shall take the matter up with congress st tbe next session snd endeavor to have a law enacted covering this proposition. ANOTHER TOURIST PRINTER. Some Folks Are Inquisitive. OMAHA. July 3,-To the Editor of The Bee: Superintendent High of the anti-Saloon league, desires to submit evidence of the truthfulness of certain claims made by the prohibitionists on a certain bill board located at Eighteenth and Cuming streets, but falls to state whether he contends that the statements thereon are true In their entirety, or only 10 per cent thereof, and also the nature of the evidence he proposes to produce. The public should know If he has abandoned the truthfulness of the entire statement, and contends that only 10 per cent of the same Is correct. A. L. MEYER. f ? you Tips On Home Topics Cleveland Plain Dealer: James J. Hill estimates that the population of the United States will be 400,000,000 by the end 'of thla century. Let ua buy real estate and wait. Minneapolis Journal: Mr. Bryan baa been consistently opposed to war, ever since he fell off his horse while leading the Third Nebraska in North Carolina In tbe Spanish war. Cleveland Plain Dealer: The flrat of all practical submarines, the Holland-S. bought by our government In 1W0, has been broken up for the material that Is In It. It will be readily admitted that Inventor Holland started something. Boston Transcript: Tha first V gold coins have juat been struck at the rian rranotaoo mint to commemorate the ex position, and It is expected that they win supersede the Lincoln penny and the buffalo nickel as popular lucky pieces. New York Post: Richard T. Metcalfe of the Commoner and the Canal Zone, expresses the' opinion that Bryan "is practically out of the party," and ''never again will figure conspicuously in poli tics." And Mr. Metcalfe waa regarded as a deaerving democrat! ' Philadelphia Ledger: Ex-Secretary Bry an's denunciation of the newspapers is natural. For one thing, they keep a record of his utterances, and at any mo ment are In a poalttou to confront him with the deadly parallel of his own in consistencies. This is, of course, horribly Irritating to a statesman who want to say a thing, but to forge it when oc casion for gaining a personal advantage leads him to say something else. SAID IN FUft. PERTINENT rOEMS. In the Caye. Two flehermen bold, as I've been told. One summer dav It would seem; On destruction bent, snd with full Intent, To deiwipulate a stream, Went forth to the fray thst summer day With their rods and fllen galore. In cans they had bait, and I also state That In glad thev had some more. Now. we all know how the beautiful mow Buried that canyon June twelfth; And now they say In a nonchalant way. "We went up there for our health. JOSEPH CARK THOMAS. The Ia. Said the plnwheel to the rocket. "Hail to Independence day! Let no carping cynic knock It As it passes on its way. Once It told of slrlte and sorrow To be bravely overcome: Now It shows a bright tomorrow For a land that's going some. "I shall scatter scintillations While you soar Into the sky, And our gay illuminations Shall briny: Joy to every eye. Kor no more we tell a story Of self-sacrifice and pain: We commemorate tho clory Of a day that's safe and sane. PHILANDER JOHNSON. "I have aTwwv succeeded In having a ciulet Fourth of July." said Mr. Growcher. "Mow do you manage It?" "1 huy firecrackers fnr all the boy In the neighborhood and present them strlctlv on condition that they go some where elae to set them off." Washington rHar. "Pmlth is a confirmed grouch. I heard Mm the other day bewailing hie sunny lot." , "That's because he hann't shade enough about it to sell It." Baltimore American. Mr. Jsckson IV doctor dun tell me. Chloe. dst If ah sln't careful ah'll have to be apendln' twenty-four hours a dsy in bed. Mrs. Jackson-Huh! Dat would Jest be e.rtdln' a couole of hours a dev to yo regular occupation! Chicago Herald. KABIB&E KABARET n txve HE MOAWS AMP criss, THE wRf He jcscweoWG n no wHABfirvrr urcxo RroNiZEf Save The Baby Use the reliable MORLICEfS ORIGINAL Malted Milk Upbuilds every part of tbe body efficiently. Endorsed by thousands of Physicians. Mothers snd Nurses the world over for! more than a quarter of a century. Convenient, no cooking nor additional milk required. Simply dissolve In wster. Agrees when other foods often fail. Samplt fret, HORLICtCS, Racint, Wit. BTNo Substitute ls"Just as Cood" as HORUCK'S, the) Original "f see Phlllr ia going In for Intensive ersrd-nlng." "You don't say!" ' Yep. Raising a mustache." Philadel phia Ledger. An Instructor in one of the colored schools !n Mobile asked her pupils one day who Nero was. A little darky held up his hand. "Do yo'.t, Arthur, know who Nero "Yessum. he' one we sing about In our Punday school." 'What Is the song like?" "Nero, Mv Ood, to Thee." New York Times. The other nlKlit at dinner a little girl surprised her mother by saying: "I'm not stuck on this bread." "Margie," said her mother, reprovingly, "you want to cut that alan out." "That's a peach of a wny of correcting a child." remarked the father. "I know." replied the mother, "but I Just wanted to put her wise." Brooklyn Eagle. 10,000 Charted Lakes IN MINNESOTA Low Round Trip Fares From Omaha CLEAR St. ral, Miss. Miasespsli, Miss. Dutoth. Miss. Ssserier, Wis. Csss Lsks, Mia. AUxisdris, Mils. Asaaadalt, Misa. Cicswooe, Misa. Payaesvills, Misa. LAKE $14.35 14.35 20.35 20.15 21.50 18.10 16.08 17.40 16.03 IOWA, $8.70 Bsckai, Mina. Walker, Misa. Detroit, Miss. Lindttror, Misa. Oiakis, Miss. Dor act, Miss. Bald Eagle, Miss. Tsyters Fall, Misa. Shell Lak, Wis. Minnesota is Omaha's Nearest and Coolest 3 Vacation Land HE average tem , pcrature during July I a t ...L :.. u . anu fiuguai, wiicii u s uuucsi in Omaha, is about 67 degrees. There are over 10,000 lakes, some of which are big, fashionrb'e water ingr places covering half a County, with Rood hotels, steamboats, yachts, tennis courts, coll courses, etc.. others more mod- - est, and a great many quiet spots away off in the woods where you can live in a cot- tsee or camp, lar away l mm lashions, bus iness and the routine of life in the home town. Think of it I 10,000 lakes import ant enough to be put on the map) Deep, clear and cool, and alive with fighting nan to teat your wrut, your un ana your stem i far Uttratwrt m4 tutt informmtian sua P. F. BONORDEN, C. P.&T. A. 1822 raraaaa St.. Oaaaha. name Deauda 260 -e. BBS A7Vi an T.rr,ii nrrOT TVn rr ivii jr vsa V4VA in ug rTI will not only get a Jz beer of quality but also an oppor tunity to obtain a free premium by saving coupons, 'Phone Douglas 1880. LUXUS Mercantile Company, Distributors i Have You Got Really Desirable Property for Rent? Can you offer unusual value to a tenant f Is your flat, store, apartment or house calcu lated to appeal to a particular tenant, both on attvunt of its desirability and of the rental rates! If yes, then you really have something to advertise, and you can make a winning advertising campaign in the classified J columns of The Bee with the expendi ture that will make but a blight vX iDroad upor your first month's Jvsl r.Tit money. jfT' ' ?Sv.:' 20.34 20.62 19.86 15.91 18.10 19.98 14.87 16.31 18.25 1 . ims. ytt r KJ . Xa 1717 a