,7 A If You Only Knew lr't'v!vv,v "US SaTarday Tor lUith 8'iiKiiiy and Monday. This Store will be Closed All Day Monday. Ilnti't fail to advantage of Thee Satnrday Nnrtr'.lns. what you are mlsing nhrn ou fail to take advantage ,f our Great Midsummer Halo I'lano ItArRnlns, you'd come if you had to walk! fet oar price. ?nw Saturday values mil tnthuse the Economical A 1 I VI Prom tliA r.hpflnost. t.Vint.'a tronrl t.n t.rtA Vst. nrnrliiopri nrrl nil nt mnat nttrnrtlvo nrlHntro From the cheapest, that's good to the best produced, and all at most attractive pricings. July Sales, beginning Saturday, certainly offer the buyers opportunities for profitable buying seldom, if ever, equaled. uri tAf r-'i-rrrj V resli hniit.H or eavtaNen ISnt Only lly Kxpren at Iur'liaer Itlsk. 7 M.lll, OltPl.ltH rllJ.KI) i hom uvn i.n.v ais. L,rywiimww e" Tin; HKK: OMAHA. NATUT.PAY, JULY 11)15. in . - t' Need Summer Furnishings? Saturday's sales here offer you values we do not believe you ever saw equalled. Fine Quality Union. Suits $2.1)0 to $3.00 values, in sheer Panama cloths, satin stripe madras, nois ettes, silks and other fine fabrics, all well known makes J't 9S and $1.45 Men's Summer Shirt Dress and outing styles. Griffon, Imperial, Ideal and other well known and dependable brand, in pongees, madras, batlnettes, pique, etc, to 3.0) values, at 08 All newest silk and mercerlzeu stripe patterns included. Tub Silk Shirts $3.01) to $5.00 values, in finest qualities, newest patterns $1.98 and $3.45 YOU'LL WANT A BATHING SUIT FOR JULY 5TH Here's Two Special Lots You'll Find Matchless Values: Men's Cotton Bathing Suits One-piece, all good colors, well made, regular values to $1.50, at.... .98 and 49 Men's Bathing Suits To $5.00 values, in high grade pre-shrunk wool all good colors. . .82.50 and $3.50 Men's $1.00 Union Suits Mesh, rib and nainsook, one big special lot, including all sizes; on sale at 49 Men's 50c Knit Underwear Shirts, drawers, in mesh, rib or balbriggan, all sizes, at, garment 25 Last Two Items on Sale in Domestic Room. III WK fX" rwJI liLWl O lUl Marvelous Values in Women's Summer Apparel BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DRESSES Made to sell at $7.50 to $2.00; frj q tf) Saturday pt,iJDm$lU At $4.95 A broad assortment of clever designs in the most popular summer fab rics, white and colors, plain, striped, dot ted and floral patterns, all sizes. Made to sell at $7.50 (o $12.50. Palm Beach Suits Made to sell at $10.00 and $12.00; all sizes, 16 to 40, nobby new styles; on sale Satur- Elegant Silk Tailored Suits Also a fine lot of wool suits, made to sell at $25.0f) to $50.00; over 1-5 of them for selection; in three spe cial lota Saturdav $15.00, $19.50 aud $25.00 day at $G.95 New Sweater and Sport Coats Values and assortments unsurpassed at. $5.00, $7.50, $8.95 and $10.00 At $10.00 Klegnnt Summer Dresses $I5.0U to sfc-J0.no values, iu silk taffetas crepe de chine, nets, linens, voiles, etc.; all colors and almost endless variety of the season's most charming designs. Summer Dress Skirts In Palm lleneh and other popular wash fabrics, big assortment nt $1.95, $2.95 to $5.00 Charming New Waist Styles in silks, nets. cr'pes and novelties; splendid values at 81.95, $2.95 and $3.95 The most varied and attractively priced stock of children's white and colored dresses shown in Omaha. Special values for Saturday. Muslin and Knit Underweai IT Women who know values will find these irresistible bargains. Crepe de Chine and Nainsook Skirts to $7.50 val- m'rywmy ix. broken lots, to &.' 1 s 91.98, SLU W&M $2.98, 83.98. C ombi nation Suits made to sell to $3.00, sev eral different styles, $1.50. Crepe de China Corset Covers to $2.50 values, in two lots. 98f and $1.50- Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers, including Marcelln, daintily lace trimmed, two lots, 49 "d 25. Italian Silk Vests and Bloomers, to i values, on Pale at 08 and 81.50. Knit Union Suits and Vests, also Children's Muslin Underwear, at scarcely more than half worth. 71 - 0 v July Sale Special Women's Silk Hose You'll want several pairs when you examine the quality. 1'luin and Fancy Nllk Hone Pure thread silk, regular values to $1.60, on sale at, pair. . . . M) Wujjie Knit Silk Hose Pure thread silk, with garter top. black or white, pair 75 ftOc Fibre Nllk Hose, In all colors, excellent wearing, very popular, fair 29 Children's Mercerised Hose, per pair 12H Three Special Bargains in Hammocks for the 4th On Fourth Floor. $3.B0 Three-ply Warp Ham mocks, with large throw-back pillow, valance and spreader, at 82.08 12.60 Hammocks, with valance and pillow, full size, good col ors, good weight. .. .81.08 il.r.O Hammock, with pillow, good colors, good tzea.f)8 Other Special up to fJVftO. Special I Vices for the Fourth Croquet Set. Tennis Kac ' rpiets, etc. s Saturday Your Unrestricted Choice Saturday Of Any Man's Suit in Stock Hart Schafher & Mar. 9 And All Other High Grade Makes Not a Single Suit in Stock (Except Blues and Blacks) Reserved All Others Co. X n 15 Values to $35.00 The best clothes our money or yours can buy at regular prices, selves back with our guarantee. Values to $35.00 Suits that sold at $18.00, Sitits that sold at $20.00. Suits that sold at $22.50. $15.W Merchandise both the makers and our- f Suits that sold at $25.00. Suits that sold at $30.00. Suits that sold at $35.00. One More Day, Saturday. July 3d. All Necessary Alterations Made Free. The Most Complete Line of High Class Summer Suits Shown in Omaha. Palm Beach Suits as low as $5X) I Mohair Suits in wide assortment I Silk Suits Values we're confident the better kind, $7.50 and $8.50 at. .$8.50, $12.50 and $15.00 you cannot equal at $15 and $25 eautiful Millinery for the Fourth Over Two Hundred Charming Sum- $E'QQ mer Hats, values at $7.50; choice... They were made iu our own workrooms for the occasion. Artistically designed, carefully made, featuring the much wanted Laco and Maline Hats in transparent effects, with the new jet trimmings; the new Satin and Velvet Hats, also Pan amas, Leghorns and Hair Hats in wide assortment and most desirable shapes. Regular $7.50 values here price elsewhere would be much higher. A Splendid Line of Nobby Sport Hats To $5.00 values-in felts, pleated taffe tas with velvet facings, combination of velvet und straw, stitfhed felt brims with velvet crowns, and many other styles July Sale of Handkerchiefs About One-Half Worth Broad assortment of Ladies' Hand kerchiefs for selection: Be Handkerchiefs at 2 10c Handkerchiefs at 4i 16c Handkerchiefs at 20c Handkerchiefs at 10 25c Handkerchiefs at ISM 36c Handkerchiefs at 10 25c Embroideries, 19c A big delayed shipment of 18-ln. Corset Cover Embroideries and Skirt Flounclngs, less than half actual re tall worth. Articles You'll Want Independence Day Specially Priced for Saturday Suitable novelties for the Motor Races, parks and Picnics. Auto Scarf, special, 89o and....t8o Auto Pap, special, 49a and IM Auto Hats and Bonnets Mo Outlns Hats and Caps. 4o and.. Sao Pretty Ostrich Boas fa.at Thermos Hottles, special aba X.unoh Kit, with Thermos Bottle, neat, well made $1.75 Novelty Veilings, special, yard, I1)". lc and a5q lace rollers and Collar and Cuff Hets, 26c and 4n New I lire Jsckets, up from. .. .$1.78 lted, White and Blue Ribbons, yard. (o, 10c and Ite I'sncy sah Ribbons, special, yard, 10c. 19c, 2o, 19o and MO v : : ' 3 Drugs and Toilet Goods 5 For Saturday 13.00 01 Blue Rosa Perfume .... $3.04 IJ00 os. Zora Perfume $1.00 0o os. White Rose Perfume 880 11.60 box Ie T re fie or Asuraa Powder for , , ........8o $1.60 bottle Oriental Cream Mo too tub Pebero Tooth Pasts 9ti 3 too Jar Lanaett sc RamsdeU'a Cream V .for ato 75c Pomneian Massac Cream 60 I6o Pond's or Aubry Bisters' Cream. lo fc too Imported Klce Face Powder. .. ,a8o 3 76c bottle Jad Halts too Ta lire's Hhamimo. lor the hair sm 60c bottle Phennlsx Wafers ,....,.B8o (6c box Diamond Inseot Powder... .810 11.00 Hal liepatlca ,.o too bottle Horllck'a Malted Mllk...So Flvs 10c rolls Crepe Toilet Paper. 88 j Four lOo bars Peroxide Hoap a.88o 10a Jap Roes or Palmollvs 8oap...,e Three luc bars imported CaaUl Boap $2.49 tor aia 10? pkf. Scott's Tissue Travellns; Towels eo 75c Hudnut's Violet Bee Toilet Water for. 89o 26c Tooth Rrunhes ...lOo Oet your Bathlna Caps from tOa up to $IM No Phono Orders, I Your Unreitricted Choice of Any Straw Hat in our entire stock, fllS values to $3.00, at. ... i Soft and stiff straws of all newest shapes in Sen nits, Splits, Porto Rican braids, etc (Panamas only excepted), at choice, $1.15. Auto Hats and Caps to $2.00 values in all silk, all colors, at 75c. Children's Wash Hats, 75c values, Saturday, 45c. Children's Wash Hats, worth to 50c, on sale in Domestic Room, 19c. BIG SHOE SALE SATURDAY Men's 4.00 Dress Shoes, but ton or blucher, 2 50 Men's $3.00 Dress and Work Shoes. Men's $4.00 Tan Calf Oxfords, rubber sole and heel Men's White Canvas Oxfords Men's Palm Beach rubber sole and heel Ox- 0 Cf fords 3aeDU Men's High Grade Work Shoes, Including Kirkendall'a famoua "Cock of the Walk" and "Easy Walker" shoes. Not all sizes $1.98 If Oxfords, $2.50 $2.00 In each lot, but all sizes In the different lots. None worth less than $2.76, and up 1 QQ to $4. Your choice, P 1 ttO Don't fall to get in oh these bargainscome or send we will exchange later. Many styles suitable for outing wear In cluded are shown In 16th St. window. Stetson nd Croeaett Shoes and Oxfords for Men. Women's Gun Metal Colonial Pumps, welt Boles, p- 14.00 values .... JOl Women's patent 2 fcO Efi and 8-strap Sandals 3a.oU Women' Kid and Patent X and 2-etrap Sandals good lookers and good QQ wearers J)X.70 Children's Patent and Gun Metal Mary Janes, sizes up to 11, reg ularly fl.75 and f f fr $1.60 quality for. . jl.UU Child's Gun Metal Mary Jane Pumps, sizes up to 8, tvr $1.25 quality i DC 500 pairs Women's Small Size Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.60 grades two lots, two prices 6p.r.'.$1.00 .50c Grover and Queen Qual ity Shoes and Oxfords for Women. Wonderful Bargains in White Mountain Refrigerators Saturday Big Savings Here on Your Vacation Luggage Leather Cases and Grips, Rattan Cases and Grips, Trunks of all descriptions, about one-third off regular retail worth. All 6tylefi. Fourth of July Sale Special High Grade Parasols j0 Up to $15.00 values, two lota $4.98 All the season's newest styles and colors, every one of them remarkable bargains. Don't fall to see them. Kayser Sik Gloves, 16-button length, to $1.75 values, Saturday 79 and $1.25 $1.00 Silk Gloves, 16-button length. .. .49 wo are heavily overstock lm some aombers aad tboso to on sals Satordaj at woadsrfnl baxffaia prices. K $11.00. 80 -lb. capacity, top fill type, (olden oak case, two shelves, sale price $10.00 $21.00. 110-lb. capacity, "White Mountain,'' golden oak case, whlto lined, top fill type, sale price .. $18.7 $:t.00, ist-lb. capacity. "White Mountain," golden ou.lt case, whlto lined, top fill type, sal. price.. 31M $$$.10. 100-lb. capacity, "White Mountain," Boston ttiree-door type, sale price 8384)0 $2.t$. 115-lb., capacity. "Whit. " Mountain." Boston three-door type, ale price 834.00 $5$. 00, l$$-lb. capacity, "8 tone Whit." Whit. Mountain, lined with natural genuine quarried stone, whit, as snow, whit, oak case, best refrig erator made 847.60 XITTLII TOB nVMZBTZBTa 8XASOBT. 10-o.t. spaa alnmlanm Preserving Kettles, worth $1.40 88. $-qt. all white enamel Berlin Ket tles, complete with cover, worth 7o, for 480 I-qt. blue and whlto Preserving; Ket tles 48o 10-qt. gray enamel preserving Ket tles, worth 46o gge Cbtfry Itoaers, special.. 8o aa4 To 10c fVult Jar Wrenches To 10c pkg. Pontius Beating W Specials in Meat Department for Saturday We have anything- you want for the CHortons roorth la frMh of mok.4 meats. Qenuln. 1816 spring lamb, hind quarters, lb ,.14f4o Genuine 1115 spring lamb, fore quarters, lb 1140 First quality fresh pork roast, b ... , v,c Fli.t quality steer pot roast, lb.. 11 Sc and .V.....8V40 First quality steer round steak, lb ISl.. First quality spar. ribs. b. .8H tlrst quality boiling beef, at lb BH. 11 lbs. best leaf lard moked ateato, Kam, Baoon, Couked Meats, .ta, fo (ho 4th. No. 1 lean bacon LsHO Supremo bams, first quality, at IB 5 ZS'''f fS''S'. IT PAYS TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST- IT PAYS IT PAYS TRY HAYDEN 3 FIRST IT PAYS rrr VjV jpiaV 80 V. No. 1 plcnlo hams. lb.. 10Vo No. X back bacon, lb..M....18HO Read the Big Special July Grocery Opening Sale Quality Goods and a Bavins' of SB par Mt to 80 per cent. Flour has advanced, with every pros pect of going much higher. Our old Wheat flour. 4i-lb. sacks; best high grade Iriamond 11 flour; nothing finer for biscuits, pies or cakes, sack.. $1.00 14 lbs. best Oranulatetl Can pugar tor $Uo 10 bars Heat-'Km-All Ilamond '. 1-aundry Queen, Whlto I-aundry Soan for ,.B3o $ lbs. best Whlto or Yellow Corn- rneal 17. For Ic. Tea try our Combination Blend, lb 8So Golden Hanlos Coffee, lb 80o TXB BITTTBB MA I1T TOB tu nom. Th. best Creamery Butter, ear ton lb -..aoe Th. beat Creamery Butter hulk, lb..aso i reainery nutter. .. .87. tbla Butter, lb SSO reaia. New York White. Cneain of Youna- America Chsesa, lb 400 No. 1 t'ountry t Fanoy Ialry Tal fancy Full 'ri visconsin Cneai nt Vp Too Apricots Wow Four bas ket crat. fancy California Apricott for $1.8$ TBB TBSTABZ.B X11EIT TOB 15 lba best New Potatoes to th. perk for 80s New Cabbage, lb 8 He t bunches fresh Onions or Radishes. 8o 4 bunches fresh Beets. Carrots or Tur nips So Fresh Peas, qusrt ...So t bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce So $ heads fresh Head Letture So 4 bunches fresh Khubarb for ...8. Freeh Hplnach, peck 8o Fancy Kip. Tomatoa, par lb ....so 2 bunches fresh Asparagus for $0 W. hav. a full line of Kaspherrles, Oooseberrlea. Currants, Logan Berries, to. LIMOn, LBMOM. XVBMOVf. Extra fancy large Juicy Lemons, per doaen , 18a, Sue, 81o Wild Cherry Phosphate or Boot Beer, on. bottle will mako fiv. gallons, per bottU loo Buy Your Wines and Liquors for the Fourth Where yon are snro of satisfy, lag- tnaUty at lowest pilees. a-Yeax.Old Whisky, either Old Crow or Guckenhebn.r, sold hero at. full quart $1.00 Maryland Bye Whisky, year old, full quart Toe Colonial Bell $)waot Wine, par quart 80 Borne-Mad. Grape Wines, on sale, per gallon $111 Two large bottl. beer $M Mail Orders rule.