Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    THK 1JEE: 0MA1IA. SATll.h V. .HI .Y
Grand Island Market Furniihei
; Great Number for the Battle
ORAKD I8UA.NP. Neb.. July 2.-Sre-etal
Telegram.) 81 x hundred head of
horses, making about thirty cars, were,
shipped out today and fiGO yesterday for
the British and French armies and be
tween 4.000 and 5,000 head are still In
the meadows east of this city. Contrac
tor! are assembling these horse here
from various western and southwestern
state, and are classifying them for the
artillery or cavalry service, and cull
In out the animals that have become
sick on the way.
It is reported that there is some diffl-
culty In shipping out. As fast f. the
horse are brought In they are consigned
from here to Montreal.
Fremont Pioneer
Dies in California
FREMONT. Neb., .Inly 2-(Speolal.)-Judge
James O. Smith, one of the first
ettlera of the city of Fremont, who
located here In 1854, died at the home of
his son. Bruoe. at Los Angeles. Wednes
day afternoon. The body will be brought
to Fremont for burial.
Mr. Smith, who was past M years of
age, came to Fremont from Wyoming
county. Pa.. In August. 1856. He erected
the first store In what was a little
prairie settlement with four or five
families and for several years was en
gaged In the mercantile business with
his brothers. Charles A. and Joseph T.
Kmlth brothers built one of the first
hrlck block to be erected In Fremont
on the site now oocupied by the Eno
hotel, the oldest hostelry In the city.
Mr. Smith left Fremont six years ago
for . Chattanooga, Tenn., to make his
home with a daughter, two years later
removing to Los Angeles. Mrs. Smith,
ho was Mlsa Nancy Foeuman of Penn
sylvania, died over a quarter of a century
ago. She joined Mr. Smith aoon after
he settled In Fremont One of the twelve
ibrother of the Smith family. Charles A.
of Fremont. Is the only on surviving.
State Witnesses
Say Conduct of
Thaw Erratic
Mr. Prhafer of th German Lutheran
church officlalng. The bride has taught
school the last two year In the, public
schools of Phe!ton and 'be pTmt la In
the Jewelry business In his honi town.
NEW VORK. July 2. -Justice llendrlck
and the Jury at Harry K .Thaw's sanity
trial had heard most of the state's doc
umentary evidence when court reconvened
tony. Counsel for the state brought
thlr witnesses In the expectation of
calling the first of them this afternoon,
rollcemen who arrested Thaw immedi
ately after he shot Stanford White were
among those waiting to testify.
Satisfied that Evelyn Nesblt Thaw will
be here early next wek In response
to a subjoena calling her as a witness,
the state's attorneys had abandonedy
their preparations to obtain an attach
ment to compel her presence In court.
After the Introduction of further doc
umentary evidence the state called as Ha
first witnes James M. Barrett, a police
man assigned to the tenderloin police
station on the night Harry Thaw was
taken there after the killing of Stanford
White. He gave testlnu ny IntenJed by
the state to prove tliat Thaw, title In
his cell, was under a delusion II at he
heard the voices of little girls screaming.
"Thaw asked me two or three times,"
said the witness. " "Where are those lit
tle girls screaming?' I told him there
were no little girls. Some women had
been srrested and one waa shouting and
carrying on. I told him they were women
and he said, 'Oh, no they aren't. They're
little girls. I hear them screaming." He
asked me who was beating and abusing
Thaw's conduct when he wss forcibly
deported from Canada was described by j
rranK nicradden, a Canadian Immigra
tion officer, who had charge of Thaw
wnue he was In Jail at Sherbrooke, Que.
When told that he was to be deported
Thaw, he said, "flared up In an awful
rage." He threw a bottle through a
window, said McFadden and shouted.
"They're kidnaping me."
McFadden thought Thaw's conduct on
this occasion was "very Irrational."
Henri Glroux, one of the Immigration
Inspectors who took Thaw from the Jail
corroborated McFadden. adding that
Thaw appeared "dangerously mad."
Prominent Czechs
Are Under Arrest
IjONDON. July 2.-The Csech par
liamentary leader, IT. Kramart, and Dr.
Schrelner. head of the Bohemian gym
nastic organization, were arrested at
Tragus on May 5?. charged with
rsptonsge and maintaining friendly rela
tions with the l'ailan consul, according
to the Times. The -n!y compromising
documents found In their possession are
said to have been coplea of a Ciech re
view, published In Tarts.
The Times asserts the two men are Im
prisoned In Vienna, although false re
ports of their liberation have been spread
In the hope of Influencing the Czech
population In favor of the war loan.
The refuaal of the Csech party to dls- i
avow Its arrested leader la reported to
have resulted In Archduke Frederick,
commander In chief of the Austrian army,
addressing to Emperor Francis Joseph a
report denouncing all Csech's as traitors.
The Time article contains the state
ment that several Csech regiments have
deserted to the Russians and Serbians.
Homeopaths Are
Ready to Espouse
Prohibition Cause
CHICAGO, Juiy 2. Homeopathic physi
cians are ready to espouse the cause of
national prohibition, according to Dr. E.
Arthur Carr of Lincoln. Neb., who pre
sented the report of the Interstate com
mittee to the convention of the America!,
Institute of Homeopathy here todsy. The
report carried iHUilnlory recommenda
tions of the Harrison n.ircntl." law.
"1 believe homeopathic physicians are
ready now to support national prohibi
tion." said Ir. Carr. "We, as a profes
sion, use little cocaine or other narcotics
In our prsctlce. much less than are used
by other schools of medicine, but while
we may believe In national prohibition
and In the principle represented by the
Harrison law, this committee does not
want to go further in Ita recommenda
tions, or take any political action other
than the singlo recommendation com
mending this great law."
IT. J. P. Sutherland of Boston ob
jected to the resolution, stating that the
practice of the homeopathic pVnstctans
l ad not required a regulatory measure
like the Harrison law and that he be
lieved there had been much politic be
hind the law as well as purely ethical
The convention, acting upon Pr. Suth
erland's suggestion, voted to adopt the
committee's report without the recom
mendations. Opposition to the selection of Baltimore
as the next convention city developed
todsy. It wss argued that the method of
selection hy the trustees precludes the
Institute from receiving offers from
Commercial clubs 'of various cities. His
motion that the trustees consider their
selection of Baltimore not final waa car
ried In the form that they hold their
decision until December, with the prlvl
lege of changing the convention city
should they deem It advisable.
Hioan of the Chrls'lan church officiated.
Thry will reside here. n the same day
Frank Kessler, assistant cashier of the
State bank in this city, wss united In
marriage to Miss Edna Slmnnson at the
Utter s home near Yankton, S. P. Mrs.
Kessler had been the kindergarten
teacher In Sac City for four year..
theater at the fslr grounds, and the prln
i Ipal address will be made by N. E. Ken
dall of Alhla, former congressman from
the Sixth district. Base ball games be
tween Imogen and Essex and Shenan
doah teams, old-time sport contest and
an old fiddler' contest, will end th cele- :
h ration.
t attle Killed by t.lahtnlna.
SilENANPOAH, la.. July 2. (Special )
A aevrre rain and hall storm did con
siderable damage In this county yester
dsy afternoon. Near Norwich and Bing
ham the storm seemed to be the heaviest
snd some of tho farmers estimate the
.crops, especially tho ripening wheat.
damaged to extent of about two-thirds.
At the fsrm of U. tl. Owen and In his
neighborhood excessive damsge was
done. Four head of cattle were killed by
llehtnlng on the farm of W. T. McCul-loui,h.
Two Weddings at
SAC CITT. In.. July
The last day of June wltn
dings of Interest to Sac I
the residence of the bride
and Mrs. Calvin Spaytle,
took place the marriage
Spaydo to Earl Walsner,
young people of this city.
fine ilty.
essed two wed-
Ify people. At
's parents, Mt.
, In Sac City,
of Mlsa Dottle
, both popular
Rev. J. Irving
henarinnh Will I elebrate.
SHENANDOAH, la. July 2. (Special.)
Six allegorical floats, decorated auto
mobiles, clowns and comedians, members
of Company K and city officials, will
take part In the patriotic parade to he
given here Monday at the Fourth of
July celebration. Following the parade
a program will be given at the amphl-
IOWA CITT, la.. Jnly t-("pecll.)
Trof. W, P. Christy, formerly of Iowa
City, wss drowned In Spokane, Wash.,
Thursday afternoon, says a telegram to
his relatives here. Dr. and Mr. T. I
Hazard, hla brother-in-law and sister,
left at once for the west. Do detail are
given, save that the accident happened
while he wss fishing and that the body
had not been recovered. Prof. Christy
was head of the L'nlverslty of Iowa
School of Music .and director of muslo
In the Iowa City schools, when her. He
left for Washington to fill a similar
directorship at Bpokarw, about three
years. Ills widow and daughter, aged 11,
Apsrtments, f ata, houses and cottage
ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a
l:ee "For Rent" Ad.
Burt County People
to See Liberty Bell
Nearly 1,000 Burt county people are ex
pected to arrlva In Omaha for the recep
tion of the Liberty Bell July 9. Tekamah
citizen are very much Interested and J.
W. Tsjnplln ha been boosting consistenly
for a large delegation to come to Omaha
and view the bell.
Tentative arrangement are made for a
big picnic of Burt county people to be
held In one of the park on the afternoon
of July Commissioner Hummel has an
nounced that the Burt county delegation
may have the us of any park they may
like for such a plcnlo. The bureau of
publicity, 1 co-operating lit tbe movement
for such a plcnlo.
Note from Osgs County.
BEATRICE, Neb., July J.-(Speclal.)-M.
U. Rawllngs. ex-mayor of Wymore,
announced Thursday ttiat he would at
once begin mandamus proceeding against
Mayor McMullen and the city council of
Wymore to compel them to act on the
second petition filed by him asking that
the matter of billiard and pool hall li
cense be submitted to a vote of the
people. It hs been sixty days since the
petition waa filed and a the council ha
failed to pass on it he Intend to force
them to take some action, according to
Mr. Joe Van Hamert and Mrs. Sam
uel Hutaon of this city Thursday re-1
celved a telegram from Johnson, Neb.,
atatlng that their cousin. Gilbert Donee,
wss killed by lightning at that place
Wednesday evening. They left on the
first train to attend the funeral.
Three Mexican who are working on
the Burlington road here entered the
clothing store of the P. C. Drew com
pany, and while two of them were look
ing at some goods one of them slipped
a suit of clothe under hi arm and tried
to escape. Pearl Drew caught him and
kicked htm out of the store Instead of
filing a complaint against htm.
oelt tna-Kaadsnn.
FL'LLERTON, Neb., July 2. (Special.)
A wedding of Interest In Nebrsska uni
versity circles was that celebrated Tues
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mr. K. C. Knudson, when their only
daughter, Myrtle Mildred, wss given In
marriage to William Henry Noeltlng of
Evansvllle, Ind. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. W. H. Cooper of the
First Presbyterian church of this city.
Mis Marjorle LIchtenwallner of Omaha,
a university friend of the bride, waa the
bridesmaid and the groomsman, Walter
Noeltlng, brother of the groom, also was
Identified with the Nebraska university
although at present a student In the
Lnlverslty or Wisconsin. The bride
studied piano in the university conserva
tory and, while a secretary at the statn
house in Lincoln, continued to participate
in university activities. She is a member
of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Tele
gram of congratulation and best wishes
were received during the evening from
the national Alpha Chi convention, now
In session In California. Mr. Noeltlng,
formerly of Nebraska City, graduated
from the university engineering course In
1913 and has since been Identified with a
manufacturing company of Evansvllle.
Mr. and Mr. Noeltlng left the same
evening for a trip on the Great Lakes
and through the east. After August 1
they will be at home In Evansvllle.
Merer-tlaekme it.
SHELTON, Neb., July 2. (Special!-At
noon todsy t the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Hackman the marriage of their
daughter, Catherine P., to Mr. Rooert
Meyer of Grand Island took place. Rev.
Turkish Deputy is
Slain at Diarhekr
T1FL1S. Transiausla, Thursday. July
l.-tVIa Petrograd. July 2, 11:30 a. m., and
Via London 3:30 p. m.) A messsge from
Melazgerd, Asiatic Turkey, says that M.
Vradlan, a member of the Turkish Cham
ber of Deputies from the Dlarbek dis
trict. Asiatic Turkey, hae been mur
dered at Dlarbekr, the capital of the dis
trict. No further details are given.
Seventy prominent Armenian residents
of Dlarbekr hae been exiled ty me
Turkish authorities to Fntlngan, 150 miles
to the north.
Spotted typhus fever has again broken
out among the Armenian living In the
Frlvan district. Owing to the lack or
doctora and medical supplies, the disease
Is spreading. Enormous crowd of Ar
menian refugees are marching to Vru
mlah, Tabrlg and other points in Azer
baijan province. In Persia, as well as to
places In the vilayet of Van, In Turkish
George W. Owynn.
TABOR, la. July 2 (Speclal.)-After a
lingering illness of many montha George
M. Gwynn, who has been one of the
most prominent grain dealers nd real
estate men of Tage and Fremont coun
ties, died at his daughter's home here
at 1 o'clock yesterday of cancerous
tumor and blood poison. He Is survived
by hi widow and two children, Mrs.
Cloid Hall of Tabor and R. M. Gwynn
of Shenandoah. He is a brother of J. T
and T. J. Gwynn, grain dealers, at Nor
wich, Vorktown and Shenandoah.
u. Thomas.
ATLANTIC. Ia, July 2. (Special)-The
body of I D. Thoma. a former resident
of (hi city. Who died suddenly at Boone
last week, were brought he-s jester lay
ard Interment was made In the Atlantic
cemetery. The deceased was a resident
of this city for a great many y?ars. He
wss about 67 yearn old and leaves a
widow and two children. The children
are Mr. John Goold of Harlan and W. J.
Thomas of Omaha.
Papllllon to Celebrate.
PAPILLION, Neh., July 2. 'Spe lal.)
Papilllon will celebrate tomorrow with
a picnic. Balloon ascension, base ball
game and wrestling match. Gretna will
play Papllion. A substantial list of
prizes hs been hung v.p.
New Note of Spaldlaa".
6PALDINO, Neb.. July 2Special)
W. P. Dunning, newly appointed post
master, took his office Wednesday. T.
C. Cronln ha been postmaater for
twelve year. ThI ia Mr. Dunning' !
second appointment, he having served
twenty-five year ago. Miss Clara, Caslin
will be assistant.
A new rural route has been ordered
established out of Spalding, the first In
the history of this town.
Twenty-five person will go to Omaha
from here July 8 to attend the auto race
and th Cutler-Etecher wrestling match.
Plattsntoatk Note.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July 2.-(Sp-cuU.)
Commencing today the employe In
th Burlington hop her commenced
to work nine hour per day. Including
Saturday. -
County Superintendent Mlsa Eda Mar
ouardt announce that the teacher of
thl county voted to 1 to have the next
annual Csss County . Teachers' institute
held In thl city August 30 to September
I, Inclusive.
Bars Bsrars Near Arses.
AVOCA. Neb., July 2 (Special) The
large barn belonging to Henry Ludwlg,
wet of town, together with a quantity
of hay and grain waa burned to th
ground yetercy morning. A wind mill
near by waa also burned. A large cattle
bgrn was saved by hard work. There
wens several horse in th barn, but all
wera aaved. Th origin of the fire la
Aged Mas Eads Lite.
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. July I.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Joe Bod ell. a carpenter, about
CO year old, committed suicide thl aft
ernon by ahootlng himself through the
head. Bodell has lived here several
year and has no family. Bodell was ad
dicted to the use of drugs. Coroner
Landls wll hold an inquest Saturday,
Browas Are All Tall. .
The Browns have all klnda of tall am
atately pitcher James. Perryman. Lou-
flermiia. iismuion ana wellman, and
Faumaardner, for th time being sus-
1st Our enviable reputation of being only high
class clothiers.
2d We manufacture every garment we sell
in our own work shops.
3d No special purchase for sale only our reg
ular stock the same that we sell the year
The following prices tell tlie story of a real sale:
Real $40 Suits- $3022
Real $35 and $30 Suits $31 50
Real $28 and $25 Suits 9i O50
Real $22, $20 and $18 Suits $1150
GEO. T. WILSON, Manager mi in hum,- ""l-"'4-vJ',?A,aj. ,
Quality Suits
On Sale
now v
$15 &$18
Quality Suits
On Sale
s Now
Ujljl J
wHMsssi3 tliHsassssssll1s3
Quality Suits
On Sale
k jjjgjjjlgljjl BBSlBBSSSSSSSlBSiP
Quality Suits
On Sale
V eLb L j y
$30-$35 -$40
Quality Suits
On Sale
This store will
be closed all day
Monday, July 5th
You can own a KING-PECK
Quality Suit at from $3 to $19
Under Actual Value
The saving is yours collect it in Saturday and celebrate
the "Fourth" in the ranks of Omaha's best dressed men
' is now on under a full
head of steam.
This exceptional sale holds
forth a double attractiveness
that of the most remarkable
savings of the year as well as
allowing you to select your
new suit prior to the "Fourth"
Our immense stocks have
been centered on our main
floor to permit the widest
range for selection and to
facilitate a speedy, efficient
Here you'll find Eng
lish, semi-English and
conservative models in
the choicest patterns of '
tho season. Sizes from
31 to 52 bust, in all pro
"Quality Confidence" goes
with every garment in sale.
Every suit is from our regu
lar stock. No special pur
chases of goods intended
solely for sale purposes. This
is a "different" sort of store,
and a "different" sort of sale.
Sale of $1.50 Silk Front Shirts Saturday $
The srason for silk shirts is on lhat's why this Mile should ap
peal donbly strong to you. Smart, attractive patterns, silk
Lofioms and cuffs. An eatraordinarv value
w mmmmm
Black Suiti.
Palm Beach,
Silk and
Madrat Saita
not included
in Male.
Four Interesting Specials for Saturday Get Your Share
Athletic Nainsook Un
ion Suits, all cri-,
ilia, special, OvC
Balbrtggan Knit Un
ion Bnlta, Usht Cfi-
weight ...... OlC
$1.00 faat color Negli
gee Bhlrta. 7E
special I OC
K aplmdld TaJue Shirty
laundered r
caffs OUC
A double holiday this "Fourth"
A double reason for you buying
that new straw Saturday
Celebrate the Fourth under i --TrTw?-r-a
KING-PECK Straw. Every fjJL
wanted style and kind is here
at any price from
$1.00 to $10.00
rcrro u ay ho
1 N. I 1
Qerer New
Snort Shirts
$1.00 and $1.50
Sport Tie, 50c