WANTED TO DENT NrTK"1,r rnt f,,r ,,""'!r ""'vice. Kord t lZ? i.1""1 hy "fmix-tent driver. Address WANTED TO m?Y Tat buys everythlngJZnd hand. Web. 4o4. OFFKICK furniture boughTand ,0U J. WANTKI)- To huy good grocery and mst fixtures for our new store. No S3 St 1187 Karnmn. Tel. Basket Store Otttce. Douglas L(0. HEAL ESTATE farm Rtxcii Ltn von ".alb California. Uv Oak Colonies, hom bettor. W T. Smith -q . 413.14 city Nat Bk. t i.XCL'KSION. July 12. You want to go on this excursion and ee our bargains In California land. It we cannot show you more for your money than anywheres else In the state. It will cost you nothing. Don't forget the date. W.T.Smith Co., . Cltv National Rk. Bldg. Colorado. FOR SALE-Pection In Weld Co.. Colo., I3.75 per acre; no trades; write owner. Fred Uhle. Lincoln. III. 0 ACRES very beat farming land In northeastern Colorado, 310 per acre; Poo caah, balance ten years at 6 per cent This land Is really worth over lis per acre. Wheat on neighboring farms ha averaged aa high as SO bushels per acre for the last ten years. A. W. Burg 1404 W. O. W. Bldg. Iowa. HAVE TOVI A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good desorlptlon of your land and send It to the Kioux City. I.. Journal, Iowa a Moat Powerful Want A1 Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and ry Saturday evening ami Sunday morning for one month, giving alxteen ala oa twelv different days fof 2; or 60 words, 14; or 75 words, pi. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, tOO.OuO readers dally In four .treat tatta SMALL MISSOURI FARM. ii raah and 36 monthly, no Interest or tax); highly productive land, clohe to three big markets; write for photographs and full Information. Mungor, R, 1TV, N. V. Life BMg.. Kansas City. Mo. Minnesota. 240 ACRE8 45 mllea from Minneapolis, one mllo from town; 160 acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; n practically all be cultivated; heavy aoll; good set buildings, constating of 6 room house, large barn, granary, corn crib, windmills, etc.; the land will pro luce 60 burhels of Corn per acre; tele phone In houso; country thickly settled; complete sot of machinery; 27 head of stock, consisting' of 11 cows, balance 1 find 2 year old; six good horses; 26 hogs: (thickens; one-half of this year's crop and everything on farm goes at t0 per acre; half cash. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth 'Bldg., Mlnneauolia. Minn. Nebraska. 3660 For quick sale, 610 acres of Weld county land that will stand lnvestlga tlon; belonging to an eastern owner; all good black soil, adjoining Kimball county, none better. The quality of this land will speak for Itself, cheap at $20. Terms to ault. C. J. C'anan, J10 McCague Bldg., Omaha. FOll SALE-- 40 acres of good land In Dawson county, Nebraska; 120 acres now In wheat and corn, balance raw. Hood stoc't farm. No trade. Address Owner, Bn 364, Lincoln. Neb. o. WH flAT LAND 36 PER ACRE. A section of land, too acres farm land, bal. pasture, good well. rich, dark loam 1 to 4 feet deep, clay subsoil; no rocks, alkali, sand or gumbo; also adjoining Mchool section, 300 acres good farm land, bal. pasture; 8 miles from county seat on main road. 2 miles from shipping town on main line U. P. R K. In Nebraska. I need money and will sacrifice these two sections for 86.600. 34.800 cash, mtg. of 11,700 can be carried. Think of It. 1.280 h res at to per acre deeded land alone wdrth $8,000. Can show good farms In the vicinity: If you have the money, wire, oil or write. II . MOREARTT. 628 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. 160-ACRK well Improved farm near Falr . mont, Fillmore Co.; price 3110.00, epe ' iul terms., John I Maurer, Omaha. Neb. FARMS WANTED Farm Wanted V want to buy a good Improved farm of 160 acres near a good town. Will go 'is far as one hundred miles from Omaha. Must buy direct from owner. No agents. Address Arthur C. Crossman, lOS Boston Store, Omaha, Neb. t - PHONE DOUGLAS 5107 -o REAL E8TATJS LOANS FARM LOANS. S PER CENT TOLAND TRTMBTJT,L. 443 Bee Pldg $100 TO $10,000 mad promptly, f. D. Wead. Wead Bldg . 18th find Farnam Pta CITY and (arm loans, 5. 64. per rent. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 41 State Ban. WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1623 Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. CITY property. Large loana a aperlelty. t. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank bid MONEY on hand for city and farm loana. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Osiaha National. Phone Douglas 1715, SEE us first for farm loana In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 O fllAft Rnilla Thlilw TWA a ' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE TRADE FOR CLOSE IN ACREAGE We have a client that has 90 acres ad Iolnlm; thi corporate limits of Cam bridge, who is dealroue of trading same for acreage close to Omaha, lie will consider aa high aa 40 acres. There Is a good . 0-room house, good barn, t head horse, 18 ht ad of cattle. 10 tone of hay. enclosed feed yard, good orchard; to acres in- - alfalfa, balance plow land. Place clear of encumbrance. GALLAGHER & NELSON l Brandels Bldg. Omaha. Neb o FOR BALE or trade, nice home In Bellevue. Whole block of ground. New six-room house, good barn, chicken house, well and cistern; electric lights shade and fruit trees. Three blocks from car line. Cheap If taken at once. Phone Hellevue 43. NK'K home. Boulder. Colo., to exchange .for Omaha property. P. O. Box 3. o IMPROVED 160, 75 acres of corn, J6 acres - of wheat, will make 36 bushel. Price reasonable with or without crop and stock; might exchange. I lei Iyer. Retmb-!-an City, Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Nifty Bungalow Bargain Vestibule, living room, dining room and nun room, finished In oak; bedroom and kitchen finished In yellow pine, with birch floors; bath room white enamel; oak floors throughout; two front rooms have beamed celling; dining room has Plate rail, panel walls, window seat and , bookcases; aunroona haa 6 windows, with a 8. E. exposure; house U 14 stories but id floor Isn't finished; could finish t rooms: high-grade fixtures, guaranteed furnace, floor drain: lot 40x127; paved street: location and neighborhood Is fine near l&th and Ielrd Mia. About $eu0 caah and real monthly, or lot aa first payment Rasp Bros. H MoCagu Bldg. Douglas ISnl A BARGAIN If taken at once, modern -room house; nisplo flooring, shade trees, bearing cherry trees, other shrub bery; block from car line. Phone Web. HEAL ESTATh WEST 8IDK Great Lot Sale 80 Lots at51st&CenterSt. Saturday, July 3d, and Monday, July 5th Prices $200 and up. $5.00 Cash and $1.00 per work. Large shade trees on the lots. Cement Walks, City School, Methodist Church. Plan your Fourth of July Outing under the trees and rick out a lot for your home site The new car lino pasjteg the property. Transfer at Forty-eighth and Leav enworth Streets. Restrictions permit modest cottages but no shacks. Stores permitted on Cen ter Street. Harrison & Morton 915 Omaha National Rank Bldg. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE 5-Room Furnished Bungalow I- will sell on easy pay ments my 5-room, furnished bungalow. North part of town. Practically new. Nice ly tinted walls. Modern light ing fixtures. Nice yard, near car. Call me for any further Information. Doug. 5013 or Wal. 303T. NEW bungalow at a bargain; 6 large rooms, strictly modern; finished In oak; all of the lateat built-in features; walla are decorated, yard aodded, fine location; close to car and school. Call the owner and make arrangements to see this fine home. Your own terms. C. B. Musgrove. N. tilth Ft. Webster 4!17. On the Boulevard 4113 North 20th St. 6 rooms and sleeping porch. This nouse Is less than Z years old. In worth $J.700, but owner needs the money and will sell for $3,300. The best snap In the city. W.S. Frank Wl Neville Block. -a BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful t-room, r-trlctly modern home. In splendid condition; good loca tion; elegantly finished inside; as good as new; large lot; cistern. Price $3,7(0. Call nlj Wirt. Phone Web. after a. m $30 Cash and $30 Per Month Buys this beautiful S-room bungalow: modern throughout; furnace heat, full cement basement: oak finish principal rooma; 2 blocka from car line and 4 blocks from another; tVa blocka from fine school. Telephone Doug. 2926 Today or Call Wal. 682 Any Evening Between 7 and 8 p.m. REAL KSTATR SOf TH STTK See This Today! For the man who wanta a real bargain In a house will get It by looking at 1321 S. li;th St. A 6-room modern except heat house in good repair; large 60-foot lot, on paved street and near stores, school nd car line. The owner of thla house needs money and "'ill sacrifice for a quick sale. Make an offer. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. MOST COMFORTABLE HOME $1,900. Has five lovely rooms and bath first floor; three tied rooms and bath second floor.. Klrst floor all finished In oak. House Is strictly modern In every respest. Ixweljr lawn, east front, paved street. Ono block from Hanscom I'arlt car line. GALLAGHER & NELSON 44 BrandelH Bldg D. JMJ o Rent roomg quick with a Bee Want Ad. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Two Beautiful New Homes On Easy Payment Plan. See Them Today, Sure One Is a 6-room bungalow, brand new and . modern throughout, with cak In principal rooms. This house Is only H block from car line and In beautiful loca tion. Terms, $.T00 Cash and Monthly Payments to Suit. The other ia a large "-room house, V block from car line, in beautiful new ad dition; house la all modern, with oak In living room, dining room and sun room; there la a large brick fireplace in the living room and there la every desirable built-in convenience. This beautiful home can be bought on the following terms: $500 Cash and Monthly Payments to Suit. Telephone Douglas 2924 today and' we'll be pleased to aend auto for you to come and make inspection. E. P. Wright Residence phone, Walnut 682, evenings. Office phone. Douglas 2926. 2iuJ N. atrTH 4-lwm modern cott&ge. hot water heat; $uio down, balance pay ments. $a.0u0. owner. Room X Pax tun Block. MEDICAL PILES FISTULA CTTRED. Dr. EX R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other reotal dlseaaea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and ne money paid until cured. Write fo' book oi rectal diseases with tee',-uoalal. ju K H TARKV. 140 bldg RUPTURE cured In few days -without pain. Cal! or write Dr. Wray. j Uee Bldg.. Ou-abe. Established o I lib iibr,: RKAL E8TATF WEST SIDE REAL ESATE INVK8TMENT8 24 on your Investment SIX 4-room. nearly new brick apart' ments, walking distance; only $4,fl0n cash: balance now In the building and loan association. Th! is positively the best Investment In the city. See me at once. Nathan Somberg 42$ Bee Bldg. Doug. i33. o Trackage U0xI2 ft., right In the heart of new wnolesnlo district. Trackage on two sides: reasonable at $li,'W. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandels Bids. Omaha, Neb. o REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. C. U NETHAWAY for trades. Vlor. 276. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS- MKlJTINU. The annual meeting of the shareholders cf the Nebraska Savings Loan Associ ation will he held In the association of fice. 211 South Kuhtecnth Street, Sound-ers-Kennedy Ruildlng, Omaha, Nebraska, Wednesday, July 7, 1(115. at 8 p. m. Polls for election of three directors open at 12 o'clock noon and close at R p. m., on the rame day. John R. Hrsndt. Secretary. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Pursues Erratic Course, Changes Being Very Confusing. INTEREST IN RUBBER MAINLY NEW YORK, July 2. Stocks pursued an erratic course today, price changes being more than ordinarily . confusing. Some standard Issues were up, while others were lower; the same condition applying to numerous specialties. Trad ing waa dull except during the first and final hours, when the weakneea of United Statea rubber nnd St. I'aul created gen eral unsettlemcnt. Because of the passing of thi rubber dividends. Interest centered mainly about that atock at the opening. Initial sales consisted of fi.OOO shares at 45 to 46, against yeterday's close of 51V From thla level the stock declined to 44t. mak ing moderate recoverv Inter. Meantime other stocks, particularly war specialties, anda few railway Investments sharea, had manifested a tendency to break away from ruliber. Improvement waa well maintained until sudden weak ness developed In Canadian Pacific which lots Ita gain of the opening and soon fell to 142. a fraction above Its low record. In the last hour the entire list for feited lta gains on a precipitate decline In 8t. Paul, which fell 7 to m on rumors affecting the mnintainance of Its dividends. Aa the St. Paul earnings are known to be unsatisfactory credence at tached to these rumors. Thereafter the market moved more heavily. Steel' strength waa ascribed to the optimistic statements of trade authori ties which found partial confirmation In further advances of certain manufactured materials. Sudden withdrawals of pressure against exchange on Parle was tne of th Inter esting developmenta of the day. Demand bills on Paris made marked recovery anil remlttancea to all other European cen tere Including Dondon, also strengthened. Further heavy eelllng of International bonds presumably for foreign Interests waa a feature. Total bond sales par value. $2.S10.onO. Number of aalee and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: r"al. Hlh. Le. Ow Aluka OoM 1 (W M r 7U. AmalKtmateil Yjnpr .... S.tf'O ; 74 74a Ameriian Beet Suor.... 7(l 4', 41 American Can 4 nrio 47 44 44Uj American P. A R 4,SM) ftot 74 74 Amerlran S R. pfd.. 1,100 1CI 10 1 Americas Tl. T4l l"eu American Tobacco us Anaonda Mining 4 too I n uu Atchlaon l.fim inovi, ine loo Kaltlmor A Ohio l.o 77S 7H 74. Brooklyn Waulr Tranalt. liw 4714 ria gju California Patroletral 14 Canadian Pacific 10. KO 144 n 14 14214 fentral Laathor 4.KO 41 M. 4j,j 4V.1J Cheaapcako A Ohio 4' !, Sliv, ttu Thlcaa-o, Ureal Waatarn iu 1iloaa. Mil. A HI. I'aul H.100 M u 4U Tilrao A Northwaatern jj rhino rpper 2. ami 4K14 44 44T- Colorado fuel A iron... ; 1)4, 1 t folorado A Rotithoro 34 rionvor A K. O u renr A R. O. ifd.. rrletlllera' feWcurlllaa J mwi W I4u 7414 Krl ,7lr0 Ht M HU Oanoral Klortrtc 1 M 1-04 m 14414 flreat Northam rfd l,4ie 1171 11714 Great Northam Ora rtfa 1,'DO lis U U Ouasenhalro Exploration. t.70o 424, al 41 Illinola Cantral 100 tntarhoroush-Mat. pfd... Wil 7SH 714 74 Inspiration Cropar puO 114 11 4flt4 Intaniatlonal Hanraaler ant Kanaaa Cltr. Bout harp J44 lhlah Vallay l.ftea 147 141 t4 IjouWvllla A Kaahvlila. .. H714 114 1U Meiican PVtroleum 1 1-4 7s 7414 74U Miami Copper I.uoo rs 274 24 Mo. Kan. 4c Ta ..... t kTaaourl Palfle 1,400 4 6' 4 National Blarvilt I1714 National Lad 400 4414 474 r44 Nevada Toplr MM 14? 7441 Naw York (antral I ) 4U 4444 a4- N. Y.. N. H A H , Norfolk A Weatars im N'nrthcnl Paclflr 4.') 104 04 U14 Pacific Mail 4.7u) 4444 .U'l Pa.ltlc Tel. A Tal l Pennarlranla 1440 144 ina l'uilman Palais Car 114 Rav !onaulldaiad I oppar fjto tTa 'C 44 Rradln Im 144' 147', 147h4 HpuMlc lra A gtaal... 300 1414 M4 iHoik l.l.nd Cn 74 Ro.-k Ifland f'o pfd 74 St. U A F 14 pfd.. T Koulhrrn Parlfte f an) tV4 17 (7 Southern Hallway 44 Taaneaao t'oppar 4A0 r7 lft 4v Texaa f'ompanr , IX t'nloo I'iwllla 14A1 iti 11144 t'nlon Pacific pfd 44A siiH 40 u sn t'niled Stu Htaal tl.4'm "'a 4v4 Mu I nltad Slataa Staal pf l.. 4rt l(i, 11414 .on, I'tah fvir 1.4c ha 471, Walaiatl pM Hri , i, W'ealarn t'nlon af Waatlnsbotiaa Rlar MNIA 14- ., Total mnirm for tka dar. lll'KKi aharaa. O.MAtlA, NAT 1 1 KPAY, .11 'AA iGAAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eighty-One Cart of Wheat Received and Demand ii So Strong: that Every Bit ii Sold. PRICE ADVANCE fottv CEN OMAHA. July i 11S. There waa a very active demand for all cash arruna toda. WheM waa especially strong, making an advance of Mi4c. There was a total f elahly-one cara re'elvel on the flinir today and the strong ilrmnnd would have taken care of larger receipts. Corn soid from 40 to 14C higher, the yellow and white calling for better prlcea than the mixed. The continued foreign demand for oats, together with the local demand had a bullish effect on that mar ket and oata made strong advances of 2fl2'4c. Cash sales of oats amounted to tl&.ooo hu.. of which lOO.OOo bu. were for export. Those who have sold thla grain to for elgnera are having some trouble. It Is aald. In fllllr.g contracts. Chicago reported lta first car of new wheat yesterday. It graded No. t red. tested M and sold for $1.1. per bu. Clearances were: Wheat ami flour equal to 4M,oi huxhela; corn, 17X.000 bushels, octs. fVl.Ofo buahels. tjverpool spot: wheat, unchanged; corn. Id higher. Primary wheat receipts were MJ.cXi bushels and shipments M7.000 bushels, against reirlpta of .v;.nno bushels ana shipments of 1, 016,11ml bushels last eai Prlmnry corn receipts were 4!'1.'100 bushels and shipments 310,000 bushels, ngnlnst receipts of M0,n00 bushels and ahlpments of C'2.000 bushels lst year Primary oats receipts were SW.'ioO liusheis and srhlptnents f,0"C bushels, r,(rlnet receipts of WS.flon hnshela and rhlpmcnta of VS.0n0 bushels last year. CARIiOT REXTEirTH. Whta. Corn. Oats. Chicago 10 110 U Mlnneapnllsi 113 Dnluth f Omaha 10 r!7 4 St. lJUls 1H 41 :T Winnipeg 32 Theso sales were reported today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 ear, $1.30; No. J hard winter. 1 car. 1117. Corn: ! No. 3 white. 1 csr. T2c; T cara, 72Vc; .no. 1 white, 1 car. Ti'v: I cars. i2c; 1 cars. 72c; No. white. 1 car. 72c; ISO. 1 yellow, 1 car. 72c: No. 2 yellow. I car, 7!c; IS cars. 714e: No. 8 yellow, t cara, 72c; No. 2 mixed. 1 car tnear white) 724c; 1 car (near whltet 71o; 1 car (near white) "ivc; No. S mixed, 3 cars, 714c; 3 cars, "lc; No. mixed, 1 car. 70c; 1 car. "0Vc; No. mixed, 1 car, 704c; sample, 1 car, R8c; 1 car (hot) 7c. Oats: No. S white, 1 cars. 47fec: No. 4 while, 1 car, 47c; 1 car, 4J4o; sample, 2 cars. 4jViC. Omaha Cash Prlcea Wheat: No. t turkey, lt.atVi4jl.tt; No. S turkey, I1.29V4, OI.K2; No. 2 hard, U.2StfV30; No. S hard. tl.ZWIK: No. 4 hard, 1.291.2; No. 1 pring, 1.164)'t.26; No. 2 durum. fl.Ktf 1.17: Xo. S durum. I1.1M11.1H Corn: No. 2 white. 724if72c: No. S white, 7lir72vc; No. 4 white, 714j72Vac; No. 6 white. 71V 72c: No. 6 white. 71iir72c: No. 2 yellow. 7247;Hc; No. 8 yellow. 7lW!tr: No. 4 yellow, 71i571Vtrc; No. 6 yellow. 704714c: No. S yellow, 7U46'71c. No. 2 mixed. 71Vff4 714c: No. 2 mixed. 71714c: No. 4 mixed. 7HV.4rT0V4c: No. 6 mixed, 70VitF70c; No. mixed, 70.P7O,o. Oatd: No. 2 white, 4KVF 4J4c: standard. 474.W48o: No. 3 white. i74'S474c; No. 4 white, 464((f47c. Barley: .Mailing. iitj6c; No. l fed. irdOc. Hye: No. 2, 21.07(61.08; No. 3, fl.OftS'1.07. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION Fee tares of the Trading; mm CIoalagT Prices on Board of Trade. OHICAOO. Julv 2 Scsrcltv of wheat available for delivery on July contracta resulted today In a decided flurry among shorts. After a nearly vertical advance inrougnout moat or the aeaaion. the mar ket closed strong at IH" to 44 above last night. Corn finished Vtfo to vrjiJVtC up. and oata with a gain of VW(o to 24c. ... . ........... 1 . n: vuivuiiid wan m uct ling of pfiTVic to 74c ieiay in ine movemem or new wneat from first hands waa the chief cause of anxiety among traders who had hereto fore been active on the bear aide of the market. Continued etormy weather In the narvest regions added materially today to the danger that the filling of perhaps the bulk of the July options would have to he accomplished with old wheat, the stocks of which are at the lowest ebb known In years. A further consequence of the Incessant ralna waa the spread of belief that an unusual proportion of the new crop would be of a quality too infer ior to meet the requirements of specu lative contracts. Runhes to cover on the part of July shorts made September and December wheat rise In sympathy, but there was no such urgency regarding the deferred months aa that which kept Julv aharply on the upgrade. Old No. 2 hard wheat In the Chicago sample market sold at 2J4c over July, the highest premium ao far thin year. Incidentally export advices were less pesstmiHtlc than of late, and It wae said the French government had been buying to some extent. Corn sympathised with the strength of wheat. Hesldes, rural offeringa were limited and there was a fairly good de mand from the seaboard. Traders In oata were confronted with signs of a possible squeeze In the July option, paralleling the situation as to wheat. Active shipping call gave cash oatn a decided lift In value. Provisions sagged owing to lower prices for hogs. The bearish showing made by warehouse stocks here tended also to In duce a decline. Closing prices on options: Artlclel Open. High ' Low. ) Close. Yes'y Wheati July. lf7'4 t 1! Kept. 1 02 1 014 Corn July. 74 75 Sept. U 734 Oats July. 4T.H 474 hept. 87 34 Pork July. 1 70 1 724 Sept. 17 174 17 20 Lard July. 324 9 35 Sept. 9 624 M Ribs July. 10 30 10 324 Kept, I 10 6741 10 624' 1 07V4 1 11H 1 074 1024 1 02 74 1 Of in 7341 74 T2H 734 44 871 874 1 K74 18 72V, i sn 17 2S 40 17 10 ft 3241 10 30 I 10 5741 17 1,4, 324 9 05 t 624 10 40 10 674 10 324 1024 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, nominal; No. 2 red, new, 11. Id, No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 7(H,i77c; No. 4 yellow, 764c. Oata: No. 3 while, S0462'c: atandard. 514fi63c. Kye: Nom inal, barley: tmyTia. Seeda: Timothy, rVfl6.7ti; clover. $.50rj 13 36. Provisions: Pork, 116.724: lard, .34y0; libs, It'lMi 10.26. HI 'TTKR Steady; creamery, 224ti27c KtHJpt riteady; receipts. 10.477 taaes; at msrk. esse Included, I.V411IUJC; ordinary firsts. lt164c: firsts. ltiui64c. POTATOF: lxer. new receipts, 25 cars; Virginia Cobblera, 1.763'l.s0; Arkan sas and Oklahoma Triumphs, sscked, totf Kir; old, receipts, 3 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin while. 17j3oc. POCL.THV Alive, lower; fowls. 124c; aprlnc. lfcfrZlc. and that time three years ago by Karl Ca OMAHA GR.IIiSAI, MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, 1-Ib cartons, lie: No. 1. o-lb. tub. rc. CHEKRIC-Imported Swiss. 22c; Amer ican Swiss, 26c: block Swiss. 32c; twins, lri4c; daisies, 174c; triplets, 174c; Young America. 13c; blue label brp k, lfe4a; llm burger, 8-lh.. 2oc; New York white, 13c; Itnported French Roauefort, 40c. FISH Trout, 14c; large crappie. 14ci halibut. 13c; channel catfish. 14c: herring, 7c: cod'lah, 14c; mackerel, 1&4:; salmon, lfeo. SWKHr POTATOES) Kansan, $2 76 bbl. Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective April 26 are aa follows: BKEK CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 174c; No. 2. 17Vc; No. 8, 104C Loins: No. 1. llr4c: No. 2, lW4c; No. 8. W4o. Chucks: No. 1, l04c; No. 2. Wc- No. 3. f. Rounds. No. L 144c; No. i. 14ic; No. 8, 13c. PUtoa: No. 1. 8c; No. 2, 84c; No. 3, 4c POI'LI RY Broilers. Jlc; uprlng chick ens, 1'k-; hens, 14c: roks. 114c: roosters, 34c; ataga. 84c; ducks 16c: geese, 10c; turkeys. :rl6c; pigeons, per dos.. 60c; ducks, full feathered, 10c: geese, full feathered. He; squab. No. 1. 11.60; No. 3, i"o. Fruit and vegetahra prices furnished by Ollllnski Fi-ull company: FR11TS Oranges: California Valencies, 100s, 126s, 324s and 300s, IT 75 per box; 16us and 2Kiui. 14 00 per box; 174s. 216e and 36os. 34 26 per box. Lemoi.s: Extra fancy Oolden Howl. 300s, Htm, In week or ten days, 16.60 per box; fancy Silver Cord, 3uus and 860a, 84 60 per box; fancy Jaatiites, Sou and 360. 34.50 per box; extra fancy Southland Hrautles, 3uua, 16.00 Per box. Grapefruit, d lebrated Cliaae Wand, 4fi. 14. io p4ir box; same, f, Is.tM per box. Apricots: California, tl ii per crate; Peaches: California, l 00 per box; Texas, four basket crates, 76-- per bax. Prunes, Tragedy, 11.76 r box. Plums: Red and preen, large, 11,40 per box; medium. 11. 2a per box. Cherries: "California. 81.75 per box; homegrown. 12.26 per box. Pineapples: F.xtra fancy Cuhun, all sties, $2.') per box: extra fnncv riorlilas. its, M.liO tet box: 30 and 31 7s per box: 42a, 3.&0 per box 40. ti X, per box loganberries: Oregon. 12 .W per crate, ltaapbrrrles: Hlack, V.OO per rrate; red, ti ,t per crate. Kananas: Medium fruit. ..0orl ). a, per hunch; Jumho. rbanaulnols nd Port I.Iion, 4o p-r poiiml. fantaloupea: Pony. , 2 3ft per crate; T.4. 2i.i4i per rrate. ata idnrda. 4ha. 2?.7S r crate. VKUKTAHI.KK lttiue. Ii4ail. tl iTO per dosen: leaf, 4jc per doien. I'eppera. 60c per basket. Tomatoes. Uf3 per crate, thilona: California, rrystnl whlto, 1160 in r crate. Tens, yellow, $1 26 per crate; new. 1& per doien. Celery, 3io per dosen. Khubarb. S4J4c per pojnd. tNicumbers. Koo per basket. I loan: Wax and greon, It 00 per basket, i'arsley. V ixr dosen. Heels, new, 26o per doien. Turnips: New, 36c per dosen. Carrot New, 26o per dosen. ltaillahes, 30c per losn. Peas, 76o per basket. Potatoes- Minnesota white, (bo per bu; new, 21.00 per bu. Nl'TS-Walnuts, No. 1 California. Ifc. per lb. Braills. l'.c per lb. nitrtn. I60 per lb. Pet ana, 1:4' per lb. Sugar wal nut datea, 31. M per box. Almonds, per lb. Peanuts: No. 1 raw. 6c per lb.; Jumbo, raw, 3e per lb.; No. 1 toasted, do per lb.; Jumbo, rnsstnd, 0c per lb MIHCKLlaANKOltH - Crackerjack. U per case. Cornpiw, 33.35 rerrase. Cracker Jack. 81.76 per half cao. Cornpopa, 11.66 per halt case. Honey. II SO per cae. NRW YORK litKEHll. MARKET aoalloaa at the Day oa Varlosu Cemaaodltles. NRW YORK. July 2. FUCR-Ktrm; spring patents. K 4mi6 76. WtiKAT-.pt strong; No. t red? tl S3 4 and No. 2 hard. II. 4.14 r. I. f. New Tork export; No. 1 northern IMiluth, tl.44. No. 1 northern Manitoba. 11.8.' "4 c. 1. f. Buf f.ilo. Put tires firm. Julv, 1.1!. CORN-Spot strong; No. 2 yellow, IT'-c, prompt shlment. OATH-.-; pot strong; standard. rc; No. S white, 68V; fancy clipped white, 504 fik HAT Firm: No. 1. 11.I0: No. 2. tirvljl I 174; No. 3, tl 06; shipping. Wcfftl 047 MOP-1 Quiet: state, common to choice, 114, lflSc; Pacific coait, 1P14. ll13c, !rl.t, 810. HIPKH-Steady; Mo got a. 31c; Central America. JVc. I.HATH KR Plmi; hemlock flret, 33c: seconds, )fi31c. PROVIShSn-T-ork, steady: mess, 1130 ei9.0n; famllv. 321.nttC3.00: short clear l6t.i31.60. Heef, firm; mess, lH0Oj 13 60; family. $10 6OflJ0.5O. lard, firm; 18.60; family, Sir) 6oji20.6U I-ard. easy; middle weat. S.t.S6. TAIjIaiW Harely steady; city, 640; country. 6Tt!4c; seclal, 4c. 64tf,i4c; special, 64c. BUTTER Weady; receipts. .166 tubs; creamery extras. M rcorlng, 2ltc; higher scoring, 2K44JWC; firsta. sevSJiVio; seconds, 24i264c KOtrHlrregular; receipts. 12.172 cases; fresh gathered extras 32rr33a; extra firsta. 20tMlc; fire la. l514o; seconds, 16Vn'"c: nearby hennery, while, fine to fancy, 364J-2c: do, colored, 2244P140. CHEKHl-i Barely steady: receipts, 8.324 boxes; state whole wllk, flat and twins, ?resh colored, specials, 164Ua; do, white, 164c- do, average fancy, 164c Pori.TKT Alive, weaker; western chickens, broilers, S"tT22o; fowls, 16o; turkeys, ll12o. Pressed, Irregular; west ern roasting chickens, fro sen, U43420; fresh fowls ,lced, 1344T164C; turkeys, 16a 17c I Kanaaa Cltr Grata aad IrOTtatosia. KANSAS CITT, July X. WHKAT No. 2 hard, I1.8W1.36; No! 3 red, 311847 1.30; July. H.064; September, WVc, December, 81.01 4t 01 Vi. ('t)RN-Nrj. 2 mixed. 74r744o; No. t white, 7nfjf?64o: No. 2 yellow. 76c; No. 8, 768764c; July, 724c; September, TVitp 704c; December, 62o. oats-No. 2 white, cs No. I mixed, 44ft'4fic. OATS No. 2 white. 47o: No. 2 mixed, 43V044.'. H UTTER Creamery, Tc; firsta, 2o; seconds, 2ic; packing, lHo. POPLTRT Hens, 12o; roosters, to; broilers. Itr4922a. 1 ( Mlnoeapolta Grata Market. MINNKAPOIJS. July 8.-WHAT July, 31.30V4; September, tl.0f4; No. 1 hard. 11 tSV; No. 1 northern, 11 .834 tl-44: No. 2 northern. ll.30V4Sn.404. FLOtTR Unchanged. H A K I .KT 62r(toc. llYB-W.IOHPl.ll. HRAN-121.60. CORN No. 8 vellow. 73474c OATS-No. 8 white, VQ.AV0. KUAX-tl.7atH.73Vi. , I.ob Is Grain Market. ST. LrOUIS. July t.-WIBAT-No. S red, new, I1.1R401.19; No. 2 red. old. 11 22; No. 2 hard, nominal; July, 11.064; Sep tember, 11014. t.'ORN-Hlgher: No. 2. 764y74fl; No. 2 white, 77Sfi'7Hc; July, 76o; September, 72o. OAT9Hujher; No. 2, 49c; No, 2 white, 62c. 1 I Urerpel Grata Market. UVERPOOL. July L WH BAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11a 3d; No. 2. hard winter, 11a 4d; No. 1, lis 44d; No. 3, lis 3Hd. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed new, 8s. FIOUR Winter patenta, 41s d. Coffee Market. NHW TORK, July 2. Rome scattered evening up for over the holidays caused no changes of Importance In the market for coffee futures here today. The open ing whs nominally unchanged In the ab sence of business and the market closed one point lower to two points higher. Salea. 10.000: July. I.Wc; August, 6.86c; September. tlTSo; October, 6.83c; Novem ber, a. "Ac; December. 6.860; January, 6.K!ie; February, 6.2c; March, 6.96c; April, 7.01c: Mav, 7.07c; June. 7.12c. Snot quiet; Rln No. 7, 74d; Pantos No. 4, !Sd. Cost and freight offer were reported a little more numerous1 from Santoa, but prlcea were practically un changed, 4a being quoted from S 90d to 916d and Rio 7a at 6f)0d to 7.00d. Rio exchange waa Vd lower, Mllrela prices) unchanged. I rotten market. NEW YORK. July 3. COTTON el pot. quiet; middling uplands, t)0c; no sales. l otton ruiures opened easy: juiy, .20o; October, 0 6Sc; December. 9Be; January. 9.D0c; March 10.20c. btd. Cotton closed ateady net unchanged to six points lower. Cotton futures closed steady: July, 9,2So; October, 3.70c; December, 3.93c; January, lc: March. 10.23c. LIVERPOOL-, July 1-COTTON Spot, good bualness done; prices eaaier; good middling, 6.60d: middling, 620d; low mid dling, 4.74(1; salea, 13.000 bale. Oil and Rosin. NEW YORK, July 2. ROSIN Firm. TUKPKNT1NJS bteady. SAVANNAH. Oa.. July 2 ROSIN I Firm: sales, 1,M2: receipts; 1.331; ehlp ' metits, l.Oit; stock, 67,r.Wt. Quotes: A, ft. r m; .:, u, ; u.: r , .!.; i m 13 46' I. 33.60: K. 33 30; M, 34 30; N. 86.90; W Ii. 86 30; W W, 86 60. TL RPKNT1NB i Irm; STi4c: sales, S04; recelpta, 34; shipments? 2.16; stock, 23.561. Onaaba Hay Market. OMAHA. July 2 PRAIRIE HAT Choice upland. 13 SftftH.OO, must he choice to bring 314.OO; No. 1. 3ia.tiu(18.60; No. 2, tloiB1100; No. 3. 36.0Otf.0O Choice mid land. r80O)13.6O; No. 1, 3l2.6OM3.0O; No. 2. I3.0ixall.0u; No. 8. 36.0oitiO.0v. Choice lowland. 310 OKfHi.tO; No. 1. I9.60tmaoo; No. 3. 17 0U ; No. 3, 8G.0OQ7.0O. STRAW Quotable at from 36.00 to 86 60. AIJ'AI.FA-Cholce. 314.00. No. 1. tllOOtf 13.00; No. 2, 83.00t! 11.00. Metal Market. NEW YORK, July i-METALB-Lead, 85.76. Spelter, not quoted. Copper: Dull; electrolytic, 230.2birio.riO. Iron: fttaadv and unchanged. Tin: Quiet at i38.7f 89.26. At Ixndon Copper: Spot. C79 la 6d; futures. tr0 7a 6d; electrolytic. tK lus. Tin: Spot. 170 10s: futures. 1. Lead, 24 17s 6d. Spelter, 100. 4i(ar Market. vrw TnHK .tniv 1 hi Tri a mu steady; centrifugal, 81 80.6; molasses. 4 0W-4,lRc; refined, steady. A holiday spirit prevailed In the market for augar future. Prices were 1 point higher at noon. Irr Good Market. N K W YORK. July 2 -BUHlnesa In cotton flood whs dull today. I'rlces on fin ahed goods were firm. Wool values con tinued fining South American wools rere advanced. Cotton yarns were dull. Kvawnrated Apples and lirled Krnlta NF.W Y'tRK. July i -EVAPORATED AI'H1.K-Newlected. rRIKD PRC Tf Prunes, firm. Apricots and iieMclies, Inactive. Ralalns. stead). A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. OMAHA UVEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light nd Trade is Strong and Active Lambs Generally Steady. LIGHT HOGS FIVE TO TEN UP Sol'TH OMAHA, July 2, 19KV Receipt wr- iairla Itoaa Cheen. Official Monday 8.K6 J S'l 10. Official Tueadav 4 611 U.W 11.''' Official Wednesday.... .1.0M 13 4 1.4-A ;iiiciai Tliurailay 2,713 ll.fl lD.w uiiiann rnoay two i,'Hi nv"' Five rtava tlil. iun M MS 47 KW Same day last week..lT6 M.v 4f.rf Same daya 3 wka. ago.17.7H) .:I4 2l.7 Same daya 3 wka. ago 17,t 47.9'i 7.10 .-nme tiaya 4 wKs. ago 17. Fun H7.f. .ul Seme daya last year... 11.46 46.ti3u 36.221 The following table mow the ree-lpis cf cattle hog and sheep at the South .mehe live stock market for the year to "te, aa compared with last year: 1313. 1314 I no. Deo. Cattle 610.U4 4iH.(i4 KM.C75 Hog 1.W7.4I4S 1.37,(0 2,4 Sheep 1.060,047 1.003.1?! 86,113 The following tahre knows the avurage price for hogs at the South Omaha live stork maikat for the last few daya, with comparison: Iate. I ID16. ll4.ilUt.llll llill.lllIO 1. fune 16 T 0644 8 W 8 01 ? 36 6 78 15 June 161 7 134 8 30i 3 40 3 Ml I 4U I T iti 1 ti 7 ta! I 8a June 17 7 l!S 8 06 31 7 62 1 46 June 14 June li June 2ol June tl! Juae JVl I T 8(4 7 hJ 8 1.41 301 3 ( 7 Si 1 J 3 40 401 213 a t tt 8 ti t 12 til 17 June Ml 7 24 7 32j ?a! 1 7 2K 7 14 4' 1 8641 l 16 June 24 June 2AI 8 o 8 l 8 63 46 14 t 34 26 a 13 T 40 1 13 8 II 8 16 I 7 66 7 64 t 62 June '. 3 63 8 46 8 44 W 6 131 June 7 31 f 14 June 31 June t June 30 7& 6 06 8 11 18 8 tm 8 l-V 8 17, 8 i 81 a so 9 OS 7 bo iMtia 8 7l 7 63 July L July . 8 36 8 Mj 7 H 1 3: 7 11 1 r Receipt and disposition of lWe stoc at the Union Stock Yarde South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I p. iu. yeaterday : 11ECEIPTB CARS. t Bttlav Itna'aSheen.li'l'a. C, M. ft St. P 6 W a beau 1 Missouri Paniilo. I'nlon Paclflo . ....... 1 C. V N. W., east..-.. C (k N. W.. west.... 4 O., Bt. P.. M. ft O... 1 C, 11. ft Q.. eat.... 2 C.. 11. 4 y ..weat....l0 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 1 C, R. I. ft P., wet.... Illinola Central Chicago Greet West... Total receipt 3H I .. .. 1 2W 8 .4 73 .. 3 16 1 33 11 4 4 4 U181XW1TION H EAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morrlg ft Co U7 Swift ft Company 146 Cudahy Packing Co.... 167 Armour ft Co 164 J. W. Murphy Huston ft Co 7 U V. Huss. 2 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 33 Huffman 10 Tanner Bro 8 John Harvey 8 Other buyer 28 1 HIS 2.4WI 2.176 1.UI 8.174 2.600 1.742 748 Polala 677 10.720 8,864 CATTL.B ReoeloU aa usual on a Fri day were very small, only twenty-five cara being reported In. The market, how ever, waa In very eatlefaotory condition. The few beef steers here sold very readily at good strong price. While there waa nothing atrlctly choice or prime, there were heavy rattle good enough to bring 30.86. The market on denirabie kinds of beef ateera la fully WJWOo higher than a week ago. Common and more or lea arraaay yearling have been easing off and are not brtngin quit a much money aa a weak go. There were hartlr enough cowg or hetfera In sight to make a market, but the few here commanded good ateady prices. Good kinds of bctoher stock are fully 26o higher than a week ago, while oommon to medium grades, showing more or less (rasa, have been easing off. mak ing the spread sun wider oeiweea tne common to ntedium and best grades. There were no atockera and feeder In sight of any oonaequenoe, but tlie feel ing waa about steady. The trade on that kind of cattle haa oeen light all week. Deatrable kind of feeder have ehown some little atrengtb. but too oommon to medium grades have been more or leaa uneven all the week. Quotations on oattle: Oood to choice yearling. a 76470.46: good to uholoe heavy baevea. 39. OOtie. 60: fair to good cornfed beevea, 83rXJ.00; common to fair corn fed beeves, 37.260 60; good to choice heif ers. 87.6oatK.36; gool to onoice oows. .ir t7.60; fair to good oows, 6.7&6.75; oom mon to fair cows. 34.Xx&6.76; good to choice feeders, t7.60tg8.20; fair to srood feeder, 87.tavrjr7.60: common to fair atock era, 36.60Qj4.60; stock helfera, 36.761. iXJ; atock cows, 86. 60414.60; stock calves, 36.00 r7.80; veal calve, tAOOQA.TI; fat bulla, tag, etc., SS26JT.a Representatlva Uea: BEEF BTEKRtX No. At. r. No, Av. FT. 6 . ei4 6 76 tt ... 8ta t n14n T M,.......UU M 1 40 3 0 14 J 14 at II 14 I M ll... UM St '"cows. 1 44D 4 (4 4. 4 40 Ln4iit ittA 4 M 1 . 84 3 CD .. 0 I ri 3 76 1. 114 t0 1044 4 te 1 lilt 6 46 1M))tJO V J M 1470 T 40 BULLA 14.. "oT&CKKRi AND FEEDRRS. aaaxa 8 444 6 13 3 36 71 HOOB Hogs have been rolling In very rapidly thla week, there being 176 treat) cars lit sight thla morning. For the five day of the week the total foot up 63,3)18 head, being the largest five daya' run since the third week In May. It may tie added that the run aa compared with a year ago shows a gain of over 18,000 head. With such large recelpta In sight and with such liberal supplies all week It la not surprising that packers were In no great rush thla morning to fill orders. Shipper, however, were anxious for beg and were out In the yards In good sea son buying very frsely of good to ehutce light shipping hogs, for auch hogs as they could use they paid to and In some case possibly 10a higher than yeaterday. In other worda thrp paid 87.4W7.66 for good lighta and on up aa high aa 87.66 for the cholceat the latter price being the top for the day and 10c higher than any thing brought yeaterday. The trade on hipping grartea waa quit active and the moat desirable of the reoelptg of that kind of stuff cluuiged hands In good season. Packers wanted their hogs lower and their bide were gene rat y around 10c or more under yesterday's; market. It goea without saying; that sellers did not mske the conceslon without a fight, so that the morning wore away with buyers and seller unable to get together on a trad ing tais. A few of the better packing hogs fin ally sold 60 lower than yesterday, but the demand for that kind at such prlcea waa very limited and before many loada changed hands the price waa fully 10c lower, at which a few more string changed hand, but the market dtd not remain ever there, and before It waa poaatbl to dispose of the receipts It had silpped on down to 10yli lower. On the close there were salea that looked to be 20o lower. Today's market might be described as closely reaeinbltng a pair of stairs, beginning with the second floor and ending with the basement, every step carrying the price downward. Without question It waa the most dif ficult market experienced at this point in a lonu time to operate upon aa well aa deacribe. One thing it would lie well to understand, and that la that while 'the demand for tight lion on the part 01 ampper was quite gooo tnta morning. II W4U4 limited to numbera and con fined entirely to cholera grade. Other load of hogs that did not luvt happen to tilt a shipper or find favor In hia eyca for aome reason or other had to sell to packer at a good deal less money. Por that reason hops of very similar weights and quality old at a wide range of prices. Representative sties: I No. At. Sh. rr. No. At. Ha Pr. 44 SO t It 71 r-S ... 7 4J 41 ?t M ill 71 144 44 7 40 41 174 M) 7 l tt I4 ... 7 40 ill :m 1i 1 tt 74 ta ail Ti:, I 40 t 4 t rr, 44 in it lit 41 IV! 44 T 74 Ill f T 4i 1 1.7 31 VUI I . 4 14 T 45 1 mi aat ti:i 4 114 ... 7 41 1 41 ti Ito 7 IK :0 7 4 , 41 sal 40 I . Ill IW 14 1 U MHKe I' He elm. were heavy aunln thla mortiiiiK Pie arrival C'liiMtntintc larseiv 1?5 of rsrge prlntr 1nmba, filtViiivr- Hit wis a little piiiikllrt. of ranie vearllT.ia In slrht. The receipts have been larg all thla week, footlnt up 47.f head for the five ilnva. This l Hie lnrgt tun Tor any almllar period since the i tlnnlnr of April Aa coniinred with a year aro th4.re has hrep a gs,n In receipts of over 12.nn t.eid fo- ,he five ilavs. In aplle of the Inref rreelpts of sprlrg lamSa the market ha been In very iratl" fai tory condltlt n. with tirlce high s ,,V,'T1 w,lh P"lms farther en.t. hlle huyera hnv.- t.ee,, bearish snd In. cllmd to nuc-r.e the market whenever lite opportunity tsa alforded, stilt thev have wanted the tanilM nn.l thelt re quirements were Isruc -4gan Ihls rr.orri ng. The result waa that the lambs sold In annul v. tiri,..'. -1 . largely at Jya in m. W hile the ttudr waa not overly active, still the bulk of the offering changed hand In good Sesson. Old heep were In good demand as well aa lambs nnd alo rotnmanded steady Prlcea. A string of range yearlings sold ' 17.60. It might be added that most of the stuff was wet today, which cut quite a flure In prlrvs. Quotation, on sheep sni lamb La nib rprlng, 3! I0.u0: yrarllnaa. fair to 'holce, t.6(Vy-7 M: wether, fair to choice 8f-60ir.6n: ewes, god to choice, 35.2rtWiV ewea. fair to cnod. 34 ai. 'i CHICAGO LlVfO STOCK MATIKRT Cattle ateadr Hoa Weak Kheeg gtrong. .JlSAi- lu l-ATTWV-Reoelpte. 2, ono head' mnrket ateady; native beef steeis, IS.SrVn!l90: western steers, 87 Vf, rnow" W-360: calves. IUHJ8 Receipts. 2J.O0O head; market weak, 6c to 10e lower; titilk of sale. 37 4fi tj'i.70; light. 87 4u7.Nji; nilxed. 37.Su7.75; BHEFP AND TJk MRS Receipts, 7 .-?SiL?rP tror,F' lamb weak; sheep. o. it4j4j.ini; lamba, ;.Oi('10.15. Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. July 2.CATTI.K Re ceipts, "CO; steady; prime fed ateere, tux, t.66; dressed beef steers, 3H.Rk( 23' weat-4-m steers, 7.rVij.36; cows. 14 Wrh 76; helferw. H.OOW50; sto.-kera and feeder. f6.364jX.60; bulla, t6.60tr7.00; cairea, fe-OOfji 10.26, HOQR Recelnta. I IW: lower? ni1fc - u Jr7.70: heavy 7.ftr74; packer and butchera. $7. tKJNfiT.70; light, 8"7-56r7.7&; plga. HIIF.KP AND LAMRS-Recelnt. 2.0m. steady to strong; lamba, 30 00'Li4).7i; year- 4.t3uu; wctnera, 6j.'ii.; ewes; 36.50. t. Low Is llve Stock Mi ST. IX)UI87 July 8. CATTt,T Re ceipts, 1,000; steady; native beef steers. 87.nirT4Vw: steers and heifers, 88.otjS9 60; cows, 6.0OCt7.rVO; atockera end feoders, 36.0uti8.36; southern steer, 3-V26tjrS.au; 11 a- tive caive. sii.iimin.MiL HO0k-Receipts, 3.000: lower; plrs anA lights 36.60dr7.te, mixed and butohera, fl.mrtM; good heav-. r.W7.80. . HHRKP AND LA MRS Receipts, T.TflO; steady; clipped nntlve muttons, V.fJ 6 36: clipped lambs; t7.60(t.60; spring lambs, ti.6otjU0.O0. I Sloax nty 1.1 ve ataxtk Market. SIOUX CITT. July 2 CATTL.R R- relpta, 600 hoad; market lOn to lbo higher native ateera. 7.7to.50; butcher, ib.US$ 7.25: cowa and heifers, 5.20(ij"i.7R: calves. ISOOtfPiO; hulls, stags, etc., i.6oif7.ft). Ht His Keneipta, IV M need, market lOrt to 16o lower; heavy I7.ao-(f7.60; .nixed. 37.10.?'7?O. light. 27.0087.10: bulk of aalea. t7 0fg7.4. AND JLAMBSRecelptx, 106 head. St. Joeepk I.lve Stock Market. FT. JOSEPH JulSr 2 CATTLiB Re ceipt. 400 head; market ateady; ateera, 7.769.60; cowa and helfera, M.?h2j.1&, calve, r.60iIO60. HOO-S Receipt. 4.600 head; market lower; top. t7.7Utf7.76; bulk of aalea, I7.6nt 7.66. HHRKP AND L.AVTBS Receipt. l.Oftl head; market Bteady and strong; lamb, 8.0t)iQ.8&. 1 took la Slgcht. Recelpta of live stock at the five nrtn- clpal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Mog. Sheep. South Omaha 600 12.000 10.60,1 Chicago t,t0 22,ouO 7.0)" St. Louis 1.UO 6.6 4) 7,7u Kanaaa City too 6,000 2,i Bloux City..... too 10x00 JOii Totals 4.800 f4.lfJ 27.5W BRADITREBT'S TRADE! REVIEW Farther Is pro Tomcat Owtstandtasl (Tea tare f Report. NEW TORK. JMly 2. Bradatreet's will, say: Further Improvement, notwithstanding vagarle of the weather and slow move ments at some points, la the outatandlng feature of thl week' report. Where the weather has been favorable season able gooda have moved from the coun ters of retail dealera In larger volume. Crops collectively considered are prom ising. War order are of enormous pro- Foruons, brass mlllo In New Kngland sold ar ahead, are intensely active: niaiSaJ ne tool plants are overflowing with order, subletting of oon tracts being a feature; steoel mills are doing more: specifica tions for flnlnhed steel are larger; the melt of pig iron la Increetng4 idleness oontlnuna to decrease) effect of war or ders are spreading Out to other lines. fercolatlng, aa tt were, through the rade; money la easy and country bank are drawing; fund (or crop moving pur pose. Bank clearing. 33,368.000 for weak. I New York Money Market. IflTW TORK, July MJSRCANTLUB PAPER B34 per cent. BTERMNtl KXCHANOH Sixty-der bills. 84.7260; demand, 84.7645; cable, 84.7736. 8LLVER Bar, 4c; Mexican dollar. 27c. BONDS Oo-rernment. steady; railroad. Irregular, TIMU LOANS Bteady: sixty day. 24 tjl4 per cent: ninety days, 24'Jfi' pe? cent: six mo nm, 'Uo' per oani. CALL. MONKY-tReady; high. 14 Per cent; low. 14 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per oent; last loan, 14 per cent; clo1ng bid, 14 per cent; offered at 14 Per cent (Tloalnx price on bond: V. t. rat. 3. rag.... T. Oa. g. tH TT ... ti t, 11. 444s. ivaa-vaiw ...1HS. Y. nut 44... .lu ...lo M. Y.. N. H. ft R. ...10 rr. a 11V ...HOHNorUMra Fwotn .. tou 0. . 4a rag... da sou aoa .. V. 8. 4. ns.. 4 FaaaaM esixa..iiait eo a aa Ata. smelter te....!)aO. 4L U raf. 4a..... 4444 A. T. ft T. ct. 4t4.ll Paa. Tal. Tat. ta mi Armour m Oa. 4S.. iPnrariTaala aoa 4s 47 Atekleoa gea. 4s 4oRaadlaa sa. 4a 41 u BaltlBwra ft O. 4a.. I S. 1a ft g. T. r. 4 4i Che Ohio 44s... 34 ttonUW Pao. or. 4 ti C. B. ft Q. . 4i.. i do rf. 4a 44 0 M St. P g 4A 4Soattini Railway ta l'lo. Ho. rrf. 4Vt 4JS,t'nkie Paelll 4a.... tt t 4 K. O. rat. .. 44 do T. 4a 444 Erla sen 4 44 7J. . RabbaT s....ltw ()nara, Blaotrlo talMU. B. Htaai 4a litl Uraat No lat 4a 4 Wabaah Ut ks. 100 Illinola Cea. ret. 4 It Western Unlea 44. US K. O. H. raf. 6a.. 4 Waat Bien. e. 4a.. 104. U N. un. 4a ... 40 a, r-aa. eT la t M , K. T. let 4 74 1. M. & P. CT. ts.10144 Mteaoorl Pu. or, la It Pens, see. 44 101' U14. tlfteraa. Loatoa Stork Market. LONDON. July 2. Most of the bualneaa In the American section of the atock mar ket wa in United State Steel and Cana dian Pacific at ateady prlcea. Oold bonds were again frequently marked. Insurance ratea on the latter have advanced to the quantity being exported rlIL.VF.R-Bar. 22 16-16d per ounce. MONEY 14 per cent. Discount rate.' short bills and three months. 44 per cent. Frank Rose Joins Ranks of Benedicts Although Frank Rose, dar clerk at Hotel Rome, haa been wearing a broader smile than usual since last Saturday, the reason for It was a mystery until Colonel William Anderson, chief clerk, acci dentally gave away the secret, which had been confided to him. Aa a rest' It Rose Is being deluged with a mixture of congratulations upon having been married and of reproaches for not telling his friends. Mrs Rose was Mia Anna Annuschat of Omaha, daughter of Mrs. Minnie Annuschat. The wedding waa performed last Satur day by Rev. K. T. Otto at St. Paul Oer-man-KnglUh Lutheran church, and waa wltnesard only by the organist and hi wife. Mr. and Mrs. Rose are living at the Rom until arrangement are nisde for a home of their own. A ''For Hale" ad a 111 turn teco:- liaud furniture Into ras