JULY 191o. ? TT 1.1 A. C m M.1 1 i D 1 U.l.U M.-! I-l-.... l r intvirtnirvn f 7 money uiui yuu may icai 15 ucu up 111 ivcui usiulc may uc unucu uiiuugii a iaiupuiu ui viaooi- fied Advertising in The Omaha Daily Bee and you may untie more of it than you tied up TIIE BEE: OMAHA. WANT ADS Want ads recelMed at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre sented before 11 o'clock mon for evening million end 7 p. m. for morning snd Biindar editions. Went ads received after 'r-h hour wilt be under the heeding, "Too Lete to Classify." rnu mrri Perm consecutive time. 1 cent a word eecn insertion. Three tlmee wgthln one week, 1H cents a word each Insertion. One time. I cent e word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive tlmee. t cent ft line act, insertion. Three tlmee within one week 10 cents ft line each Ineertlon. One time. 11 cent ft line. Count six average words to ft Una. Minimum chert. 80 oenta. An advertisement Inserted to be run 'intll dlecontlnued muit be stopped by written order. , All clelms for errors must be made wlihln flfieea daye efter the leet Inser tion of the advertisement Tou pan plaos Tour want ad In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. . . T3 DRtTHI AND rVKERAL HOTICES WH BET .ER Charlotte A... widow of the lete Ma)or Daniel H. WheJer.peeeed away at her home, Ms South Twenty sixth avnue, Thureday, July 1. Services at the home 11 a. m., Saturday, July I. Burial at Ilattsmouth, Neb. The funeral of Frank Pflaeterer will be . , ... i uiJ.maa 9Mik North Twenty-fourth street, Haturdayet I p. m. Interment at Forest lawn, rr lands ln- itea. BIRTHS AND DBATHI. Births-John and rrancee Bllek, south Side, boy: fcM D. and Mlsa Black, West Jackson, south side, boy; uutt ana Jennie rtupnor, im "v.." iVi irl; rn-rd .end Ann. M.tuon i , LOCUST DO 7, Kjim ana r l ' tnan, boy; Imuran and Maoel nnyaer. iww South Thirtieth, tfrl -Robert F. and Nellie j. ieer, us awiia .nui""i l1. boy. . . Deaths FUflron COOK. l. i Thirteenth: Rebecca William. 6. 1M0 North Twenty-rourcns tracer ni hospital. MARRIAGE IICMIH. The following couples wers granted licensee to wed: , I'UNW 1 1 .1 I r- m i ' i v . . T . 1 rtm&k.s . ZV Klreten M. Petersen. Omaha . . . . w . tit . I ... Ifiin ... . M riwiuew IT. ' 1 i. k, v ., .. w ....... - Tthoda N. LJndburg, Kawanee. Ill Owal Qreen. Morenoe VIvrflA PjitB. Omaha W Bl ILDINO PERMITS. C. O. Carlbery, 1201 South Fifty-first. frame dweinnp. i.: i"r. jiomonauaaie, ..7W. Kent, irame aweuiag, uua I.ANTFRN slices for movies. Vend your copy to as. Wa can reproduce photos r will prepare your copy. Wa will eolor as directed. Bee Fboto Dept., V Bee Bid. Dswiltws, EMPRESS. 15TH AND DOUGLAS. liJQH-CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE! AND PHOTO PLATS. Frovtdenea and Mrs. Urmy, s-reel Es- aanay. The (erry Loving Men, Kalem. A Mistake in Typesetting. Vttacraph' Hearst. Feilg News notorial No. U, BeJtg. MONROE, 3666 FARNAM. Ruth Roy land and Henry King la "The t-ove mu, s-reei leature. Pathe Dally, latest current events. FRINCESa, - Today's Movie Proprami 7s IT to rw-trmt ia THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the-lSli-1 UUUUL.AB, ater m.ohin, and supplies through The Floating Death, thrilling l-act dr. ine rauure, s-reei western Oram a. A Deal In Dtamonda. an unusual oomedy. I jVorlfe. I I GRAND, 1 Ttt AMTk nntTxrnw ..... v...h , i Home of good pictures. Children of the Bea, s-reel feature. Cannon BaJL s-reel Keystone oomedy. blngle reel drama. eie. APOLLO 2114 LEAVENWORTH. Vengeance, t-teel Fsaanay. Peautlful Belinda, Sullg. BESSE, X4THAKDN. Ilearst-Bellg News Pictorial No. II. Bellg. axve, rnow anl ice, e-reel Vltagrapn. ORKAT ORANl) OOROEOUS. Francis Xavler Bushman and Vise Ber rly Hevne In the sensational film drama entitled: "The Plum Tree." MONROE, ZDOb FARNAM. Gotgeous of Tarn. I'atho, colored. Vaaaevllle. ORPHEUM. J4TH AND M. tT'ne Christian, a masterplcturs In algHt rceia. ANXOUTC CEMENTS J. II. Schmidt Announces th Formal Opening of Our Drug Store N. E. Corner 83d and Cuming, CI-A,. 1 T 1 O niiLuruar. duir n. jValutU Bouyenlr. for Er.rybodr uriDf toa tjniiaren. FREE nuBic, candy, cigars. Flowers and Toy Balloona. Telephone Harney 6(1. Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Bo Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building fiunerlntendnnfa Offloe Koom lei. P.L MJiAGE SALE. Twenty-fourth and U fcta, , South fMuaha. Fr! lay, July t, for tl fceneflt if (he 0:111 s reeving Institute. Ibteeiiaete Y.al C.A. out a itiiu e-iiiuier. AUTOMOBILES loft bAl.r-Aiito In first-class condition. nil i N. ltd eit.. foiitn Omaba. i o'Aiic', 6-rel l.Miiy. bauiilul Belinda. bilg. AUTOMOniLKS DRAL direct with factory for your nw 191 ai'tomoblle; aave dealer" discount. Prlrsa rin.ln. frnm tUTl in 1? nnn WtHIa for our money saving plun on raih terms snd trade. P. O. Box 400, Omaha. o Mttle roadster... fano Ford roadster...! M Bulck IX Regal JTt Cutting M Truck 1M E. M. F 2M Motorcycle 14i THn AUTO CIBURIM"! HOUSE, 220 Farnam Et. TeL Doug. 1310. $100 PEWARD for any magneto we can't repair, irons repo. Hayanorter, i n.ia o Overton's for leaky radiator. 60o, dealers. Want an auto. C J. Ca nan. McCarus bldg. lnduntrial Oarage Co . 10th 4k Harney Bta. ReBRABKA Bulck Benhoe Station. Uli rarnam Ht. Phone Douglas in. 11 Cadlllao. 170. CADILIC CO., Or OMAHA. f"M Farnam St. Doug. 4220. NEW Ford auto deliver bodies of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our prloes will savs you money. Sea Johnson-Dffhforth Co., UW-Q-a No. lth- Whenever vou are considering selling or buying a used ear and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you win nave no regret it you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. I C. EL6A88ER, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. iia. Z601 ieavenworta. AUTO Clearing House, - Farnam. buys and sells used cars. Phona Douglas vu CADIUO ROADSTER, elsotrlo light, elsotrlo starter: In fine ships. IG71 Must sell because leaving the city. T. E. wngbt. Fontenella Hotel BUSINESS CHANCES If your Business Chance will stand rigid Investigation and Is Just what It la advsrtlsed, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If vou use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy- ng or selling a business Phons Tyler wo, VALUABL.K hydraullo placer ground. 640 acres; near railroad and two proven mines: all reaulslte facilities: Dries right. Apartment t, 441 Eleventh Bt.. Portland, 0e. TO GET In or out of business call on OANOEBTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. MiT. B1QN8, ehow cards, Clark It Bon. D. 117D. KOR SAIJC Hardware stock, building and fixtures: location good live town In eastern Idaho: ona of the beat grain and stock growing seotlons in the west; sales last year, xji.gw. Address Sis, nee. FOR BALK OR RENT The Hartley Cfintcr-Ocean with printing outfit. In- quire or J. K. Hatnorn, Hartley, neo, FOR BALE at once. One of the beet Daring electrical contracting and fix ture supply houses In the western part of the stale. Block will lnvoloe between 1?M and iKCu. Must be Bold br July t. Reason for soiling, owner leaving dty on account of other business. Y (M. Bee. UBJNKRAL. stock for sale; clothing, fur nishings, shoes, groceries ana teen.. Splendid looatlon; manufacturing and i arming community. A rare opportunity, address 1721 Btate St., North Chicago, 111. BUTCHER SHOP for sale; shop In gro cery store. In good location, doing good business: selling on account of health; will sacrifice If aold belore July k. Call at 4114 Corby Sunday, or before at shop. sua N. 18th St. Csll for outcner. MOVING Picture house with seating ca pacity or ovnr ". rurnisnea; gooa io cation; A-l shape. $40. IMIJKJ .IT & COMPANY, 42) Bee Bldg. Doug. CIS. WHY RENT? Ask about the Itwler distelct. Aitkin county. Minnesota, the Land of Opportunity; ualmproved, lit to in: improved. M to w per aore; easv payment plan. W. U Tempieton, ttu Bee, Oman a. RK.AI, estate Bualnesa pleie supplied or handled; all states. F. v. Knlest, Omaha. Theater uxoiianga ct.a le irarnam ot. Douglas U7. n,R HAI.E-li o, irt of full eoulnment bakery, formerly owned by the Wagner Bakery Co., oonslatlng of ovens. bread dough mixers, belting, shafting fyngrs and pulleys, caaea, ec scales, tools and wagons and other equipment. Con rad Young, IZV Brandels Theater. 1). 1.7I FOR SALJ:-Only bakery and lunch In live county seat town: confectionery cigars and drinks In connection; fixtures first class; doing good business. Address Oertng Bekery. Oerlng. Neb, OPEMNU for live photographer, two thriving small towns In rich territory, particulars by mall. Address T 4XH. Pee. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Da School. Nlrht School, complete) bualnesa course, complete shorthand or stenotypa course, complete telegraphy eourae. civil aervloe branches and tjna llsh. Students admitted at any time. I Write, phone or call for ins catalogue. ou i i.tu) t ui.i . r.t tj, H. H. BOTL.E3. Resident. Tel. D. UW. lioyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb, FOR sale, the following a cholarshlps In first class Omaha Hualnees College; One unlimited oomblnatloa business and shorthand eonrae. One unlimited stenograpnio course. One three months' business or atana- grapnio course. Will be sold at a discount at ths office of The Omaha Bee. Kxperlenced lady tutor la grade and high I schoo, sut3erts; maae-up work a a;ieciniiy, reference, aph. aoiu dv. h. m FOR 8 ALB FOR f ALE Here U a olaaslflcatlon that la ot the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional opport unit lee every dey and a small want ad will sell your article at Its run value, fnone lyier uuo. i . ...... . .... HESI feirnam d' BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HAKunAUt,. mv n. MTH. W En. 17, WAI.NI.'T WARTlhOBK Vhnn. Il X. bugs, chaii a. couchea. buffets, stepiad ders. screen doors; new; reasonable. Doug. lX 1ATE8T model Oriole go-basket. Bo. 1.7, Maeleai laelraaaeata. ailgbtly used blah grade clane. T. Wir. Kerera m.m ttkl.iH. IM BUYS a well broke, neck rein aaddla ure. t,vi ii.rri.on Bt. I'hone bo. 'JS. G"OD boree. bueay and harneaa. liifL lia Bee. Dr. Rose water. STEREOTYPE metrics make the beet aad cheaDeet lining for noulirv hnu... They are Uxil tncfaea, atroager and more durable than tarred felt and Practically fireproof. T6o a hundred at The Bee of floe. nig. esss you sell make the profit la the poultry bualnees. Welch's wonder ful White Indian Runner Ducks lay mors wb wnite-eneiiea, good eating egvs thaa hens. SaV TIOCK kViniU A hkk mm MO ei eacD for 1 year, lielchln aasa. ai io I i!: M trj- 3. J. Welch. Ctiarry croft. I oenson eu- e I Small keat. luS lta at K W. kn u is" TJPKWKntRS sold, rented, repatrea Central Typewriter tie. 14 Feraei. MONARCH No. 1; bargain. tJt Bee BTdgT ateeeltaaeeae. . ! '. 7 FOR SALE Ntw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aoceesortee; bar fixture of all kinds; easy Daynieau. The Brunswick-balke-Culiender Co., 40I-4U . I'jtk bt. MOVIES a FEATURES TODAY A GRAND. 16TH AND BINNET. The Romanes of Elaine. ORPHEUM, 24TH AND M. The Christian, a masterplcture in sight reels. LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTKROP. The final and last of "The Exploits of Klalne." I wonder what will happen. Ih final and leet of "The Exploit of Elaine." I wonder what will happen i VOH SALE Mlserllaaeeas. XT Id-hand motors, dynamos. InPYv magnetos, etc, mechanical iv' r.n.lra T. Bras ILlectrle Worka.ll-t0 g. 13th Bt. o BUI sale on trunks, bags and suitcases. r rledman. 1211 Uougias Bt. CHERRIES, currants, gooseberries and raspberries for sals at lbm'a fruit farm. Md and Military Ave. Wal. 1888. TOOL4), shovels, picks, lack screws, win dow glasa. 2 car L.en tor benches. 11 eaoh: 10 match machines too each, 1 hot water holler complete, xiv; combination electric flxturea 16o each: Iron beds complete. U: good horse, l: harness, 110; good ex press wagon, .. J. C. ISH. Tel. Harney 141 701 8. flat Ave. TO OA Oolden wt Whiskey, full XI I quarts bottled In bond, pre Yw,"w paid. Cackley Bros Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALB Clerical 4 Offtee. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR (Council bluffs bank) ffiO OFFICE CLERK AND COIXECTOR 10 TYPIST, good position M BUB1MKHH MK.ND KBlTJt KJT.NCH1 AR8N. 131-S0 Woodmen of World. STENO. and bookkeper. must be neat; fully competent to handle set of books; permanent Dlace. 146. CDERK, extra good penman. ISO. CO-OPERATIVE RK FKRENCJu CO., 1016-10 CITY NATIONAL. STENOGRAPHER Neat, aome sxperl- ence toO TIPIBT-Permanent i t'O-OPERATIVB KEFERKNCE (JO. 1016-K City National Bank Bldg. WANTKD-An experienced stenographer and office assistant, who can talk and write the Bohemian language. Perma nent position to right party, and good wsges. Address y euo. Bee. BTEKOORA PHER9 wanted everywhere: for positions read the stenograpnio Star, the stenographers' national weekly newspaper; send 16 centa for three months subscription: employment service free. The btenographlo Star. 1&4T Broad way. New York. rate tor y aad Trades. GIRLi to leara hairdresalng. Oppenhetra Parlors. Housekeeper aad Domeetlce. OOOD, nest housekeeper desires position In small family In or out of city. Will take full charge. Pleaae write at once, rise of family and salary. F 863, Bee. WANTED Olrl for general housework; two in family. Harney Bbis, YOL'NO girl to assist with car of chll- , dren. 1422 Florence Blvd. WANTEI A housekeeper: middle-aged person dealred. Webster sosx. Q I HI. for general housework) Scandina vian preferred, n. Koenua. Mar sew, CoOK Experienced colored cook, ill B. 14th. OIRL for general housework. Call Wal nut so. ilaellaaeoae. TOUNCI women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at Bt Marv's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding Places er otherwise assisted. Dook for our travelers' guide at Union station. WANTED A good reliable working housekeeper. It. K4T7. DA DIEM Make shields at home. 610 for luu: work sent prepaid: no canvassing: send stamp. Ivanhoo Mfg. Co., Bt. Louts, Mo. DTCLP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Office. CITT salesman, experienced man, com mission. Saleaman for grocery trade; salary and per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE! CO., 1QI5-K City National. SAL.K8MAN A No. 1 proposition, salary depends, watts lief, co., wu-u Bran' dels Theater Bldg. NEW location. 640 Paxton Blk. Ws have several position open. Rogers Ref. Co. HIGH-ailAPE commercial positions. WEST. Kh.FKHH.iiL'lt ft BOIMU ABBI4, T61 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D t'QTWfWIUlTDrtlT. PACITIAWd Rogera Reference Co.. 62e- Btate Bank. Aajeals, Balesasea aaa aiteltere. HAVE choice Improved Red River Valley rarms ror aaie Minn, and pi. oak. Asents wantea. mckson una i:o.. Hick son. N. Dk. LIVE agents wanted every here; posi tively faatest selling mens specialty on the market today; patented heatleas trousers' press. Write Immediately for territory and proposition, Ths Allen Co., urand mana. Nee, box t. . . . . I WANTED Direct eorreeponaenca with sale lobbing trade. Will make arrange- menis lor iiviuiivi imiur. i ntun line and two fast leading epeclaltlea for Introductory wedges. Particulars In oor- .W....4 nf X,nM.AW O.a PmiiI. f'n fevt Ht-v.n, Aw Xf InnAAIWillA. Vt tnr O WE have a good place for a live Insur ance men. Alutual Benefit Health A Ao- Ctdent Ase n , 4J City Nat. Bank Biag. Very Desirable Space for Printincr Office Ligbt, water and Janitor service free. Cneap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Buperlntsndent's Offloe. Room 101. Factor? aad Trade. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Learn Barber Trade Wages paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or writ for more Information. Trt-Clty College. llM Doug las St., Omaha. Free Tuition for a short time. WESTERN BARBER COLLEGE. 14 Dodae St. WlKTKIWl first ulaaa tb epeir man; a. Writs or steady work for right man. Write or rail. Juhnke'e Garajie, Falrbury, Neb, WANTtO Drag line operator familiar with gaaoitn engine. Aaaree Mul- grw-Boyce Co., Dubuque, la. Poslttona Now Open. AMERICAN Aim ins: Fsmsm fft.. Free Cataiogua COLLEOB OMAHA. NEB. WE need sneai had to turn dowa two Jobs per week letely. Get In. Leara ey our metnoo. on one or dies joos Catalogue D B free. Nebraska Aate aM,bUe School. 1417 Dodge Si HELP WA.VTFr MALK Factory aad Trades. MOLETl DARHER COLLEGE Soeclal summer rates. Catalogue mailed free. 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. MlecellaHevuh. WANTED F.xperieneed window trimmer. Permanent position and good salary- Apply Superintendent. Brandels Stores, WANTED l.Onf) men to eat ham and eggs, l&o. Coffee John. I4tn ana capitoi. MEN wanted: government Jobs; 0 per montn; umana exeminsnons ixvi. io. Sample auestlcns free. Frr.nklln Insti tute. Dcpt 121 F. Rocnester. M. a . WANTED-Names of young men want- . n V. - U.II..W Vf.ll r'l.rb, STfi i m n r.i. " j month. Answer immediately. Y. tM. Bee. HELP WANTED MAI.R AND FEMALE. NEAT, clean young man or lady for city sales; office supplies, zzs nee oiag. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Situation by first class col ored lady. cook, in or out ot city; reier- ence. Call I'. M72. YOl'NG man, high school graduate, wanta office Dositlon: stennaratiher: refer ences. Address Floyd Noble, 123 W. Tenth ft., Ornnd Island. Neb. BOY, 1 years old, wants to get Into shop where he can learn the electrician trade. Willing to work hard. Address n. ooe. Bee. YOIJNO man wanta work driving a team. t.'ail Douglaa Shoti and ask ror r rana. LADY wlshea nice respectable position L , . . ,u 1 I nouseseeper in town, x oy. pc. PERFECT washing, expert ironing. Webster 4281. WANTED Position as housekeeper in the city or outskirts. Harney 168. TWO young men want work on a ranch or arooe: iarm. walnut m. CHAUFFEUR wishes position on light delivery truck, or would run Jitney bus on Deroentaaa basis. Can furnish good rerorences. Address a tun, nee. LADV wanta board or small wagea In home for services, companion, teaching music caring for children, cooking, sew ing, housekeeping. Phone Douglas 0832. Address C. M., 1411 Capitol Ave. LADY with daughter, would like position as housekeeper, thoroughly competent to take charge, reference exchanged. Phone Webster 3630, or address L 667, Bee. LOST AND POUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona havlne- lost soma article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to asoertaln whether they left It In ths street cars. Many articles eecn day are turned In and the company la anxioua to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. LOST On Sherman Ave. car, pocketbook containing valuable diamond ring, wed ding ring aad money. Finder kindly call I VI Vr VVeU. tflTD. AUj CSS JUIS. L. A. Graves, 16n Locust St. Lost or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the immediate re turn of that article if advertiaed In Ths Be, tb Lost and Found paoer. LOST Near 64th street, ladles' black leather nurse, containing about U 00 and handkerchief with name on It. Return to Bee office for reward. Elisabeth Annls, LOST Between Farnam and Calhoun bifocal amber spectacles: give descrlp return to F. J. Hoel. McCord-Brady Co. LOST Handbag on east-bound Harney car, Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, containing money, glasses and key. Re ward. Return to -16 Charles St. Phona Webeter 1648. LOST Sliver vanity puree, monogram L. VUlllMilllHI .Ulll VltHlliB. Ill UU11 A ... .Unn..lHM .4 1 - I . It-U.. 1 . . I , Will finder please call Douglas 2601? LOST in Burlington depot, child's red sweater and shepherd plaid coat. Call Douglaa 666s. Reward. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asalsted. Look for our travelers' sld at the Union station. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga- rlnes. Wa collect. W distribute. Phona ouglaa 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1U0-1U1- 1114 Doggo Bt. GORDON, the Magaslns Man. Phone Douglas 7161. PET STOCK BEAUTIFUL whit Persian King cat, 11 mo. old; also other choloe ones. Webster 4807. SWAPPER8' COLUMN Wanted to Swan. Why not advertise something that you no longer hav any ue ror ana get, someimng you reany needf It coata you nothing to Join the Swappers Club, and you will find it lots ot fun swapping things. Writ Room 104, tee tuog., or pnone lyier iwu. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile ' classifi es! Ion. AUTO 6-pasaenger Stevens-Duryea au tomoblle. Address. H. C. 1146. Bee. A DANDY Slx-Pln Box. Alley, fine oondl tlon. first 1.6 takes It- W. E. Bennett. Grand Island, Nsb. DIAMOND NeaL ladies', tiffany, ring. e-100 Karat, platinum head; want motorcycle or piano. Address S. C. 1176. Bee. FURNITURE Willing to trade furniture enough for nine rooma Will move furniture In good location as rooming house If desired. Prefer auto, or what iiti yvui Aiiuiwi a. I . 1111, re HORSE. BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE REASONABLE. TYLER 1111. '"INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car; av.s iuwvi, iwm cyiinaer iwo SPeed complete electric equlpracut. llt Improved kick starter: new llree; all per- Iect condition. Cost (37U. Want Ford or ight roadster: no other Droouaitluna mn. Sidered. Address B. C. 1J71. Be. LOT-HAVhl A LOT TO TRADE FOR SOMETHING. WHAT HAVE YOUf ADDRESS B. C. 1144. BEE. LARGE view camera for typewriter, or, what hav you 7 D. Crswdson. Missouri valley, ia. a. . f nmw moiei, BIS 1VX41): double lens, automatic ahulter; rising, lowering and laterally ehiftlng trout, like new; together with complete outfit. Including itew 6 developing tank. LuiiAi r..i.n... . i . . UI ill. Ill .MW. mimr, VBIl'lllf IT. iqL Want visible typewriter In good condi- . t . . - - a . - t.mf. . . kl AIL, ORDER businoes. invoice l.'.W. Will trade for unimproved lots. Ad dreae P M7. Bee. PAINTING service la exchange for horse. Addrees a C 1176. Bee. REFRIGERATOR In ood condition. value about 610. What hav you to trade T Addrees B. C. 1116. Bee. ROOMING houee," 12a Itruin SC. to tiade for an automobile. Drive up wltfe your oar and snak a quiak deal. SEWING-MACU1N E -P ractioally new. Free eewliig roachlne; will trad for bras bed or parlor suite, or what have your Address 8. C. 1 lee. Be. SEWING MACHINE Singer; retail pri. 6n6; good condition; drop-bead. Will ex change. What have yout Address B. C. i i ... I6"rt teweler s safe for AJ, second-hand rord or other small car. Address B. C. 114A Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN TO TRADE Strictly modern 7-room bungalow. Hanscom Perk district, on paved street; cement basement, shade trees, bard wood finish, owner moving to Lincoln. Wlhes to trade for house In Lincoln or lots In Omaha or Lincoln. Webster 30"?. WILL trade new auto or vacant lot for seven-room, modern houao, with large lot. Address B. W. Hee. CP TO 11.000 in going local company. No liabilities and UM In treasury stock Is not for sale generally and none has ever been sold below par. Will 'rade for equity In cottage or might take west ern land or auto. Address 3. C. 114, Bee. FOR RENT Apartsneats aad Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of Ths Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will piease and fill the needs of any ons de siring to rent. Phone Tyler lOtiO. VERY CHOICE- APARTMENTS IW RENTALS, t-room, 4-room and 6-room: oak finish; large rooms, nicely decorated. Ideal ar rangement, awell lighting fixtures; large, screened In front porch for each apart ment; everything complete and up-to-date. We furnish refrigerator, gas range, window shades snd curtain rods: locker room, janitor service; hot and cold water, etc. Phone Douglaa 1009 for appointment to make Inspection and our auto will call for vou. WOTT A HILL CO., i7 M CAOUE BLDO. 6-ROOM modern apartments off Farnam St.. in tha "Pttn " tilffhlns flmnrnnf building. Harney 1399 o FOUR and seven-room apartments, lid ami upwards; near postofflce. O. P. Ptebblns. Angelus Apt., 1 snd 4-room spt. H. 2074. 4 ROOMS, close In. Red 4fl. . Fnrnlehed Apartsneats. FURNISHED APARTMENT. For rent for three months or longer. Two rooms and bath, disappearing bed snd al conveniences. Telephone Walnut a4 or Douglas 690. WANTED A furnished fist for two Or three months; prefer select location In residence district. Harney MK1. Board and Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenlenco and comfort In private famtllea .,r boarding houses of ths high est class wl) beat be found In the Fur nished Room column bt Tbs Be. Phone Tyler 100. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets, in a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney 4981. Nicely furn. rm., 3011 Sher. Av. Web. 843. 2210 HARNEY Board with or without rooms. D. as83. Furnished lloases. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, reason able. 2925 Seward St References ex changed. Faralahed Rooms. ELEOANTLT furlshed rooms: private home: close In. Phone Doug. 6489. CHICAGO, 1812 Beautiful, cool room. next to bath, for one or two gentle men; private family; hot water at all hours; $3. Doug. 6272. A MOST desirable home for two young men; lame, cool rooms; no other room ers; pleasant yard; close in; 10 and $16. Address ,1 6S6. Bw. SOUTH 19TH. 6222 large modern front rooma, first floor, with screened porch; ronnwifn or single; close in; reasonable VTftn flllnl.k.i1 nnM nw -ah. O.....U 28th St. near Hanscom park'; breakfast ir oesireu. te u, XX ., -v.. mv I,..,. cv iiriiiiija' uiai iuiii you In the way of Furnished Rooms you can call at Room 104. Bea Bldg., snd ssk for the Free Furnished Room bureau and m-ik will .t.tiw Hr., ..A,, - - Li.k " I V . . J U U ,V m UIU class rooming or boarding houss In any nr n Ik. mi.w DOUGLAS. 17121 single room with bath. FURNISHED rooms, with bath, closet, heat, light and water, furnished kitchen. Fsrnam Blvd. Harney 1399. o ONE nice room to one or two gentlmen. Home privilege to right party. H. 42T THREE single rooms with board. South exposure. Gentlemen preferred. 2403 St. Mary's Ave. Douglas 6180. Waated -Faralahed Rooms. Z WOTJLD like a room In private home of congenial and homelike surroundings, with shower bath preferred, but not es sential; would like breakfast and supper. Kindly ststs full particulars when reply ing. R 41J, Bee. Karntefteit Hvswk'sls B.eaee tJ23 DODGE Modern light housekeeping; reasonable. Ilessekeeplsg Rooms. COB FARNAM Nice, clean, modern housekeeping rooms. Reasonable. DOUGLAS, 1711 One nicely furnished modern housekeeping room; private family; close in. CAPITOL AVE.. 1813-Clean, comfortable" houaekeeping rooma; reasonable rates. DAVENPORT, 2018. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISH F3 FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FARNAM, 2S22, two nloe housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. DAVENPORT. 201S. TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1160 WEEK. 1.1a at iloB.aelterjMnar Rasas. 1001 PARK AVE. 1 and t-room apart ments; clean, cool, cosy. Harney 6610. lieaeee aad Cottage, . North. ALL modern e-room bouse, on car line, In Florence, large yard. Florence ax. 100 Main St. BAUOAIN If taken at one all modern -room house; maple flooring In living arid dining rooma; large ahade and bear ing cherry trees, other shrubbery; one blk from car and school. Webster aril 6-ROOM strictly modern cottage one block from the car. Tel. Web. 1414, or call at zm Merenitn Ave. WEST FARNAM. 7 ROO.M8. 145.00. No. Ill N. 3th St.. near Dodge: verv choice, handsomely finished brick. Sleep ing porch end sun room. ARMSTRONG-WALBH CO., Tyler 15:. State Bank Bid. 1110 N. 12D ST., 4-r flat, eteel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid. 117. RASP BROS.. DOUGLAS. 13. boat. For Rent South half of double brisk houee 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, all modern, at 1511 South Bit A St., near Park school, on block eaat ot Hanscom para. Tel. liarnsy laua k-KOOM modern, hot water hea location. Tel. D. 6ml FIVE-ROOM houee, summer kitchen, fine cellar, water paid, lit. 13 Bo. J'tn ol Mteeellaaeaae. Seven rooma and hall, strictly modern hardwood finish in first story; bed rooms upstairs: hall, parlor, dining room. conservatory, kitchen, on bedroom or den and bath on first floor. This house fronts on a paved street, IH blocks from car line, and has a large lot. with shrubs and shade, 630. J. H. DTJMONT CO., 416-11 Stat Hank Bldg. Phone Doug. 690 FOURTEEN ROOMS. CL08E I.V. Steara heat; In xcUent condition; just vacated, 6i GLOVER SPAIN, Douglas Ml Hi City National. DURING summer, ten rooms, two baths. modern, reasonable; beat location; ref erencee required. Addreee B Sit, care Be. t-R. cottage, cloee In. te.d Chicago 8u Ready Reference Directory Tie following firms offer quality and expert service that will plcare the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, REED ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract offloe In Nehra'ka f" Hnodeis The. ADD1.NU MAClll.NES. Adder !rh Co. CAeles). W. O. W. D. 6331 At CUl A I'A.N I S. IT PAYS to have your ac- co ints audited. l t .is mke you a propj oslllon for doing your H'Kllting. DWORAIv ACi OUNT1NG CO. Adoress 4J3 Kamc Biog. h'hone nouglds 74o. AMATELR r l.Wslll.NU. FTLM9 tleveloped free If purchased from Pholo Craft Shop, 41 ftee Bldg I -ent. D. ARllU lct I s. Everett H. Dol,s. fii; pTton Rlk D. fisi. ARTIFICIAL STONE MUE WALKS. SIDEWALKS, drives, floors, walls, steps, copings; snvthlng in guaranteed con Ifte rpt- -loun Grunt Paving Co., 60 Pajfton Blnclf. Doug. 3318. O. B. Grant. Mgr. Webetpr WC A TTH t( TIO.NS. OUTING parties desiring service or re freshments. phone Hanscom park. TT. KHS4. ATTOH.N'GI 9 C. T. Dlklnson, 611 Paxton Blk. P. iS04. AlCT lO.NhililRg. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-16 W. O. W. R. 82S5. Nat'l Sale Auction Co.. lttT W. Q. W. ALTO I.MIBA.ME. 'ilJl yovr utmoblls Insnrsncs by pstronlslng a home Co. Doug 2Sj. AUTO RADIATOR RtSPAlRg. Omaha Radiator Bep. Co.. MM Far. P.IOOL BAKERIES, Z. H. REEDER. 1500 N. 18tn. Web, rer? BtCDni.Nii. " 1 0UA"A, PILLOW" CO.. 1S07 Cuming aBdUm.',,MT Rnoates feaih.f. , .. and mattresses of all kinds, maksa feaU,jmreM and down coVJr? ' BI.VU rUI.VII.NG. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO. 302 Om.h. National Bank Bldg ' "h BRASS AND IRON FOUNDrTbsT" Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha Bta CAHPH.teh AMD CON TU ACTORS. STEVENSON. 623 S. 21d. Douglas 6630. Lessard At Son. 1108 Cap. Av. T. 1631. CHIROPRACTIC MFl.NAl. ADJU'Sl'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. tai. taiuuyuuiar, Carrie J Burford. 6J0 Pax. Blk. Red 4547. CIVIL, a,Ajt.l&,a:st. M. J. l.ACY, blS BEli BLDG . DOUG. 47U. CLalAAU-si. AAas DIxCR. ROVAL Dry Cleaners. 1231 Leav. D. Mil. tUAlUtiib lwA9aLilTtj.N VW.S Western tepreaenlauv of VtLVKTILii COairObl i io.. uooruie- i..Vjiii OATK. U-ia City al. toa., Bldg. D. lis. MrXl. of lodge regulla and costumes. Mnxo. iieooii ec froii, lel4 wowarq. u. iij. UA.Ml.tu Ataiia,alas, CHAMJ3KK6' Academy, classic D. UiL Summer rates no at Mackles; privau ivasuES oauy. lain riarney. i-oua. liriaiabat Asa.1 O. Terry Dreaainak'g oollxge, Ivth 4k Farnam. DVxCkta AAA l,LaaAbkli BTATE Dry Clng. Co.. UO N. 12th. D. 6071 JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. E vi ae i.o secured in an caeu. iyier ms. UaM'lsle. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W, O. W. Bid. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 74 City Nat Bank. Tafs Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglaa D. 21M. DRCOg. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid en $10 ,.mnlnmttmm Im. lkrrt,Bn A TklA Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. kUibC'i RIO I'lAKOa. Continental Nov. Co., lit W. 16th. Term aXUb'tkultllllli Won Allender, 624 Be Bldg. Red 8055. gSVKRX"stAs rvtt VVOMsSN. ACCORDION, rid, knlf, sunburst. bo ...m mm. .utvarul his 1 tnn g 11 Btlsifi nti styles; hemstitching, picol 'edging. Ideal r lea ting .., w uum """ " NEW TORK sample stor. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dreaaes sacrificed. 206 N. loth St. FCRNACKS AND TINWOBK. HABERSTROH. f Hamilton. Wal. tm. FLWU1STS. BATH'S, florists, ls04 Farnam St. D. 6009. U HENDERSON, lilt Farnam. D. ISA. Alemt-ei torisi inmravu HESB 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam BL A. DONAGHUE. 162S Harney. Doug. 1001. BWANSON. the florist. Web. 48. Bo. 70t HAT UE4SM Panamas cleaned. P. Elsel. City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1620 Har. GOLD AND alLVavR ytATIXU. WE replat everything of metal. Omaha Flatma .o.. i.j" nmj - lets. Lakeside Ice Co. FO IChi PHOel WBBSTKR 6tl Generel Office, lHh and Manderson Bta JltTltliS OF I Ha! PU.it h;. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 61S Paxton Blk. R. 701. Notary pub., deposition stenu. C. W. BRITTT tOl BakcT block. V. C HABCALL. 410 Paxton Blk. P. HO. LIVE IVUtK IUHMISIIO.1 MARTIN CROW ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. LtUIiMAO 6-lXTCsta.a. V 1st IN 4s. rilTRTvIV Thomaa Douglas Kit. iVUIUVl . Uim cumtna St. HUVIM. FlC'lCktai MACltlNt:. I OMAHA Film Fx.. 14tb and Doug. Motion picture inacrune an lurs vsiisibs WX rent moving picture machine. Star Theatrical Kx linnge. 64 Paxton block. HuruktVCLtl. HARLET-DAVIDtHJN MOTORCTCt.ES. Uarsralns la used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." Fot Leavworta oc I Lis i s. Eyes examined, glsases fitted, pay as yew caa. urs Mccarty, 11 u w . u. w. tsiag. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANB. JOSCPHTNE ARMSTRONG. 15 Be Eld ' SiiATI.b, D. 6277. Actn Plating Co.. 1U 8. 16th It.- PAlTlti AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUsi ill N. sOth. H. I7UL N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7610. PATBiVrtl. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7117. H. A. Fttirges. 636 Britndela Theater Bldg. I'ttl.VI 1AO. WATERS-BARNHART Ptfc. Co., quality printing, lei. yvui, .iw. d. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 1754, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644, ' Ralph Printing Co.. 120 S. lth. Doug, lied. HtBBAUU COMPANIES. NEBRA8KA RUBBAGE CO. This Is ths man to call if you have any ashes or tin cans to naui. r-none vco. gnu. Itl'G AND HUB LOCK JfiXPKRTB. O A T?T!0 Opened, repaired, comb. SAH K7 thanged. F. E. Daven aJA AA, A-tfar port im jjodge. D. 1S11. SCALU UEPA1HI.NU. Om. Standard Seal Co., CIS 8. 12th. D.StlL BCRkiU.-s DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co.. Doug. 46H. IIIOB REPAIRING. ' FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. tU 8. U Hariey Shoe Rep'r Co.. 1004 Farn'm. R.ltU KWINU MACHINES. ( T7-k rnt- repair, sell needles and parts W C tor sewing machines. , . "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Doug. IMA STIC hi A tKlLINOS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, HQ g. ti 1'ORU AND OFelCAs FlXTlRHB."" DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, .h.i. lug. etc. ve buy, l" Omaha TFUtu?: O V M.L. SCfPLlKg. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. ft. 'lAlLOtt. CHA8. C. LANDER YOU, 10 N. ISth St TRUNKS AND KUITCABKS. FRELINO Ar STEIN LE. 1806 Fsrnam St nrtWHUtHJ luk RBNT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 1 mo. for 64, Oliver typewriter Agency, 19U6 Farnam. Butts TypewriUr Exchange, Sit 8. UU 8b All niakc-a lor sal or rent. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer, low rent. Call Douglas 121 WA'i'CU SP1CC1ALISTS. Christiansen. Id ft Paxton Bk., It yr. xp. WUDUINU STATION SIR T Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINKS AND Ll4VORt. ALEX JETR3. aoi-S B. ISth St Wines, liquors, cigars Plat dinners. 11 to t, 10a. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE), 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. POrt RENT Hostel aad Cottages. Sllscellaneone. HOUSES APARTMENTS FLATS. IU.00 6-r., N. 16th St., mod. ex. heat !)5.00--r.. 411 S. 17th Avs. 125 7-r., 8303 Howard St., modern. Jc-0.00 6-r., 636 S. 16th Av., modern. 631.50 -r., 117 8. toth St., modern. $37.60 7-r., 700 S. lflth Bt., mod., Ian. senr. 40.00-S-r., 4924 Capitol Av., mod., fin repair. $40.00 7-r.. 10C2 Arbor St., new, modern. $42.60 8-r., 2S67 Farnam St. modern. $46.00 7-r., 618 8. lth St, modern; hot and cold water: Janitor service. $60.00--r., $36 Harney St.. mod., 1st class. UtajKOK OOMfAWI. 02 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone P. 75 620 8. 28TH Bt., t-r. and garage. $60. l Mason, 8-r.. all modern, 140. 1433 Franklin. lS-r., all mod., $36. 1211 Mason, 8-r.. all mod., $31. 611 N. 'i2A St.. t-r.. all mod., $30. 2024 Maple. 7-r.. all mod.. $26. 620 N. 2d St.. 6-r.. all mod.. $22.60. M01 Chicago, 6-r., mod. ex. heat $& 1521 Emmet, 7-r., mod. ex. heat $1$. 614S N. 2id St., 6-r.. all mod.. $17. 1TO8 Sahler. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat $16- . lmo Pacific, 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $UV 221J N. lth St.. 4-r., mod. ex. heat e1 BIRKETT A COMPANT. 421 Bee Bldg. Doug. x. GlobeVan &Storage Stnrea. moves, packs ships; t-horse van and 1 men. $1. per hr etorag W Per rr.n. Satisfaction guar. P. 4331 A Ty. MO. FIDELITY FREE srta. m. rkA.agglsks. Ml fnr Mmnlskta. llat vacant houses and apart menu; also for storage, moving, tein ana jki.iow ok. SEE the Central Furniture Blorea, FBSS RENTAL LIST. Ilnncnu Crelgh Sons A Co., Be Bkfg IlOUSeB lp ,n n,rt, nf the city. Gordon Van Co. Moving, Packing. Stoiag. tit N. 11th St Tel. P 94 or Web. UU. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Offlca. Room 101. T T J Kxp. Co., moving. I I , tAPPll FCK,n t'oraga J -ws - inn yarn Farnam. f. !! Maggard's Van and eto.-ag Co. Call us for es timates for mov- Ing. packing, ahlpplng. 1711 Webster Bt Dcuglss UHi. -L slaea. 11 ner month up. 607 Paxtoav For Rent t-room cottage, 115 N. 2th St 4-room apartment, 2S3vt Frsnklln Bt 7-room spartinent, ln.il Franklin Bt All In firl't-clase condition, nice yard, aater rent paid by owner. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandels Bldg. Douglas I3KX lisrvs aa still, A sic offlca in a food location, mak your business plana successful. TIIE BEE BUILDING THE F.UILDINCJ THAT IS ALWAYS NKW" furnishes lust such oomllDatiotaa Offlca Koom IPS. BTOREROoM. lath and California fctat Rex. Hotel Bldg good shap. $,M. BIRKETT sV COMPANT, Ia nee mog. Doug MS STORK IN WEAD BUILDING. F. li I WEAD. U01 FARNAM BT. 411 Bee niiie. Dous 1K i 1