13 THE BEE: OMAHA. JUNE 1915. 'i, Never Mind About the Renting Season Classified Advertising in The Bee Rents Property Any Time WANT ADS Want ad received at Mir time, but t yneur proper ciBlfletlon muet b pr. entd before II o clock n-on for evening; edition and T:M P. m, for morning end Sunday dttJon. Want aa.relved after Such hour will be under th beading, ' Too Late to Classify." CASH RACSB. . Bsven enoutiv UnM. 1 ent ft word each Insertion. . ... Three time within m vrek. JH cents a word hlnertlofa. On time, I nti ft wont. CrTA0 RATES. Severn iMiMnUT tiroes. 1 a Its eh insertion. . Three Uikm within o wh ewnt line each Insertion. On tins U cent "Tv ,. Count 1 avrag w to Hn Minimum oharg. 0 cent. An dvHIsrnent mrt4 t b ?n until discontinued must bo stopped or wrltton order. . . . All claim for error ,T within flftsen after the at Inser tion of th advrrusmnt Too ee'n plae your want aa In Th B by Wtphono ELEPHONH TTUtR W 1, CARD! Of TIIAHK. DEATH AND FUJI BR A I. WOTICS. KERR J- Fred. did Mondy vnlng, Juno JA, At host It I. , Fussral servlcss from dene, mot Poppleton Ave. W sdne-dey flernoon. June . t o clock. Jntr tnent In Forest Lawn ctnefry. 'nfXHTXa-Arthur Po- near cf South Ornha,dlM at Norfolk. : Neb.. Tuesday, Juno tl. Foug ht In ths civil war, member of th III. Co. a. . Pom In N. t. . , , I Will bo Vurlod t Mil ford Wr3Tfr, HBth. Curvird by oon Carl Boldlnf. Sir, Km ft Ktiks Mro. ChrU Crr If all and Mr John Kuhn of OtnahA. aod ifro. If. 3. 1-ouroond ot Kay. BIRTBI AND DBATlU. . RlrtJia OulMppo and Lwda Bortotl, 1TOT South Bovonlh. Voyi Kaohmlol and Mary ,Iorlnon, Kl Hlondo. boy; Albwt and Wlldrcd Fuller. 1WI South Twntr-nln(h, boy; Anton toi RomIU Jaruilk. r?lT South Tlilrtloth. boy; Adolph and Jennla Jarl. m Bcuth FUty-aocond, boy; Own and Slary Koval. 4 Kanaaa aven, irl; Kronoia and Francaa Lcmbach. WT South Twanty-fotlrth, alrl; J. C. and Torrra Murry, B. boy; Bon W. and Uluth McInfT. 17 North Twantleth, boy ; R. H. and Ploranco Hotwrta. tm Pratt, 'lrl; Oortn and Marr Wroaovlo. 2611 R, girl: - John and Franc Vonhanor, 1JM Houth KoUftnth, boy; Cecil J. adi (Julia , Van Valknbor. Bl Mandoron, Mrli f W. and Oara Roarden. tGui Spiuo. boy. PelhJohn Ingram, M honpltal; To Abrmn. I, W North TwMitr-fourth; lAdrtlo mlth Urayton. M. 7 Burd-tta; lraret Xlmblman. M, hoapltal; tin. O. R. Rathbun. 1 till Corbr. MARRIAGE LICBNtEt. Tha following couple wera granted llcnaa to wed: Namo an.1 Reeldenc. Agf. (Kenneth MoMartln, Omaha M Vlnlfred 3. Maok. Oroaba William Vaher, Bouth Omaha H Irena Taggart. South Omaha 13 John Wantworth, Bialr 1 Flora, June Cleaver. Mlaaourt Valley la. Jamea Fl Hanrer, Albld, la............ M Slelen touglaa, OaJllo, Wyo 1 William Joyca. Jr., Omaha, tl rablola Cruae, Omaha M Robert O. Kehn, Omaha...,'....; T Anna M. Bolt. Omaha Cleorga CThrletopher. Valentine M IMabel Siawaoa. Omaha.. Tl Auguet Clear. Omaha Z Mark Bkala, Omaha...' Clifford l King, Denyer, Colo... Gladya Kendall, Bt Louie, Mo 18 Carl Btrelo, Craig M luther Koberteon, Craig 12 'AuAuet L Btaroakl. Bouth Omaha 17 Mary C. Molelepeey, Omaha..... 10 Jlerry D. Alben. Omaha 1 Vada M. Bell, Fort Boott, Kan U Alfred Rupp, Omaha It Buelo Uftert. Omaha.... 1 Kil p. Mollner. Omaha.... 14 Wuhelrolna . O'Orady, Omaha M Frank teler, Klile.. M Bertha M. Olrbon, Omaha. U ni'ILDINO TRRM1TB. Retor Kohler. Hit Bouth Twentieth, iframe dvelllng, I2.M1; Knterprlee Lum ber company, Forty-flret and KreMne, lumber ahed. tl.QOO; FJla McNeil. 1U6 North Twnlv-w)Vrnth! fretne el or. toUU: Ooorica Ho!mn. i7 Myrtle avenue, ' frame klwlllna-. ti.rtft; A. Bcegetovy CM North sixteenth, frame awellliui. ',. UNTKRN llr for movie Hend your eerr to a. W ui reprodur photo er anil ptapar your copy. We will color a airectad. Be Fboto lept.. 101 flea Bid, Dewiltwe. IMPRESS, 18TH AND DOUGLAS. K1GH-CLA S8 VAUDEVILLE AND rilOTO PLAYS. FVcgy Lynn. Burgler. (Vivian Rich.) 1-r. The Woman from Warren e 1-reel diatna. Ir. Car In e F perlmetit. Home comedy. lUMt DOUGLAS. Mabel Norman and Fatty Arhurkla In a 1-r Key. com.. Tha Little Teacher. Children of the Bea, two-reel Uraiita. North. 16TH AND BINNKT. CHAKD. TliKATER BEAUTIFUL, Home of Good Picturea. Tiearte and tiword. tao-reel orama. The RfuKe, draiua. The tiuiiln Llht. drAma. ,J 'r. Cerwui hierlmcnt. mmtty. IX)T11R0P. urn AND LOTUR0P7 iFlve reel of good pictures. lilB OMAHA. THE tOOL TllBATEUli! 4rTU AND DODGE. Chanite ef prosrana dally. 7lmond In the fky Lvery Sunday. ftemth. 8 2D AND ARBOR. ARBOR. Cloeed for Repair. APOLLO, itll LEAVENWORTH. in the Pv of Famtna, l-rel Vltagrapo. Nt'M etu! tl. ViLker Eeeaney. THB OMAHA, THB COOL THUATSR. rurtTlETit AND lOIxJU OrtlitTil AWU IMJIKjH 'henae of ptogrant dally nd in the buy every fu Ct rnro aday. MuNhOiJ, U65 VXhHlU. Robert Warwick In tha fWe-reel Laibter A!lai Jimmy TalenHn. gtli OMaua. BESSIE. mil AND N, The Piiirs Befor dawn. 4Vreal Lubto. il lie liuniAnce of Flrie, CRPHEUM. I4TH AND U. Te B!rle of Juftl. t real Pom. dr t.ea Liua Come True. Key. com. ACTOMOiULKS .4 ord, aew tjle body; no itfiiiai: uiier reiuea. 4, o. l.is. iitiot Hotel. T m - ll Today's Mo?ie Programs j I AVTOMODILES tattle roadeter....vK)Ford roaditer...! IM Buiok ni r Cutting SM Truck 1 K. M. F fM Motorcycle 11 THE AUTO CLEAR I. NO HOUKH, 12" Famem L Tel. Doug. 1110. DEAL direct-with feetory for your new 1L avtomobllei eare dealere' dleeount. Frioe ranging from tm to W.OOO. Write for our pinnejT aavlng plan on raeh tarma and trade. P. O. Box 400, Omaha. o t AtWARD for any magneto we ou t repair. Colle rPl Beyedorfer. I N.U. a Overton e for leaky radiator. IQo, dealera induVtiial Oerege oTToth Harney Bt, rtmABVA flarvlra Atetloo. U14 rtrntm Ht. Phone jx.ugiaa lit TMNDY llttto rdtr. Jut ovrhuld. ..it 14 u to LTtlNO CAR. luet overhauladu big argaln at I17H. t) Bo. 19. CADILLAC CO., Or OMATTA. F4 Farnam Bt. Dmig. 412S. Whenever you ara cunelderlng aelllng or buying a ueed tmr and you want full velue for your monry or you want people who are willing to pay for what the are Setting you will have po rearet If you uy or advertise through the ueed car column ot Tne nee. I none I yier nw. KW Tord auto deliver bod lea of all etylee, open or rloeed, alwaya on hand. Our prior-e will eeve you money. Bee Johnaon-tfnforth Co.. lM-tl-3 No. lsth. STttAABSKR, expert radiator and lamp repair. Ty. 7a. moi ieavenwortn AUTO Clearing Houe. Uu Farnara. buy aad MUf ueed ears. Fhona Douglaa ttld. AXNOUN CKMEXT9 Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable YourBelf and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building gunr1ntnflnt'ai Office Hoom 10 DI'UXfinClK.I.P. m i w r a Omitti J WCIIll'JU III Rlltl Vf gTVw. w-ve Omaha, Friday July t, for tha benefit or ine Lnna naving inetKuie. Iaveetlgat t.M.C.A. oui a park. nrsivEsa chancer If your Bualneee chanoa will aland rlald Inveatlgatlon and la luet what It U advertlaed, or. if you are looking to atart In bualneea ror youreeir you will d per fectly aatiefled If you uee the Bualneea Chance column of The Bee. When buy- Ing or aeiling a nuelnoe Fhona Tyler VALUABLE hydraulic placer ground, (40 acree; near railroad and two proven mine; all requisite faclllttea; price right. Apartment a, a Eleventh Bt., Portland, TO GET In or out of buelneaa call on HAur b i ali, ki pea piog. unm. hii, HdN'g, ehuw cerdeTciark & Hon.' 1. "inn. (OR HALft Karoware stock, building and fixture; location good live town In eaatern Idaho; one of the beat grain and Block growing erctlon In the weet; ale laat year. .11,0u0. Addreaa , 47. no. F?-H BALK OR itKNT The Bartloy Center-Ocean with printing outfit, ln- ulra or J. tl. natnorn. Barney, mop. FOK at once. One of tha beat paying eleotrlcal contracting ana fix ture aupp1"' houeea In the weetern part of tha elate, block will Invoice between j.'W and VA Muet be eold by July I. keaaon for soiling, owner leaving city on account of other buelnea. T tut, liee. WHV RKNTT Aek about the . Lawler dltal t, Aitkin county. Minnesota, the Lajid ot Opportunity; unimproved, III to Mi; Improved. IX to ttt per acre; eav payment plan. W. Q. Tampleton, . 03 liee. Omaha. " REAL aetata Rualneea place eupplled or handled; all elate. F. V Knleet. Omaha. THKlTEItA-Buy, leaee or ell your the ater, - machine and aupvllea through Theater Fxruange Co., 14ut Farnam Bt Dougla 1HK7. FOR 8 A LB All or part of full equipment of bakery, formerly owned by the Wagner Bakery Co., conaletlng of oven, bread dough mlxera, baiting, charting, hanger and pulley. caea, calea, tool and wagon and other equipment. Onn red Young. I2t Brandel Theater. D. 1S71. 1 aveatmeMte. mmmfYJ Our Nabraaka farm ntort- r V-. f egea are not afrectad by 111 Kuronean wnn or nanlea. ' AmouaU 1400 to UO.Ofa. We rolleot all Intereet and principal free ot charge: M year la tn Neoraaka farm loan (lelg without loe I our record. KLOKH INVESTMENT COMPANT. 101 Omaha Nt Bank Bid.. Omaha.- Itoomlaar Heaeee fmr Bale. FOR BALK Very reaaonabl tn-r. room- in iiuun. lumivnea emr niue: in ex. rellent condition; new improvement; good noneymaKr; walking omianca, bee. reason for aelllng. Addree F u4. Bee. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College rv School. Nlsht BchooL com data bualneea couree, complete shorthand or stanotyp oourae, complete telegraphy M..u I i I kulMA k 1 A , llah. Student admitted at any tlma. Write, phone or rail for 1911 catalogue, H. U. HOTIAfi. PreeMenL Tel. D tt6. JtoyU Rldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR aale. the following eoholarehlp In a ursi ciaei uinana Businaa Collegat On unlimited cembinatlon bualneea and shorthand course. One unlimited otenograpMa eoursa. On three ruontha' bualnea as ateaa. graohto couree. Will be eold at discount At th efflo er Tie utnana He. E perieuced' lady tutor In srada and h! h echooi eubrte; make-up work a ei-e'ii(r. beat refereocea. Apart A -All! Lav. IL FOR BALE FOR SALE Her Is a olaaalflcatlo that la of tbe utmott ImnAMmr. ia reader, aa thte column offere eotue excep tion, opportuiutiea very aay and a mail waut ad will aeil your article at it ruu vaiu. rnon iier iouo. Vmwmitmrm l(..i.K.li Oa v AT PRIVATK BALK, 171 8. UD AVE. Tt I T I. V 7TT till , u .i L.Trr..n.... . . -. . t. ... . . uAao r uniu n r INiLt'LINO Rrt!8. OIL PAINTlNi S. fcTO. NO PEALKRU OR CURIOcJiTT T) ESKH bought and soid. J. CL lUed. wi arnam t D. gist EARGAtNS 1W FLRSITUHB AND nM)wnr,. ibs N. UTH. WF.B lf. WALNUT WARDHOB& Phot. p. RUOd, chair. eouhe. buffets, eteplad dere. -ren doors; new; reasonable. LATEST mod! Orlol go-hasket. So. sTT. MuIm laslvataaaata. tiiibtly used high graAa irtaasx D. aal MOVIES a FEATURES Tf TODAY rA GRAND. 16TH AND BINNET. THFATER BEAUTIFUL. Home of Good ITrturee. The Patriot nd th Bky, a Mutnl ma terplctura In 4 part, featuring Mar garet Bnow and Bush, and a good comedy. BE88E, 14TI1 AND N. Tha Darknee Before Dawn, 4-reel J.uWn. Iweedle'e Flrlh. Kms.i, Tlie Romanre of Blelne. MONROE. 2665 FARNAM. Robert Warwick In th reel Telbler feature. Alia Jimmy Valentine ORPHKUM, 24TH AND M. COTHROP, 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. Heart In Eorlle. (Clara Kimball Toimg.) Five reel. FOR BALIS 64 HUTS a well brok. neck rain saddle noree. tv. i Mnmon ct. i nwm mj. GOOD horeo, bugy and harne, 210 realtry, ; aare-l'ee. BTEREOTTPK metric make th beet and cheapeet lining for poultry houaea. They are 17x23 Inchea, atronger and mora durable than tarred fait end practloelly fireproof. 7to a hundred at Th Be of floa. Small wheat. 100 lb. BtlS. Wagner. KH M. 11 Typewriter. BPECTAli OTTBR TIM TOUTX No, 4 Bee. nerw maohlna.....M..44A00 No. 10 Remington, lata model. 46 00 No. 10 Bmlth PremUr. Ilk B, 4i.OO No. I Oliver, lateet modal ........ 44.00 No, I Bmlth Premier -JO No, Remington, lata modal K w No. t Oliver, Ilk new 00 No. 4 Underwood, lata model 00.00 No. IL.C. Bmlth. Ilka new M 0 No. Underwood, rebuilt K.00 Fill out coupon and mall today. Term: $1.60 caalt and tha balance IS per month. No Intenat Shipped any place on I day' fre trial. Written guarante for on year with eaoh machine. BUTTS TYPEWRITER EOCCMANOB Sit 8. Uth fit. t Omaha Nb. Our Examination Offer. Cat , Butt Typewriter Exchange, ISO Far nam St., Omaha, Neb.t . Pleaa nd m on I day' xamlua- tlon. No. ....Modal . . Typewriter. . .Value, I...-. ! Color of Ribbon... . I agree to pay axpr charge from . , Omaha to my expreea office and to . namlna, and cither remit to you aa , . per term Indicated or return it to . , you within flv day from dat I re- . . celve It. If returned, you stand re- . . turn ex pre chargea. ' . . Indicate on line below term d- . . aired ,. ' Term: Will pay caah In I day 'and . . deduct 10 caah discount from llt . , price. Or, will pay part cash, bal- , . ano monthly per term quoted. . . Nam . ....... . . Addrea . . Referenc . ' Address '. Tour refereno ahould b banker , or merohant. ' . TTPE WRITERS (old, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter gxe. UOt Farnara. UNDKRWOODNo. , cheap. tD Be Bldg. M laeellaaeow. FOR BALE New and ecend-hand carom and pookat billiard table and bowling Alley and aocaaaorl; bar fixture of ail kind; aaay payment. Th Brunswick- Halke-Collvnder t o.. 40T-4 8. 10th SL lK)TOR boat for sale. I nan Ire 604 Pop- pleton Ave, v-'all after 6:I0' evenlnge. BARBER ehop for aal; phone Web. ti2Z; cheas ir taken won. AN UP-TO-DATE plaUng outfit and a big stamping pre for aal cheap. Han V nansvn. rinMn nviiiv divhiii, BIO sal on trunkal bag and sultoaaea. Friedman, mi Pougla Bt. TOOLS, ahovcla, pick, laokacrcw. win dow glaaa, I carpenter oenche, II eech; 10 match machine, loo each, 1 hot water boiler complete. 110; combination el ec trio ftxturea 26o eech; Iron bed complete, 2; good horee, aa; harne. H0; good x- "r- W'0n i C. IBH. Tel. Harney HI, 701 II. Hat Ay. CHERRIES, currant, gooseberries and raspberrlee lor sat at jnms rruit farm, w ana Military Ave, wet, inns, CO OA "1J wt WhUky. 4 full JK."1 I quart bottled In bond, pra-yJ,t-tJ pald ci,,,, Broe.. Omaha. ErJiCTIUC MOTORS l-H P., 120 volt. 1 phase, new IT i-H. P., l.'O volts, I Dhsse, nsw 4 l-H. P., HO volt, I phae, new 44 HI. P., U0 volts, I phas. new..... 17 DYNAMOS. I-K. WH 110 yoIU. D. C. nw...MM....4 Tl MC. W.. 110 voiu. D. C. now..... 1M tVi-K. W., 1S0-40 volts. nw... M l-H. Pn gs.lln angln M t H, P. gaolln angina, throttling gov ernor , us LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. ia o. uin ei. PENNY ARCADE for sale cheap, lo aated for reet of season with Allman Show, flat and Paul Bta. Mra Morrell. Fa Bal Kxektaa. GOOD upright piano for eement work, carpenter work or painting and paper hanging. IOT Boston Btore bldg. D. 17. Get competent help thrvugh Th Bee. and get Into your own bualneea. HELP WANTED FEMALH tUrleel aa Uftlo. OTRL TO LEARV DICTA PHONB. CO BLUFF II. OOOD OFFICES. APPLY Ul WOODMEC4 OF WORLD BUXJ. 1 6'lEN"OGRAI'KERVry bright. neat appearing young I aay, ror one of the beet poeltlone In Omaha 1 small office, easy hours. Western Kef. and Bond A.a'n , TCI Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. BTENOO "RAPH ER-N.aL some experl- enre I" A TY HAT Permanent In CO-OP11RAT1VK REFER E VCR CO.. 101M City National Bank Bldg. BTENOtjRAPHK'R I) to 74 cTr. NtMJ HArll r. H 60 BTKNOtJRAPHF.R U TYPIST AND OFFim CLERIC 40 WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, laMl Brandel Theater. WANTKD A mulllsraph operator, City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTK D An eierlnoe4 atanoraphar and office aaalatant. who can talk and writ the Bohemian laucuage. Perma rient poeitlin to rlaht irty, aad good we sea. Ad.lreea Y . He latierr aa Taw. OIRL to lear halrdreaalng. Oppeahelm I'arU'A HELP WANTED FEMALE HentkMBfn Domntlca. WANTED Woman rook, Detention Hos rdtsl. Telephon Health Office or Dr. Cornell. WANTKlv-A girl for srneral houeework. ia B. 11 at Bt. H 1.41 YOUNG girl to aaalat with housework and care for baby. One who can ko h ome nights. Apply 2U Florenre Blvd. EXPERIEV'ei girl for gnerl hou.e work. tyi Harnoy W. II. !(0. WANTED Maid for general houaework; only three in family. 211 B. ioth Ave. Harney 47V. KAiD for general housework, tajnlly of I; must know how to cook. II. 1112. tm B. Mh Ave. WANTED A hotieekeeper; middle-aged peraon desired. Webater 4V1. OIRL for general hotieework; P-andlna-vlan preferred. B. Koenlld. Her Ma. WANTKR-Permanent housekeeper out ald of city. Addreaa T K, Bee. WANTED For general houeework on farm, girl or widow with small child; good wage. Mrs. John 8. Johnson, Un deiwood, la. WHITW girl for general housework In a new O-room apartment, three In family; pleaeant room. Phone Harney 4j99 or 1 B. 42d St. OOMPtTENT cook, private family. 2021 Caes. Douglas 41A WANTED A competent second girl. 1S20 B Mth Bt. Harney 2. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. No washing: good wage. 1) N. Hat Ave. Harney 2Q'4. jJaid for general housework; no laun dry. Call Harn-y 11K. Hat 8 KM. Mlaerllasroaa. TOUNO women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to vlelt too. Young Women Chrlatlan aaeoclatlon building at Bt Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt., where they will b directed to aultabl boarding place er etharwl aeaiated. Look for our traveler- ginne at Union station. WANTED Si girl for musical eomedyi good amateurs oonslderedi glv descrip tion. Addraas E. 6ol Be. o 1TELP WANTED MALE Clerical sad offle. CASHIER and bookkeeper, out of town. Young man, must be experienced In general office work. Oood. wideawake, experienced collector. Traveling salesman, grocery line. Traveling salesman, exp. drugs. Try u first It's quicker. THB MIDWEST BONDING CO.. Ill Be Bldg. GOOD POSITIONS Business-Men's Reference Assn. ll- Woodmen of World. L : r MLit.-rMArt. city, salary depends. SALESMAN, Iowa tor., aalary depand. BALBSMAN, city 165 to 70 SALESMAN, city 60 SALESMAN, tnuranca 100 WATTS REF. CO., S3t-4o-4l Brand Thea. TRAVELINO SALESMAN Best paying proposition of Its kind In town; only food men considered. Western Raf. and pnd Aas'n, Inc., 751 Omaha, Nat. Bank oiug. 8Q UARB FEOS IN SQUARE- HOLES. una a noaition tnat lit you. CO-OPERATIVE- REFERENCTJlCO., 1018-H CITY NATIONAL BANKT BLDQ. 8TENOORAPHER Neat, soma expert- TYMT Permanent "." !!."!.'!!"!.'.'."!" ,' CO-OPERA TIVH REFERENCE CO. 1018-14 City National Bank Bldg. BTENOO RAJ'HBRS WANTED EVER Y- WHSRtt For poillton read The Btenographio 6 tar. The atenographer' national weekly newspaper. Send 2S Cent for three month' eubacrlptlon. Em ployment aervlc fre. The Btenographio Bur. WT Broadway. New York. WEST REFERENCE BOND ASSN. tci omaha Wat. Bank Bldg. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Roger Reference Co.. 62S-I Btat Bank. SALESMAN Want an experienced drug man; good retail saleaman will do If can ell th good. Western Ret. a Bond Aas'n. Inc. 761 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Atre.te. g.lee.e. .. o.leitor. SALESMAN Oreat stunt and new. Boy cleanlnc up; 10,000 merchant bought laat month. The weakeat alater clearing 1S every day; the reaaon a 16x17 change able window sign with 400 letter, two color; fit all dealer; aells for 11.75. Deliver a you go. Your prlc Wo; mpl or a thousand caah with order; mora rartloulara unnecenaary j order eampla, go o- Itj llv onea grabbing territory; nuff aaiu. umana and neeroy terltory open. Changeable Sign Co., (34 Aran Burn St. Milwaukee, Wia. HAVE cholo Improved Red River Valley farm for sale In Minn, and N. Dak. Agent wanted. Hlckson Land Co., Hick, man. N. Dak. WE have a good place for a llv Insur ance man. Mutual Benefit Health tk Ao- ciaent aw n , city Nat. Bank Bldg. LIVE agente wanted very where; posN tlvely faataat aelllng men' apeolalty on tha market todav: na.tntMd 1 trouaera' pre. Writ immediately for temiory ana proposition, Tn Allan Co.. firm w.A T.l. A XL X KA. 1 Very Desirable 8pgc for Office Light, water and Janitor aerric fr. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 101. WAN TED B y a well-eatabUahed and reputable Omaha firm, traveling sales man to sell coal and building material; must be under ft) years of age, umoarrled and willing to work hard. No on with out a good common school education nd apply. Addreaa K (1, Be. raeterf and 1 aM. Drug store anapa; jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College, tuition UV on account of big trade. Wagea for I and 10 cent work, alectrlc iiiasaase tauaht. Hvdr.nii. chalra. Catalogue free. 1U4 Douglas St., WANT10D Drag Una operator famlilar with gasoline engine. Addres Mul-grew-Boyre Co., DubuU. la. Poaltlons Now Open. AMERICAN , AUTO fUC Farnam Bt.. Free Catalogue, COLLEQ E OMAHA. NKB. WANTED Reg. pharmaciet: must be re name, competent ana not afraid of work: aood waxea to rlzht man- r.rr. ences. Imborn Drug Co.. Den tag n, la. WANT ED-BTack ami th to atart ehop; A-l location. Writ for particular to Y IK. be. WE need men; bad to turn dow two job per week lately. Oet In. Lear by our method. Get on of thee Job Catalogue D. R. fre. Nebraska Aula mobll Bi-hool, 1417 Dodre Bt ilOLER BARKER COLIJIGE Special ummr rate. Catalogue neiied fre. 110 Bo. 14th St.. Omaha. Free Tuition Western Barber College, Come now. 1404 Dodg Bt I1ELP WANTED MALE MUtrllaa...k WANTED Railway mall clerk. 171 a month; Omaha examination coming; ampin queatlon free. Write Immediately. Franklin Inatltuto, Dept. 2.1. E. Hoc hea ter. N. Y. WANTED l.ono men to eat ham and . egg, 1d. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol WANTED--Name ol young men want ing to b Railway Mall Clerk. 7I month. Anawer Immediately. Y. bb4. Bee. WANTED Man to work on farm i-t Ar lington. Apply F. C. Bile, 2M Ex.-hange Bldg., South Omaha. Tel. outh 10. WANTBD Honeet Induatrlou man for nlsht work: rrfm-encea reoulred: no other need Pfly; permanent Job for th right man. Corn Mate Film Co., 44th and U St., South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED THE Servant Girl Problnin Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until vou set the dealred result. Thl applle to realdenta of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring ad to The Be orrir or telephone Tyler 1QQ. LADY wtahe nice reapeotable poaltlon a houaekeeper In town. Y 691. Bee. PERFECT waahing, expert Ironing. weheter 42X3, COLORED woman want dy work of my kind. web. atfiS. waahing or ironing. LADY with child want place to work in private family. In city or on farm; per ms nnt place preferred. Address M 21, Be. WANTED A Job in the harvest field. iiave team. Addreaa M 646, Bee. WANTED Situation by flrat class ool- oreo may, cook, in or out ol city; reier lce. Call I). 5673. TWO young men want work on a ranch or stock farm. Walnut 4SU CSHAUFFE1I JR wlshss position on light delivery tniol uok. or would run Jitney bua ge baala. Can furnlan gooc on Deroentaae references, Addrsas B , Bse, PRACTICAL purs would oonslder llO week wal or to take car of ahUdrsn. Tel. Harney T41T. WANTED, by xperlenod young lady, . . J . " ...... . , . b v. .'1UUIIU iiuur room, a am a aooa cook ana ex gerienced cond maid. Addre O 817. CHAUFFEUR and wlf want poaltlon; flva year' experience; beat of refer ence. F. Elmore, Black KM. Council murrr. is. ki etn Ave. 14-YEAR-OLD girl wlahea to Help in light housework,; pleas state the wages. Address A 649, Bee. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons havina lost soma article would do well to call up the offic of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It lit the street oars. Many articles each day are turned in and th comoany 1 anxlou to reatore them to tha rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. Loat or Found ad in Omaha' Lost and Found Aiedlum means the immediate re turn of that article If advertlaed in The Bee, tbe Lost and Found paper. LOST Saturday night., pearl and dia mond broocn. Rewaro. rnona u. cum. LOST OR STOLEN On brown mar. weight 00; top atanhop buggy, light harness. Initial "O" on bridle. Webstar OttO. T. E. Gordon, 1624 N. lth. LOST CAM.EO PIN. antique setting. Liberal reward. Mrs. E. M. Syfert. Tyler 1JS4. LOST A small old-fashioned pearl pin, round with brown border and Dar through middle, valued a family keep sake. Mrs. Bsm Carlisle. Harney HU. LOST Between Farnam and Calhoun bifocal ambor spectacles: give descrlp- return to F. J. Hoel, MoCord-Brady Co. LOST Lady gold watch and pin, be tween Kth Ave. and 82d, on Martha; or N. 14th car. between I2d and Martha. and Kd and Cuming. Reward. Return to 4621 Mason Bt. Fhon Walnut 1184. LOST Handbag on eaat-bound Harney car, Tueaday afternoon, at f o'clock, containing money, glasses and key. Re ward. Return to 1216 Charles St. Phone Webater 1548. PERSONAL YOUNO women coming to omaha aa trancers are Invited to visit the Younir Women'a Christian aaeoclatlon building at 17th St, and St Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to aultabl boarding place or otharwi assisted. Look for our travalera' aid at the Union atatlon. THE Salvation Army Induatrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga tine. W collect. W distribute. Phone Douglaa 4135 and our wagon wilt call. Call and lnapect our new horn. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge Bt. - GORDON, th Magasln Man. Phon Douaia 71tst. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swan. Why not advertise something that you no longer hav any uee for and get aomethlng you really need? It coat you nothing to Join th Swapper' Club, and you will find It lota of fun swapping thing. Writ Room 104, Be Biog.. or phone Tyler low. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain th "Automobile clasalxl- cailon. AUTO 6-passenger Stevens-Durye au- lomooiie. Aoareas, a. j. uto, Bee. A DANDY Slx-Pln Box Alley, fine condi tion, first 175 take It W. E. Bennett, Grand Island, Neb, BUSINESS CHANCE A llv. paying mil linery stock and fixture for trade on account ot owner alckn. Will bear stiict investigation. What have you? Addreaa S. C. Bee. EUSIXESS CHANCE A 11.000 stock of groceries and queensware for equUy In touring car. Address 8. C. 1141. Bee. CLOTHING STOCK-A Ii.0u0 eto-k of clothing to exchange. What hav you? DIAMOND Neat, ladle', tiffany, ring. w-w piauaum neaa; want motorcycl or piano. Addres S. C. 1175. Be. FURNITURE Willing to trade furniture enough for nine room Will mov furniture in good location as rooming hous if dealred. Prefer auto, or what hav youT Addreaa 8. C. 1147, Be. INDIAN motorcycle and new elde-oar; late U14 modal, twin cylinder, two Pud complete electric equlpmeut 111 Improvod kick atarter: new Urea; all pee- Jaut condition. Coat IS10. Want Fori or taht roadater: no other nroDoaltton con. Mered. Addrea & C. 107L Be. LOT-HAVH A LOT TO TRADE FOR SOMETHING. WHAT HAVbJ YOU T A I 'DRESS H. C. 1144. BETE. Km' K-".lneio" folding pocket sit IHx4)4: doubt lena, automatic shutter; rlsiiig, lowaring and laterally ahlftin front; Ilk new; together with complete outfit Including new to developing lank. printing rraun. tray, carrying case, eta Want vialnie typewriter in good condi tion. Addree 8. C. 1CK6. Bee. MAIL ORDER bualuaea; invoice ;). Will trade for unimproved lot. Ad drea P 447, Bee. MARE One good mar and one small mule, aultable for delivery. Also a aet of harneaa and a light delivery wagon to trade tor a light car. Addrea S. C 1142, B ROOMING houa. tm Farnam Bt. ta trade for aa automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. SEWING-MACHINE -P Tactically new. Free wlng machine; will trad for braaa bed or parlor ult. or what bav your Aaoreaa a. l'. lies. Bee. tfrO leweler' af for lAiu, oand-hanj Ford or olhar amall car. Addreaa 8. C. TO TRADE Strictly modern f-room bungalow, lUnacurn Park district, on paved eireet; cement baaement ahade Ireea, hardwood finish. Owner moving to Lincoln. Wlahea to trade for houa in I I liiiviin A, InlM in t Im.k. Mr I Incnln Webater JU01. Ready Reference Directory Tbe following firms offer quality und expert service that will pleafe the most critical: AD9TICTI or TITLE. Kerr Co.. modern abstract office. bo. 17th Bt Fhon U. 4s7. RK.!ID ABPTRACT CO. old eat abstract offlo In Nehraka. JOS Rrandela Thea. AUUIMU MACHINEI, Adder Mch. Co. (Wale). W. Q. W. P. Attut N TAN 1 . I I ' I 1 A Tr to have vour A A AAA X O count audited. Let . u make you a prop- TiVf'ni-vt?0.' S,,r "Uditing. DWORAK. bm. ii. ,u1"'. Amir 43 llamgo Bldg. Phone Douglas 740. AMATKHI FlJilglUJIO. rrLMB fleveloped free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 414 Bee Bldg Iept D. AKClilTUlTS. Fverett B. Dodda. 411 Paxton BIk. t. VX. ATTRACTIONS. OTTrma parties desiring aervlce or re- " nanicom para. rt. twws. ATTORNEYS C. T. Dlkltiaon. 611 Paxton BIk. D. iH, Altl'loVbaiHS, Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-14 W. O. W. R. 1255. Nat'l Pal Auction Co., 1327 w. Q. W. AUTO l.MSLUAIiXfcl. 40t, v4 j.m w .. . . . . . .. . hr rC.V.i; r "uiomoou instiranc by patronising horn Co. Doug fAla, A IT sir jrs. . . - J " . 1 " 1 -v asuisTVH tuapAiua. . Omaha Radiator Rep. Cry. jOM xr. P.MQL DAKKBIEf Z. H. HEELER, 1504 N. Wh. Wh. mt UbuDINU. y-v arm. - tath.r mattr-. Tnd' jgSSJSf" na maiii r a .it i i . BVVB FRI.MTIJIQ, H2R.NBT. BLUB PRINT CO.. SOS Omaha National RanLr T31 " UWaBa u,uH BBABB AMD IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bt. BUILDING WRECKERS. LwLn..,d'n" , o-ivpucji o. weo. 4sua. CAsll'ifiTli.U AMU CONTAtACTOMg, STEVENSON. 83 S. Z2d. Douglas 6610. Lessard Son, 1W6 Cap. Av. T. 1831 ClilUOPllAC'llO k FINAL, ADJU'mTTI Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 461. CU1HOPOUIST. Carrl J Burford, 620 Pax. BIk. Red 457. CIVIL, AwNOlAsuAUt. M. J. LACY. 611 BEE BLDQ . DOUO. 471. CLUAMkaa AM) AalUatB. ROYAL Dry Cleaners. 1231 Leav. n. MIL tOACstsiilad CUASlsa-tlCTAON UU.'I Western reprcsenUUv ot VELVKTILE couwiHiiiuN fiourlna. INVaAITl- GATE. Ul-11 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 147. COSTUMES AAA i.UUtai UfA'A.lAwll. MFO. of lodge regalia ' and costume. Ttieo. Lleben s Son, lc!4 Howard. D. 41 IA I1AAUSU AUaVAAAbAlAAC. CHAMBERS' Academy, classio. IX U7L Summer rate now at Maokl'! prlvt lesun daUy. Isl8 Harney. Doug. 44. DUH.SBSlAaa.ANU. Tarry I )rmak'g college, mth A Farnam. DYER AvfaD CLtflAMKHB. STATE Dry Clng, Co, 130 N. 11th. D. 1071 1) Afi A'JtiCTl V US. JAMES ALLAN, IU Navlll Block. Evl denco secured in all cases. Tyier 114S. DalNll'A. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 714 City Nat Bank. Taf Cental Room, 1617 Douglaa D. 184, DRUU. DRUOS at cut prlc; freight paid en tit order; catalogue fr. Sherman as Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. KLECTRIO PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 15th. Term KLICU'A HUL k g 18. Ulo Atlender, 614 Bee Bldg. Red M66. VKHYTAtlNO rOB WOMKN. ACCORDION, aide. knlf. sunburst boa pleating; covered buttons, all aixea and atylea; hematitchlng, picot edging. Ideal Pleaung Co.. v Dougia tuoca. v. auj. NEW YORK sample store. Muat vacate, building coming down; cloak, suit and dreaaea sacrl'lced. iuK N. lth St BVKRYTiilNU FOR MEN. n-8 getting warm now. Special summer Y. M. C. A. rales, s.i.ou. alkNAlkt AND TlKWOkk. HABERSTROH. 4034 Hamilton. Wal. gn. FLORISTS. BATH'S. Portst. 1804 Farnam St D. 1000. L. HENDERSON. 1M Farnam. V. USA, SieniLr f ,ui i.. HESS SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1433 Harney. Doug. 1091. BW AN SON, th flortst. Wb. 48T. So. T01. MAT CLaEaNO. Panama cleaned. D. Elsels. IW City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1520 Hr. UOLD AND SltVtfilt fLATIKU, WE raplat every tblng of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. irao Harney St. Kat. lSig. (Can. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6lk General Office. Uth and Mandereon alia. JUBTICKS OF 'SHIS PKACsC. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 611 Paxton BIk. R. 7KJL Notary pub., deposition stsne. C. W. BRITtI 101 Baker" alock. V. C. HASCALL. 4W Paxton BIk. D. 10. AIVK SIOVK COMSAASSION. MARTIN CRO. CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIOHTINU rUrtHais, HIKlkU. niTTtTvlN Thorn aa Dougia at If, A4UV1NU PlCitliM MAClilNhiaV. OMAHA Film Ex., Uth and Doug. Motto picture nmchln and film baraalna WS rent moving picture machine, star Theatrical Kx--hnga. 640 Paxton block. M1NINU KNtilHKUtAS. WILL psy to consult W. H." flodfrey mining buainea. t.1 Btat Bk. K. 4U1. MABSRUiES. Bunder-Kennedy 31df. Ma. D, Til, MA8SAOB. Room 224, Nerlll Block. MABSAOB-6I0 Bee Bldg. Dougia 4TX BATHS and masaage. Douglaa 1751, BATHS, 4 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. MABSAQE, Boom 124. Navlll Bllt MASSAGE, 17a Dodg. MASSAQE. 103 Karbach BIk. Red T47. BATHS. Room Kl Neville BIk. BATHS".nd massage, alcohol rub. ISM Farnam, room I. Douglaa ITil. Open vnlng nd Sunday. HTVTCN1NQS Until ; Sun. 10 tot IX Til. MABSAQE, Mt & 17th Bt MOTORCYCLES. HARLBT-DAVIDBON MOTORCTCTES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos. "Ths Motorcycle Man." S70S Lea vaai worth. ovuLisia. Ere examined, glssses fitted, psy ss you cn. Dr. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Pldg. OSTBOPATM1C PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE A RM8TRO NO. 411 Be Bid. FA.ATING. D. 6T77. Aetna Plating Co., Ill B. gth St o PAINTLNO AMD PAPEBlNu. HUGH MT MA NUB, 417 N. 40th. H. I7jg. N. ng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Bed 7610. PATBNTB. D. O. Barn 11. Paxton BIk. TL Bed T117. H. A. Bturges, 634 Brandel Theater Bldg. PatANTAAiU. WATER8-BARNHART Pt. d.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 11 90. 614 B. lith Bt CENTRAL PRINTINO CtX DOUO. tlai, DOUQLAS Printing Co, TU Douglaa A Ralph Printing Co.. 120 S. 19th. Doug. 1144. Rl'BBAUIS COMPANIAaS. NEBRASKA RUBBAOB CO, Thl Is th man to call If you hav any ashes or viii i-Biie w naui. s'none weo. mik. BAJTA9 AND TIM is LOCK AflXPEslTS, Q A T7T7C? Opmta. repaired, oomb, Qrr LU changed. F. E. Daven- port 1404 Dodg. D. i&q BCALH UBPAIRIMQ. Om. Standard Seal Cq. 611 8. Uth. D.ltlL SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co.. Poug. 4992. BUOB BEr-AiaiMQ. FRIEDMAN BRoSj7horapaIr. IU B. U Harlay Bho Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R 1444 SUW1NU MACAlINKr WTr ynt Wpalr, ell needles and carta NEBRASKA CYCLE 00- "amsv. DoUg. imi STB AC A. CElLLNOau fIgR Sheet M,tl Comnal.. v.. f OHM AND OFStCAs FlXTUBAlS: ' nd supply Co, fglt fTVutur. TOW A; A. BUAPL.lA48r OMAHA Towel Supply. aOT a Uth. I 12A TAILOAtS. " CHAB. C. LANDERTOU. IPS W. 16th St. TRUNKS AAD btlTCASBS. FRELINQ BTEINLE. 1804 Farnam 8t TYPBWH1ABKS A OK"RET;i WENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo, for 14. OUver Typewriter Agency. 19u4 F.mu Butt TypwrlUr Kxohange, Uto. Uth fit Ail make for aal or rant RENT a Rem,niton .. Bot Ju t t writer. low rent Call Douglaa 1UL WATC1A SF1CC1AL1STS. Christiansen. d ft Paxton Bk 1 yr. Tp, WBDDINU ITAXlOAKHt. Wadding announcements. Dong. Ptsj. C. WINES AMD A.A4UOaa. ALEX JETGS, 101 -I s. uth fit. Wines, liquors, cigar Plat dinners. U to A iua. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUBH,' 16th and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. SWAPPERa OOLOIN T WO-PAS&ENQER, high wheel, bard tlr auto, in good runing orderi will trade for parlor furniture orga etov. If your furniture Is worth ITS. ws can trade. Addres a C. 1140, Be. UP TO 11,000 In going local company. No liabilities and 14.000 In treasury stock Is not tor sale generally and none has ever been sold below par. Will trad for equity in oottag or might take west ern ln or auto. Address S. C. 1141. Bee. WILL trad new auto or vacant lot fur even-room, modern house, with large lot Address B. 650, Bee. FOR RENT Asartataata aad Flats. Th For Rent advertisement sppearlng In the For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot b beat for variety that will pleaae and fill th need of any on de Irinar to rent. Phon Tyler louO. , 6-ROOM modern apartment off Farnam et, in building. St. In th "Paae." hlah-claaa, fireproof Ing. Harney 1398 o FOUR and aeven-room apartmeut. Ill ana upwarua; mar ywawm... v. . . Stebbln. Angelu Apt., I nd 4-room apt. H. 2o74. o VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartment on Weet Farnam St JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1W2 Farnam Bt 4 ROOMgi, cloae In. Red 49S. Farsl.rir4 A part meats. SPLENDID NEW FURNISH EiD APARTMENT for rent In th , New Traverton FIREPROOF. TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people ot refined tastes. Apartment completely equipped fof housekeeping; up-to-data and .comfort able ' - TRAVER BROS., Tel. Douglas 1114. 7oS Omaha Nat Bank VaarAasI Koosae. Furnished Rooms that offer vry mod ern convenlanno and comfort In plivat famille ir boarding bouses of th high t class will best be found in the Fur Dished Rooms column of Tb lie. Phon Tyler vm. , BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large rloaeta. In a Weat Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney M1. Nicely furn. rm.. lull Snr. Av. Web. AU rraias4 keen, ELEQANTLT f urlehed rooms: prfrat hem; do txw Phess Pwg, MS. in H V A J