16 T1IK HKK: OMAHA, TIIHRsnAV. JULY 1, 1915. Where the Auto Racers Will Rush Faster Than the Wind MAKE IfOHJlR HOTEL RESERVATIONS NOW Headquarters for the Stecher-Cutler Wrestling Match at Rourke Park, July 5 MercmMs Mom v 'if f ' . , f : . a- ,-) fcr VK1 'fir ...... ...:....?... I - . .. il 1 I ' , '-f J rbr? qfr-1'- i. " ' " . .. " '- X , r-.. . .uriiimlgg , NX. i Ti'ew o He lirji Turn from Ike Grand ia?i& EXPECTS BIG FALL BUSINESS 3reat Wettera Spending1 Large Sum Prer;rin(f Roadbed for ''! the RMh. MILLIONAIRE KIDS FROM EAST LOOK OVER OMAHA Th Hon of eaitorn millionaire arrived In Otnuha ytrd)r In a private enr over tha Northwentvrn, but Inntf-ad of twenty, th number hal dwindled down to tan who arc to dar tha wtlda of Wyoming, ratrhlnc trout and aliootlng aaga hena. The boy a. who are 13 to IS yeara of ace, apent moat of tha day at the parkin houaea, veins; weat on the ITEW EQUIPMENT I1TSTALLED Great thing are belnj done on th Chicago Great Weatern. thouh no atlr haa been mad over It. aaaerta Ruperln tendeat Vttj, who haa rome In from Clarion, la., where hla head(uartre are located. Arrordln to Superintendent Derr prac tltally all of the Oreat Weatern ayatem la being l al!aated..tiew ;tlea and aterl are bclnn rut In. the brlduea beln Ntrnthcned and tha llnea being really rhu . Hftld the auiirlntendent: Antltl-a.lni the t.Ugeat. rroiw that have ever been rained In our territory wo are setting ready to handle them From Omaha,. both eaat to Chicago anrt north, to Bt. Paul and Mnneapoll, wo rre doing a great deal-of work In putting the lluea In flrat-rlaaa condition. V'e rvpect to continue until we, hgve a rond tht ii ifiiind to none and one that will It a favodte with -the ablppera and tilt tiavrllng public. The money being ex truded on bettermenla to gradea and tiacka will amount to hundreda of th4 aanda of dollar and will continue during the entire summer. Every 'mile of the toad will I gone over and put In the brat possible, condition. "The crop condltlona are good 'every where, and an enormoua quantity of giain will )eRln to move within the next l weeKs. This movement of grain out of our territory mrani a correepondlngly heavy movement of freight In. Mrr th.inta' atm ka have run low and the mer cliaiidla t'at a 111 come In for fall and winter trt muat be enormoua. Thun lth good crops I am looking forward to great aciflty In building, both la the cltlca and tpwna and on the farma. This meana that .th quantity of building ma terial of all klnda that muat be brought into the country will be the greateat of any correapon4lng period In many years. "Already' buaineas has .commenced to boom and oo all the dlviatona of our road there haa been a material increaa within the last month -or so." The Great Western has gone after the Gmsha-Ht. Faul and Minneapolis passen ger buaineas, and In doing so has new steel equipment on Its Nos. 11 and IX the Omaha-Twin City limited tralna. Be aides ' the ' ail steel sleepers, club cars. new and Juat out of the ahopa. have been Installed. ' ' North wtern's Lander train in the afternoon. Headquarters for Auto Speedway Pro-, moters, Racing Professionals, Base Ball Fans and lovers of horse racing. The Merchants Hotel has arranged for special service for those who go to the Speedway Races Monday afternoon, and are going, to the Wrestling Match in the evening. The remodeled Cafe and Grill will take good care of you. Eat a Big Dan Gaines Beefsteak Dan W. Gaines takes pride in the big corn-fed steaks he serves and likes to have people go out and talk about them, for they always are boosters. MERCHANTS HOTEL 1508 Farnam St ... ISllL I -V, ' . . - "I JOB STKCHER Man&cer Hetmanek decided on the Merchants Hotel as the stopping place for Stecher, because he knew he would be surrounded by thou sands of his Nebraska friends who , always stop at the Merchants. Phone DoDglit 2903 for Grill Room i NEW $750- PRICE Cars Ready for Delivery Now It has more features of high priced cars than any other car In the moderate price car division long stroke, ball-bearing motor, plat form rear springs, full floating rear axle, multiple disc clutch. It Is the most stylish car In the moderate price division it Is distinctive, yet not freakish, combining the best and most advanced Ideas of European and American designers as to streamline effects. It Is an exceptionally powerful, sturdy car, built to give long service under tbe most severe conditions. The use of ball bearings throughout reduces friction to a minimum, delivering greater power to the rear wheels than any other motor of similar cylinder displace ment, at less expense for fuel. A comparison of specifications and demonstration seldom falls to convince the hard-to-please buyer of the superior value of the De trolter 'Four.- Fred C. Huffman Motor Car Co. 2204-06 Farnam St., Omaha This is an adult car wide doors and has surplus room for five passengers. Come In now, we are ready to make actual delivery. No, this Is not a misprint, the new price Is (750. HOTEL LOYAL Capitol Sixteenth Davenport FIREPROOF EUROPEAN RATES FOR ROOMS Without Bath , . . $1.00 With Bath. . $1.50 and $2.00 SUITES Parlor, Bedroom, Bath, $4 Write or wire for reservations. Hotel Loyal Cafe and Hotel Loyal Grill OMAHA'S BEST PLACES TO DIME HS4 -ii n n au A Prioo That Oill Appeal to fill HUDSON "SIX-FORTIES" I . :i ! I II i 1 THESE are still a few of the famous 'Six-Forty 1 ' Hudson .Touring Cars in my warehouse that have been used by my sales- men as sample cars. These are not second hand cars but are new machines, and I now off er them for sale at a greatly reduced , price THINK of it The greatest Light Six ever built, Electric Lights and Starter, One Man Top, Non Skid Tires, fully equip ped, and at a price. Well, come up and look at them, and I know you will be sure to purchase one. REMEMBER you must act quick if you wish to secure one of these cars. ....... FOR the convenience of patrons our show room' is open Sundays and evenings, ar.d my entire sales force will take great . pleasure in showing yoa theao Cars. 3UHT THE HUDSOris On THE ROAD 0 Y L. sua "SERVICE FIROT" t:C3 F:?.ur3 SircttCorctr cl 2Slh Street ' . . . Ca'ihs, Hcbrsslta M illara Mote Douglas and Thirteenth Sts. . MORTIMER M. THEISE, Manager Thoroughly renovated, 200 of the finest rooms in Omaha, from 75c a day up. Why pay more elsewhere? Excellent Cafe and Lunch Counter Strictly Popular Prices Make Reservations Now for the Automobile Races and Wrest ling Match, July 5th (CUTLER'S HEADQUARTERS) House of Safety rei CASTLE New and Fireproof 632 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. FRED A. CASTLE, Prop. PAXT0N HOTEL CAFE will lx prepared to take car of the increased crowd during the Fourth of J uly celebration Sunday and Mon day at the Baiue reasonable rales. Club Breakfast 25c to $1.00. Noonday Luncheon 50c. Supper A la Carte. NICE ROOMS, $1.00 AND UP 14th and Farnam, AU tare to 1 trow LfeituU and Ut lb Himodway paves tb door. Good Things to Eat Reasonable Prices Ganson's Cafe 1509-10 HOWARD ST. Located in the Heart of the City Direct Car Lines To All Events USE OUR LOUNGE AND SMOKING ROOMS TO MEET YOUR FRIENDS 35c Daily-Lunch SOc Daily Dinner MUSIC Special 75c Sunday Dinner Apartments, llaU, Louses and coiUss can be rented quick ly and cheaply by a ioo "For 12ent" want ad. FETE LOCH 313 South 17th Street Qoaoaonononono o a o a o D o D o a o D o D o D o D o D o a oaoQoaonononoDoaonoco THE MOIV3E -OF A oaoaonoQoaononoaonononononoaooononoQ D o a o a o D o D o a o D o D o D o D o D o