XfM THE liKK: OMAHA, THURSDAY. JULY 1, 11)15. 15 IFOIUMTIHI OIF J1UIL.Y ' : f X ' .9 i ii 1 1 I j I 8 RE -Sfflf I Hi'! l nit Dental Offices will lie ion the entire summer season. Cool office with electric fans and all other modern conveniences. Dr. Todd's 403 Brandeis Bldg. iifrcifnmiJ 10 & pap I 'Hit. (!liJaHTFUL CrSXL-COMFORT slifEVEnY DnOP &!3OF sltyE Beer You Like' ill kf SAVE COUPONS AND GET FREE PREMIUMS PHONE DOUG. 1889 LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., DISTRIBUTORS. : s Of Course You'll Top the Races Off With-- iV';"..,f. REST A. 1)R PALLIA Cool, invigorating, refreshing A beer of fame and name "On Sale at All Good Bars" WM. J. SWOBODA, Retail Dealer. Phone D. 222 METZ BROS. BREWERY 6th and Leavenworth. Douglas 1498 fRIUMPi BEER "A Triumph in Purity" Place your order eaxly and have a supply of this delicious brew in your home for the Glorious Fourth. MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. PHONE OR WRITE CH AS. STORZ, -HEESST) OMAHA, NEB. V S ) , T f u , - ' . V'(- ':: VmDos ) AFTER THE RACES 1.1 1 JLJl 1 1 Jaj iLal Villi UW Always COOL, CLEAN and COMFORTABLE, with aHigh Class Vaude ville and Photoplay Program. !Mj)e Reserved Seats 10c Extra dD If 1IIVIRC (Members Nebraska Speed Association Iowa Short Ship Circuit) DIRECTORS: JOHN I). CKK1GUTON, E. BUCKINGHAM, El). I. rE(JK. T. C. BYRNE, .1. A. KU1IN, ED. PETERSON, O. M. SMITH. , First Annual Race IVIeettng Ujibiiiuuniii i 7 A RICIERBACKER AC S, AND 7 TROTTING PACING 215 $500 2:08 $500 219 $500 2:12 $500 224 $500 2:17 , $500 2:30 $500 2:22 $500 3-y ear-old $300 3-year.old $3C0 , TWO RUNNING RACES DAILY Entries to Harness Races Close July 1st ED. PETERSON, President. 0. M. SMITH, Secretary. Jr. Scolt-Omaha TT3 ags'-Lii(,Jia 99 MI'lHIMWUIJWIIUiMH M Mm 2r