Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    TirK BEE : OMAHA. WKhNKSh . II M. . .
Richard Kennfrdell of A. A. A. De
clares Track is Safe and Fast
and Gives It His 0. K.
Galaxy of Stars See New Ideas in
Training Which Leave a Man
with His Flesh.
Fred WagDer, known the country
o'er to freed enthusiasts, arrived In
Omaha Tuesday to cast his ex
pert orbs over the new board speed
way, ou which wilt be run the first
annual 300-mile classic on July 5.
Wagner will act as starter at the big
rent and his visit Is for the purpose
of making plans to perform his
With Waner w Richard Kennfrdell.
chairman of tho contest board of the
American Automobile association. Ken
nerdell Inst no time In putting his official
tamp of approval on the course. Kvery
thing- la In first cluns liare anil there are
no changes to make, only a fen addition.
Wrner f'ard.
Wagner la one of the cards of the bi
auto race. A race without him would be
a poor affair Indeed. He appears on the
track In the loudest pair of checkered
panta a man could buv. Then he trots
around the track, never out of the danger
cone, wavlnfc his colored flas and other
wise cavorting around. He never faila to
get within such a close distance of a
car when giving It the flag hut what the
slightest slip on the part of the driver
would he disastrous to one of Mr. V'i.g
rer'a gaily attired legs.
That the Omaha track will stand a
speed of ninety miles an hour for the
entire 300 miles la the opinion of both
Wagner and Kennerdell. It even may
surpass that figure.
That It will be the most spectacular
track in the country from the spectators'
standpoint la their belief. The shorter
circumference makes it possible to see
tho entire track at all times and the
crowds will be ablo to follow the race
from flag to flag.
Wajtner laid out positions for the erec
tion of the pits Just east of the storting
point. Work on them will start at once.
Twenty pit will be installed.
Work on the garages has been started.
Twenty completely equipped double gar
ages will he built. They will be located
in the very center of the infield.
Poor Widow Asks
Taxes Cancelled
City commissioners are interested In
Mrs. Caroline Chrlstenson, a widow re
siding at 4207 Burdette street.
This woman has aaked the city officials
to cancel her special paving taxes of Soi
Hhe relates that she sews and does other
work to pay off a mortgage and that a
willing daughter nearly 14 years of age la
prohibited by law from helping her by
working during tho summor.
n v in m i r it.
Ifleferee Ptechcr-Cutler Mntoh.i
CIHOAilo. June I "I'ura"
ocr and see a well conditioned wrestler "
Tli wis tho Invllntioii that 1'hnrley
Cutler s'nt out the other dny to sverl
of Lis fmhtrr f r ends He wns noins to
Rive nn exhibition at the CIiIoko Ath
letic association, the Inst lie would Rive j
here before leaving tomorrow nlcht for j
Otnnha. where he l to no buttle wllh
,1oe Meciier. the Nebraska marvel, for 1
the hnmplonship of this country at J
F-vt'fal of the flshtrrs and their man
autrs took advantage of the bid to see
Phnrley, bo Is extremely popular with
the other athletes, not only In bis own,
but In other linos of musc'Hnr endeavor.
Among those present were Jimmy
CMnbby of Hammond and his stable
mate, Joe WellinR: Jo" Mandet, another
light welirht srplrant: Charley White, the
nee- OiifRgo champion, and several
other lessor lights. They watched Cutler
eagerly for about fifty minutes on the
'TiRt with hl. mates and then they looked
at each othr.
Thv couldn't eompreiiend It all. Cut
ler's face Indicated severe training Just
past and his strength and sped seemed
Inexhaustible. Yet there ho flood, big
Sorority Girls Make
Stop-Overs in Omaha
Hundreds of delegates to the Greek
letter sorority convention at Ban Pran
cltco are periodically paaalng through
Omaha enroute to the coast and stopping
for a few hours to see Omaha. Another
ef these delegations of some forty so
rority girls of the PI Beta Phi aororlty
ir. to psaa through Tuesday, July 6. A
big delegation drove over the city for a
few hours Monday and another Saturday.
Stop the Child's Congh It's Serlona.
Croup and whooping cough are chil
dren's ailments. Dr. King's New Dis
covery is what you need it kills the cold
germs. All druggists- Advertisement.
and heavy, and even to many positively
They didn't wsnt to offend Charley by
expressing any opinion, so they dodged
him. Hut they sxpreseed opinions iust
the same to each other.
"If a fighter sid he was in condition
with that much surplus on him he would
be called crasy," Clabby said.
rw System of Training.
"Well, that shows tho difference be
twrrn the system of training for wrest
ling and training for a glove contest.''
argued I d l.ew.s. one ef Cutler s chief
helpers. Right now Cutler is at his very
best. That Isn't fat on him. as you
would soon know if you took holds with
"Mil there in sil"-pli s there and Cutler
will need every ounce of It If the Omaha
mutch should happen to be a long one.
mv orr an hour. If the match Is long
Cutler Is apt to lose from seven to
twelve pounds of actual w-elght. He has
got to have that on his frame when he
starts. an1 st the same time he has got
to haxe it so i lscfd ihv It ill not in
terfere with his speed anil sti'DRth.
"Thst s exsellv what Cutler hns tot
right now. He couldn't draw himself :
down fine, like a fluhter msklng weight !
does. That would be fatal, utile he !
was satisfied that It wouldn't be a long
match or was satisfied to take the chance '
that he could make it a oul' k finish."
MaMrr Hnnsi l.lmtl.
"You see." pursued the Kentucky j
wrestler. "wh?n a ftrhter answers the
bell for the first round he knows ex- I
sctly the lencth of the content. It Is to
to four. sin. eltht, ten or twenty rounds.
It Is like the runner on the ctivler path
! The tare a ways Is In sight. Not so, how
ever, with the wrestler. He may win In I
'four, six, eight, ten or twenty minute,'
ami then again, he may have to struggle
and tumble around for a couple of hours. ,
"If he gets down fine and the match Is
j a long one, there is no reserve on his j
l frame; he soon burns himself up sfi-r a
prcfuse early sweat, and then he's an ,
eaay victim. Catch the idea?"
Ihe fighters thought they did. but aj
couple of thepi .',.. I, liu ll lv K I
douhtfrlly It imii so ill I ! i l . lit tloni th '
way they be been used io F'-rlnt rnch
other look thet It was uuile n eho k to'
thent. j
Charley White thought t "lit l-t In al- j
most perte t shape. "Once I train- i
Ing for a fight In ti e same place i s7.ko,
tho I'ols, was trsinlng f.r a wrestllna'
match." be swld. "Io ou know what. he,
did? Ill let be drank in er o kiiIIimi of'
water a dav. I thought he was ricry. t
as all I dared do was to rinse my mouth ;
once In awhile or barely wet my lips
Yl he got through he said he was
In perfect shape, and the match proved
that he was. It beats me."
Mi hui-iitiu and . .. c,,,. p..f R"tv
to W asl in.ton. I C.. to v -. Mr
llorglnm's brothet Tin v will llt alsi
in Connritl'iil an, st the ,ashote. Mi,
Hcrgl'iin t-x ports to Join them In August.
Charles Hairnet, a pephew of Mrs. A
M. Itorglum and a captain In the Ftench
army, has Pern kllh'd In action. He was
only l years rid and had been promoted
from lieutenant to captain for biavery.
Cowell Thinks Sale
of the School Bonds
Should Be Put Off
CliHiiinan Cowell of the Hoard o' I'.dn
catlon finaii' e roniinlllrr stales it Is uulie
probable the board will not n this time
attempt to dispose of t1."rt.' school
bonds H'.itl-oi Ircd bv tlie oter Miy I
"Capital Is the most nervous thing In
the woild This Is not a propitious time
for the sale of these bonds and I do not
believe II would be wise to offer them
until the atmosphere has cleared.'' said
Mr. Cowell
The finance committee will endeavor to
dispose of a portion of theie bonds to
local Invejtors.
a aaw igj 1:1.313 aur j'-jumn asg
S When at I
i Ajewport
Dine at
ftafTisW.''nvyw rr
izttit taVfw fruAsiitw- mi. ri i i-fo iu
Hi stT t i I -f. iy. t .sm E
! j vte vandcrrut nota, I. Y.
fl HI sM SAUli SHI tll
Trial Quart
and Leather
Covered Flask
Suit against Harold Brown of Newport,
R. I., reputed to be the richest boy In the
world, for $50,000 damages, was begun In
district court by Attorneys Donohoe and
Donovan in behalf - of Richard W.
Behmldt, who alleges that he was In
jured when he fell forty feet from an
outalde stairway of an apartment house
st 616 South Thirteenth street. Brown
owns the house.
Finest Whiskey
Lowest Price
We mre not frmid to M you try Fete 8-Star WhUWy al
Vur expennr. It's pure, honust whiskey of beet potwth) !
It never fail to cleans the man who really knows '
food wbifkey.
saJnar mi n Si
Wa include u txtra fM Trial Juarl ;
' 'WbooplrWar Cow b .
"When my daughter had whooping
couch she coughed so hard at one time
that she had hemorrhage of the lungs
I was terribly alarmed about her condi
tion. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy so highly recommended, I got her a
bottle and it relieved the cough, at once.
Before she had ftnlshed two bottles of
this remedy she was entirely well,"
writes Mrs. B. F. Grimes, Crooksvllle,
Ohio. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement.
vrCth ,nir . , l, fnw C..
Fels 3-Star Whiskey
Ihlppcd direct at follow Ing wholesale prim:
8QTS. Full $T.45
M QTS. Full Sa.95
aafci MeasurA t
imff free, handsome, haodr, Wether
ed flssk Slled with Vele e-8ler Whie-
Including free, handsome.
covered flask fliled with Ft
ky. If nit aatisrtet, after yoq drink Fre
i nai uuart, return ahtpment at our et-
wnaft.ana we win aend you an aqaal quan-
law. smiu win arrnu j-ou an oqaaj quHn
y of any whiskey vou nami in arhsncr
no matter by whom made or Hold but yoa
may kp the leathe rnovertd flak-t'
youra h.i)uely W are an Old. Katab-l("h-d.
reliable Ffrri. i npital 100 00 no
aa '.s MnSM City, ate, '
The Ideal Summer Office Building
The office building furthest up the- hill, gets the best
air, aud with the outlook on the beautiful Court
plaza ai:d its own spacious court, there is no more
delightful place in which to work in summer than
Its popularity is shown by the fact that offices offered
ore very few indeed. Some of thesn may meet your need,
fcwwever. better than any In the building. e think it
would be well to look them over, r, if we have not
what you want, we will place you on our waiting list.
We offer:
Room 222 Choice office suite, north light, very desirable for
doctors or den lists; waiting room and private
office; 630 square feet 815.00
Room C01 lc cool office with vault, near elevator and
stairs; electric light free. 210 square feet 818.00
Room 6 j0 9x20. Water; partitioned Into private office and
waiting room; has large double east windows;
180 square feet 818.50
1916 Stadebaker Cars
a Forty H. P.
FOUR at w
(Motor 37" bore, S" stroke)
a Fifty H. P.
7-passenger fc
SIX at V
(Motor 3Vi" bore, 5" stroke)
This year the Studebaker announcement is more significant than ever before. It demonstrates
more conclusively than ever Studebaker's leadership in the industry. For once again, Studebaker is
announcing new cars at prices that completely recast all standards of value in the automobile industry.
And never before has a dollar bought so much as it buys in these new Studebakers. They are the
best cars in every detail that Studebaker ever built
But while the prices are remarkably low, Studebaker has made no effort to manufacture a small,
low-price car, to compete purely on a price basis.
1 Becauaa of largely Increatad Toluma of production i
2 Unrivaled manufacturing resource!!
5 The Studebaker policy of manufacturing our cara com
plete in our own factories and thus eliminating parts
makers profits t
4 The greatly increased efficiency resulting from 4 years
study and concentration on the manufacture of two
chassis i
6 The high percentage of Interchangeabllity of parts In the
two chassis.
And Studebaker is merely passing along to buyers of the new cars
the PULL benefits of these notable economies. You may question
in your own mind the quality rf these cars, considering the remark
able reductions In price when compared with our last year's
But we simply invite you to make any comparisons you like with
last year's cars or with this year's models of other makers to see what
resources and manufacturing experience such as Studebaker has at
its command can accomplish.
A whole Book of Specification couldn't begin to convey the impression that your first glimpse of the cars
will give you must see the cars to appreciate them.
Four-Cylinder Models and Prices
Touring Car, 7-passenger - -- -- -- -- $ 883
Roadster, 3-passenger - - - -- -- -- - 850
Landau-Roadster, 3-passenger ------- 1185
Panel Delivery Car - 873
Open Express Car - -- -- -- -- -- - 850
Station Wagon 873
Six-Cylinder Models and Prices
Touring Car, 7-passenger - -- -- -- -- $1050
Roadster, 3-passenger - - 1000
Landau-Roadster, 3-passenger ------- - 1350
Coupe, 4-passenger - - - - -- 1550
Limousine, 7-passenger ----. 2250
Write at once for Catalog illustrating all cars and giving complete specifications
South Bend, Ind. Walkerville, Ontario Detroit, Mich.
Addrts mil communication to Detroit
Direct Factory Branch, E R- Wilson Automobile Co.
2550-24 Farnam Street 2429 Farnam Street, Local dealers