r TTTE BEE: OMAHA. juxrc Never Mind About the Renting SeasonClassified Advertising in The Bee Rents Property Any Time r a fi ' - i V - - ' -1 WANT ADS Want d received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be. pre sented before 11 o'clock Boon for evening edition and T:80 jp. m. for morning end Sunday editions. Want ad t received after ix-h hour will be under the heading, "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive time. 1 cent a word each Iniwtkiii. Three flmee within ona weak. 1 cents a word each Insertion. Ona time, t cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive tlmea. I cent a Una vh insertion. . Three tlmaa within ona weak 10 cents Una aach Insertion. One time. 11 cents a Una. Count si arrag words to a Una. Minimum ehanta. 30 oants. An advertisement Inserted to b run natil discontinued must be stopped y written order. . . All claim for errors must be msa within fifteen dajra after the last Inser tion of th i advertisement. Tou oat i place your want ad In The Bea by telephone. CARD9 OP THAJtKi. Wo wish to thank ou- many friends tot tbe klndneas and sympathy shown u to loss of our beloved wife and mother; also Cor the msny fl oral tributes. ALVA SMITH AND FA MILT. BIRTH! AMD DEATHS. Births-Joseph and Mirr Mtoltvc 7 Hickory, boy; Kolrt and" Louisa V ylle. an. St Mary's avenue, girl; William and Maria Berger. 2010 Poppleton avenue; boy; (Bernard and Ullsabelh Uuenette, 31.3 Vinton. Ctrl; Walter and Alma wry, M l&maVboy.; Kmll ! on. Center atreet. boy; Walter and Rou crtta Cosentlno. KM North S'", M. E. and Charlotte Dress. 618 South .Thirty-third, boy; Charles L. and ius 'lIcDermott JWOlilo, boy; John and Marie Vlbetla. U Bouth Fifteenth, boy. Tony and Lena Roesltto, 14 South I.lev nth. boy; Charles and Vera Lewis, iioa pltah girl? Andrew and Wlllmoth Harold. Hospital, boyi, Gay and (Mabel Barton, ,8X28 Parker, boy; Clrtno and Muria Ge mlna, 1318 Pierce, airl; Vallardln and Agata Pistlllo 1036 Bouth Twentieth, rlrl; K" J. and, Annie Mason. 2420 Oak, boy. Uenn Bad Penn Fenster. hospital. 1rl. Heaths Howard Bulllvan. 85, K06 fcorth .Nineteenth; Jorgen Peterson. 69, 2m7 North Twenty-first; James Murphy. 58, r40 North Twenty-first; Mrs. C. M. Lor- mh u luift wnaffr jnnn rjuuien. i Mo' South Tenth; Elisabeth Havens, Ml (.-n Tfsthartna Mumaush. 8. 6117 North Forty-second: Ethel Coetes, 37, hospital: John Doe, 80, hospital; Mrs. Nicholas uowaros. s, tin v umuu, IKdlth A. Wilson. 21. r.a Bristol; Mary fewoboda, 14, 2215 South Fourteenth. MARRIItnn LICENSE. The following couples were granted licenses to wed: i Name and Residence. TVwell W. Robinson, Blotig Falls, 8. D.. 44 'Elisabeth Kirk. Decatur. Ill Ira 8. Falrlev. Lincoln 28 Haiel I. Shields. Lincoln 19 -inajtntt M tli Omaha Over 21 Ida D. Hennlng. Omaha Over 18 tbiHWnl. Rlalr : 88 Kate Schmidt. Blair 18 Kdward F. Ouldlnger. Tulsa. Okl 28 Mabel E. Nelson. Omaha 27 Jienrr F. Bloemer, Chicago 26 Dorothea Cecelia Matgen, Chicago 21 tbe Adler. Omaha 24 ana Ooldberg. Omaha 20 Claude H. Millar. Omaha 24 Margaret C. Clinton. Omaha 23 Joseph W. Olffe. South Omaha. M Ag-nea R. Fittgerald, South Omaha.... 23 fiabln Cotton, Red field, la 22 Agnes Work. Kedfleld. 8. D 24 Jacob F. Rehm, Chicago Over 21 Mary C. Baumer, Oniaha Over 18 Jiarvey E. Horton. Omaha 21 Ruth M. Coleen. Omaha lit Ralph R. Nelson. Omaha 28 Maya C. Asher. Omaha 18 BLILDINQ FERMITI. John IT. Murphy, Jr., 4H03 North Thir teenth, frame dwelling, 81.000; F. Jack son, tXi North Twenty-fifth, brick dwell ing. (2.000; M. King, 2S Ellison avenue, frame dwelling;, 14,000. LANTERN atldea tor movlea. Send your copy to ua W can reproduce photo or will pre par your copy. We will color as directed. Bea Pboto Dept.. 103 Bee Bid. EMPRESS, "iBThTniJ DOUGLAS. JIJGH-CLAB9 VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTO PLATS. Peggy Lynn. Burglar. (Vivian Rich.) 3-r. The Woman f rom Warren-e. 8-reel drama. Ir. Carwln's Experiment. Some comedy. J R1NCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS. Second Chapter of "The Broken Coin." The Motorboat Bandits. Thrilling drama. The Stolen Anthurium. Falstaff comedy. Latest Mutual Weekly. Current Events. ftorta. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNET. THEATER BEAUTIFUL. Home of Good Pictures. The Patriot and the Sky, a Mutual me terplcture In 4 parts, featuring Mar garvt Snow and Bush, and a good romedy. ixyrimopT ma and LothropT Ulearts in Exile. (Clara Kimball Young.) Five reels. koatk. APOLLO, 182 4 LEAVENWORTH. The Broken Train. Katcm. The Inventor's Peril. 8-reel Lubln. PolUhlng l'p Polly. Prllg. e ARBOR. 82D AND ARBOR. Closed for Repalra. West. MONROE. 2655 FARNAM. The Pardon. 3-reei feature. Biff. Bang. Bing. Comedy. From Oxford to Wln-leor. Colored Pellg. THE OMAHA. THE COOL THEATER FORTIETH AND DODOB. Change of program dally. Diamond In the Sky every Sunday. soaia Uaim, ORPHEUM, :4TH AND M. The Failure. Four reels. A master pic ture. Including a comedy. Ufc.S3Ii, 24TH AND N. The Pay Train. Kalein. From Champion to Tramp, t-r. Lubln dr. Beautiful Belinda. Sellg. A X NOU N CKME X TS Today's Movie Programs Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable YourBelf aal Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building P'if erlntenden t a Of fire Room 1 3. lstils i.k.CA. uui g Awra. suuiluer. h AUTOMOIULKS Little roadster... 3.V0 Ford roadster...! JW Rutck a Regal 2?f Cutting X Truck 1 E. M. F 2"0 Motorcycle 14 THFJ Al'TO Cl.BARI.VfJ HOUSE, 22o Farnam Sl Tel. Doug. 1110. 1 100 PEW RD for any magneto we can't repair. Colisrepd. Baytdorfer. 210 N.l. o FOR BALK 1916 Ford, new style body; no reasonable offer refused. J. 8. White, Paxton Hotel. Overton's for leaky radiator, too, dealers. n.ni hi. uiv. V- v .-.- fnduetrlwl Oarage Co . loth Harnay Bta inaumnai arnae o . snn im rir..y NEBRASKA fculck Service Station. IM Farnam St. Phone Douglas ,21 CAUILIAU CO.. vr JM A n a. 2064 Farnam Ft. Iioug. 47. Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used oar and you want full rniuf ior frnir iii.niry ur r u u -m,v frav,,-, who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you KJJW Ford auto deliver bodlaa of all atylea, open or closed, always on hand. Our priors will save you money. See Johnson-D'fnforth Co.. a-tt-a No. lath. C. ELSABSKft, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 708. 26"! Lrsvcn worth. AUTO Clearing House. 2r Farnam, buys and sella used cars. Phone Douglas 3310. BUSINESS CHANOTS If your Bualnsss Chance will stand rigid Investigation and Is lust what It la advertised, or If you axe loosing to start In business for yourself you wUl be per fectly satisfied If vou use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or selling a business Phone Tyler 1J. FOR BALit, rent or trade; a good M-room hotel In Merna. Nab. Address Fred Peck. Merna Neb. VALUABLE bydraullo placer ground, 60 sores; near railroad and two proven mines; all requisite facilities; price right. Apartment 8, 448 Eleventh St., Portland, le. IMPLEMENT business for sale, county seat, western Nebraska; too much other business to handle; worth Investigating If lntereeted. Address T 687, Bee. TO GET in or out of business call on OANOF.8TAD, 404 Pee Bldg. Doug. 8477. SIGNS, show csrda, Clark Sc Son. P. 187). VOR SALE Hardware stock, building and fixtures; location good live town In eastern Idaho; one of the best grain and stock growing sections In the west; sales last year, isi.VH). Address 1 673, Bee. WHY RENTT Ask about the Lawler djatsU't, Aitkin county, Minnesota, the Land of Opportunity; unimproved, 318 to 33; Improved. 3J6 to 843 per acre; easy rayment plan. W. G. Templeton, 60?. lee. Omaha. HEAL eatate Buslnees plates supplied or handled; all states. F. V. Knleat, Omaha THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the atar, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1403 Farnam St. Douglas 1897. FOR HAl-E All or part of full equipment of bakery, formerly owned by the Wagner Bakery Co., consisting of ovens, bread dough mixers, baiting, shafting, hangers and pulleys, cases, acalea, tools snd wagons and other equipment. Con rad Young, iU Brandels Theater. D. 1571. Roomlna Houses for Sale. FOR SALE Very reasonable 20-r. room ing house: furnished extra nice: In ex cellent condition; new improvements; good moneymaker: walking distance, best rssson for selling. Address F H. Ree. EIGHT-ROOM furnished flat, near 2Rth and Douglas; rent 830; price 3UW. Red 4130, between 1 and ft P. m. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School, Nlpht School, complete buslnesa course, complete shorthand or rtvnotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1915 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE, If. B. BOYLES. President. Tel. P 1T.HSJ Boyles Hid.. Omaha. Neb. FOR aala, the following scholarships In a first rlaai Oniaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stcnographlo course. Ona thieo months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at th offlc of The Omaha Bee. Experienced lady tutor In grade and high school subjec ts; make-up work a sierlnlty. Bast references. Apart. A-3116 Dav. II. tm FOIl SALE FOR SALE Here I a classification that is of the utmost Importance to every reader, aa thia column offera some excep tional opportunities every day and a small wsut ad will sell your article at Its lull value, inuni iivr ivw, Faraltarv, Household Gaoda, Kta. AT PRIVATE PA LID, 1714 R 32D AVE., TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY AND THUKSDY. HIGH CLASS FURNITURE. INCLUDING RIMS, OIL PAINTING, ETC. NO DEALERS OR CURIOSITY r-FEKERS WANTED. ll'KSJ bought aud sold. J. C. Reed, JXjOlOl8u7 Farnam t. D. 814K. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1889 N. 84TH. WEB. 1807. Harm aa Veaielee. ISO BUYS a well-dressed, nsck rain Bad die horse. . Lewis cohn. V2t Harrison St. Phone So. 802. ONE steel tired runabout In first -class condition. 37 8 N. 4uth St. Web. 2663. GOOD horec, buggy and harness. i2&, 210 Bee. Dr. Roaewater,. Pealtrr, :as mm mp9l'n. 8TEREOTYPU niatrtc make th beat and cheapest lining (or poultry housea They are l).J& tncha stronger and more durable thau tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. Small wheaL 1U0 lb. 3235. Wagner. K01 N. 11 MmImI lastrasaeata. LEAVING City. 3400 mahogany piano, 3asX Vlctroia with records. Remington UsrtlV useu nigh graoe citnu D. WIT. UNDERWOOD No. 6. cheap. 22k Bee Bldg. Mtaeellaaeaiaa. FOR SALE Naw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of ail kinds; eaay paymeota Th Balke-Collender Co.. 4U7-4U S. in Brunswick- loth St. MkjTOII boat for sale. Inquire M Pop pietun Ava Call after 8.30 evening. XT 2d -hand motors, dynamos. INltvV magneto, etc.. merhanicai ' w n-pali . La Bron Uectrlo Works.813-20 8. Wh Bt o AN UP-TO-DATE plating outfit snd a big stamping press for sal chesp. Hans C Hansen. Hansen Heights, Brayton, la. BIG sale on trunks, bags and aultcasea r rlelnian, 171 1 Douglas St. TOOLS, shovels, picks, tackscrews, win dow glssa. 3 carpenter benches, 31 each; 10 match inachliiea 5uc each, 1 hot water boiler complete 3i0; combination electn ticturaa too each; Iron beda oomplete. Hi good horse. Mi; haruesa. 10; good -press wagon, t't. J. C. IBH, Tel. Hmeyt43 TO3 S. 31st Ava CHERRIES, currants, guoaebwrriea and raspberries for sale at Ihin's fruit fwrm, t-M snd Military Ave. Wal. lWcv $3.20 Golden West Whiskey, 4 full quarta oottud In bund, pre paid CackU-v Rroa.. Cmnha. Apartments, f.ats. houser and cottage can b rented quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" Ad. MOVIES a FEATURES T TODAY rA GRAND. 16TH' AND BINNET. THEATER BEAUTIFTTL. Home of Good Pictures. Th Patriot and the Sky, a Mutual mas terplcture In 4 parts, featuring Mar garet Hnow and Bush, and a good CO'nerfy. ORPHLUM, 24TH AND M. The Failure. Four reels. A master pic ture, Including a comedy. LOTHROP, 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. Hearts in Fxlle. (Clara Kimball Young ) Five reela. FOR SALE TyBw writers. SPECIAL OFFER T1IO. JULT L 1915. No. 4 Rex, new machine 345.00 No. 10 Remington, late) model 46.0 No. 10 Smith Permler. like new.... 4K.00 No. 6 Oliver, latest model 44 00 No. t Smith Premier 2 00 So. t Remington, late model 25.00 No. 8 Oliver, like new 26 00 No. 4 Underwood, late model Oo.oo No. Ha C. Smith. lk new B6.0 No. 5 Underwood, rebuilt 3ft 00 Fill out coupon and mall today. Terms: 82.60 cash and the balance 88 per month. No Internet. 8htppd any place on days' free trial. Written guarantee for one year with each machine. BUTTS TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE! 813 S. 18th Su Omaha Neb. Our Examination Offer. Pat Butts Typewriter Exchange, uos Farnam St Omaha. feb.; Pleas send m on S days' examina tion. No. Model Typewriter, Value, $ Color of a Ribbon.. I agree to pay express charges from Omaha to my express office and to examine, and either remit to you as per terms indicated or return It to you within five days from date 1 re ceive It. If returned, you stand re turn express charges. Indicate on lines below terms de sired Terms: Will pay cash In I days and deduct 10 cash discount from list prloe. Or, will pay part cash, bai anoe monthly as per terms quoted. Name Occupation , Address Reference Address Your reference should b a banker or merchant- ' , TYPEWRITERS sold, routed, repaired. Central Typewriter Exe. IkOS Farnaia. BTENOTYPE MACHINE!, almost new, big reduction. Mrs. Shears, Doug. 3138. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Ufftoe. LADY BOOKKEEPER, on who can op erate typewriter, 45. Apply at once.1 PUSINESJJ MEN S RHF. ASSOCIATION, Uls-Su Woodmen ot World. HTENOO. AND BOOKKEEPER STENOGRAPHER 6 WATTS REF. CO., 838-40-42 Brandels Th. HTENO. AND BOOKKPR.. 8,V0.00. TUB CANO AGENCY. IjOO BEE BLDO. actor y and Trades. GIRL to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors. Iloaaekeepera aad Uomrsttea. WANTED Woman cook. Detention Hos pital. Telephone Health Office or Dr. Connell. WANTEl A girl for general housework. 1329 S. 31t St. H. 1d4& YOUNG girl to aesiat with housework and care for baby. One who can go home nights. Apply 8215 Florence Blvd. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 8ra Harney St. H. 910, WANTED Maid for general housework; only tli ree in family. 316 8. 35th Ave. Harney 479. BEST of wages for strictly first-class girl for genoral housework; ref -once required. Wal. V. 403 Isard St MAID for general housework, family of 8; must know how to cook, 11 61U. 902 B, Si.lh Ava WANTER Permanent housekeeper out side of city. Address Y 6Hi, Bee. GOOD girl for light housework; good home to deserving girl: best of treat ment; work exceptionally light, l'hone Harney 221 WANTED For general housework on farm, girl or widow with small child; good wa4rea Mrs. John S. Johnsen, Un oeiwood. la WANTED Comiwtent girl for general housework. 113 S. Silh BL Phone Harney kJ4. WHITE glil for general housework In a new o-room asartinent, three In faintly; pleasant room. Phone Harney 9 or 109 B. 42d Bt, COMPETENT cook, private family. 2o23 Caaa. Louglas 414. WANTED A competent second girl. 1320 a 84th St. Harney 4042. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. No washing: good wages. 140 N. 8Ut Ave. Harney 2054, ! U nil tnr ir.iiAr.1 KniiMwnrk nn 1 a 1 1 n dry. Call Harney Usui. 108 8. SSd. MUeellaresm. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women'a Christian association building (at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding j places er otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers gutu at iniun I'.iuun. HELP WANTED MALE lUrioal aa4 Office. TO THE PUBLIC: On December 1. 1911, I bought out and asauned management of the Rogers Reference Co. Sine this date Mr. 11. T. Flint, former manager, has In no way been connected with the enmpeny. The business is belnj con ducted, along honest llr.es and principles as heretofore and hope to merit a share of the commercial positions. Mv i.ew lo cation after July 1 will be M0 1'axton block, where I bop to meet all employ er and employes and friends of the com pany. ROGERS REFERENCW CO.. A. L. K'l'TT. Mgr. LEDGER CLERK, excellent place. 3S. Apply 1319 Woodmen of World. SALESMAN, city, good future IcO BALrlSMAN, Nro. and Iowa territory, salary dependa i STKNOG.. temporary 8T5 I WATTS REF. CO, OH-40-42 Brandels Th. 1-ul'AKr. PKtix IN iul ARii lliil.kg. We find a position that f'ta you t.V)-tPKRATlVK REFFRENCE tt,. WANTED Rkperi'-at-ed c'i ie undent to write pulling form letters to tnirodnc-e new technical Invention. P. O. Box 427. Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Office. WE have a number of high grade poV tlcms on our lint. Try us first for best TlimVEST BONDING CO., 812 Bee Bldg BTENO. AND BOOKKPR., 3W.O0. STENOGRAPHER, 17$ on. THE CANO AGENCY, 8O0 BEE LLDG. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED EVER V WHERK. For positions read The Stenographic Star. The stenographers' national weekly newspaper. Seud 21 cents for three months' subscription. Em ployment service free. The Stenographic Star, 1M7 Broadway. New York HIGH-GRADE commercial petitions. WEST REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 7J Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BKST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Rogers Reference Co., 624-8 Stste Bank. Aerate. Salesmen ana Mollcttore. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men in Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association, 423-25 Cltv Nut. Bank Bldg. AGENTS Oct newest, qulrkest eellers direct from makers. Full list free. Nat'l Agents' Association, 122 Michigan Ave., Chicago. HAVE choice Improved Red River Valley farms for sal In Minn, and N. Dak. Agents wanted. Hlckson Land Co., Hick man, N. Dak. Very Desirable Spac for Printing Office Light, water tnd janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 108. WANTED By a well-established and reputable Omaha firm, traveling sales man to sell coal and building material; must be under 80 years of age, unjaarrled and willing to work hard. No on with out a good common school education need apply. Address K 618, Bee. WANTED Experienced men's hat aales men: good ealry; permanent position. J. L, Brandels A Son. Factory ad l-vaaea. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst. Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition lis, on account of big trsde. Wages for 8 and 10 cent work. Electrlo massage taught. Hydraullo chairs. Catalogue free. 1124 Douglas St.. Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO 205S Farnam St., Free Catalogue, cnT.T.trrss! OMAHA. NEB. WANTED About six ruff carpenters at .P,ma.h- OMAHA ALFALFA miutiinij ii,, uasi umaha. WANTED Blacksmith to Bts.it shop; A-l location. Write for particulars to Y S 'S, Bee. WE need men: had to turn down two JobB per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Oet one of these Job. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto, mobile School, 1417 Dodge St MOLE II BARBER COLLEGE Special summer rates, mailed free. 110 So. 14th St., Catalogue Omaha. Free Tuition Western Barber College, Com now. 1404 Dodge St. Mlseella-eona. WANTED Railway mall clerk. 375 a month; Omaha examinations coining; sampio questions free. Write immediately. Iranklin Institute. Dept. 2JL E. Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED l.tyu men to eat ham and egKS, 16c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. WANTED- Names" of young men want ing to be Railway Mall Clerks. 175 month. Answer immediately. Y. 166. Bee. WANTED Man to work on farm i-.t Ar lington. Apply F. C. Bliss, 254 Exchange Bldg,. Bouth Oma ha. Tel. South 910. ARCHITECTUB-AL draftsmen, experi enced. K. V. Engineering Agency, Kansas City, Mo. BlTrAT10?i8 WANTED THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler looO. PERFECT washing, Webster 4SS. expert ironing. POSITION wanted by trustworthy and energttio young man. Bookkeeping, clerical, best references furnished and not afraid to work. Phone Douglas 8451, or address, B 801, Bee. LADY and two children wanta steady place as housekeeper on farm; nesr school house preferred; references. Ad dress S. 611, Bee. TEACHER and housekeeper; middle aged, would like clerical work, caring for children or housekeeping; in or out of city. Have excellent references. Kindly write, stating salary and other particulars Address F-toli. care lies. COLORED woman wants day work of any kind. Web. 4g8. Washing or ironing. LADY wanta ateady place in housework. Webster 5863. LADY with child wants place to work in private family. In city or on farm; per manent place preferred. Address M 62L Bee. WANTED A Job in the harvest field. Have team. Address M 846. Bee. THURSDAYS and Fridays out by colored laundreas. Also partlea to serve. Good re ference. H, 1497. HIGH school boy would like position during summer driving private auto. H . 4245. WANTED, by experienced young ladv. . Hinui .or uniuiei. iirst or second floor room. I sin a good cook and ex lerlenccd second maid. Address 1 til. liee. CHAI'FFhJCR and wife wants position' five years' experience; best of refer-1 ences. F. Elmore. Black 3304. Council Bluffs, la. bJi tb Ave. LOST AND POUND OMAHA sc COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some article would do well to call up the of tic of th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether Uiey left it In the atreet oais. Manv articles eacn day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug. 4i. Ltisl or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium nieana the immediate re turn of that article If advertised in The Be. Vi Lost and Found paper. L)ST Saturday night,, pearl and dia mond brooch. Reward. Phone D. 6uu4. LotiT OR STOLEN One blown mar. weight '0. top slanhopa buggy, light harness, initial ' G" on bridle. Webster n1 T. K. Gordon. It J4 N. 16th. TAKEN frrin we.it sloe of city hall, Thursday noon, June J. description, one single cyllndr Yale motorcycle; reward f returnrl to Oniaha Bee engraving de partment LOST fn East Park Ae. line, between UK Ave. anc. :ariiiiiu. :';nall purse containing a ring and s veral dollars In r Iver ic srl i .r return to 3W Ree Din L Sl-l'AiitO I IN. antique setting. I.ioerhl iraard. Mia. rl. M. Syfert. Tyler 1134. LOST AND FOUND IvOST A small old-tnuhloned pearl pin. round with brown border and liar through tnld'lle, vnlnod aK family keep sake. Mrs. Sam Carlisle. Harney 2K2. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to umaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association btiildlna St 17th St. snd St. Mary's Ave., where they will be rli-ected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union stntlon. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, muga tinea. We collect. We dltrlbute. Phone Douglas 41 snd our wacon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112- ii M l'ooge rt! GORDON, the Magazine Doualas 7K-I. Man. Phone SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBILES For otner automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. Al'TO 5-passenKer Btevena-Duryea au tomobile. Address, 8. C. 1145, Bee. A DANDY Slx-I'ln Box Alley, fine condi tion, first 37ft takes It- W. E. Bennett. Grand Island, Neb. BUHIN.83 CHANCEwA live, paying mil linery Mock and fixtures for trade on account of owners sickness. Will bear stilct investigation. What have you? Andrew S. C. i!3. Be. BCSINESS CHANCE A 32,000 stork of groceries and queensware for equ(ty in touring car. Address S. C. 1143, Be- CLOTHING STOCK A 32.000 sto-k of clothing to exchange. What have you? Afdress 8. C. 1141, Bee. DIAMOND Neat, ladles', tiffany, ring. 68-100 Karat, platinum head; want motorcycle or piano. Address 8. C. 1175, BeeJ FCKNITURE Willing to trade furniture enough for nine rooms. will move furniture in good location as rooming,' house If desired. Prefer auto, or what have youT Address B. C. 1147. Bee. FOR 8 A LB Or will trade for small auto. Ice cream cone manufacturing bus iness, can see In operation for few davs Other business takes up my time. If you mean buainess call Doug. i6P3 or Bee mo 4303 BrcmjeyBldg.,Jt8oJ3thOmaha ''INDIAN" motorcycle and now side-car; late 114 model, twin cylinder, two speed, complete electrlo equipment, 1915 Improved kick starter: new tires; all per fect condition. Coat 3370. Want Ford or liKht roadster; no other propositions con sidered. Address 8. C. 1072. Bee. LOT HAVFJ A LOT TO TRADE FOR SOMETHING. WHAT HAVE YOU? A 1'URP.w H. C 1144, BEE. KODAK "Anaco" folding pocket, size VAxi; double lens, automatic shutter; rising, lowering and laterally shifting front; like new; together with complete outfit, including new 35 developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying case, etc. Want visible typewriter in good condi tion. Address S. C. 10. Bea MAIL ORDER buslnoss; invoice V'M. Will trade for unimproved lots. Ad dress P 647, Bee. MARE One good mare and one email mule, suitable for delivery. Also a set of harness and a light delivery wagon to trade for a light car. Address 8. C. 1142, Bee. 6-PAS8ENGER Kissel Kar, engine Just overhauled, new tires, newly pulnted, 3296 takes it. Would consider motorcycle Partial payment. Council Bluffs. Tel 1491. ROOMING house, 2223 Farnam St.. to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. SEWING-MACHINE -Practically new. Free sewing machine; will trade for brass bed or parlor suite, or what have youT Address 8. C. 1146, Bee. 85rtO jeweler's safe for 320O, second-hand Ford or other small inr . Aririi-aa t 1149. Bee. TO TRADE Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, Hanscom Park district, on paved street; cement basement, shade trees, hardwood finish. Owner moving to Lincoln. Wishes to trade for house in Lincoln or lot in Omaha or Lincoln. Webster TO EXCHANGE Typewriter for bicycle. Call sm TWO-PASSENGER, high wheel, hard tire auto, in good runing order; will trado for parlor furniture or gas stove. If your turnlture is worth 375, we can trade. Address S. C. 1140, Bee. UP TO 31.000 In going local company. No liabilities and 34,000 in treasury stock is not for sale generally and none hHS ever been sold below par. Will 'rode for equity in cottage or might take west ern land or auto. Address S. C. 1148. Bee. Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and got something you really need? It coata you nothing to join the Swappers' Club, and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the Fur Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one de siring to rent. Phone Tyler lOuO. I-ROOM apartment, bL George, 113 N. 31at Ave. Phone Tyler 1536; evenings, Web. 1674. o VERY CLOSE IN. ELEGANT NEW 8-R. BRICK, OAK FINISH, LEATHER HANGINGS, PORCH ACROSS ENTIRE FRONT; EAST HALF OF DOUBLE FLAT; OFEN CLEAR EAST, NO. AND SO. 2221 CAPITOL AVE. A. E. WOODMAN. Angelus Apt., 3 and 4-room apt. 11. 74. o t1 c and up. Modern 4-r. apartments, "" near postofflce. G. P. Stehblns. VI RT choice 4 or 8-room steam-bvated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1102 Farnam St. NEW modern, six-room, steam heated flat. 62 Leavenworth St. CONRAD YOUNG. 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Dong. 1571. 4 ROOMS, close In. Red 4!. Bartf anil Hooiua. HARNEY ST.. 2(33. nicely furnished room. suitable for one or two gentlemen; board it desired. Harney T7S7. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenienco and comfort In private families tr boarding houses ot ths high est class will best be found in the Fur oiKhed Rooms column of Th Bee. Phone Tyler lfta BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets, in a West Farnam borne; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney 9S1. Nicely furn. rm , ig Sner. Av. Web. 843. famished Howaee. FURNISHED t-ROOM HOUSE. MOD ERN. NEW. 4217 Harney St. Wal. 2113. 9sralakr4 aasnt. It you do net see anything that suits you In th way of Furnished Room you can call at Room 104. Be Bldg., and ak tor th Fiee Furnished Room bureau and wa will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding bouse In any part of the city. ELEOANTLY furished rooms; private noma; close in. rnon ooug. mk9. NEWLY p4red furnished room on boulevard, f u'luf Tnriu., iu.li ntM k or r arnam car tine. Harney fcoi. ONE nice room to on or two gtnilmen. .ipiiiv .'.i.iieav iu rmm iwriv, n. ijvt THREE single rooms with board. South exposure. Gentlemen prefurred. 24d St. Marr's Are. Dorglas e) NEWLY papered front room, on dlvd. H. 3f21. NU'hl.Y fuinlnhed suite ot rooms' quiet business e-,.le preferred ?('47 loe St. Uamr4 rirslknl Hmsu, I WOIT.I like a roim in nrlvate home of congenial and homelike surroundings. with shower bsth preferred, but not es- senniu. wouu :iks oreasiast ana supper. Kindly st ile full particulars when reply ing, a 4iX Boe. Ready Reference Directory The followiDg firms offer will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Atiateset Co., a modern ahstrsct office, WO So. 17th St. Phone D, 3487. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. V Brandela Tlws ADDl.MU MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales!. W. O. W. D. 33S8 AltOIIMAMI. Dworak audited. Address Doug. 7406. Rooks closed, opened systems and in- Btjllt'd ana accounts 4 Ramge Bldg. Phone AMATKLH FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Fhoto Craft Shop, 416 Bee Bldg Dept. D. AHCiin h.c'1 a. Everett Dotlds. fiiTpTxton Blk. D. ri. ATTR t TIO.V9. OITTtvn . . T . , tiiiFs nesiring service or re- iresnments, phone H a nscom park. H. 6SM. ATTOHVIiVS C. T. Dlkliison. Ell Paxton Blk. D. 5804. A I CTIO Moults. Dowd A uctlon Co.. 1116-H W. O. W. R. 33SJ. Nat'l Sale di Auction Co.. 1S27 W. O. W. ALIO lASUHANCs!, 4flK,'v.ed .n, your utonioblle Insurance by patronizing a home Co. Doug !19. AUTO ItADlATOH UEPAIUS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 80241 Far. D 2001, BAKCBUia, Z. H. REEDER. 1508 N. 18th- Web. S2P7 BEDDIKO. ' 0UA"A. PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming an?.1467 Rnovate. feaTh.r. ..h.n ttrees of all kind a makes Lil'ir..intIl!??f?.nd down coveVs. BLUhJ PKIXju. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha BRASS AMI IKON FUUMURIEStt. ' Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. UllLUINU WHUkDUi. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked CAMPiii.N'l tjt A A It COMTHACTOttS STEVENSON, Sas. 224. Douglas K20. Lesaard & Son. 1908 Cap. Ave. T. 1S31 CI11UUPUAC11U SPIRAL, AUJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, I Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. CHIROPODIST, Carrie J Burfotd, 62U Pax. Blk. Red 45d7, civil 4;MuUkaia;i4a. M. J. LACY. 618 BEE BLDO . DOUG. 471a CLKAAlta AAli UYKHS. ROYAL Dry Cleaners. 3231 Lea v. D. 1811. CUXsCKnVi'ni lwAts4UCT3UN tv.'l Western ropreaentative of VELVETILE composition iiooriug. lNViri- GATK 511-13 City NaU Ba. Bldg. D. 1H78. CWk'I'kaiUk aaaa Luuiiii uppl.ia.s. MFG. ot lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Ueben 4k sou, lol4 tiowarq. u. Alia. UANC1AU ACAAJaialMln. CHAMBERS' Academy, classlo. D. 1871. Summer rales now at Mackie'; prlvat leaaons dally, lias Harney, vou. iw AAstaiaaAlAAaAAU. Terry Dressmak'g college, loth St Farnam. M1S3 8TURDY. 2418 CASd. REt 7320. UYtUtta Asu ClUAAsUHs. STATE Dry Clng, Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyier HjA DAkAllttAk. Dr. Bradbury. NO pain. SU W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea Dr. Fickea. 724 City Nat Bank. Taf Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2188. I) at litis. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 314) orders; catalogues free. Sherman 4k Mo Conneil Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PI A A OB. Continental Nov. Co., 119 N. 15th. Terma aLLtiHuLIIl. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8055. BVERYTU1KO FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION. Bide, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, ail sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglaa Biota. D. L38. NEW YORK aampl store. Must vacate. building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 21 N. lmn St KVEUYTUlSa FOR MEN. IT'S getting warm now. Special summer rates. 85.50. Y. M. C. A. "J'LRNAtklg XSU TlNVvOhK.. HABER9TROH. 40-' Hamilton. Wal. 2971 FLORIST. BATH'S, flortsta. 1804 Farnam St. D. 3000. Atembei iorisi inwtv - HESS It. BWOBODA, 1418 Farnam 8U A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. BWANSON. the f.orlst. Web. 4829. So. 701. HAT t I.lajNU. Panama cleaned. D. Elsel. 1138 CUy Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1520 Har. GOLD AND ll.KR PLAT3NU. WE replete everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. V.ao Harney St. Est, lsag. is. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE -PHOL WEBSTER 5911 General Office. Uth and Manderson Sta. JVTICli OF 1HK flCAtia. H. H. CLAIBORNE). 813 Paxton Blk. R, 7401. Notary pJb., deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 301 Baker block, V. C. H ASCALL. 420 Paxton Blk. T. 11(6. LIVIC HOIK COHMllllOR. MARTIN CR08 CO.. Exchange Bldg. UCUTl.tU rlATLtta,, Wtkl.ty. mTT?TnI Thomas. Douglas 36U. X'LXVAVXiX f4), ri)mlnt 8l kuMM. PlLILKni HAIHI.NU. picture machine and flnn bargaina Miscellaneous. i U ' Wn . r : ... ' MTU BT.-8-r.om modern flat tlfc i,Vld' WF. rent moving p.cture mschlnea Stsr 2117 Dewey Ave., 5-r. mode flit k. f 1 Thvatrl-al F.x. hsnse. M0 P.xton block 34 Bristol St.. 4-r nTo? ex heat tk 1 W ' Ml bit A L. C. O. Carlberg, 312 Brandels Thea BldV ' 6EF the Central Furniture Btorea FRiTS k ' PIANO lessons. 60c per lesson. Web. 2S40. I RENTAL LltT. re, I , quality and expert service the , MASSEUSES. Mas. Saunde-Kennedy Bldg. D. T1A i MASSAGE. Roinn 224. Neville Block. MASSAGE620 Be Bldg. Douglas 71 I BATHS and massatee. Douglas 8751. BATHS, 114 Balrd ISldg., 17th and Doug. , MASSAGE. Room 224), Neville Big. ! 1 I MASSAGE, 1721 Dodfre. MASSAGE'. 303 K Breach Blk. Red tTB. ' BATHS, Room 223 Neville Blk. ! BATHS "" mige. alcohol rub. 1801 I """Farnam. fVoom 2. Douglas 875U Open evonlnss and jpunday. BVEXINGS until 9; tjun. 10 to t D. 71J. ' MASSAGE, 109 a 17t'h St. M1M1NU OciaKEH, " WILL pay to consult w. H. Godfrey on j mining business. 207 State Bk. R. 434L MOlORt (ILES, HARLEY-DAVIDPOnV MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Mnn." ' 2703 Leavi worth. oCLLiais. Eye examined, glasses VlUed. ry " TOtt ! can. Drs. McCarty. nil1 w. O. W. Bldg. I OITBOPATUIC PH MICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONjG. m Be Blda RMSTRONiq, rLATlNbl D. 6277. Acme plating Co., 3 S. ttth .- PAINTING AND PA1 GBIHO. (fOth. HUGH MTMANUS, 417 N H. 8729, N. Eng. Wallpaper and Palnft Co. Red T8M, PATKMI. ' D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk, eL Red m A H. A. Sturges, W6 Brandels 1hsater Blrtg, 1'AA.INTIN WATERS-BARNHART Pt. VCo.. quality printing. TeL Doug. 2190. 6.U 8. 13th St,, CENTRAL PRINTING CO. IbOUO, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Ipougl i Ralph Printing Co., 320 8. 19th. HtUBAGU COMPANIi NEBRASKA RUB BAG E CO. Tlbl U tW man to oaii n you nave any aietw j tin cans to haul. Phone Web. 5819. A-FE AND TIM IU LOCK KXPElil' O A 17170 Opened, repaired, com rt P P-O changed. F. E. Daven J- -s- port. 1406 Dodge. D. l&it CALia repairing; Om. Btandard Scale Co.. 618 8. Uth. D.391L SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Poos;, tmt. FRIEDMAN EROS.. ho rapalr. Blali j Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 3004 Farn'm. R.S449 I 8KWI80 MACHINE. "mcKEL'a,"'' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, 15th and Harney. Doug. iee. 1TKKJU CEILINGS ToRia ahd 4jfc let. Fixioaniir VOVIrJUL mVfPLlKB, ' OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. TV Kl TAlL,OAia. CHA8. C. UNDKRTOn. 10 K. ISO. TRUNKS AMD nUITCASKS. FRELINQ 4V BTErNLE, 1808 Farnam St TYPilWHHslHI Foa BENT, f.NT n Oliver Typewriter I mo. for H, Oliver Typewriter Agency. l( FarnaS Butta Typewriter Exobangs, 818 a Uth Bt RENT a Remington," not Just a tyo writer, low rent. Call Douglaa iJl W ATCti Pt;ClALIgT. piristlansen. 3d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exn. WKDDINU STATIONERY Wadding snrlouncements. Dong. ptg?. WINES AND AilttUORs, ALEX JETE3, 2m -3 8. ISth St. Wine, liquors, cigar Plat dinner. U to 3, loo. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUIH, Uth and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunob. FOR RENT Parntshed HtsaskMsU Raaaan. 2423 DODGE Modern light housekeeping- reasonable. Honselcerplns; Rosmi, ' 2205 FARNAM Nice, clean, modern housekeeping rooms. Reasonable. 2u6 FA UNA M Nice. clean, modern Reasonable. housekeeping rooms. DAVENPORT. 2018. TWO OR THREB3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FARNAM, 2822, two nice housekeeping rooms, very nouniiiiift IDA VEN'PORT, 2ol8, TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 3.160 WEEK. tsfarslsked Rooms. 8221 S. 30TH ST. 8 rooms, part modern; reasonable. D. 4639. Houses aad Cottasjes. North. ALL modem 4-room House, on car line, in Florence, large yard. Florence 80S. Mo Main St. BARGAIN if taken at once, all modern (-room house; maple flooring In living ar.d dining rooms; large shade and bear ing cherry trees, other shrubbery; on blk from csr and school. Webster 2C13. 4-ROOM all modern house, close to car. 3. Douglas 371. ta. For Rent South half of double brick bona T rooms, 4 bedrooms, all modern, at lill Souih 29th St., near Park school, one block east of Hanacom pax a. Tel. Harney liwa, Wret. ' Seven-room modern house, 104 8. S6th Bt 4 Doug.i; eT w 1 i f V i 4; . - r t "N- )! 1 f Orr If 1 f I RUPn 1