TIIK MKK: OMAHA. Tt'KSDAV. .IIWi: be In Omnli.i a ourlr of hnurs the rve- putlirrnr snl 1f timr- will prrm't will KEEPER FACE YOUNG r.ing of July 4. There will be :.V) in the rarty. (omlng In on a spec-lal train over the Ml.aourl Pacific, occupying eighteen cars and arriving at .4.'i. Trom here they will go net over the North e.Mcrn to St. Taul. traveling westward over the rorthern route. The Omaha Shrine will receive the ! rlTlnin thrm At the ttnu'l I he nmsn ESTELLA HOUSEMAN, aged 10, 1115 South Thirtieth Avenue, attends Park school, and this is her second year of gardening. nun leave on the western trip .'uiy ising the Vnlon Ts'lflc. They will hav a special train Apartments, nats. toiiwi ana eottafea tin be rentedquickly and cheaply by tie.. "Fir Runt" By MELLIFICIA. Monday, June 28, 1915. F LANS for the summer have never been al such variance and arrange- ments so uncertain as now. The closing down of the travel season abroad seems to have , brought about a great deal of dubiousness an to juM where to go. The Maine roast head the lint of resorts popular to Omahan. It has I lured more from these parts thla season than ever before. ! Mrs. Joseph Baldrlge is at Rorkland, Me., with her daughter, Miss t 6- 1 .I. Gwendolyn Wolfe. She will be Joined later by Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Wolfe, who will spend the remainder of the summer there. Colonel and Mrs. Curtis and Miss Lynn Curtis are at Sound Beach for the summer. Mrs. George II. Palmer and children are at Dennis, as also are Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy and children and Miss Ethel Morve. This Omaha party is stopping at the same hotel, the Nobsmsset. Wedding Announcement!. Origina IMonday Bridge Club. Miss Alts R. Lynn, daughter of John' The (nlslnsl Monday Bridge club sub , nn. and .Mr. Charles Miller, son of Mr lutituted a il nle at Blair today for their PJSJ Sf A.J Divei a 8 i CUTICURA Soap assisted by Cuticura Ointment will help you. Samples Free by Mall rvtlmrm Snse tml ointment wr4 srwystMra, IJnmU mmv o MHi mailed lm wtth boos. aitdrsai "CuUour." Dept. IV. 1 Coolness 22 Hours Away Yon will find drliffhtfut cno wMnr in lh Gorrtn Buy Country, only twnty-two hour from Chicago by train. Do yMj wnnl to Imf bout on wooded UImmU Or do mi want l fish, row, tddl, tail boot, wim, play ffolt or tnma Do you not wiah lo own firturaqu bttla ( 'aland all your own, wharo you can tava your own bungalow Than gat acquaintad with Point au Baril In Georgian Bay. E-tuallant hotel And boarding; houae at modarat rat a. You ranch thi loraly .rum mer land by the Canadian Pacific Railway For furikar information write ot call for Booklet No. '.'91 OEORGR A. WALTON. O.A.P D , Canadian Pacific Ry, vouin viiti oircr UUMAOUS Opp. Post Office, Chicayo. Hi. miiic; Hotel Lenox lUXURY ECONOMY BOYLSTON and EXETER STREETS BOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Single Rooms 92, with Bath 92.50 and up Double " 92.S0. " " 93.50 " (Oood Oarages 3 minutes' Walk) L- C. PRIOR. MANAaaa Two minutes from Back Bay StathjO Ten minutes from North Station $oo INE MEAD ACME tht throbbing-, persistent kind brought on by nervous strain, brain Ug, overwork, worry or anxiety, is caused by lack of phos phates, necessary to the health f nerves and brain. Renew the sup ply of these vital elements, and! relieve the bead torment by uaingc IIORSFORD'S Acid Phosphato (NoaAlcokoiic) Kss UttU h ye., sages 1 1 f . -w- -e i t f l w rt n II wit as) I ind Mrs. Aiiaust Miller, were married . t ' 'he home of the bride. 720 North Twenty 'Irst streit. at H o'clock Tucrday evening lune S2. Hrv. n I.. Wheeler performed he ceiemony and M s I'eimelia Knifle jlayed the Lohengrin Wedding March Miss Selma Luebhe and Mr Will WehrxT acre tlie altcndants. The bride wore an vory ( ret'e de chine gown trimmed with Venetian lace. 8he carried a bouquet f white roaea. The brldeamald wore gnn of yellow voile over siitln snd carried Mia. Wards roaea. The houae was beau tlfully decnrsteil In yellow and white, l-aigf pnlma dei-orated the room In which Hie ceremony took place. Only Immedi ate frlenda and relative, were preaent. Mr. and Mis. Miller le't the same even 'ng for Kaneaa City. Mo., whefe tliev Rill visit fi lends for a couple of weeita A pretty weddlnt; wss lelebrated at the home of Mr. Samuel I. Morris. 2oS Fort st r.- t . Saturday evening. June 2S. 191S. when Mls Huth l Morris BS tnairled to Alva B. oalln of ( rosaett. Ark. Tlie cer---nionv waa Mrformed by Just Ire of the Teace C. K. Brltt. The bride wore s gown of white rrere de chine and car ried a shower bouquet of white roee, Miss Ruby Morris, s sister of the br'de, was brldeamald, snd Mr. John Mr-Andrews, beat man The bride waa given sway by her father. Mr. Ramuel I Mor rla. The wedding ring was embedded In a wl lie rose on a hlue. and white allk cushion, which w.ta sent from Iondon, Rnglnnd. and was carried by little Mlaa ' Fthel K.ltner. preaent. The About rirty gueats wera wedding supper was fol- Mr. and Mra. Oxlln will be at horns at j TJ South Twenty-eighth street after ' July t. , i At the Country Club. j With Mr. and Mra. V V. Kinsler were Me. and Mrs. V. 8. Cowglll and Mini' Mary Munehhoff other aupper parties laat evening at the t'oi'ntry clube were composed of i Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ixwe, who had four! urate; Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hpragua. four; Oeorge Bowman, two; J. M. Daugh rty. fr;tir; M i. Toad, five; R. W. Hnrte, four: Pr. J. K. Summers, four. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart entertained: Messrs. and Meadames: W. A. Redlck, J. H. Butler. Will Hums, Mlaa Mildred Butler, Mr. Wlllord Butler. V 1 I I . j I'iniiig miniwr ibsi evening were: Messrs. and Meadames Charles T Kountae, Moghler Cnlpetaer. uienn Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. E3. 8. West brook enter tained at supper Baturday evening at the Country chih. Their guests were: Mjeesrs. and Meadames Fdwln T. Swot, H. S. CarlKle, M f. IVtera. Mr. H. H. I'eters of St. Ixiula. At the Field Club. Miss Irene McKnlght gave a bridge luncheon today at the Field club, A large 'bowl of coreopsis decorated the table and covers were placed for twenty-eight gueats. Complimentary to her guest. Miss Joiie Bond of Boston. Mlsa Helen Kpe-' nater entertained at dinner laat evening , at the field cluo. The table was deco-' rated with yellow and white daisies, and! the guests Included: I Misaea Mls.es ! Mhrjorle Bond, ri.vllis human of Marjorte liowland Halt Lake City. hcae Hinyth, Martha Dale Messrs. Messrs. Ion Callahan, John Hchauppe. Ales Ixiomls, Herbert Connell, flarence Hlbbernaen. Al Huach. Among those entertaining at supper Hinday evening at the field club were: Dr. t J. Wearne. who had four gueefs; L. J. Millard, aeven; R. Jaynes, four; J. W. Hughes, two; Charles E. Foster, three; J. H. Conrad, two; C. A. Thomas, four; Paul Werner, two: Dr. A. Sachs, four; C. AV. Capen. to; H. J. McCarthy, two; Louis Meti. three; Charles Met, four', J. J. Barker, seven. j At Carter Lake Club. Supper parties at the Carter I,ake club i were given Sunday evening by Mr. C . R. j Beveridge. D. E. Uoffmaater. Ray Hese j lin, Oeorge Rogers. W. N. Wharton. M. 1 R. Drvtbua, A. M. Ritchie. M. A. Otibert. ; K Helrman, L. E. Voux. Oafford, H. Rob- Inson, J. Raratow, C. V. Warfteld. C. U IMndery, Mayer, Roy Scott, Simpson, Miss ; T:ila J. Brown, Ulenn Adams. H. R. lUr I lis. R. 8. Hadra. Joaeph 11. Zlpfel, L. V. Knight. C. E. Wood and Vose. : At Happy Hollow. Supper parties were given at the Happy Hollow club Sunday evening by Mr. John A. Ileaton, who had six guests; Mr. J. it. Iloagland. three; Walter Wllver. two; U Brown, three; C. C. Balbach. two; i W. R. Watson, two; K. A. Renson, two; M. 8. Fngleman, two; K. A. Cuacadetv, I four; I men. W. I Mllroy. five; O. B. Oood three; C I Durkee. two; Harry three; Rayl Young, tstx. Kocn, Motor Picnic. A motor picnic was given Sunday bv 'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 1 lauck for the mem- ! bers of the 1-a leas club at tha Elkhora 1 Rod and Oun club. A party of seventeen left Omaha at 1 a. m. and arrived at the club about noon, where they had lunch eon. The rest of the afternoon waa spent In swimming and rowing, after which th members had a plonlc lunch at th club. Those present were: Misses Ethel Anderson, Irene Alltech. Gertrude K lauck. Lslher KlUnshusen, Messrs. Colan Albach. Ra mund klaurk, Philip ill. Mark Schwerin. James Ithney. Misses A lie v'arr. Maud Maglll. Klsle Gel I Gladys Miamp, Messrs. Ned Ochiltree. Walter Thrans, Paul Hu urate, Adulpli Geil. Tneiday Bridfre Club. The Tuesday Uridge club he!d Its regu Isr meeting a4 th Country club thla morning Three tables of players were present. regular bridge game Mrs Joseph Barker waa the hneteaa snd twelve gueeta were I entertained. I i Settlement Newi. j Mrs K. A. Slngrr. inetead nf tlie Bran id. Store a. fliat reported, rreaented !the Settlement with a tenWfor the camp- I ing party to be held Ttirsday at Water- loo. About fortv crl r I anrt hov will ' leave Tuesday for the camp and stay until after the Knuth nf July. The ramp la named "ni Itobinaon. With the Visitori. , Mlsa MirJorle iiond of BoMnn ar- rived Thiiiaday ai'd la the gueef of Mls !I"len Kpenter at the olonial hotel. Small Supper. Mr. and Mrs. Imla . Niiah gave a small supper laat evening nt their sum mer home. Vsahwood. The guests were; Meaara. ard .Meedamea Joeeph Barker, Ward Hurgesa. Ml. May Mahoney. For Miis Bond. I Mr. Al fliia'-h will give a dinner Wednesday evening at the Country club , In honor of Mia. Mar.lorle Bond of Boa ton, the guest of Mlaa Helen Fpeneter. Tuesday Mlaa Marjnrle llowland will en tertain at lunrhmn for Miaa Bond, and this afternoon a small picnic party waa j given In her honor st Valley. C..,i Ci.n,'l A daughter. Mary Virginia, waa brn to Mr. and Mra. Carl lxula Saturday at the Hitch Knoll sanitarium. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mra. August Kountze and son left, last evening for New York Cty. Mra. W. J. Mynes will leave Thutaday for Clear Lake, Annadale, Minn., for the summer. Mra. N. P. rpdlke, accompanlsd by f'asel and Nelson, will leave next week for California. Colonel Robert S. Oherfelder of Sidney. Neb., accompanied by his niece. Miss Haiel Oberfelder, arrived today for a ahr.rt visit enroute to New Tork City, whera they will spend several weeks. Personal Mention. Mr. Ward Burgess wilt leave thla FTi- j day for St. Joseph. Mr. and Mra. I-oula C. Nash, accom panied hy Mrs. Ward Burgess and Mtss Menle Pavla, will leave Baturday for the Floux ftty races. f Mr. Prej C. Pernald. who finished this year at Harvard, Is visiting wtth his mother In the east. They will return to Omaha sometime In July. Dr. Oren Rlpa and Dr. Karl N. Penter. graduate, of the 1915 rlasa of the Crelgli ton t'nlverslty of Medicine, left laat night for Pittsburgh, where the will be Internes for the coming year at the Columbia hoa-pltai. M.r.!"Strange Tongues" and Divine Healing Seen at Camp Meet l Caaet of divine healmg. persons speaK- j ing In "strange tongues" have been wK ; nessed at the Pentecostal camp meeting now belnu held at Fourth ajid Bancroft under the leadership of Itev. T. J. Leon i ard. Seventeen member from the Pen tecostal aescmbly at Auburn arrived Saturday, Ministers attending the world conference of Pentecostal ministers now going to at Minneapolis may come here. two received baptism Sunday, giving i evidence that they were ready for this, sacrament by speaking In strange i tongues. Much greater evidences of ! divine healing are promised by the lead ers of the meeting T. H. McCague Has a Paralytic Stroke Paralysis of the entire right sld. has stricken Thomas 11. McCague. vice i resi dent of the McCague Investment com rany and a well known cltlsen and busl less man of Omaha for many years. He U under the care of two phyaiclam and two nurses at his home, S47 North Forty first atreet, and the outcome of his seri ous Illness is said to be very doubtful. Overwork Is given as a contributing is use of the paralytic stroke, which oc curred last Wednesday morning. Mr. UcCague had a severe turn for the worse Sunday nlht, but his condition now is r ported to be slightly hotter. NEGRO IS SHOT IN BACK BY STRANGE WHITE MAN A report that and wounded a a whit man had shot negro in a fight Ckied sheriff, to East Omaha Kundsv nigni. The deputies found Arthur Alex ander, a negro, with a flekh wound In th back which waa th result of a shot from an unidentified white man. accord ing to Alexander. The negro declare ha had gone to the plac where he was found to await th arrival of tlie owner, but that a strange white man appeared, demanded what he was doing, called his answer a lie and began to shoot. Th white mia then made hi cp. BRUISES ARE RELIEVED BY THEJilRTH OF A SON Charles Melterniod. JSOt Ohio atreet, fireman at eng.ne house No. f. fell from a Indder in the ststinn and sustained very painful snd severe bruises. He waa attended by tr. O. H r'olts and taken to his home. M.lierniod asueits ll.mt his tuck isn't 'l bad as a fourteen-pound irteen-pound iy night at S"n and beiv arrled Pimds. his housvhold. i J f v3 ? :! ...iV YOUNG GARDENERS EXHIBIfPRODUCE Two Hundred Compete for Cash Prizes Display Made at the Y. M. C. A. Building. MANY OF DISPLAYS ARE NEAT Burdened with arnifuls and bank ets of fine, frettta vegetables, almost 2(10 boys and glrla of the School Gar den clubs entered the best ot their early produce in an exhibit for fifty four cash prii.es at the Young Men's Christian association. Besides 1,000 or more bunches of vegetables grown by the grade school youngsters, there was a special ex hibit by members of the Girls' 4-H Garden club of Omaha High school, which Is specializing in vegetable canning and is the first club of its kind in the United States. Supervisor Ernest K. Dale of the gar den club work was In charge of the big exhibit. Assisting him were these ten girls of the 4-H club ,who helped Judge the vegetables: Mabel Hoimgren, Bessie Townsend, Ruth Hutton, Vera Orr, Ruth Alcorn, Mary Wulnby, Matle Wright. Florence Brunner, Alice I Allen and Frances Byrne. All Karl? Vegetables. Radishes, lettuce, onions, beans, peas, beets, turnips and spinach were the vege tables fxhlblted for prlres Several of the kiddles also brought In fine potatoes to display, but no prizes were offered for them, because potatoes will be Included in a second exhibit for late vegetables. The exhibit was open to the public after t p. m. A total of $.10 was given In prises, $1 being first prise for each variety, 50 cents second prise and four third prizes of '3 cents. There were also prises of 32, $1 Announcing for July 1st The Inauguration of a Sale of Living Room Furniture Comprising fresh, new, up-to-the-minute patterns of Jacobean oak furniture in twist and combination of twist and plain lines tapestry upholstered and tapestry and cane combination chairs, rockers, settees, desks and desk chairs, tables, etc. Also mahogany chairs and rockers in cane and cane and tapestry upholstering, in both Adam and Jacobean style. All from the best factories in the country. Six Carloads of the Most Attractive Furniture of This Character We Ever Offered for Sale The prices will be away under the ordi nary manufacturers were glad to make decided price concessions in order to keep their factories busy during the dull period. Watch our windows watch the news papers. THE DATE-JULY 1ST Orchard & 414-416-418 ! I I Sr. and four of (A rents for the beat croups nf any four vegetables exhibited. onthfnt iisrdeneni. Little KMella Houseman, only 10 years of age nnd one of the smallest gatdeners, had a fine display, rilie belonga to the Park srhool club nnd this is her recoml jenr of gardening. She lives ht Uli South Thirtieth avenue. Walter Paetow, 3SU North Eighteenth , street, showed spec.al enterprise In print ing hla own taga for his displays, which were unusually fine. He Ir In the I.othrop division. Arthur Jensen, who lives on SI Mary's svenue and had a neat snd attractive diM'lny from his garden, la one of the best hustlers in the garden club move- 1 ..fent. One of th most Interesting exhihtta , to the many visitors was that of the ; high school girls, whoch Included canned vegetables and fruit. Although they did not compete for prizes against the ounger grade school children, they were very- fond of their displays, especially the canned goods. The main object of the members Is to can tomatoes on a comparatively large settle and sell them. Kvcry member has at least ion square, feet of garden for tomatoes alone. SOUTHERN SHRINERS WILL STOP OVER HERE SHORT TIME Knroute to the annual conclave at Se attle, Wash., the Shrlners of Oklahoma, cat-tern Kansas and northern Texas will Why order atres by the you can have quart bottle of refreshing Fer livered daily home? Alamito Douglas Wilhelm Co. South 16th Street your Bever- I case when a pint or cooL rich, Mil-Lac de- at your Dairy 409. Bits of exceptional economy sriall.v YkkeA out for Tuesday shoppers. Not left overs, but special value given m short, crisp form. Many Styles of Wash Laces Including Filet Vals. matched sets in cream and white. 1 to 2 v-'t inches wide; German and French Vals; Cotton Torchons and Clunv l.aces in cream and white; All-Linen Torchon and lmitation"Cltny up to inches wide; Fine Piatt and Norman die Vals up to 5 inches wide. Worth up to 1 Sc. Special Monday, yard DC 18-inch Swiss, Nainstok and Crepe Embroideries Corset Cover and Embroidery Flouncing, ' -l ojl Worth 2 5c, yard 16 7A Kayser Knit Vests u Swiss ribbed lisle, hand crocheted tops. Pink and white, 5oc values, each Women's Silk Boot Stockings In black, white and colors. Full seamless. Spe cially priced, p.air For Splendid In the Basement Tuesday Children' Pumps Black and tan. to 2. Worth $1.50, special, pair AnVU stran XTarr .Tan Slitvoers Patent leather; broad toes, flat silk bows; all sizes. Jjl f Q Special, pair piat Hundreds of Pairs of Men's Oxfords Patent leather, dull leather and calfskin. Not a pair worm less majority of them worth $3.50 and Practically every size. Pair Women's Oxfords and Pumps and white. All sizes. Worth tr $3.00. Tuesday, pair. Infants' Patent Leath er Ankle Strap Pumps All sizes to 8. Hand turned soles. Pair 98c The Greatest Blouse Sale We Have Had in Many Months Begins Wednesday June 30 WATCH TUESDAY NIGHT'S PAPERS In This GREATER than all m a Deer stands quit alons and la to bs found on the tables and In the nam of thousands of America Oreatest Cltissns. Send home case to day. Its usts will charm and chssr you. . . , . M. B. Blair, ltrr. Omaha Bfh John Gund BrewUat CO. 13ao-a learen worth, . 631. I. rVl.... VV iZ C.rl nutH. Distributor, LACroase, wis. 7la B 16th gt Pnoll. D 4634 M Mi WW Everybody enjoys Krug LUX US. The man after a trip above the clouds finds it soothing and refresh ing. So will you. Save the coupons and get premium. PHONE DOUGLAS 1889 Luxus Mercantile Co., Distributors and have a case sent home 39c 25c Shoe Values Odds and ends. Sizes 69c for Children and Oirls. Sizes to 2. man a.i.uu. wo $4. d QC P 1 JJ Tan, black Domain of Europe ever tinea 1854. Peerless k If .1 a ii