THK HKK: OMAHA, TIT.ShAY. M'SE ?X IfM.Y BRIEF CITY NEWS Xlsetrle faaa, 7.M. Burgase-Orandsn Kara Boot Print It Now Beacon Frees Mayer to Bid la Clroua Farads ,layor Pahlrr.nn will ride with Jolonel ) W. F. Cody In a wild Mt parade to be held here July S. "Today's Complete MotIs Program" classified section toay, and appears In Tha B EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha varloua moving picture theaters offer. Oomnoll Defers Chart Actios Tha elty aouncil deterred for thirty day consideration of a latter from tha Eoonn- trite leagua suggesting that a home nils rhsrter ba adopted. Colaaiaa Pined John Coleman. :031 Center itreet, srrested for conducting a disorderly houae. wss fined IIS and coiita In police court. Three Inmates wera also taken from the place. Hew MCambara of Commercial Club Epes Corey, H. H. Katakee and i. tl Thomaa were voted In as memhere of tha Commercial club at tha last meeting of the executive committee. Wants Can to Stop on Bear Slda The Omaha Automobile club has written to tba city council urging that an ordinance ba passed requiring that street cars be atopped on near sides of lntcrscctlors. Oommlttaaa Adjourn This Weak Only one mora meeting or the executive and other standing commutes of the Com mercial club la to be held before ad journment for the summer. Tho execu tive committee la to hold Its last meeting for the aummer Tuesday of this week. onth Omaha Wants Improvements The first public Improvement petitions received by tho city council from Bouth Omaha have been filed by the city 'lerH. These petitioners ask for grading on Eighteenth street, Q to H streets; also along alleys. CJ to H streets, Highteentli to Twentieth. John Zioomls to Study Law General Solicitor Loomis of the I nlon 1'a-lfli- is back from Hanover, where he went to he pr?ent when his son. John, was given his degree at Dartmouth Inst week. The young man has decided upon law as a profession and will enter Columbia unU varsity, going there this summer to do soma special work. Big Demand for Lots V Put On Sale Friday; One-Fourth for Cash "Splendid auccees." That la what irenaeus Shuler f the real estate firm of f-'huler Cary says about the safe of seventy-five lots In the West Farnam and Cathedral districts, which was begun last Friday and ex- ! Slotted a full page advertisement in The Boa. "W have sold all our highest prloed ,ots," ha said. "They went with a rush and to people who for the most part In tend to build right away. At least one fourth of these paid up for the lots In full and took their deeds. "Our advertising attracted a great number of buyers and we expect to have every lot of the seventy-five sold by the end of this week." Uncle Sam Does Not Require War Tax On Marriage -Licenses Cupid has been excused from paying any of the I'nlted States tax Imposed be cause of the European war. W. H. Osborn. commissioner of internal revenue, has decided that marriage certificates need not pay a tax of 10 canta and haa so notified Acting Collector North. Marriage certificates wera In a doubt ful class up to this time. It saemed they must come under the clause In the law which provides a tax of 10 cents on "eer tificatca required by law not otherwise provided for In this act." But doubt haa been dissipated by the decision of tha commissioner. C tnwt-RAi nc inuM fppi fw a W II awl I vt mm W I a ar i v wmw a w A TO BE TUESDAY AFTERNOON Trie funeral of John Epplen, a rasldent af Omaha for almost thirty yeara. and tha leader of the recent movement that placed the Schiller monument In River view park, died Saturday at Clarkson Memorial hospital, after a lingering Ill ness, will be held today at 2.30, from the residence, with Rev. V. Schaeffar In irharr;e. Burial will ba In Forest Lwn Jiemetery. He was one of Omaha's most J prominent and active cltisena of German iescent, came here when 38 years of sge IVid for twenty-three years was brew master for Mats Bros. The Epplen home is tit 2FH South Tenth street. Surviving him ara hla wtfa, three sons, Dr. Frederick of Spokane, Walter O,, of Greeley, Colo., and Carl E., of Lincoln; also a niece, Mra. Louisa Munser. Mr. Epplen was born In Wurten- burg, and came to America five years before he chose Omaha aa his permanent location. Pallbearers will be: Louis Metz, John Buck, John Lundgraff, Fred Drews, Charles Schartow, Jacob Schoeaaler, Henry Schultz and John R. Brandt. Entire Family is Down With Typhoid Julia, Mary, Margaret and Madeline McBlllgott, 11, 23. 11 and 14 yeara of age, respectively, ara itricken with typhoid fever at their home, 3017 Oak etreet. 1is. McBlllgott hajs been ill ten days and har daughters followed within a few days. Tha health department haa Isolated the esses and efforts are being made to trace tha source of tha disease. Tha tamlly have their own cow and use city water, neither of which Is believed to have transmitted tha germs. TAKES POISON GIVEN TO HIM BY SOME "FRIEND" Harry Brounls of tha Hubble hotel took a bichloride tablet accidentally and waa saved from aerioua Illness, if not death, by tha prompt action of Drs. Zlmmerer and Phillips. The police are looking for friend'' of Brounls who gave him tha i jnedlclna as a relief for stomach trouble. Oalr 1wot taa Go. V Those who ara so fortunate that ei Vtns dea not have to be considered ara v pensa now ' if tr going to health resorts to get rid tho Impurities of the system that ranee rheumatism, swollen, aching Joints ml eMf, painful mu les. ir you ara one or ti'oj, wno isnnot go, yet reel that Vol need relief from such aln ami mlstry. tiy Foley. Kidney Pills They restore ti e Mdne to healthful activity sr.d niaUe you fel well and strong. Sold erj where Advertisement, WEATHER STATION OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 Rapid Progress is Being Made on Central Weather Plant on the Drexel Farm. ONE NEW BUILDING NEEDED Work at the. new government aero loglcal station, four miles northeast of Elkhorn. la progressing rapidly, and It will be In condition for active observations by September 1, says, Local Forecaster Welsh. The fine farm buildings on the Drexel farm will be utilised and only one nfldl tlonal building, will be needed. This 1h to house the reeling apparatus used In sending up and drawing down the big box kites. "Often tho box kites are sent to a height of four miles." said Colonel Welsh, "and that mesna that ten miles of piano wire is out. They exert a strong pull, often e'lusl to 2W pounds, so It Is neces sary to have electric motors to pull the kites down. "One reason for locating the station some distance from the city Is that the kites sometimes break loose, in which event, the falling of the plsno wlie over live wires would constitute a source of great danger. "The government balloons used In ob servation work arc bought from Russia, which Is the only country where they l have the secret of making a balloon that will go sufficiently high for our purpose without bursting. Then are records of these baloons reaching a height of twenty-four miles. At that height, owing to the rarity of the atmosphere, they must expand to tremendous propor tions. "E.'aeh balloon Is equipped with a meteorograph which ie-oida atmospheric pressure, wind velocity, humidity and temperature. In the balloons this Is fastened to a parachute and when the balloon finally reaches a height no great that It hursts the meteorograph is wafted safely to terra flrma on the paruchute. A notice Is on the Instrument telling the finder where to send It and It Is already franked for transmission through the malls. A small reward la given to each finder. None of these metoerographa has ever been lost." Some confusion has resulted because mall to the new station goes via tho little town of Washington, Neb. Mall clerks, seeing the weather bureau en velope and getting a glimpse of "Wash ington" have sent a number of these let ters Into the cast-bound mall bags. City to Take Over S. 0. Funds Today j The city commissioners will go to I South Omaha at 1.30 this afternoon to formally take over public property, I records and funds, is authorize:! by a I w rit Issued In district court. The department of public accounts and mpr ln -""" an - proceed to combine the funds. vonimissiuner miner or ine rmance ae- i parimem inrormcn ine council ho re ceived from the police department a pay roll for South Omaha policemen from June 21 to June 30. although the month Is not yet over. TRIES TO SEE PRESIDENT ABOUT THE WILSON ESTATE George Pallak, address Omaha, was brought back from Washington, D. C, and Jailed at police headquarters charged with being Insane. Phllak, It is asserted, went insane soma time sgo with the no tion that he was sole heir to the late Anna Wilson estate. He believed that he was being robbed of his rightful dues and went to Washington to ask President Wilson for protection. It was while try ing to gaJn entrance to the White House he was apprehended. EN UlJ Now is the Time to Buy the Enger at a price that will stirtle you Knger Six is tho car which came into this section and supplied the de mand for a big, roomy six, extreme power, easiest riding ear in the world, deep cushions, great comfort, absolute reliability a car with out an equal. The same car that has been sold as fast as we could got them for $1,495. SOLD NOW AT A STARTLING REDUCTION ! Before we move to our new home, 12th aud Famam, we oupgest to our friends that if they will act upon our advice and judgment they will not let another clay pass without getting a demonstration. The Enger represents real value, big value, conscientious value, value not given, no matter if promised, by another concern in the country. Take our word for it this is positive. F0SHIER-ENGER CO., Distributor, Omaha, Neb. P. S. We have several cars used a short time by our traveling men out on the road. They are as good as new they are not second-hand they are new. At your price, if it is reasonable. Holdups and Sneak Thieves Ply Their Trade With Success Frank Donaldson. 1K ."Sr.ltbT.i'TliMAORET ARGUES OTHER WAY stieet. as assaulte ling and watch valued at f.'io by two tm n w ho held him up In front -if hla homo early vesterdav morning C. F. IVnson. IIS North Twenty fc urth street, reports to the police burglars gained entrance to hla home and carried kaay Jewelry valued at I3f. J I.. Jones of the flchlltl hotel vi'ssed t n vrrv xal'.iitble Swiss watch after emera.' Ing from a crowd Sunday evening. Ha oflers a liberal reward for Ita recovery. K. ('.' Paxtnn, KOI Pouth Tenth street, asierta that the rar door of his stora ' was forced Sun'tay night and metchan-j nise to the value of t carried away by the thieves. Everett Purtws, 3M North Twenty sixth street. ws held up and robbed near I. Is home of !' by a trio of men. Tom Murpl.y, 1130 South Eleventh atreev lost a suit of clothee and a gold watch when sneaa thieves prowled hla room Sunday avenlng. Kothy i,B7ariis, Thirty-third and Q streets, tiotith Omaha, came homo to find his roommate, Oeorge Million, gona. also 1 in rash. D. U. nilingwood. 44 Hrandeln theater building, has notified tha police that a 'tint house at 1S13 California was en t?ed bv marauders who stole tools to tnc value of $!.". Tat Mereer and Robert Forbes, arrested bv Pperlal Officers Finn and Tagal for the theft of merchandise from Iocs: de partment stores, forfeited cash bonds by their failure to appear In court yesterday morning. Grain in Omaha Elevators Shows a Decrease for Year . The quantity of grain in storage In Omaha elevators Is more than l.Oon.Onn bushel iM than on corresponding data of one year ago, according to the weekly statement Just out. Combined, the stocks In storage are 522.000 bushels, whereas, one year ago they were 1,411,000. The division Is as follows: Now. Wheat, bu 44. duo Corn, bu SK'.ntm Oats 10ooii Hye. bu Barley, bu n.fsio Totals M2.000 1,411,000 The falling off In storks Is attributed In a great measure to bad country roads during the last two weeks, farmers not being able to get to the country elevators and consequently the grain has not come to Omaha. Tiien, too. It Is asserted that the demand for com for shipment to the south has been abnormally heavy during the last month, or six weeks. The whent market was strong and about everything offered was taken by millers. Prices were Vt to 3c up, cash wheat selling at I1.1Sh1.21W per bushel. Receipts wera twenty rars. Corn was erratic, prices: ranging from H cent up to i cent down from Saturday. Sales were made at fiPH to 72c cents. Re- .elpts were eighty-two carloads, j 0at were a cenU off and sale. price being around 43 cents per bushel. Twenty-three carloads were on tho market. Omaha, My City, is On the Cover Page Municipal Statistics for April-May, Just Issued by the city department of ac counts and finance, haa thia paragraph on the cover page: "My city Is there any thing more beautiful than that to speak of? Tou speak of 'my father" and 'my mother" In terms of endearment. Do the same in speaking of your city. If you do so, Omaha Is assured of being the greatest city In the country." E. V. Parrlsh of the Commercial club publicity bureau contributed an article on the advantage of "Stop Off at Omaha." l ear Ago. 37,000 STfl.iKiO Sl.Wrt jr. ,ooo R SIX-50 ffsssrsjfs aw EXPERT SAYSJJREEK INSANE Dr. Coulter Sayt Pappandopn'ot i Suffering from Paranoia, a Mental Disease. Oeorae I'aiipendopiiloa. on trial In .ludge Kngllsh's district court for shoot ing his sistei. Mrs F'llen Arbsnllis. Is Insane, Vr. V. K. Coulter, alienist, tes tified. IV Coulter was ti e last witness, his testimony being followed b aiau- ments of attorneys. Vr Coulter declared under oath thst In his opinion rappandopulos is s'ifferlnir from paranoia, a form of Insanity, hut that ho has not reached the slage of dc mentla In which he would he insane upon all subjects Mis opinion, the physician said, was based upon the following data the man s past history, Information secured dur ing two personal examinations and ri pandoitilos testimony on the witness stand. "Predisposition to paronola and some other forms of Insanity Is hereditary.'' Dr. Coulter testified. "The fact that the man's father Is Insane has a bearing in considering hla case." Mental Disease. Faronola Is a mental disease Induced by brooding over questions of sex, ssld the alienist, and dreams and visions ami Imaginary conversations with spirits are symptoms of It. The subject imagines that ha is Inspired by a higher power to commit acta of violence. Pappandopulos declared that a dream which lasted twelve nights sent him to Omaha to pur ify his sister's soul sftor she had left her husbsnd and children for another man. "Puring an examination of him Pap pandopulos told me that when he went to Greece t-n years ego he rni to straighten up a wrong done to his sister by a man. "He said that on hoatd the ship he talked with spirits who told him not to Jol-i the army. Me described one if the spirits as an old man with sharp eyes an.l a cloth over his hodv." County Attorney Magney In hla argu ment to the Jury asserted that Pappan dopulos was not Insane. "That defenno Is usually made when there Is no other defense," he declared G.S. Guild Funeral To Be Held Today The funeral of the lat tierrit S. ulld 1s to be held at Forest Usn lemeiery today at .1 p. m. Rev. Dr. Jenkins Is to conduct the services. Mr. Oulld was a past commander of Orant post, (.rand Army of the Republic. He died at Hot .Springs, S. P., at Rattle Moun tain sanitarium for old soldiers. Tho honorary pallbearers are comrades of Grant post as follows: Captain .Malllson. V. H. Oreen, R. A. Parmelee, P. M. Haverly, Mmjor Wilcox and Charles W. Alleh. Active pallbearers will be W. M. F.lls worth. W. K. silver and E. M. Cox of the Typographical union and the follow ing members of Bt. John" a lodge of Ma sons. Alexander O. !lddell, Joseph It. rhllllps and Philip Leyendecker. Stutheit is Turned Over to the County Ben Stutheit suspected of being much wanted "man In blue," of tha Ada Swan son murder mystery, was arraigned In police court on a charge of vagrancy. He was then taken to the county Jail where an lnssnlty complaint was filed against him by Detective Murphy. Stutheit waa apprehended some time ago on Information received by a local news paper. Since his Incarceration the police have been assured that he was not the man wanted and merely a poor tramp with a very evident weak mind. Reli able Information that tha fellow had been employed at Broken Bow on the day of the murder has led to his being turned over to the hands of physicians for treatment. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Rumor that West Declines the Office of Public Defender Ralph Wear appointed public defender bv rjovernor Morel.end rrfued to con firm or deny a rumor that he had refused to accept ti e position " the gocrnor do the Is.kmx about the appointment" he said Runioi' sal'l that Mr West. In n letter mailed to the governor several days ago. declined to sr.ept tiie appointment (iov. ernor Moiehead. In the niesntlme, has berii absent from Lincoln. Friends of Mr West ate outspoken In criticism of Mr Morebead's action with regard to the appointment, which, they say. was unfair to him. The governor first named Frank T Ransom. ho had not been a candidate for the place and refused to accept It. POLICE HEAR JITNEYS ARE ABOUT TO BEHELD UP Hearing thai thieves bad planned to hold up the Jitneys running lisfin Kenson and post perk Pundav nl A . police oflceis and deputy sheriffs scouted the routes of travel and as a result nothing unusual occurred. Tho bar tenders picnic took plaeo at the perk and the Jitney drivers had considerable rash I " re"ii or a good day's business C- "We'll just put him on Sanatogen What a happy thought prompted that decision 1 He wasn't his "old self" at all and try to mask it as he might, hit face showed only too well how pootly he felt. And so when a friend with con viction born of experience spoke of Sanatogen, they "put him on Sanatogen." Sanatngrn combining the tissue-building properties of FOOD with the invigotaling qualities of a TONIC rejuvenated his appetite, improved his digestion, brought rest to liiai nervei, made good the over-drafts upon hi energies and little by little brought back that old-tim vigor snd sprightlintss and Joy in living. Perhaps you have not yet had this happy thought perhaps you haven't yet "put him on Ssnstogen." Then simply lrt u tell you this : Over 21,000 physicians hsve testified in writing to the vslue of Sanatogen sftcr having observed its effect! in daily prac tice. So, too, have hundreds of famous men and women whose very names must be convincing people who know from personal experience the restorative help that Sanatogen gives. It is a ver dict that cannot bt mistaken. When will you give Sanatogen the opportunity to help him, or ktr, or yut ffroad Pritf, International (Vm-nrt of Mrdirins, 4Onio, m It mmw m mw wmmw mm 1 1 isj i mil i ii i ss wii ami is ! ill juaiii sai awifaftam i naa 11 r for Elbert Hubbard's new book "Health in the Making" Written in hit attractive manner and rilled with hit shrewd philosophy, together with capital advice on Sanatogen, health and contentment. It it FREE. Tear this off as a reminder to address The Bauer Chimical Co., 27 J Irving PI., New York c . u on JMM BA fr4N"w-, oT .. c. I Silf 3rj: !i -.1 e MA,.., .a.. 4JI-7 a. ut. IV'l'qa, The Pacific Slope, with its marvelous development, solicits you to journey through that land. The melting snows of its mountains are magical resources shaped to the genius of electri cal and horticultural wizards; those mighty forests are the last of their kind left standing on this earth; there are no such orchards, orange groves and floral landscapes in th world, nor does history record there ever have been. On a tour of the Coast you traverse half the con tinent, where the romance of the explorer, gold -seeker, pony express rider,, the ranger, tha Indian and the Spaniard, has been merged with the activities of the New West BIXH'K ntOTfcCTfclp Let us explain our various j the $67.50 circuit tour routes I your travel arrangements well ! CITY TICKET OFFICE, Farnam and 16th Sts. C ! EASTMAN ORDERS WEATHER - Declares, it Cannot Rain Tuesday, Jane 29, So Commercial Club Outing is Carded. WILL BE HELD AT FIELD CLUB Or M Mb ks now has , dang-rons llsl In 11. e line o' weather riosrf"Si lc tn.n Thst rival Is O T Fjtman. chair man of the entertainment committee of the Commercial club While Ks tmsn l exer has made good on a ptosnosti- s'loo thus far be ssys that Is no discredit to his standing as a weather prophet, for all of them miss their calculations oecaslon i al'y even Mirks Hut If Kasituan makes good for to day on h's order for fair weathei for the Commercial club outing at the Field luh he will have one aroie to bis '.eolt, and will then, so it Is understood, begin to issue almanacs for the future 1 Of course when rain spoiled the ds. ( Inst week when the outing wss In d j lad. Kastman assumed no responsibility, j for he never claimed to be exactly sure et-out that day. This time he has It worked out that It ne er rains on .lune ' ;f when thst dy comes on T.ieadcy. I Everything Is to start at the Field dub ai ! o'clock In the afternoon. loif con-, 1 teste in foiitsomc are to l-e played all1 I afternoon. Tennis and other outdoor1 ff ib t, MOllJ Mm I I h lli Umout Kdilot. HitfiillLffi?''! 'U I"' T ' ih.tTTmTm.dfl mfjrf I ' ,x iT IT' "f "i Tf 7T " f J lhonuT)ilHlolhiirl J?" ' wlf j' t II I'lln 1 ""ZUj. noffl.i,.arisd'Trnr. Af Si fl'R!1 I ftt J li 1 l 1...H. I fto not think I fM$MQ&"-: WN t" I 1 W Ml ii'SEt:::i .onM h... m.l n,, tfiVfiW, tJV lJ I 1 I v& itiNv. i iu do. irc A-"'' - Jt ii 1 I B I' 'I Tyr".!.?511 without Ih4 Snton Uh'.', !' fflK 4 I 1 ! I 1 1 I' Hi II - opntlnt qiillv 1" '." f.fl I (J ill I 1 I lll!'""- 5 si The map illustrates the Burlington's five through service routes to California and the two through service routes to Puget Sound, with the Pacific Coast steamship or rail connecting link; from these routes a 'See America tour may be planned that will include the scenic, the highly developed regions, the attractive cities of the West and Northwest. through service routes available at the $50 excursion rate; alsa through California and the Northwest. Let us help you make in advance. Z: are schedihed Commercial iluS hers are all eligible to tha lames and the outing whether ther are raamheri o' the Field club or not. Everyotie who plm Is In Una for some kind of a. prlsa, a ret her It be a booby prlsa or a farm. Tnen beefsteak at 7 o'clock, gftae tha shower bath and the Turkish rub that If the program The beefsteak la to cost ti 2.'. a plate, and reserritlont Imp been pouring In In pice shape Tha fon. men Inl Club Glee club will sins; Sune of the select of this bunch hava bail gool practice during tha week In ibe good roads tour of t5 miles they made through the state singing st forty five towns In the stale and eneoiiiisiiiia never a bri -k CITY MAY TAKE OVER THE AUDITORIUM ABOUT JULY 15 The dcpaitment of puhlle aecotrnta and, f. nance is preparing the Auditartuna bonds for delivery this week. AlltuHna; for examinations of the history at tha horde, and for other formalities. Com ,,,.lonr Duller believes" the city ahawH twelve the Sl'Aono within the next tw I weeKS. ' When the money haa been recerved. tha ;eliy legal department will arrange far ! the transfer of tha Auditorium pr"ty. : i About .Inly IS the city will have actual possession of the properly. The appointment of a manager and nait lining a policy will ba considered, tey tha elty council. 'Phones, D. 1238 and D. S580. 3