Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1915, Image 1

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    )maha Dai
- ' rvet of The
'.'.L. XX XO.
Oa Trains and at
Motel New Stands, Be
Th" - vfiv fo risfv
Stanford E'ght Take Second Place
and Syracuse Third in Big
rtinr Event cn
Pennsylvania and Columbia Finish
N:xt in Order Named in This
rOfCHKERPSlE, N. Y.. June 2S.
Cornell won the university eight-
cured four-mile race, the feature!
event cf the regatta, today by one
length. Leland Stanford was second,
Syracuse third, Columbia fourth and
Tonnsylvanla last.
The official time:
Cornell, n:30:3St.
ITlanrt Ptnnfor.1. 2 37:S.
Syracuse. 2"--Ss.
Columbia, 2l:o.
Pennsylvania. 21 :WS.
Smooth water, a fust ebbing tide anil a
sileht downslream breexe held the five
varsity crews when they started the four
wlle rare.
ten ford TiUM Krl y Lend.
Inland Stanford cut out a terrific pace
ft the start, rowlnjr thirty-six to the
Alnute and the Californians were soon
alength ahead of the field. Before th
half mile Syracuse challenged and was
on even terms with Stanford. Cornell also
moved out, wlille Columbia and Pennayl
vanla dropped back. Passing the mile
the rare for the lead, lay between Syra
cuse And Cornell. These eights led Stan
ford by r length, 'with Pennsylvania and
Columbia In the nit. Near the two-mile
post Inland Stanford spurted, but could
not overhaul Cornell, wno waa leaaing
Syracuse by a quarter of a length. At the
llrtdre Cornel! led Syracuse by a length,
vllth Stanford half a length behind the
Orange. Pennsylvania and Columbia were
on even terms four lengths behind the
Entering the last mile, the Courtney
crew wan weakening and Syracuse slid
ing up. with Stanford a good third. It
waa a terrific struggle, with Cornell and
Syracuse almost killing themselves off
for Stanford to win, but Cornell made a
derperate effort and drew even with
Stanford aid won In a terrific flnlah.
Syracuse was third, several length
ahead of Columbia, with Pennsylvania
last, . . .
... ev ...
The Freshman Race.
The second rare on the program waa
the freshman elpht two-mile event, the
entries blng Syracuse, Cornell, Colum
bia, and Pennsylvania. The crewa were
off nt S-f p. m.
Cornell caught the water first,. Colum
bia second, Syracuse third and Pennsyl
vania fourth.
Ncarlng t!-e first quarter mile Cornell
seemed to hold the slight advantage It
gained at the start, with, the other posi
tions unchanged.
At the half mile mark Syracuse was In
the lead by half a length, with Cornell
second, Pennsylvania third and Colum
bia fourth. Approaching the bridge
Syracuse and Cornell had a beautiful
battle for first place, with Syracuse still
leading by a half length. v
At the one mile mark, Syracuse had In
creased Its lead to a length over Cor
nell; Columbia waa third by several
length, with Pennsylvania a quarter of
a length behind.
Syracuse Increases Lead.
At the mile and a quarter Syracuse
showed almost a length of open water
over Cornell, with Columbia third and
Pennsylvania a sore lauL
Close to the finish line it was evident
there waa no reserve In the Cornell
hell, Syracuse gradually Increasing Its
no showed open water over Pennsyl
vania. Syracuse won the freshman eight oared
shells, two 'mile race here today by six
lengths. . Cornell was second, Columbia,
third, and Pennsylvania, fourth. The
official time: f
Syracuse, :2Pi; Cornell. 9:4S; Colum
bia, Pennsylvsnla, 10.-01H.
Keeps Others Waiting;.
The Columbia eight kept the other three
crews waiting at the stake boats for some
minutes and it was 6:07 when the four
shells got away. Syracuse was first to
get the Jump snd the Orange crew cut
The Weather -
Forecast tlll7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Partly cloudy, cooler.
Temperarmre at
(. m
a. m
7 a. m
S a. m
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
p. m
4 . m
p. m
p. in
7 p. in
.... (A
.... 7
.... TO
.... 7?
.... 71
.... 77
.... 71
.... SI
.... K3
.... H
.... M
.... M
$ p. m
Comparative L.ojti Ittcuru.
im. m. ijiv in:.-
Highest yesterdar M 74 M 97
Lowest yesterday M M "ii 74
Mean temperature 7d 36 . H
Precipitation 08 '.00 .00 .00
Tenil-ef aluro and precipitation depar
tures mm the normal:
Normal temperature 78
Cxceas for the day . i
Total deficiency sinoe March 1 121
Normal precipitation is Inch
Pefi-lency for the day 08 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1..U W Inches
I eftclency since March 1 S. 70 Inches
lftclency for cor. period. 1M4 .04 Inch
I cf iciency for cor. period. IMS .OS inch
Resorts frn Statfoas at T P. M.
station and State Temp. High- Raln
of Weather. T r m ox f-u
i.eyenne, partly ciouoy. bH
I'avenport. cloudy 7
1 'enver. cloudy
es Moines, clear M
City. part, cloudy
Omaha, rain
llapid City, cloudy 6K
Siiendan. clear 70
Plojx City, portly cloii'tv 71
Valentine, rartlr cloudy. M
muKBi-v imr or precipitation
U A. V'EiH. Local t'oiecaster
Djemn Paha, rorwaridirs
! i 3
! 1 I
"""HassMBJamsssMsaaMaswri sjssTllnssassssiMissjinsassws
Czar's General Staff Announces that
Army is Ready to Effectually
Oppose Further Advance
BERLIN, June 28. (Via
don.) The town of Halicz. In Cal-
Icia. on the Dneister river, has been !
occupied by German troops, accord
ing to the announcement given out
today by German military headquar
ters. Besides the occupation of Halicz,
the official statement announces that
the river Dniester has been crossed
by the Germans along the entire
front.' .
PETROGRAD, June 2 8. (Via
London.) Officers of the Russian
general staff now state that they
have satisfactorily achieved the re
grouping of their forces necessitated
by the German Gallclan campaign
and that they stand ready effectively
to oppose a further advance of the
AuBtro-German forces In Gallcla or
In southern Russia.
The Gnlla LIdb, river, to which the
Russian forcea have retired, flows
south from above Rohatyn and pro
vides admirable facilities for defense.
Fifteen miles further eastward the
Zlota Lipa, paralleling the Gnila
LI pa, the Russians believe, would
offer even a stronger obstacle to the
enemy, since it is supported with a
good railroad line.
The moat Important point of the pres
ent front Is that portion of the Vistula,
Just north of the river San. . Here the
Germans are attempting to force the
river and flank the Russian positions
along the Tanew, which have success
fully resisted frontal attacks.
The wooded approach to the river here
allows the Germans to conceal their bat
terles. but up to Saturday no real advan
tage had been gained by the Germans.
The importance of this move is well
recognized by the Russians, since, If suc
cessful, it would unite the German forces
on both sides of the Vistula with those
operating on the Tanew front.
German activity appears to bo limited
at present to the Dniester and Vistula
rivers. In the region of Lemberg no
serious fighting has been reported.
Mrs. Palmer and Sons
Start on Long Hike
Mrs. Charlotte Palmer and sons. Kd,
and Ross, leave this evening; for a hike
to Sajt Francisco. Their French poodle
will accompany them. All the walkers
will wear odometers, even to the poodle,
"Zoemay," for which a special odometer
was made.
Several yearj ago the Palmer party
hiked from Davenport, la.", to Lowell,
Mass., In ninety days. The trip to San
Francisco, Mrs. Palmer thinks, will take
110 days. She and the boys will follow
the Lincoln highway. They will walk
twenty miles a day, doing half In the
early morning and half in the cool of the
evening. At Salt Lake City they will
fill their canteens with two gallons of
water . each for the walk of 500 mtle
across the desert, taking also a good
supply of lemons and depending on cactus
plants for stimulant. They came 'down
from Fremont to make the start from
here and have a letter from Mayor Dahl
man to Introduce them enroute. They
carry a camera, a gun and musical In
struments. Panama Canal Pays
Operating Expenses
WASHINGTON, June 28.-A total of
14,000,000 In tolls wss collected for the up
of the Panama canal during the period
from the opening of the water way up
to June 8, last
During April the tolls for the first time
were greater than the cost of operation
snd maintenance of the canal by SS4.112,
the total for the month being S8M12. the
total for the month being S442.41S and the
coet ef operation $361, . the latter being
the least for any montli since the open
ing of the canal. The reduction in operat
ing expenses were due largely to dimin
ished dredging operations.
Partial returns for May indicate thstj
the tolls for that month will awell the
total for the eleven months preceding to !
a figure sufficient to wipe out the pre
vious existing deficit.
These calculations Jo not tuke- lnt
at count interest un tl.e capital invested
in the canal.
AlP.KY far defease of Dardanelles holding conference witU
nneval cf fcrces.
Aeroplanes Fight
High in the Air
LONDON-. June 28. -A dramatic air
duel In which a British aeroplane recoln
noterlng over the Reliilan town of Poel
cappelle. at a height of 4.W0 feet, met
and engaged a Inrg-j Gorman biplane,
which had double engines and propellers,
is describe, I by the eye witness at the
British headquarters In a narrative marie
jpuhllc today by the official press bureau.
I He wr.tes:
"The German machine first circled
around ours, at the amc time shooting
a machine gun. but so far as known not
inflicting any damage. Then our observer
fired fifty rounds in return st a range of
less than 2"0 arris. It had some effect,
for the hostile biplane was seen to waver
and after more shots Its engines stopped.
The enemy aeroplane then dived to a
level of 2,W feet, where it again
flattened its course, lying slowly and
"Tnder heavy anti-aircraft fim from
below our pilot turned toward our line
to complete his recolnrscence. Whn his
Bryan May Address
Sons of Teutons in
Chicago Coliseum
CHICAGO, June 28 William Jennings
Bryan may yet adresa the Sons of Teu
tona, "If satisfactory arrangements can
be made.',, .,
This statement was made today by G.
F. HummeU, chairman of the committee
on arrangements for the meeting which
was to have been held tonUeht and at
which It was originally arranged that
Mr. Bryan, pausing here on his trip to
Lincoln, Neb., should speak.
"The subject on which Mr. Bryan was
to talk was really a minor matter," said
Mr. HummeU. "We wanted him to talk
on the exportation of ammunition and
ho offered to repeat his New York ad
dress on 'Peace.' That talk would do us
no good. Stop the exportation of muni
tions of war and there would be peace In
a month. We telegraphed him requesting
a change of topic, and we shall know
more about that when he arrives here
this afternoon. My committee will meet
him at the stitlon.
"The meeting has been postponed, not
because of Mr. Bryan so much as be
cause It appeared doubtful If the Coliseum
could be prepared to hold the crowd.
Later wo wll have the meeting and Mr.
Bryan will be the principal speaker if
w-e. can make satisfactory arrangements
with him."
"Would a talk of peace be setiefao
tory?" Mr. Hummel was asked.
"A talk on peace would do us no
good," Mr. Hummel reiterated.
BAN FRANCISCO, June 28. William
uemgings , Bryaji, former secretary of
State, haa accepted an Invitation to de-
Uver an address at a mass meeting; to be
arranged by the American Independenoe
union here for July 8, It waa announoed
today. Mr. Bryan win also be the orator
at a Fourth of July celebration next
Monday. The American Indepednenco
union seeks to present fairly the German
view of proper American neutrality.
President Takes
Motor Ride and
Plays Golf Game
CORNISH, N. H June 2S.-Presldent
Wilson, settling down to the enjoyment
of his first vacation of the summer, was
up early today and after breakfast took
a motor ride of twenty miles for a game
of golf on the links of the Hanover
Country club.
As Mr. Wilson, accompanied by Dr.
Cary T. Grayson, rode Into Hanover, he
was recognised and acknowledged greet
ings by smiling and raising his ca
The president planned to devote iot
of the afternoon to official fcuslnms.
The petition of New York Importers
for the assistance of the American gov
ernment In getting goods out of Rotter
dam and other neutral ports abroad, will
be considered by the president In the
preparation of the note to Great Britain
which will be sent to London soon after
his return to Washington.
British Ship Indrani
Sunk Offjrish Coast
LONDON. June tS.-The British steam
ship Indrani of S.SM tons grefss, was sunk
on Sunday by a German sabmarlne at a
point southwest of Tutkar, Ireland. The
crew of the Indrani was saved. '
The steamship Indrani on Its last east
ern voyage across the Atlantic, sailed
from New York. May St, by ay of
Bordeaux for Glasgow, where it arrived
.June it. The Indrani w art f..t
fort) -four foot beam and twenty-seven
feet deep. It was tiullt st Liverpool In
ISWl and owned by l)nlson Uros. of
Glasgow. Tmkar Bock Is an iM off
the southern! -nnl of Wexfoid county,
in Ft, (J corses channel.
Dramatic Duel
Above Poelcappelle
machine wss hit he decided to make for
home. The petrol tank had been pierced
and as the aeroplane gilded downwards
on a slant the petrol was set allaht by
the exhaust and ran Mating down the
front of the body of I'ne aeroplane. The
machine traveled on. The unused roumla
of machine gun ammunition exploded In
the heat and the pilot s loaded revolver
was discharged.
"The pilot, however, did not lose con
trol and the aeroplane pioreeded jtcmllly
on a downward course. Before It had
reached the ground a lume part of the
frame work had been destroyed. Kven the
hardwood bladea of tho propeller were so
burned that the propeller ceas'vl to re
volve. "When the machine finally landed hack
of our lines both officers ha I been
severely burned and the pilot, i limbing
out of the biasing wreck, trlppel over a
wire stay . and sprained his nnkl- The
few servlcable portions of the aeroplane
were then collected and removed under
the shrapnel of the Gorman guns."
Interview, With
Pope Is Invention,
Writes Secretary
ROME, June SR. (Via Tarls.) An In
terview published In the Corriere il'ltalta
this morning with Cardinal Pletri Gas
perrl. the papal secretary ot sta'e,' dls-ct-ssed
the interview obtained last week
by Louis Lataple, a member of the staff
of the Paris La Liberie, with Pope Bene
dict. The secretary of state saysi
"M. Lataple invented entirely many
trave assertions. You must remember
that a phrase lnsolated from the context
cannot reproduce faithfully a thought.
cr, what Is worse. It gives a meaning
entirely false. j
For Instance, take the quotations re
garding hostages la Berlin. What con
fusion! The pontiff is made to mix the
Jews of Gallcla, the Austrian priests of
Cremona and the Belgian prelate, all
of which, according to M. Lataple, was
covered tn the allocution of January 22.
"With regard to the Jews It was In
Varch that Austria-Hungary sent a pro
test to the Holy See. The protest was
not mentioned, as the Vatican could not
condemn Russia on the sole affirmation
of Austria-Hungary.
"The pope was Informed that Italy had
taken some parish priests of the towns
occupied as hostages, but the bishop of
Cremona informed him that they were
tieated with every regard. Indeed the
pontiff furnishes them with fund for
masses. The pope knows all this per
fectly. How then could he put them in
a category with the Belgian and French
hostagea or with the Jews of Russia?
"With regard to General von Blsslng,
the German governor of Belgium, neither
the holy father nor secretary of state
ever received a letter or a commt'nlca.
tion from him directly or Indirectly. the pope could not refer to such a
letter, and he did not. The letter was
born of the fervid Imagination of M.
Carranza Army
Defeated at Gates
.of Mexican Capital
WASHINGTON, June 2S.Further con
firmation of the defeat of the Carranza
army advancing on Mexico City, brought
to Vera Crus by an American from the
capital, was reccled today at tjie State
The State department's dispatch said
General Carrar.xa was rushing troop
trains from Vera Ctus to the rapltol.
that fighting, at the hour the courier
started, still was going on In the out
skirts of Mexico City sod that a repeti
tion of the "tragic ten days" which pre
ceded the overthrow of Madcro with
probably added horrora, was feared.
Included In the State department's dis
patch from Vera Cms was this:
"Zapata forces defeated Carranza forces
In Mexico City. Capital entirely cut off
from the world. Carrama rushing all
availablo men to Mexico City. No food
In Mexico City."
Great doing's are scheduled
for Omaha's Independence
Day celebration racing,
wrestling, base ball, fire
works, picnics. "Stop off
then and have an extra
food time.
British Military Experts Think the
Slav-Teuton Contest for Racial
Ascendancy is Near the
High Water Mark.
1 1 i
Belief Expressed that Retreat Willi
Only Delay Successful Coun
ter Movement.
LONDON. June 2S. The anniver
sary today of the assassination at
Surayevo of Archduke Francis Ferdi
nand of Austria, which turned Eu
rope Into an armed famp, finds the
strugRlo between Teutonlsin and
Slavism for racial ascendancy n sar
in what Is thought hero to be Its
high water mark, with the Teutonic
armies for the most part still out
wardly dominating the situation.
The penetration of the Germanic
armies eastward from Lemberg has
had the Inevitable result of forcing
the Russians from the thirty-mile
front, between Bobrka and Zurawna.
The Muscovites are now falling hack to
the Onlla Llpa river. Military writers
her anticipate that this wll necessitate
a total withdrawal from tho Dniester and
thru the Russians will make their next
real stand on' the river Bug.
These writers also hoM that though
the Russian retreat must mean a great
retards tion to the prospect of a Musco
vite recovery to a condition making a
counter offensive possible. It haa also
robbed the Austro-Germans of what
mlKht have been a Complete victory had
they forced tho Russians to fight to a
finish Instead of the latter being able to
withdraw their armies virtually Intact.
French Are Less Active.
In the western field of war the French
offensive seems less active than for some
time past pending consolidation of the
ground already won and a clearer Insight
Into the next move projected by the Ger
mane. j'"h
F.ritlsh att
From Ijike Victoria Nyania. In Africa,
war office reporta a fruitful
ark on the German' fortified
port or Eukoba. the movement being
made both from land and water, wlUi the
result than on June 26 the fort was de
Mroyed, the wireless station put out of
action, many boats sunk and guns' a P-
iuna ana destroysa.
Rumor continues busy with 1 the UmI
kans. but thoitf who know the secret of
tne Bulgarian mystery are awaiting .their
own time for divulging It. The only fact
which Is public property at- present is
that the Bulgarians are still receiving
offers from both sides.
War in Europe Will
Be Issue in Election
Up in South Dakota
PIOHX FALLS, 8. D., June .-(Spe-fclal.-The
European war has "busted
up" the official family of Shertf Henry
Heerleln. of Brule county, and one of
his chief deputies, dissatisfied .with the
pro-German expressions of his chief, be
ing himself a partisan o the allies, has
resigned his office by flllua- with the
sheriff one of the most remarkable resig
nations on record. The retiring deputy
announces that he will be a candidate
for sheriff to succeed Sheriff Heerleln,
and the prospect Is that the chief Issue
of the campaign will bo the European
war. The retiring deputy, W. B. Harker,
of Kimball, will endeavor to rally the
anti-German voters of tho county for
the purpose of bringing about the
political downfall of his former chief.
The resignation, which Is perhaps the
most unluue document of Its kind ever
filed In South Dakota. In part follows:
As your deputy I have earnestly and
conscientiously endeavored to discharge
the duties therewith. In accordance with
your policies, and attempted In all my
acts and utterances to maintain a strict
and Impartial neutrality In the present
conflict raging between Germanv. Eng
land and other powers. I feel, however
that as a member of your oflclal Umlly
I ahouid not be held answerable for re
cent utterances of yours which were sadly
detrimental to Englaud and England's
sing. I feel further that as a member of
your official family I must curb mv
tongue In respect to Germany's sub
marine policy which has resulted In the
loss of so many American lives, snd If
I return the commission you Imve hon
ored me with, I cao. as a nrivsia , hi....
express In my own weak way my altitude
.mi inrnr. prnpoamons. i realize that your
aspirations as well as mine ara to In
sure a lasting peace, and for thla we can
both work, though perhaps from differ
ent angles, you aa a trusted mil r.
epected pesce officer nnd I sa a private
citizen. Though our opinions m
ously conflict, we can take consolation
in the fact that our ultimate aims
It Is feared that as a result of the
break hetwen the two officials the
boasted neutrality of the United States
rrsy receive a severe Jar.
Former Gage Resident
Killed in Tornado
BEATRICE. Neb., June 2S.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Word was received here this
afternoon from Hasty, Colo., that P. M
Miller, a farmer, who formerly lived near,1
uriuina, county, has be a killed In
a tornado near that place when tho roof
of his house collapsed.
BURLINGTON, la.. June 28 -Mrs. Ida
Bommers. who waa shot by Herman
Schnlttger. a railroad policeman, Satur
day evening, died this morning. Schnltt
ger, who shot himself through the head
aftr wounding the woman, succumbed
two hours afterwards Mrs. flnmmers
hsd refused to marry Schnlttger and
Jealousy, of another suitor prompted the
Dispatch from Ambassador Oerard
Causes Feeling of Optimism at
State Department.
June 2S. A
favorable reply by Germany to thej
last American note on submarine,
nrfare Is Indicated In today's State
.t pari uieni advices iroin rieriin.
The advices came from Ambassa-
dor Gerard and were notably the first
of a definite nature received since
the American note reached the Oer-1
man foreign office. The exact na-
ture of the ambassador's
message ;
was not divulged snd U did not be
come known whether he revealed any
Indication of the trend of the forth
coming German reply. The ambassa
dor's dispatch was of sufficient de
tail, however, to put officials In an
optimistic attitude. It was commu
nicated at once to Tresldent Wilson
at the summer White House at Cor
n'sh, N. If.
(lerharrt'a Message Fffeetlre.
Ambassndos rrsrard based his observa
tions on the favorable effect which the
visit of Dr. Anton Meyer-Gerhard,
emissary of Count von Hemstorff, the
German ambassador here, had produced
on officials of the German government.
Dr. Oerhsrd was understood by Am
bassador Gerard to have reported that
I public opinion In the I'nlted ftates hail
been growing more ind more favorable
to Germany, when the sinking of the
Liisltanla undid what bad been accom
plished. Gerhard made 11 clear also that
the I'nlted Statea did not want war, but
wanted a satisfactory reply to Its
German official are eager, according
to Ambassador Gerard's report, to give
such an answer, but they have made It
clear that Germany cannot make any eon
cessions which would Cestroy the effec
tiveness of the submarine. The German
government. It la understood. Is eeeklnjg
to find some method by which Americans
traveling on ships primarily used for
passenger trafflo shall be safe when the
submarine continues Its activity against
freight ships carrying chiefly contraband.
Wishes to Proteet Amerlraea.
Just what proposal Germany will make
officials here cannot conjecture, but since
Germany seems to be wllllhg to safe
guard the rights of Americans on ships
primarily engaged in passenger trafflo
an adherence to the principles expressed
In the Amerinan not that non-combatants
should be Immune from attack
would seem In the opinion of officials
here to be reconixed.
No Information had been received . on
what the attitude of Germany would be
toward assuming liability for the loss
of American lives on the Lusltanta,. but
the feeling prevails that If a Satisfactory
arrangement can be made as to the
future conduct of submarines towards
vessels carrying Americans, Germany
would suggest a basis for a favorable
adjustment of the Lualtanla rase as well.
Landis Will Rule
on All Issues Raised
in Base Ball Suit
CHICAGO, June 2. Judge 'Kenesaw
M. Landis In the United States court
, iy
today promised an early decision In the
case involving conflicting
claims to ball players brought about by
the entrance Into major base ball of the
Federal league.
The announcement was made In con
nection with a petition seeking dissolu
tion ' of the Injunction which prevents
Amando Marsans from playing with the
St. Louis Federsls.
Judge Landis, in saying hs would ren
der a decision in the Federal league suit,
indicated that he would decide all the
points involved. Including the anti-trust
question- He said he had delayed the
decision In tne hops that base ball would
generally benefit by the delay.
LONDON. June 28. The French bark
Dv mfrlnsshire of t.IXi tons gross, hlch
stllert from Pan Francisco June 72 for
Dublin with a cargo of barley, waa sunk
toiiay by a German submarine. The crew
wss landed at Mllfordshaven, Wales.
The Day's War News
TEITOMC FOntF.S have pashed
tbelr war srroM the Dniester
alonsr the entire front, the German
official statement lmni, The
Russians admit that they have
withdrawn from tbe thirty-mile
Ronrkah-Znra wna front, nsklsg It
appear that the entire battle front
In this territory will be shifted to
the eastward .
TIDE OK BATTLE Is sgsla flow In a
with the Tentonle allies In (.all
ele. Kerman and Aastrlan claims
of victory are sobstantlaed by Rot.
slan admissions of-, retirement
south of Lemhrg. Kollowlnai re
cent Indications that tbe Germans
were rrsomtaar activity with the
possible Intention of br(Iaslng an.
other march on Warsaw down
from tbe east Pruaslun border
com reports of a strong; offensive
anovrment Ir the Teutouio forces
In the soalbera part of Russian
GKRMAJf HB1IARIMS activity has
born fralt again la the elaklns; of
the British steamer Indrani la St.
deorft'i channel.
over Smyrna, drop pins; bombs and
rsaslsg; more tbaa seventy rasa
altles In ' th Turkish awrrlaea
there, according; to a report from
Aoatrlans to retake th belahts ef
Former Dictator Sonnded Washing
ington as to Its Attitude To
ward Him and Was Given
"Unfavorable Reply.
Cientificos Junta in El Paso Has
Maintained Form of Govern
ment for Several Days.
j DrjfiMTVTwT a Mrntrtwa rw titst.
WASHINGTON, June 28. Inside
details of the plot to restore a Huerta
regime to Mex'co, nipped In. the bud
by the United States, began trickling
out today through the net ot official
secrecy, while Oeneral Huerta and
his chief leutenatit, Pascual Orosco,
are under federal detention at El
Other Mexicans, nearly a ecore of
whom had a part in the plot that
failed, and probably some Americans,
are under surveillance by the Depart
ment of Justice.
Secretary Lansing conferred today with
Assistant Attorney General Warren and
It became apparent that the Department
of Justice Intends to strt the rase to find
the backers of the new revolution. Where,
the trail might lead In tbe I'nlted States
la only a matter of conjecture. All offl
clala were silent on that feature, but It
Is generally believed by those In close
touch with Mexican affairs that the roup
waa to have the financial support of some
prominent American Interest.
Bounds WaahlnsTton Oorprnmrnt.
In unofficial circles It was disclosed that
Huerta In supposed secretion In his coun
try place on Long Island, offered his
services to General Iturhlde, one of the
exile colony tn New York and at the same
time sent an emissary to Wechlngton to
ask If he would be persona grata to this
government If he took part in Mexican
Iturblde declined Huerta's company and
simultaneously Washington sent word to
the former dictator that he would ba
persona non grata, decidedly so.
Immediately thereafter, the official ad
vices here sar, Huerta renewed his offer
to lturbide, with a modified proposal that
Iturblde accept Huerta's aid without
Huerta's leadership, but with the co
operation of his associates. Thla last
offer, officials here end diplomatics
with. Msxlesn Interest -wliu have been
keeping themselves Informed, say Iturblde
In view of this Information, officials
are pussUd to know Just how much, of'
an active part Huerta Intendsd to take'
In a movement on Mexican soU, although
thsy havt, no doubt that at least he in-'
tended to take charge of affalra on the
Huertlsta Jaata Active.
In that connection, it la known that
for weeks a party of prominent Mexicans, !
styled by the Carransa and Villa adher-"
enta aa "Huartlatas" and "Cientificos,'
have been maintaining an active Junta,
In El Faao, In constant communication
with General Huerta and other members j
of the exile colony tn New York and
maintained among themselves the formj
of a provisional government, with a
president and members cf a cabinet. Ad-j
vices to Mexicans here have continually;
indicated that the Junta was planning'
some definite move.
Secretary Lansing disclosed today that
an Initiative had been taken by the De-;
part men t of Justice. He declined to say,
whether any consideration' of American'
policy wss Involved, but it Is known au
thoritatively that the United Stales in
tends that no more revolutionary ele
ments shall be Introduced into the M,exl
ran situation, and that as far as porsible
there will be vigorous prosecution of all'
other Mexicans who may be planning to
set afoot military expeditions from the
United States.
Assistant Attorney General Warren!
made It clear that the agencies of the,
Department of Justice are being directed
rot alone against Huerta and Orosru, but
s gainst all other offenders affiliated with
all Mexican factions who now are under!
Indictment. Offlclala of the Department
of Justice were much surprised to learn'
that Huerta and Orozro had been re
leased on hall and ordered that a close
watch be kept on them.
flic Hlver Plant Darned.
I NF.W HKK111TON. Pa . June 2S.F1T
in the plant of the Townsend Rivet com-,
puny here today did tlon.UH) damage and,
Umporarlly deprived 2. "00 men of em
ployment when it extended to the power
house of the Velley Electric company.
- SSfl
t A 11 Rights Reserved.)
Twenty thousand Joys were marching?
down tht street
The battle's on. a million Glooms were
rmctherd to devest.
And ss the homeward march began,
we henru the Joy band
Strike up the tun". "We're going bach
to good old Want Ad. Land."
What makes Gloom? A vacant
furnished roc in an empty house
or apartment a .lohlesa man or
woman a stand still real estate
market Any one of these thing
tend to manufacture gloom. Yet
each snl every one can be put to
rout by t:e Want Ad. way. Es
pecially If you