Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE HKK: OMAJLV. A! OX DA V. JL'XH i8f 1U15.
Former Subject of Car Given Per
mission to Take Out Hit
Second Papers.
(From a Puff Corrr spondent.l
I I NCOI A". June ST. FMTlfil. A ii
ln riving the rights of a forrlgn Iwrn
citizen, to- complete, his cltlieoahip came
..p torfa) before Judge Stewart of the
Lancaster county dletrtot court and wii
bitterly fought out betwtren Assistant At
torney General Rowe. who represented
the applicant. Henry Epstein, and J. M.
liuiiicll. government Inspector, who op
posed the granting of the paper.
fcpstem came to Lincoln from W araaw.
t'oland. In 1J0H. bringing 1.1 a one n with
1 tm. but leaving hla wile and six other
children In the other country.
About a year ago. after getting eatah
lished in bualneaa and furnishing a home,
be saya he Sf-nt MOO to hla wife to pay
the fare of the family to Lincoln. Being
right In the heart of the war lone thy
were unable to get away and up to thla
time are still there.
i The agent of the, government oppoed
the granting of the papera on the. ground
that the ruling of the government for
l.ida the granting of rtttaenahlp In caaea
where the applicant haa deserted hla fam
ily. The point at Issue i whether Ep
atetn had come under thla rule or not
and the Judge decided that he had not
and granted the application.
Pollmnn Para Ta.
. The Pullman Palace Car company haa
paid Ita occupation tax to the aecretary
of atate. I.aat J ear It pfild a tax of UW
on a tfiM.ttt valuation, but thla year paya
tro cm a 79i.0M valuation.
State's Money e Head.
The semi-annual report of tha atata
auditor to the governor discloses tha fact
that at tha preaent time there la ill. 101.
H&.97 Invested by tha atata from tha dif
ferent funda. There la SS.t40.Ui Wl ot tha
educational fund. I22S.9M of the university
fund, ",) of tha agricultural endew
ment fond and H1.M0 of tha normal en
dowment fund.
From December 1. 1914. to May SI. 191 J,
ff2.113.0tS.70 was Issued In warrant and
M.K1T.S71.03 paid. November SO, 19H. there
waa In outstanding warranU.
while Mar . IMS. tha amount waa SfiSt
ail Dr. Kla-ta to Pr4ae.
' Dr. Klgln, who up to a ahort ttrr.o ago
filled tha poaltlon of alate veterln irtan,
lift today for Indiana, whera he will lec
ture for Purdue unlveraity In Ita trlpa of
iducatlon which It expecU to mane In
(he Intereat of live stock dlaeaaea and
their handling.
At the close of the lecturea Dr. Klgln
will gd to Cornell university for ono year,
taking special work along veterinary
' More Coentlee Report.
Two mora countlea reported t tha
Sive Board of Assessment today, Ben
.cr county with a valuation of 1508,332, an
increase of list, and. Dixon county with a
vcluation of 14,624,100. , a decreaae ot VA.
Committee Chosen
' " To Select Notable
Nebraska Citizen
( From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June J7. (Special,) On ra
iai t of , tha offlcleJa of tha Panema-Ea-rlflc
exposition. Governor Morehead haa
appointed a committee consisting of A.
K. s;eidim, Lincoln: .tullua Krnat,
oir.JhH; V.-. F. Pryant, Hartlngton; C.
ft. BurnhHm, Norfolk' A. J. Weaver,
F.iUs City; fi. C Baasett, Gibbon; C. !,
"orncll Valentine; W. If. Deck, Ithaca;
1". M riioome. Alliance; Roaa L. Ham
.lor.d. Fremont, and K E. Correl, He
iron, who wilt select orn distinguished
c'1isn of Nebraska nrfed for hla quail
'. V "-tatwrmanablp, llleratui-e, art,
j virmo or Invention." who will be given
apfc: l I or.ora. In the way of diplomas,
I'aLcrit aid other thlngi by tha exposl
t on and n special day aet aalda to con-,
f'-r that honor.
Body of Drowned
Man Is Discovered
1 ' . . r , .
FREMONT. Nob.. Juna T. (Soecial
' Telegram.) fiaarch of Framont firemen
today for tha body of Otto Ilanaon. aon
of Conatabta Hanaon. who drowoad in
the riatta river threa weaka ago. waa
( i.ccesful. Tha body ' waa. fount thla
rvenlng on a sandbar, two mllea above
Fromont, It waa Meattflea tonight by
ilatlvea.- ' -
i:TTON. Nab., Juna J7.-8utton will
: Celebrate on July I by having an rxcep-
ficnally Interesting anl attractive pro.
iit.m. rompoaad of music, apeeche by
(ri'mlnrnt men of the atata on leading
'.urn Ions of tha day. also all klnda of
mo: u, including a ball gam between
Grafton and Fall Held. Tha grounda 'at
tton are In very good condition, grand
sianda that lll aeat tha crowd la an
other attractive featurw. At a 'ecant
uiftting of tha Commercial club commit
uea were appointed to perfect tha I Una
tor thla celebration, aa follows: . Sport,
Henry Bender. Carl pielman. Homer
Uray. Program, a. W. Dunham. J. R.
r-aly,' S. A. Fiaoher. Amusements, r.
M Hanks. C. N. Ochsner.
altoai Paoaer Wtsui Deaa.
k'LTTON, Nab.,' Juna IT. (Special.) Tha
funeral of Mra. A. E. Llttlefleld waa
krla 'yeisferday' from the home of her
nephew. A.' Corey. Mra Llttlefleld died
it Collapel. Waah. Kha will be re mem
bired aa among thoaa who aettled In thla
locality In the early aeventlea. burial
aa at Farmer's Valley
Victor Becerda ef the Meats.
'Whispering Hope." that aaeet sad
' Nmpla -opUimsnt el known, to
the til Jar generation. Is superbly sung by
J1K Kline end "Elsie Baker, and these
twe art mm a also . contribute a : duet of
ll.e beautiful "Abide With Me." ' Ms
baker tie, a sole, i toe the "Eye Hath
Not Seen" air from Gaul's Holy City,
and -Read Miller , is heard In 'another
aember. r"My "out 1s A thirst for Uod,"
itom tbla'aaana werK. That favorite
stnrtag evahgeiUttt leader. Homer riode
I ester. ' Me sent a ' two more revival
Ij.iina. c'heUr As-the 'Years bo ' By"
and Vaie Jesus Came Into My Heart."
Omaha Sympathy Awakened by
Free Ice and Milk for Kiddies
Free milk and Ice for poor children dur
ing the hot summer months, for whl- h
The Pee haa statted a fund, la an Idea
that Instantly met popular approval. Al
ready manv persons have auhserlhcd
money t" Ihe fund, or have stated their
Intention to eubi. ribs, and all t-.nve ex
pressed enthusiastic approval of the un
dertaking. 'One of the best things imaginable foi
thla time of the year," a well known doc
tor exclaimed, aa he handed a coin to.'
the fund to a representative of The B.
"A milk and Ire fund will uo lota of good
without great expense and aa everybody
recognises tha beneflta to be distributed
br that means and amall suma will go a
long waya. the movement ought to be
very popular and widely supported. Tou
can count On me for further contrlbu
tkns."' That thla physician had aounded the
keynote of the undertaking waa readily
'Ir e got a bunch of klda and know how
neceaaary fresh milk and Ice are to them
Rey. R. W. Taylor of Parkvale Pres
byterian Church Speaks About
the Origin of Scriptures.
"The books of the New Testament,
like all the rest of the booka of the
Bible, wera given to us by holy men
who spoke as they were moved by the
Holy Hplrlt."
This Is an epitome of the sermon de
livered yesterday morning at Pa: k vale
Presbyterian church by Rev. R, W. Tay
lor, who has assumed the pastorate
there. Hie subject was "How Wo Got
the New Testament."
Tha text waa from II Timothy S:l.
"Every Pcrlpture la Inspired by Qod."
The writers wrote at different t.mes
nr.d tha letters which embody tha work
were written to different churches, and
they do not record by any means all of
Christ's doings, yet they have coma to
have authority and In a moat wonderful
manner, tha minister declared.
"Our earliest manuscripts go back no far
ther thaa tha fourth and fifth centuries.
In these manuacrlpta we have tha dif
ferent books about as wa have them now.
Numerous quotations from holy writings
go back much farther, but aa established
and recognised canons, tha dsta tannot
be fixed much earlier. .
"No church, through a great council
or in any other way formally selected
bur books from among the mass of evan
gelical literature. If there waa any forca
or power which had to do with their se
lection and arrangement. It waa hidden,
"Arrangement of tha booka as wa now
have them was by spontaneous consent
on the part of tha whola Christian world,
churches the moat remote agreeing Inde
pendently to accept tha same books. By
the weight of their authority they
seemed to crowd out alt tha other booka
that were then extant as religious Utara-
ture." . , . '.
In thla way churchea remote from aaob
oilier, at ends of tha earth aa thaa
known, tha speaker said, agreed on books
that formed tha New Testament wad that
without consultation, something ha bald
little ahort of miraculous.
"Can wa not say," ha added, "that our
efforts to pry Jnto tha origin of tha
books' formation. Ilka tha study of tha
geological ages by sclent lata, reveal
facta that tend to corroborate scripture
snd that tha evidence of simultaneous
adoption of theaa books by dUtant
churchea tends to corroborate tha an
swer that our Now Testament was (Ivan
by Inspiration?"
School Garden Club
Exhibition Today
The big assembly room of tha Young
Men s Chrlatlan association building will
b a busy place Monday morning, with
several hundred youthful gardeners ex
hibiting savsral thousand bunches of
vsgetables for fifty-four cash prtaae. In
tha school garden club movement's early
vegetable contest
A. feature of tha exhibit win be the
presence of sixteen Central High school
girls, who, although not contesting
against the younger boys and girls, never
theless have garden-chib ef their own
and will exhibit tardea produce, both
fresh and canned, that they have raised
thla aummer. Tha girls will also assist
Supervisor F.rneat E. Dale In arrnnclnr
and Judging the many exhibits.
All entrlee In tha exhibit must be on
hand by 10 o'clock, and tha affair will
ha open to the public after 1 p. m. Names
of prise winners wUI be annencod by
Mr. Dale before the exhibit rloees, and
the 130 In prlae money will be distributed.
The garden club work and contests are
under tha Joint auspices of ths Omaha
public and parochial schools, the college
ot agriculture of the I'nlveralty of Ne
braska and the Department ot Agricul
ture. Mr. Dale being an agent of the
WEST POINT, Neb.. June Ji.-fSpecleU
Tha program for the forthcoming race
meet at. West Point, under the auspices
ot ttut Nebraska 8tatt Speed association,
haa been issued. Purees to the amount
of 13. XX) will be offered, with three days
of real racing. July 7. S and West
Point claims tha beat half-mile track In
the etate and tha finest water In tha
world. Kntries will cloaa July 1. The
claaaea and puraea will be as follows:
Two-fifteen trot. StOO; 3:X trot. !; J Si
trot, St0O; .J: trot, ; S-year-olda and
under. SXO: S.0S pace. 1100; MS pace. !;
J .17 pace. $; 1:8 paee. 1400; S-year-olda
and under. The running racsa will
be ene-balf mile, ftve-etghthe and three
Quartera mile. Puraea Sl"0 tor each dash.
divided V, a and U per cent. Kix entries
will be required to fill and four to stsrt
V. T8. Nejigh Is president of the local
speed association and John C. Hansen.
. , . ' a
t. Kdwer electrician latere.
ST., EDWARD. Neb.. June ?7.-(Spe-
clal.) C. r. Fjmtth, electrlclan of tha
elertrto plant, waa seriously Injured by
ths fall of g pole on which he was work-
ins. . His collar bone was broken and he
was badly bruised about the head and
Bee Want Ada produce leeulta
, In the summer," a workman explained is
he contributed a dime. 'Ten rents aln t
much; but It Is all I can afford, and ba
, sides, even that little amount will per
1 haps relieve aome Buffering kid.''
I Pome subscribers to the fund, not h-
i Ing able to give large amounts and not
j wishing to have their names appear oppo-j
I alte amall sums, yet realised the worth
and need of a milk and Ice fund for poor
children. So when they contributed they
signed In Mich tyl"S a this: "A Father,"
"Friend of Little Folks." "Mothers' Club
Member." ''Poor But Willing," etc.
Perhaps the most touching contribution
or rather, promise of a contribution, mae
so far, waa that of a ragged newsboy on
Farnam street Hnturday night. He had
been reading about the free milk and be
fund, and remarked to one of his regular
"If I have a good day with my papers
Sunday, I'm going to give a Jitney to that
fund. Iat aummer my kid sister almoM
died, and the doctor said It waa hecnuae
ahe did not have pure milk."
M. R. Weaver Says the Way to Give
Alms Is Not by Sounding;
the Trumpet.
The evils of hyp.vrlsy and wrldly
mindedneaa were the theme on which M.
H. Weaver apoke yesterday morning at
the Church of the Hivtiiren (Dunkardi,
2517 North Twentieth street.
Mr. Weaver expounded the alxth chap
ter of Matthew, which la a portion of
Chlrst's sermon on the mount.
"Christ here draws a definite line be
tween corrupt practices and right prin
ciples," said the preacher. "For example.
He begins by telling them the wrong
way to give alma, which Is by 'sounding
a trumpet' to call everybody's attention
to tha act; then He tells the right way
to give alms which Is to 'not let thy
left hand know what thy right hand
"Proceeding now to prayer. He warns
them not to pray aa the hypocrites
pray, atanding in the synagogues and on
the atreet corners, 'that they may be
seen of men.' He says 'they have their
reward,' which reward Is merely the
adulation of men and the false reputa
tion af being godly. The right, way,
Christ points out, is to 'enter Into thy
cioaet' and pray In aecret.
"Tha question of fasting Is next taken
up by the teacher. Ho bids them not
to be of sad countenances, when they
faat, but to go on about their affairs as
"Another wrong vra?tlce which the
Master preaches against In thla wonder
ful sermon Is ths 'laying up of riches
on earth.' where moth and rust cotrupt.
Ha advises ' laying up 'treasure In
"Ha preaches here against worrying
about material possessions, against cov
eteousness and aelftahneaa. Ho points
them to ths birds of tHo air which 'sow
not neither do they reap nor rather
Into barns; yet your heavenly Father
feedeth ' them. Are ye not much better
than theyP V
"Worrying is a great aln for It 1m
pllea that wa do not trust Ood. Christ
here says, 'Take no thought for tha
morrow; for the morrow shall take
thought for tha things of Itself.' A truly
wonderful chapter."
Caseys andNewarks
Exchange Contests
NKWARK, N. J., June 27. Kansas City
and Newark traded gamea here today
In a double-header, 1 to 0 and 4 to .
Score, first game: R.H.E.
Kanaua City 00000000 1-1 K 1
Newark 0 000 o 0000 0-0 1 0
Batteries: Main and Brown; Falken
burg and Rarldan.
Score, second game: R.H.E.
Kansas City ..0 0 0 1 0010 1-4 S 1
Newark 000100-a0
iiatterles: Hennlng and Brown; Moran,
Kalserling and Kartdan.
. Reathern Association,
Memphis. S; Nashville, 4.
New Orleana, 2-6; 'Birmingham, 1-0.
Mobile, S-U Atlanta. 4-s.
Otehera not acheduled.
The coolest hotel in New York. Overlooking Central
Park. Within easy distance of all theatres and shops.
Your address known the world over while you stop
at The Plaza.
Special Dancing Feature
Siaie Rooms with Bath, S3. SO up Double Rooms with Bath, $5.00 up
Te reserve rooms er te see ere farther iaforasatloe
address PRBD STBRMY, M.n.iaa Uirsclor
yJ "?VrX
H. J. Hushes Co Inc.,
Thouaanda of the moat prominent people of Omaha and Nebraska will
testify that Vr Maxwell cured them of PI1.E9 and FISTULA.
a a m v e-" v S i, I VaT I
axwell haa for twenty-elrht years In Omaha speclsllxed In
Dr. Maxwell haa for twentv-et
rii.E-sj a.m
1CN11 DO
Oreeuate of Bellevue Hoepltai aledloei Collage. New Tork City. N T.
Hours te 11. I te I. Hunday 1 to II.
Patlenta Muat Corns te the Office for Treatment.
JAS A-.A Cw, .,t U 1. L I A M c . . . . .
svv-v-.w ..iwiw, mmnm oiuf,
taamlnatlon Free.
Hundred and Eleven Golfers Contest
on the Happy Hollow
With an ideal ilay for the sport, the
Harpy H .llow aolf course was" visited
Bflturday by the ereatest number of golf
exponent of the present season.
With th actual participants cnm an
equally enthusiastic a.illery to watch the
various experts on the green.
A field of 111 Kolfcra look part in an
elghteen-hole handicap medal play eon
test, for a cup presented by R. M. t,av
erty. lowest sixteen net scores to iiualify.
Following are those who qualified:
Ornee. Ttdcp. Net.
II. W. Morrow H 2
t. K. Pulver 1'" 0
n k.!! l00 5?
J W Cnmnhell M
.1. M flllchrlst ! i ?i
A. P. Vurtsph : f' I
Norria.Hrown '! "
Hlllle Fulled i"
Hlaine Youne M 2 "4
T T Wlturerflld K "
T. J. O'Nell 1S ?!
O. F. Ollmore 2
r it v,,lrv VI a n
.).' W. parihh M
F. B. Anions i'"
:. ' M. Wellman 104 1
C. Hauler " J
ii C. Henry 14 IS S
The last four players tied for sixteenth
place and will play off tie on Tueaday
For tioodrlch Prlae.
In semi-final play for Howard Good
rich prlre:
W. O. Phrlver (! beat J. J. FltxgeraJd
1 10) 1 up. .
. . r , r i . w 1 wnrt emm Rrvce
v.. r ' . i 1 . " "... -
Crawford V) by one hole.
In second round of Play or tne jaca
Beaton" trophy:
W. F - Rhoades (18) beat W. O. Silver
(171 4 and 3. .. ,
Art Fulconer (!M beat Thomas J.
Kellv (i' 1 up In twenty holes.
J. K Goodrich won from H. Johnson
bVa"ty!e (3C) heat C. B. Reed (U)
2 up.
In first round of play for "R. E. Wil
cox" prlxc:
W. O. Shrlvor 04) beat E. A. Pegau
(22) S and 4.
J. J Fitzgerald (8) heat E. W. Arthur
(14) and 1.
W. E. Phafer (4) beat Thomas J.
Kelly 122) D and 4.
Ij. A. Smith (24) beat W, C. Fraaer (24)
4 and 1.
C. C. (tadler (18) beat J. E. Goodrich
t4t Z UP.
V. R. Gould (SO) beat J. E. Pulver (21)
Happy Hollow Club
Makes Good Start
On Tennis Tourney
The following are the reeults of the
first day of play In the Happy Hollow
club tennis championship:
Herb Ellis won from K. Norton, ft-4. 8-3.
G. Tunnlcllff won from 8. Roaewater.
e-o. -t
John Bmwnlee won from C. Hannlghen.
-f 6-7. 13-10.
Kara Millard won from C. Belden,
6-0. 6-1.
Ralrh Sunderland won from Built a,
E. Folaom won from Herb Smalls,
-4t e-4.
K. Hsynnrd won from Dan Edgerly by
O. Mclntyre won from I Smith by
L. 8. McConnell won from CNeU,
6-4. 6-1.
Ward Brown won from W. Byrne,
6-3, 6-S.
Fred Crelgh won from N. Booth,
6-2. 6-4.
M. Rhoades wen from Bannister by
P. Peters won from P. Shirley, 6-1. 6-1.
llraun wop from T. Belcher. 6-0, 7-6.
R. West won from S. Clifford, 6-0, 6-2.
J. T. Brownlee won from Bertwell,
6-0, 6-4.
R. Folsont won from Hay-ward, 7-9,
6-3. s-.
The following matches are to be played
not later than Monday night:
Ellis plays Tunnlcllff.
10. Millard playa R. Sunderland,
McConnell plays Mclntyre.
W. Ilrowii plays F. Crelgh.
Uraun playa K. West.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Turner of New
Tork are making a brief visit to Omaha,
stopping at Hotel Fontenelle. Mr. Tur
ner waa formerly manager of the Bran-
dels theater.
Cup that Cheers
Every Home
Wholesale Distributors.
tree tine
ins ui u r mi sisfsi SIB., i im,n eO
Phone Ked 30. J
I'ouejas inunty ploneei 1O0 wrre
holding a picnic yesterday nftrrnoon at
Miller park, were surprised nl aiestly
pleased when the An' lent Order of I'tiited
Workmen band appeared and furnished
music for t lie day's festivities.
The nam! under Ihe leadership of N.
S. Reeves decided to sprtns n surprise
and did so in a manner that brought
them a vote of anprf lalion.
The day was snent by the oldtlme resi
dents of Douglas county in waysj that
they always enlov. The day was perfert
for their enioyment and the perk afforded
a fine Betting for recounting r'oriea of
the long ago.
Dr. and Mrs. R, K. Marhle and chil
dren arrived thla morning after spending
the weelc et Holnrege.
Phil Aarone of J. I Riandeis Sena,
a juicy steak
a baked potato
A feast fit for
a king. There
is nothing so
good, nothing
that makes
food taste so
good, as a bot
tle of Schlitz.
Schlitz is a
Food in Itself
It is all health
fulness; it's an
aid to diges
tion. The Brown
Bottle keeps
out the light,
protecting its
purity from
the brewery
to your glass.
See that crown is branded "Schlitz"
Tliot T.lede HHyauIcee famous.
left Saturday night for the coast to nt
t"t,d the Mvo expositions end otherwise
, en toy a vscation, boasting that
in 'ney would last at least a month
Kev. Frederick W. Icavltl of Plv.
' mouth ConErcgmional i hurch. with Mrs.
Iavitt. haa returned from Prete. where
the altciicleo tiie state conference oC
t ongiegallomU cliurches last week.
1 The social iluh en.ettalned number
i of guests at the 'Malcolm home. ?S71 St.
i Marys avenue. Friday evening.
Those present were:
Adu Fleming
Geraldine Sailing
I.ila Ptnneo
Oman Singer
rlck Pracht
I.eei McQueen
Vaton Mason
Rudolph Carlson
Flhert Flllott
Frank Plovack
Mra. A. Malcolm
Agnes Malcolm
Lena Marshall
Irene Fitch
l Eva W. Malcolm
Margaret Wallace
Ruth Hutton
Harry Fleming
Mike Hngartv
Alonzo Rnush
Nathan Sch'ilze
Kdlth Hagadone of Lexington,
Fred F.yres of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Sailing.
bCVB11! alsfga
Phone Doug. 1197
Schllti Bottled Beer Depot
723 8. th St. Omaha. Neb.
Phone 424
Hy. Gerber
101 S. Main St., Council Bluffs
4. erst Sforlkera an4
Assrrirs lint
- s .
via Glacier
National Park!
By overland trains across Rocky
.and Cascade Mountains via Spo
kane to Seattle, Tacoma and Port
land enroute a tour of Glacier National
aboard new staiunahirs Great
Northern and Northern Pacific
down the Pacific to San Fran
claoo Between Buffalo and Chlcaaro
sail the great lakea aboard the
Steamship "Northland."
Clip (he eoepoa snd seed for Expositions
Folder ud new Clacisr Park literature.
W. M. Romlne, I. F. A.
SIS Hrrrnth St.
Dps Moines. law
Geaeral Psserneer Agemt
St. Paml
d ir"'iwttffW,jL
W, M. ROM I NR. D. P. A.
SIS Seventh St., Des Moines, la.
Srad Exposltteas fcidor ao4 Glaeke Ptifc books.
flSM. . . .
Addms. .
CAo to ClberRziorts of j
Atlantic Coast . J
- Long Island i
NevEnqlaiul ; ,
-And Canada : !
Washington i
BtnAttf Tiwrdfrnt W eKatssd
at toltM Tiek4 1 OfiiMt bnatkimortirkmU
vr. a. KuwisANU. Tm. ran. Agt.
m-tii CtNttmal bank bldg.
qejg snprtao OS nrauxex iXET
U 'J U H 'O nneJr eueeajjt
tTO 'xaos 'a AL 'ssejype to no rrse
fco;e 'suepioj 04auornl exTdaxoo Horn
sof 'saXsnAVd zsAOdoe IjqTT pire
fvp oe t tram untt ttnj q;ve "da
OS'CSt vaoxt no) bob l 'dn 09Mi taoif
sq lent nesoo ontrettT eqt, pnsj aaears
Bospnx pwe eonaimeix eejc
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oAeomo ta XrrV eras no en vososi
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Mora Heart
Laa AA No
QmA. A sir
KA.Yoor Dealer.
The quality printer argts
his customer to spend M
money for good engravings, n
becatue tt u money well
Sent. The best printer in
e basinet cannot get re
talis out of an inferior cut.
We make then to toit the
Omaha vs. Sioux City
.linit' L'7. 27, ".'8.
Two tlanies Sumlav. Juu ;
I-'irm i ut ' m
MopiIst Oanc a Ladies" Daj
v Assericslirst r
m a.