Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
The Best .
Schools and Collates
t Advertised in The Bee
V VOL. XLV0. 8.
Oa Trstss sad at
Hotel Wswe taada, 8s
. 1
This Day Anniversary of Murder of
Austrian Royal Pair Result
in; in Ten Nations Fly-
ing to Arms.
Losses to Date Are More Than Six
Million Men in Killed, Wounded
and Captives.
One year ago today the Austrian
archduke, Francis Ferdinand, and
his wife were shot and killed In the
little Bosnian town of Serajevo by
Garvio Prtnzip. It was the act of
Prlnzip, a poor student, which ul
timately resulted'ln ten nations go
ing to war. These nations are, on
one hand. Great Britain, France,
Tlussta.. Serbia, Japan, Belgium,
l'aly and Montenegro, and, on the
rther, Germany, Austria and Turkey.
';e war to date, according to con
servative estimates compiled from
the best available reports, has
caused a loss to the various belliger
ents of more than 6,000,000 men.
diad, wounded and prisoners, and
mire than 600 ships. Of these about
120 were war vessels.
Outstanding Reaalts.
The outstandng results on land are
, these:
The greater portion of Belgium is
under the control of Germany.
Germany hat been driven from the far
A part of the Dardanelles la In the
possession of the allied troops.
l 'ortlons of France and Russia are in
Ui a possession of German troops. '
. v strip cf Alsace has been taken from
, On the continent of Africa part of ter
ritorial possessions have been lost by both
Various Island possessions of Germany
have been taken by the forcea of the
. allies.
Italian troop are in possession ofxa
strip of Austrian territory.
The outstanding results at sea are
these: German and Austrian mercantile
' shipping has been driven from all the
open seas.
German and Austrian war vessels hav
ing a total displacement of approximately
157,000 tons have bean destroyed.'"
War vessels of the allied nations having
a total displacement pf approximately
192,000 tons have been sent to the bottom.
Fleets Almost Imtaet.
The greater portions of the German and
allied fleets In the North Sea remain In
tact. Except for communication through Hol
land and .the. Scandinavian nations, Ger
many is cut off , from the rest of the
world. .
Efforts on the part of the Germans to
place the British Isles . In a similar
predicament has resulted In the .sinking
by submarines of hundreds of vessels
flying the flags of the allied and neutral
The sinking In this manner of the
'unard liner Lualtanla with the loss of
I acre than .100 American lives precipitated
f a request upon the part of the United
1 States . that such practices insofar as
they might menace Americans, be stopped.
Villa Won't Let Flour
Be Sold to Civilians
i DOUGLAS. Aria.. Junn 27 All rlm.r mill
f wners in Sonora, Mexico, have been noti
ced by the Villa military authorities not
t sell flour to civilisans under any cir
cumstances as It will be needed for the
army, according to reports brought here
today. '
Because of these orders farmers are
said to be making their own flour in
primitive stons mills and have ceased
selling to the mills.
Grain crops surrounding many towns
and villages are going to ruin because of
lack of labor to harvest them.
Laborers In southern Monteauma 'and
northern Bahuarlpa districts are refusing
to accept lsues of war scrip, demanding
wheat in payment of wages.
The joyful look may be seen (n the face
ef Karl N. Louis, assistant manager of
the Brandels stores, due to the arrival cf
a daughter in his family yesterday. The
young lady Is a niece of Mr. and Mrs.
George Brsndels.
The Weather
Tempera t re at Onaha. Yesterar.
Hour. Dec
a- m 7
a. Bi.. e
a. no 71
Urn 71
a. m 74
M a. m 7
11 a. m 78
12 m 7
i p m so
S p. m sa
I p. m 83
4 P. m M
p. m 3
p. m as
I p. m SI
Comparatlre Leal lUeord.
11S. 191t. U1J. 1SJJ.
Highest yesterday S4 7S m S
Lowest yesterday 87 S3 74 8
slesn temperature ..... W TO M S3
rTeclpltation .00 ' .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 76
Kxoess for tbs dajr t
I otal deficiency sine March l
normal precipitation 17 inch
IWictency for the dav 17 imH
Total rainfall since March 1. . im hei
i-enciency sines March 1 I n! Inches
I-xce for cor. period. If 1 4 13 inrh
Excess for cor. r-eriod. Wi ok (ncli
L- A. WtLili, Locai Forrutr.
BELGIUM'S BOY SAILORS Cadets on bridge of former Belgian school ship L'Avenir,
which has entered the merchant service and will turn over its profits to the Belgian gov
ernment for use in war. These boys were all students aboard the ship when war broke out.
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Three Employes Battle Flames
Whilri Wilson Is Taking
i Long Auto Ride.
HE HAS -QUIET DAT AND MGHTsam;'' a"0"1-' peepawd and.
"WrXtSOR, Vermont, . June ZT. While
President Wilson was taking a long
automobile ride with members or his
family .today, three negro employes on
his private car, were busy putting out a
fire which caused Intense excitement In
this small New England town. The
president expressed pleasure when he
heard of the work ' of ths men.
The three porters while at work on
the private car" "New York"' on a siding
hers, noticed 'smoke, coming from the
roof of a frame house near by.
Rushing Inside.' the negroes found that
flames from a stove on the second floor
had ignited some rubbish, and that a
woman was. vainly trying to smother the
fjre. -
t'se Their ITaMtU.
Without waiting for assistance they set
to work and extinguished the flames with
their hands. In the meantime an alarm
had been turned In and jl few minutes
later the entire Windsor firs depart
ment, dragging their apparatus,, appeared.
The fits was quickly put Out and the
three porters- received th thanks of the
cltlsens for . their .work.
The president's private car ' Is being
kept here constantly, in case a crista in
ths foreign situation arises,, and the
president 'should be called hurriedly to
Washington. At present he has no . ex
pectation or leaving Dexore juijr .
With members of his family, the presi
dent himself spent a . very quiet and
uneventful day and night. He remained
at the "Summer White House" working
on some correspondence this morning
and later, this afternoon, - went automo
blllng through the Connecticut valley to
Hanover, N. H., and White River Junc
tion, Vt . ,' ,
Not Reeoa-alaed.
Ha was accompanied on the ride by Mr.
and Mrs. Francis it. Bayre, Miss Margaret
Wilson and Dr. Carey D. Grayson, Miss
Helen Wood row Bones and "Baby"
Bayre remained at Harlakenden house.
During the ride the president and his
party became lost several times, and Mr.
Wilson personally called to three na
tives along the roadside and asked the
way. In no lnstsnce did the men show
any sign of recognizing him. .'
Child Unharmed After
Fall 'on Rattlesnake
PIERRE; 8. D., June .-SpeciaJ.)-To
fall upon a rattle snake and escape the
fangs of the reptile unharmed was ths
experience of a little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Jorgenson of Draper. The child
was following his grandmother, who was
wielding a hoe in the garden, and started
the reptile from a bunch of weeds. In
bis fright the child had stumbled and
fell upon the reptile. The grandmother
rushed to the. rescue and found that la
falling one hand ef the child had alighted
upon the head and neck of the snake,
holding it ao that It could not . strike.
The younatsr wss quickly Jerked to
safety, and the snake killed.
Boy Dies from Hurts;
Gaspipe Gun Explodes
SIOUX CITT. June H.-Earl Wllkins,
17 years old, died this afternoon from
injuries received when an Improvised
gaspipe cannon he was loading exploded,
tearing the Intestines and blowing off
three finger ami the thumb of his rilit
More Dangerous'
In Auto Than in the
Trenches Maxim
ITHACA, N. V., Juno 27.-An address
by Hudson Maxim, . the tnventer, today
threatened to disrupt the Student con
ference on International relations which
Is. In aeaalen hare. Mi.- Maxim aooka on
nemi sill, .awr lirs- nw vuucjiiurq , mi
remarks, thirty delegates who disagreed
with his expressed views, left the hall.
One delegate moved to. adjourn, but the
motion was lost. . An apology was of
fered the lnventer and harmony was re
stored. '
Mr. Msxlm criticised Pontius Pilate as
the "arch-typical neutral," declared mod
ern style guns and armament are life-
saving machines and asserted that It Is
more dangerous to ride in an automobile
than to go into the trenches. He said
that W4r has' never done harm, but al
ways . has., done good, and i asserted the
United Statca needed an army, "strong
and, skilful, enough to defeat any coali
tion of nations that could possibly stand
sgalnst us." ' '
Americans in Yaqui: '
. Valley Well Armed
? ... ' i.
TOBAP.I BAY. . .Mex., June J7. By
Radio to San' Diego, " Cel., June ' a.
Americans In the Taqul valley are well
armed 'with rifles and an adequate sup
ply of ammunition and' are ready to re
pel any future Indian attacks, accord
ing to advices received here today. Some
of the Americans have arranged to hire
other foreigners to assist In their defense.
Ths vsjleys of. the-Taqul and Mayor!
rivers were- reported quiet, today. Rains
have begun and, are expected to cause a
rapid rise in the' Tayul river.
This will prevent movement of the In
dians s to the ' Mayori " river, . southward.
where- an American settlement is located.
The mouth of the Taqul river was forty
mllea wide during the , December floods.
, Latest advices ' from La Pax, Lower
California, stated that that town and
vicinity bad 'been cleared In - favor of
Carranza. It previously wss declared
"neutral." .Guaymaa hss refused to re
ceive or clear La Pas shipping.
Estimate Provides for
50,000 Men to Navy
LONDON. June 17. The supplementary
naval estimate, issued today, provides
for the addition of 60,000 officers and men
to the navy. .
. This would . bring the total personnel
for this year to S0O.O0O officers and men.
The last vote of 360,000 men, waa made
In Fsbruary.
Italy Denies Sending
A Fleet to Straits
ROUE, Italy, June 27. (VI Paris.)
ins report .recsnuy in some quarters
that Italy had sent a, fleet of warships
to Join the Anglo-French fleet tn the
Dardanelles was seral-officlelly denied
here today. The statement says that the
report "at least Is premature."
PIERRE, 8. D., June 27. ("pedal. )
Catherine, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. -. r. carlln or Leslie, was
dragged to death by her pony a few days
ago. The little girl waa riding- with her
stater, when the pony, either threw her
or shs fell, snd her foot caught In ths
stirrup, in which plight shs wss dragged
shout Iffi ysrdu before her foot mas re
l"sse1. snd te'-elved Injuries from ahlrh
s died witliin a short time.
k .
Positions Maintained Concerning
Pappandopulos, Who One Tear
Ago Shot His Sister.
County .Attorney Magney main
tains that George Pappandopulos, be
ing tried on a charge of shooting his
sister, Mra. Ellen Arbanllls, with In
tent to kill, la sane and waa sane
when he fired two bullets Into her
body. July 1. 1914.
Mr. Magney asserts he does not be
lieve that Pappandopulos was Suffering
from peranolao delusions, when he com
mitted the . act.- "Every' person's acta
often appear strange and when presented
to en expert alienist' might easily lead
to an opinion that the persons is In
sane," he said, "In my opinion' there is
nothing in the talk or sudden attacks of
Insanity." .......'
Dr. F. B. Coulter, alienist, called as a
witness by the defense, believes that
Pappandopulos, who Is' a penniless shoe
maker, waa suffering from paranoiac de
lusions when he shot his sister, of . the
same kind as caused Harry . Thaw, to
kill Btandford' White. The physician will
testify to this effect Monday.
The trial will . be resumed Monday
morning, following an Intermission of
Saturday and. Sunday. The' first pro
cedure will . be- arguments -and-a ruling
by Judge English, 'whether a dream of
twelve consecutive nights, which,' Pap
pandopulos says brought him to Omaha
from St. Louis, to purify his sister's
soul, after she had left her husband for
another man. shall be received in evi
dence as told by himself.
Although . Mrs. . Arbanllls died at St.
Joseph hospital, where , she wss taken
after 1 the ' shooting, Pappandopulos is
charged only with shooting with Intent
to kill, because physicians say her death
was due directly to peritonitis, caused
by an ailment from which she previously
Shown How His Wife
Drowned in the Bath
LONDON, Juns 27 -George Joseph
Smith, whose three wives died in their
baths and who is now on trial charged with
the murder of one of them, Beatrice
Mundy, had today to face the ordeal of
a partial reconstruction. In court ef the
scene Immediately after the death of
Alice Burnham, eeoond of the three.
The bathtub In which Alice Burnhsm
died was placed on a table In the court
room, while a physician. Dr. Billings,
illustrated how he found Smith support
ing his wife's head just above the water.
EMdence was then Introduced to show
that Smith had purchased annuity in
surance from a company after the
wcan'a death.
'NEW TORK, June r.-Process servers
felled today to find Evelyn Nesblt Thaw,
central figure In the shooting of Stan
ford White by Harry Thaw. . She is
wanted as a witness when ths stste be
gins,' next week. Its side of the proceed
ings to determine ths sanity of her
former husband. ,
William Travers Jerome, whs hss
balked Thaw's previous efforts for free
dom, siso msy testify for the state. The
commissioner to tske .the deposition of
Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus
of Hsrvsrd. regarding Thaw's rollegs
csreer, will go to Maarhuettei Wed nee
?!ifiorrnTH lorrnrnn
Slav Forcei Which Made Detfrmined
Stand to East of Oalician Capi
tal Reported Again in
Vienna Official Announcement Sayi i
v ,
Enemy in Flight Everywhere in
Thil Region.
' 1
iunilvt u v,.,
VIENNA (Via London), June 27.
I The Russian forces, which for
several days made a determined
stand at positions to the east of Leni
brrc. were again in retreat thla
; morning along the entire front in
'that region, according to an official
i statement Issued by the Austro Hun-
""""" r..-. o
the upper Dniester river, the state-
ments ays, continues.
I Papers Are Filed in
Suit Attacking New
! Income Tax Measure
j WASHINGTON', June ?T.-Papers were
! filed here today In the first sttack in the
! ruprenie court on the conatltutlonallty of
j the federal Income tax, which promises
j to be the most Important case before the
! court next term.' Counsel for John F.
j and Horace E. Dodge of Detroit, Mich.,
j filed a brief of argument attacking the
jHirtat on income of Individuals.
I Tliroe main reasons were aaalsned fur
I claiming the surtax provision of the Isw j
;l invalid. Htockholdcrs In corporations. I
i ! " "7' 7'
taxes sre subletted to liability for the '
gains end profits of the corporations'
Mch have not been divided or die. !
tributod 1
It la charged also that ths provision
veals in the secretary of the treasury
arbitrary power of determining without ;
. i.-t.. .... - si i
t ii-fji iiis iicvucr avi iv vui win n nun noi
accumulated a greater undivided sur-1
than Is reasonable for the needs
the business. -,
A third resson is thst the provision '
i permits corporttlors to accumulate and I
withhold from surtax taxation such partto Isolated village behind the lines
of thefr profits as may be reasonably j to reef. It was a spot the Germsn heavy
necessary for the needs and purposes of j
the business and does not accord such 1
buMness privileges to "Individuals and
paonsrshlps. It Is urged that corpora-'
tlons are thus favored bjr a "noir hv
vldlous discrimination."
France Has Less
of Certain Crops
PARIS, Juno' 27. According to an an
nouncement given out In Paria by the
ministry of agriculture, France hau less
corn, fodder beets, sugar beets an I po
tatoes under cultivation today tnnn a
ytsr ago, while the contrary la true of
beets for the making of alcohol. The
acreage In grapes also Is less, but here
the difference is only about 50,000 seres.
The figures, In acres, ss ef JumSl are
as follows:
. 1, 1. 184
Alcohol beets
Fodder beets..
The foregoing applies to ths whole of
France, no distinction being mad - be
tween Invaded and unlnvaded terr'tory.
Observing the difference, the following
firures sre given:
Invaded Territory
ms . ii4.
Potatoes '27.SS6
Bigar beets 143.99S 12,008
Not Invaded
Sugar beets
. 64, m
Gerhard Tells Kaiser
U.S. Means Business
BERLIN, June 27. tVia London.Wt
la learned that Dr. Anton Meyer-Ger-
hard's report to tho officials charged
with drafting the German answer to the
Ameiiran note Indicated the serious na
ture of the situation.
Dr. Meyer-Gerhard was sent to Berlin
by the Germsn ambassador at Wash- tfjoniam In Eurcpe hss Lien serious! af
ngton for the purpose of Indicating to ! Uctwd by th. war ,nd , Jew there are
he German government the real attl-:., t tr their portion of the Zion-
tude of the American government and .. i, . j ..
lira t
He roported that the sntlment
nited Elates had been growing
Mmewhat-more favorebl. resardin, American 7Jonists. It Is contended thst
n " 1 Tnor r"rDie regarding the,., ,h. ,., , h. .... ....... k. l
I Prohibition of ths export of munitions of
war to tne allies The sinking of the
Lusltanla, however, undid all this. The
state of feeling In the United 6 tales at
the present time, he explained, was such
that it would not be satisfied with un
necessary delay in the answer nor. with
sn answer which appeared to be evasive
or fsited to meet the Issues squarely.
BERLIN (Via London). June' 77,-Am-hasssdor
James W. Gerard today called
at the Oerman foreign office and pre
sented the American note regarding ths
American ship William P. Frye sunk by
the Germsn auxiliary cruiser Prlns Eltel
Frledrlch In the Pacific.
The note finds unconvincing the Ger
man conditions for dolay in payment of
compensation uptll the case Is raised by
a prlxe court, and asks that payment be
made now.
Plaker Completes Task.
Vr EST POINT. Neb.. June 27. Special )
-Joseph C. Pinker, former derk of the
district court of Cuming county, has just
completed a three months' sag element
with the federal government. He waa
appointed a special agent of the Census
department to obtain statistics of manu
facturing Industries In twelve counties in
I iiorthesst Nebraska and two counties in
South IVakota.
Vorwterti. Which Isiuei Full-Page
Appeal to Kaiifr to Take Initia
tive to End War, Barred.
I LONDON, June 71. Publication
of the socialists' appeal for peace
'has resulted In the suspension by the
G"rm',n wvrnnient of the Berlin
newspaper orwaerts, which haa not
hettute(1 on rertI ofCae!on t0 M.
press views regarding the war which
aroused resentment In official circles.
0il)Brtlon to ths .oclsllrt party's
I propaganda apparently la baaed upon
the brllef that It may creat abroad the
tmpreMlon that Germany is weary of
No Ilaala for Belief
The Germsn nvrnmnnt evidently be
lieve there Is no real bads for such a
liellrf ard taken the poiritlon that both
military and political comlltiona are fa
vorahle to the Vusttn-Oerman alltea.
Tk. V" .,......- . . 1 1 . n . .
i. ttrlln In
chronicling the susiK-nsion
of the Vorwserts. comments on the so
cialist pronouncement ss follows:
"The manifesto a greatly to be re
gretted because It will crests a highly
undesirable lmpres1on abroad. The
manifesto may be Interpreted ss war
wesrlnest en the part of Germany which
doea not exist. Military events and the
political situation offer prospects of a
successful peace. The German govern
ment on Its own accord will do what is
necessary. I'ntll then there Is only one
watchword for Germany, "hold thrcJUgh.' "
Brave Men Die or
Live According to
Whims of Chance
(Correaponde nee of the Associated Press)
PAR,Si Jun, B.:..Lurk , D(tte..
the subject of sn ever-Increasing number
. j. .
. 1 . ....
.J" " ?' "t that was in
battle of Mnrhange. in ths battle of
,h Marn nd at th ,,Uck of Sparges-.
more tn.n a aosen nst
tle ""1 of charges, marching
ruin nme ai in neid or nia tmnni and
' '
ecn time running ninety chances out of
ilflO of being killed, never received .
scratch, although his regiment was deel-
mMed coth at MoHiange and Eparges.
Th other day he retired with his staff
artillery had neglected, although It waa
ln range. The chances were that he would
pass 'his days of "rest there tn security.
The evening of his arrival the Germans
remembered thers wss a vlllaae there
and began to bombard H. The last shell
they fired fell In the very center of the
mess room. The four officers around him
escaped with Insignificant bruises, but
the colonel was killed outright.
Six artillery officers were at ' mesa In
a little house from which the fire of their
battery had been directed. A Shell struck
It; five of them were killed and the sixth
was untouched. His men pleaded with
him to go to the cellar as long as the
bombardment continued, but he -Insisted
on remaining where he could better di
rect the fire of the battery. Scores of
shells fell around the spot without touch:
Ing him.. Finally, he was prevailed upon
to go into the cellar, and he had no more
than disappeared when a shell went
straight through ths cellar window and
killed him.
Sheila are more uncertain that bullets,
te soldiers say. The latter are expected, tloB bV reviewing the possibility of Gen
es the soldier knows from where they j,r"' Huerta's participation !n such a
are . likely to come, while the former
strike tn spots and at moments lea it ex
pected. Wind and weather enter Into the
elrments of luck. The dampness of the
map from which an artillery officer cal
culates distances may Account for 'he
chance' that brings a : shell to a soldier
or sends It 100 ysrds from him.
Palestine Possibly
Given to the Jews
When Peace Made
representatives' of
C Several thousand
JMonlut organisations
i of the country errlved here today for the
j opening session tomorrow of a conl'or-
encs regarded ss the most Important ever
held by Amerlcsn Zionists.
According to leaders of the movement
cess of - the movement devo'rves upon
v " "s -- "
competition for Palestine and t'uat.tlie
l logics! disposition would bs to aailnn it
to the Jews.
L. Brsndels, president of ths allied con
ventions, who was one of the spskers
st a reception given one of the delega
tions, outlined the purpose of the KJontst
movement, pointing out that It wss not
intended to compel Jews to move bsck
to Palestine, but was designed to uive
them more freedom. This freedom,' he
said, wss expected to give Jews lights
now enjoyed by other peoples and the
privilege of living at their option in the
lands of their fathers or In some ol er
Men of the Cloth
Called to the Front
(Correapondenos of the Associated Press.)
UDINB, Italy, June 11. In addition to
several hundred priests who are going to
the front es chaplains or. ss members
of the Red Cross, thousands of young
canons, pariah priests, coadjutors, vlcsrs.
professors in - seralnsrles, monks and
Jesuits have been called under . arms.
Most of them belong to the medical or
other noncombatant ranka.
Chaplains who ars carrying out their
ecclesiastical functions carry, bags of
black American cloth containing all that
Is strictly necessary for the celebration of
their office orythe field.
Former Dictator of Mexico Detained
as Virtual Prisoner of Amer
ican Department of
Ex-President Given Warm Welcome
by Hundreds of His Country
men in El Paso.
EL PASO. Tex.. June 2f. General
Vlctoriano Huerta arrived la El Paso,
cheered by hundreds of Mexican ref
ugees and sympathizers on thla side
of the border. Tonight he la detained
at Fort Bliss, a virtual It not a for
mally accused prisoner of the De
partment of Justice of the govern
ment whose flag he, as provisional
president of Mexico, refused to a
lute. Detained with him is General Pascual
Oroxeo. who. with Major Luis Fuentea,
a son-in-law of Huerta, had gone to
Newman, N. M., by automobile to meet
General Huerta. Kuentes, together wttH
General Victor Huerta, a son, and A. K.
Ratner. confidential financial asaodate
and Interpreter, who were traveling with,
the general, were not detained.
V. S. 'Officials silent.
.United States officials were silent rela
tive to future action, pending receipt cf
Instructions for m Wsshlngton. Observ
ers, however, freely expressed the belief
that today's action of the United Btatca
authorities will have an important bear
ing on Mexican developments. If It does
not effectively put an end to rumor of
a new revolutionary movement that have
been current on the border for several
months. Many were Inclined to see In
these events an Indication that Washing
ton remains firm In its attitude that
Huerta's return to Mexico would not aid
In adjusting the present difficulties and
might serve .to complicate them.
I . ... -1 .a
I public demonstration In Juares hout
I the hour Huerta's train waa due to reach
this city ended as suddenly as It bean.
There were hurried conferences among
Mexican leaders on both sides ef the
river. Many guardedly admitted that
Huerta's detention wss of the utmost tm-
Lportanee, but none would comment en
Its possible effect on Mexico.
romaaeat ef Asaertoana.
Americans were free xtn Uts'lr eomment
Thsy. reviewed the re Cent activities along
the border. , ef the cientifiaa party In
Mexico, the disbursement ef considerable
sums ef money for a variety ef pur
poses, the discovery of mast' a-uaa and,
rifles In an El Paso waeeuouse owned
by a, member of that party Jtad the ap
pearance of General Tnes Salasar. They
recalled the activities of Generals Orosco,
Caravo and Salasar In the anti-Mad ero
revolution and their subsequent service
during the Huerta' regime.
For several days there have been per
slstent rumors that June St .had been
fixed as the date for far-reaching de
velopments at Juares In connection with
the so-called third revolutionary move
ment. Some observers professed to see
a ' closer relation between these move
ments and the arrival of General Huerta-
jThey expressed the. opinion that hie de-
tentlon hod prevented such a consumma
movement, despite his declaration that
he had no Intention of attempting to
croas Into Mexico.
Opponents of this theory, who argued
Huerta as one of the strongest msn in
Mexican public life In recent years, be
lieve his detention may result in reviving,
a strong Influence on Venustlano Car
ransa and Francisco Villa for a reason
able conduct of their governments.
Another Heir to the 1
Japanese Throne is
Expected This Fall
(Correspondence of the Assoclaeed Press.)
TOKIO. 'June 10. Simultaneously with
the celebration of ths fifteenth birth
day anniversary . of the crown prince
the public has been greatly Interested
snd pleased with an announcement front
the Imperial palace that the empress ex
ports to give birth to snother heir in
the siitumn. The coming of tbie event
snout the time of the coronation at
j Kyoto will probably prevent ths empress
, .n. ..... ... .
lawmen. i us 1 1 in bvirniuium.
The emperor and empress have three
chl!rren-all boys. The crown prince,
Hlrohlto, Is a sturdy, active young man.
He is receiving his education under the
direction of Admiral Togo, the great
naval hero ef the Ruaso-Jspanese war.
The crown prince Is especially fond of
wrestling and the distinctive feature .e
Ihla blrthriav rlKvtln ... .- 1.11.1.
.--- . rkiiiwiiKin
of wrestling In which the greet champion
or Japan tcok rrat. His highness Invited
his two brothers, many young princes
and princesses of the blood and many
The crown prince was born when the
emperor wss 23 years old and the empress
18. After ths death of the late Emperor
Mutsuhlto. h'c was Informally proclaimed
heir apparent and on Foptember I. In the
same year, l.e was appointed a sub
lieutenant of the army and a second sub
lieutenant of the ns'vy. and was attached
ti ths first regiment ef the imperial
bodyguard division and the first squad
ron. At the asms time he was decorated
with the' Grand Order of the Rlaing Sun.
In April, last year, he graduated from
the preparatory course In the Peers'
school, and Is now studying at the Take
nw palace under the care of Admiral
Togo and others.
On the last birthday of the emperor
ths crown prince was promoted to the
rank of a lieutenant of the army and a
sub.Jleute.nant of the navy. The formal
proclamation of the prince ae the heir
apparent will be probably made In the
spring of WIS. p