liUu UjNIAHA MMA1 Hhh: JUiNL ill, iyio. itijoTA VY1JNS0UU- M1LE AUTO RACE ON CHICAGO TUB (Continued from Fas On.) WINKXRS IN 600-MILE AUTO, . CHASE AT CHICAGO. First, liad Ignition trouble and knit at uvcnty two miles. Llnberf withdrew at 300 milos on account of engine, trouble, and tirnitlon trouble forced Willi Haupt out at JTO miles. Eddi O'Donnell M forced out at 280 miles by engine trouble. tVondrrfol ftpred. The entire first ten driver -who fin ished bettered the record set by D Palms, at Indianapolis. Joo Cooper, who fin ished tenth, averaged W.I mile an hour, while De Palma's average waa but 89 mile' an hour. The time conclusively manifested the superiority of board speed ways such a are now located at Chicago and Omaha. The race wa delayed thirty minute In rtartlng because Burman had piston trouble. The speed king completely tore down his engine from the crank shaft up and put in a new piston. He finished the job In one hour and seven minutes. The race started with Rosta pacing a rcllmlnary lap. The famous English man went right Into th lead on the first lap. Alley waa the first man Into the Xlta. He came in on the first lap, but Va soon out, again. Tire Trouble at Start. : Ml of the machines seemed to have trouble with tires at the start. Chandler, penning. Maxwell, Cooper, Anderson and Jlesta blew off light rear tires within Jlrty miles. When Rests, threw hi tire WUcor Jumped Into the lead, but lost It 1st second later when he himself blew hi jkUrht rear tire. 1 Forporato took the lead at eighty mile. at blew a tire, and Earl Cooper forged his mount ahead. Cooper led at 100 miles. thus grabbing $1,000 additional prise noney. Cooper average waa 100.4 mile . hour for the first 100 miles. v f i Rlckenmher to Front. Cooper held the lead for a few lapa Jnd then Rest. Jumped to the fore at 140 jfrjles and held the lead the remainder if the race. i Rick eobac her first came Into prom inence at this period. He gradually 'worked hi way up to eighth position. it 200 mllea he waa fifth. ' He held that position for 80 Omlles. TVhen the 400-mile mark waa reached the 1 Omaha product had worked his way into llilrd place and ha stuck right there until the finish. Five atop for Bfits. i Resta made five stop during the race. Tour oftheywer made before ,tl:o 220-. mil mark waa reached. His lat stop made at 3 mllea.: The crowd .hud lered when It saw him top for it waa Veaied Porporato would yeas him. But Jlesta took on gas and oil In tewnty iseven seconds and easily beat the Sun beam pilot home. There were no accidents of any kind. Chevrolet had a narrow escape when his jnaohln side-slipped and he rammed Into Xhe guard rail, but when the car spun aiound Chevrolet got control of t and rolled Into the pits for minor repairs and wsj rtght out again. Jack Cable. Bur man's mechanician, had his eye cut by a flying splinter, hut it was a minor buiis. ijl was" officially announced that 80,000 people saw the race, surpassing; that at Indiana polio. Mr. Rrtts View Rare. Mm Knmta .l.tAf nf tho lt KDenCer Wish art, who wa Kiuea jaw. Augun i (Elgin and a bride of but a lew monies. jwatched th race ana waa tne center m (congratulating friend when her hus band won. Mrs. Resta was one of the (coolest persons In - th stand, showing anxiety only when Darlo stopped at th (pits when within three laps of victory. I Reata, by hi victory, absolutely, proved today that excepting possibly Ralph De palma, he Is th greatest driver in the itame. i He drove a steady heady race and lleserved to win. When 400 mile was passed Porporato and Cooper tried to pnake Rests, overwork bis engine by spurting past him, but Resta merely Sinned and malnained hi steady pace, e had a good lead and knew It and waa not to be tricked Into hurting his fchancea by responding to the demands pf the crowd to brush with Cooper and porporato. Reata mt Etm Momey. 1 Resta was the favorite and it was uni versally agreed he would win. Bets were liayed at even money on th Englishman against the field. Porporato was re garded as more or less of a dark horse, although it waa known he had the ability and the car to cop the large money. ! lUckenbachW success was more or less of a surprise, but It waa mighty gratifying. Rickenbachr wa the first American driver and the first American ear to finish. With better luck h might even have beaten Resta. Only six mln tites behind, moat of this time was taken lio In the Pita, Earn toppmg several limes. ' Reata waa favorite at the start and ed most of th way, closely pressed at Ul times. He visited th pit only three time. I held back a bit for the first 125 miles, kit after that I let her out and, barring tocldenW I felt aura of winning." said esta. When the raoe was over, he wiped the HI from hi faoe, shook hands with Bayer Thompson and disappeared to get jora rest. , Porporato had more tire trouble than ks companions or he might have landed he race. H started out with the idea rat an average of T mile would win, nd held that pace with little variation tor 400 miles, whan he saw that more peed wa necessary. Thereafter It waa eck and neck between the two. with Eokenbacher and Grant alwaya throating-. Too Faat to Record. A remarkable feature of th rac. waa its freedom -from Injuries to driver or pectalora. iThe speed of the' board track is said b have bean shown In it effect on the pen engaged in timing the rac. The Brs flsshed over the wire so fsst that he clerks were nnablo to. keep track of fcem. They floundered on the first lap, and be rac was all but over beor the lit i 3f "1 -I -3-1 t 1L. .,-1 DARJO RESTA. Third. 7 .... v. L a, x , number of car had decreased enough for thorn to catch up with the electric recorder. Thua the pectator during; mot of the race were In Ignorance of the relative positions of the contestant. The' Starter. Following wer starter: No. Mke. i Driver. 1 Peugeot Dario Resta Btui Howard Wilcox Stut. on Anderson i fltut Earl Coopr ' -...Maxwell.... William Carlson J Maxwell. .Ed Rlchenbacher ,J Peugeot bob Burman Bunbeam....Ed Van Raatle JJ Sunbeam O. Porporato 1. ............ . . 1 )f t ta T j-i 1 1 4 r,vi.nlat 15 rllHnHrv IT4 ft' llnnn.ll Punbeam Haryy Grant J" Deusenberg Tom Alley Neroer Otto Hennlng 21 Deusenberg. . . Willie Houpt H Peogeot.... George Babcock , ..hcbrlng Joe Cooner Ogren Billy Chandler U Maxwell Tnm Cww M Mlllfnrrl HnrUI T l,,tnrA 81 Sunbeam Carl IJmbert Dernburg in Berlin Today; Not Grilled By British Officials BERIJN (via London), June Jft. Dr. Bernard Dernburg, returning from th United State on the Norwegian steamer Bergensfjord, 'has sent a wireless me. sage to relatives here saying he expect to reach Berlin Saturday evening. It ha been learned upon good authority that Dr. Dernburg will be Immediately celled Into consultation concerning the forth coming German answer to the second American not on the Lusltanla incident. CHR'BTIANIA. Norway (Via London), Jun 25. During th detention of th Bergensfjord at Kirkwall Dr. Dernburg was not examined by British official, merely giving his word of honor that tr did not bring with him any documents, the transmission of which would be harm ful to the allied cause. When tho pass ports of th steamer pasaengera - were examined it waa required that they show American citizenship paper. Chamber of Deputies Votes Over Billion PARIS, June 28. The bill appropriating S.OUO.OOO.OUO franca (tl.130,000.000) to cover government expense for th three month beginning July 1, wa passed al most unanimously in th Chamber of Deputies today, th vote was, 492 to L VICTORIA CROSS GIVEN . . , SUBMARINE CAPTAIN LONDON. Jun M. Th Victoria cross was awarded today to Lieutenant Com mander Martin F. Nasmltb for taking hi ubjiiarlne Into th a of Marmora, and sinking Turkish transports, stone hips and a gamboat. Two officers of th ubraarlna, Iie tenant Guy D'Oyly Hughe and Robert Brown, were awarded th distinguished ervlc cross, sad each of th crew re ferred the distinguished ervU medal. I : Gossip Along the Automobile Row i i i i i i s i i ii ssi i i sssm si " i ' "i r ?.HE SELLS M0T0S CARS AS WELL AS HELPS KINO AK. U. C Hubbs, assistant general sale manager for Itodg Pros., ha spent the last three. dy with th Murphy- O'Brien Auto company, local agent. H has been going ovr (he west, looking over the territory and seem to ! very much pleased with the condition. Mr. Hubbs also-announce that there will b no change In the price or in the car for 1916 season, with the exception of a few refinements from time to tint. . -Mr. and Mr. Crushing of Pan Antonio, Tex., arrived in the city Wednesday en route to Indiana. They are driving a Dodge Bros, car en the trip and they are highly elated at the perform ance of the car, hsvln had no trouble on the entire trip and have had ome very bad roads to contend with from San Antonio.- Mr. and Mr. McDougall of Pittsburgh arrived In Omaha Thursday . In their Dodge Bro. cr en route, to Cali fornia, to attend the exposition. Mr. Mc- Dougall say that, he passed nmo very bad ' road and assisted several larger and higher prised cars out of the mud on his way to Omaha. "I don't think thero ts anything- wrong with my car." said Mrs. McDougsll, "but you might look it over .and if you find a nut loose, tighten It hp and we will be on our. way." Clark 1 Powell says he, has sold over two'dosen water bag to overland tour ists fn th last few weeks. One tourist wsnted a hag that held ten gallons. 'That man wanted a bathtub," re marked Clark. A. R. Hansen of the Lincoln Inn, takes the Lincoln Highway over to Colorado and then up through Minnesota, stop ping at every lake that, looks lik It hold bass. Hansen expects to rip off about lO.OuO miles before landing again In Nebraska. C O. Taluiag runs . down . to . Kansas City the first of the week, taking the Nebraska side. Friends of Mr. P. A. Clark, who 1 well and favorably known along 'automobile row, will be Interested In learning that he has Joined forces with the Noyes Auto t ampany.. Mr. Clark will act as manager of the-fflnyes Anto company and will be la char of sale His bast efforts, how ever, will be directed toward the service department H, Is hi, ambition to ac quaint every automobile owner In this territory with Its efficient service de partment. Its service cars will be sent to any point fully equipped to remedy all automobile troubles. Starting Monday, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company will make city de liveries In a new Monroe truck recently purchased from the L. E. Doty Auto com pany. Th Lincoln and Osceola representa tive of th Mitchell car were very busy Friday rehandllng car of filxteen-aixes, which "have long been expected and needed in their respective territories. Mr. Bchultz of BchulU Bros., Lincoln, and Mr. Flnley of Flnley Bros., at Oeeeola. were on th Job In person in order to avoid further delay In making deliveries. I ' ' V V I " - ' ; v v 4 all points of interest. Including th gracing Is sure to Improve the breed of Yellowstone National park and all of th side trine In Colorado and California. In cluding Lake Taho and vicinity, which Is considered th most beautiful place In America. Auto Racing Will Create Demand for Better Automobiles "It Is a known fact that when horse racing wa In it prime the big winning possible stimulated the breeding of th fastest and turrtlest animals th World has over known. The blood of these rac winner ha been diffused an widely as to greatly better the grade of horse th country over," declare -Eddie Rlchen- l bacher, who won third place In a Maxwell In Chicago yesterday. "In almost the same degree automobile Chas. R.Gardnep. Charles ,R. Gardner, who has Iwn as sociated with the John Deere Plow com pany for a number of yenrs, a manager of the automobile department, I 'now representing the Velle Motor Vehicle company of Molina 111., , who will dis tribute Velle motor ear In thla territory direct. ' Mr. Gardner will remain In Omaha, and will have associated with him, N. J. Kline and C. G. Hennlng. who have alio been with the John Deere Plow company for a number of years. Mr. Gardner ha Just recently returned from the Velle factory end la very much elated over the "New Velle Blltwol." Mr. Gard ner claim that with a H.oa price on a complete, modern, up-to-date, 40-horse-power. lx syllnder car, weighing 1.500 pounds, the Velle ear will he In the Omaha territory with a big "V" before show files. . the every-day cars of th future. Be cause the Chicago Speedway I the world's faatest cours. It will be a big help in hurrying u to that day when the perfect motor car can be designed and manufactured." Th Maxwell company established an engineering laboratory at the Chicago Speedway. Rent rooms cjulok with a Be Want Ad. LAKE OF FIRE OF MILLION GALLONS WINE BURNS OUT rRE)NO, Cel., June W.-A lake of fire formed by a million gallon of escaping win burned Itself out her today and a conflagration whloh started" last night In the Barton Winery was over. The winery buildings were destroyed. The loss 1 estimated at fMO.000. Master C a rburetcrs ryl by all the big race1 diivcrn Master Sales Co., Inc. rhone IVhirU 1607 8418-20 Famam Omaha, Nob. Positive Experts on All Self-Starters. Strahlc & Anderson Red 4473. 2059 Famam. Ujiited States Tire Company Adopts a Patriotic Policy Following the load of Colonel Samuel P. Colt, president of the United Bute Rubber company, Kllsha 8. Williams, president, ha instructed the heads of the various department of the united State Tire company to enoouragw all em ployes to join the militia, of th state In which they rid. In conjunction with th United Bute Rubber oompany. this means that over 56,000 men are to have the sanction of tho United State Rubber oompany if they choose to Join th state mflltla or naval force. Th United State Tire company will continue the pay of any employe wh doe military duty, and the annual camp ing or cralslng tour of duty will not In- terfer with the regular vacation given by the United State Tire company. This policy ha been adopted by the United State Rubber company and th United State Tire oompany, because the executive feel that It 1 th duty of large corporation to aid la creating an effective military reserve which they be lieve the United States should have. GOODYEAR TIRES MUST , .STAND UP WITH OTHERS The Goodyear Tire and Rubber com-S pany announces a continuance through July, August and September of the offer to refund the entire purchase price, if Goodyear 8-V tire fall to prove superior to -competing makes, on a basis of cost per mile. ''.., The. announcement made covering April, May and June was to the effect that where opposite wheel are equipped at the aajme tiro, on with a Goodyear 8-V and n with any other standard truck tire of Ilk rated !, bought In th open market, if th Goodyear S-V fall to coat less per mil than ' th other, th full purchase price will be refunded. MOTO-METERS NOW ON ALL THE HAYNES CARS It U a significant fact that twerre out of the twenty-two. car in th recant IndlanaPoll Speed war - race were equipped with "Moto-Meters," state C. J. Cork Ii til of th Nchruka-Hayne Anto .Sale company, distributer for th Hayn Light Six. . - . ' "Tb Moto-Meter has been' adopted as standard qulpmnt on th Hayneg ear beoaua of it great value as a., check en the snemerr i tb driver. Crossing Country in Her Automobile Joan Sawyer, who is adding to her fame as a dancer, a national reputation a a motorist and an advocate for suffrage, created considerable excitement In De troit when he arrived there Tuesday on her transcontinental tour across the con tinent from New York; to San Francisco. Miss Sawyer, accompanied by her dan cing partner, chauffeur, mechanician ami chapwron. Is making the long trip in two Paige cars, the seven-passenger node! "SU-S," which she' purchased In New York, and she is bearing a letter of greet ing from Mayor Mltchal of . New York to Mayor Rolph of San Francisco; also latter from Major General Leonard Wood to General Murry, In charg of th Paciflu coast defense, and from Admiral - Usher to Admiral Thomas Howard, in command of the Paclflo squadron of the United State Navy, Mis Sawyer left Detroit late In the afternoon, driving to Chicago by way of Jackson and Battle Creek. She remains in Chicago two weeks to danc with the Thomas orchestra and then resumes her Palg tour across th continent., ' I '1 LEE HUFF STARTS TO DRIVE . AUTO TO SAN FRANCISCO Lee Huff and family,, accompanied-by Mr. and Mr. A. L. Steldl of Crete, Nob., started for CafUorala yesterday morning in one of the new 1918 Bulck Sixes. . They expect to be gone for about eli;ht week visiting the Panann-Paclflo and San Diego expositions. The trip out mil be directly over the Lincoln Highway with no side trip; returning they will A New Set of Slip Covers Or a New Auto Top Will give your car that 1010 ap pear anc. It takes away the dirt and greasa atalog of last yar' travel. Let u give you a figure. Western Auto Top Co, Tel. D. 3558. 1916-23 Harney Street. n Anto Supplies t Reduced Prices ' Get Our Catalogue CCRSOMEBS AUTO SUPPLY CO. 1921 Faxnam St, Opea EveDiafs k SuBday the chrome vanadium springs are self-lubricating the full real leather upholstery is stuffed with natural curled hair The price of the car complete is $785 f.o.b. Detroit Iodg&Brohers UDIDR EM The Murphy-O'Brien Automobile Co., 1824 Farnam Street A J -a SENSATION A, vU iLs i -1 ! i - ilJ' t . i IN PRICE OF V v lLA iLA HA MOTOR GARS We have 12 Maxwell Touring- Oars which have been used for demonstrating. These cars have been driven 150 to 500 miles by Maxwell salesmen. They are just as good as tew, if not better. Tor three days, starting Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we are making these at a special reduction. We honestly believe that the PRICE we have put on 12 latest model Maxwell Touring Oars will find immediate pur chasers. If you have the slightest idea of buying an automobilo you cannot ignore this opportunityyou owe it to yourself. Think of it! A 25-E. P. Five-Passenger Touring Car, completely equipped with electrio starter and lights, mohair top, Non-Skid tires, tools, etc., for $ No, we don't dare to print the price here. We'll wager it will be less than yon think it is. , ' Come and see us, or call us up on the phone end we'll -call for .you. For convenience of buyers, our entire sales force will be at the store all day Sunday. FRANCIS -CULLIS AUTO CO. 2024 PAENAM ST. PHONE DOUO. 853. Open Sunday and every night until 12 o'clock.