10 B TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUXE 27, 1915. Graham Talked Of as Head of the High School of Commerce Indications are there will be another protracted executive session of the Hoard of Education within tha next two weeks over tha proposition of whether Superin tendent Oraham of tha South Omaha schools should be retained In tha Greater cnononononononononononononononononononononononononoaoncaononononononononononononononODono D o s.') i jrTWw -- ... ..t-t: .ac- - a o a o hnAvl 511 ; A SI II 1 1 ff Si T M l INSECTS ARE HAN'S GREATESTEHEHIES rionecn of Future, Will Be Led by Doctor Engineera Armed with Chemicfcli. TEOPICS WILL BE RECLAIMED a BAN FRANCISCO, June J. Dr. Woods Hutchinson of New Tork, President of the American Academy of Medicine, In his eddresa before the academy here today, aald the world would see etlll further remarkable progresa In the development of the tropica and that In all colonliatlon chemea Ihe physician ahould prepare the way. -"The Physician ai a Pioneer" waa his aubject. In line with the general topic to which all the sessions of thla ear'a academy meeting are devoted, namely, "Medicine In Its RelaUon ahipa to Commerce and Transporta tion." Dr. Hutchinson aald. In part: Th rl enemy of the pioneer, th chief obstacle to th sprad of clvlllsa I lam la not Indlann. or wolva, or rattle snakes or even feralne or flood, or win ter cold or tropic heat, but Insects Moat tchemei of colonisation that failed failed not from famine, or the attacks of tnomle. but through disease. And mora han half of tham from ona dlase irelarla. Thla la not merely the out of man. but the aire of Insects, geologically toneldered, and the beltl la to tbe ueath between them for the possess", of the tarth. Will nmt Aelet Form. "In the tropica th Insect get tho whip hand of man and keep him atupld, s:iort lled. uncivilised. It waa the plagie of files, tha bloody tyranny of lnetl that drove man out of the warm, comfortable, fertile tropica Into the chilly, raln-awept, liatf-the-yrar froaen north. Now tiown to fu!l human atature ha la eomln back t Invade and reconquer tha tropica and lul to flight the ancient foea of the race. in an earlier day the flrat requlalt of a new colony, or a pioneering expedi tion, waa a raptaln. a bold and aklllful fighting man. with muaketa for verr giown man In the party and plenty of powder and ball. But now the flrat and Itoat fundamental requlrementa of a new colony are a doctor-engineer with rmcro atore and teat tubes,- apadea and trench ing machine and plenty of quinine, kero aene and moaquito netting. Ifrw ,KId garver Need. . " "In the near future no colony o- land company will be permitted to tal:e aet tlera Into their new homea until a thorough and complete aurvey ehall have ben made of the region eanltary, medi cal, entomological, expert agricultural. And at leaat a aufflcient area to com modate In aafety tha flrat group of aet tlera ahall have been drained and kero aened and aupplled with good water, ao aa to be protected agalnat malaria, ty phoid, hookworm and water and fly born diarrhoea and dysentery. , in the light of our presont knowledge It ahould be regarded aa little ahort of manslaughter to permit men. women and little children who art unfamiliar with tha country, unseasoned to tha climate, to enter and faee tho danger of settle ment In a new country or dlatrlct with out tills preliminary aurvey and protec tion, whether In their own land or across tli sees.' It would coat a few thousand or hundreds of thouaanda of dollars, but not very much more than the adver tising literature, and would aav ten time It coat In human Ufa and Buffer ing and failure, besides being tha beat possible advertisement for tha enter prise. Xew CwMtrle Iktill Be Model. "New countries can and ought to be made ' models of health, efficiency and comfort. for the older communlttra, and could easily be made ao at moderate ex pens.' it the phyelclan-ploneer be given a free baud In advance, aa florgaa waa at Panama. Tn fact, wa can pretty nearly asaur success; If the aoil be good and the water aufflcient "It must be remembered In fairness that bad as Insects are, they do not or iginate the diseasee they spread, but only carry - their, from ona Infected human txlng ta other healthy one. Deprive them of their source of Infection, and they beourn comparatively harmless. If tha new country , Ve uninhabited or paravly settled. It la sjy to cure or Isolate such ' easee of malaria, yellow fever, typhoid, summer diarrhoea or other dl.'ease carrlable by Inaecta. Then after a few week or at the outside months' -waiting the Infected Inaecta will be ell dead. Generally tpeaklng. how ever, new settler bring their diseases with the'm.'and a most effective way of protecting a new settlement against not merely itsct-bome, but all other com municable diseases, would be a thorough physical examination of all Intending settler and their families. A few weeks' Isolatlou . or appropriate treatment with quinine, aalvarsan. thymol, ate, would be sufficient In tha vaat majority of cases to clear up all risk. Such examinations would be worth twice their cost to tho Individuals exsmined alone; and. in com bination with a proper sanitary eur.vey, wocld turn new countries and new col. file Into little health-heaven on earth." Omaha school system aa principal of tha High School of Commerce. Mr. Oraham'a South Omaha contract 1 as ona year to run, and there la a legal question regsrdlng the present vslld'ty of that contract. An effort to make him principal of tha Commercial High school will be met with vigorous opposition from aome of tha school board members, It la announced. Three Mad Dogs Shot by the Police After Biting People Humane offlcera ahot three mad dogs thla morning at Twelfth atreet and Capitol avenue. Fourteenth and Pierce streets and at tha home of 8. Bllllta, TKIt Walnut atfeet. . William Leslie of Detroit, IS yeara of age. was attacked by the Billita dog wtille passing along tha walk. Leslie's right leg was badly lacerated. The Bllltts dog wa shot by Human Officer Nielsen, who pro nounced the canine mad. Mad dog acarea prevailed at the other locations where tha doga were ahot. Park of Illinois Central to Alaska - Accompanied by Mr. Park and her sister. Vice President W. L. Park of tha Illinois Central waa In the city thirty minutes In his special car, en route west rn a vacation of a month or six weeks, from here Mr. Park and his party go to Seattle, where ateamer for Alaska will be taken Aa to business. Mr. Park aald: "Everywhere things aeem to be looking up. The facta are that there haa bee it an Improvement In not only railroad, but In all other line of business. Prob ably thla In a measure due to the splen did prospects for a big crop. Still, all over the country there la a better feeling a feeling that the lowest level haa been reached and that bualnesa baa turned for the better." MANY EASTERNERS ARE INVESTING IN THE WEST "While California la getting a great Influx of tourists and sightseers, western Nebraska and Colore 1o la not being overlooked," aald O. W. Martin, general western agent of the Reck Island, who la In the city from Denver. "Thouaanda and thousands of people are ticketed for California, but a great many of them are stopping off In Ne braska and Colorado, and many are mak ing Inveatmenta. Already I have heard of a score of more who have farma or city property In Nebraska and Colorado and there will be still mora who will stop and Invest their money when the heavy travel back from tha Pacltla coast a tarts In." CUTLER WILL ARRIVE HERE THURSDAY FOR HIS MATCH Oen Mela i y. promoter oia Stecher Cutler match. ' haa received word from Chicago that Cutler, with Manager Rochell and all tha Cutler stable of wrestlers, will arrive In Omaha Thursday and will' make their headquarters at the Caatle. where Manager Castle haa aet aald the convention hall for their training quarters. Tha headquarters for Btecher and for the management of the wrestle la tha Merchants hotel, where tickets are going fast.' Dan W. Gaines, proprietor of the Merchant aaya tha Omaha folka will have to hurry or the bars from out tn the atata . will aoon gobble up all tha beat seats which are now on sal. MEDALS PRESENTED IN THE W. C. T. U. CONTEST FOR GIRLS Haxel Houston won the medal for sing ing and Paulina Chaloupk tha medal for an essay In. the contest of the Frances Wtllard branch of the Women'e Christian Temperance union, which waa open to glrla from It to It yeara. The medal were .presented at the Oak Street Meth. odtst church Friday evening by Rev. T. C Webster. . OMAHA BANK CLEARINGS SHOW BIG WEEKLY GAIN Omaha bank clearings, which are gen erally accepted aa a good business barometer show a gsla of over M. 900,000 for the week. The clearings for thla week were l,iM,4.l&., end for the ooe re sponding week . last . year, I1S.014.7O0.M . Circles Around the Sun Only Moisture ' "A rainbow c round the aun" attracted the- .atlenlUn of many people. The , "ralnrow" waa really a clrcl extending completely around the orb of day "and about thirty" feet in diameter' aa one n.n expressed It.' The circle had the color of the rain low. S'.me folk aald It presaged a blj storm or was an omen of terrible dis aster, but Father Rigge of the Crelghton university aatrrnomy department said It waa due ir.erely to the presence of mot a tura In the air. LICE ARE DAMAGING THE GARDEN CLUB TOMATOES Touthful gardenera of the school gar den club are reporting damage to their tomato plant by plant lire. Supervisor Ernest E. Dale says that the pest may M eradicated by dueling them with aome of tobacco duat, or by using a sprsy made by dLhaoivliif quarter pound of whala oU sap la one or one and a half gallon of nr. Aa the lie live for the mol ait on the under aide of the leaves. It Is rather difficult to control them, he I. SEVERE PIP LES ALLOYER FACE Would Burn and Itch. Scratched and Pimples Spread. Disfigured While They Lasted. Used Cuti- . cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Face Clear as Anybody's. Brunlng, Neb." I had mattery pimple all over my face ao thick that you could bardly put the point of a needle oa my fac without touching one. They would bura and licit aqd I would scratch them till they would bleed. Thaa that would leave a mark. Scratch lug caused tb pimple to spread. They dlaflgured ma whu Utey lasted. ' I underwent two treat ment and used different eoape and oiat menu but they did ao good. The last a all I used Cuticura Soap aad Ointment, I used the Soap every aaurning and evening aad tiie Ointment every evening )ust tytfure 1 went to bad. To-day my fac ta aa clear a anybody. tblgned) Mlaa Myrtl Orth. June T. ltlt. Keep your skla clear, scalp ciru and free from dandruff, and hair live and gloaay by using Cuticura Soap aad Ointment. Sample Each free by Mall With 32-p. Skla Book a request. Ad- oat-card Cwttcur. Dee. T, ke Sold throughout ta wurld. a o a o a o a o a o a o D o a o a o D o a o a o D o a o o D o a o D o a o a o a o D o a o Q o a o D o D o D o a o D o a o a o a o D o D o a o D o Q o a o a o D o a o D o n o a o D o a o a o a o a o D o D o D o a o D o D o a o a o D Q D o ig D .O D o a a o ID o D o a o ig g ii a Q o n o D O a o D o n o n MAtXs OlDfM nXXsXD. fSp & r Colored Wash & White Goods All th Newest Fabrics, PormUr for the Summer Be anon. While "Seed Voile," beautiful qual ity. 4 0-ln. wide, st, yard....25 White rekay Corduroy Bklrtlng, 36-ln. wide Imported fabric, at, yrd 4545 White Embroider el 'White on While" Imported Voile, 40-ln. wide, 11.00 quality, yard G8 White Gabardine, 38-ln. wide, wool finish, popular skirting;, yard, 45 Seed Voile, printed In the daintiest floral designs; this fine 60c fab ric, here, yard 35 Awning Htripe, 40-ln. rrinted Voile, black, hello, green or pink stripes, all the new pleating; styles, at J'"1 25 Dress Linen, the kind that "wrinkles the least," beautiful fabric, medium weight, all newest colors, yd., 49 Tissue Voile, in striped (woven col or), an Ideal fabric for cool tub dresses, yard 12 rialn. color Chiffon Voile, 40-ln. wide, all shades, including the pop ular "apple green or maize," per yd 254 Burton's "811k Filet," printed dress) novelties, made to sell at 86c; on sale at yard 50 Beginning Monday, June 28th, Continuing All Next Week Your Unrestricted Choice Any Men's or Young Men's Suit In bur entire stock (Blues and Blacks excepted) at One Price. Suits worth $18.00 a rfSuits worth $25.00 t aaiism., , . - fj lutxx oisxu rmin. o i M O Suits worth $20.00 Suits worth $22.50 f i i Suits worth $30.00 Suits worth $35.00 Hart, Schaffner & Marx and all other high grade makes included as fine a line of suits as you'll usually find at the opening of the season for your selection sizes to fit all builds of men, patterns and weaves to please all. ( Domestic Room Sales Monday Fruit. Lonsdale or Hope Bleached Muslin. These standard branda known to every housekeeper as tbe best 10c grades produced; on sale Monday only at yard 5t Limit.. 10 yards to each customer. No phone or mall orders. Apron Check Gingham, standard 6c qualities. Indigo blue and white checks, yard 3? Simpson's 'Fame' Brand 6c Cali coes, all colors, yard 3' Garner's Best Quality Yard-wide Percale, the 1214c kind, cut from full bolts, yard 7 Huck and Bath Towels, "individual size," 55c dozen, each 5 Novelty Dress Crepe and Voile, cut from the bolt, made to sell at 12 He on sale, yard... 5 Egyptian Voile. 40 inches wide, la woven stripes; colors black, green, hello and blue, made to sell at 36c; on sale at, yard 17? Bed Spreads, "crochet kind" full bed size, splendid $1.36 quality, while they last, each -05 Gabardine, for Skirts, silk striped, in colors, made to sell at 36c; on sale at, yard 10 cuHranceif Laces and Embroideries Bargains in Beautiful New Embroideries That Will Delight You lA-tn. Embroideries, 10c Vard Including a beauti ful line of dainty Swiss edges, lnsertlnga and baby sets, also cambric floury, lngs, regular 25c and 36c values at, yard 10 18 and 27-ln. Embroideries, 15c Yard A splendid line of flounclngs, allovera aau corset covers, also 4 to 7 ln. Swiss edges, to 86c a yard values, at, yrd.l5t 27 to 45-ln. Flounclngs, 25e Vard A star lot of 2? to 46-ln. organdie, Swiss and voile flounclngs that sell . regularly at 60c to $1.00 yard, Monday, yard.. 250 15c Loom Stripe. 7H big line of 6 and 6-yard strips In edges and lnsert lnga. 15c Linen Laeee, 5c Yard A recent Importation of real linen torchon laces. In fine narrow patterns; Mon day's sale price, yard, 5 Beautiful New Lecea We have Just received a new line of fine filet edges, in sert! ngs and allovers, also 17-ln to 45-ln oriental flounclngs; on sale Mon day at, yard.30 to 08 Exquisite Rosebud Flounc. lngs 27 to 42-ln. wide, two specials Monday at, yard ...75 md 31. OO Beautiful Novelty Embroid eries Specials at yard, 75. 98t. S1.50. up. .All clean new stock. A Month-End Clearance of S, ummer Silks That should crowd tfie department at an early hour Monday. Every item an exceptional offering. 100 Pieces of New Tub Silks All silk and half silk, in wide assortment of up-to-the-rainute styles and colorings, launder on jq nn perfectly; 59c to $1.00 values. LOC-QoC-UOC All SUk Orepe de Chines and Canton Silk Crepes, $1.75 and $2.00 yard values, in big assortment of colors and patterns, at, yard 08 Black Chiffon Taffeta, fine Imported fabric that sella usually at $2.50 yard; Just the thing for suits or dresses, yard. SI. 59 Black Chiffon Dress Taf feta and Messalinea, 36 ln. wide; rich, lustrous finish, two choice bar gains at, yard, 88-68 More Than a , Score of Splendid PIANO BARGAINS In the Month-End Sales Monday. Fall WIS Rugs A $50,000 Stock from World's Best Makers Don't Miss Monday Specials $30.00 Wilton Rugs 9x12 size,.8eamless, choice $24.00 $25.00 Axminster Rugs 9x12 size, beau tiful patterns $18.00 $10.50 T a pee try Brussels Rugs Seamless, 9x13 size, choice 813.50 910.00 Tapeetry Brussels Rug 6x9 size, seam less, choice $7.50 Rlgelow Ba&dad WUton Rugs Nothing better produced, broad asortmeat of beautiful patterua lz size, choice S42.50 6- 3H0-6 size, choice 837.50 0x12 Body Bmssel Rugs Tha very best pro duced, at 827.50 27z54 Axminster Rags $2.50 values; Monday at 81.08 8fl73 Axminster Rugs $5.00 Quality; Monday t 83.49 7- ft. Water Color Shadee With guaranteed roll-. ra 35 wfTfwik I lJ-nefl asV Summer Curtains and Draperies As complete aaaortmenta and most attrac tive values you'll find In any Omaha store. Cluny Curtains, pair, from.. 81.75 to 88.00 Mercerized Marquisette Curtains with cluny edge and 2-ln. hem, pair. . . -83.98 to 80.00 Special Lots of Lace Curtains Big assortment for selection at 39. 75. 98 d 81.98 Fancy Drapery Cretonea, yard, 12 Vi to 45 "Sunfast" Draperies All colors, 48-ln. wide; t 75. 85, nd 81.25 40-ln. Voile White and cream, with fancy colored borders, yard 12 H to 49 Hemstitched Voiles and Marquisettes for cur tains, big assortment, yard 25 50 Kilkollues Dainty new patterna and coloring; Monday at, yard 12 Sxl 1'anel Screens, all kinds, choice valuea, t 81.50 to 87.00 Quick Action Pricings on Several Splen did Lots of Charming Summer Garments We want you to examine the quality before you pass judgment on this. 87 Elegant Tailored Suits In gabardines, poplins, serges and checks suitings, made to sell at $25.00 to $35.00; most desirable styles and colorings, at Porch Swings Complete $2.00 3,and 4-foot slats screwed on seat, tidet bolted, heavy chains and hooks. . Couch Hammocks, $3.95 Khaki Canvas, irprong spring supporta.well made. Other Couch Hammocks; on thla sale at ' ?,n,T 84.50 Kaltex -Fiber Reed Porch Furniture Rockers, Chairs. Settees, etc. -82.50 and up to 87.50 Green or brown. Large Sanitary Pillows 75o We have several odd pillows, 6 and 8 of a pat tern, all new clean feathers; on sale, each, 75 Good clean sanitary chicken feather pillows 'or ..50J Goose and turkey feather pillows, 81-81.50 One-Motion Collapsible Go-Garts On this sale $3.96,'$4.60, 15.00 and $6.60 rub ber tired wheels, hoods and mud guards REED 8ULKIE8; best raada 83.95 Genuine Layer Felt Mattress On this sale 45-pound fancy art tlck...R5 50 All cotton 45-pound fancy art Uck....tt4fUs Combination Mattress, roll edge 83 7"C Odd Bed Springs, 14 patterns, each, 82.50!S2 Regardles of former cost or selling price. $12. SO.. $8.05 is the price' placed on a splendid line of Palm Beach Suits which ycer'll find irresistible values Monday; a big assortment of nobby styles for your selection. Month End Clearance Specials Crockery Dept. Fourth Floor , 95.00 Semi Porcelain Dinner Set 42 pieces, gold band decoration 83.50 97.00 Dinner Sets 42 pieces, beautiful spray decoration, at 84.48 925.00 Semi Porcelain Dinner Sets 100 pieces, In gold band or floral designs, 20 styles for se lection, to 26c value 815.00 912.00 English Semi Porcelain Dinner Seta Beautiful patterns, service for 12 people; Mon dy t gQ 91-00 Covered Dishes Monday 50 7-in. and 8-ln. Platters. 20c values. ...... .q 26c Gravy Boats; Monday. .JKM 18-ln. Meat Platters. $1.25 values at.... 50? 20c 8eml-Porcelain Cups and Saucers, pr. 1Q Month End Clearance Men's Furnishings Men's Summer Shirts $1.00 to $1.60 qualities ..CO Madraa, percales, Pongees and Mercerized Fabrics, in big assort ment, tn stylish new stripes, val ues never surpassed. Ksa'a rtbr BUk Hos Grey, black, whit and tans; snap Monday at. a Pair 1SH Ma'a BatBia gaits To 1.00 val ues, blue trimmed with atrtpe. else tl to ii Furnishings in Domestic Room Men's Summer Union Suits To 11.00 values. In mesh, ribbed or balbrlggan. ail atyles; on sale at 4S 07a' Sport Shirts, and other popu lar atylra, low collar or bajida. val ue to i&c; Monday at B&e aa4 4 See the Vano' phone Plays the 10 in. and 52-in. Disc Records perfectly. Hear It. The music cf the grea test artists in your home- $10 New Summer Dresses A broad range of prices and values at eacb price you'll find truly matchless. Thousands of Charming Dress Styles in crepes, ba tistes, lingeries, etc., at- -$4.05, $7.50, $10.00 Elegant Silk Dresses-Designs for street or club wenr; choice values at $10, $15, $19.50, $25 Net and Lace Dresses at $15, $19 50 $25, $35 $1. House Dresses... .49 New Tub Skirts i A bif assortment of nobby styles in most popular fabrics, at S1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $5 Elegant Silk Dress Skirts Every imaginable color ing and style that's right; four very choice lota at $5, $7 50, S10, $12 W Clever New Porch Dresses Made in simple, yet most artistic summer styles, all colors and' sizes; 2 choice lots'at $1.95 and $2.95 $2.50 $3 Kimonos, $1.45 Take a Vano phono with you to the summer camp. Strong, neat, light and reproduc es perfe c 1 1 y all 10-in. and 12-in. records. Price $10 Music Dept. A Saving of 25 to 33i on Trunks and Suit Cases "We're closing our entire stock of Trunks that sold from $5.00 to $15.00 at prices from $3.95 to $9.95 Matting and Fibre Cases, 14 inches long, 75c values, for shopping or lunches . . ,45 Men's Straw Hats to $2.50 values, choice Q5 1 Soft and Stiff Braids in all the season's best shapes. Cl.ildren'a Wash Hats All eol ora and atyles. 60c values,. 16 Lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar,, $1.00 4S-1. saok tee kirk rrad Xla aaoBd H riour aotklag fluer for ihI, plea or oak. saok.. SI.M 1 bars H-at-'Ein-All, iMamond C or Lnundiy Quaaa Whit Laun dry bi.p .,..& lls. best bulk Vblt or Telluw Corn meal ..16 4 II.. fancy Japan Rico, loo quality .t 1 Iba. beat bulk Laundry Starch for ao Oil or Mustard FarAtn. ran 9A 5 lha. brat Mlsrd CMk f'a4 Tall raiia Alaaka 8almon . . . . loo. 1-lb. pks. Corn Plarch ....... 1 arae bottle Worcvstrr Sauce. fur Tomato Catap, ri-kls aaaorted kinds, or i'rrpared Ilus- tard. bultle S',e MacLaran's Peanut Butter, per II lSk,e W. O. C. or Krumblea for break fast, pkg , S E. C. Corn Th beat Flakes, pkg Se LKiiu.atlc Macaroni, Kraut. ty. van Vermicelli or Spaghetti, pkg. TV. I-lb. can Baked Bean, ftu.r Uoldeu Pumpkin or Horn- TV :-oa. jara Pur FYutt Prerve for aa I bar Ivory Soap 1 Yeaat Ktni, pkg. a The best Tea Sifting. lb...lt4 GoUen Santo Coffee, lb. ...a&a auTTSB. carBsaa ain boo (BCAaVUT rOM TO TUOnM Tb best Oeamry Butter, car ton, per lb 3o Th best Creamery Butter, bulk. per lb BM Hood Dairy Butter, per lb.... S3 IS lbs. Kew rota toe t tk aek. lor Sue 4 bunche freah Beet. Carrol a or Turnip a bunch fresh Rail la he . ...d ( bunches freah Union a Freeh Pea, quart, TV. 4 for 6 1 lara Cucumbers Oe bea-la freah leaf Lettuce... g I heads freah Head Lettuc..S 4 bunches freah KnubarD ....a I bunches freah Asparagus. . . .Co 1 larire Grain Hei-ii a 0 Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb a Freeh Snlnach, pck Se A full line of " Raepberriea, Oooseberrles. Blackberries. Logan berrlea. Cherries, etc at less than wholesale. , . rvT vr Tovm Ajraucorg TOW We will have a car of extra faacv ' California apricots for Monday's sale: packed 4 basket In crate: at. per i,t gl.as Thla will be the lowest price for Uil season on fancy fruit. Drugs & Toilet Goods tl.60 HorUck' Hospital Malted Mill for ....aa.7) $1 09 sis Sal Hepatic 10c jap Bos or Palm Ollv Soap. a Five 10c rolla Crap Toilet Paper I ft Pour 10 bar Peroxide goaj) as e can Tooth Powdr ...le lso lb. tO-Mul-Team Borax lie pkg. borax Chip "...Is t do 4-i r. AatJrln Tablets.. SA Jir Kiss Face Powder end Puff u 1 it) i llj.lt! Dllil In M-t Pnwil.p eA t&c Jar Pumpeian Massage Cretin too 0c tub Pebeco Tooth Psste Sfto 1.10 box I-e Trefle Fac Powder a& 0c box Stlllman'a Freckle Cnuii SAa c Jar Dagaatt and Kajnsdell Oeatu for ass io Jar Rice or Potion I Powder 86 soc Jar Perfumed Bea Haiti As Tr bottle liutiiiut'a Violet Se..fc Auto Chamois V Hot Water Bottles tee bathing C4. from ....to as. fl Ovens tor Oil, Gas or Gaso line Moves, Lheap Mondi email l-Durner oven fl.iS Larg 1. burner II2t ur live Large ay ovin. t-burner m... z-ourner oven. g'aaa door ! 7 -S flS 19 a. O. JuteTwo -in.. burned VlletoV f? PiHxfi'T - l':'n-' iii"of,VoI; 'o aise. . - ... . P"V I avy tin boiler, copper botton ai aa heary tin boiler..Pt7oprlDol0 M eeee all av tnoaononononononononononononoa PAYS TRY HA YD EN' 3 FIRST IT PAYS rrJl Day Supplies tt Bargain PrirL enume Syracuse oaakets 1.00 and fits genuine Lars sis heavy aiedlum sis Mop Sticks - O tic Cotton Mops -f fl -pc set Mr Pott' nickel plated Va'd'irdn.'iC " 41 SS Ironing Tallies !. m i-krra..t.d wringer .'.'.V.V.'f iig . J D 0 D c D o a o D o D o D o D o a o D o a o a o a o a o D o D o D o D o a o D o D o D o D o D o a o n o D o D o a o D o D o a o D o a o D o D o a o D o a o a o D o D o D o D 0 a o D o D o D o D o D 0 a o D o D o a o D o a o i n o a o D a D o D c D o D o a o D o D o D o a o D o D Q D o D o a o 101 lonoaoaoao ooononononononono