Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday ,
VOL. xlvno. 2.
Omaha Lad, Eddie Eichenb&cker,
Takes Third Honey in the
Heartbreaking Chase.
Winner of tho Contest is Entered in
Omaha Races at Speedway
July B.
rer H'r.
04. OO
04. 04
00 8
Place, priver.
1- lleeta . .
2 Porporato . . .
8 IUokenbacker
4 Grant
Cooper .-. .
-Anderson ....
7 Alley
8 Chevrolet . . . .
9 Rurman
10 J. Cooper
CHICAGO, June 26. (Special
Telegram.) Darlo Resta. the dar
ing English pilot who is entered in
the Omaha Gasoline Derby on July
6, added another !ctory to his string
.by carrying off Urst money in the
I BO 0-mile race held at the new May
Jwood board speedway here today.
Eighty thousand persona witnessed
the contest.
Resta not only was victorious in
the race, hut he broke the 600-mile
mark for competitive racing with an
average of 97.6 miles per hour.
By winning- th race Ret receive.
123 500. Of thl amount $20,000 I the capl-
)tl purse for first place. He also re
ceived $1,000 for levins- the field at 200
mile, another thousand for leading- at
800 mile and a third thousand for lead
ing at 00 miles. ,The other $500 is the
Rayfleld cash prlxe to the wlnnc He
also reeatve a $1,000 sUver trophy.
Rerta' time for the distance was 6:07 .27.
His average was eight mile an hour
faster than the record made by DePalma
at Indianapolis on Memorial dsy. Resta
. . - v-w Toi i troot C&T.
Porporato. driving his second race In
- America, pushed hU English Sunbesm
. i MMirf Dositlon. we
across mo - - -
was bit three minute behind Rests,
dipping the SOO miles off in 6:lo:W. an
average of W.S miles an hour.
Eddie. Rickenbecher. Omaha favorite,
ooppod the third money. Eddie learned
therein. Sam on the Utile dirt track
west f Omaha, and Omahan who knew
him during hl several year, of resl
oeno to -Nebraska, hare always been
pulling for him. Eddie drove hi Max
well the distance In 8:14: JO, an average
of 95.8 mile an hour.
Srnr a Stop' for firmnt.
Harry Grant was fourth in a Sunbeam.
Grant traveled the entire BOO mile with
out onoe .topping at the pits Jr
oar in the race to perform the feat When
he made hi extra lap after receiving the
flag hi engine suddenly stopped, and
the 'oar rolled on t momentum two
mile around the track. His ga had
jast run out, and it 1 well that it did
I ttot do so just a few second sooner a
a- - ohttK was but a. few
juan juvvt
yard bebtnd. Cooper finished fifth. Just
twentyfour eoonds behind Grant .
Barm a Flnlehe Again.
Gil Anderson. Cooper" teammate, was
eUth. and Tom Alley, another driver who
la entered at Omaha, nmsneo.
Lwla Chevrolet, piloting the Delage car
which will be driven at Omaha by John
DePalma. won eighth money, and Boh
I Burmaa finished hi eoond long race
la the money. Bob wa ninth In a
J Peugeot At IndlanapoH this year Bur
A man. for the first time, finished a 600
Vulle raee. HI performance today make
hi eeeond euooeee. Strange to relate
Burman waa number nine In the elimina
tion trial and he finished In ninth po
sition, .
Closely Grouped fr,r Tenth.
Jo Cooper, who 1 entered at Omaha,
finished tenth In a Sabring. ' When the
tenth car wa flagged Ralph Mulford.
Babcoek. Von "Raalte, On- and Carlson
were still in the raoa. All of the others
had withdrawn. The entire Porter-Knight
team withdrew Just before the race on
account of piston trouble. Two of these
.ra those driven by Hughl Hughes and
Charter Keene. are entered at Omaha,
but It 1 feared they will not be In shape
for the race. '
Billy Chandler wa the first to quit A
broken shaft sent hU Ogren Into the
garage at twenty-four mile. Howard
Wilcox wa forced out at ninety miles
by a broken transmission. He wa lead
ing the field at the time. Otto Hennlng
Continued on Page Nine-Column One.)
The feather .
fS'caha? ouncS ffiTid Vlcnlly
Unsettled and cooler.
- at Oauiea Yesterday.
... 6S
... TO
... 73
... 76
... 79
... T
... 86
... tb
... 82
6 a. m..
8 a. ro..
' 7 a. m..
8 a. m..
a. in..
10 a. ro. .
11 a. ta...
12 m
1 p. m. .
I p. m..
8 p. m..
4 D- m. .
6 p. m. ....
4 P. m..: T7
T P. m 77
Comparative Local Reaord.
. . . 1315 Uli- Ult- mi
Highest yeaterday M M s
Lowest yeeterd.y 6 78 7 6
Mean temperature 77 ' 87 86 81
Precipitation 00 .00 - . M
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture from the normal;
Normal temperature , 71
Excess for Uie diy ' 3
Total deficiency since March 1 .m
Normal prxripftailon 7 nrh "
Iefk-lency for the dav 17 nh
Total lainfall since March 1...10 W Inches
tendency since March 1 J. 44 turtles
Pxreas for cor. period. 1114 2a liu h
SUoeaa for cor. period. U18 21 Inch
U A. WiXfeii. Local Forecaster.
A WAR AEROPLANE "UP A TREE" This remarkable photograph, taken recently
in France, shows a military biplane, which was flying low and failed to clear a copse of
trees. The aeroplane caught the tree tops by its lower plane, its momentum causing the
tail plane to rise in the odd position here seen, which -uggests that it had fallen head
on into the trees. The pilot can be seen on his " otil e, and below is an officer, who
has climbed a tree to render
f7 x .
-, -, r ,
Hundreds of Miles of Improved
Hoadi Found by Omahant Who
Make Annual Tour.
Omaha good road and good fellow
ship boosters, with colors flying, but
dusty, wheeled Into Omaha at 5
o'clock last night, completing a trip
of 825 miles, during which forty-one
town and cltie were visited.
Twenty-one cars started on the
run. A few dropped out Friday and
pulled back to Omaha on account of
urgent business at borne. Three ears
got lost Saturday afternoon Just a
little above Blair and bad to return
to Omaha.
Like charging a German, chlorine
gas attack were parts of the trip dur
ing the strong wind of Saturday aft
ernoon, for tb roads were extremely
dusty.' Taken as a whole, however,
it was S25 mUes of a fine roads as
could be found in, Nebraska, or. any
where In the west.
Each: suoceaalve year these trip are
made the roads are found In better con
dition. ' Each year the booster find more
and more hundred! of mile of road that
have been properly beveled for drainage
purpose. ;
Much hard gumbo road wa encountered
between Pllger and' Beemer on the Satur
day morning run. It wa , a broken
gravelly gumbo that made driving some
what hard, but just the kind of sot' that
hardens down like the blue elate of a
school kid when it 1 given a week' time
after the ordinary rains.
Beemer scarcely had a. chance' to say
"hello", to the boosters. Why7 Well, be-
(Continued on Page Three. Column Two.)
Twenty-Three ;
Serb Reservists '
Held in Chicago
CHICAGO, June teTWentjMhree re
servist of the Serbian army, alleged to
be United States rttisens, were held by
federal official here for appearance be
fore a United States commissioner for
examination as to a violation of the
nation's neutrality.
The reservists were seized by fifteen
United States deputy marshal a they
were leaving, with about 400 of their coun
trymen, for London, Ont, last night
They were to sail from Canada, it wa
reported, to Join their regiment fight
ing with the allies. Other members of
the party were permitted to leave after
the train had been delayed four hours.
The twenty-three men war detained
only after a riot call, that brought a
score of police reserve to the asalstane
of the federal officer. When the train
wa stopped and federal officers boarded
It, the reservists began shrieking In their
native tongue that German spies bad be
set them. They scrambled out of the
coaches and fought off the attempts of
the federal officer, to arrest them. Po
lice were obliged to swing their clubs
on the bead of th Serbian before order
waa restored.
mWIaa. V.
-4VV V.- JJ
8 Jsr&
m 1
5,!. r?-'J5i
assistance ''
Closing Chicago Building Material
Supply Houses and Yarda Will
.... , Be Widely Felt .....'
CHICAGO, June 26. Business in
many parts of the country probably
will suffer ag a result of thto shut
down In this city's building industry
which, ordered by allied building
and material interest as a war meas
ure against striking carpenters, went
into effect today James Pryor, a
member of the press committee of
the employers, said he had tele
graphed out of town concerns to can
cel orders and stop consignment al
ready on their way to Chicago.
The shutdown will not become general
for a week or more. It wa said. In some
case where It needed only the orfer to
top machinery it took place today; but
lb other, where perishable goods are
handled, there may be a continuant for
several days. Employers would venture
no definite statement a to the n"mber
Of men involved, but the estimate t anged
between IfiO.OO and 800,000, with approxi
mately or.e-quarter of the dry's -ware
earner dlreotly or indirectly affected.
Herbert Baliou. a carpenter contractor,
waa stabbed, it Is thought fatally. In a
dispute early today with" a man who con
tended that the carpenters' demand for
" oenta an hour waa Justified.
Predict Great Labor War.
Th ahutdown I regarded by contrac
tor, and labor leaders a the beginning
of one of the greatest labor wars In re
cent year. The action wa taken at a
meeting last night of representative of
allied bulldtng and material interest a
an answer to th referendum vote of
16,000 striking carpenters, who overwhelm
ingly defeated the proposal to arbitrate
all questions In dispute.
Th carpenter have been on a strike
since April 80. Th men demanded a
wage Increase of from cent to 70 cent
per hour.
By" mean of th shutdown th em
ployer, It wa said, hope to prevent the
independent carpenter contractors from
getting supplies and thus throw out xt
work th Ki.OnO carpenter, who are work
ing under Individual agreeroenU.
Huerta Keported
. 'On Way to Mexico
' KANSAS CITT, Mo.. June .-Althouah
General Vlctortano Huerta himself de
clared he wa on hi way to th -sltlon
at San 'Francisco, member of th
party who passed through here late last
night with th former dictator of Mexico,
are quoted a asserting General Huerta
waa going to 1 Paao, Tea.
Th conductor of th sleeping oar In
which th party was traveling I also
quoted saying the Mexicans had tick
ets for El Paso and were going there.
Oeneral Huerta was awakened by the
newspaper men while his car waa at
tached to a train wet bound from here.
After being Infoyned that the party had
ticket to El Paso, General Huerta wa
"Are you going back to Mexico?"
"I am going to th San Francisco fair,"
I th answer h la quoted a making.
i 1
.---:-r na
V .x "JL
V-4 W
. em r - -e
l'a I I
V It v
Secretary of State and Mrs. Bryan
' Will Leave Washington To
; - - day for Journey.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent,)
WASHINGTON, June 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Ex-Secretary and
Mrs. W. J. Bryan will leave for Ne
braska tomorrow afternoon, stopping
off in Chicago for a peace meeting in
the latter city Afonday evening, which
Colonel Bryan will address.
On Tuesday the colonel and Mrs. Uryan
will go to Lincoln, where they plan to
spend two or three days, and then go on
to San Francisco, where the ex-secretary
of state. will deliver the Fourth of July
oration on the exposition ground.
T. S. Allen, brother-in-law of the ex
secretary, who haa been In New Tork on
legal matters, wa In Washing-ton today
en route to hi home In Lincoln. Ha will
remain In Chicago nntll the arrival of
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and will accompany
them to.Falrvlew.
Land Officers Stick.
. In view of Mr. Bryans early departure
or .the went and the uncertainty of his
return to Washington In the near future,
the question of the land offices in Ne
braska were broached to Mr. Allen and
ho stated that he thought they would b
cleaned up In the next week or two.
- Rx animation ef the records show that
ex- ,cretary Bryan ha a candidate for
the Broken Bow pffloe who la not satis
factory to Senator Hitchcock, but with
this place agreed upon it 1 believed that
the register and receiver In the other
land offices, O'Neill, Valentine and North
(Continued on Page Two," Column Two)
Vtfa.' ! . I
rJr ill
f'v 1"
i . r'
Here's a Limeritk Contest for You!
Come on in and Get a Prize if You Can
Sl your pencil firmly.
Strike an attitude. Or for that matter.
strike anything you want to, Just so to
get your mind In working order. Then
write a limerick Just about th beat
Umerick you aver wrot la your Ufa. .
There'll be money In it And if there
Isn't money, there's liable to be a ticket
to th circus. Or maybe two tickets, fir
Th Be haa 10 and fifty reserved seat
tickets to th clrou to glv away. And
all that 1 necessary to get a prise 1 to
writ a Umerick about Buffalo Bill.
Buffalo BUI I coming to Omaha for
on day with Ul SelU-Floto (how a and
beoaua every body's Interested In Buf
falo Btll, Th B haa Instituted UU
oonteL And slno Its to be a competi
tion, ther muat be prise. Here they
First' prise $10.00.
Baoond. yrla 10.00.
Third prise B.OO.
roarta prise S.00.
Fifth prixa too.
lve prise ef $1.00 eaoh.
rifta prises of tw reserved aeat
ticket each to th Ball Tloto alrea.
Twenty prUs. of on reserved aeat
ticket each.
Forty-five prlizal For Umerick. And
Head of Slav Armies Quits Post and
Former Assistant Takes Up Work
of Opposing Invasion of
Hammering of Western Forces
Against Muscovite Lines Still
' LONDON. June 26. Oeneral W.
A. Soukhonillnoff, the Russian min-
inter of war, has resigned, according
I to a dispatch from retrograd to
I Renter's Telegram company. It Is
'understood that Oenerar-PoltTtnoff,
j a former assistant minister of war,
will succeed General 8oukhoniltnoff.
Ilammerlnir by Teutonic armies aralnt
! the rtuatan forcen In Gallcla continue
j without cefsntlon, but apparently with
lines euccrse than In moot of the many
j battles fotiKht during the long weelia
of the Gallclnn campaign for the pos
session of Prirmyal and I.mberg.
Per;rad Claim loor.
From Potrofcrad come claims of victory
j in a elx-drtv battle along the Dnelster, Hll
attempts of the Teutons to gain a font
, bold on the north bank having been frus
trated. The latest German official state
ment admit that Russian force still
thold the rliiht bank near Jlallc. this' be
ing coupled with th etatement that Gen
ieral von Unnlngen's troops sre kivplnx
iup their attacks to effect a crossing and
I that flRhtlng Is continuing between thi
Ineister and the district east of Lm-
. I; erg.
Accounts of German military activity
I In ltiissian Poland come st the same
! time as reports that many big guns from
lipn, Germany, ar being shipped Into
i that region, possibly In preparation for
another drive at Warsaw.
Pronounced . German aurcesee seem-
lnsly have occurred not far from the east
Prussian border. The Germans claiming
the capture by storm of a Russian posi
tion north of Przartnya and the Russians
admitting a reverse In that region
I through superior artillery fire by the
i German. .
Neither French nor German atatement
indicate operation of Immediate move-
Iment In the weetern arena The French
admit lack of progress, due In many
Place. It 1 declared to atonn ravaged
Iground, whU th German art fpvJth the
repulse of all French attack ana tne
regaining of some trench.
Alibi Established
For Ben Stutheit
Ben Stutheit, suspected of being "the
man In blue" of the Ada Swanson mur
der mystery, has apparently beervclared
of any connection with the case through
word received by the Omaha police rom
Broken Bow. J. M. rem'ng. a farmer o
Cuser county, positively asserts that
Stutheit wu working for him on th day
of the murler. The' police have been
holding the man owing to his not being
able to account for himself on that date.
He will probably be turned over to some
Institution for examination a to hi
mental condition.
A blood-ateined handkerchief .found on
th person of the suspect has led to a
recent investigation on the part of th
police, that will be dropped at once. It Is
believed, with this convincing Informa
tion from out In the state.
Third Tornado Hits
Out Near Oshkosh
OBHKOen. Neb., June 28. (Special
Telegram.-A tornado (truck twelv
mile north of Oshkoh late this fter
noon. It path waa about aeven tnUn
long and It destroyed farm building for
I. R. Parsmore, leaving the house stsnd
Ingl Further particular are not avail
able at this time. This make ,t he third
tornado In thl vicinity thla summer.
Dutch Ship Ceres
is Sunk by a Mine
LONDON. June . A dispatch received
here from Stockholm say that the Neth
eraland teamer. Cere, from Amster
dam for Lfulea. Sweden, ha sunk a a
result of striking a mine near Soder
hamn, In th Gulf of Bothnia. The crew
wa saved.
When th award ar made, they will be
given to their winner . by Buffalo BUI
in person, for th great plainsman haa
consented to appear at The Be efflo
and hand th prise winner personally
their award. And, of course, you know
what a Umerick IsT Bur you do. But
anyway, here' on, just for a sample:
Once a flghtar named Buffalo William
Haw some Injuns who ran e'er be killed
But they started too late.
It la sad to relet. '
For Buffalo William he aplUed 'em.
Ther I That' a Umerick. Of course.
It may not be as clever or aa good a.
on you could writ. And now that you
know what to do, her ar th condition:
Th' subject of th Umerick must be
Buffalo BUL It can be funny, eerloua,
clever, any way you want to make it
except, of course, derlstv. It must reach
the Contest Editor of Th Bee, with your
name and addreas, not later than mid
nltfht, Monday, July 8. The next day
will be used In Judging the contestants.
Wednesday, July 7. tha winners will be
announced, and Thursday, July 8, circus
dav. at noon the nrtsea m-ilt Iia .lv,.n
out In front of The Bee office. The
,howT It will be here Thord.y. July
8, at Twenty-first and Paul. And Just
Ion thing- more: Th contest 1 open to
I everybody: Bo com on InJ
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
Suppose your children had to go
through the hot summer months
without all the fresh milk and ice
they require.
The very thonht of it makeg von
shudder for the children in poor
families who will be exposed to that
very hardship and dancrer
Contribution from 10 cntii to ?
are nolicitfd und Trill br ernol-
n this eolnwtT?.
Previously eeknowledgwd ....tie. no
Morris SCllder B.00
r. 9. Moflbaae, Jr 8. SO
rxtoa hotel a. 00
a. V. Farrlsh a. 00
Hotel Bom a. 00
. r. SCurray 1.00
Vnitt-Dooekal Drug Co 1.00
Tranks's Alrdom 1.00
Speedway Co., by Bernatela.. 1.00
Cash T8
W. W. Ward 80
Mothers' Club Kinbir 64
oor Bat Willing 40
I. 9. O '.. S
A rather IS
Petrograd Reports that Teutons
Have Been Defeated After a
Battle of Six Days. '
PRTnOORAD, June 26. (Via
London.) The Russians are contin
uing successfully to hold their lines
along the Dniester. After a six-day
battle the Austro-Oermans have heen
defeated at Kozara and Rudsny,
north of Kaltcz. At Martinova, a
similar attempt to gain a foothold
on the Russian side of the river
failed, the Grand. Duke Nicholas
troops capturing forty officers and
1,700 men.
"At KoerulerJIne the Austrian weie r
pu'sed on Jane 21 and SI, after having
previously been defeated at 8novldas and
were driven across the Onleater, fighting
a rear gvard battle and losing heavily.
The reverse hav caused a German
concentration near Kosmlerjln and new
battles are Imminent.
"A German fore attempting to to-op.
rate'ln 1hl region I descending the
Lemberg-Brsesany railroad, but Is being
stubbornly opposed."
Bride Kidnaper
Makes Way Out of
Prison Coal Mine
Hoirsr MoCord, tho so-called Ksrma
"brldiV kidnaper," and rrank William,
convict In th state prison at : anslng,
escaped from the prison coal mine early
today by a perilous ano foot nllmh up the
perpendloular air shaft
MoCord waa serving a sentence of five
year on a whit slavery oharge, which
grew out of hla sensational flight from
lola, Kan., th evening ot June J4. 1918,
with Mrs. Harvey Dean, a 16-year-old
bride.' The young woman left her hus
band, Harvey Dean. . sitting on park
bench. The Deana were on their wedding
William and MoCord were lowered Into
the mine last night to aid In replacing
decayed timber. After midnight the mine
waa thrown Into darkness. A hasty
examination ' revealed that th elsclrio
light wires had bene out and telephonW
communication severed. When repair
were made ah Inspection revealed that
William and MoCord war gone. In
vestigation showed they bad mounted
the timber of the alrwhaft, located soma
distance frsm th main shaft and lead
ing outside th prison enclosure.
William waa aervlos; a senteu. for
Demonstration is
Made Against Gov.
Slatonof Georgia
ATLANTA. Ga, June SS-Twenty-als
men were brought to th county jail
here today , by militiamen awarding the
country home of Governor Slaton, The
tats guardsmen said they war arrested
while trying to enter th governor es
tate. The arrest and a hostile demonstration
when Governor Blaton appeared at to
day' inauguration of hla auonessor, Nat
F. Harris, mad th final day of Blaton'
term stormy. Th demonstration at th
Inauguration wa iulckly suppressed and
Oovernor Blaton wa ohrd when he
remarked, on handing; over th state seal,
that ft had "never been abued daring
my admin letratton."
His friends thought thla wa a refer
ence to hi commutation to Uf imprison
ment ,of th death sentence of Leo it.
Militiamen, who brought the prlsonera
In from the Slaton estate, said seven
pistols and thre club war taken from
the men aftor an exchange of shot, la
which no on waa hurt.
LOB A NOBLE 3, Cel., Jun JO. A prts
court at Blyth. Eng., ha released th
American steamship Portland, owned by
the Glob Grain and Milling company of
thl olty, according to word Juat received
by the owners. The veasel, with a cargo
of barley, bean and dried fruit wa en
route from Han Francisco to Sweden when
raptured by a British warship and
brought to Kirkwall. Claims for damage
for selsur of part of th cargo by th
British government haa been sent by th
owner to th Elate department at Washington.
Germany Are Expected to Make a
Drive Toward Calais, Paris or
Warsaw Within the Next
Few Days.
Most Experts Believe Another Effort
Will Be Made to Reach Capital
of Russian Poland.
! LONDON, June I. Thare is a ,
pause at the present moment on both
battle fronts on the continent. The
British public, with, breathless ex
pectancy, await the next move. It
is conceded that this move la Ger
many', and that It may be made
against either Warsaw,, Paris or,
German activity reported rn the
Argonne may indicate a drive on
Paris, but the closing of the Belgian
frontier may mean the transfer ot.
veterans from the eastern front for
another attempt to break, through to
the English channel. Many persona
believe, however, that no great offen
sive movement will be attempted
along the western front until another
effort ha heen made to reach War
saw, against which position the Ger
mans are said to be bringing big
guns from Da son.
No great activity Ir to he noted along
any of th minor fronts. Th Italian
claim to be engaged In oonaoUdattna; th
position they hav won alone th Isooso
river, while from th Dardanelles com
report of enormous loaaea Buffered by
the Turks In defending th peninsula.
The question of munition atUl la b-
House of Commona ha been aaaurad by
Walter Runclman. president of th Board
of Trade, that Great Britain baa suf
ficient high explosive for Ita own use
and that It need have no concern
over It food aupplte. but that th re
quirement for a holla ar atlU acute.
Italian Official Report.
ROMB, June JR. (Via Pari. June 88.)
The official atatement laauad tonight 1 '
the headquartera ot th Italian general
staff ear: . ' '.,;.';,'"..
"Our reoonnniare extending beyond
tha fron In th Tyrol-Trentlno region. In
Cadora and Carniola. Indicate
I activity on th part of th enemy lath
wora or remcorcing and planing- new
batterie. W are frustrating thl work
by the fflclent fir of our artillery and
th bold operations of a mall detachmenta
"In Carniola th night of Jun S4-3S, th
enemy vainly renewed hi attack
agalnat our line from Val Grand to Val
Ptocolo. ,
"Our operation alnmv tha tma.
developing methodically In spit of th
mahlford natural difficult! of th
"An Austrian batter, whlnh
day haa been disturbing our troope by
Ita fir, causing aDclallv nrh,u
age to villages with Injurtee to their fn-
nu.u.nui. waa located today and became
th object ot a wall itlrat-
. 4, w 4 i.JJH
our artillery. Immediately afterward a
largo white flag, with a Red Cros. wa
"u"1 "nm v"'a near tha location of
the battery, with the .vi.i - .
deceiving us and stopping- our fire."
Frerfrk Of fir la Report.
PARH9. Jun Sl-.Th French v war
off!' afternoon report reads:
"Comrtdarlng th front aa a whole, last
night passed with relatlx-a !. xr ..
of Arrae ther la nothing- to report with
me exception or some Inflntry engage
mnt. aooompenied fcy a lively can-
nonadlng. between the Bouohe auger re
finery and th national highway, between
Bethune and Arra.
"Our prograsa haa bean checked by tha
condition of the ground which ,ln certain
Places, haa been rendered almost tm
paasebl by storm.'
"On th Champagne front and In Ar
gonn th fighting with mine ha been
golnr-on to our adxantage."
77igVxy' War News
entirely cleared ef the Teateale
troop who fere their way across
at twe polate eats-lr tale week, ar
eordlaaT to th lateatr of f total etate
mesti, bet the A astro-Germ a
fore are makiaar eeeperate f.
fort to effect a passage elsewhere.
ing tha eastern territory a a re-
. ported moras. eats ( Gereaae
fovea en their fxUertev llaee wtta
oat veatarlnar mora than apeeelav
tlon mm te whether these ansa a aa
otfcar Tewtomte drrre at Warsaw
v teatwed svetJvttr ea a kigt
el by the Oeraas te Aleraaav4er.
ITALIAN ARMIES 'are eoattaelac
their work ef keerptavar elear their
fro at la th Tyred -Tramtla aaa ta
Cadora and Caralela by artillery "
fir a ad Isolated lafaatry opera
tioas, the efflelal reports aay,
Proeraaa la belnaT snada alone the
IsoBso, aeeardlaat t the Italian
freaa tha Dardaaellae te a report
by the Tarklah war efflee that ea
Jaae SS a Tarhlab patrei etoetrered
a party ef th alttae aaaet
FRENCH REPORT aoaapamtlva ta.
aatrvtty ahoagr th weatera fraat. '
Their proereat they aay, aa ba .
checked ta plaae by the eeadlttaa
ef the sreaad, ewe te reeeat
st or ana.
beea pablished la th Vorwaerte ef
Berlla la th ahepe ef a fall pas
appeal froav. the saolallst desae-
e ratio party ta-Oarsaaer. Orpeel
tloa at th party te terrssrlat eeav
eaaet la elearly stated.