1 TIM I?F,F:: OM.MTA. SATriJDAV. .U'XK (.. Cirlsp Mews of Satwday's Temptin Mary Jane Ankle Strapped Pumps Patent leather, white piping, white, heel and aole, one of the ) Q newest things Just out, all sites. On sale, at p0 TENNIS SHOES AND OXFORDS The coolest and most comfortable footwear for golf and every day use. We carry only the best quality In these goods, white, gray and black. Prices 75c, 98c and S1.25 LAST DAY SATURDAY OF THE JAPANESE EXHIBIT On tha Third Floor. The exhibit Includes a highly Interesting showing of our own importa tions from Japan Japanese wearing apparel of all kinds, kimonos, Man darin Petticoats and many beautiful novelties, all priced exceedingly mod erate. The large collection of birds, doga, curios, etc., Is attracting great attention. if 1AJM - V loop samples) A Sensational Purchase of 1,400 High Grade Dresses of Exquisite Hair Ornaments Th most wonderful values ii It has been our good fortune to see. They are all high priced hair ornaments, many of them worth as high a $15.00. They include Casque Combs, Madam Sane Gene, GeraMine Farrar; also pins and barrettes. It rould be a most difficult task to try to match this offer with anything else you have ever seen, for we ourselves are astonished at their great value. Worth up to 15.00 and on sale Saturday for $1 00 Of Every Description, From a New York Manufacturer, at About 50c on the Dollar Our ready cash brought us this opportunity. The manufac turer was hard pressed and accepted our offer with the under standing that we should not use his name, as he is known throughout the United States as a maker of high class, exclusive dresses. We will offer the entire 1,400 dresses, divided into four lots, at the same low prices in proportion to that which we paid. Party dreaaes, street dresses, afternoon dresses, dancing dresses, traveling dresses and apart dreaaes. Beautiful laces, nets, voiles, crepes, crepe de chine, im ported novelties, organdies, taffetas, etc. Dresses worth to $39.00 I Dresses worth to $25.00 Good News for 819 Dresses worth to $35.00 R 0 Dresses worth to $10.00 S55 Sizes for every woman from 16 years to. 48 bust measure. Summer Hosiery and Underwear There can be no better opportunity than Saturday to stock up to buy all the hosiery and underwear that will be needed for father, for mother, for the boys and girls for the whole season. Taking advantage now means saving half the summer's expense in this direction. Women's Plain and Fancy Silk Stockings Striped boots, plain boots, striped tops and many other fancy novelties. All silk to the tor, others with wade lisle garter welt; all full fashioned with reinforced soles, heels and toes. Hose to match all shades of shoe tops and rlM black and white. Reg. $l and $1.25 values, pair. .we Women's Pure Thread Silk Boot Stockings in all new ahadea to Ja match ahoea and gowns. Wide garter tops. Special Sat., pr 3UC Women'a Silk Boot Stockings In black, white Sod colors. Full n seamless. Specially priced, pair iCOC Women's Usle and Cotton Stockings Full fashioned and r seamless; black and white. Worth 25c, pair. 1)C- Mlaaea', Children's and Boys' Pine and Medium Ribbed 8tocklngs . Double knees, spliced heels and toes; full seamless; jr good weight. 25c quality, pair luC Kayser Knit Vests Swiss ribbed llsles, hand crochet tops. . Pink and white. 60c values, on each OifC Women'a Venetian Silk Union Suits, with reinforced underarm shield; French band tops; cuff knees. Pink and white. d i a Worth to $3.50, ault 17 Women's Fine Cotton and Lisle Union Sulta Cuff and umbrella knee styles. 50c values, i ault OUC Women's Fine Cotton Vests Plain and dainty lace yokes. Worth 19c. Special Saturday, each .... 12ic "M" Knit Sulta for Boys Bleached cotton. Slsea 2 to 14 years. Very special, n r suit .OC Genuine Porosknlt Suits for Boys High neck, short sleeves; knee length. Sires 8 to 16 years. 60c values, special on Saturday, suit UC Stout Women EXTRA SIZE BLOUSES This season brought out an especially large selection of ui to-date effective blouses for stout women and we now have an entire section of our Blouse Shop devoted to these extra sizes. They run from 46 to 52, in organdie, batiste and voile, lace and embroidery trimmed models, some semi-tailored. Other new models just arrived in Georg ette Crepe and Or gandie Blouses. Special Sale of Feather Boas Unusual valuea at unusual prices. Beautiful boaa In white and . black and white. Saturday...... $1.50 Ladles' 'tteeV.wmr of now deals cretonne effect, tha popular Puritan collar and collar and curt aata. Bp.- S!"!! 50c and up Ribbons for Saturday Valusa up to 50c, at 1c Yard. Conslatlna; of -lnh Plain Taffeta Moire Eilt, Kty and S-Inch Fancy Warp Print. 6-fnoh Brocade m f In white, pink and n;ht blue. I Mf RnM.f.1 Sitllrl. VlH IS w Semi-Annual Sale of EVERY TRIMMED HAT In Our Entire Stock No Restrictions The New Nemo Cortet With "Wonderlift" Device This wonderful corset for women is the result of years of designing and experiment ing, and is a corset that torms a natural support Do you know what the Natural Supports of the Abdomen are? Two strap-like muscles perform this important service very often they lose their strength and sometimes they are not naturally strong and the result is they weaken a X i Everything is placed on sale all the dress hats, street hats, sport hats, etc. All the novel and chic ideas in trimmings contribute to the de sirability of this season's hats. To choose now at this remarkable sale is to obtain at extremely low cost a charming, exquisitely fash ioned hat of the mode. PV. I ". I JP V( A3 A host of other trimmed hats, ordinarily priced at $5.00 and under, will go on sale for ' $2.50 women's constitution. mis new corset is designed with straps of lastikops which imitate the muscles. Doth in -elasticity and position. This support is invisible, but by pulling the two sman laces at ttie siaes tnis new "wonaernrt canaiet can be ad justed to suit an abdomen of any size. The corset will not ride up when stated. Siz.es 2 to 36 The extra stout woman can be fitted here. We have extra ) sizes from 38 to 44 in Nemo Corsets. Prices $5, $6.50 and $7.50. To e Filled to a Warner Brassiere No garment worn during the warm months of July and August is of more importance than your brassiere. The right model gives your figure a trim, neat appearance above the waist line and also accentuates the beauty of your sheer waists. In our Corset Department we have a complete line of Warner Bras sieres, beautifully trimmed ana plain tailored ones, bizes 34 to 52. Prices ". 50c to $3.00 "Kayser" Guaranteed 16-Button Length Silk Cloves. $1.00 Pair These gloves are mads of fins qual ity Milaness silk, a much better quality than usually sold at 11.00. They come In black and wblts. In all alsea. Every pair la sn iranteed double tipped. They are fuK 24 ins. Iocs and therefore turn the elbow several Inches. They are wall eat, full and excellent fitting. Guaran teed washable. Saturday, pair pl Very Special Saturday. Women's 22-Inch Bilk Gloves Ex tra heavy quality Tricot allk, dou ble tipped, turn the elbow; black or white. They should sell at con siderably more than Sat- CC urday's price, pair ...OOC BOYS' DEPARTMENT PALM BEACH SUITS FOR BOYS $6.50 Values at $4.50 In all those beautiful new pattern effects; different models in club checks, stripes and plain colors. Linen and Crash Suits for Boys. Grsy and tan shades In all-linen Norfolk style suit. OC Regular 4.00 valuea. special Saturday . tO Palm Beach Pants. New stripe effects and plain tan and gray ahades. Choice of A An "If either straight leg or knicker styles. Worth $1.50, ape. Sat, pr.ij) 1 .UU l' New Arrivals in Wash Suits. A splendid sew assortment of the Tommy Tucker aulta In newer fabrics and colors. Priced as low as 65c and up to. Boys' Lon Pant Palm Beach Suits. Ia snappy new models. Every sire, 16 to 10 yeara .$2.50 Jr nr J- A Saturday Blouse and Shirt Sale for Boys $1.00 Values at 50c Beautiful sol set te and madraa fabric waists and sblrta in a splendid assortment of neat patterns. Sport Blouses snd Shirts Included In the sale. Boys' Wash Tlea 2.1c valuea : J5c Boys' Bathing Suits 50c to $1.50 Children's Romper Suits Splendid new numbers 5QC All-Linen Knickerbocker In black snd white, blue snd tsn linens. Sprrlxl at 85o Wall Paper Specials for j Toilet Articles Needed for Vacation Outings and Other Summer Purposes Saturday For Saturday's selling we offer these vonderful values. Bedroom, Kitchen and Summer Cottage Pa- Kers in all shades and designs. OXe egu'lar 6c. grade, roll &2C Plain Domestic Oatmeal Papers in all shades; 30-inch goods, Sold with borders only. j Saturday, roll . C Parlor, Dining Room, SUre and Hall Pers, with borders to match. All colors. f- i Reg. 15c grade. Specially priced, roll. . . O ,C Bedroom, Living Room and Reception Hall Papers A wide selection to choose from; worth up to 25c. In two lots q i i Saturday, roll . OC-1 1C One may want to get tanned, but not want to undergo emollient cold creams, palliative lotions and other toilet prepara ! ii il n 'I II V Jsva Rice Powder All shades. Box Pond'a Vanishing Cream 50c alee Dorln'a Brunette Rouge Special Saturday ryjer-Klss Talcum Pow der Special, box Melba Face Cream 50c size box, Saturday Melba Nail Paste Spe cial, 2oc site Melba Rouge Special, 50c alze box Madam Ise'bell's Bath Oil 60c sixe Roger A Gallet Rice Powder Special, at 28c 29c 25c 24c 29c 18c 29c 33c 17c La Flora Freckle Cream BOe stxe '. Madame Ise'bell's Tal cum Powder Can Dabrook'a Toilet Water uOc size bottle 4711 Violet Glycerins Soap 3 bars for Halo Face Cream 50c lie Jar FlPtcher'a C'astoria Spe cial, 3'c size bottle Sloan's Liniment Spe cial, 5(c size bottle Pure Witch MazelFull quart botiln ' Listerine Special, 60c lze bottle 29c 17c 33c 19c 29c 19c 29c 28c 29c the discomfort of it. HeTe are cooling powders, soothing soaps, tions desirable at this season in the sale at special prices: Manicure Sclasors OQ Worth 75c, Saturday CttjQ, A big assortment of Bathing Caps. Liquid Veneer Special, f 1.00 alse bottle Peroxide of Hydrogea Mb. bottle , Rose Glycerine Soap Saturday, 10c cake Palnaollve Soap Special 10c cake Rubber Sheeting 36 ins. wide, yard Thermos Bottle Regu lar $1.60 value Hays' Hair Health fl size bottle 20-Mul Team Boras l ib. package Horllck's Malted Milk- Hospital size 69c 14c .5c 6c 29c 98c 59c ...7c $2.68 Photo Supplies $1.79 ...16c ...39c .25c No. 2 Buster Brown Camera Printing Frames 1x5 Developing Trsy 5x7 M. Q. Developer Eight for A Big Assortment ef Folding Kodaks st Cut Prices. Wo develop your films free when prints sre ordered. umztv Us-' F.urth f July HarmUsi Noveltici Fire Cracker Candy Boxes 3 for 6c, 2 for 6c, earh 6c, 10c and AjC All kinds of Novelty Boxes to fill, at f . l t j-w each ,5c and 10c Candy Fireworks for Table Decoration -i at, each, 6c, 10o and IOC 10c 10c Candy Special for Saturday Fresh Creamy Vanilla Marshmallows Pound Fresh Salted Peanuts Special, pound Our Delicious Cream Dipped Brazil Nuts n Regular 60c grade, Saturday pound UC Cream Dipped Peanut Nuggets Vanilla, . - strawberry and chocolate. Spe. Sat., lb IOC Our Fresh Maple Confections Caramels, Cream Gems, Cocoa Balls, Maple Penochlo and nn Vanilla Nut Kisses Special, pound -UC Take Home a Box of Our Delicious Chocolate Pom- pelan Bitter Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Chocolates Fruit and nut centers. Regular 40c grade, M 1 s V s ,,,, .... ..... . ugs Next Monday i i U -J