Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK BKK: OMAHA. SATl'KhAY. .irNfci 1015.
Ztpato Forcei Defending the Capital
Attack Carrania Army and De
lay Its Adrance.
German Socialists Not in Accord
With Wild Plans of Annexation
WASHINGTON, Junp 25. Zapata
forces defending Meilco City have
f nraged the attacking Carrania army
in a eerie of artillery duels and de
layed its advance. No details were
contained In the advices reaching
here today, which were the first In
dications that the Carranza advance
would be resisted.
Communication with Mulco air h wpw want rce."
11KIU.1N, June Vla Undon) Tlie
dr-bnte In the Prunntan (IimhIxt of lHi
iitim ypntirdny on the attltud of lh
CJfrmnn popl toward prnrr ttnu t"t
mnirfdersbltt attention tndny. Herr
Hraun, Herr VInr and Dr. Karl I.leh
knwht took part In the cxchan'ii. Thn
morning m?wpnpr report th iirmofld
Inns ubMni'tlally as follows:
Herr Wlrner. prnsrriwlve, i lld with
alms of approval from th inmlxrii, an
article ly Hu (to Uplnomnnn, aorlnllAt, to
the ffoet that no Oormnn want! fwar
until nrmany's I'neml' ar willing to
concede Ita rlarlit to rtcvotop lta M onomlo
and cultural power.
To thla statement Pr. Karl Uebknerht,
I one of the aorlallat lsWs, Interjected:
j "We have the mewe with and the
leen cut off alnc Jun IK when CK-iral
Oonaalea. the Carrania commander, cut
the vires to Vera. Crut at Otumba, twenty-five
mllea eaat of the capital. Con.
oular advice from Vara C-rui today aald
the wires were, atlll down and It wna lm
irobable that communication would be
tettored before Oonsale entered the city.
Vra Crua dlapatchea to the Currants
Fns: here have Inaiated Oonaalea was
rylnf "to aave the city from the hor
rara of attack," and had bean 0:4erd
t.i exhaust every means to Induce the
Vllla-Zapata, troops to withdraw wl'hout
teal stance.
the Carrania war department urge"
that the Bed Crosa relief expedition he
delayed until after the occupation cf the
crpltal. General Carrania has promised
full co-operation with It.
The forelrn chancellorlea Interested In
the Mexican situation have been riven
to understand the preeldent will deter
mine on some action In Una with his re-
ent statement on Mexican affair after
i.e returns from New Hampshire In July.
Home of the diplomats nave received
r.fricial statements that while the popula
tion waa starring worth of food
atuffa were exported to Cuba fron. the
territory held ry Carranaa In thj flrat
three months of IMF.
After thla Interruption, Herr Wiener
"We are convinced that the co-opwa-tlon
of all parties and dames la eaaentlal
and tlirtt It meana Germany victory. In
thla co-operot:r n la found the t-tiarantec
that we will hold out, and that we will
be spared from auch dtuitardly attack In
the future."
Herr Mr&un. soclallKt, wi the next
epeaJier. JI aJd the anclallets did not
dmy that the German people muot stand
toe-ether against their innumerable
enemies. He referred to the fact that
certain persons are talking about con
tinuing the war In order to realize "wild
plana of annexation.
"A sr-at majority of the German peo
ple wl.!i Imperatively thnt no oppor
tunity for ecurlmt an early pence be
lost." the xpcuker tlei lareil, "mid they
emphatically reject ruinexation plana of,
all kind, particularly such as have teen !
advocated by one German ruler, liemnc
racy is opposed to theaw ohjectionnl
projects If only for the reason that they
prolong war1..
"The German people want no con
qiiej,'.," Irr Praun declnred. "They
want no annexations. They do want
peace without hrlniflng humiliation or
eulije. tlon to the other peoples."
Herr Delhrueck, Prueelaji minister of
the Interior, made answer to Herr
Drawn In part as follows:
"While we. are Involved In such a war
tia this we can have but one thought,
namely, to terminate It In a way that
will make a repetition Impossible. That
1a the aoaJ which the Imperial chancellor
and allied covernments have set them
selves and that la the goal you must
strive for alonK with us."
Tew words from the rnlnlater were
greeted with evidences of disapproval
from the aocleilst mcmtiere.
Fast Trains Collide
on Maryland Bridge;
Six Persons Killed
Tilt ft MONT. Mrt . .Tcne 2T,.-Ik per
sons, f,ur of them i'.ltlmorea.ia, were
killed srd r. dnen more or lees seiiDiiily
irlured. When the pine mountain et press
and the fat mall of tKo Western Mniy-
limd rallwns- crnhed together on a j
br1dne 110 feet hl(fh, oxer Owens deck, j
a few miles west of here in, nlnht. I
The. dead:
British Note on Detention of
American Ship Called Evasive
WASHINGTON. June ?5. Sufficient ' rsalnt the order In council. Thla Great
fsi ts on detention and selxure of merl- Britain haa not answered,
fan shls and cargoes by the i'.ritish i OfficisJs here regard the British Mate-
(Continued from Paae One.)
Continued from Page One.t
In house rloae to the river and Is offer
ing desperate resistance. In theso fights ! provlsed tables under the spreading; aliade
our heavy and light artillery gave ur j,f ttio incomparable lawn of George Sey
effective support. i mour, who besides owning hanks and big
(Continued from Page One.)
"In the Kosmterklne district, on the
Ittilester southeast of Nljnlff, our troops
are taking the offensive. Approaching
Mount Beiymlanna, occupied and
strongly organlxed by the enemy, they
entrenched themselves, end at dawn the
l'd made a dashing assault on the moun
tain. The enemy. In the face of a bayo
net attack, fell back In disorder to the
second line of his works. Pressing close
fit his heels, our troops entered the works
buildings In Klgln, is said to own a sub
stantial corner of thn county's ground.
Nellgh, Oukdalu and Tllden had their
hands on the streets to serenade the vis
itors. Meadow Grove and Battle, Creek
were taken somewhat on the fly. a the
caravan was running behind schedule.
Hospitality RTerywhere.
AliRION, Neb., June 28. (Hpeclal Tele-grant.)-The
Omaha Good Roads and
Good Fellowship Boosters touring; the
North Calvert ire,t. Rii Itlniore.
W'AU'KK V CHI F'CHASK, her son. Ti
years rid r.ttlt'mnre.
COI.TMAN cook, engineer. Bsltlmore.
v. H KiHTZ. Hagrrlnwn, traveling
flremnn. I'.alt liiiore.
J. R. HA V FH, fireman, rtalllmore.
I-t THi:R HVl.l., bagaeman. Hager-
Injured seriously:
J. It. 7-ndEraft. fireman, Paltlmote;
leg and ribs broken
Th" niue mountain express, west
hound. nti-n as train No. 11. was late.
If on time 't mould have passed the fast
mail. No. 10, east bound, not far from
the point at which the wreck occurred.
J ne change in the schedule. In the course
of which, a mlxup In the ordfrs given
the conductors of tne two trains is mid
to have ocfurred. resulted In bringing
thn two trains together at hli;h srw e.t on
the bridge, which pans a mountain
Ro great was the Impact the two en
gines were almost completely telescoped.
The haggnpe car of the Rlue mountain
expreas. In which Mra. Chlpchaee, wlw
waa In an Invalid chair, accompanied by
her eon. was riding, was thrown to the
bed of the creek.
The Pullman parlor car Immediately
back of tho baggage car. veered peril
ously nea.r the edge of the bridge, hut
did not leave the rails. Its occupants
escaped practically without Injury.
fket have not yet been gathered h.v the
! State department to complete the new
1 rote to Great Britain, which hBS beet uv
j der preparation several week.
Secretary I-analng disclosed today that
the portion of the note dealing with the
t rim l les of the 1 lot kade has long ago
bfen outlined, but that ofMelals had been
absorbed In getting data on American
ships and goods detained or selxed He
int mated that the note In Its final form
would be a presentation of the acauemlc
jrinclplea Involved In tho r.rltlsh practice
tit der the order In council.
The British memorandum, reviewing the
efforts to minimize Inconveniences to
neutrals, will be acknowledged In the
rew note, and some of Its points will be
d'scusscd, although It Is recognised here
that the memorandum waa not Intended
as a reply to the American noteet j
ment of detentions as evasive. The
memorandum puts the total number of
vessels "still detained' st twenty-seven.
Nowhere In the British memorandum Is
a statement of the total dententlnna.
which the ""fate department estimates at
almost I'W since March 1.
The new noe to Great Britain will
doubtless! call special attention to the
British statement thai of the twenty
seven ships detained sever "are free to
doiart os oon as the Items of their
cargo placed In the prize court have been
Washington is not ready to accept the
principles embodied in that statement
and officials ccntend It Is small consola
tion for an American owner of a valuable
cargo. The note will Insist that a non
contraband cargo. conMgned to a neutral
port, regardless of Its eventual destina
tion, shall not be molested.
tfsident of Audubon county practically
all his life, waa found dead In a field
about a quarter of a mile from his horrte
n'ght before last. He had gone out to
cut weeds and his parents, who lived
with him, becoming alarmed at his con
tinued absence, started out to hunt him
and found him lying dead In the field.
Heath was the result of apoplexy. The
funeral services were held today.
ttnddesj Death Xrmr Atlantic.
ATLANTIC. la.. June 2S.-(Hpccial.)
Rudolph Kluever, aged years, snd a
LOS ANGELESl Cm., June a.-Seven
Mexicans chopped their way Into the
home of Mrs. Louise F. Martlnex, an
aged resident of the Latin quarter, near
the Plaxa early today and applied fir
to her feet, which Induced her to reveal
the hiding place of $1 In gold. Three
and put the bayonet almost In the entire ,tllte tn nneteen automobiles again an
,ery actions At th him time we have
been maintaining our activity along the
front by means of reconnaJsancea by
email detachments, and thus we have
had successful encounters at Carano and
Val Clemon and toward the. plateau of
"In Carnia we continue an Intense) ar
tillery fire, pajttcularly against Malbor
gcth. Our projectiles today penetrated the
cupola of Fort IlelaeL
"The night of the 22-nd the rain attacks
of the enemy were repeated against our
position at Val Orand and Val Pic
colo, in the region of Monte Nero we ex
tended our occupation toward the north
as far as the slopes of Javasoekr and
made fifty-seven prisoners. In the region
w began firing against the Bay of
Pleiso. -
"Along the laonao we are advancing
rapidly, reinforcing ourselves In positions
on the right bank of the river. We thus
bare occupied Olobna, north of Plava
and on the lower Jsonso T have cap
tured the edge . et the plateau between
Psgra'lo and Monfalcona." -
PARI.", June 26 The French war of
fice's afternoon statement reads:
"North of ' Arras . Frenefi troops last
night nltackad between Angre) and
douches and made further progress. In
the Labyrinth a German oountar attack
has been repulsed.- This engagement was
followed by a violent bombardment of
our trenches, to which our batteries re
plied, i , i
"In the Champagne near !Ue4ms and
alsa near I'erthes, the enemy yesterday
and during last night exploded mines,
hut did not deliver any Infantry attack.
They were not even abl to occupy the
excavations made by these explosions.
"In the Argonne and at Vauqviola the
fighting with mtnea continues and there
occurred several local engagements
marked by the throwing of bombs and
of hand grenades.
..On the heights of th XI e use at the
Ccolonne trench, the Germans last even
In: delivered violent attack alone our
entire front, hurling asphyxiating: bombs
and .flaming llqulda After penetrating
that portion of their former second line
of defenses which w occupied, they
were thrown out atfaln by an energetic
French counter attack. At midnight the
enemy attempted a fdrther offensive, but
found themselves tinder fire from our
barriers and were dispersed with heavy
in Lorraine the enemy yeaterday on
two occasions endeavored to retake the
positions ho had lost near Irlntrey. He
wss completely repulsed.
"In the Yoeagra two German Infantry
attacks were checked by artillery and
infantry fire. They were delivered
against Relcha Ackerkopf, after a violent
artillery bombardment.
"A German aviator yeaterday threw
five bombs on the sanitarium at Zupy
coote, but without doing any damage."
I Aaafrlans Contradict Itallaaa.
WASHINGTON. June 36 -Dispatches to
the Auatro-Hungartan emhasay here to
day said Plava was still held by the Aus
trlans end denied the claim that Italian
troops have broken through. The tele
gram says:
"In the face of false reports from
Kalian headquarters our press bureau
. aiates that Plava Is atlll held firmly by
' us. These positions) were ordered taken
by the Italian king, according to the
; statements of prisoners. The Italians
t have never broken through, although
! they lost thousands tn Held attack only.
At least 1,000 unburled dead lie iefor
cur positions. Our losses were consid
erably smaller."
garrison holding the hill. The remnants,
consisting of two officers and S10 men,
were ma do prisoners."
tirrmssa t'rosa Dniester.
BERLIN, June -(By Wireless to
Hay villa, N. T.) German army head
quarters today gave out this report:
On the west front nttarks of the
enemy yesterday were repulsed and we
made several local fairs.
"The village of Kopaaoyaka haa been
evacuated by the Germans.
At a point west of Stegua, German
troops have taken a part of the enemy's
The situation of Field Marshal Von
Mackensen's army remains unchanged.
That portion of General Von Lln-
slngen's army which was northwest of
Hallcs. haa been transferred to the
south bank of the Dniester. Further up
the river the German attacks are advanc
ing. The left wing of the army Is near
Aaslrlasi Report on gltnatloa.
June tt (Via London.) The reault of the
success achieved by General von Boehm
Krmolli's army in taking Lembrrg and
In the battles to the eaat of the Gallctan
capital are making themselves felt alse
on the Dniester. Htnce taking Mlkolaiow
this army haa been operating with Gen
eral Llnatngen's army to the south and
has been pressing the Russians back upon
their positions north of the Dniester.
The Russians offered a desperate re
sistance on the Dniester, especially In
the center, to permit their retreating
armies to save themaelvea and their war
material. The retreat of the Russians
along the Ban and In the angle on the
Vistula continued under conditions which
are bringing successful results to the
pursuing arm of Archduke Joseph Ferdinand.
countered an enthusiastic and hospitable
lot of people In the towns visited on the
second day's lap of the run.
They arrived In good order at Albion,
somewhat behind scheduled time, after
being entertained at Columbus half the
night at the Klka' rhib rooms, where
President Kmmtr of the Commercial club
welcomed them.
The tourists drove out In the cool of
the morning, found the roads In good
ahape, considering the long rainy apell
that haa but recently subsided.
In some places big road scrapers were
at work all morning in anticipation of
the coming of the tourists. "We boost
for Monroe, Omaha and Nebraska;, we
have good roada, but want better," waa
the slogan on the big banner over the
streets at Monroe.
Decorated with Rosea,
Monroe girls slipped about among the
crowd and pinned pink roses on the
Boosters. An eacort of a half doaen i
cars from Genoa came out and piloted '
the crowd . to their ' town. The new
volunteer fire department hai! And Com
mercial club rooms s,t this plaee were i
msde show places.' The Bt. Edwards,'
band In autos came' mllea ' out In the
country and serenaded the Boosters be
tween two wheat fields before piloting
them to town.
Roone had Ita band out- In full force
and twenty automobiles of the Albion
Commercial club came as far as Boono
to meet the party.
Driver of Joy Ride
Car at Chicago Held
For Manslaughter
CHICAGO, January 2E.-The cases of
Miss Lottie Brlggs of Chicago, J. F.
Wicker of High Tolnt. Ia.. and V. K.
Flack, a Chicago chauffeur, In connec
tion with the automobile accident In
which O. W. Franklin of Burlington. Ia.,
and Mrs. Elvira Land si J Bhepard. Chi
cago, were killed, today was set tor
hearing July 1.
Flack Is aouuaed of manslaughter and
the two others, fellow passengers of the
persons killed, are held as accessories.
Wicker and Miss Brlggs are under bonds.
Da Van gaffer vtlth tolas T
Take Dr. King's New Discovery, the
best cough, cold, throat and lung medi
cine made. The first dose helpe. Wc. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. June . (Special Tel
egram.) A pension of 113 waa granted to
Mra. Jane R. Ftiasell. Geneva, Neb.
Mra. Maude . Hcott was appointed
postmaster at Whitney, Perklna county.
He nth Dakota, vlue Robert W. Scott, re
sinned. '
On the recommendation of National
Committeeman Wade, Dr. W. H. Jenka
was appointed pension surgeon at Tip
ton. Ia.
of the men then attacked her, after
which they quarreled because V could
not be equally divided among seven. The
dispute gave Mrs. Martlnex time to sum
mon the police and five of the seven rob
bers were captured.
Terre Haute Men
Finish Their Terms
INDIAN A POLIS. Ind., June K.-Thir-ty-one
Terre Haute poll fraud consplra
tom were released from Jail here today
at the expiration of their sentences of
sixty days each. Coats amounting to
J91.M each, a share In the expenses of
the trial, were paid. In addition to fines
of fl each.
nd get Into your own business.
Middy Says Hazing
Is Still Custom at
Naval Academy
ANNAPOU Md.. June 2T.-So manT
marked changes In Ms previous teefl
mony o.t to nocturnal visits to naval
academy buildings were made today by
Charles M. Reacle of the second clsas
thnt Congressman Csrlln of counsel for
the defense, remarked that It was dear
the witness "perjurec nimseir. m
congressman asked that the testimony
be ruied out, but the court of Inquiry In
ventilating examination scandals In th
school, decided to receive It.
Ragle ca ised con-lderable interest bv
relating the experiences of himself and
otners with the hexing system at the
academy. lie said he once took a showet
bath while stnndlng on his head, and
thit 'pieces'' frequently were com
pelled t. (in certain physical exercises
as many aa 1.00 times at a stretch.
Karly In his testlmcny today Reagle
told of having numerous keys to build
ings, rooms and receptacles In the of
fices of Instructors. He also said there
was a general circulation of keys to cer
tain rooms In the barracks where mid
shipmen would go and smoke In violation
of the rules. Reagle also declared that
MldHhlp.nan I!. M. kelson, an honor
man of the first class, who is one of thi
I seven original defendants recomniender
for -JWniisal, had loaned him a key tc
the department of English.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
General Huerta On
Way to Exposition
CHICAGO, June 25. General Vlotorlaiin
Huerta, former dictator of Mexico, slipped
quietly Into Chicago today. He was ac
companied by his son and a secretary
and aald he was on his way to the ex
position at San Francisco "to relax my
nerves after trying experiences."
TKxny-fxflh Tear
For Liaaor and
Drug Users
Removes permanently the craving
for Liquor and Druga.
Alwaya Improves ths general health,
Burroundf lgs pleasant system hu
mane, nothing "heroic"
Drugs are withdrawn gradually, and
with the aid of our tonio remedies
patiente auffer no collapse.
Do not be pureuaded that all treat
ments are alike. Ours is the onlv
effective one, aa time and experi
ence proves.
Come to us without delay. Those con
ditions are serious and there should
be no experiments
Send for Illustrated booklet. Corre
spondence slxloUy confidential.
The Keeley Institute
Oome Mtn aa Cass treats,
SHENANDOAH. Ia., June B.-8pecital.)
Money-Saving Bargains at
Beaton's For Saturday & Monday
3,r)c DeMar'a Talc. . . 10r
10c Red Wing Grape Juice
per tlozen 75?
A chase tn which a married woman
and a farm hand wanted on the chargn
' of white slavery, were pursued mora than
l.7a miles) through Minnesota.- Iowa, HU
1 note and Nebraska Surtng the laat four
; months ended hers Wedneeday when Roy
; Lindsay of Marshall. Minn., was ar
: reeled at a livery barn here. The woman.
Mrs. Llaate Elstoo, returne4 to ber former
home at Knoxrilla. III... a few days ago.
- hc the chase waa nearlng Its finish.
' l.lndaey. who Is only a rears old. came
here suod wu staying with his brother,
- kobert Lindsay,' ad employ at the sta
Mca. Tbe husband bf the woman la a
farmer la Minnesota. The man waa taken
bark to Una couotv. Minnesota.
'2jc pints, Red Winp
f irapo Juice, ea,, 1G
5()c quarts, Red Win?
(i rape Juice, ea., 33d
$1.50 Self-Filliup; Foun
tain Pen 89
(Guaranteed for year.)
11.00 Mes-ca 25c
2 So Tooth Brushes 10
XSo Sloan's Liniment .... 17s
$1.75 HorUck's Malted Milk
'or , 82.08
11.00 HorUck's Malted , Milk
'or G7
26c Uennen'a Bhavlng Cream,
tor 17s
11.00 Usterln .5l&
76c All Ktibbar Bath. Caps
or 30
50c PebiHw Tooth Taatn
lor ...34c
25c Brbnio Seltzer. . .17c
$2.50 Thermos Rottle,
quarts $1.93
$1.50 Thermos Bottles,
Pint 81.10
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste 144
$7.60 Ansco Vest Pocket
Camera .85.00
(Pictures IKiSVt)
6e M. Q. Developer. . .25
We develop all also Films
t0T 10
25c Ranltol Tooth Powder or
Paste 12c
75c Pool pe lan Massage Cream
26o Mentholaturu !5f
25e -lb. Peroxide Hydrogeu
tor Ts
60e Hay's Hair Health.. "A
. . Fifteenth and Farnam Streets
Saturday Will
Be An Important Day
In the Apparel Sections
For Vacation and travel wear, seasonable apparel at low prices.
Specials from Every Section
Silk Dresses
Your unrestricted choice
of any Silk Dress in stock
Two Prices: $15 - $25
Formerly priced to $75.00.
Every Dress New This Season and From Regular Stock
46 SILK DRESSES of taffeta, foulard and .
wash silk, in plain and novelty styles,
wide skirts, every style new this season,
sizes from 16 to 44, formerly priced from
$22.50 to $r,5.00; Saturday - $15.00
1 STYLES of afternoon and dinner dresses, each,
one exclusive, of the finest crepe de Chine, chif
fons, silk grenadines, and other fashionable fab-'
rlcs. sizes 16 to 44, formerly priced from (39.50 '
to 175.00. Saturday ..... 825.00
Because of low prices, we must make charges for any alterations.
Tailored Suits
Not many suits left in this June
Cloaraway, hut each is offered at a
low price - - $11.75, $14.75, $21.75
The former pricings were to $55.00.
Summer Coats
For travel, motor, sport wear, you
will find some bargains here:
$10.00, $12.50, $15.00
The Vogue of the Sepa
rate Skirts
Special White (iolfine Skirts, $6.75
Special Palm Beach Skirts - $5.95
Maid's Cap, Cuff
and Collar Set
These are new; materials are
fine organdie, lace trimmed,
prices, 66c and 75c a set.
rialn Cuff and Collar Sets, 25c.
Maid's Aprons, long or short
til), plain or trimmed, all prices.
Third Floor.
Infant's Socks
A large assortment of well se
lected patterns In socks for chil
dren at 25c aud 85c.
Women's Boot Silk Hose at 50c
and 75c per pair.
Clearing Sale of 550 Waists
Broken sires, slightly soiled and mussed waists,
crepe de chine, floiishaw, pongee, wash silk, French
voile, striped silk, and linen, silk middies, and other
spring and summer blouses, formerly priced from
$2.95 to $5.00.
Saturday $1.95
Starting at 8:30 A. M.
Every waist from this spring and summer regular
stock. Because of great reductions, we cannot send
approvals or accept returns for either cash or credit.
For Men
From top to toe, we've the new
est, most satisfying and complete
assortment for your vacation
dress needs. Popular prices pre
vail. Sport Shirts, made of white
pongee, half sleeves, two ,
pockets and adjustable col
lar ----- 91.50 each
Summer Neckwear, designs and
color combinations that are pleas
ing, as flashy or conservative as
you like:
Wash fabric ties, 25c and SOc
Silk ties, - - -50c to SI
Genuine Bargains in
Millinery Saturday
All Trimmed Hats at Half
and Less Than Half
Their Regular Selling Price
White Untrimmed Hats 1 r tt
Worth $2.75, Sale Price zJOC
Untrimmed Panamas Ui r et
Worth to $3.50, Sale Price. . r 1 ZrO
Outing and Sport Hats
All Reduced for This Sale
Special Offering of Fashionable Summer
Hair Goods
Splendid values that are sure to attract all who want a
Ftylish coiffure t a very moderate cost.
- - - 05?
- $1.55
- - $2.75
110-inch Switches of flue, wavy hair - - -24-inch
Switches of tine, wavy hair - - -2iMnch
Switthea of fine, wavy hair - - -
24- inch Switches of choicest quality natural wavy hair, $3.25
25- inch Rwitche of choicest quality natural wavy hair, $5.G5
All-around Transformations of wavy hair 05c
All-around Transformations of natural wavy hair - $5.G5
Knit Underwear
Women's Cauxe Vests, fine
ribbed 20e
Women's Gauxe Union 8ulta, low
neck, sleeveless, fitted or wide
knee .so
Women's Little Union 8ults, Rich
elieu make, extra good quality.
t 85c
Women's Fine Swiss Ribbed UsU
Union Suits .... flju
Women's Lisle Vests, plain or
fancy tops, ssc
Women's Gauie Union Suits, low
neck, sleeveless, fitted or wide
kn 85c
Children's Waist Union Suits,
ages 2 to 12 years ... fioe
Boys' Waist Union Suits, made of
nainsook, no sleeves, knee
lth SAc