16 TNK BKK: OMAHA. SATl'HDAV, .U'N'K 2fi, 101.). NEW YORK STOCK MARKET! Sham Are Leu Reactionary Seuirn Than Previ ously. at 30MT0RTINO NEWS FROM BERLIN NEW YORK. June X. Stock wore lese reactionary today, trad.-re cxtwtltwf ivihi comfort from forelrn ailvlee that the forthionilrm tSerman not will go a Ion ay toward meeting the Amu Iran government's wlshra reganllng Uer nannv a conduct of submarine warfare. Nr-vc-rthr-lrss. there waa nvr Burnpean oiling of Amornan eer-urinea and fur-thi-r private frterliiga of our short term nntos. Colnctdontally. foreign eitrhange eon tlnneil to nioc axalnst tlif Kremh cap ital, checks on Paris making the new rrrord of .'..5i. mainly an a result of an litter lack of Inquiry for these remit tance. Thla alt nation m the mom puzzling, InnHtnurh aa the new Kreni li loan ojr American bankera was exacted to eff t at leaat a temporary rcadjuat imnt of ratea on Parla. On the other hand. sterling exchange eontli"n-d to harden, demand hllla rising to 4.TTS. agajnat yeetrrday'e low rata of .7Ka: whlla cable advanced a penny on the pound to 4.7. The advance reflected Increased buying of Ixmdon hllla, rom mrr.lil and financial, to meet recent Tlritlc'i aalea of our atocka. Sne-lflc movement In the atork market lnclinled additional heavy ealca of I'ntted Ptatca Rubber at a further decline of two point.', a tital of twelve pilnta alnre Tuesday. I.atT the atock rallied feebly hut was Inactive on the recovery, Cana dian Pacific wna agiiln under preaaure, but fulled to repeal Ita low price. The aouthw. eetrrn group of railway, which emla-aicea the Missouri 1'axiflc. Ttock Inland and Missouri. Kansas A. Texas, devebied audden weakness on rumor affecting their financial re habilitation, together with unfavorablo crop new. War apeclaltlea were atrong in the early deallnga, Bethlehem fieri gaining over three points, but theae laauea eagged In the final hour. I'nlted Btalea Hteel held better than any other speculative favor Itee. Prlrea as a whole wavered at the close. Heavy forelun aclllng of high clasa bonda. with weakness In the ao-ealled Oould lasues. fenturi-d bonda. Total sales, nar value awarf.a-.iteri lOXinfin. f'nlttri States bonda were un'-hanged on call. I NumtKT or aalea and iet!ng quotation on atocka were na f-llnw: Kile. Huh. I.ew C1o. Alaska OnM 1 o I4 17 ', Aealntate. 'n'txr I poo 1 AmHntn neat Rtigar . . . American a . 4' 4SS Americas S A R a. TS Annlril 8 H pfa Am. Httear heflninf Amsrlran Tl !l Amirlmn Tntmero Ansrimle Minim f. Alohl no ;n Ml Baltimore AY 1M I.ono 774 7S nrnnhlva fiADtd Tranalt Ollfornla Hwmletim .... 4 no 14', 14 n 4 44 7 ' 10", l"in 1714k IJf .V, 10014 ?fi'4i 14 147 '4 40 'anaitlan Pai Itle 7. mo Oeatral taLthr I.IKll OieaaiMWlia Milr) 147' 1 It 14414 It Chl'-aan (1. W 11 ' lit 44 ! ?4 ; n n r fi 101 7K 10 1414 101 114 74 ws 10 7 11 t 14 4 loa rhiraaoL II. ft. p. tllcn N. W rhlna pper Cnlnrarla Fuel A Iroa. fnleraaa a Hn4lthm . 1.400 1,410 4 II 4S 11 Pentar a Rio Ornnrf nner R. (I. pf(J . . IXallllara' Berurltln 1 7fA Frle I.4l tMneral Bitrtc i.aoa irat Northern rM nra No Or rf J.JfO nuaaenhalni tiplorattoa . to llllnola Uentrai 17 171 I 170 ll 4'4 Interbopmigtt Mat. pti ..... Inept rat Ion Cfpper 1.400 11 lehlah Valar 1' 14 International Harvaeter Kanaaa Cltr ftnuthara. .. . 100 B ft 1U it ItulaaiiM A raanviiie lel-aa Petniaum 1.(0 T 74 Miami Caavar MManurl, K. T I 4'0 It 10 Hieeoun raaina ar.ina m National Alaeutt ..... Nailnnat Iaa4 tm 41 Nevada Copper Mo it . Saw .York Centiwl...... T N. T . N. H K ...... 1.100 W Norfolk aV Waatara. T 14 4 Nonhara PaeUle ....... Ho 1MV 1M jni ParKlo Mall 1,0 14 II II j-aaino Tel., m Tai.aM PeaaarWaoJa 1.400 10X 104 Pulhnaa Palaea CW Rav One. copper l.WM t" Halna- 17.0m 14T4 HapuMki Iran 4 Meal.... too M Hoi k Iilano d Rork laland Ca. pfd Ht L t I f M (I4... 1M T oathara Pact fie l.tna Hoathara atellwar . . . . 144vt Tea tan m" 'a Taiaa Company t'nloa Paoltla Vnlm Paeltte pffl T'nltaal dtaiaa Ktaal...... V. A. laal pfd flak Cofpar Wahaak pfd Weatera Cntaa v.. Weatlniboue PJiartria .. Total aalaa fur the dar 't.ui itt ii7 frioan "nH B ton jnftVt 1A l,oo r mi " Urn 'm 41. 11 H tw.OM aharaa. DIN'S HEVIBW or TRADE! 'raa Cajrreala Camtlavo im Bailaen Chaaaela. NKW TORK. June I5.-Dun's tomorrow wilt sy: t'roaa current contlnua In business channels, but the tide of returning prosperity is gradually rising. KWther progress I manifest, nothwlthatandlng unseasonable weather, and eapnclally In the west. Thla retards retail trail and tends to adversely affect the jobbera at well, while the agricultural outlook has been somewhat Impaired by excessive rains. Harvesting of winter wheat la delayed . and corn ha received a set back, yel crop failure from too much moisture are comparatively rare, the other ex treme having furnished the great records of loss. The depreaalon Influences are less keenly feU. because ttiey are believed to be temporary, and confidence In the future ren'alna tinahaken. Although July dividend payments will 1 not equal last year a by approximately : I4.70a.0iv, It la a hopeful sign that of late ' aeveral coriKirate Intereata huvu an- Honored Increased dlaburaementa. two , railroads operating In the middle west '. being Included In the Hat thla week. i It awmi assured that the nation's ex- ! reas of exports over imports for the fis cal year will amount to a round billion dollars and while leaa uolrt has com here thla week. France has arranged for a large loan. The proceeda o this will be used to finance purchases or war supplies in tnia country and ao urgent lave the foreign demands become that the Iron and excel planta tire steadily ailding tn :roductle rapacity. No aei-ioua labor controversies threetea snd the growing ahortage of sallied work men Is shout the only cloud In the In dustrial sky. V - New Yark Moaey Market. NP7W TORK. June .-MERCANT!L.B PAFRR 3W4W per cent. BTERJTNla KXfHANOH BUty-day bills, Hi; demand. I4.77W; cablaa, 4 7SJ0. Klt,VEH-I(ar. 4tc; Mexlcau dollars. 7U.v BONDS Oovernment. steady; railroad, heavy. TIMK lX)AN8-lxtjr days. IHfT? per rent; ninety days. JVfi2 per oent; alt months, I per cent. CALL MONBT-Steadjr: b'sh. 1 pef cent; low IV per cent; ruling ran, per cent; laat loan. IV per otnt; claalng bid. 1 per ceait; offered at IV par cent. Closing prices on bonds: V g. ret. la. f'f.... sl Mo. rae. e. ta M So rausaa ? N T. C s tva.... 7i It rs .iaN. T. t'ltr 4'a ...Kl ta eausea 1I0 M Y. state 4a....i, V. S. ta. ra N. T . N. H. at H So eaupoa Hft,i r. ta in Vaaaata ta atxipa. No Par.ltlt ta f M. ttaaaltara as . Is via at aj A T. T. e. 4(t li.n. g u rf 4a .. t7 Arm"r V 4t.. lPur T. T. to.... IT Atrfcuoa aea. ta.... KHai-ana. roa. ta t:t Jial. Onto 4a at1 0o aaa. 4a n, niIi a Onta Raailiaa aaa. ta. lt b. a W I. ts at u a s r. r. 4s ts p M i s t. l'stBa. Pto. or. ta IV a, ta. Jut4 rf 4a M r S rat. 4a.... si a. M4 rt It. O rai. ts.. tT So fuilvar ta. In Brta aaa. aa. tTHVaio racirta ta..,. tu itaa. kerrta aa....Je' so -r ta aa ;i Mo lat Wa a- a. RtabW ta....Ki. 111 (as ral. aa ., St P . steal ta In K. O. aa. rai. as.. 4Wabaah Let ta !.. I. . anl. 4a.... H''W.W. Cnta 4aa . Bst af at. T lot ta. -Waa. glac. a. aa. lM BIS. Oftara4. I Dry (.aotla Market.' NKW YORK. June 15. DRT OtalDB retina gooda generally were quiet today, l-ut prtcea on the whole were steady. Worsted dreaa gooda were firmer. Bouih ern toiton yarns were dull. Wool prices it re stiff. Wriskl Jalaa lattlaaa. Floyd Wnght of the t'ntveraity of Krti'LK-kr base ball team will Join the l',-el..i.u I , I'm, for o trnut. Hs la - a. i, u b fast aud a good bitter. LOWER PRICES FOR LAMB CHOPS RULE Beef it Alio Cheaper, but Pork it Higher Fresh Vegetables Are Plentiful. EGGPLANTS NEW ON MARKET Lamba have dropped another dil'ar a hundred In the last week. There hna ben a peralatent drop In the lamb market for aeveral weeka. To the lover of lamb cl ops this I a welcome drop, for lamba had (rotie o hlarh a to be all but pro hibitive. Weatern lamb are benlnnlna; to crowd on the market now. with tne re milt that a ateadr drop la In proareae. I.amb rhopa are a quarter a pound. Hind quarters are 17H cent. Forequarter ara UV4 cent. Heef has made a little drop alao, an rr.uch that round ateaka that coat 20 cents a week axo are now elllng at 174j cent, and pot roast a that coat 1SH centa a week Co are now coating; 11 H cents. Prk ('hops lltarher. Tork chop hav risen from IS cent last week to 174 cents now. I-eaf lard la 10 rent a pound. Hams and baron are steady. Flour la a Uttla firmer aaaln a'ter a successive drop over a period of several weeks. It Is not comlntt up perceptibly yel, but at the samo tlma it la ahowlna" a tendency to stiffen up. It rat still be had In the retail houses at l1.oi?i1.(K a aack of forty-elajht pounds. Buarar Is stiff, but Is still soiling at retail sixteen pounds for a dollar. Heana still lllh. !ana have retained their exorbitantly tiiKh mark dnce a few months after the r atartrd. They then climbed ateadlly to $3 .50 a buahel, or 6 cents a pnunl, and are still hanging; at that figure. I'tTK plants are new on the market at l'.'H cer. a each. Home grown peas are abundant at K cents a market basket, or 7' cents a quart. Raspberries and blot kbnrrUa, re1 and bit ck, and of several varieties, are on the market reasonably cheap, while strawberries are practically over. logan berries can be hf l at 10 cents a box. Peaches are on the market In four-basket crate at 26 cents. Cantaloupes that sold at TH centa apiece last asek are i.ow a nickel. Apricots are II. 36 a crate. They ran be had at 3.1 cents a basket This I raid to be about as rheap as they will get and the canning- season for them is on. Oranaes trarrr, Orangea have gone up 15 cents a doxn snd are scarce. Butter Is a half ctnt higher and cheese advsnctd 2 rent during the week. Al King, manager of Haydon tiros. grocery department, has arranged for a rslsln day Saturday of this week In his grocery department. The famous Pun Maid raisin In fifteen-ounce packages will be especially exhibited, and arrange ments have been made whereby a 10-cent l,ef of raisin bread baked by the New Kr gland bakery will be given free with very 15-cent order of raisins. , Special Officer Runs Down Engine Driven by Woman Ordinarily when Vera Casey take on a frearh cargo of whisky It merely means trouble for the police. Thursday she found thrills In a switch engine. The loooniotlve had been left by the engineer. N 'With a gleeful whoop Vera lifted her skirt and climbed Into the cab. She threw open the throttle. Th engine started. Special Officer Pontag gave puraunt. I They headed for the Black Hllla. It was I a neck and neck race, but Pontag has bean reading .lie Uvea of Jess Wlllard and Billy Sunday for the laat few weeks. Hence he was In good condition and won In a few yards. "Your honor." said Vera to the police magistrate IhWt morning, "I had to stay j all night In the cell next to the man In blue.' but I didn't hurt him any." At this a nearby reporter heaved a sigh of relief. For a moment he thought Liquid Shampoo A Sid Hair Soap Cleans quick d rl e qulckleavei no soap In the hair, which roea right back Into ill old training. At druggists or delivered prepaid, 4 oi. 25 eta. ; 12 ox. 50 eta. 32 os. $1.0. CEO. H. LEE CO., Laboratories Omaha. Nebr. Lee s R V-T.-! 4)1 ' ' . 1915 r.lilk Fed Spring Chickens, 32c PIQ PORK ROAST Pteer Pot noaat 10H IMg Pork Bulla 114 Young Vsal Koaat 114 Young Veal t'hopa I4U Young Veal Htew t. tvie l.amb Uese 14 Mutton Chop 14 Porterhouse Steak lHa Halt Pork Marlft's Premium and Diamond C SS lb. Caae Sotrar for tl.oo VMUl t lb. Jap Tea SSa 41-lb. Back Beat flour $IM II bars D. C. or White laundry .. fte 4 Iba Dry I.lma Bean a I so 16r Tomatoea, par t an 'H Cottage, Pet or Dandy Milk, per can Ttte Nine It cans Milk for a&o ibo Windmill preserves, per Jar 10 J 6c Armour's Drape Juice lo mini lf n A DPfCTTT 1010 Harney Ct -atf baf itlaHlalksi I Phono Dotjslsa t79 PIO PORK ROAST Oy4t 1915 MILK FED SPRING CHICKENS. . . 32 Lamb Lega . . Mutton Chops 14c 14Hc Pig Pork Buttg Bteer Pot Hoaat Young Veal Koast Young Veal Chops Young Veal Blew Porterhouse Bleak .lOHe .11 We ,14He ,lHc THE EMPRESS MARKET Opi. WooUorth Be and lOc 8tor. H3 Sooibj Itb 8t. TeU I. 2807. his flibf aonrre of ropy mlelit have ht en damaged by "Vrrn, the Mad En gineer." "All riitht." said the Judge. 'An long as you didt.'t harm Itluey I l dismiss the charge. )t.t you 11 have to keep out or engine tabs hereafter and rhle only 4n th i WHtcr ai,"m." 4 berk oor nmmer ( oih, Ir. Hell's I'ine-Tar-Hnney will stop your rough, and strengthen your lungs, 'let a bottle now. Only 2T.c. All drug gist a. An vert laernent. THE DREXtL KID SAYS "Some people don't know that cheap shoes for boys are an extrav agance you gee they never bought Steel Shoda." A Shoe For The Vacation Days In the long Summer months the ahoe leather tn boys' nhoea just fades away unlers you buy TEEL noD DOES They are the beet boys' shoes made. They out wear two pairs of ordt ' nary boys' shoes. But ton and Blucher. Hoys' 1 to 5H, 2.60. Mttle Cents', to 13V.. $2.25. Parcel PoMt Paid 1419 Farnam Julius Newman, 1337 Park Ave., Announces the Opening of a Grocery Store With a Complete Keiv Stock of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES OD THURSDAY, JULY 1 Watch our ad next week for Saturday Specials. A Globe Trotter Said: "I've traveled all over the world and have eaten all kinds of alimentary paste products, but it is a fact SPAGHETTI la oqual, if not u peri or, to rry thing I have tatted abroad." Skinner' is made from the fines durum wheat and I noted for Ita high quality. 8. Ittsiffltot Blaaaliertti SKTNNca Mrc. s.iA.wsatxM Tsa LmTfi rmmtmry aa Ammriom Qy4& Hams lSe r!klnnel Hams lgale Katra Lean Hreakfaat Karon.. !! Sugar Oureit Baron 6-lb. Pall Lard, rsgular price 7 6c, perlai .Oo iraouu FYom I to P. M Umb Oiopa Se From to 10 P. M. Pork Chops 10e He Armour's Orape Julca. t Ifto bottle Cat a up lOo (Juart Mavon Jara, per rroaen . .4ae Thick Jar ilubbers. per doaen...?t Itc Caluniei or Kuniford lee 10c Apple Butler e Oolden Santos tiffee. per lb BOO Near York Cheese. psr lb ITV4S Imported Hwlaa, per lb aSe tr Toilet Hnap e Pkg. Creamery Butter, per lb....Oo Jj Sweet Polatoea, per can so Salt Pork (lie Swift's Premium and Diamond C Ham ie4 Skinned Hams ISfcc Ettra Lean Dreakfast Baeon 18 He Sugar Cured Bacon 18 He 3 lb. Pall Pure lrd. regular price 6e. special 35c irexel ALlZARDtl HO St O 7ft B , Look at These Shoe Prices for Saturday at Alexander's Woman's ta.SO Can. aa Lace Oxford anl mural atu 51.48 2,000 paiks or IVomcn's Pumps In satin, patent, tnm nietal and Tlrl kid: our regular 12.50 at visa, tin aa!e Sat urday, at 98c Pair rnraps. rnt. ear soles and heals Woman's g3.00 Vat ant Leather Colonial rumps, vsrj '51.79 latest go at Women's Mary Jans Fnmpa, pateota, res;. vaiaaii, raar- C.S1.79 nlar S2.60 kind, all lses go 800 v a I r Ladies' Ladies' sites, 19c rumps, small all from m to 4t. worth to 3.00 i choloe. , rooT-raxs aschii, msruiar ta.oo Kind, Baturdar $1.00. ALEXANDER SHOE CO., 1512 DOUGLAS OPEW TILL 10 O'CLOCK IATCBDAT KIOST. ALEXAMOBB IT O MOBE, Imported and Domestic Cigars at Cut Prices Our Cigars are always in prime condition, as they come and go so fast under the pressure of the Trade of Four Busy Stores 10c Cubanoida 4 for 2 5c, box of 16 1U50 Colon Cervantes, Porto Rican, 3 for 10c. box of EO f 1.0.1 Box of 50 Manila Media Repmilaa for QiJM Box of 10 16c quality, foil trapped Manila cigars. General Hares Bite, for 8Sc We handle the Sanltrfry Crown pipes, two Bises. . . ,25c and fiOc Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Comer 16th and Dodge St. LOTAX PHAAMACT, 807-309 Ho. 16th. OWL DBUO CO., iota and Barney. HARVARD, 84th and raxnam. C ) aa aiaBrBiBl Bl aiaiaiI u''- nar-so. T .-vh. -qav -m-r 1111111' life: ,v -v.-;.. vi.: v. v: j . . . - Mi-.; -'.:.:.' your dealer's name to foOSC-Vfa-ES JJlSCUTT (J)MFANT Baktrt mf Santkimm Bitcmil OMAHA 1 Pound. Pur Cane line Granulated Sugar for J-poand aarka Floor F.I ko, Victor or Pride Floor, sack.. It Bara piainorid C Reat-'tn-All or Laundry Quncn. for fcwtKliah iiraJth Hraad. ic par.aaav, for .777 , Jar C4a, rufular aeller pr doaeo 10. ttaturtlar . Haavy Jar Hubbra. rrulax 10c parJutire, Haturday iVau-ca, tatra fancy and Juicy, about la peauvhaa to tba baaket; laat. pr baakat Extra faniy California Had fluma, about doaeo to bajikcH haiu-y Horua Ortai I- rrah lju-(r Feaa, (iaturdavy, per tuart J'ral-'ancy Frrah Rla Tomatcnia, ir amall bajaket Tail Cana Plnh haOmoo, He seller. Saturday ooly ,w' our own coffa every da; and ae yo from be round. BpeclaJ fur Baturday Oe Coffee, freah roa ted. Ih. . .ISO SO kind, fresh routed . IBo fanry Sajitoa. freah roasted. ine kind, freah rtwuitad . par pound aoe I 4uc ina, fancy jaVa ... MEAT SPECIALS Sirloin or Porterhouaa Steaks, choice rut. per pound 17l0 r"anoy Holled Hama. allced to ordrr. per pound ase Ifonn Made Hum bu rarer or- Bulk bauaaare. per pound 10o Wa deliver Benson, Florence, ahore prli-ea, Swap Anything in the Women's 2ft west fl4 Pnir.ps, of dull kid, vit n ths cross straps. go Eat. urdsr at $2.78 1,000 pairs of ehll. drsn's shoes, all good reliable grades, ro during this salo from 1.98 dowa aa low aa 25c 500 psls Kil l Oi, fords, rsgular S3.00 kind, Beit . - n being saort. VI flood at... TtKYXALIK), 8 Sir. 2 for 2."c size 10c, box 25 2.5i 10c size, 4 for 25c, box 60. $3. la 5c size, 3 for 10c, box 60. .$1.03 Black and White Smoking Mix ture, 2-ox. tins 15c Black and White Crushed Plug, IVi-oz tins lOc La Marca, 10c size 6c, box 50 for $2.50 A Perfect Lunch with Milk Folks like Sunshine Gra hams because they are real grahams, baked to a perfect crispness. . m ii v.T it-i. is m Your Grocer 1 A I X has them fresh X J C I -WV aIJH IV A. id M H il IH )H-a-4 I 'wt aa ail an- as ia BmM in Omahm BiSCllllS That you may know Sunshine quality, we will send you Free a Sunshine Surprise Box con taining 6 kinds for you to try. Send your name and address and fl.OO 1.50 a0 S6 1O0 a while they , 11 H ssc 6a Ibo to 10c per as aoe aaa Pla- Pork Loin Roaata. per lb 11 V 11 a I'ork rhoulter Koaat a, S to 4-lb. average, per pound S Pork Chop or Pork 8teaka, lb.. lie Choice Cuta Beef Pot Ituaat. per pound It HO South Omaha. We fill mall orders at Telephone oue-la nso. "Swapper Column Great Ctearai.ee Sale NOW ON. Why wait till after the season is over, since you can JJ rr TrsM. DTntlT XT n ITT t 1 --4 TT A T V T)T TP V 51 of what yon will have to $7.50 and $6.00 Men's 9375 Suits at $12.50 and $10. Men'i All Wool Suits. . .... . 115.00 Men's Hand Tailored Suils $1.00 Men's Working Pants ..... $1.25 Men's Pants .............. $1.50 Men's Pants $2.00 Men's Pants . $3.00 Men's All Wool Pants $2.00 Men's Sample Hats 6- 65c 75c 98c 75c S. E. Cor 12th and Farnam Store Open Evenings Till I ll l 111 III 'imlim.mu..mKiMMiiM Buy From the Dealer in Your Neighborhood Displaying jg The Delicia flgn is the hallmark of quality. Your dealer knows this and is proud to display it. He would have you know that he is progressive that he handles the ice cream from the BIGGEST ICE CREAM PLANT IN OMAHA. Delicia Ice Cream gives 100 per cent satisfaction and makes more customers for him. Buy where you see the Delicia sign displayed. Why the Fairmont Orcamc-i-y has grown to bo the lamest Ice cream manufactory In Omaha is an Interesting story, More interesting is a lisit through the big plant and we glad ly extend you an Invitation to vit.lt uh. Fairmont Creamery Co. Fourth of July Specials Apex Whiskey Bottlad in Bond 4 rULL QUABTI $320 IZPBESt Orders Outaide VUArvs j Bond i Lillard 89c ! I On Sale Saturday Bond & Lillard, bottled la bond, full quarts on I i I ""ly 4 full quarts 83.50 Special low prices on Vir ginia Dare Port and Sherries Alt1 T aan -k A i Aaa I Mall Orders Filled I r.iercantilc Co. I 100 No. 16th St., Omaha, Neb. 19 Pounds for 1.00 Beat Granulated Sugar. Buy now before the advance. t pounda apeclal Coffee. .. . flOO Single pound Mo Fancy blend Coffee. 14 lba. $140 The best 25c Coffee In the city 4 lba. for $1.00 Teas, any kind, per lb.. 40o to aoe Sugar sold with 11.00 other goods. Moyunc Tea Co. r-fcoae XXmg. 1444, 404 U. lath Bv Get competent help through The Bee. " v'.;j- i pay elsewhere? $2. 50 Fine Straw lata "oc Dress Shirts . $1.00 Dress Shirts, with or without collars, at . , . 5 "c Men's Suspenders at ... lnc Hose Suporters it ... 50c Men's Work Shirts .... 2r,e Neckties st ?3.00 Men's Shoes at $2.00 IngersoU Watches at 11.00 Infrersoll Watches at 98c 39c 65c 19c 5c 29c 10c ? J83 65c 3. E. Cor. 12th and Farnam 8 p. m. Saturday Till 10 p. in. i i,uiu,i,imjrln, mmaia Ice Cream a qt. Apex Whiskey . . . . . . .$1.60 3 qt. Port Wine 1.50 1 qt. Blackberry Cordial 75 1 qt. Apricot Cordial 75 1 qt. Rock and Rye Cordial.... l.OO 1 qt. Banana Cordial 1.0O Regular price is $6.00 From now until July 4, prepaid. $4.3o of Iowa and Nebraska Must Be 20 or Urer to Be Sent Prepaid. I yOH JTHTE loth mm aaaa a aaaa j to JPIiT 4th, 191S ?&U2n Sign With an Order of $2.00 and Over of Whiskey, Mines or Liquors: A BOTTLE OF W1XF. WHISKEY, GLASS, COMBI NATION' ICE PICK, CORKSCREW AND CROWN OPENER; LADIES BONNET OR GENTLEMAN'S. HAT BEER AND ALCOHOL EXCEPTED. JAKE KLEIN-FAMILY LIQUOR DEALER 1314 DOUCLAS ST., OMAHA, NED. AMI SK.ME.Vra. RRANDEiSJ TODAY THBATIB I wo Times TMB TALK O Til TOWIT Edward Lynch aard alllar'a leasaUoaal Melodi-ama, "WITHIN THE LAW." Tata.: 15c, ase. rTaalnga, aOo, 35c, 6O0 Meat Wk.i "Where the Trail Divldea.'1 100 MIXES AST MOUB SIX MOTORCYCLE RACES AT ITAOrDK iriBOWlT a! aat omaxa Wednesday i atarday V XTZjTIaTCr F. K. Baaday I Lake Manava Dancing, Bathing, Boating Many Other Attractions. Tree MotIbot rtotorea Svary ByaoUaff I a 1 1 at. I aa I I. ( 1 r i