Till; lil-.K; OMAHA. ll.lh.U. Jl Ah 2 BRIEF CITY NEWS EUctrle fans, 97.50. Rurs-ess-Granden. as moot Prist h Now Beacon Press Seriates fflcteaoj The ISo plele tinner served at Schllts hotel. Draff Brlafs Beok Defree Superin tendent draff of the public schools lis retueejed from Lake Forest, where he re'eiej an honorary deiree. "Today's Complet Movie ProrTm" lsssiflcd section toitay, and appears In The B EXCI-rPtVEI-T. Find cut what the various moving picture theatera offer. Mo! for the Bwlmmiaf Days The lark commissioner has plsoed a woman attendant at the municipal beach at Carter lake. The attendance at the beach hn increased the last few daya. atbaway Pleads Oallty Jamea Krtlinway, charltod with stealing- a, isincoat valued at 120 from Gould Pleta. pleaded Rullty In police court and waa sentenced to twenty dss In the county jnil. To Consider Work Parm Mayor 1'ahlman appointed Commissioners Jar dlr.e, Drexel and Hummel to servo aa a si ecial committee with the public affair lommlttee of tha Commercial club for 1 onslderatlon of establishment of a mu iilripal work farm. old Caaoa Crolse Seventy-five canoelista of the Young Men'a Chnatlan r taociatlon summer park enjoyed a .anoe cruise on Carter lake Wednesday eve ning, followed by a wiener roast, t hysl ill Director "Bud" Kearns. N. R. Brig ham, Charles Blacklock and Helps Jcake were the committee In charge. Was Hot What it loams To plant turnip seed and have rape grow from It was the experience of Robert Nachtl gall, a youngster who belongs to the St. Joseph achool district of the chtl riren'a garden clubs. He bought a pack age of seeds, labeled "turnips," but when the plants grew they turned out to be tape Instead. Thanks Those Who Kelp tha Poor Mrs, a. W. Ahlqulst. fripnd of the poor and sickly of Omaha, wishes through The 1'ee to thank the large number of friends who assisted her In the splendid outing she gave to the 330 shutlns of Omaha Tuesday. Some of the donations were the use of twenty automobiles and the gift of thirty gallons of 1c cream and tl.lrty cakes. Employs Tounr Girl David Clif ford of a lower Douglas street moving picture house waa fined and costs In nolle court for violating- the child labor law. by hiring Ellr.a OaideB, aged IB years, to work at the establishment after S o'clock. The Juvenile authorities arc investigating the case from another view point. The flna in police court was sua pended by Judge' Foster. aw Grain lachanga Bnlldlnr The contract for the hardware for the new Grain exchange building has been let to Milton Rogera & Sons company fll this city. It will be recalled that this firm also furnished the hardware on the Fon tcrelle hotel and the Woodmen of the World building. Mr. Black of the Black, Masonry and Contracting company claims to be a crank on good locks and has insisted on having a very high grade of hardware for thla new Grain exchange. WILL BE GREATER Catch Fish and OMAHA SATURDAY I EZeL u pun il U.I. JU1UCI I rlhlns three to four pounds. Later the ansli'is hail tliem served in the diner. Application Made Before Judge Redick South Omaha and Dun dee Not to Contest. WILL MAKE NO APPEARANCE ENGLISH PROBABLE HEAD OF THE RECREATION WORK HEAVY TRAVEL CUTS DOWN FLESH OF L BEINDORFF it Is ia. tlrally settled thst C. H Kna llsb. director of the calmer Park - Third Trial of Case of Wunrath Against Furniture Co. is On A Witrd trial of the personal Injury damage ault brought by William Wun rath, a Janitor, against the People's Fur niture company, was begun In district court before Judge Begley of Papillion, who la presiding In court room No. 2 In the absence of Judge Kstelle. A former verdict for the plaintiff was set aside recently by the district and su preme oourts on a showing of alleged fraud In the evidence presented by the defense, leading a former Jury to believe he had lost an eye In his fall In the furniture store. Detectives who investi gated Wunrath'a past history in connec tion 'With an imaginary Inheritance of a big eatate In Germany,' learned that he had lost the eye two years prior to the accident In the furniture sloi a and had collected II. MO from an insurance com pany for the loss of the eye. Counsel Tor the defense in examining prospective Jurors Inquired whether they connected tiie oase in their minds' with the fact that Wesley Gard served as a Juror in the former trial. Gard was a Juror whose alleged friendship for the Bromes, attorneys for Wunrath, was ex tensively aired in other court proceedings. Hearing on applications for writs of mandamus, filed br City Attorney nine and directed against officials of South Omaha and Dundee, will be held before Judge Redick at 10 a. tu. Saturday. Assurances have been given In both eases that no appearance will be made or anything put In the way to delay the Issuance of the writs, which will be granted Saturday morning. It is believed. 1 In the S'Mith Omaha caae Treasurer; Martin and City Clerk Wheeler era cited j aa having refused to deliver public rec- j ords and funds when demand was made I by legally constituted officials of Omaha, I In a legal manner. Varioua Dundee of ficials are cited In the application. Attorney Henry Murphy, speaking for the South Omaha officials, reiterated his j roimer statement that no appearance will be made Paturlay morning. Tho retiring officials my they demand tills court order aa protection for them selves and bondsmen. In ihe meantime Commissioner Kusel Is assuming full control of the South Omaha jnd Dundee police departments, ahlch he Is merging Into one general department. Base fiom the water, dlre.t to the fr -ingpan l an Innovation that has been in troduced on some of the .lining csis on westbound 1'nlnn Pacific trains. llo- ; ever, it Is an Innovation that even on t':e 1'nlon Pacific Is not likely to remain introduced. Out In the vicinity of Gothenburg there I Is an Irrigation ditch that runs close to j the I'nlon raclflc tracks. The other day , while passenaer train No 1! waa belli ! kAM a I rinlhanhiitv fnr nnUri Vrnl t passengers got out their fishing tackle and commenced casting for basa In the Irrigation ditch 1 hat at the time aas bankfull with water that had come In from tha North Platte river. The train did not remain to exceed twenty minutes, but during that time It Is asserted that fifteen bass were taken, some of them tern, t'hlciin, will take tie position of supervisor of lecreatlon here at a salary of $2. .Vii) a year. Mr. Knllsh has wired he m ill lie here Friday to ronli'r It Ii the re. real Ion board l.nuia flelmlnrf. 1 Itv pssser.er saent. ll was burn In l.lneo'n and is venis of the Cnlnn Pacific, has lost tn pounds ; re any of e of flch In aa many days, not on secount i Omaha slatted with the close of tha pub- of illness, but because of hard work. 1 1 1- schools, and everv day sine then It Tiee Wsnt Ads Produce Tteenlts I "It' like this." snld Mr. Ttlerndorff. ' hss hern growing heavier." "Apiarently everybody wants to go west. Tl.eie has newr been such a rush of peo pie r St tills time. They are going west I nv trntnioans ami mere nrn ' sm in he any leti:p. The heavy travel from i 9 1 50c f Y up ji - 1 f jslJ J Bleached. I-ineh, g I 1 -A rT-1 YS- I H Xs r-VtN rTiy K tor children, all D extra fine quality, W soft finish. full vleces. e value, f Friday, a yard H ioft sheeting; - U AAUU V aV aMWAHVAIiSi V tafVaA VIV Hllrl UP tO '2. ftp riai II v tT lrad. m. pair 1 m aw ar a. r m. fe a - I'l. aTOe5S - Stop That Couth ow. Whn you catch cold or begin to cough take Dr. Bell s Flue-Tar-Honey. It pene tiatea the throat and lungs. All druggists. -Advertisement. Apartments, nars, tioums and eottagas can be rentedqulckly and cheaply by a Beo "For Font" Any Mop Will Do-, to polish hardwood floors if a little 3-in-une nas first been poured on it. Removes heel marks scratches, signs of wear. Re-1 news, protects, preserves. No dust. A Dictionary of IftA Mk.. iimb MrltK everv hmtl. j IOC 25c, 30c all atoras. t Threv-ln-Ona Oil Co. f-f ? Curtain Goadi a D voiles, scrims and nd household use, aef 70c values, each r- I In Our Bargain Basement Store One lot of rem nants of' curtatti goods, such as voiles, scrims and marquisettes, vai- fj M ues up to 100. a ra, vara- 10c a Si r-r I In I liit Knrrrnin KncAtnonr tnr mfk. OaC J waa a-rvaa Duiii Muowaaawaa. mwiv ffiffc?. ffilj ULTITUDES of inducements of the most surprising character are kfcB3 ax nere to tempt tne snrewa snopper. xivery counter is iaaen ana every gf Slipt 4! and 4x Inch bleached pillow slips, made from food quality nius in. Uic values. Our Own Importations From Japan I Along with the collection of Jnpanose birds, dogs curios, etc., now being exhibited on tho third floor, i3 a highly interesting showing of our own importations from Japan, priced exceedingly moderate. The showing includes: Japanese Wearing Apparel and Novelties 3 BRANDEIS STORES BUY ENTIRE STOCK OF SHOES P. A. Pierce & Co., Council Bluffs' old est shoe concern, with a reputation throughout the country for reliable mer- chandlsa. have decided to go out of busi ness an 5 have aoid their entire stock of nearly 20.000 nalra of shoes to J. U. Bran dels & fotii at 44 cents on the dollar. The stock conslsta of all high grade shoes, such as Strong A Garfield for men. Wright fc Peters for women, etc.. In excellent condition, many lines being Intact. This atock will be placed on aata by J. L. Traiideis & Sons In the near future. Kimonos, 1'ettlcoaU, Skirls, Sleevehands, ("onlsleeves. Kllks, Fans, Handkerchiefs, Drawn work, Artllne. Hand Einb. Centers nnd Scarft ... A Collection of Beautiful China Vases, Plaques, Cracker Jara, Lamps, .Mayonnaise, Celery Trays, Sugar and Cream Kalnds, ' Hair Receivers, Plates, Hon Rons, ' Celery Sets, etc. Tea Caddie, Boudoir Sets, Other portions of the exhibit include Japanese ivory, Japanese dolls, Japanese pipes, pictures, paint ings, etc. A bit of old Japan is our third floor this week, with its fete trimmings and air of an oriental market place. Come and pay it a visit. Brandeis Stores HIGH WILL TRY FOR THAT THOUSAND-DOLLAR PRIZE AVho can prove that 25 per cent of the Insane are so as a result of liquor traffic? F. A. Higlu Omaha district superintenT dent of the Anti-Salobn league, will un dertake to get ll.OuO tor proving it. A. L. Meyer la the man aald to have offered 11,000 to any man that can prove that statement and a lot of other alleged atatiatics about the evil influences of li.iuor In anti-saloon posters. Mr. High has written Meyer asking to have tha controversy go to three Judges before whom High will try to make his MOHLER HEARS SON-IN-LAW HAS JOINED THE COLORS A. K Mchlcr has received word from his acn-ln-lsw. Amanlo Senna, a resident of Italy For the present the young man las givtn up Ms law practice and baa joined the Italian army, enlisting in tha artillery inn of the service. His regi ment is atatloned at Turin, 100 to lbO mlltj from the war sone. but he has no Idea when he will be called to the front His wife Is atlll at Milan. PURCM5E Diarrhoea Qalrktr tkr. "About two jears ago I had a severe attark of d arrhoea which lasted for over a wek." writes W. C. Jones, Buford, X. V. "I became so wek that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommended Chamberlain's Coll: and Diarrhoea Rem ely. The ti'st dose relieved me and within to days I waa as well aa ever. ' Obtainable evetyw here. Advertisement few H V I I mm Lmi 4 rni i in the iJVir-i ? n 0 Friday, each J a Mnslin V Id-Inch, unbleach- CJ a ed, extra weight, f full standard U 1-. IJ 1 grade, heavy fa round thread quality. Special 3 is Prldav. off thejji S bolt, yard C$M C mm J? Ik la g 1 a-1 cranaeis apeciu w Corset for stout ffl figures, made of T! durable c o u t I I. (J well, boned; extra aw aisle lined with thousands of chances to save, and every special value is ti created on new desirable summer merchandise of the wanted quality sort, h House Slippers 2 house slippers, all m sites, rulrher heels. Wperlal.1 a pair PI Theee rotton fabrics offer unlimited possibilities In the way of cool attire In exchange for very small f. r Tempting Array of Cotton Fabrics Dainty and crisp weaves, the colorings being the most charming of the season's newest tints. coat. Fine Quality Dress (Jlngham In all the leading stylet, light and dark grounds. Kiill pieces to select from. 10c quality, f Friday only, yard OC 27-Inch Beautiful Sheer, Summery Batiste and Lawns. Printed Iace Cloths, Ktc All choice le signs, absolutely fast colorings. 8c value, yard 36 Inch Fine Quality Press Percale Light and dark gronnds. neat dots, stripes and figures, rull standard make. 10c alue, Friday, QQ 5c Beautiful 40 Inch Voile, Seed Cloth, Rice Cloth. Ktc All the latest printings, bookfold. Full 1 pieces to choose from. Uic and 19c values, yard J U 8 1 Cotton PtRti Women's fine cot'-' ton pants, umbrel la knee St vies. Onulne Nurse Stripe Dress Zephyra York and sisea 4, B and . Bates best grade. In all the wanted shades. f f 'c J'li"' P,f 12Sc values. Friday, yard 7l Vv 14 A 27-Inch Beautiful Sheer. Shadow white. The latest, dainty white women's walats, dresses and outing costumes. 12Hr value, yard". Voile Pure weave: for Thousands of Yards of All Kinds ef Wash Goods accumulated during the busy weeks selling from our regular stocks. Including 86-Inch Dress Percale, Dress Ginghams, Iwn. Printed OfL Batistes, Dimities. Calicoes, etc. Values up to 10c. While they last, yard wide with abdominal front steel. adjustahle, Jw .43 41 ?4 belt Sires V to S rA S1.00 a -v t - a I. .... ... ll sain, wun neavy CZ garters attached IJ Pi 49r P sr I ls "av M 9 Uaii SoiU u 0 ft Women's fine rut- ton union suits. R umbrella knee atvlea. 26c auallty. B on sale now for. Vault ' 19c Tsngo Chiffon (Bookfold), 86 Inch Summer Kl- I Best Grade Apron Gingham Pure indigo dye, ab mono and Wranner Cloth In a choice assortment aolutely fast colors In all the wanted checks and of leading styles. I'nshrlnkable. fast otPjf broken effects. Regular c value, yl lAr t IBc talue, to close Friday, yard I Friday, ysra 32-lnch Finest White Pllsse Crepe for women sunderwear. athletic suits, etc. t-vj ajw r7v 13 . Catton Vest! Women's flna cot ton vests. full taped. 10c valuaa Worth 15c, yard Corset. 4 Wr I Trrl routil and Batiste y JLillllJI UlVACl ICO TT UY V11UV1 JL A IVV Torset. medium Ji ew , W and low top. long fj " JSSJmmZTSISSS . 1 ri.. ,c .. nAat-fi tmhrnlrUru hirsrainc we have ever offfrd. exoelli:!? all other tv J . II1C IliUOl nUIIULIIUI I IHLIUKILl I r'HiH.ii - ''.- - - 1 r p' Shirts, Drawers 0R dosen men'a Z . fancy balbrtggan (1 fj ahlrts and draw-, g - m r m m i m it nnrn. 9 mesh shirts and Ct fj drawers. Worth to ' ft 50c. Special J CHOICE 2SC Worth up to $1.00 CHOICE to B f Brassieres n nrttahle emhrni.lerv salts. . . . . , j 18-inch camPTic, swiss, organoy ana nainsooK nounc ings and corset cover embroideries, Jilet and eyelet de signs, neat patterns. 45-inch crepes, voiles and swiss flouncing, a beau tiful selection of new designs. 54-inch batiste and swiss flouncintjs, very pretty cvelel fleets. Embroidery edges, insertions and band, neat pat- IS Inch Swiss, Nainsook and Crepe Embroideries. -to terna, very good quality. Worth f- Cprset Cover and Embroidery noun I cing. rruriD -lit... Worth up B Beilery t! up to 16c F.xtra values In rwt fittlnar hraa- D sieres, front or s bsck emhrolderv P. trimmed. Sisea S4 r to 48 tS 19c 5,000 Women's, Misses' and Children's Dresses Women's and eh II- fj dren's flna eetton ! hosiery, fast Q black, seamless. Sa double heels, toes knit rt 1 a Pft1tM ma i 6c n a v or - nea ftoc&i - ia q ' Men's heavy array M 7 mlied cotton H sooks. Worth to fe, lifea a pair, bow sn sale. at. plr f.m ... r"7 .sTi This frreat monev-savine sale will be continued Fndaf and haturday. .vJ mi - 1 -ollection 'of special purchases from overstocked makerarthe IJ dresses and the prices sneak for themselves. . i j 6c Irices spei tin . 11 'IO poros mesh and fine W tiite ana voioreu jum ribbed union suits. . . , '.rvueK P mer Dresses, val- QC rv r Union Suits (3 ana " t"9 .One lot of men'a VJ tt ues up to $5 OUC c.;n. a,., W,iri1 Di-phkps $2.00 11 S IV aill m a a-ia ' x. ....... T Cliildreirs Wash Dresses. ; . . . . ,43c rr '-ca 53 t V 5 (2SC I a fConde Mesh Men'a Conde mesh union suits and S A. . . mm Fine White and Colored Wash r Wo.U r allk boot ry, dou-blo toea ana la values. f- Tlnnao anH Pnrvn mvititM. HOC t 1C. . 9 ivr... - " - ' - - ....... r A 1 LIC B . a ill w T w tlitb auu vuiuiwu ii uaM j Worn Dresses, wonderful e1 fill P iSr values P JJ m isSS: Rompers and T)rese3 18c L ine tumax or v aiue uivmg 0 g lisle ribbed union suits. Values up to $1, suit 69c Athletic ;& dosen men'a athletic union nits. Knee lensjth. Worth fiQr, spe cially priced, suit 35c if IS 0 0 ivy ; O Oxfords ii 1 ;?av ".VSe C7 n 9 a o a to Will Be Reached Friday and Saturday in bur Basernent Clothing Dept. Men's and Young Men's Suits We bought 685 suits from a Chicago manufacturer at less than cost to manu facture. These suits are' pure worsteds, and cassimeres. All sizes and colors. 8.5o to $12.00. values, Friday and Saturday Chilton'. Shots end straipved allp para; taa and Meek. H a n, d turned ' sewed solas, all stses. Worth to 11.14.- , v-.r- 69c , if k-r at a a i a furess vxiorai Nearly 1.009 palra M men'a flna dreaa Vi oxfords. patent U W-ta 1.10U Pair Mn's Pants Pure worateds. S2.B0 and $3.50 values. Ftlday and Saturday. Union Made Overall 49c We bought the surplus sleek of Sllpon Raincoats front a Chicago manufacturer at less than coat to manufacture. (2G coats worth 13.60 to $6.00, Friday and Saturday D$1.98 M) paira tomin'i tan, black- and mhlte, odds and ends, (almost every size, h n w e v e i t. Worth from II up. nn bargain table Friday, a pair j Wnnderru barcrains ror (1 w'' - 0 99c Brandeis Stores A la 3 Lice Curtilns ve Two cases of trav. Sa t,tnn inens sam- as pies of laca cur- mm ft tains. Values to U I5c each, will o Q at- rJ Cortalni W ... . .. .a mM Q"V IUII SIX liri SJ U curtatns. Values H to II a pair, mill 9 J. he sold Krldsy for. K O each -m r. or. w. for Friday, choke. Boysg u 0 3 a calf and tan calf. f button and bluch-' j ar lace. Worth wp ft to ll.ao. pair , J ( $1.95 Jl r Crssh In the Basement Department hio- table full of Miehtly soiled wash suits I 35c Boys' Blouse Waists 19c that are worth 75c and ll.oo. Mostly Rus sian and Eton styles, Oliver Twist and Middy styles in the lot. Specialy priced 25c One case of full bleached ' c r a a h, aoft and absorb ent: linen finish. Worth Ir, 'special Krldsy. yard 4c i - ii l j . a . a 4 KtincA in 1 enln. 1 run cui ana cn sctu uiuujw m -,ki so did selection of light and dark patterns. t Plain niue, duck ana wimc 1Q.P ' f Ut..cc i,,-lii.He-l ;mrial 1 I ,ta.-iifVvJ uiuuj.j iiiwiuuvu. r - a"" '-'mmrrnw V w if Table Damask i if Mill enda of J If bleached and n 0 A BIG KNEE PANT SALE mwm mm. m aT. afX W f mm sxT e.i.i. K(r 7 he. and bven 1.UU s.nee ranis w y.v.?n 5.... b wwwj "l ri lensins: mercer- m Odd suit pants in splendid tweeds and cashmeres. Khaki pants in different shades; Q iJ ..a i.. uaa sun r'i3 j in trs irht ly stvles. hverv or on IZt crasn ana vjaidica u j-.m - jrCO ovc linen repps, size, 3 to 17 years. t - . . U Notion, in the Basement oJT TowelsV a tXtri apCCUl aj J- f '' Crochet l ot- . 3;C H , h" lr'sd. all V l uoo 4c and ic About 0 table Ti loo Spool . , KJ j.rstty stterns. f te!s and wasli i A clirfhs; full bleach ed in a variety of neat patterns. These are two yd.i. Ions. Ppeelally iirlccd. at h - 49c a 8 0 Kktra Hood Screen r ly Baiiera 10c grade, eai-h Kuat-t'roof lres I'lssps All sixt-s fsrd Una Bis 1-ot of Wash Kdsrs. His Tspe and Itlck Hack Urald All best qlty. Holt, iiic Notion Hoe Kjieclsl Krldsy, each 2lac p lc (1 heavy qualit reyuiar sice. In Plain. frliHieJ and sislloped ends. II. ill vsliier $1.25 2 10C ut.v imLmAjUMJ a Bat -5 ffa 1 i at cloths, helmed W ends th fancy M bi rders. Choice for jS Krlday. each aaf 2c A IJ&jL&iZxJaEimS. 1