Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1915, Image 1

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    The unrivalled special feat
ure pafea of The Sunday
Dee are in a class by them
selves. Dest of them all.
The' Omaha Daily
Om Tratae eat at
Wotel ws Stead. I
Formal Announcement of Appoint
I", merit by President to Fill
f .' Bryan' Place Made at
White House.
Has Been Regarded ai Wilson's
Mainstay on Questions of
International Law.
mal announcement of the appoint
ment of Robert Lansing aa secretary
of state was made at the White
Hours at 6 o'clock tonight.
The following statement wss Is
sued: "Before leaving this evening for
a brief rest In New Hampshire the
president announced that he bed of
fered the post of secretary of state
to Robert Lansing, me presem coun
selor' of the Department of state, and
that Mr. Lansing has accepted the
Anthorltr ob International Uw.
tJIr. Lansing, -who la a son-in-law of
former Becretary of State John W. Fos-
Sier. became councilor of the State de
' partment upon the retirement of John
Baeaett Moore and ha been regarded aa
President Wllaon'a malnatay on ques
tlona of International law In all the diffi
cult negotiations throat upon the United
Slates by the Kuropean. war. It as a
matter of common remark that be com
manded the respect, and admiration of
the foreign chaneelloriee here to a marked
degree. . .
At. Lansing home 1 tn Watertown.
I u -v a v. a. i,ut nut 0 veers old.
J a.. , " . -
Since IS he ha practiced law, but he
( began hie iirax a ipiomug ww
when he became counael for the United
States In the Bering aaa arbitration.
Boon afterward he became counael for
the United States Bering aea clatme
commission, and following that was so
licitor for th Alaskan boundary tribunal.
Ir. 1909 he was counael In the North At
lantic coast flaheriea caae at The Ha-ue.
Hla laat work before becoming coun
sellor for the State department waa a
agent for the United Btatea in the Anglo
American1 clalma arbitration. He Was
gradueted from Amherst college and only
yesterday received an honorary degree
from T?6THw,Ui"eslty, -, -
Becretary Lansing's writings en tnter
natlonal law have attracted wide atten
tion. One ef hla prtnelpaJ papers was
'Government, Its Origin, ' Growth and
'Form In the United States." 8lnoe 1802
he has been an associate editor of the
Amerioua Journal ef International Law.
Mainstay a President.
While the notes to Great Britain and
Germany have admittedly been the work
ef President Wilson and former Secre
tary Bryan was consulted during the
preparation, it was no secret that the
president waa In almost constant com-
(Contlnued on Page Two, Column Three.).
TJntermyer Eenews
Charges Against
Rock Island Men
' ALBANY. N. T.. June tl. Charges that
stock of the Rock Island railroad waa
manipulated after It had been decided
to threw the road Into the hands of a
receiver, were made by Samuel Unter
myer before the constitutional conven
tion' here today. He asserted that after
Lit was agreed to bring the proceedings,
The plan was kept secret and the stock
Increased from 118 a share to $39. When
the papers were filed - Mr. Untermyer
said the stock within two houra dropped
to t'4). . " v
Mr. Untermyer waa eupportlng' a pro-,
posed amendment to - the constitution
which would provide regulation and In
corporation of the New York Stock ex-
the exchange, later told the committee
he never, had heard of the chargea con
cerning, the Rock Island bankruptcy.
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Probably showers; not much change in
ten perature.
Temocratare at Omaha Yesterday.
i a. ra....
a. ra
7 a. ida
S a. m....
t a. ra..
10 a. ra..
11 a. nv.
11 m.
1 p. m..
1 p. m..
I p. m..
4 P. nv.
t p. ra..
p. m..
7 p. m..
I p. m..
Ceaanaratlve Leoal Record.
- v IRS. 114. IMS. 11! vesterdar 7 H ST 1
lowest yesterday
Mean temperature 71 . M
Precipitation T
Temper atura and precipitation
t 6
.00 .00
inrM from tna normal;
Normal temperature t7
Ief1clency for the day I
Total deficiency since March 1 13
Normal precipitation , 17 Inch
nftdncv for the day k.. .17 inch
Total rainfall since March 1. ...10 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 LM Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1114 M Inch
Leftciency for cor. period. 1HS.. .11 Inch
Reports frant StatUas at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain-
of Ve.thr. 7 p m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy tl M .An
Davenport, cloudy 71 hi .00
Iwnver, pertly cloudy 70 74 .40
I'es Moinrs. cloudy 74 Mt .00
North piatte. cloudy t 71 ' M
rmnha, cioudy 71 79 T
Rapid Cliy. cloudy 72 74 . rldun cloudy 70 73
u ix 'Hy, clear 74 W .00
Wlen'lne. cloudy 74 8u .04
"T ' indkatea tra e of prec tltsium
ITALIAN SOLDIER bida farewell to his family in Rome
as he starts for the front.
--f 1 i
Nebraska Attorney General Says
Lines Are Not Entitled to
Increase Now.
i . .' ttj i
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June 28. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Attorney General
Reed of Nebraska, In his argument
before the Interstate Commerce com
mission opposing the rate Increases
In western classification territory,
asked for by the railroads In this
territory, advanced an entirely new
thought with relation to the desired
advance. '
Using L. W. WetUlnsTs findings In be'
half of the railroad. Mr. Reed said, tak
ing the Wettllng report as a starting
point:' "In 1910 It waa considered that
carriers were receiving an adequate re
turn upon such property as they had in-.,
vestad In and they were denied, aa I un
derstand, the right of an advance In
rates." , -
"The Wettllng exhibit." eald Mr. Reed,
"showed that earnings In 1914 by the
rallroada seeking the increased rate were
tH, 000,000 more than in 1010 and ' that
therefore they were not entitled to plead
hard times." -
' Cites Wettllng Report.
Mr. Reed said that the Wettllng report
ehowed. that soma 6,000 miles of track
had been built between . 1910 and 1014,
which might account for the increased
earnings, but he Insisted that the raft- ,
roads had added the additional mileage
at their -own risk and that the amount
of money Invested In extension of tracks
and betterments waa set off by reason or
the difference between the eamlncs of
1910 and 1914.
We are driven to the very point that
the carriers are entitled to earn a fair
return upon their money," said the at
torney general, of Nebraska. "I take it
that any act or deed or anything that la
dene to vary and change the current of
traffic, that changes the location, as it
were- of the earning commodity, will
have a tendency to make one road, per
haps.' earn more and another road earn
In point he cited the Great Western
when It built Into Omaha, "aa a rate
cutter in my Judgment."
A boat Canipetlan- Lines.
He said the territory traversed was
amply provided with railroad facilities,
but between 1910 aid 1914, Instead of per
mitting the Great Weatern to. carry some
of the traffic which might otherwise have
gone over the Burlington Or the North
western, another Una waa constructed
and double tracked in order that the par
ticular road, might earn more money.
"In the atate of Nebraska," aatd Mr.
Reed, our people gave, in round figures,
SS.0O0.000 in the way of bonds to aid in the
construction of tfie rallroada In that
stxte, and they gave 600.000 exits of land
to assist in the construction of the rail
ways, in addition t the twenty-mile
tract which is over every odd section,
ten miles north and ten miles south, of
the Union Paclfio railway. I say It is
not fair that after the people have given,
those SC,000,OM that you should then fix
and use that aa part of the basis' upon
which to say you must pay. S or 1 per
cent on that money which you have al
ready txtn given."
Montenegrins Are
Mailing On Scutari
ROME. June tl.-rma Paris. June tl.?
The Montenegro offensive against eVut
aii. Albania, la developing with auccuas.
according tn a difpatch to the tiloriixln
I'ltalia. Montenegrin troops are autd
to be marching against the illy in throe
) I '
Ilil M
S 1 I
s iv
.4 V
' . .
e r
Shocks and Flames that Follow
Cause Damage Estimated kt
About Million Dollars.
'CALEXICO, Cal., June 81
Further earthquake shocks were felt
here today. Several tremors, after
midnight, were followed by a severe
shock at 10 o'clock this morning.
Sharps Heading, the principal and
controlling 'unit of water supply for
the Imperial irrigation system, sagged
and settled under the renewed
quakes? Further shocks might break
the heading and paralyse the entire)
water system of the valley.
EL CENTRO, Cal., June 23.
Originating somewhere In the old
volcanoes of the CocopaV mountains,
the granite backbone of Lower Cali
fornia, a seismic convulsion shook
and rattled the Imperial valley of
California last night, and today Its
cluster of little cities are partially in
ruins.. Buildings .were rent asunder.
Fire did its part and the damage is
estimated at over $1,000,000; In' the
first reports coming to hand after the
restoration of wire communication.
Seven persons" loat their -lives at
Mexicans, a little adob town, oon-
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Best Shells Come
from United States,
Says Cheyenne Man
CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 23. (Special.)
That the moat effective ammunition
used by - the French comes from ' the
United Ststes la a atatement contained
In a letter received here from Hana O:
Koeberiein ' of Cheyenne, who . Is a
"gerretlter," or corporal, in the German
army before Yprea. Koeberiein, who is a
railway fireman, left Cheyenne Immedi
ately after war was declared and suc
ceeded in reaching Germany.
' "I am sorry to say," he wrltea, "that
the beat ammunition the French and
English use comes from the -United
Statea. When they use their own, espe
cially the French, half of the sheila do
not explode."
Submarine Sinks ,
a British Steamer
Loaded With Wheat
LONDON, June 21-The steamer
Tunlsiana has been torpedoed off Lowes
toft by a German submarine. Its akip
per waa able to beach It. The Tunlsiana
waa bound from Montreal to Hull, with
a cargo of wheat. Its crew landed at
The British steamer Tunlsiana is of
4,220 tons gross .and is SAO feet long. It
was built in 190S at New Castle, It sailed
June 10 from Caps Breton.
Kaiser Makes Ally
A Field Marshal
VIKN'NA iVia lxndon). June 23. Em
peror 4 iHtnm has given Archduke Fied
rrlrk of Aurt'la the rank of fMd marshal
In th lri'-siun army In retitgnltioa of bis
r 1 ' s I 1 lh 1.1111: ngn tthlrh resulted
J11 the full of Leiuberg..
News of Surrender of Capital of
Galioia to the Austrians is Re
ceived by Britons With
out Surprise.
Petrograd Report Tells of Important
Success on Dniester and Ignores
Lemberg Incident.
LONDON. June 23. The state
jment from Austrian headquarters
that Lemberg had fallen before the
forces of Austria and Germany was
received In London with out surprise.
It was known that the Germanic al
lies were within artillery range of the
Gallclan capital, and capitulation was
regarded as a question only of days.
Nothing has been heard as yet from
Petrograd. but there Is no disposi
tion to doubt the accuracy of tbe
Austrian claim.
Petrograd doee, however, claim a
victory on the River Dniester, result
ing In heavy tonnes In prisoners and
munitions to the, Austro-Germans
and partial confirmation is given this
claim by the Austrian official ' ac
counts of the stand made in this
neighborhood by the Russians. Other
evidence of the orderly retirement of
the Russians is the Austrian report
that the armies of the central empires
captured few guns.
Treaeh Retaken from Tarka.
In the Dardanelles the British report
tho recapture of a trench forming a
dangerous salient to their line after It
had been taken by the Turks In a recent
An abortive Turkish Infantry attack
under cover of a rain of high explosive
shells also Is reported.
In the western arena moat of the Im
portant developments have been provided
by the French. They have taken the
"Labyrinth." a strong- work forming a
salient of the German lines between Neu-vllle-6t. and Fcurie. which has
been the objective of almost continuous
attacks .since May SO. ' .
English newspapers give prominence
to an interview wth the pope, published
In Paris, In which the head of the Roman
Catholic church la' quoted aa expressing
tbe desire to hold the scales evenly be
tween the belligerents but as declaring
that he awaits only an opportunity to
move In favor peace, ,
. . Freaek 6f rkclal Report.
PARIS, June St. The French war office
today gave out a statement reading:
. "North of Arraa bombardments h Knti
sides lasted throughout the night The
Germans furthermore endeavored to de
liver new counter attacks, on near Neu
villa cemetery and the other in the direc
tion of 'The Labyrinth.' Each was com
pletely repulsed.
"West ef the Argonne. not far from the
road runnlnc from Rlnrvliu vi-.-
Le-Cha'teau. fighting Is going on in the
uerman trenches, hand grenades being
ueed. On the remainder of the Argonne
front the Germans hava aen axnendinr
a vast amount of ammunition, but with
out delivering any Infantry attack.
"On the heights of the Meuse at Cal.
enrie, we yesterday evening conquered a
rurtner section of the second Herman
"In Lorraine veeterdav aaw freah
ter attacks against the positions whloh
we nave taken near Lelntrey. They were
repulsed and we retalnaa an . All ..In,
at the same time making some prisoners
"In the Vosges, at Fontenelle, in the
region of Ban-Da-Sapt. the enemy yester
day evening, after havinar thrown nariv
4.00S shells In a few hours against one of
our works, advanced along a front of 00
yards and succeeded In gaining a footing.
a a At .
n- me same time an attack upon neigh
boring trenches was delivered. This Ger
man offensive was Immediately checked
by a French counter attack, led with
great brilliancy and the enemy maln-
lainsa his position only at the extremity
of our work. We took 141 prisoners," In
cluding three officers.
"In the region of the Fecht river we
have occupied gondernach. and we have
puahed our line along the slopes to the
east of this village."
Czar Off to Front
To Rescue of Army
LONDON, June JS. Emperor Nicholas
left for the front today, according to
Reuter's Petrograd correspondent.
PINE BLTFFa Wyo.. June . (Spe
cial.) Rsv. Father C. tichel linger nar
rowly escaped death last evening whan
lightning struck the Catholic church here
Just after he entered the edifice. He waa
knocked down, stunned and bruised by
flying splinters and falling plaster. The
church was damaged to the extent of t!M0.
Free Coupon
For the
Best Movies
By special arrange men t with
eight of the leading moving
picture theaters THE BK is
enabled to give its readers
combluatin con poo good for
a free admission to any ewe
of the in oaj days specified.
In Sunday's Dee
British Order Affecting Neutral
Shipping Received at Washington
WASHINGTON. June M.-Ureal Brit
ain's further memorandum to the I'nlted
Statea on the Britlah order In council aa
it affected neutral shipping reached the
State department today from Ambassador
Ppgo at London. Sir Edward Orey de
livered It to the American ambassador
Secretary ljinslng had not gone ever
the memorandum today, and It wat not
known whether It would La conrtrued
aa a reply to the last American note or
a r.ew communication on the subject.
Initiative In making it public. It was
slated, would be left to Great Rrtlai.i, un
less the memorandum Itself contained
some suggestion on that point.
President Wilson has taken an Interest
Ir. efforts of New York importers to bring
In goods from Germany which have been
held up by the British orders In council,
ar.d has directed Secretary Lansing to
confer with a delegation. The president
would receive the delegation hlmeelt. It
waa aaid at the White House today, but
for the fact that he leaves for the sum
mer White House at Cornlah tonight.
Slayer of Stanford White Says He
Believes He is Sane Cross
Examination Deferred.
" NEW YORK, June a.-IUrry K. Thaw
took the stand today ss the first wi .neas
in the trial before a Jury to deteirolne
hia sanity.
Mr. Stanch field in hla opening state
ment told the Jury the main question at
it sue waa whether Thaw is sane at the
prteent time, and whether hla i'.herty
weuld be a menace to society.
Mr. Stanchfleld then reviewed the caae
and read the argument in which William
Tra vers Jerome denounced Stanford
White and eald that "no ons pretends
that Thaw la Insane aa he now she la
Deputy Attorney General Cook asked
tn be heard on behalf of the atate. Mr.
Cook declared that the state had no In
terest in the caae other than as to
whether Thaw waa a menace.
' "We will show you that he is suffering
from Incurable Inaanlty," aaid the state's
- Mr. Cook declared that he weuld show
"by Thaw's mother that she was suffer
ing from nervous prostration whan - he
was born." . '
This fact, said the ' attorney, ha. af
fected Thaw ail hla life.
' "We wut shew you that In hts child
hood Thaw talked gibberish and that his
teachers had to talk his language," he
Thaw, he continued, had hidden -behind
the Skirts of Evelyn Neabtt
Thaw Tnkea tke Stand.
Thaw was then called and Mr. Stanch
fleld began to question him tn a low tone.
Thaw answered In equally Inaudible tones.
H Identified his mother, slate' and
brother, who were sitting In the court
"When you left Matteawan did you be
lieve you had recovered your eanl'yr'
"I believed I was sane," said the wit
ness, "Physicians had told you soT"
"They had."
Thaw was taken over the history of his
escape to Canada and his - subsequent
"You formed acquaintance at various
places where you stopped T"
"I wss fortunate In forming
acquaintances," said Thaw.
Mr. Stanchfleld asked the witness to
give names, dates and (ftaoea tn great de
tail, and this Thaw did without hesita
tion. "It is a fact that while you' were
staying In Manchester, N, IL, you enter
tained friends and acquaintances, and
In turn ware entertained by them?"
"That Is right," replied the witness.
Thaw waa asked to tell of the examina
tion of his sanity made In Manchester
by a federal commission In connection
with .proceedings to extradite hint to
New Tork. He named the members of
the commission and told how It came to
be appointed.
Physloians representing a. Pittsburgh
bank had also come to see him in Man
chester, said Thaw.
"This Pittsburgh bank honored your
checks, did it notT"
"Yes, and the banks ' tn New Hsmp
shire, Canada and elsewhere," said the
Mr. Stanchfleld then turned the witness
over to the state's attorney, but Deputy
Attorney General Cook announced that
he would not cross-examine at this time.
Thaw was then exoused, and with
grave demeanor returned to his seat '
Many Prominent
Men to Attend the
J. L. Webster Dinner
A governor, two I'nlted States senators,
two senstors sad three congressmen will
be among those present Friday night at
the Fontenelle at the dinner given by
John L, Webster to the executive com
mittee whlc bis to arrange for the state
semi-centennial. Governor Morehead yes
terday signified his Intention to be
Prominent men from all ever the state
will be preaent. so that the meeting Is
looked upon as one of special Importance,
besides ths object for which the dinner
Is given.
British Cruiser Hit
By Shell of Subsea
; LONDON. June n. An official com
! inunlratlon laaued by the admiralty to-
nisht. aays:
I "The British cruiser Rosbiugh was
; struck by a torpedo in ths North Sea
I Sunday last. Ths damage sustained wss
I not serious and the cruiser wss able to
proc eed under Its own steam. There were
no casualties"
White House officials are uninformed
first hand of the plana ef the importers,
but from other sources they understand
they would charter steamers to bring In
goods bought or contracted for in Ger
many before March 1. Much of the mer
fhandlae la at Rotterdam, It was said,
and other consignments are nroute from
Germany to the Dutch polt.
Before June IS such goods were brought
to the I'nlted Btates by sptclal permits
Issued by the British government, but
since then no permits have been Issued.
It Is estimated that probah'y IVUKtO.uOO
worth of merchandise Is Involved.
The I'nlted States never has admitted
the validity of the so-called blockade of
Germany, nor recognised the British or
ders In council, and Inasmuch aa those
subjects are to be treated further In a
new note to Great Britain, upon which
the State department la working. It was
said today the government was red to
get any facts In possession of the Im
porters and waa lending a sympathetic
ear to their case.
Russian Official Eeport Tells of Im
portant Victory Below Nijiff,
on Dniester River.
PETROGRAD, ' June 12. (Via
LONDON, June ZS.) Only pass-ng
mentlon of the operations In the
vicinity of Lambert Is made In an
official statement laeued tonight at
the Russian war office. The asser
tion is made that desperate attacks
were repnleed and 800 prisoners
taken near Rawa Ruska, thirty-two
miles northwest of the Oallcia capital.
The claim also Is made by the
Russians that they have scored an
Important victory below Nljlff, on
the Dnteater, after a stubborn battle,
which has lasted since the fifteenth.
Mora than 3,600 prisoners were cap
lured aod Cossacks are said to be In
pursuit uf the fleeing Austrians.
Another Russian auccess, with the
capture of 1,000 more prisoners, Is
reported near the Bukowlna border.
The communication follows:
"A large enemy transport loaded with
(Pontlnned oo. Page TwoColumn Four.)
Berliri Report Says
v Balkan Nations
Are Quarreling
BERLIN, June .-By Wireless to
Sayvllle.) The Overseas News agency
today gave out the following:
The German minister at 6ofla, (Bul
garia, who has arrived at Berlin to con
fer with the foreign office concerning
the latest proposals of the quadrple en
tente to Bulgaria, returns soon. The press
of the allied countries express disappoint
ment at conditions in the Balkans. A
revival of the BalKan alliance seems lnv
posslble on account of quarrels between
Serbia and Bulgaria about Macedonia;
between Serbia and Roumanla about the
Banat territory In southern Hungary,
and between Serbia and Greece about Al
bania. Russian . dipkimala even fear a
new Balkan war If satisfaction by the
qusdruple entente of the demands of one
or two of the Balkan nations Incites the
'Warning la given In official circles
against overestimating reports of domes
tic troubles In Russia. In' these quarters
the conviction la expressed that Russia,
If witling, Is capable ef continuing the
war for several months. Rumors of Im
pending peace negotiations and the ar
rival of Russian mediators are utterly
Ransom Refuses
Office of Defender;
West Is Appointed
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb.. June 23.-8peclal
Telegram.) Frank Ransom has declined
to accept the appointment of public de
fender of Douglas county and Ralph M.
West, the young attorney connected with
his office, and whom Ransom recom
mended In the first .place, has been ap
pointed by Governor Morehead.
The Day's War News
has fallen aelore the Aastre-Ger-ana
a . a rot lea vrklrh have nee a
eweeplnst across the orovlaaa far
t vo eneathe. An afflrtal Aastrlaa
annaonceaaent aays the elty was
eantnree. after a sever battle.
SOI Til OF LEMSEStt, la taa Dales.
ter region, atria of Anetrlaa ter
ritory I still In the hands of ta
Raulana. Aa efrielal statement
front rraarrd reports an Int.
aorta at victors- after battle of
several 4ays eloaaj tho river. At
awe Raaka, thirty-two sell
northwest of Loasatera? and noar
the Bakewlsa harder, other Roe.
slan eaeweeeea are claimed.
nan area tho arrival of Imaortaat
Aastrlaa relaf oreomenta lsg th
leoase froat. In tha Moat Ner
aUtrlet th forces, believed by
the Italians to ha from Galicia,
wer eacoantcrca for the fleet
tint la a battl la which, the an.
naemeat ear, they wer re
al la d by th Alain troops.
for KsglsaS with lamhr wer
a atored y eaters y by German
warshlas la the Btaltlo sea.
Capital of Galicia Taken in Storm ef
Teutonic Armies, and Province.
Virtually Free of In
1 Russian Forces Are Unable to With
' stand Terrific Onslaught of
i Allied Hosts.
1 I,, ,
BERL'N, June J3. (By Wire
less to 8ayvllle.) Lemberg has
been conquered after a very severe
battle, according to an official re
port received from the headquartere
of the Austro-Hungarian army. The
Gallclan capital fell before the) ad
vance of the second army.
I I .em berg, capital of Oalicta, waa ecou
;pled by the Ruesiana on September 3.
Iistl, about one month after the outbreak
of hostilities. In the course of the early
Russian drive into Austria. It has there- '
fore been in Russian control for over ten
Will Have Great Kffeet.
For the last twenty day a. alnce the
Auatro-Oermans took Praemyal from the
forces of Emperor Nicholas. It has been
the objective of a series of fierce and
concentrated attacks en the part of the
Teutonic, allies. Their success will have
a far-reaching political effect, as the
driving out of the Russians from Galicia
la counted upon In Berlin to help main
tain the atstus quo In the Balkans.
The capture of Lemberg was one of
tho earliest Important successes of the
Russians. Following It. they pushed onr
ward rapidly through Galicia. The high
water mark of the Invasion found almost
all of the province In their hands. They
approached within striking distance of
Cracow, at the western end of the prov
ince, close to the 'German frontier;
stormed the heights and paasee of the
Carpathian mountains, which separate
Oallcia from Hungary, and te the eeat
they swept down through the crown lend
of Bukowlna to the Roumanian frontier.
All This rhaagei.
Alt this has been chanamd bv the ataailv'
auoceaaion of Auatro-German victories of
the last few week 4. The change began
with the launching of,, the great drive'
from Cracow eastward. Great numbers'
of German troops were sent m to assist
me Austrian, as well as a vast amount
of fl Id artillery, v The uee of artillery
by the Teutonic ajltea has been described
oy corresponaents as on a scale' never'
before Undertaken. Its affeetivenaaa
relatively Increased by the shortage of
shells on the part of the Russians, which
la believed to have contributed largely to
the weakening of their resistance.
ine Austro-Uermsn armies pushed:
westward through Galicia. tmnt..
iPrsemysl June t, and then, without
pause, .truck at Lemberg from the south
and west. At no point were the Russians
able to withstand the terrtflo bombard
ment directed against their positions, and
even the line ef defenses near Grodek,
sixteen miles west of Lemberar. whloh 1.
of great nature strength, proved to be
ftalleta Is Reelalmed.
With Lemberg now In Um han a....
tria has reclaimed virtually the whole
province of Galicia. The fihi 1. tt.i
campaign has been of unusual Intensity
wnn neavy losses. The figures ef killed.)
wounded and eautured. as aim k. a....
trian, German and Russian official state
ments, run into the hundreds of thou,
Russia had made plans for permanent
Occupation Of Galicia. neinaH.. 1- ...
" -" au vl
dais to set up cavil administration in the
territory as fast as It was taken. Lent.
""'a was recnistenea Uror, the old Rue.
etan-Pallah name.
The city has a population of about and waa an Important Austrian
military station. Although founded In
the thirteenth century, it Is of modem
appearance and is known for It Impos
ing buildings. Ths city Is protected by
outlying forts, although its defenses are
much inferior to those of Praemyal.
Berlin Rejolees.
The news that Lemberg had been car
rled by Auatrian and Hungarian troops,
(Continued on Psge Two, Column Two.)
As 4 whsa the pi wss open
Th birds bsgaa to slag
"War from ths Poultry it'lllj
O meet lllustrous king."
Aad as tbs company at the tie
Th falrle worked a charm
They mad tke king aaaouseo te aU
Ha'd start a Poultry Para.
And now he roads th Poaltry ads.
Aad advertise, too.
Which I am sore Is twite tbe pro
per thing-
For every kUg to to.
The Poultry column on the rises!
fled" psgea of The Bee la read dally
by hundieds of men snd women
Interested in the great poultry In
dustry. These little sds each day.
en tha rlaaifiel e hav won
for The Bee a reputation aa a poul
try advertising meilum. When you
hav for sale t hicken feed., chicken
remedies, eggs for hatching, stork
or any articles related to the poul
try Industry, get your business
story In he shape of an advertise
ment end