Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1915, Page 6, Image 7

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By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, June 22, 1915.
TALK about wit. Several afternoons ago a few friends strolled In for
coffee at the home of one of our rery well known matrons. They
were returning from their constitutional walks, for or sgr.lnst
In a few minutes tbe air was fairly scintillating epigrams. 1 hare
discovered that women rarely show to the best Intellectnal advantage In
masculine company.
The repartee waa quick aod Incessant, quite cn what we read of the
salon order.
Tor instance, Miss exclaimed that, notwithstanding three perfectly
stunning new gowns and much experience, a certain swain In town had
remained .cold.
"Enough to make you lose faith In yourself," remarked a sympathetic
listener. '
"Well, it nearly, made me lose faith in my dressmaker." declared
Miss , disgustedly.
At Happy Hollow.
Among other entertaining at dinner
this evening at the club will be Mr. F. J.
.'timper. who will have three Cueete, Mr.
Frank Relby. four; Mr. C. F. Weller.
four; Albert Kdholm. seven, and I
Mitchell, feur.
The first children's day prorram waa
given this afternoon at the Happy Hol
low club.
Mrs. John. J. McCague and Mrs. J. K.
Gilchrist will entertain at luncheon at
tha ladles' luncheon at the Happy Hol
low club Thursday.
The Harmony club ill give a plank
teak dinner thla evening at the Happy
Hollow club. Just club members will be
j. resent. Covers will be placed for twenty
frtur. Mrs. J. H. Ruahton gave a luncheon
today -at tlia-Happy Hollow club in
honor of Mra. F. J. Homn and Mra. W.
it. Iloes of Fairmont. Neb. .The luncheon
was a reunion ,of Fairmont ladles, the
guests all being former residents of Fair
mont. .Covers were placed for:
V red sine
.1. H. Huahton.
f. O. leher.
J. J. Hotnii,
V. O. Ro'e.
K. T. Rector,
V. Howe.
J. T- Hertwell.
f'.mma Johnslon,
Ouy Cramer.
Robert l. Phillip.
A. U. Keith.
M. F. Shield.
I., I., -warts.
Stanley Green.
av. o. putt.
At thi Country Club.
Mjr. and Mrs. Kdward U.Burke. will
entertain very Informally at dinner this
eveiilng st the Country club. ' A large
howl of Klllarney roses will decorate tha
tabia and eo'-ere will be placed for:
Messrs. and
A. ,'. Umilh.
C. TV'. Huseell.
MlnajMenie Davis will glva a luncheon
of ,tn. covers st tha Country club on
At Seymour Lake Club.
M.'end Mrs. R. K. Sundeiland saitai
taiied at dinner Sunday evening for Miss
Alia Page of Minneapolis.',',
Mr. M. Berry had ss his guests Sun
day !
Mvedamra- Meadaniea-
Onrge ,Kli per of . Myiis Oottmen.
Hi, Joseph, Mo.; -
MIspwS MISaes
liienclrcoffmaii. Ollvs Coffinan.
Mr. rhllllp Ooratt.
Aiiolser party waa composed of Mr,
and Mve. J. J...Hlnt)hey. and- Mrs. and
Mis J.' M.' McCarthy and family.
Mr. end Mrs. B. A. Roe and Mr. and
Mrs. ';. ft. Cheek hsd 'dinner together.
Othen p'srtles were eptertslned by John
Rekkna.' who' hsd seven guests; A. ft.
Mldlairi 'three guests; Henry - Kygssrd,
thT treats.' " " " "'.'
The irlub Is making astenslvs prepara
tions fir celebrating July I. A dinner
rta.nt'e . 4nd special features will tonipoea
the idsy's entertainment
I ' '
D. A. R. Chapter Entertains.'
The Major Isaae Sadler chapter of the
Haughtle is ' of the American Revolution
held a meeting Saturday afternoon, June
if the home of Mra. Earl Stanfleld.
liana to vlaj. a marker; In the Fonte
nelle hotel some time next fall war de
cided upon.. The eonatHutlon waa "hanged
and,' beslnplug In October, the nieetlnga
will be held every other ' month instead
of every month as formerly. The mem
bers' present Saturday' Included:
Mtodsmee Meedames
wamiiel K. Haafoid, Karl Hianflsld,
.1. Ti Weir. (Htlaney, .
Rnlnt) Kewell. Onllrter, .
Krank Raker. W. C. Smith. :' '
Mdridse. . , , .
M Kiel- ( -Miss- -.
Kthel Kldi loge. Ida Crowell.
King, a - Minnie Eldrldge.
Entertain at Bridge.- , .:
Mrs. I. J. Tate gave a bridge party
this afternoon at her -home' at which alia
announced tha marriage of her daughter,
Mies Mru. to Mr. H. M. Mills of Kaneaa
City, which occurred May H. IMS. The
rooms i ere decorated - profusely with
led roaes and the guests present were:
. U. ilill.
F. P. Miller.
I. Lively,
Fey Bo ud I ure,
vyinifred Ttaynor,
Msrie Foley,
Ann Welch.
Katharine Hulllvsn,
Olive Tpsne,
Ann Bobertaon,
Avllla Squires,
t:ua Illatfoot,
Clare Traoey,
For Bride-Elect.
Harry Wells
William Hchnpp,
John Wheeler.
J. Mos ii.
Oortmde MrCrsnu.
Marjorie Mr-Crann,
Mary MoCague.
Maitaret Kngliah,
Margaret Cullcn,
Elititbetu Hherlock,
Xanna Tate.
Ann Ttaoey,
The Mtsees Fry entertained the choir et
the Uood fhepherd church Monday after
noon at a miscellaneous shower in honor
of M lee Carol Marhoff, whose wedding
is ill tske place In July. Tne bouse wss
abloom with pink and white re see and
the guest favore were - email and old
fashioned bouquets of bride's roaes.
Thiny guees mere entertslned.
Debutante Bridge.
The DeputarAe bridge club meeting will
be postponed another week. Miss Marion
Kuhn will entertala the members Tues
day of next week.
Piano Recital
Vllaa tiertmda Asenith Miiler will give
a piano re.ital for her pupils thla even
ing.. Prises for the yesr's work will be
awardrd to Kranoea Fatten. Miss
Helen Baker and Mr. Howard Heyden.
Miasea Liorothy Shepherd. Mary Ilslmsr
and Virginia Heyden will receive honor
able mention.
Pleasure! Put.
The W. W. club gave a surprlae party
Saturday evening In honor of Its presi
dent. Mra. D. V. Dlffenbaoher. at her
home. . Id rosea were used la the deco
rations throughout the rooms.
For Mi Buckingham.
.11 in H'ln Clarke will entertain at din
ner HatorcUy,- July t. at the Country club
in honor of her house gueat. Miss Louise
ftucklngham of Memphis. Teno.. '
Mirt I ik-ile Bacon wiU give a bridge
rir Frioey (or MUs" Buckingham.
9 A
At the Field Club.
A bridge party was given this r.fter
noon st the Field club for the benefit of
the Child Paving Institute. High five
end auction bridge were played and there
was a musical pros ram given for the
guests who do not play cards. Twenty
five prises were donated for the game
and about IflO guests were entertained.
The Emanon club of the Omaha High
school gave a danclnc party laat evening
at the Field club.
Mra. W. K. Fnote entertained at lunch
eon today at the Field club A mound of
pink and whit rosea waa uaed aa the
table centerpiece and the giieata were:
Meadamea Meadamee
I. O. Robb l B. Pettlt.
of South Omaha, A. J. Steuben.
Mrs. H. A. Wahl gave a luncheon today
at the Hub for: -
Mesdsmee Meedames
U J. Craven. j. y. Myers.
V J. Hubbard. J. II. Norton.
11. C. Wlndhetm. K." J. Andrews of
V. E. Tsylor. Council Bluffs.
Ths weddl-n of Miss Vera C. Fltsger-i
aid. daughter of Mrs. Mary FUscr-ald,
and Mr. Albert M. Tollefeen, son of Mr
and Mrs. Kmll Tollefsen of Keerney,
Neb., wss celebrated at lilsh nooh Mon
day at St. John's church. Rev. Father
hronageeat performed the ceremony. The
guests were only ths families and near
relatives of the bride and groom.
The bride wore a gown of cream crepe
treteor made with an overdress of gold
la-e. She wore a hat ot white etrsw
( trimmed with a whlt French fcother,
I and her corsage bouquet wss of pink
Rosebuds. .
Miss Ruth Fittgorsld waa the maid of
l.onor and was gowned In pink duchesee
sstln nisde round length snd trimmed
with a Jeweled girdle. She wore pink
straw hat with French flowers.
Mr. Rsy Ryan wss the best man.
A wedding djnner was served following
the ceremony st the home of the bride's
ps rents at 1J0 Wirt street. Tha table
waa decorated with a centerpiece of pink
eweet peas snd plnk-shsded csndleatlcks.
The living room and library were pro
fciely decorated with meteor roaes.
air. sna Mrs. Tollefeen have taken a
trip to tha Pacific coast snd will visit
tan Pranoiaco,. la Anslea and San
Diego before returning heme. "
Mr. Tollefaen is a member of the iella
Khl fraternity and at present county at
torney at Kearney. Mra. Tollefaen la a
graduate of tha kindergarten department
ct the State Normal college.
The young couple will he at home after
July 31 at Kearney.
On the Calendar.
The Columbian circle will entertain at
their hall at Twenty-second and I.ocust
streets on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30
p. m. Mrs. K. B. Ferris snd Mrs. B.
Fsrrel will be ths hostejaes of the after
noon. Father Williams
' Has Two Events to
Celebrate This Week
The thirty-ntnlli anntveraary , of the
coming of Rev. John Williams to Oinsha
will be celebrated Thuraday evening
with a reception ' in 'his ' hortor at the
home of r.ev. and, Mra. Lloyd B. Hols
apple,, SltO Davenport street.
Father Williams observed hi eightieth
birthday Monday, so this week Is a gala
one for him. .He is hale. ard hearty, al
though he has retired from active pas
toral work. Rev, Mr. Hotsspplr having
succeeded him as rector of St. Rsrnsbss
Kplacopal chinch.
The new church of the Bt. Barnabas
conaregetlon at' Fortieth and Davenport
; streets Is now being ropfed. It will be
ready for occupancy September 1, and
i the regular services will be. held there.
ss In all Kplacopal, Lutheran, Cathollo
and some Protestant churches, through
out the lillly Sunday campaign.
Fourteen days out on a round trip of
over. 7.000 miles by auto, five tourists
frqm New Haven. Conn., stopped at the
Henehaw hotel Tuesday. They were Mr.
land Mrs. William 8. Morgan. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Beaver. 8mHh and A. R. Smith.
They are bound for Seattle, from which
city they will tour down the Paclfio
coast and take In the expositions, before
returning to New F.ngland again oxer
the Lincoln Highway.
Ureal I y Beaefliea Sy t'aaaabrlwla'e
"I have used Chamberlain's Liniment
for sprains, bruises and rbeumatlo pains
and the grat ' bsnefit I have received
Justifies my recommending it in the
highest terms." writer Mia. Florence
filife. Wabash, Ind. If you are troubled
i with rheumatic pains you will certainly
be pleased wltu the prompt relief which
Chamberlain's Liniment affords. Obtain
able everywhere. Advertisement.
Isn't this refreshing
And the Flavor 1
a pleasure to drink Tea like this
Ak your grocer for
Mri. Hughes Co., Lnc
Jitney Must Be Protected by $10,000 i
Liability Insurance Policy J
Liability ii Limited.
The city council passed the Jitney
regulation ordinance, with provisions!
as heretofore outlined. The
ranee will be in force July 7.
The liability Ineurance feature provide
each Jitney up to ten pener capacity
shsll te covered bv a maximum of $l.0i
liability for one a'cldent and that U,Mu
hall tie the maximum allowance for any
Individual killed or injured. Thla aectlon
further provide that the maximum lia
bility shsll be Increased 1.0n0 per seat
above ten aeat. The occupation tax will
lie w a year, for a five-paeenger car.
Including driver, end a proportionate In
crease for cars of more thsn five ca
The other provlslona of the ordinance
refer t iom(etency of drivers, deslgna-
tlon of routes, llgiits. signs sna otner ,
Police to Reaelate.
The- superintendent of police will lisve
general supervision of the operation of
Jitneys. Before a llcenee to operate ahall
lie Issued the driver muat have qualified,
filed a bond and he must dealgnate the
exact route he Intends to cover. The su
perintendent will hsve suthority to re
fuse sny llcenee It the proposed route
doea not meet with hla approval and It
la believed that this authority will result
In requiring some of the Jitneys to cover
the long ss well ss the short hauls ard
prevent congeatlon of Farnam street, for
Inatanca. ,
Jitneys will be required to stop on the
near Side of Intersections snd will be reg
ulated aa to apeed.
Chris Gruenther
Looks Over Job in
Federal Building
Chris Gruenther of Columbus, Senstor
Hitchcock's choice for the federal ap
pointment as collector of Internal revenue
In Nebreska. visited thst office In tha j
icuerai iiuunini,- ana met tne employes a
day or two ego. As a result, political
dopesters re wondering If Chris has an
"Inside tip" that something Is coming to
hlin soon. Speculation leans that way.
In this connection. It la a notable fact i
that Acting Collector K. W. North, who '
waa ad anted from the post nf chief
deputy wl en Hose Hammond of Fremont
resigned, haa now been in complete
charge of the office, with Ita 14,600 sslsry,
foi a v.-hoia yeat
Impellent snd hungry demos, who have
wnlted long and anxiously for the Ne
braska patronage squabble to be settled,
sit freely exprcsalng the hope that the
victors will get the spoil before long.
Collector North haa been In the service
for more than a quarter of a century i
and Is not a politician, whereaa the col
lectnrahlp has slwsys been a purely
political appointment.
Churches Observe .
Date of Martyrdom
of JohnHuss July 4
I'roteslsnt churches of Omaha will hold
a union meeting Sunday, July 4, in ob
servance of the COOth anniversary of the
martyrdom of John Hues, a Bohemian,
who was one of the early Lutheran mar
tyrs and was burned st the stake July
. 1415, because of his sdvsnced religious
The meeting will be held st Kountie
Memorial Lutheran church at 3:90 p. m.,
ilh the r-aator of the church, Rev. O.
D. Baltsly, presiding, and a representa
tlvs group of other pastors taking part.
The chief address will be made by Rev.
K 3. Kalllus, Bohemian Presbyterian
psstor of South Omaha.
525, UO, SIS ind up
Extra Pair Trousers
McolTa Standard Pure
Wool Non-fading lllue
In hre weights.
In Hire shades.
Made In the careful Mcoli
way hand tailored in soft
form fitting a t 7 1 e. It's
easily the "best bujr" on the
$25 the SUIT
Extra Pair Trousers
A wealth of other new fab
rics -a ait your choosing.
NICOIX Thelkilor
"W Jcrrems Sons
200-2 It 80. 15th 8t.
Well, it's
Wholesale Distributors.
And Still Another
Legal Question is
Up on Omaha Merger !
A mens the many IcshI qucetione snd
situation srielns by renann of the
Oreatcr Omaha consolidation, the ltv
j lcal department offers thla ss a nod
jbllity: THEM The refusal of the South Omaha offi
cial laat Monday morning to rccognlre
11111 CSfIflgf I
Traveling Bags and Suit Cases
At one-third to one-half below former prices. We bought from the leading
manufacturers of Newark, N. J., and one of the best known in the country,
their entire line of high grade traveling bags and suit cases, and -will sell them
At 33 to 50 Per Cent Off Their Regular Prices
a 1 in is 1
Week End
$1 Values,
You can buy a traveling bag or suit case Wednesday at one-third to one -half
less than you would pay else-were. An especially timely sale for vacationists.
13.50 and $4.00 Traveling Bags,
$6.50 Traveling Bags and Suit
$8.50 to $10.00 Traveling Bags
and Suit Cases.
$10.00 to $12.50 "Walrus Bags,
Summer Draperies Price Changed
An Opportunity to Brighten Up Homes at a Very
Nominal Cost
Dutch Curtains Made of very fine scrim trimmed with ( rn
filet lace; complete with side curtains and valance, set. . . apleOV
Colored Border Etamine and Voile with ribbon edge. Spe-
cially priced, yard at)C
50 Full Size Woven Hammocks Special, ( s
01. a-1)
Extra Special in the Basement Drapery Section
300 Fine Duo Curtains These are lace curtains and sunfast nn
colored aide drapes. Regular price $3.50. Wednesday VOC
A Dollar Bottle of
Lee's Liquid Shampoo
contains a full quart; (
jusi vigm rimes as
much as in the 25-cent
bottles and, therefore,
just one-half the cost
Cleans tuick dries
Quick leaves tin amn In
tha hair, which joes right back into
its old training.
At drunisu or delivered prepaid,
4 os. 25 cts; 1 os. M cts.s 12 os. $1.00.
GEO. H. LEE CO., Laboratories
Oaaafaa. Nebe.
the authority of the Orwit'r Omaha offi
I clala could be taken advantage of to the
extent of declaring void contract mdc
by the aouth aide offlclala with various
employee Tor llluetratlnn, within t'ie
w weeks the South Omaha offl-ials
ntrcd Into contracta with library em
ploye for a year. Aumlna; that a writ
of mandamus will be forthcoming and
the constitutionality of the merger law
will etund the test, then It follow tint
the contracta referred to would become
contract of Oreater Omaha; granting
that, then tlioc contracts sppear to have
Sale Extra of
1 1 is.- av
.. g i i
4 1 r-"i.iv'rt
1 ml
Sri ! 4"rw
413.50 to $19.50
Traveling Bags
Suit Cases
Finest Quality Genuine Walrus, Sole Leather
and Seal Bags and Suit Cases, fitted with beau
tiful white Persian ivory. Values
to $45.00, at $12.50 and up to-
of an exhibition Thursday, on the Third Floor of the Main Building,
of the Japanese? collection of Mr. Arthur D. Brandeis, made on his
recent tour of the Orient.
An interesting collection of Japanese birds, dogs, dwarf trees,
curios, along with kimonos and various kinds of the Nippon wearing
Atlantic City . . .
Bar Harbor, Me.
Boetoa, Maaa. . .
Buffalo, N. Y. ..
MontresU, Que.
5 o
Tlcketa cn sale Tia differential lines at somewhat lower ratea. Pinal
retara limit o daja. liberal stopover prlTilegea. Reduced rates to
many oUer summer resorts In Canada, New England, New York
State. Northern Michigan and the Wisconsin Lake Country, aa wall
aa delightful cruises on the Great Lakes and combined rail aad
water dl Terse route tours to New York and Boston. For complete
Information, folders, etc., call oa or address
W. E. BOCK, City Passenger Ageat, CL M. A ftt P.
1817 Fmrnam 8t Omaha, Neb.
Agents for ail steamship liaee.
been repudiate, Monday moinliu an. I
ate not binding upon the new administra
tion governing South Omaha.
Tbla opinion la given with the expliin.v
tlon that It I a rather fine legal point,
but one which might afford a way out
of a dilemma.
Prompt .rlo WH ISton Vonr
Pr. king a New Discovery will stop your
cough. The first dose help. Good for
children. All drusRlet. 30c. Advertlje
mnt. .
$2 Values,
Fine Walrus and Cowhide
$6.95 to $10.50
Ice Cream Day
Quarts 20
Pintt 10
Cream Caramels
Special Assorted Full
Cream Caramels Nut
and plain. Regular 40c
grade, Wednesday only,
New York City . ,
Norfolk. Va, ...
Portlaad, Ms. . ,
Quebec, Ouo. . . ,
Toronto, Out. . ,
see ease V
It int hurl t.i r. n a beautiful, rniilnt
rllnrtiorifl or ftn wfth If you ajo ttmut 1(
riht. Ti v to "gn hrur l ' In to nn
rhintw '""tint with u Bnrl rmnit) trrt
of rrrrnt tn uit tout conrinlfnr. V
rtflfvfr th norwlai Hnrl rou hw th plwsnjrt
prwtia! of r1na t h II pftylrtc
Tr-srt t po vlra.nrn.T' In ' MTlrur up" th
full frlr bfrr toy hir, b' a n oir nrr
minisi bnalrtf. wrth sinmt tn mmr riiif en-
hlv ua tr nn rrMU at Imrnr firWs
thn l(irrs ak who dmn-l all rh 4ovn.
Iff riunnDd RlfUI.
141c. rolM Bold l.nMn
SO. 4 Mn'i Diamond
Pert rt Ion"
1 . . ' . . ' . Bios'lnc..
mniintlna 14k SO a SSOnia
ni snid ,...y0" A WEEK
7J- Wstch. O
Hrr. Hk solid sold, hsnd
M.rvMl rase, fine dlsmon.l sold. p S r fAt
In Mr Htllns. fitted rut. biilllsnt dla-
wlth Risln or wsltham mDd. thrve ssnu-
mormnt. your entire
or dpslsns. Bpsrlsl J5
sale prlre ee
n pearls. 16 In
.r,n- ....$24.50
ftts Daily TiO 8 r. M. StlaUji Till 9:39
Call or writ tor Oatslng No. SOI. Pboae
Douglas 1444 and salesman will oall.
w mm
Trial Quart
and Leather
Covered Flask
Finest Whiskey
Lowest Price L.
Wl sra not afraid to let Tou try Fell S-8tar Whtakav al
Snraxpaiiaa. It's a pore, honaat whi.key of bast soasiblj
Suality. It naver fail to pUaaa tha mas who Nallv knuiri
rood whiakay. Wa includa sa SjMra fr Tewi (Jnsil
with yoor order for Riirht Quarts of
Fels 3-Star Whiskey
Shipped dirart at f otlowins wholeaa'a prim: 1
S QTS.Full $C.4S
Measura Za .
4QTS. Full $4TJ
EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID? ". naooaoana, naiwlr. Ira'hae
oovarad flaak Slled with Vale l-etar Vrhia-
key. If not sauanad aftar you drink free'
Trial Quart, rttum shipmant st stir n
Pnae, and wa will send you aa equal quan
tity of any whiakay you name in aichansw.'
no matter by whom luada or sold but you
may keep tha lesthe rsoaared Saak-lt 'e
1""r ue,t:. VVs ara aa Old. tatab.
ITI..IM.. r inn t apflkl 4iiu.ll01 OD..
aa ee awe.. Sisiaa City, ate. ,
To Succeed Sa re
The life-time watje of iho aver
age man la about taa.UK. To
spend all of this as It ia earned
la to court the atir.g of adversity.
It's not what you earn that counts
so much but what you save so
why not start today and open an
interest-bearing savings account
with this Institution and make
your savings increase your salary?
24 th and M Streets
H. C. HOSTWICK, President
F. K. GETTY, Cashier.
Positive Experts On All
Strahle & Anderson
Red 4473. 2059 Farnam.
1117 1 Vsl
lirre. fine solid
f n i
s i ii a
i v -