Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1915, Image 4

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National Guardsmen Are Gaining:
Information Concerning the
Conduct of War.
(Trom a fluff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June 2i.-tSneelal.-One
hundred and fifty to 0 cfflcers are in
attendance at the camp of tnntrurtion of
the Nebraska National Ouant belli held
at the state fair grounds.
While rtnl'd Instructions have been is
sued to the officer to observe strict
alienee regarding- any of the coinnllcatloni
which are farina the government alone;
war linen, stilt It can be seen that much
Interest In manifested and It la an open
secret that most. If not all. of tiie of
ficers of the Nebraska nuard would not
worry very much should they be called
Into active service In Mexico or be called
upon to defend the United States agninst
the Invasion of a foreign foe.
Officers Hard "Worked.
Actual drill started yesterday at the
ramp and from now on the men will lend
a strenuous life along- the lines of military
Instruction. The idea that officers of the
guard have a snap has long since dis-j
appeared and there are no harder worked i
men that the members or the guara wno
wear the Bhoulder straps.
The- camp is divided into three com
panies. A. B and C. Those composing
Company A are the men who have been
longest In the service: those of C com
pany those who are attending a camp of
Instruction for the first time, and C com
pany Is composed of the noncommissioned
The first aeroplane flight will take
place Wednesday afternoon. Captain
chaffer of the United f.iates. ajrriy aero- j
piane corpi, and who was a classmate
"of Lincoln Beachey. rtas charge of the
school of aeroplane Instruction, and will
give all Interested in sky flying a chance
to learn the game. ...
While this school Is for officers only
the members of the ptiard will be as
sembled some time latrc, probably In two
different camps, one of them In the west
ern part of the state, or far enough west
so that the western companies con par
ticipate without traveling too far.
Morrhrad CJets Office.
While Governor ilorehead has been dla
rlbuting offices around to a few lucky
democrats, one fell to tiie governor hlm
s. lf yesterday that t.e "was not looking
fur honorary vice president of the Rich
ardson County club, composed of former
residents of that county living in Un
colp. There are about 300 Richardson
.ounty people residing In the capital
city, and an effort Is belnb wade to
herd them into a club.
Find Property Not Tmxea.
Another flock of sleeping cars which
has hereto escaped taxation has been
dug up by Secretary Bernecker of the
State Board of Assessment. Thp cars are
operate by the Great Northern railroad,
hut the agent of the company claima that
the Pullman company operates the cars
as soon as they enter Nebraska and it
vas supposed the cars were Jnoluded, In
the Pullman assessment. Colonel Ton
Benton, representative of the Pullman
company In Lincoln, will look the mat
ter up.
Weeks Locates "Water.
Chief Hydrographer IX P. Weeka of
the state engineer's office returned this
morning from the south and west part
of the state, where he has been making
measurements of water In the streams In
that section of the country. He found
no difficulty In locating plenty of water
and some other things not in bis line of
work. One day while measuring the
water In the Blue river at one point he
counted fourteen hogs floating under the
bridge making good time down stream,
some of them still alive. The Blue river
at Falrbury "was so high' that It was
running, over the tops of the fences and
the Republican river was from one to
four miles wide. In the vicinity of Cul
bertson corn has been listed three times.
Dairy . Cows lafeeted.
Twenty-two dairy cowe belonging to the
V'r.lon College dairy were tested fcr tu
berculosis last week and eleven of thein
reacted and were shipped to South
Omaha for examination. Upon reexam
ination by the government officials five
of the number were found in such bad
shape that they were at once sent to
tht, soap house. The others only showed
light Indications and of such a nature
that the meat can be used, as the dis
ease only showed in portions of the body
not used for domestic purposes.
State Veterinarian Anderson says that
meat from cows showing only slight In
dications la absolutely safe for use. for
IC there were any chance that the meat
had been Infected cooking It would de
stroy the germs. There Is really the
most danger In using milk and butter
fiom cows which, have the disease., ac-
cording: to the doctor.
The American Express company has
acknowledged the corn In the mal'cr 01
paying the 2 per cent on Its earnlrgs in
Nebraska, as called for by the Smith law,
and today notified the state auditor that
the amount due would be sent In forth
with. The tax amounts to something
over $9,000.
; Notes from Beatrice
And Gago County
1 i f VTI'.lt'i:. Neh.. June ;. - tcpe"ial. -
Tie l:oard of Kd icatlon held a metlna
Mnndnv evening and a aided the con
trait for constructing the adlitl in to
the West school to Itut I'erford Conn
of this chy for I0.0ii. T he annuel esti
mate for the coming year, which amounts
to ft'.!fiii. hs udoptpil. Three new teach
ers Miss Speller and Miss Foster of this
city and Miss Winifred James of Kear
neywere elected. The latter sureeds
Miss Ruth Invls as physical dlrectcr.
Mayor Adam McMullcn of Wymorc
called for the resignation of City Mar
shal l.ytth Monday. W. W. Chtnnock
war appointed as li ttle's successor.
George Seselke, a resident of Ile.itrke
since im and for the last twenty-five
years proprietor of the pop factory In
Wst Beatrice died Monday afternoon at
4 o'clock at his home In this city after
e prolonged lllne.ia axed 58 years. He Is
mrvlved by his widow and three children.
I'rnest Stokebrand, the lo-year-old son
o; Mr. and Mrs. William Htokebran.-., who
as struck by lightning last Thursday
while enrotite home from the field, died
Saturday without regaining conscious
ness. Jesse Uriah Mallck of Bloomlngton.
Neb., and Miss Vera Thomas were united
In ni;rrlfiKe at the home of the 1 ride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Thomas, in
thle city Monday at noon." Rev. M. V.
Oaither officiating. Mr. Mallck is in
l.usiness at liloomtiiRton. where the oung
couple will make their home.
William Custer, a pioneer of Blue
Splines, died Sunday evening aged 60
years. Ho leaves a widow and one daugh
ter, Mrs. Murray Griffin of Blue Springs.
James Oscar Erlckson and Miss Anna
Schlangen, both of Lincoln, were married
htre Monday afternoon by Judge H. D.
Superintendent Barr
At Hastings Resigns
HASTING!, Neb.. June 21-(Speclal
Tilegram.) After six years' service C.
M. Barr today tendered his resignation
as superintendent of the Hastings schools.
Mr. Barr came to the schools aa i-rlncl-
pal of the high tachool and four years
ago was made superintendent. He had
two years yet to serve under contract
made last year. He has given a prcgres
slvo administration, but differences In the
Board of Education aa to policies caused
friction which resulted in his withdrawal.
He has made no plans for the future.
The school budget for the coming year
calls for 175.000. an Increase of $6,000.
lajared by Firecracker.
CALLAWAY. June .'.- rtpeclal.) The
T-year-oid son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoff
man was seriously injured Saturday
evening when a large firecracker ex
ploded, burning his face badly and ser
iously Injuring his eyes.
Perkins Hotel Not Hold.
DAVID CITY, Neb., June 2i (Special.)
The Perkins hotel In this city has not
fceen sold by George Wunderllck to P. V.
lenlon. A report to this effect arose
from negotiations which have not been
completed. ,
Travel! Maa'e Eaprrlemee.
"In the summer of 188 I had a very
severe attack of cholera morbus. Two
physicians worked over me from 4 a. m.
to p. m. without giving me any relief
fend then told me they did not expect me
to live; that J haj beat telegraph for my
family. Instead of doing so. I gave the
hotel porter b) cunts and told him to buy
me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
take no substitute. I took a double dose
tccordlng to the directions and went to
sleep after the second dose. At I o'clock
the next morning I was called by my
rder and took a train for my next stop
ping point, a well man but feeling rather
shaky from the severity of the attack,"
writes H. W. Ireland, Louisville, Ky.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement.
Liquor Case Taken
Into Supremo Court
Kiom a Staff Correspondent.!
LINCOLN', June 21'. (S)icclnl. A iiie.
tion Involving the authority of the clt
council of Omaha to restrict the number
of wholesale liquor houses In that city
has been brought to the supreme court
In an appeal by the city from a decree,
of the iHv.iglna county court which held
that the council had not the right
Tho Minneapolis Brewing company
asked for a license to operate a whole
tale liquor house st 1M7 North Seven
teenth street. The council, believing that
the number should be reMrlcted mid ttiat
Omaha had all the wholesale houses of
that kind needed, turned down the appli
cation, Drexel, Hummel, Jardlne, Kuel
and Wlthncll voting to restrict the num.
lcr. while Butler voted no. The action
was taken May 1, 1915.
The brewing company appealed to the
district court, which refused to sustain
the council, and the appeal by the city
Is the result.
FAIRIU'RV. Neb.. June 21. (Special
Telegram.! Owing to washouts at Clyde
and Pcnndla, train service on the Rock
Island tnrough Falrbury has been para
lysed and through trains are being do
toured over the Union Pacific from
Omaha. Thirteen thousand feet of track
p.t Scnndla Is washed out.
Division Superintendent W. A. Phehan's
prlvete car is upset In the water at
Scandis. A wnrktna f-nln. also a iflief
tisln, were s-nt fion- this point t,
Sisnilla l.a't nisi t Chief 1 Mri'atc h-r
InwofHt of this- rlacc sld no tialns wMI
g,i through r'alrhur fcr several dst.
NEBRASKA PAs $14,000
I'rom s Ptsff Correspondent .
LINCOLN". Jims i Special.) -- Ne
braska's share In t'ie isle hearing that
has been In progress In Chicago, pMtiol
rated In by five western states, has cost
IW.OO. Figures have been comjiled by
the State Railway commission. I
t to Have Hetlvnl.
FRKMOXT. Xer. June r.-Speolal-l'lve
of the lending chinches at their
regulsr Sunday services voted to Join In
a union e an:elMie revival during the
winter ur early spring months. It Is In-
lemle, Mv the revivals s ofn after
'the Suti'lnx meednc iy iinin.-;- .is p .
sihlc. The vote nlnost uniilimi". .
YORK, Nrb , Jun U-'. (Special. !
Figures just compiled bv County Assessor
Harnet show that there were !X motor
rais In York county on April 1. valued
st $-'t.7Tr. Ist year the numer was
WI. valued at $mhr.. Ills compilations
how the following:
Number. Value.
Morses U.fril $!.!"..
tules J.0O7 MT,i:
Cattle H.IU; MT.W.
Hoks t,?ri :w.3W
Sheep 1 1M ".Mf
Voultry IJ,:V4 .RR
There la an Increase In slock And grain
over laat year, the Increase In hogs be
ing e.BTl head.
Hothing Heals
Cuts and Burns
Like "Benetol"
The Soreness and Tain Are Gone In
Moment and the Wound la Free
From All Danger of Oontagion.
. Not only does "Bentol" atop the pain
and heal the cut or burn, but It at the
same time kills all form of germ life
and leavea the wound antlneptlrally
clean. Peroxide and other widely known
Dally Freight to Callamay.
CAIjLAWAY, June r (Special) It Is
rtated upon good authority that a
change wll take place In the train ser
vice on the Kenmey-Callawiy branch In
the near future. The passenger train
and tho motor car which have been run
ning the last year will be removed,
while a new motor car Just turned out
of the whops at Omaha will be Installed.
Inatcad of having a freight train every
other day,- as has been the last year, a
dally freight service will be Installed.
Class Day Exercises
Held at Harvard
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 22. A long
line of Harvard seniors, in cap and gown,
filed Into Appleton chapel today to heat
their last sermon from Prof. George Her
bert Palmer. This was the prelude to the
celebration of class day. A band led the
procession as it came out of the chapel
to march about the yard and cheer the
college halls.
A member of a branch of John Har
vard's family, Lionel Do Jersey Harvard
of London, Kngland, was the author of
the poem ohoaen for the formal exercises
In Sanders Theater. The oration was
assigned to Watson McL. Washburn of
New Tork and the ode to Deveux C.
Josephs of Newport. Norris Tibbets of
Lowell was the chorister.
. The remainder of the day was given
over to festivities. Including the Ivy ex
ercises and the confetti battle In the
stadium. David P. Sigourney of Boston
was selected to deliver the invocation.
Tha Little Ones, as Wall as Adults, Seea Leara
the Woadera of ',' Benetol."
and advertised so-called "antiseptics"
fall far, far short of having the germ
destroying effect that should be poxsea
aed for safe renulta. The antiseptics
and germicides that are really efflcloun.
such as carbolic acid, blc.lriorlde of mer
cury and other auch dangerous poison,
are extremely unsafe and should never
be brought into a home.
"Benetol" Is harmless for children aa
well as grown-ups, and whether used
externally or Internally.
Get acquainted with the hundreds of
; rises that you and your family should
uaiiy inaxe or tnia marvelous prepara
tion. For Immediate use. bny a bottle at
your drug store. 26c, 60c and $1.00
-. ... , . i
combination of the liquid, ointment and
tooth cream. The trial package Is not
to be bad from dealers' and la sent di
rect by ua only to those who are not
familiar with "Benetol" preparations.
Knclose 10 cents (stamps or coin) with
your name and address.
The Henetol Company, 144 Benetol
Building, Minneapolis. Minn.
Sold, recommended and guaranteed In
Omaha by Sherman A McCnnnell Drue
Co.. lth and Dodge; Owl Drug Co.. 1tti
and Harney; Harvard Pharmacy. 24th
and Famam: Loyal Pharmacy, 207-209
Korth lth St.
YORK, Nel June 23. (Special.) Frank
H. Mendenhall of Covington, O., and Miss
Viola M. Alveraon of this city, were
married Sunday. Rev. W, C. Wasser officiated.
Gray Hair Changed to an Even Dark j
Bhade Xo Dye.
You can easily turn your gray, faded :
or streaked" with gray hair beautifully
darn ana lustrous almost overnight It
you'll apply, a few times, Q-Han Hair
Color Restorer to hair and scalp like a
shampoo. Q-Ban la harmless, not
sticky, delightful to use and' darkens all
your gray hair so naturally and evenly
that no one can tell it has been applied.
Q-Ban acta on the roots, makeg hal." '
and scalp healthy, changing gray hair j
and entire head of hair to that sof;,
even dark luster, fluffinesa, beauty !
and abundance which makes the hair so i
fascinating and attractive, besides pre-
vents dandruff, itching scalp and! fall- 1
Ing hair. Try at our risk guaranteed.
Only 50c for a big 7-os. bottle, at Sher
man McConnell Drug Co., Ow Drug
Co., Harvard and Loyal Pharmacy,
Omaha, Neb. Advertisement.
There Is complete satisfac
tion In knqwlng that you have
the beet piano. This satisfac
tion Is yours if you purchase a
. . -.1
'S- ,':, ?t esi;, I
Musicians the world over ac
cord it the highest place.
Stcinway Uprights,
$500 and Up
Stein-way Grands,
$750 and Up
We are sole agents in Nebras
ka and Western Iowa for the
$$.50 Per Month and Up.
Schmoller & Mueller
1811.13 PAKXAM HT.
Utility as Ranges
Vtillty fins Hanires are const ruoted of heavy polished blue
steel metal. The burners are made In one piece and hand drilled.
The body of I'tillty gns ranaea are treated with a rust proof solution,
snd the topi and the bases are mnd of heavy csst Iron. We show
n excellent variety of sty lea. Including; a complete line In the cabi
net design. Utility as ranges are priced from $7.60 to $42.50.
A splendid I'tillty gas ...nite with
four one-piece, hand drilled burn
ers. A heavy cast Iron top and
base ami a large oven which we ah'
solutcly guarantee to SI 2 SO
link: our price - w w
Utility Gas Our
Ranges Are Inexpensive
Known Building and
Wherever Inexpensive
Gas Is Used Location
As the Most Enable Us
Economical to Make the
of All Gas Lower
Ranges. Prices.
Kverv bllzsard has a nicely finished and well made hardwood case:
i,v' np "im heavv Interlining of mineral wool; they are all mado
with special regard to sanitary features and economical Ice consumption.
. .-..i.... ....,... -.oi b. veiy guaranteed to bo olorless snd are
jriccd aoconling to style and siae from $7..r0 to fSii.OO.
A genuine Hllzzard Refrigerator,
interlined with mineral wool and
with no InsliU' seams. The sani
tary wire shelves, drain pipe, etc.,
are easily removed so that every
corner is easy of acceseJCT 5fJ
"when cleaning; our price. P sW
1 J Tail
Acme Icecream freei
era will freeze cream
perfectly and In less
time than any other
frecier on the market
oa .)Jd Jiiu
1 I M ' V 1 II I "-" J i
n y ',vm lii.iv.-.nto-i.-.r.i
ThatEasy-BreezyB.V.D. Feeling"
On a hot day, "that easy-breezy
B.V.D. feeling takes your mind
off the heat, Every motion you
make in Loose Fitting B.V. D. lets
cooling air at your body.
Firmly insist upon seeing the B.V.D.
Red Woven Label, and firmly refuse
to take any Athletic Underwear with
out it. Then you'll get properly cut, 1
correctly made, long service under
wear the most for your money.
On every B.V.D. Undergarment b sewed
This Rid Wtvtn Ubtl
r d. ci.i.s Cl.tcs
I'Mo tain (PM. U t. A.
4 10-07 9-H 1) Sl.00
n4 fwu4 ik lute
S.V. D. Com Ct IM
(kin. aaa Km Uark
Dunn, 0 ku mii
(wa UtA S. U. 4 md hmt d )
The B.V. D. Company New York,
Whiten your floors;
brighten your painted
woodwork; freshen the
colors in your oilcloth
or linoleum
or linoleum by
using nf
JL soap.
a It does vour nlpaninp'
It does your cleaning
easily and quickly in
cool or lukewarm water
without hard scrubbing.
fell k Co., Philadelphia.
Via Rock Island Lines
(F"rom Omaha Effective June lsti
San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego and return $60.00
San Francisco and return one way via Los Angeles:
other way via Portland $77.50
Portland. Taroma and Seattle and return .$60.00
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return ne way
via California 877.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return. . . . 817.50
Estes Park, Colo., and return -824.50
Boise, Idaho, and return 854.50
Salt Lake City and Ogden and return 832.50
Pheonlx, Arii., and return -855.00
Yellowstone National Park, aide trip from Salt Lake
or Ogden, according; to tour and accommodations
n Park 812.25 to 853.50
Panama-Pacific Expositions' Fares
(On Sale Daily)
8a n Francisco, Los Angeles and San Dlago and return 850.00
San Francisco and return one way via Los Angeles
and San Diego; other way via Portland -807.50
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return 850.00
Portland, 'i. onia and Seattle and return one way
via California 867.50
Pan-Pacific Expositions' fares carry final return limit of
ninety daya from date of sale; other Pacific Coast fares carry
final return limit to December 31st, 1915.
Through dally standard and tourist sleeping car service
to California points via scenic Colorado.
For further particulars, inquire of
J. S. M'NALLY, D. P. A.,
14th and Farnam, W. 0. W. Bldg.
A CT73
Via The
New York and return 854.60 858.20
One way via Buffalo other way via Washington.
Boston, Mass.. and return 853.00 860.20
One way via Montreal other way via Direct Lines
through Albany and Buffalo.
Boston. Mass.. and return 850.50-805.25
One way via Buffalo and Albany other way via New
York and Washington, D. C.
Many other combinations may be had. including Lake Ocean
Bay and River Trips. Sixty-day limit with many
stop-over privileges.
Round Trip Fares via Direct Routes:
Alexandria Bay, N. J., and return 840.30 to 841.80
Atlantic City, N. J., and return 851 35
Bar Harbor. Me., and return 854.70 to 86120
Boston, Mass., and return 847.85 to 851.85
Buffalo, N. Y., and return 838.55 to 840.10
Burlington, Vt, and return 845.40
Chatauuua Lake points, N. Y., and return 83720
Cleveland. O., and return 833.70 to 835T0
Detroit, Mich., and return 831.20
Halifax, N. S.. and return 850.80 to 873.85
Montreal. Que., and return 841.30 to 851.65
New York. N. Y.. and return 848.85 to 853.85
Portland. Me., and return -840.00 to 854.70
Portsmouth. N. H and return 848.40 to 852 40
St. John, N. B., and return 851.80 to 862.20
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and return 844.05 to 845.40
Toronto. Ont. and return 836.20 to 840.55
rftS'?Z?fi soa ive. eta.
J . ram lUUU. ,...nH nwt m . fnll
BaeUoa apiur So
JOn HXIO.aaT. 0unl Aareaa.
101 -3 raraaa Btreet. Osoaha. Veb.
n aT - -Wt. si
b r : f i rj ksi i j til i
1 -rtl'' MUVS
Let The Bee et you a good job.
Situations Wanted" ads are free