TIIE UKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JlXE 23, 1315 YAQUIS DEVASTATE A1IERICAN FARMS Condition of Settler in Valley Are Described m Deiperats by Man Who Reached Nogalei. WIRES TO THE CAPITAL ARE CUT ' ' 'BrrtfiTif. NOOALES, Sonora, June 22. i;oTrnor Joio F. Msrtomia, Villa poramafterer, reinforced the fwtsor hlp today In tb entire territory dominated by him. On sort were placed In the telegraph office. News paper men er denied admission to the ROTernofa office. WASHINGTON. June 2 2. Condl liona in the YaquI valley, where the United States la faced with the poifrt bility of landing forces to protect the settlers against raiding Indiana, are described as desperate . In today's State department advices. On satUer who left the valley on the last train and arrived at Nogales yesterday said halt the valley had been devastated without protest from the. forty Villa troops, who were the only soldiers In the region. One ranch, presumably Atutrlcan oerned, had been aurrour.de 1 for four dars by VX) mounted Indiana and SOO on foot. The settlers ware prepared to da fend themselves aarainat attack until American marine should arrive. lie expressed the belief that Maytorena's Mexican force would be unable to check i ha Indians. Officials bar believe that the settlers left tha vslley before any of the addi tional troops ordered to the Taqul region by Oovernor Mavtorena had been die patched. More recent advices from American officials and ethers near the valley. It was said, had not reported any new attacks on foreUners. Wire e Capital fat. Confirmation of a report tnat Oeneral Oonsalea had be sun the occupation of Maxlno City with Cfcrransa forces was laoktng. but a rr.emase from Consul Bllll man, at Vera Crus, eald communication with the capital had been severed. The wires were cut beyond utumba, about twenty-five miles from Mexico City, he said, presumably by Zapata raiders. Official thought It poaelble that might mean that Zapata troops he J withdrawn from the .capital and that a raiding foroe might be operating between Oeneral Qonsalea and Vers. Crux. Reports from Monclova said .U0o letl tute Mexicans there were being fed dally by American Red Cross events Ere wltneaaaa arriving at Easts pt, Tex., from BalUllo said there was ''.eeperata need of tellef there. President Wllaon ssfcl today he had no official knowledge that Oeneral Felipe Angeles, Villa's chief lieutenant. as iiomlng to Washington, it haj lten re ported on the border that Angeles had been sent far by American offldala, while another report was that he was eomlng of his em Initiative to outline plans for pacifying Mexico. Girl Under Arrest In Murder Case Has Told Part of Story KCOTTSBLVFr". Neb.. June 22 -(Social Telegram.) Esther CaUett. tho hlrod fir I arrested In the Joe lyton murder rase, has mads a partial confession. Hhe ssya she and Mrs. Layton were at the cloaet outside when the fatal shot wss fired through the window. She has here tofore maintained that they were sitting at the table In the room and that Jordan waa also In the room. The Russian who called at the house soon sfter the shoot ing spd. then disappeared wss Henry Shaffer, a neighbor. Mla Catlett's parents aay the girl fcara , threats of being killed, but that she will tell tha whole story at the right time, Jordan has been taken to Lincoln for rafe keeping', WESTERN MEN TELL OFRATE DEMANDS (Continued from Page One.1 would not approve It "We name heia to sea this ease determined on the rec ords and the facts," he said.' "it is not1 a Question of Influencing this commis sion by a weak or a strong railroad, but the question la to be determined by facta and for that reason ws have opened our entire records to the protest ante." Tfceraa Opstoees larrraaee. Clifford Thome, peaking for sixteen slate railway oommlaatons and several shippers and farmers' organisations, spoke against the Increase. Mr. Thorns aald the railroads based their requests on the theory that aha book cost of their properties should be taken as their real value oa which they were entitled to T per cent. "This." said Mr. Thorn e, 'la but tha entering wedge. If these roads are en- titled to &0.00O.OW more In revenues to ds , they will be entitled to HS.S00.0uS sdvanos next month In passenger rates and another advance in freight rates next year. If these two doctrines are sound all the railroads of tha country would be entitled te rto.uuo.oOO Increaae every year, A CI4 la Daaa-erwaa. 1 Brewk It wN. Bell s . Pine-Tar-Honey la fine (or coughs and colds, noothes the rungs, loos ens the mucous. Only J&e. All druggists. Advertisement. Department Orders, WASHINGTON. June tt.-48ictJ Tel. gram.) South lakota postnsaslera ap (olntfcd: ftslph. Harding oountjr, Krd Khodard. vice I.ee J. Johnson, reined; Wortblng. Lincoln county, lien H. bhwen hen. vtce C. O. Uerber. Herbert E. Field was reappointed post master at Royal, Antelope eounty. Ne braska. fcouth takota postmaster reappointed: Miea Mary k Hsll. Fort Msade, Maede eounty; Mlaa Caliata M. Hall. Harold, Hughe County. W. B. Yearns of Columbus, O , waa ap pointed veterinary Inspector of the bu reau of animal Industry loueted at South Omaha. V I I Culls from the Wire Colonel g. Byron Itaaca, assistant ad jutant general to General IT. . Grant la the cIvU war, dld at Beat t la II was a fnead of Abiaham Llnouln. Miss Kreda Ramsey, member of the ri.iigo Utile Theater company. died at -iita Brtara. Cel., from Injuries sus tained In a (all from a horse SUBSEAS SINK FOUR. SHIPS'nnnWNIFS WIN TH British Steamer Cariibrook. with Carfo of Wheat, Ooei Down Off the Scotch Coait. THREE TURKISH VESSELS LOST liOXnON". June K. The Frltlsh steamer Oartshrook of Qlaasow. from Montreal to Lelth, f rolls nd. was sunk by gunfire from a Opmnn submarine on June 21, at a point forty miles north of Klnnslrds Head. Eleven member -of Its crw were saved. Thirteen are yet unaccounted for. Cargo of firala. MONTREAL. Que., June a.-The Carlabrook left here June 10 carrying a "ergo of grain. It was commanded by Captain A. D. Hunter. The ship had a narrow ear-ape from German cruisers In the south Atlantic In the early stage of the wsr. Ths Carlsbrook was 30 leet long and of 1.352 gross tons. It was built at Kander land In WW and waa reported at Mon treal the beginning of June. Three Turkish Ships Suak. , PET ROO RAD, June :X-(Vla London.) -It Is officially announced that Russian submarines have sunk a large steamer and two sailing vesaels belonging to the Turks In the Black Bea. between Tregll (a ssaport 130 miles st of the Bos phoras) and Ksfkene Islsad (sixty miles wsst of rregU). Warden Allen Urges Convicts to Uphold the Honor System JOILET. III., June . "Chicken Joe" Campbell, a negro trusty, suspected of slaying Mrs Edmund Allan, wife of the warden of the state penitentiary here, was to bs subjected to a severs ques tioning today when the Inquest was re sumed. Campbell had boen forced to stand up right In a solitary cell, without food, water or sleep, since feunday morning, when the burned body of Mrs. Allen was found In a biasing bed In the warden's apartments. The negro, who had been sentenced from Chicago for killing a member of his own race, was believed by offlclsls to have been ths last person to see Mrs. Allen alive. ramnhell had been detailed aa a serv ant In the Allen apartment. A blood stained collar, found In the ruins or Mrs. Allen's bedroom, was admitted by Camp bell to belong to him. He asserted, how ever, that he had got the blood cn the collar while shaving a week ago. funeral aervloes for Mrs. Allen were to be held today In Christ Kplecopal thurch. Although burial will be private, m.m1i from all carts of ths ata'.a were expected to attend the services. Governor Dunne and a number of state executives had planned to attend, in statement read t !. convict in tha prison, Wsrden Allen annonced that ths tragedy would not affect tho "honor system" at the penitentiary. He pleaded with the men who yesterday threatened violence to Campbell, to uphold the honor system. "If you want to neip to ngnon my grief." Warden Allen told them, "be' 100 per cent men." Terrif io Storm Hits Little Rock L4TTLK HOCK, Ark.. June S.-A ter rific storm struck this city today. Ths wind attained a velocity of seventy miles an hour at 1:10 o'clock and ths tempera ture dropped twenty-two negreee in nr teen minutes. Heavy rain accompanied the storm. A negro waa killed by a live wire. ,r was dnne to sxor win- pow Automobiles left In the street wer crown ecouv oy t it. Hnrinra. Arsadelphla and Helena were cut oft from communi cation with this city ana tne exienv m damage in those directions was not known. a town of B.0WI population, was ..,a have been struck by a tornado. but wires to this point were down also. MALVERN. Ark., June a-m "n ..i. at aarlnua damage In the forest In the vicinity of Malvern today, but the rlty wss not damaged. Allie, Watts Beats . Crack 3-Ycar-01ds uifiTiRK'E. Neb.. June X tSpeelal Telegram.) A big crowd attended the Nebraska circuit races here mis aner. noon. The track was fsst and the horses were In excellent condition. Allie Watts won the .-year-old trot,; Allator the S.17 pace, which required rive beau to aooiae. and John Emerson the I.t4 trot. Hum mar y; Trotting. I-year-old. purse !w; Allie Watts ' i Forest H in gen J Valttntlna hmoot 1 f n. J. Uurk Hlnbon I'alsv Todd ' f Uarun Holt ' Tune, i.w, rav Pacing. 1:1? class, purse S4A0: Allator J I I 1 Uratla 4 J 1 4 Hob fctrong S s i I Malor Hanlle ... ...1 t I i s Joale Knight t 4 i Hreaie vinneta w i.t rhuus T 7 dr. on Ildmv T I dr. Armadillo ai. West Point dl. , Time. 1 UW,. l.UH. I.1W. I uts. Troltlnr. 1.14 el ass. nurse S400: John Ljiieraou I tit Nell yellows 1 4 13 Charm K. King 1 S 4 4 Kl Bel Maden 4 1(1 f'ronlo. Jr I 2 4 1 Halite Graham T t 4 IVnllv IMmnla i dr. Texas Avis , lMs. Kitty Ilexl Uta Time 1 tlV I I'kU a rili. M'lU Running, half-mile dash, puree tl0: Jaek the Bailor, fleet; Blue second. Time, l:0i. SFIAZA HOTEL new riTTH AVENUB and FIFTY NINTH ST. The coolest hotel in New York. Overlooking Central Park. Within eaiy distance of all theatres and shops. Your address known the world over while you stop at The Plaza. OUTDOOR TERRACE AND SUMMER GARDEN Special Dancing Features Siagls Reesas with Bsth, I3.SQ up Double Room with Bath, IS.00 ap Te rsasrvs fuel er t earare farther iafnraurioa eases PHkU Si tsar, M. ..(.a Der FIFTEENTH INNING Detroit Defeated by St. Louit by Score of Thirteen to Nine. SEVEN HURLERS ARE USED DrTTROIT. Mkh . June J2.-A fusillade of hits off Coveleeke In the fifteenth In ning gave Bt. Iouls a 13 to vlntory over Ieroit this afternoon. Of the seven pitchers used, Wellmsn was the only ef fective worker, although Coveleskle, who replaced Cavet In the ninth, twirled great ball until the final Inning. Dubuc was easy for ths Browns and when he retired under fire in the third. the visitors had ssven-nin lead. Detroit picked up two In tha third snd when James replaced Hamilton In the fifth Pt. Louts seemed to hsvs the gams safe. Tli Tigers combined hits with psases and errors and tied the score in ths eighth, only to lose in ths fifteenth when six singles and two errors gave the Browns four runs. Pcors: T. urnn. iibtroit. AB.H O A r. AS H O A B ShnMon, " 4 I lSush. m 0 A'BMIs. lb... I 114 HCinW, T 1 I I I'Wt. lb ... 1 14 1 Shh cf.... tin r Wiik.r. rfl I I I ("CVswfert. . rf I 1 4 t t. Walker, rf I S 0 OVeach. If T t 1 S Ptrrrmao. 1 S 0B a ma lb...T I 14 Watlmta. t II t I VMt. lb T t t i S Leery. Ik ... I 4 1 1 OStsmse, ' 4 1 S Utu. .. T 114 IMi-Km. .... 1 114S Ajrnev. e....T III OHuhuo, V....S S S 1 S rlemllton pt I 0('ir. 1 1 1 S w.i.n. rf... I 1 1 orvrtleut si I s JuniM. ... S FUlier. C....1 1110 1 Jarnhsna ..I S 4 Totals II MUII S'Morisrtr ... 1 14 4 4 Totals M IT 44 IT 1 Hatted for McKes In eighth. Itatted for Coveleskle In fifteenth. ft. Louie 4 010 10000000004 11 Detroit 0 01040010000000-s Two-base hits: Craforrt. Cobb. Bums. Veach. Agnew, Walsh. Tliree-liae hits: Craford, Shotton, Hmllton. Ptolen bases: Kavanngh, Morlarty. ITerneil runs: 8f. Ixiuls. 11; Detroit. 7. Double play: Austin to I'ratt to Iesry. Bases on balls: Off Duhuo, 2; off 'avet. tj off Coveleskle, 1; off Hamilton. 1; off James. S: off Well man, 2. Illte: Off Diihuc, S In two and two-thirds Inning: off Cavet. S In five and one-third Innlngx: off Coveleskle, 8 In seven Innings; off Hamilton, In four Innings; off James, none In one-third Inning; off Ferryman, 7 In two and two thirds and none In eighth Inning; off Wellman, S in eight Innings. Ft ruck out: By Dubuc, 1; by Cavet. 1; by Coveleskle, 7; by Hamilton. 1; bv Jmee, 1- by Well man, 4. Umpires: Chill and Kvans. Senators Trim Hed Sox. WASHINGTON. June 22. -Washington bunched hits with Boston's errors today and won the third game of the scries, 7 to 4. George Foster and Pennock were both batted hard. Boston knocked Ayres out of the box In the sixth Inning, hut Fhaw held them safe. Hhanka today made his first error this season. Score : BOSTOW. WASHINGTON. An. HO. AC AH. HO. AH. Hooper, rf .. I 4 Mealier, rf . . I 1 1 S Winer. ib ..4 0 14 K Toiler 5b. 8 1111 Hpeaker. el.. 4 111 Oghankl. If... I 1 I lwle. If.... 4 1 1 1 lMllan. rf...l 0 1 HoMltMl, lb 111 (MUnall, lh .l 1H I J.nvrin. ee . I 1 1 1 OMnrnn 2b . 1 .ITS (lardeer. lb. 4 III lAlnamlth, c. I t I 4 Thames, e... Sell OMcUrlde, M. 4 I I i 1 Oalner ,...l 0 Arre. s 1 I A fair, a sell OKlisw. p 1 1 0 1 0 O Potter, p. 11119 Shore. 0 1 S Totals tt n 14 I Hesrtkaea .1 4 S 4 0 Fennork. p. . 1 4 0 S 1 Totals II II 14 16 I ' Batted for Thomaa in seventh. . Batted for Shore In sixth. T Boston 1 lt0U,t 0 04 Washington 0 0 t 0 3 0 T Two-base hit: Alnsnilth. Three-base hit: Alnsmlth. Hlta: Off O. Foster, 4 In four Innings (none out In fifth:-off Khore, 1 In one Inning; off Pen nook, 4 in three Innings; off Ayres, 8 In five, and one-third innings; off Shaw, I in three and two-thirds innings. Htolen baaea: Fpeaker, Hotilltxel, Milan. Double piayn: Ayres to Morgan to Gandtl, Morgan to McBrlde to Oandll. Baaea on balls: Off Foster. S: off Pennock. 1: off Ayres. 1: off Hhsw, 1. Blruck out: Hy Foster, 1; off Pennock. I; off Fhaw, I. t'mplres: Dlneen and raiiln. Three In Hew for Pale let. CLKTVEtiAND. June 21 Chicago madw it three straight Karnes from Cleveland, I to , winning the game In the third Inning when two hits were bunched with thre pause snd three stolen Danes. He-ore: CLEVELAND. CHICAVO. AB H.O A.B. AB H.O.A C. SouuYrth. II I I 0 I ireltrh. cf. . . 4 114 1 Tsrasr. So.. I I 1 OWeaver. ss.. I 1 I 4 1 Ckauroaa. ss I 1 I 1 Wearer, sa. I I I 4 I Ja. kan lb.. 4 S I I IK Collin., th I I 0 I 1 llbalo. et.. 4 14 4 lieournler. lb. 4 1 I S Pmith, rf.... 4 110 CJ. Collins, rf. 4 I 114 Wm henna, lb 4 1 It ORoih. It I I 4 I rNell. s... 4 4 4 Sfehaik. .. I I T 4 S Har.tad. .. 4 4 1 uHlarkbra lb 1 14 1 Jose, p I 1 1 I OKaber. ... I 4 4 1ft llsmsron ., t 4 t 0 S Totals II Iflll I Totala IT I 17 II I Batted for Jones In ninth. Cleveland 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-S Chicago t 1 4 1 0 1 0 0 0- Two-base hit: EI Collins. Three-base hit: Smith. Ftnlen basus: J. CoMlns 2. Weaver. Fournler (2. Hits: Off Har stad, 4 In two and one-third Innings; off Jonea, i in alx and two-third Inninga Baees on balls: Off Harstad, 6; off Junes, t; off Faber. 1. Ftrurk out: By Harstad, 1, hy Jones, 1; by Faber, 7. I' ni pi res; Wallace and Connolly. First Automobiles Enter Park in July NEWCASTLE. Wyo., June B.-(8pe- clal.) Although Yellowstone National park will not be open to automobiles until August 1, ten cltlsena of Cody, Wyo., sre to be accorded the distinction of oper ating automobiles through ths heretofore sacred confines of ths park one month In advance of anyone eise. On July 1 next, almost a month In advance of the date opening th park to autos, ten high powered machines will leave Cody and proceed to Mammoth Springs hotel. Al though thousands have failed In the at tempt to get Into th psrk with machines before August 1. end even the local trans portatlon companies, on the plea of working out schedules, hsvs been turned down, ths Cody psople will go through. The exception In this case la due to the fact that cltlsena of Buffalo Bill's town will csrry the members of the house appropriations committee and officials of the reclamation service through tho park on th tour of Inspection. Villoma It tar We. Wheu you have a bullous attack your liver falls to perform ita function You become constipated. The food you eat ferments in your stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible head ache. Take Chamberlaln'a Tablets The) will ton up your liver, rlean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as sver. They only cost a quarter. Obtain able everywhere. Advertisement york: TROOPS GUARDING H0ME0FG0YERN0R SLATON OF GEORGIA (Continued from r&t On.) night the sheriff had not requested troops. The governor wss surrounded at his home by about a floxen friends, nearly every one of whom was srmed with a rifle or pistol. The unexpected arrival of a member of the family at a dark corner of the front prroh caused the governor himself to hastily pick up a largs pistol. In front of the governor's house were more than 1W automobiles filled with persons evidently theie to see what the crowd would do. Ths troop had great difficulty In clearing tn road of these machines and many of their orders wer met with ths retort of "shoot!" Frank began serving his term st th stat prison farm In Mlllsdgavtll He will be known ss "convict No. . Officials secretly took Frsnk by train and automobile from th Atlanta Jail to Mllledgevlll. and soon afterward Gov ernor Slaton issued a long statement giv ing his reasons for commuting ths sen tence which was to hav been executed today, Frank was delivered at ths state prison at 4:10 o'clock yesterday morning. When It became known In Atlanta crowds began to gather on downtown streets within three hours thslr demonstrations had resulted In calling out two-thirds of ths police foroe, and an order followed closing all nearby ssloons and clubs In which liquor could be obtained. About noon a crowd estimated at 1,500 gathered on the capltol grounds and listened to asveral speakers. Most of this throng later took charge of the hall of tha house of representatives where sev eral speakers said they doubted Frank had been removed from Atlanta. A committee of five was selected to visit the jail. They reported that Frank waa not there. Then Fherlff Mangum. who, with deputies, took the prisoner to Mllledgevllls assured the crowd he had delivered Frank at the prison- The throng which packed the floor and gallery, then marohed to "five points," In the center of the business section and later went to ths city hall. As this had been the scene of a demonstration early In the day ths police took stern measures. Foon the list of arrests had Increased to ten, all charged with failure to "move on." Mounted officers rode In circles In the crowd and th demonstrators gradually dispersed. At Marietta, twenty miles away, th former horn of Mary Phagan. Oovernor Slaton was hanged In effigy. An inscrip tion on the dummy read: "John Slaton, Georgia's traitor gov ernor." Solicitor Oeneral Dorsey. who proee- cuted Frank, Issued a statement tonight In which he declared the "action of Oov ernor Slayton nullifying the Judgment of the state and federal courts and over riding the recommendation of the State Board of Pardons sees was un precedented." He added that no defend ant in his recollection had had tha benefit of more appeals to both stat and federal courts. "I cannot .find in the record of th Frank case, or In the governor's lengthy statement of attempted Justification, one reason why th governor should interfere with the Judgments of the courts in the case," said the solicitor. Systematic Thefts by Naval 'Cribbers' AANAPOL18, Md.. June . Testimony tending to show that for at least a year naval academy examination papers and midshipmen's ratings on exsmtnatlon had been stolen wss given today before th court of Inquiry which trt Investigating the cribbing scandal. A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. To Put On Flesh and Increase Weight A Physician's Advice Most thin peopls eat from four to six pounds of good solid fat-making food every day and still do not increase In weight one ounce, while on the other hand manv of the plump, chunky folk eat very lightly and keep gaining all the time. It's all bosh to aay that this I th nature of the Individual. It isn't Nature's wav at all. Thin folks stay thin because their pow ers of assimilation are defeetlve. They absorb Ju.it enough of the food they eat to maintain life and semblance of health and strength. (Huffing won't heir them. A duxeu meals a day won't make them gain a single "stay there" pound. All the fat-producing elements of their food just stay In the intestines until they pass from tha body aa waste. What auch peo ple need Is something that will prepare these fatty food element so that their blood can absorb them and deposit them all about the body something, too. that will multiply their red blood corpscles and Increase their blood's carrying power. f or aucn a condition i always recom mend eating a Karsol tablet with every meal, rtareol is not. as some believe, a patented drug, hut la a scientific combi nation of aix of the most effective and oowerful flesh building elements known to chemistry. It is absolutely harmless, vet wonderfull effective and a single tablet eaten with each meal often has the effect of Increasing the weight of a thin man or woman from three to five pound a week. Ceraol Is sold bv Sherman A Me Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, and other good dmggiata everywhere on a posi tive guarantee of weight increase or money back. USE COCOANUT OIL FOR WASHING HAIR If you wsnt to keep your hair in good condition, ths lass soap you us the better. Most snaps and prepared shampoo contain toe much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes ths hair brittle, and la very harmful. Just plain mulslfled oocoauut oil (which is pur and en tirely greaselese). Is much better then soap or anything else you can use for shampooing, aa this can't poratMy In jur th hair. Bimply moisten your hair with water and rub It in. On er two taaanoon fula will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses th hair and scalp thoroughly. Th lather rinse out easily, and removes every particle of dual. dirt, dandruff and exorsslve oil. Th hair dries Quickly and evenly, and It leave It fin and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to msn ags. You tsn get mulslfled coooanut oil at most any drug store. It la very cheap, and a few ounrea la enough to last everyone in the family for months. Advertisement. KAISER SUSPENDS TAGES ZEITUHG Rabid Anti-American Organ is Or dered to Ceaie Publication for Indefinite Period. ITS POSITION HELD TOO RADICAL BERLIN, Jans) 32. (Via Lon don.) The German authorities to day Informed the administration of the Berlin Tages Zeltuns that It would have to suspend publication for an Indefinite period on account of the recent article published by this paper on the subject of German American relations from the pen of Count Von Reventlow. The action of th German authorities I regarded as an Indication that ths government Is weary of seeing its rels tlons with America mad more strained by Journalistic outgivings such as those of Count Von Reventlow. Th article In queatlon followed th wall known lines of that writer, who asserted that Inter national law must be disregarded in ths conduct of submarine warfare. He de clared that these law war mad before submarines wer invented and continued: "And on can aa little employ the rule in an objectrv common senss way, aa, for Instance, one could bring the sticking to his office of an incompetent statesman, into healthful relation to the well being of th whole people." The Kovernrnent's prompt action In suspending the Tagea Zeltung is only one of many Indications that responsible statesmen are eager to find a common ground for understsndlng with America. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. MOTemente of Ueean Steamers. Sort ArrlTaa. BaileS. OKNOA Frl!iip dl fdlae CADI!! Manuel Cairo.... Cadis SHANGHAI Tamaha I J V g H H ) 1. . . . Don i n Ion LIVERPOOL.... .St. Ixiuls LIVERPOOL. Prometheus 0LA8OOW Camsroala i"ivm!a sterlre Mara ROTTERDAM Rotterdam yWDERBIIlHoTEL THIRTY FOURTH STREET AT PARK AVENUE jfnJofel Designed to Jfppeatfo tAe GonservStive Summer Rates WALTON H. MARSHALL Jfinagmr X2f Proper Thing Now Is to Peel Otf Soiled Skin Those who abhor sticky, greasy, ahlny, streaked com ulex Ions should rellarloualv avoid creams, powder and rouses dur ing tne nested day. There' no need for them, anyway, since the virtue ot merrollxed wax have become known. No amount of perspiration will produce any evidence that you've been using the wax, Aa it is applied at bedtime and washed orr in the morning, tne complexion never looks like a make-up. Mercollsed wax f raduslly takes off a bad complexion, nstead of adding anything to make it worse. It haa none of the dtsadvantagea of cosmetics and accomplishes much tnore In keeping the complexion beau- iiruny wnite, satiny and youtnrui. Just get an nunc of It at your druggist's and see what a few days' treatment will do Css like cold cream. Another effective summer treatment heat tending to rauae wrinklea and flabblneaa la a akin-tightener made by dissolving 1 ox. powdered aaxollte In ' pt. witch haiel. Its use te a face bath) leaves no trao. -Advertisement. Why Do Yon Hesitate? If you have a small cavity la your tooth, have it filled at onoe you will aav th coat of a erown, also foul breath and se vere pain. With a few good teeth, aa a baa to work on, ws can make you a aet of beautiful. Batlafylng teeth for reasonable price. camxas sxtkaottos T YITAXiaSO AIM. Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 DOUGLAS STREET. Pest risk heels e a i is mi laaS el teenaleal aeewleos aa la pmi et la au are. It's ilars I sear Basket la eale UMrt Uakaleal sasartle- imm aaah u I ski I ar. Ceil aksaa ar wrtie. S. 6. PETICOUS Haibar AsMrtoea laetltau at twwl Ssglsears. ISO W. O. W. Bldf. Baeae Beagla SOaf. NEAL ise and eff of AT HOME OR INSTITUTE THREE-DAY TREATMENT Overcomea cause and effecta of tha use of DnKlKorDnUGS Blbert Hubbard sent a friend to the Keal and says. The STeaJ ear foe ertak aad draffs la tbtomulr aeaaia. Th wkole tala te sample, aaturel, aaS affective, ate tar La Use wttfc Vatiua.'1 For full Information rail or address the head NEAL. INSTITUTE, liog Bouih 10th aireet. or phone Doug-las AO Neal Iuatitue. In FrUKipal Clttea M a in, xa seaev is Ot Wa a seaser MM B M a Thompson-Belden G?0 Embroidered Organdies, $ 1.00 Yd. 44 Inches Wide White ground, richly embroidered in dainty colored figures in nhndes of pink, blue, maize, rose, hello, Nile green, reseda, black, etc. White English Corduroy, H Yd. For Coats and Suits Por handsome white coats and suits no material is in greater demand right now. We are showing an un usual value at $100 a yard. Dress Goods Section, Main Floor, The June Clearaway of Suits Every suit in our entire stock is offered for $11.75, $14-75, $21.75 There is not a large selection, but the price re ductions are decided and genuine. Wednesday the Last Day The Fashion Expert Representing McCall's Patterns and Publications Will be here. She will explain to the women of Omaha the unequaled merit of these celebrated Patterns and Publications. If you are not already a subscriber for that wonder ful magazine, "McOall's," now is the time to enter your name: McOALL'S MAGAZINE Mc0ALLS QUARTERLY 50 a Year, 5t or 35o if you purchase a if you purchase a 15c pat 15c Pattern. tern. McOALL DOLL PATTERN FREE to every little girl who calls at the Pattern Counter Wednesday. SCIENTIFIC SHOES FOR CHILDREN TUB comfort, health and happiness of children It in direct relation to their footwear. Mother, who realise the importance of correct shoes for growing feet favor Fry's children's models because they are the results of a scientific stody of the child's requirements. Expect fitters In Children's Dept. Co-Pa-Co IPairits Best for Wear and Weather Varnishes, Stains and Enamels 1812 Farnam Street C R.Cook Paint Co The sure way to satisfy your wants is through ise of the went ad pages of The Dee. Try a Dee want ad. AMUSEMENTS. QRAUDEIS Tonight 8:20 TK BATES I Aa4 All Weak. Ill TAZJC O' TU TOWeT Edward Lynh Kru Bayard Teilles's saeotloaal Melodrama, "WITHIN THK lAW." Mats. Twee., Tkmra. sad lea and loo He err Ssealas;, tsa. soo saA SO. ejsaaaas i - - i . . -. ...w SJBJBJS Grocers' and Butchers1 Picnic ! j At King Park. June 24th, 1915 S All grocery and butcher shops close at noon. A splendid I program is arranged. Dancing, games and sports of all I kinds. Prlies given. Good speakers will be there. Numer- aa . aai t ASt A nalnA av4raeM I TIT A OT TttAnVi Jaa ' 1 1 a I ous articles of value given DOME AND ENJOY THE DAY. HOE-C0 ion A. DOUGLSAS. AMUSEMENTS. 100 MXUBS AaT MOVM SIX MOTORCYCLE RACES AT TADXTTM arl BO WAT laM OMAJKA WedassSay l aauar I w as. BASE BALL Omaha vs. Des Moines ROURKE PARK JUNE 2L 22, 23. Btoaday, fame tl. abasias' Bay. vsaiiBB VT W. M away. Everybody will be there. I i