niE BKB: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 191& 10 Bringing Up I OONT ORE WHAT VHNT.t VANT TOO TO Do I lNtT OM TOO iOINC TO THE OPER-A TOMICHT rLOME A.'b I Am COINC TO STAT IN AGAIN BOOSTERS TRIM DPR00RKES Ererdon Allows But One Hit in Six Innings and Then Is Hammered for Four Bans in Setenth. ERRORS LOSE GAME IN EIGHTH After pitching six masterful atanxaa Barney Everdon eaaed up a bit In the seventh and again In the eighth with the ultimata reault that fhe Det Mulnea outfit carried-away the rombat, 6 to 4. Four hlta clouted the Boosters In the aevanth, rood for four runa and a two bafter, following couple of punk errora, netted two In the alxth. Tough lurk. The Rourkea got a. one-run lead on a fluka In The third. Kmc waa aafa on Hartford'a error, went to aecond when Thomaaon walked and cored when Tex Jonea loat Red Whalen'a dinky pop-up In tha mm. With Everdon pitching nice ball It looked pretty good for our rlda until that fatal aeventh. To open tha round Jonea buated a triple which got away from Thomaaon. Hart ford acored Tex with a alngle. Bllla beat out a bunt and Hartford took third when Krug threw tha ball away. Hartford cored on TannehlU'a double and Bllla romped to third from where ho reglHterad on Thomaa' tacrine fly. Hahn waa aafa on Breen'a error. Then Tannehill and Hahn pulled a double ileal, Tannehill coring. Tie Coaat la Ham Half. The Rourkea cam back and tied up tha ount In tha home half. Whalen walked and Everdon poled a hit. Smith aaorl flced and Thomaa made a bum chuck to flrat on which Whalen aoored, Everdon took third and Smith aecond. Breen'a alngle aoored Everdon and Bmlth counted on Kruegera Infield out. Then In tha eighth Breen and Whatan contributed the game. Whalen bobbUd Jonea' roller and Breen dropped Hart ford'a fly. Bllla forced U art ford and than stole aecond. Breen'a double marked Jonea and Bllla. Tha aama teama play today with Btod gett and Mogrldge carded, to pltoh. Oame will be called at S o'clock. Boo re i DCS MOINES. AB. R. If. O. 0 1 t IT A. Hahn. rf Sawyer, tb..., Hunter, cf..., Jonea. lb Hartford, aa. ..4 0 0 0 I I 4 4 Bllla, If 4 Tannehill. tb S 1 1 preen, c 4 Thomaa, p 1 Totala & OMAHA. AB. R. Pmith. If 8 1 lireen. b 8 0 Foraythe, rf 8 0 Krueirer, c 4 0 f chHebner, lb 4 0 Krug. Sb 8 1 Thomaaon. rf I 0 TVhalen, aa 2 1 Kverdon, p 2 1 Kafora 1 0 7 27 28 IT. 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 o. A. 0 Totala a t 27 It Batted for Everdon In ninth. . lea Moines Buna 0 6 0 6 0 0 4 2 Hits 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 17 Omaha- Buna 0 0 0 10 0 8 0 04 Hits 8 0 6 1 1 0 2 6 0-6 Three-base hit- Jonea. Two-base hits: tJ,ii,i T" - U I II ft tJ J. -, - . Hahn, Tannnhill. Illi'ls. Hunter. Sacrtfl.-o lilts. Thomaaon. R. Rreen. Smith. Foraythe. Sacrifice fly: Thom Double ilaa: Hartford to Tannehill, Whalen to Ween to Schllebner. Left on bases: Ds Moines, t: Omaha, T. Struck out: By kverdon. 1. Bases on balls: Off Thomas, 6: off Kverdon, 8. Time: 2:06. I'mplre: Myers. LINKS RALLY ASD BEARS LOSE Heaver Defeated by 1'oar ta Tfcre rare. LINCOLN. June C-IJncoln rallied In the last two Innnir, of today's same and batted out a vlvtory, defeating Denser by 4 to 1 Score: DENVER. AB. R. H. O. epencer, cf - 8 1 o 1 Miner, rf 4 0 MrCormtt-k. If 4 ri!utv, 2b w 4 0 tVffev, 3b 3 1 hlelda. ib 8 0 Kellelier, aa 4 6 Fheetak, c 8 I A fvllanre. p 6 6 Mitchell, p 1 6 11 0 6 Totals tb 3 6 16 IT LINCOLN. AB. R. It. O. K. Wolfe. If 1 B. hrell,er. rf 0 IJoyd. 2b i M. tv hrelber. cf 6 WlUidiiia, lb 4 Velntyr. rf 3 Morse, If ants, c t McUaffltrau, aa..... 8 Daley. 3t S Vartesoa. P 3 1'oweit .. 1 Dasvn 6 3 1 1 11 Totals ) 4 18 27 16 Two out when winning run swored. Hatlrd fr v.4fe In eighth. i.o for Powell in eighth. Inr I 6 6 1 1 6 0 6-4 l.ln.t.lil 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 8 I 4 ' Tao-baee - hits: McOafriiran. Sheatsk I'oarll. lxiuble pls : t4 lireilier to til- lama. tft i.n taws Mctjsfflsaii, t oftev Mtu-r. fc..ilfl tills. Areiiane til (-IHtn-er. riruck out: By Karteaoti, r lrvilai-. 8. liaaes oa bslla: off Nartrvuii. a, erf Anllnrta. 1; off lilt l,ll. . lilt, by i-lti bed tail. Bv Nana 'in. i, t ji.i, mi', 1. una: wn Arrl Uun. i'J in retrn liinlntra; off M it, bell, f ALL RK.H1 1 1 " Father T brVf EOTS DO TOObE KNOW ANf TMiNC THE OPERA MR. WIFE THINK S I'M THrRF I'LL HAVE TO nt-K AUOOT IT - r In one and two-thirds Inning. 140. I'mplre: Fsrent. Tim 0IOI C ITY TRIMS THR JOSIKr College Recralt (ioes I a la Elafcth Frame aad Drimnrri Lose. SIOT"X CITY. la.. June 21 After hold ing the local team to two hlta for seven Innings. Taymr, a college recruit with St. Joseph, ascended In the eighth end four run were pounded In off him, the champion taking the game by a acore of a to . Catcher Tonnemnn waa put out of the taint by I'mplre Van Sycle In the ninth Inning for disputing a decision. Bcore: SIOUX CITY. AB. R. H. O. A. E. 2 2 0 10 0 6 11 2 1 0 4 2 0 2 10 110 2 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 11 1 O. A. E. 0 10 2 0 0 12 0 S00 1 0 0 It 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 ISO 24 10 1 0 0 4 -o 0 0 0 0-2 Cooney, Sb 4 2 t Clarke. If 1 6 Kane, lb 4 11 IJeune, rf 8 0 0 .llnhan. a SOS Davidson, rf 4 0 0 Young. 3b 4 0 2 Pric e, c 10 0 Kelly, p J o 0 P. lark 110 Iloothby, p 0 0 0 Totala 2S t 7 ST. JOSEPH. AB. It. It Rapp. 8b 4 11 Nicholson. If 8 1 S Page. 2b 10 1 Williams, rf 4 0 0 wataon, cf 4 0 1 Fisher, lb 8 0 1 Ewoldt. aa 2 0 0 Tonneman. e 4 o A Tavlor, p. 4 0 0 Totala 20 J 7 Battrd for Kelly In eighth, Sioux City 1 0 0 0 0 oi. joaepu 0 0 10 1 Two-baae hit: Kane. aariflce hlta: Ewoldt, FUher, Price, Page. Hacrtfloe flv: iPege. Stolen baaea: Cooney, Cal lahan, Nicholaon. Ioub4e play: Flatter tunaaalated). Hlta: Off Kelly, T In eight innlnga. Haaea on balla: Off Kelly, 2' off Boothby, 1; off Taylor. 4. Struck out: S?i".'.yV7: bLBo?thbr' y Taylor. 1 wild pitch: Taylor, Kelly. Time: 1:96. Umpire: Van Syde. TOPKKA DRPRATR THE) WICHES Oelat aad Salllvaa Hit Hard by Kaw Batamea. TOPKKA Kan , June 22,-Topeka hit STi..nd. ?""van hard and defeated . "o1'0" and Tytleman made aenaatlonal catchea nv., . k relieved C lunn In the thlrH when looked dangeroua. atonrxxt ,h ooriua. . alt-ore TOPEKA AB. R. H. O. A. E Roche. If 8 12 0 0 0 Trainer, rf 8 2 1 1 1 iiomioK, aa., , t 6 Mayer, cf,.... ( iAttlmore, 2b .., 8 2 ltappa. lb j Cochran, Sb. 8 0 Monroe, c 8 1 Clunn, p ....., 1 0 Orover, p 1 2 2 2 2 i 1 14 1 4 10 0 8 0 1 Total si 11 WICHITA. 27 It A R T O. 1 ,! 0 8 0 8 I 0 E. Charlea, 2b 8 8 0 0 0 0 A 0 rox, ir sol Tytleman, rf 2 0 0 ratteraon. lb 8 0 1 Brltton. 8b 8 0 1 Hoap, aa 4 0 0 Spenoer.. cf 4 e 1 Griffith, c 4 0 2 itemi, p 100 Sullivan, p 0 0 0 Uray I 0 0 . Totals 32 2 6 24 22 3 Batted for Sullivan In ninth. Topeka 0 2 0 0 4 S 0 0 11 Wichita t 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Two-baae hlta: Roche. Lattlmore. Mayer. Cochran, Fox, Orimth. httcririoe hlta: Roche, Trainer. Kappa. Orover. Tydeman. Sacrifice fly: Monroe. Double Play: Hostlck to lattlmore to Happa. Stolen baaea; Charlea. Spencer. Hits: Off Clunn, 1 In two and one-third Innlnae; off Uvlat, 8 In five and one-third Innings. Hases on balla: Off Clunn, 3; off (irosei'. 2; off Octet. I: off Sullivan, 1. Struck out: By Clunn. 1: by Orover, 2; bv Oelst, t: by Sullivan. 1. Hit by pitched hall: Bv Clunn, I: by Gelst. 1. Time: !:!. I'm plre: Cueark. Harvard Wins First ! Game from the Elis NEW. HAVEN. Juna It-Harvard cast gloom over Tale's lar -commencement crowd today by winning tha first game of tha annual series, 4 to 1 The Crimson hit Way opportunely for all. Its runa. Yale s two runa came on Hunter's alngle. Vaughn of Yale waa put out at the Plata trying to atretch a triple Into a home run- Varte of Harvsnl made a spec tacular catch of a foul, ending tha game. Score: . R.H.E. Harvard I 2 6 0 6 6 1 0 04 x 3 Yale 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6-2 1 2 Butteries: Harvard, Mshan and Harte: Yale, Way and Ilunter Amerlraa Aaaex-ta Ilea. At Milwaukee ft H E. M nnea polls A 3 1 Milwaukee 3 t 2 Batteries: Minneapolis. Tlnsllnx ami Sullivan: Milwaukee, Young and Hushes At loulavllle R H E. 6 1 6 ( olumliws 6 iutsvtlls .13 21 Batteries: Columbus. Davla, Sthena berg and Coleman; Louisville, Northrop and Clemens. At Indianapolis R.H K Cleveland 4 I 6 Indianapolis t 4 4 Batteries: Cleveland. James and Bill ings; InJlan polls. Mors, Willis and Blackburn. At Kanaaa City R H E St. Paul , 13 I Kanaaa City t w 3 Batteries: St- Paul, Lrl field and Olenn: Kanaaa City, Delhi, Gurge, Allisou and Alesandcr. 6 a 6 Fremaat Trtma Faatearlle. FREMONT. Neb. Juna . 4Seclsl Fremont defeated Foutanelle here Sun- day afternoon' Scire: K.1I K romaii'-iia ... 1 1 1 e ri rrfniuni ...vveeviaa I a rnrria: n. 1 "enue. enoon ana - it'o Cook: llaL'iii-.r and Broiusuti. t lucU?, jll'almer, Copyright, International News Service. TOURE A LOCKT CU- THE CPZRK HOObE EHJRNED DOWN SOTHEFfE IWT ANT SHOW: TELL Standing of Teams WEST. LBAOT'E. I NAT. LEA CM IT!. W.I..Pct.l W.UPct. Dee Molnee.M IS .47i Chicago .... 21 .M8 Topeka ....) 23 .' I"hlla 2 24 .5R8 Denver ....2 20 .SWRl Pt. boula....32 2 .J Omaha 2n 2ft .UM Honton 26 2 .472 jlnrnln ....22 23 .7!l I'lttaburah .27 25 .MO Sioux City. 21 .42iil Brooklyn ...24 3D .44 8t. Jnaeph..20 29 .4S New .York. .21 W .447 Wichita ...18 zx Cincinnati ..a . AMER. LEAOi:ij; FED. LEAGUE. W.UPctl W.UPct. Clil. aeo .... 20 .UT.t ft. Iul....83 21 .611 Ronton 29 20 B!l2 Kan. City. ..30 24 .10 Detroit 23 .371 Chicago 32 27 .8M Waiih. ...Vt'A .hW Plttrburgh ..2 27 .618 New York.. 27 2ft .6m Newark ) 28 .617 Cleveland ..21 33 .477! Brooklyn ...28 30 .4i8 Kf loula....21 34 ,3S2 Haltlmore ..21 84 ,t Phlla 21 84 .3it2 Buffalo 21 40 .344 AM ER. ABS'N. 1 STATE L.EAOUE. W.UPct. I W.lArct. Inllan'Po- 21 .M4I Heamce ... u .tw Ioulevllle ..32 27 MV York 18 18 .0n0 Kan. City. .31 27 .W4! ivonoix ....ja ia .mi Milwaukee 23 30 .4X31 Od. Ialand..16 14 .633 ut I.ul....2X 29 .4'M Falrburv , .18 19 .40 Cleveland . .26 3 .4:5 llaatlnga ...18 16.464 Mlnneapolia.24 32 ,4i Columbua ..23 83 . 4UI Yeaterdgy'a Reaalta. WESTERN LEAOTTK Wichita, 8; Topeka, 1L Denver. 2; Lincoln, 4. . Dee Moinea. 6; Omaha. 4. Br Joaeph, 2; Sioux City, a NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburgh, 8: Cincinnati. 1. Brooklyn, 2; Boaton, 1 Philadelphia, 1; New Tork. 1; called, darkneaa; nine Innlnga. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New Tork-Phlladelphla; wet grounds. Boaton, 4; Waahlngton, 7. Chicago, 8; Cleveland, St. Loula, 13; Detroit, ; eighteen ta nlrga. FEDERAL LBAGUEi St. Iula, 4: Brooklyn, 8. 'hlTn 11: Reltlmore. 4. Kaneaa Clty-Uuf falo; wet grounda. plttaburgh. 2; Newark, 4. AMERICAN ABSOCIATION. Mlnneapolla, 0; Milwaukee. 1 Columbus, 0; Loulavllle. li. Cleveland. 4; Indianapolis, a St. Paul, 4; Kanaaa City, i. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. OTrk, 8; Hastings, 4 (18 innings). eBatrlc, 8; Kalrbury, $ (10 lunlrm). Norfolk, 4; Grand Island, t. Games Twday. Western Iesue Wlohlta at Topaka. lrnver at Lincoln, Dea Molnta at OmaJia, ist. Joaeph at tiloux City. National League St. Ixuls at Chicago. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Itoaton, Philadelphia at New York. American lsgue New York at Phila delphia. Boston at Washington, Chicago ,at Cleveland, St. lxuls at Detroit. Federal League Hi. I.ouls at Brooklyn. Chicago at Haltlmore, Kansas City at Buffalo. Pittsburgh at Newark. Nebraska State Leagi'e York at Hast ings, Grand Island at Norfolk, Beatrice at Kalrbury WHALES SLAUGHTER THE BALTIMOREANS McConnell Too Much for Terrapins, While Quinn Is Easy for Chicago. FABJLEXIS FIELDING FEATURE BALTIMORE, Juna 22. McConnell waa toi much for Baltimore today. Chicago wtnnlna easily, 11 to 4. Qulnn waa easy for the visitors, and ha ret'red In tha alxth. Smith of Chicago tt two hlta over the fence, one with the bases filled. FarreU'Eefleldtng waa sensational. Score: R.H.H. Chicago 0 1 0 6 3 3 0 6 t 11 19 2 Baltimore 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 6 2 Batteries: McConnell, Johnson and Wilson, ('lemons: CJulnn, Conley, Vereker and Owens. Terriers Beat Tips. BROOKLYN. June T AftPr Oandall had been hit freely In two Innings for a home run. two triples and three singles, which netted three runs. Watson went In and blanked the Brooklyns during the remainder 'of the aama with "t. Louts here todav. the latter team winning an uphill battle. 4 t 8. t'pham's f nser waa injured by a grounder from Vauithn'i bar In the alxth and was forced to retire with t' core tied. Msrlon. who relieved him. yielded the winning run on hits bv Burton. Miller and Dal. Poor: R.H E. Iula 0 00 20 1 1 004 k 0 Brooklyn 3 0AAOOOOO3 8 3 Batteries: Crandall. Watson and Har ley; I'rham. Marbn and Simon. Xewark Defeats Rebels. NEWARK. N. J.. June 23 -Newark defeated Pittsburgh today for the fourth time In five games. The acore was 4 to 1 Score: R.H.E. Pittsburgh 00001 000 1-2 8 3 Newark . 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 11 4 Batteries: Knetser, I .eclair and Berry; sioran ana icanaen. f'eaat Leeaae. At Salt I-ske Clty- R H E. 6 1 '.'""."'V 3 3 I 6 11 ! reu iJi 1 vuv. Baterlea: Oakland. Pruleit and Kuhn Salt Lake CUv. Gregory and Hannth. At Ixjb Angeles R U E. Venice 8 li I.oa Angeles 3 i 1 halter lea: Venice, lf'tt and Hoenoer Ioa Angelea, Stxigglna, ft) an. Burns and At San Franclaro R.H E Portland 4 U i ran Francisco .....114 i Eleven Innings. Battrrlea: Portland Keefe. Kvana, litgglnbotham and Flsheri ran rraiu-ieco, iwit, ttriat ana Block Al K,ra Wlaa. KRKMOXT. Nib.. June 22 .i.cln Al. Knyen of Fri,mnt won te shoolln- tournament at More B'ui'f Hnn1ay hy . wcortnff 141 out of a poealbl lf. He tll 1 alih lilr ttntea of Columbua and li ' toe ehnot-t rr won hv drrsWlna twenty 1. roue nut or luent v ni k.,.n ,l t n. butxst un the ,. treukinx i-lKlitv- risbt will out a mlta I'LL BURIH THE EDCE OF mf. HAT AN" TELL Ht WHAT A NARROW ESCAPE 7 " SMITH WINS LONG GAME WITH DRIYE Hastings Pitcher Baps Two-Bagger and Scores in Thirteenth Inning. PRO HIES LOSE, FOUR TO THREE HASTINGS, Neb., June 22.-(SpcclaJ Telegram.) Haetlnga won a thlrteen lnnlng game from York today, 4 to 3. It waa a pitchers' battle between Skyock and Smith. Smith drove for two basee In tha last Inning, was sacrificed to third and won tha game on Richardson's hit. Sciore: YORK. HASTINGS AB.H O A B AB H O A Ttle. tb..... 14 2 OWatson. lb.. 1 4 Murvhr, cf.. ( CSS eOlaon. .... 1 ! Tntten. lb... 3 0 1 ODnimm. lb.. 4 0 II WstMl, It .. lit SMK'Sb It.. 4 0 0 0 flokswlti. ltl 111 1 OHIr.h'mmi, el 3 14 4 S Flaa. ... 4 lOtwt. lb 1 1 t 0 Pleroe, rf... I 1 I 1 rt 1 (I 0 Ralrn. C...I 3 1WH1.I, rf... 4 1 0 Blrrack. ... 4 44 lSmlth. p.... I 1401 Totals 44 ft IS ( Tstals M 4 19 17 1 Two out when winning run scored. Tork 0 00000080000 03 Heatings 0 80001000000 14 Two-base hlta: Totten, Wets-M. Weldel. Smith. Sacrifice hit: Obat. stolen bases: Drumm, Obat (2), Weidel. Struck out: By Skyock, : by Smith, 14. Bases on balla: Off Skyock, ; off Smith, 4. Iouble plar: Pierce to Totten. Hit by pitched ball: By Skyock (Druirm): by Smith (Skyock). Time: 2:45. Umpire: Monroe: Beatrice Wlaa oa Slaa-le. FATRBURY, Neb., Juna 22.-Hpecul Tel egram.! A single by Third Baseman Hrannan scored Manager Flllman of the Beatrice Milkaklmmera In the tenth frame, thereby taking the game from rerm;ry, I to l Today a game waa one of the hardest fouaht battles of the sea son, aa Fairbury waa In the lead until the if ' o A is such good tobacco Yes, sir. P. A. puts a razor edge on your smoke-appetite-tdivision that's nobby enough CrrT 1f0 CUfNIMC pIPtAeJO II TTI TOBACCOj I The toppy red bagr, 5c For you can put your little old blue-pencil O. K right here that Prince Albert is a regular double-header for a single admission as jous to your tongue and taste one way as the other! Will the ."rollers" kindly step forward for a spell and get some of this listen into their systems? Because Prince Albert certain and sure jams more joy into a makin's paper than ever before was figured up on two hands ! In the plain language of the hills, you can't any more resist such makin's tobacco than a bullfrog can pass up a piece of red flannel! Because P. A. hands to you everything any cigarette roller ever dreamed-out rare flavor, and aroma, and mildness, and body; absolutely the best bet the best smoke Cat(aiMUaa.J. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus T7 WELL -TELL ME VVMT TOURE OUT SO LATE. eighth Inning, when Beatrice made a batting rally and tied th score. A costly error by FaJrbury In thla frame loat the game to Beatrice. Beaver, hurler for the locals, had the better of the pitching duel, registering six strikeouts, wMle Irvin secured onlv three. However. Beatrice outhlt Fairbury during the entire game. Lamb, Th loosing and Brown managed to teal second from the Beatrice Milkaklm mera. Score: RBATRICB. FAIRBfRT. AB H O A K. AB.H. O A K. miman. lb. i 1 4 I 1 HiMbrnd. rf I A I a a Brown, lb... I ill 3 OOmler. lb.. 4 3 1 ffrannan. 3b. Kill eRrown. If.... 4 4 I A Rlark. rf.... 4 3 4 0 OTMeaslns. cM I I M roi.t.r. c... 4 1 i Imb, tb.... 4 14 14 NF'. rf 4 0 3 I'artnn. aa.. 4 1 3 I 1 Kortum. is.. 4 13 3 OConhny. lb.. 431 ISK-khart. If 4 1 3 1 Booths. ... 8 0 I 0 S Inrln s 4 6 11 Onearer. ... 4 I 11 1 Shaner. p. . . 1 1 0 0 Totals 37 3W1I1 Totals 34 I M IT 3 Bestrloe 0 00000020 18 Fairbury 0 02000000 03 Two-baae hits: Conley, Kortum. Bases on bells: Off Braver, 1: off Irvln. 1. Stmok out: By Beaver. 6; by Irvln, 3. Time: 2:00. Umpire: ' Mulr. Srnek'e Single la Winner. NORFOTK, Neb.. June 22. (Special Tel egram.) Synek's single In the fourteenth Inning brought In Robert with the win ning score and Grand Island took a very hard-earned victory from the tmimmers thla afternoon. A batting rally by ihe Drummers tied the score in the eighth Inning and then a long battle ensued. Bcore: GRAND ISLAND. - NORFOLK. AB H.O.A K AB H O A B Payne, aa.... 4 3 4 4Tral-k. 3b 4 1 I 1 Roben. IS....4 14 7 APre-aa 4 117 flrnek. lb.... 6 111 Ocarrls. ef...T lift Henrr If ... 4 0 14 0B Brown, rf. i 3 1 1 Croabr, C....4 111 OTowne, lb... I 1 IS 0 6 Vmrner. cf... 4 1 I 1 OMalker. Ib. .81 336 Downey, rf.. I 1 3 6 IC.Campbt, If I 1 1 6 4 rialra. 1b...l 8 11 1 ST. Brawn c. I OP) 0 Thleaen. p.. 8 1 0 1 (Walworth, p 1 0 8 1 Hoffman, p. I 6 1 1 401111a e 3 0 10 4 Smith 0 I 0 4 Totals 41 I (1 II 0 Totals 44 11 43 14 3 Batted for L. Brown In ninth. Grand Island 0 011200000000 16 Norfolk 000000130000 0-04 Two-base hit: Dye. Three-base hit: B. Brown. Stolen bases: Broderick. Towne, Payne, oben (2), Synek, Crosby, Varney (2). Baaea on balls: Off Wal worth, 6; off Thiesaen, 4; off Hoffman, 2. .U'llM the national joy smoke just eat the smoke! to be photographed! No other pipe and ciga rette tobacco can be like Prince Albert, because no other tobacco can bo made like Prince Albert. The patented process fixes that and removes the tongue-bite and throat parch 1 Let that digest! And that line of conver sation is 24 kt, whether you play P. A. in your old jimmy pipe or roll it into a makin's cigarette. IRJfTJOLD3 TOBACCO COMPANY, SO TOO THlNte Vrn ctki CET AWAT VITH THAT-OOTOU? THE OPERi LOOK AT THE PAPEfX - THAT F'RE OCCURED DEFOR E. TOO WERE UP THIS MCRNVN4 .' HOuE Borneo DOWN AND I JO-bT ESCAPED I STATED THERE HELP1N' THE FIREMEN - THOUGHT IT MY i GIANTS GO NINE TO TIE WITHTHE PHILS Storm Ends Pitching Battle Be tween Marquard and Alexander, with Score One and One. BOTH GET TALLY IN FIRST New TORK, June 22. New York and Philadelphia fought a spirited nlne-lnnlng tie, a heavy storm ending a pitchers' battle between Marquard and Alexander, with the score 1 to 1. New York did not make a hit after the first Inning, when a double by . Lobert and Doyle's alngle enabled the Giants to tie the score. Philadelphia had scored In the flrat half of the Inning on a pass to Bryne and Cravath's triple. Score: PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. AB H O AH AB H O A l Bancroft, as. 4 I 1 I 0no1irr. cf 4 0 I 0 0 Byrn. Ib...l 10 1 (Hubert, lb.. .4 18 10 Meh off, tb.. 4 0 8 4 OPoyla, 3b ... 4 1110 Crarath, if. I 1 It tPums, rf.... 4 0 I 0 0 I.tinerus lb. 4 0 1 1 orietchar, e. I A 1 I Becker, if... I 6 0 ARnnerta'n. if 3 0 1 0 0 "Stock 1 10 0 OMerkla. lb.. I 0 11 0 0 Paskert. If... 0 0 1 4 OMeyera. C....I ft 4 I 0 Wblttad. cf. 3 1 I 0 0M.ra.uanl. pl 0 0 I 0 Kllllfer. s... 10430 Alexander, plot It Totala.. ...It 3 17 II t Totala SO 7 27 14 0 Batted for Becker In seventh. Game called on account of rain and darkness. Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hit: Lobert. Three-baae hit: Cravath. Bases on balla: Off Marquard, 2; off Alexander. 2. Struck out: By Mar quard. 4; by Alexander, 4. Umpires: Rlgler and Hart. Pirates Win from Reals. CINCINNATI. June . McQuillan pitched good ball against Cincinnati to dav and aa a result Pittsburgh won. S to 1. Pittsburgh scored Its first two runs on three successive hlta and an error. you feel like HCLP.MTHE , iEAliEEf you or any other man ever did roll and put the fire tol Men, we tell you to wise up. P. A. is crimp cut and stays put which means rolling P. A. is as easy as falling off a log. And it's good to remember P. A. is put up in the toppy red bag especially for you "rollers." Sells for the price of a jitney ride, 5c, Now, will the "pipers" kindly open both ears? Here's tobacco that has made it possible for three men to smoke pipes where one smoked before! Any way you hook it up, Prince Albert is tobacco insurance! Yes, sir, it guarantees your future as well as your present smok ings ! And just makes your tongue so jimmy pipe joy'us that your smoke appetite grows whopping big. You men who dassn't," we say you go to P. A, natural-like 1 Because there isn't a bite in a barrel of this national joy smoke. Unlimber your old jim my pipe I Dig it out of the dark corner, jam it brimful of P. A. And make fire with a match ! Me-o-my ! Yoa fi arco;swutf with Drutw Albert isj f A toppy rsnf tag, 5c; mr tidy rJ fin. JOc, imt for tkm dovbU, ch-mctiom-joy, yarn lay m cryttmi gtuM awausef kamidor. And tkn jnssj'rs) a Yosi tea, if Asa tkm apoa.anotsfanar top mnd a saps A. mt tkm kigkt top-notck point of perfection. Primcm Albert im alum old in pomnJ tW kai'ftouaj tim Winston. Salem, N. C. cr i ; i r ( Its other run was scored on a hit, a bse on balls and another single. Cincinnati t only run waa made on Glbaon a wll throw to second. Score: PITTSBIRGH. CINCINNATI. AB H.O.A.K AB.H.O.AT- Carer, if ... 4 14 0 OliMrh. ef....l 0 4 0 -J roiiina. cf... 4 1 I 0 OMollwin. Ib4 4 11 4 Palra. lb.... 4 0 1 I OHerws. aa... I 0 4 3 1 Hinchmn. rf I 0 I 0 fKllllfar. If.. 4 I Wasner. aa.. I 0 1 1 OOroh Ib I A 1 4 J Btoi. Ib 4 3 13 OWtnso. C....I 0 4 11 Johnrton. lb 4 t 10 OOrimth. rf.. 3 16 6 0 Olhton. e....4 14 0 lOlaon. Jb.... 8 1 t 4 1 McQuillan, p 4 0 0 I OSchnelder, p I 0 t 0 . Toney. p.... 0 6 0 1 0 Totala II 7 27 lClexke .... 1 0 6 0 4 Totala It 4 17 It 4 Ratted for Schneider In seventh. Pittsburgh 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 03 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Two-base hit: Griffith. Stolen bases. Carey. Ieach, Olson. Double play: Balrd to Wagner to Johnrtone. Bases on balls: Off McQuillan. 2; off Schneider, 3. Hits: Off Schneider. 6 In seven Innings; off Toney. I In two Innings. Struck out: By McQuillan. 8; by Schneider, 4; by Toney, 2. Umpires: Klem and Emslle. Braves Trim Dodgers. BOSTON. June 22. Smith's batting and Coombs' wlldness gave Boston three runs In the first three Innlnga today, enough to win from Brooklyn. 3 to 8. The visitors bunched hlta for their runa In the sev enth. Score: BROOKLYN. BOBTOtf. AB.H. OAK. AB.H.O.AK. nMara. 4 0 1 8 lntip-t'k. 3b I 1 II 0 Meyera. cf.. 4 13 0 OOllbart, nt.l 0 1 4 Daubart. lb. 4 0 4 1 OOonnolly. at. 4 6 1 0 0 Cutihaw. lb. 4 I 3 3 OHmltb. lb.... I 10 10 Wheat, If.... 4 1 I 1 ftSohmldt. lb. I til t stessal. rf.. 4 1 I t OMasea. ct... I 1 t t Miller ef... I 0 4 3 0Ma,ranvll. at I 0 4 4 0 M. lb till OOowily. a.... 11410 Ooomba, p... 8 114 0 Rudolph, p.. 4 0 4 0 Totals ..... It t 14 11 "I Totals 4 17 IT t Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 02 Boston 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 Two-baae hlta: Fltxpatrlck, Smith, Cutahaw, wheat. Stolen bases: Smith . Magee. Double plays: Maranvllle to Schmidt, Maranvllle to Fltspatrick to Schmidt. Baae 00 error: Boston, 1. Baaea on balls: Off Coombs). (. Struck out: By Rudolph, 4. Passed ballt Miller. Umpires: Byron and Eaaon. Liver Complaint Makes Tot Unhappy No Soy In living If your gtomaoh and liver don't work. Stir your liver with. Dr. King's New Life Pills. All drogruita. Advertisement. you could The tidy red tin. 0o