Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued from Tsso One.
Just before hearing on application for clemency began.
Speaker Predict All Kigh. School i
fcnd College! Will Hare Courses
in Advertising Soon.
CHICAGO, June 31. Men whoee
writings bristle on the advertising
pages of the nation's publications
gathered hers today from ertry state
In the country to attend the eleventh
annual convention of the Associated
Advertising clubs of tho world. There
were 10,000 delegates here. It was
estimated, Including hundreds from
C-anadian cities. Oecar Rosier, pres
ident of the Ad club of Sidney, Aus
tralia, was among the foreign dele
gates. The convention will continue
over Friday. Chief among the meet
ings .today was a reception for Wil
liam Wood head of San Francisco,
president of the association, reports
of officers and addressee of welcome.
TonljrM there will be a monster edw
tlrlnir paant In whleh S.S0O person are
rxpMted to march. One hundred anil
fifty floats Tvpreaenthir allecorloal rustics
In American history sntt twenty brass
baixls will bs In the parade. The amount
.xt ended on the spectacle Is more thsn
The delegations were to be arrayed In
multi-colored uniforms and were to hare
r miniature menaceiie as mascots. The
Tixas delKatlon of 260 brought a croco
ille led In a silver leash. The California
dele fit Ion had a small brown bear. Thers
ere HO persona In the delegation from
J owe.
Within the next five years all hlh
schools, business colleges and universi
ties undoubtedly will Include advert let ne
as a part of their courses, according to
Llewellyn K. Pratt of Now Tork City,
thacrman of the educational committee.
' There are now twenty-six Institutions
"of "Wisher education offering courses In
advertleins." Mr. Pratt said In his re
port. "Of schools and Toung Men's
Cortsttaa associations there are forty-one
i conducting regular classes In advertising.
Prank Leroy Rlanchard of the educa
tional committee In his report makes the
, pi eviction that before another decade has
passed a knowledge of the princlplos and
,4 practices or advertising will bs regarded
just as essential to the Intellectual equip
ment of a young man who Is to follow a
business career as a knowledge of mathe-
(Continued from Pass One.)
nan. Newt Lee, te leave the factory for
twe bears; that the same evening Frank;
railed ' Leo on. the telephone ; that Loe
found the doublo inner doors locked, all
ef which things he bad never dote be
fore; that a cord similar te that with
which the girl was strangled was found
in quantities en the metal room floor,
and In less quantities In ths basement
where the body was discovered. Hi alee
Included th testimony of Miss Monteen
tover that when she was In Frank's
effloa, about the time the state contended
Frank and the Phagan girl were in the
metal room, Frank' was not In his effloa,
although he bad declared h bad not
left ths office.
Coaler's Story laeoweletoat.
'The moat startling and spectacular
testimony la the case was that given by
a netro, Jim Coder, who finished In the
cltaln gang," the statement says. He
then referred te the "murder notes"
found beside the body, which Ooaley
finally admitted he bad written at
Frank's dictation.
"Conley claimed Frank asked him to
come to the factory on Batudday and
r.atch for him, as he had done, which,
lis explained, meant that Frank expected
' to meet some women," ths goernor says,
"Conley occupied a darn plana beside the
elevator behind some boxes."
"Conley mentioned several mala and
female employes who went up the steps
to the second floor, where Frank's offloe
was located. He said Mary Phagan went
up the stairs: thsa In a few minutes he
heard footsteps coins toward the metal
. loom; that he heard a scream and than
'dosed. In a few minutes Frank stamped
and Conley locked the door and then
Frank whistled and Conley unlocked the
' dood end went upstairs. He said Frank
was shivering and trembling and told
him i.e made advances to the girl and
che repulsed him. and he s'.ruok her too
hard and she fell and hit her head against
. something and be did not know how
:. badly she was hurt
Conley said be found the girl In the
; metal room with a cloth tied about the
; neck es though te catch blood, although
, there was uo blood at the place. Accord
; Ing to Conley's story Frank told him to
set a piece of cloth and wrap tha body
j In It and Conley got a piece of bed tick'
i--..: ,, ' - ';'- ;;:; v;
s- cv-fr" ",4 vv-.i i L- . a. j
V-?.... -'v...vv .,.:.,... . : v t , ' v . ',: if
' f. t;;v x-imip:t
Ing and tied up the body, carried it to
near the d-eselng room, dropped It, then
i called en Frank to assist him. He said
. that ha and Frank took the body to the
j basement In the elevator; that they roiled
, the body out of tha cloth; then wont to
' Prank's office: that Emma Clark and
i'orintha Hail earn Into the office and
! Prank put blra la the wardrobe and after
i they left thai Frank dictated the murder
' notes."
1 The statement than points out alleged
Inoonsistencle la Conley's story sndj
i mentions several oontradlctiona ia hie
; story aa related la various affidavits.
.Among them, he eald wore evidence that
' the .-legator had not boon used Saturday
'. afternoon; that Frank oeuld not have
i sir ted the girl down the hatchway, while
Conley, a powerful negro, oould have
. done so; that no bad Uoklng had ever been
' eeen In the factory; that It was agreed
tuat the murder oould not have been
committed before 11.0s p. m. and yot
fooler had Knun Clark and CortnUiia
; Hall la Frank's offloa after the body bad
' been disposed of. while unimpeaehed tes
timony showed that "they reached the
factory at U:S and left at 11 a. an.
Two HoMtnan HoM.
Two bearings were bold bare en Frank's
eppiioatton for oaosutrro slemency. one
hefora the etate prison oonsmiaston. May
. 31, and tha other befurs ths govwmor, The
latter hearina oaUnded thsonsn several
days and ended June U.
Before tbe prison notn mission oral ar
gument on Frank's behalf was suads by
Ins counsel and by Jurists, lawyers and
piomlnrnt ettlaans of Georgia. Illinois
anil Maaechueetts. Petitions bearing bun
lrd of thousands of names from vart-
Kiiite ll!aturea. societies and cona-
thousands of Individual let
ters urging clemency for Frank were
presented to the commission. In opposi
tion to the application there were filed a
letter from Solicitor Dorsey. who prose
cuted Frank, and a protest from cltlsens
of Cobb oounty, Georgia, where Mary
Phagan formerly lived. Tha commission
recommended against clemency.
Frank's counsel, prior to the clemency
appeal, had made seven unsuccessful at
tempts before the county superior and
state supreme court to obtain a new trial
or have the verdict set aslds. The federal
district court refused to grant a writ of '
habeas corpus and ths United States su
preme court declined to grant a writ of
error for review of the ease and also de
nied Frank's appeal In habeas corpus pro
ceeding. Four times the sentence of
death was pissed open blra.;
Frank's removal from the Jail here was
carefully planned and the officers were
abls to elude newspaper men and others
who might have recognised their prisoner.
Leaving the Jail by a rear door shortly
before midnight, they went In ait auto
mobile to the terminals station, where a
deputy purchased tickets for tbe party
to Maooav Frank was not handouffed
and was without tha heavy spectacles hs
usually wear. A black slouch hat was
pulled down ever bis face.
Tho few persons who were In the rail
way station at the time failed to recog
nise him and it was more than an hour
after midnight before ths report was cir
culated that be had been moved from
the cell be bad oceupied for many months.
Statement hy Sheriff.
UJuOON, 0 a., June SL Leo M. Frank's
death sentence has been commuted to
life Imprisonment, according to Sheriff
Mangum ef Fulton, county, who arrived
here early today at the bead of a strong
guard taking Frank to the state prison
farm at MtUedgevUla, Oa., for safe keep-
The prisoner was transferred to i
automobile bare and the party left for
ths stste farm. Frank wan not hand
cuffed. "Has Frank's eentenos bean commu
ted" Sheriff Mangum was asked.
"It has." eald tho sheriff.
Ths sheriff stood silent a moment.
"It has for the time being at least,"
said tha sheriff with considerable emv
Are you going to take tbe prisoner to
MlIiedgevlUeT" he was asked.
"That Is whore I am bound tor,' said
the sheriff.
Prank was seated In aa automobile by
this time, taking the rear eeat In the
canopy covered ear. Sheriff Mangum
was In tbe seat beside him. Frank ap
peared te be nervous and bla gait was
unsteady. Ha was pals and at times
had te be steadied by Sheriff Manguh
and the daputles.
Several parsons recognised the prisoner
as be left the train.
and condemnation, but I cannot stand
the constant companionship of an accus
ing conscience which would remind me
In every thought that I as governor of
Georgia failed to do what I thought to
be right.
' "There -la a territory 'beyond a reason
abls doubt and absolute certainty for
which tho law provides In allowing life
Imprisonment Instead of execution. This
case hiA been marked by doubt. The
trial Judge doubted. Two Judges of the
stste supremo court doubted. Two Judges
of the t'nlted States supreme court
doubted. One of the three prison com
missioners doubted.
In my Jndgment by granting a com
nutation In this case I am sustaining tha
Jury, the Judge end the appellate trlbun-
Is and at the same time am discharging
that duty which Is placed upon me by
the state constitution."
li iMr.S nj
Freuak lis a as sots Inosssass.
tho Oeorgla prison farm, dressed In
stripes deaotlng the loereat grade prte-
sr, Lao M. Frank today again protostod
his Innocence of the murder of Mary
Phagan and expressed a eooviotlon t
a day la not far distant when I wiU bs
Frank eald be had no Intimation of
what was going to happen late last night
when officers went te bis call la At
lanta to get htm for tba trio hare. Ha
expressed gratitude toward Oovwmor Sla-
a and said be felt lntuitlvaly that bo
would at least eoeanmte bis santonco.
Frank will be known as MCoavtrt No,
Keoaonablo Dowbt Caleta.
Ia conclusion the governor said:
"In say event ths performance of my
duty under the constitution la a matter
ef my eooeclenee. Tbe responsibility rests
where the power Is reposed. Judge Roan.
with that awful sense of responsibility
which probably came ever htm as he
thought of that Judge before whom he
would shortly appeal, calls to me from
another world te request that I do that
which be should have dons.
"I can a ad u re mlsoonstieWilou.' abuse
have rm Intention of dt-ffniting Iinl-rst
to the last, or have prcpsrfvl thHr msln
defensive lines on positions not yet
reached hy the fiermenlc forcp. With
less than a erore ot miles separating the
AUHtro-Oerman lines from Irf-mberg then
points must soon lie elucldstwl
It Is pointed out further bv Hritlsh ob
server that the latest Russian communi
cation hardly Indicate such an over
whelming success as their opponents
claim, although It Is eilmltt.od tout the
battering of the Teutonic phalanx lie.
won further ground.
Freaeh Maklna- t.elns.
French and German areounts of opera
tions In the western theater show the
usual divergencies, but the. detailed re
ports from Tarts satisfy the Brltlnh that
their allies are making such an advance
as will shortly permit more active opera
tions In the sphere occupied by the
British army. The French advance north
of Arras, It Is thought here, must have
pushed the Germans Into a narrowed
front which will render some of their
masses of troops comparatively Inef
fective. The gains In Alsace show that
the French are drawing close to the area
of permanent German fortification
The arrival at the bedside of Sultan
Mehemed of Prof. James Adolph Israel,
the German specialist, indicates that
earlier reports that the sultan was suf
fering from a mild attack of catarrh did
not show his real condition. The fact
that the sultan was unable to maks his
customary Friday visit to the mosque last
week showed that his Illness was not
slight, as such an omission Is considered
justified only by extreme necessity.
French War Office Report.
PARIS. June tl. The French War
office this afternoon Issued a statement
on tha progress or nostrtltles reading:
"In eectlon to tha north of Arrai we
yesterday made further progress m the
direction' of Sourches by the occupation
o several trenches and by drawing near
to the northwest side of the village.
"There was an artillery engagement
which lasted all night long near Dom
fhlere, which Is to the west of Pernono.
An attack on the part of the enemy,
nhleh had been preceded by the xplo
slon from three mines, was stopped short
by the fire of our artillery and our In
fantry. "On the heights of the Mouse In the
sector of the Calonne trenches we main
tained all our gains In spite of a counter
attack of great violence delivered at 4
o'clock In the morning.
'In Lorraine near Relllon we hav fol
lowed up our advantages. The entire
first line of the onemy has been occu
pied by us along a front of 1.MS0 ards.
At the end ot the day a strong enemy
column endeavored to deliver a oounter
attack, but was dispersed, the enemy
having abandoned this ground. All the
German trenches occupied by us are
found to be full of bodies. We took
about twenty prisoners.
'In the vicinity of Mount Ronhomme, In
the Vosges, we have taken by assault
the eastern spur of Mount Calvary, mads
progress on the neighboring hills and
gone as far as the approaches to the
village of Bonhomme.
"We continued to make progress In the
valley of the Fecht, and wo have gone
beyond the Cemetery of Metxeral. To
the southwest the hand-to-hand fighting
la continuing. Here we also have gained
ground and taken ISO prisoners, among
whom are four commissary officers and
eleven under officers."
Caminetti Case
Will Be Reviewed
by Supreme Court
WASHINGTON. Juni .'I. The supreme
curt today rei-otisiilerni Its denial of a
review of the lonvlotlon of F. Irew
t nmlnettl of Sun Kram-lsco, Cal., on
dinrges of rlnliiliiis. the white slne law,
ind granted a review. It also glinted a
tcvlew of the conviction of Maury 1.
Ulsss, convicted with Cnmlnettl, In the
SMine csftes.
The Internntlonal Ilnrvester compony
sntl-truM case was today restored to
the docket for reargiiment by the su
preme court. This postpones a decision
until fall, Rt least.
A week nuo the court declined to re-
lew the Caminetti and no an
nouncement was made today to Indicate
why Is ha re versed itsrlf. The appeals
of both Cumlnem and Purrs were the
first to rvh the court in which is wa
contended tho Mann luw did not apply to
a case where the element of commercial
ised vice was ahicnt.
Fragments of Bomb
Which Destroyed the
Nebraskan Are Here
NEW TOHK, June tl. Fragments of
the tordedo or mine which damaged the
American steamship Nebraskan cf the
southern coast of Ireland In May were
n possession of the State department at
Washington today, rhey arrived hero
crterday In a mall pouch from tha
American embassy at London, brought
over by the American steamship New
Vcrk. The pieces of metal were sent 'to
be examined by experts In hope that
they could determine definitely whether
tha Nebraskan was blown up by a mine
or a torpedo.
Captain Roberts of ths New Tork said
be varied the course ot that steamer at
least twenty miles on each trip whan
passing the southwest coast ot Ireland to
avoid submarines.
WASHINGTON", June Zl. James M.
Bulllvan. American minister to tha
Dominican republic, la held to bs tempera- The Kansas rlvar hero stood at 34.7 feet
Kansas River is
Falling at Topeka
KANSAS CTTT. yono tl. While the
Kansas river was rising today the local
weather bureau took a hopeful outlook
on tho flood situation. Vnlesa there are
further heavy rains, the observer said.
danger of serious damage had passed.
mentally unfit tor his office by the re
port of Senator Phelan. who conducted
an Investigation Into charges. It la
understood the report, however, finds the
minister la not guilty of sny Illegal or
dishonest acts. President Wilson has
finished reading the report and It will
be mads public soon. Meanwhile officials
declined to discuss It.
WASHINGTON, Juno tl.-Johi Reed,
en American wsr correspondent, and
Boardman Rnt lnson, an artist, sre under
arrest at K hoi in, Russia, for bavin? en
tered tbe military without permis
sion. Ambassador Marve at Petrograd
reported their detention today and asked
for Information which would establish
their status and secure their release
British giavoy Hosts.
w i eirrwoww T.nA i m, n
, 1 1 . . . V A , , Wl I i. 1 . I i vn'm
Spring-Rica, the British ambassador, has
guns to North Shore, Mass., to spend a
week with his family. Counselor Barclay
is in enargo or tno emoasay.
this morning.
Despite showers during the night, ths
same stream fell more than a foot at
Topeka and government officials de
clared ths water would continue to re
cede In the absence of fresh preciplta-
No new rises were reported along the
upper reaches of ths Kansas river
throughout tha state of Kansas.
. An Award that Sneaks Volamea
Oolden State, Extra Pry Champagne,
was awarded the "Grand Prix" at the
iPanama-Paclfta International exposition.
This makes ths fourth "Grand Prix" for
this famous Champagne, produced by the
Italian Swiss Colony. Asti. California.
LOOAN, Ia., June 21. (Special. )-iA.ter
entering a plea ot guilty to the charge of
neglecting to stop, give his name and
number of car and assistance If neces
sary. Judge Thomas Arthur fined S. A.
Myers $100 snd costs hers Saturday aft
ernoon for smashing the John I. Rowe
carriage Sunday evening, June 11
It Is also stated that Mr. Myers settled
with Jchn I. Rowe and Mr. McGavem for
smashing their carriages Sunday evening
at Missouri Valley.
Though Mr. Rowe did not know the
driver of tho car when his carriage was
smashed, yet a splinter of an automo
bile spoke gave Sheriff M. D. Myers a
clue and he followed up tho due and
found the automobile in an Omaha gar
age, and later the owner northwest of
Missouri Valley.
Thompson-Belden fQo.
The Vogue of the Separate Skirt
The very much sought for styles of white
golfine and cotton gabardine are to be
frmnrl hnro in nil Wftist sizes. 24 tO 36.
White golfine and white cotton gabardine U
skirts. Special Values - - - - $b.75
Palm Beach Suits - - $5.95, $6.50, $7.50
The July Clearway of Suits
Your choice of any suit, irrespective of
former price
$11.75, $14.75, $21.75
The Store for Shirtwaists
Dainty Summer Blouses $ 1.00 to $3.95
Depart meat Orders.
WASHINGTON. June XI. Hpec1al Tele
gram.) Nebraska pensions granted: Mary
A. Crumb, Wymoro, 111
The comptroller of the currency has re
ceived the application of tha Farmtr
State bank at Paulina. Ia. to convert
into the First National bank of Paulina
with a capital of M'.OOO.
The fourth class postoffics at South
floux City, Neb., becomes presidential on
July 1; salary of poatmaater will be HJ0
per annum.
Queen or Dairy dald
Ambition tho Samo
In tba exoectant mother's mind there
Is no limit to what the future hat In store.
and yet during the pe
riod of expectancy,
much depends upon
the physical comfort of
tbe mother. One of tbe
best aids Is a remedy
known as "Mother's
Friend." Applied w
the muscles. It pene
trates to tbe net work
of nerves, relieves ths
pains lneldsnt to
stretching of cords snd
ligaments, makes tbem
client. Induces daily
comfort restful nights,
a calm mind and pleasant anticipation. Yon
use It with your own hand, apply It as nee
mA ,1,4 ,i ishm fl a sense of relief.
Mothers who bsvs learned all this from
experience teU of tbe blessed relief from
.!!, tha absence of strain and
the undoubted healthful Influence Imparted to
the coming baby. ,
nna Tm Imnortant thing to rememoer
about "Mother's Friend," It can not eiercise
any other Influence than to simply lubricate
tbe parts, make tbem more linn to naturally
withstand the constantly Increasing pressure.
And as the muscles continue to expend, tbe
nerves become accustomed to this new eon.
m- mnA !, themselves without undue
pain. "Mother's Friend" Is entirely free of
any drug influence whatsoever and may be
used freely at au limes.
r.t a hnHla of this snlendld hein today,
rbons your nesrest druggist or send for It.
Then writs Bradfleld Regulator Co- TO La
mar Bldg Atlanta, Ge, for a valuable nook
nt Instruction for exncctsnt mothers.
"Mother's Friend" Is recommended every
where by women who hai e used It And you
can read some very iatciMting letters U you
writs for this book.
ml lifl
I ... - VTD-rEl
ot tho
Popular and
Much Desired
Q Whittall's
"Discontinued Pattern M do not mean that they
are in any way undesirable, for many of the rugs wo
offer in this lot are even of better colorings and de
signs thnn thoee of the corning season. The qualities
are absolutel warranted up to the Standard Whittal
In this offering are Anglo-Persians, Anglo-Indians,
Royal Worcester, Tepracs and Peerless Body Brussels.
r Do not lose sight of this Bpocial value-give-event
in rugs. It will pay to Investigate. Not soon will you
' have such an opportunity again.
n m o r . n 4i$.u s. teth
Deawn or Laier uo. st, oma. t.
1 T" j
t'itM iliMV'lli' (
sv Stt
V uAJ&jL-j at A'ftim
frve w j st,fs,a'saar
JrA eras sris kss
Zt lies J.
$2.00 All-Silk Tub Crepes Now $1.39 Yd.
There's nothing so good for waists and dresses, for men's
shirts and summer outing wear; pretty stripes, dainty col.
ors - - - $L39 a Yard
$1.25 All-Silk Imported Pongee 79c Yard
34 Inches Wide
They are real imported goods. For auto coats, dresses or
outing garments there is nothing better, for they will
stand any amount of tubbing.
Palm Beach Dress Goods 65c Yard
Plenty of the real Palm Beach Suiting here the popular
fabric for separate skirts, outing skirts and garments of
all kinds. .
A Fashion Expert
McCall's Patterns and Publications
Will be at our pattern department June 21 to 23 to ex
plain to the women of Omaha the unequaledmerit of these
celebrated patterns and publications.
McCall's Magazine, 50c a year, or 35c if you purchaser
15c pattern.
McCall's Quarterly, 5o a copy if you buy a pattern,
Tractor Plowing
80 Tractors M 80 Plows
j Fremont, Neb., August 9-14
The world's greatest exhibit
of power farming machinery
Under the Auspices of the Twentieth Century
Farmer, Omaha, and Fremont Commercial Club,. '
1,000 Acres of Stubble
Located just west of Fremont on the Lincoln Highway,
will be plowed, harrowed, disced, eta, at the rate of two
; acres each minute.
This is the moet important agricultural event in the
state outsido of the State Fair.
A very valuable tractor short course will be con
ducted free each morning nt headquarters. Interesting
lectures Accessory exhibits. Public plowing demonstra
tions each afternoon, lied path cbautauqua in city of Fre
mont each morning and evening. Many other features.
Watch Later Announcement for Special Days.
Let The Bee get you a good job.
Situations WantecT ads are free
JWiy-AftA Jeer
For Liquor and
Drag Users
ReinoTas permanently tbe ci-erln
tor Uvinor and Drua.
Always Improves tha sjsnaral haeJth.
Burroundtnrs pleasant oystam hu
mans, no tti In "heroic.
Drurs are withdrawn crad uai)y. and
iia tho aid of our (onto remedies)
patients suffer no collapse.
Do not bo pnrausvdod that all treat
ments are alike. Ours la the only
affective one. aa time and experi
ence provae.
Coma to oa without delay. These son
dl tlona are serious and there should
be do eapei-lnianla.
Bend for Illustrated booklet. Corre
suondanco strictly confidential.
The Keeley Institute
Oonss ista aad Oaoo BUseU.
re. Jim,
nnAfiuEIS Today
Tnun l Aad All Weak,
rebllo eoeptioa Atu Katlaso Today.
Edward Lynch J.rlTu"
Bayard TsUlar'e Sensational afelodjena,
Kata. Tne., Tbare. and Be, lfte and Me
BtoiT a-remas7, too. Sfto aad Mo.
at STAXimc irnswiT
mraii 9. u.
Omaha vs. Des Moines
JUNE 2L 22, 23.
Koaday. yamo II. lVadlae' Bay.
OAMMm ld.I.1 A9 9 9.U. '