Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIK ttKE: OMAHA. MONDAY. .ll'XK 21. I'.U.V
Elsctrlo fans, $7.50. Rurgess-Oranden.
Boot Prist It Now Beacon Pymi
WdUos Blurs at Elholm. Jeweler.
SlacUat Bfflelaaoiw The Ite plat
"Inner served at 8chllU hotel.
Teeay Ootapiete Merle ProfTa'
classified aectlon tod sr. and appear ll
The EXCL.U8IVKL.T. Find out what
the varlou moving pleture theater of fee.
ctl haa nuthorltpd the purchase of a new
automobile for the park and boulevard !
Apartment. ! ninr down the
Celebrates End of Existence
Separate Town by Buying
and Selling Orgy.
Well Known Leading Man Starts
Summer Season with His Own
Company at the Brandeis.
Edwanl Lynch rrrtvI InduMiuM
nnvtf nf K la rtsrsvnri .l rwtn t im rll v In rtrrtsthsa
ON MONDAY 3turcly afternoon anl evci.lns:. the
occasion being the opening of ft suinmor
curtain write ! stock, season at the llrandels theater, the
Attorney Bass the Jitney The Omaha
Motor Hus association and Stuart B.
Oale. Its secretary, have bwn sued hy j
K. M. Pwltxler for 195 attorneys fees.
To Pay Xieavenwortli obstacles In
the way of proteata having been removei,
the work of paving Leavenworth atrert,
Fortieth to Porty-elghth, will bo pushed
thle aeaeon.
Br. W. 9. Wherry announce the er
e ranee of hi association with Dr. F. a
Owen and the establishment of his tern- I
porary offices at suite SOS, Brandet thea
ter building.
. O'Hara Bar Tuesday Kato
Richards O'Hara. socialist and woman
suffrage speaker, will lecture at Wash
ington hall Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Mrs.
O'Hara Is a member of the women's na
tional committee of the socialist party.
To Take Poet Graduate Course Dr.
Morris H. Dunham and Dr. C. It. Oletien
are to leave Sunday evening for Chicago
for a short post graduate course In con
ductive anaesthesia and removable brWlKO
work under Dr. Rhoades, the dental spe
cialist, who conducted clinics In Omaha
during the Stste Dental society conven
tion. Pastor Buaaell Coming Pastor Rus
sell, noted author and Hllile lecturer,
president of the International Bible Stu
dents' association. Watch Tower Blhlo
and Tract vociety and other religious or
ganization centering in Brooklyn. N. V.,
will visit this city next Wednesday and
deliver an address at the Boyd theater
at 8 p. m. Tils topic will be. "The Battle
of Armageddon."
Hot Afraid of Bain Neither gloomy
skies nor downpours of rain will cause
any hindrance to the gathering of the
hundreds of Omaha High school alumni
at. Happy Hollow club tomorrow evening
for the annual reunion of the old
"grarls." The spacious porches and
moms of the club will be sufficient to
harbor all the crowd and the Dundee
car will take the guests almost to the
doorway of the clubhouse.
the city
thirty on the doings of
council cl South Omaha.
Saturday was the last day of busi
ness for that body and when the
chronicles of great days are written
tlio lust l.jura of the South Omaha
city council will fill a whole chapter
company being beaded bv Mr. lyivh. At
both matinee and evening performance
the house as well filled, snd Mr. Lynch
was compelled to stop when he first rams
on In the first act, to tell his friends out
In front how glad he was to he with
them again.
At the evening performance a veritable
conservatory of flowers was passed over
the footlights as a further testimony to
University of Omaha's Extra Session
Has Larger Registration Than
Ever Before.
The haste, not to say avidity, with i the high favor In which the clever young
which the council devoted Itself to
I actor la established here. But not alone
clenlnK up business and Incidentally i , ' , i- T.
' , reive friendly greeting, for others In the
three separate funds was worthy thecomranv wh0 ar(, known n warmly
haute With which the Belgians crossed received, and the newcomers were made
tho bridge at Antwerp before the j to feel that they, too. had a share In the
German phalanxes. welcome.
In Justification, the member of that
body declared they were acting in ac
cordance w ith law.
ome Thlnas Accomplished.
For weeks prior to yesterday the coun
cil has been meeting twice and three
times a week, anticipating consolidation.
Since last week the council has been
meeting dally. Yesterday the council had
Mlaa Mrttraae genres.
"Within the 1 w" has leen played here
many tlmea, with a long list of well
known actresses In the name part, but
none of them more fully realised the
possibilities of the part, or more com
pletely won the sympathy of their audi
ence than did Miss McOrane lost night
She has made a most auspicious atari on
irini. nmvm snd when the smoke i her career here, and will be watched
had cleared nwav the city automobile ! with Interest In other roles. Miss Mc-
Samson Ready to
Organize Brass Band
For Old King Ak
Twelve band Instruments were pre
sented to Samson of Ak-Sar-Ben last
week by the Pennsylvania delegation to
the Travelers' Protective association
convention. These are the bogus cor
nets, baratones, and other instruments
that go to make up a band. They are
the pieces with which the Pennsylvania
delegation band entertained Oma'ia dur
ing the parade last Monday. Anyone
can play them, and that Is the beauty
of it, for Dad Weaver, and Miss Edythe
Maloney, his secretary, nover wero much
of musicians until those Instruments en
tered the shop. After that these, two,
together with visitors at 1717 Douglas
street, disturbed the neighborhood with
auoh plaintive wall at, "Go Tell Aunt
Rhody," and "Johnnie Oct l'pur Gun,"
until they were threatened by ln police.
Samson was mighty giud to get the in
struments. If he can't make use of them
at the Den, then. tiiere is no use for
ithem this side of the planet Mars. The
Pennsylvania delegation also presented
Samson with about forty white helmets,
those which the delegation wore In the
Omaha parade. The delegate announced
that they wanted to do something to b
remembered by Ak-Sar-Pen, the organi
zation that showed tlier.i ueh a good
time at the Den.
Monday night Is South Omaha night
at the Ien. South Omahi is coining with
a few hundred candidates. Tho South
Omaha hustling teams have htihUed In
bomething over 200 candidates, besldea
the many South Omaha men who have
joined and paid their money without
sending their application through the
hands of the hustling team.
William Summers, formerly of Omaha,
now of Seattle, is to be- the principal
speaker of the evening.
Closing exercises of the Borglum piano
rchool were held Faf.irday afternoon at
?Wil Douglas street, when the following
junior and intermediate pupils of Mr.
and Mrs. Borglum appeared In a re
ctal: Alice Borsheiir., Rowena Ander
.n triizBheth Paffenrath. Bernard Hanl-
ghen, Natalie Anderson. George Taut
Borglum. Ixmise Clarke. Helen Smith,
Klltabeth Austin, May Hamilton and Ann
Prixea were won by Klizabeth Austin,
who received first honors, and Jean
Palmer. Ann Axtell. May Hamilton.
Ksther Allen of Schuyler. Donna Mc
Donald. John Clarke, Natalie Anrteraon.
Klliabeth Paffenrath and Bernard Hanl
ghen, for the beat avorage and great
est number of appearances on tho honor
Toll during the season.
Other pupils appearing on the honor
roll in order of merit during the season
were: Margaret Wattles. Louise Clarke.
Helen Blcknell. Josephine I'latner.
Dorothy Darlow. Marjone' Rlbbel, Helen
Smith. Margaret Mather, Mary Wattles.
Kleanor Smith. Kmest 8churma:i and
lieorge Paul Borglum. of the intermediate
and junior class; also Mis Carrie Mc
Kee of Wcod River. Miss Florence rn
tn, of Council Bluffs, lird the advanced
Minii! Miss Florence Peterson
Lear. Miss Uic
Miss Grace Baudo. '
Natalie Anderson and Jean Palmer re
reived special mention for their work In
the theory class, and also May Hamilton
and Ann Axtell. Refreshments were
served to the pupils and friends, who
were present.
was gone, the road grader we gone, a
railroad spur had been authorised, three
lots had been bought and contracts for
much paving let. Incidentally th? gen
eral fund, the police fund and the street
repair fund were about empty.
Refuses to Writ Warrants.
Ctty Clerk Wheeler said he did not
want to write any more warrant and
refused point blank to write any war
rants for money not In a fund.
Ctty Treasurer Martin closed his office
at 12 o'olock noon yesterday and re
fused to accept 1100 offered by W. .11.
j Haw ley. who bought tlm city machine.
The hoc tor iteaity company was
awarded S2.J60 for some properly sold,
tho warrant being male out t' C. W.
Sears, secretary.
Loretta Ryan, daughter of John J.
Ryan, former fire and police commis
sioner, sold the city for 11.500 some prop
The road grader was uolil for SIS.
Ppar Track Allowed.
The t'nlon Pacific which wanted a
epur track along the alley between
Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh etreeits
from O to L streets, was given the privi
lege. This has long been urged ty tho
property holders In this section, hut ha
always been held up by the different
John McNulty, a for.nre city employe,
injured while on duty, wa awarded
S1,2no in settlement of his claim. The
case Is now before tho supreme court.
The last of the three meetings held
yesterday, took .place ut S o'clock, be
cause of a protest filed by George Parks
against letting three laving contracts
to . James J. Parks company. The pro
test was heard and then the contract
CouncUman Henry Hartnelt of the Sev
enth ward, was not present during-any
of yesterday's session
Mayor Gets Weary.
Mayor Hoctor looked tired and showed
weariness at the council' activities. He
offered some suggestions, then atopped.
City Clerk Wheeler and hi deputy, John
Mercell, worked like beaver to complete
the clerical detail made necessary by
the council' activity. When that body
coyly suggested that July salaries be
awarded them Wheeler looked blank and
said he could not see it that way.
Mandamus on Monday.
City Attorney Murphy looked disgusted
and expressed relief that the merger
would not be delayed beyond Monday.
Further than that, the city attorney re
marked that he would urge the return of
the mandamus for Z o'clock Monday
afternoon. Ho said he would seek no
appeal from the court' decision and In
timated that he expected the mtindamua
to issue, for the delivery of the South
Omaha records and moneys.
"My advice aa to a formal refusal to
transfer the records and moneys Is die
tated merely to protect the officials, like
the clerk' and treasurer, who arc under
heavy bonds.
To Protect Rights.
"Of course, should the suit now pend
ing In the supreme court show that the
marger law Is valid, this formal refusal
wlH protect the rights of all the officials."
It Is known that the city attorney has
been more or less disgusted with the
trand of local affair since the merger
law passed the legislature.
Grane Is comely and graceful, with a
most useful voice, full of musical tone
and under good control, and with aui-h
attractions of manner and person as
ought to make her a well established
"favorite" very soon.
Mr. Lymh play Richard Ollder with an
earnestness and finish that makes the
character very effoctiva Mr. Horn find
himself In a congenial role a the police
Inspector, and doe hi "man-eating" in
a way that lives up to the popular Idea
of the "third degree." for the support of
which one must turn always to the
"thrillers." for that Is the only place
where auch policemen exist. Holllstoe
Pratt made a very good Impression a
Joe Garson, and not a few of the folks
out In front felt almost as badly a did
Mary Turner, when they saw the burglar
led away to a cell after he had confessed
a murder. Miss Grace uaie piays me
"smart" role of Agnes Lynch with uch
unction a to make It moat natural.
Otnera In the east are good. "Within the
Law" will run all this week.
Personnel of Company.
The appended cust will give an Idea of
the personnel of the company:
Sarah. Edward Glider's private secre
tary Miss Dlanna newar
Rmlthson. floor walker at "The Lm-
porinm Mr. nyuney Morris
Richard Gilder. Kdward Glider's son
Mr. Kdward Lynch
Edward Gilder, proprietor of "The Em
porium" Mr. Horace H. Porter
Georae Demareat. Edward Ollder s
lswyer Mr. Ilay Hankson
Helen Morris, a salesgirl in "The Em
porium" Mis Ruth Woodbum
Dpteotive Peraeant Caesldv of New
York police Mr. Thomas Mills
Marv Turner, a saleswoman In "The
Emporium" Miss lone McOrane
Asmes Lynch, a confidence woman...
Miss Graco Dale
Joe Garson. a forger. .Mr. Holliater Pratt
Fannie, a maid Miss Charlotte Culver
William Irvin. a lawyer. .Mr. John Prlngle
Kddli Griggs, a crook known as
"English Eddie" Mr. Graydon Fog
Police Inspector Burke of the New
York polloe Mr. Charles Horn
Thomas, a butler Mr. Thomas Fadden
Chlcasro Red, a crook. ...Mr. Jack Garrett
Tom Dacey, a crook Mr. Robert Garry
n llllams. a stenographer at police
headquarters Mr. Nornert K easier
Thompson, a detective of the New
York police Mr. Kaymond Willis
Dan, doorman at polios headquarters
Mr. Richard Morris
Taylor Sees Omaha
After Twenty Years
Chat Ics If. Taylor, a former resident
of Omaha and for the last twenty years
engaged in the real estate and building
business In Washington. D. C, and Mr.
Taylor, stopped off In Omaha for a few
hours' visit with Frank J. Carey and hi
family. They are on their way to the
Mr. Taylor, when he resided here, was
engaged in the printing business. Twenty
years, he said, has wrought many
chanucs in Omaha,
"I have heard lots about this ctty In
the easr," he said, "but I had no Idea
of the Immense hotels, factories, stores,
offices and bank buildings that have
been erected, and when I aaw the beau
tiful and costly residences that have been
erected In ull parts of the city it made
me wish that I had atayed here."
Everything Is In readiness for the
opening of the Vnlverstty of Omaha sum
mer school Monday morning. Reg'stia
tlon. which was In progress all day Sat
urday, points to the heaviest attendance
since the school has been Inaugurated.
Nearly ldO students have already enrolled
and with those expected Monday II im cer
tain that the amount will be doubled.
Of those registering the larger number
are from the Omaha High achool, who
tlan to make up one or two subjects
during the eltht-week session
Arrangements have been made with the
school authorities so that the grades
given in the acade-nlc department cf the
t'nlverslty of Omaha will be accepted
without taking another examination ex
cept that given at the close of the work
at the university.
The pedagogical and college depart
ments also showed a larger attendance
than wwa at first expected. About forty
have entered these two departments.
Many of these are teachers out in the
state who plan to secure a first-class
state teachers' certificate.
The summer school will be In charge
of Miss Bel ma Andersen, registrar of the
t'nlverslty of Omaha Many of the same
teachers of the academic and college de
partments have been retained. They are
Selma Andersen, advanced ltin and
Greek languages: Dorothy Scott, math
ematics and Latin: Vera Fink and P. It.
Seibert, Germanic languages; Walter N.
HaJsey, psychology, educational history
and English; Franklin P. Ramsay, ethics,
history and literature; Leland Lewis,
chemistry and physics: F. H. Sherwood,
botany and soology, and B. L. 'toag,
French and literature. Because nf the
Increased attendance several other teach
ers will be secured.
Dawson aDd
( )
Boiling water and hard'
rubbing shrink and
wear out clothes,
and fade delicate
is raying for a phonograph with tie pro
ceeds from his garden.
A feature of garden exhibits will lie
a special exhibit by the Girls' l,anlen
club of the Omaha illgh school. These
rlrls, sixteen of them, are enrolled as
associates In the Garden dub ami will
exhibit early vcgetabl s
Young Gardeners
To Make an Exhibit
Monday, June 28
Under the direction of the extension
service of the college of agriculture of
the Vnlverelty of Nebraska, the Omaha
Garden club made up of a large number
nf the boy and girls of the city, will
have an exhibit In the assembly room of
the Toung Men's Christian association
building Monday, June V. The following
clasae of vegetables wllf be on display:
Radishes, long and shcrt type; let
tuce, leaf; onions, beets, turnips, spin
ach, bean and peas.
Prlxe will be given on each kind as
follows: First prise, 11; second, W rents;
third and fourth, 25 cents each.
Prise will also be given on group ex
hibits. A group will consist of not less
than four different kinds of vegetables.
Prise will be: First,; second. $1.50,
third and fourth prls, 60 cents each.
Frank Jacobs, 13 years old, Furty
elghth and Browue streets, Central Park
achool, ha made S4.A0, principally from
peas, and will make considerable more
stuff to sell. Henry Wilson, 13 year old,
40111 Curtis avenue, Central Park school,
I The kidneys are the must overworked
organs or ihe tinman ixxiv, aim wiuu
thev fall In their work of rntmlng out
and throwing off the poisons developed
In the pvstem, things tiegln to hupiieii.
One of the first warnings is pain or
stiffness In the lower part of the back;
highly colored urine; loss of appetite,
Indigestion; Irritation, or even stone in
the bladder. These symptoms Indicate
a condition that may lead to that dread
ed and fatal malady. Plight's lnseaae.
for which there 1 nald to lie no cure.
You can almost certainly find Immedi
ate relief In GlD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsule. For more than Jut jeers
this famous prepsratlnn has been an un
failing remedy for all kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. Get It at any drui;
store, and If It doe not give you almost
Immediate relief, your money will he re
funded. Prices, fic and 11.00. Be
sure you get the GOLD MEDAL brand
None other genuine.
Vww A
1 1 fi?y " 'rrS ftrf' X' ' l
-V'. .1 :V ayi" .vv.kX;wv tvy ll
or lukewarm
water does away with all
boiling and hard rubbing
and doesn't harm anything.
Psls a Ce , Philadelphia.
i'sh'jssji 11 . 'i i iw ti rr i 'irvnr ir'-rni: M--e"w
e.i 1
1fW 1
JtlTTlfv I
Swap Anything1 in the "Swapper. Column
Combs Jumps from
Denver to Chicago
For Various Talks
T. L. Combs, president of the Amerl
can National Retail Jewelers' aanocia
t'on. left last night for Denver to attend
and address the Colorado State Jewelers'
annual convention Monday.
On Wednesday morning Mr. Comb ad
dresses the Associated Advertisers' Club
of the WOrld. In annual convention at
Chicago, on the subject of "National Ad
vertising and Nationally Advertised
Goods; or. What Wrought Wrinkles on
the Retailers' Wants."
Wednesday evening Mr. Combs tpeaka
at the bamiuet of the Indiana Itetall
Jewelers' association convention and ad
dresses the convention the following day.
He report hi last trip to the Texas
convention as a most pleasing and satis
factory one, praising the enthusiasm of
tho Texas jewelers, the southland
weather and gulf bathing.
The following named pt.plls of the Ed
ward Rosewater achool have been neither
absent nor tardy during the school
year, 19U-1S.
Eighth Grade Stanley Bkupa, Stanley
Peter, Harry Pecha, Marie Bowman and
Lena Ptranglen.
Seventh Grade Will Engle, Bessie Mar
shall and Matilda Pinnow.
Sixth Grade VNilhur Chrlstensen,
Joseph Stuhldrier and Edward Peterson.
Fifth Grade Helen Btuhldrier, Olive
Marshall. Elsie Toft, Jerry Babka,
Joseph Kostal and Lucy Rupp.
Fourth tirade Charles Charnoph, John
Pollvka, Elsie Semlk and Wlllard Urban.
Third Grade Ellxaaeth Stuhldrier,
11 Vises t'rban and Carl Varhal.
Second Grade Charlie Kostal and Marie
Flrat Grade Frank Rc-kera.
CAPE HAITIRV. Haytt. June ao.-Cape
Haltien was captured today by govern
nent forces. Marine have been landed
Jrora the French cruiser Descartes. The
city 1 calm. Dr. Soaalvo Bobo, leader
of the revolutionists, and hi follower
rre in flight toward the village of Trou.
Unit bark la usually due to rheumatism
it the niucles of the back. Hard working
people are mot likely to suffer from It.
Relief may be had by massaging the back
with Chamberlain's Liniment two .or
three times a day Try It. Obtainable
everywhere. Advertisement.
Miss . Ellen Brown entertained at a
miscellaneous shower at her home
Thursday evening In honor of Mis Ella
Johnson, a prospective bride. Pink and
white, the bride' colors, were used
through jut the rooms. The evening was
spent In music and game. Those present
Anna Andresen '
Frances Proskecfl
"ertrude Kinnelly
-juanira inncs
Msraaret Pike
Pauline Hansen
Mary Clines
Lillian Csriienter
Mary Pesrson
Msry Priskocll
F. Mcfiermott
Cec il MeCnu'ey
Dorothy CVilllna
Edna Williams
F.lward K el ley.
T. C. Douglas
Katl ro I. uhs
Helen V'.ra Weg
Rose S( hmltx
Ella Jeliiisoi)
Mien Brown
Elljr Brcwn
Emma Collins
CHICAGO. June 19. (Special. V-John
Davis, alias "Omaha," a negro, whom the
government officials believe to be near
the renter of the drug distributing syndi
cate In Chicago, was held for trial In the
I'nlted States district court yesterday by
United States Commissioner Lewi V.
Mason under bond of S5.000. "Omaha"
was taken to jail at Waukegan, 111., to
await trial.
clears away
There is immediate relief (or
skins itching, burning and disfig
ured by eczema, ringworm, or other
tormenting skin trouble, in a warm
bath with Resinol Soap, and a
simple application of Resinol Oint
ment. The soothing, healing Res
inol medication sinks right into the
skin, stops itching instantly, and
soon clears away all trace of erup
tion, even in severe and stubborn
cases where other methods fail.
Resinol Soap sod lltsinol Ointment alto clur
bad cemplsxloM ana forsi a moatrallmblehouit
hold traaunant lor sores, wounds, channga, ate.
Sold by all druggists. Praacribad for JO yasra.
i7 'V r
'owri Garage
0U lf0 I
If you could find the ideal motor oil one that
eliminated wear, tear and engine troubles, ten
dollars a gallon would be cheap indeed.
There is no such oil.
But there is Polarine
reduces these troubles to an absolute minimum.
And Polarine costs no more to buy than many other oils.
Use Red Crown the miles-per-gallon gasoline.
Standard Oil Company
4M ) sua)
lia '
A splendid invest
ment for surplus
funds are the certifi
cates of deposit of
this bank. ,They are
just as safe 'and
profitable as most
bonds, and a good
deal less trouble.
The Cup that cheers
every home
II. J. Hughf Co., Inc., Wholesale Distributors.
P. IY1.
The Loyui
air TiraBm
A Lounging Room for Women
An Observation-Club Room for Men and Women
A truin of Hlccl construction, oix'rutod with the intent of a rinooth, restful ride and
a punctual arriv.-il in Chicago at 8:10 A. M. "Well equipped and well operated" is tho
general comment about this train.
Special Summer Tours East
An extensive system of eastern excursion fares
and circuit tours is effective to New York, Boston
and Atlantic Coast resorts. Let us help you plan
an attractive tour and secure your accommodations
thro Chicago during the heavy eastward movement
a. - -- , , i
liWH K I'ltOI 1.1 '1 KU
City Ticket Office, Farnam and Sixteenth Sts,
Phones D. 1238 and D. 3580.